ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: jenjordi on March 12, 2008, 17:14:52 pm

Title: Crying at strangers
Post by: jenjordi on March 12, 2008, 17:14:52 pm
Let me know if this is happening to anyone else. My LO is 4 months and in the last month or so bursts out into tears if a stranger is in the room and talks.   Example:  I was in Target the other day and was carrying my LO in the baby bjorn facing outward. A woman came up to him and asked how old. He immediatly screamed and cried.  He has done this about everytime we have gone out.  What have I done wrong?   :o
He usually does the crying when people start talking.  Is he super sensitive??? Is this a phase?  Am I being silly?  What can I do?
Title: Re: Crying at strangers
Post by: mommy2mason on March 12, 2008, 18:01:05 pm
Don't worry, I think it's very normal! My LO was/IS still like that. He's 8.5 months and we hadn't seen my parents for a couple of months but when they came the other weekend he cried when he saw my dad. Actually, the whole weekend if he looked at my dad he would cry! I felt so bad because he wouldn't even let him hold him without crying. He does it to my FIL too though...actually he does it with all men (except DH!) but never women?!!
Title: Re: Crying at strangers
Post by: button on March 12, 2008, 21:17:58 pm
At around that age my dd went through the same thing, she is now just over 7 months old and doesnt do it everytime but sometimes smiles immediately at someone , sometimes just stares for ages and then smiles or sometimes cry alot, then stare then smile  :) (although she is crying much less now.) When my Lo was about that age though she would cry especially if strangers went up close to her.
Title: Re: Crying at strangers
Post by: jenjordi on March 13, 2008, 13:26:03 pm
Wheew. I was getting a little worried. Thanks!!
Title: Re: Crying at strangers
Post by: Purplecattypants on March 13, 2008, 13:42:07 pm
My lo always cries at my dad too! And pretty much any man apart from daddy. Smiles at pretty ladies, but they have to be pretty mind LOL  ;D ::)
Title: Re: Crying at strangers
Post by: lilmonkey on March 13, 2008, 14:11:22 pm
It is very normal.  He is just making strange.  DS was like that for a few days and then it stopped.  Some babies will stay in this phase much longer than others.  You are not doing anything wrong.