Author Topic: Idea's for active 7 mo  (Read 1090 times)

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Idea's for active 7 mo
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:55:00 am »
My little man is 7 mo and is incredibly active, he started crawling 2 weeks ago and now has perfected it.   But I am at a loss in how to entertain him now.  We live in a small 2 bedroom unit and basically what we have done is made the living room his and put everything we don't want him to get into in the other rooms eg bookcases, ironing boards etc etc.  But he is rebelling against being stuck in the one room... or even rebelling being stuck in our little unit.  I have let him explore all the other rooms but I really don't want him in them because there is stuff in them that could hurt him.  But every chance he gets he makes a beeline for another room and then chucks a major tantrum when I put him back into the living room.

I try playing games with him but he isn't interested for long and he has a jolly jumper which he loves but he can't be in it all day.  I don't know what to do with him.  He is sooo crabby all the time because he can't play with what he wants to and if he does get something he is not supposed to have and I take it away he chucks a major tantrum... and when I say tantrum I mean tantrum, screaming, kicking, throwing himself about.  He could give any 2 year old a run from their money.  He just seems so angry at me because I won't let him do what he wants.

Any idea's on how I can keep my little man occupied so he plays happily instead of throwing tantrums continually.  What sort of things do you do with your older babies???

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Re: Idea's for active 7 mo
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 03:24:39 am »
Oh boy. That was such a tough age!!!! They're becoming mobile, which means they just want to get into trouble 24 hours a day! But they are too young to reason with, so you can't really tell them 'no' and have it mean anything!

That's the age we starting having 'discovery baskets'.  I'd just put a lot of different things into a basket/bucket and let Owen go through them and examine them to his heart's content.  The best items are things from nature (pine cones, rocks -big enough not to be choking hazards-, leaves) and things from around the house that he sees mommy and daddy using (measuring cups, measuring spoons, plastic containers, things he can bang together, filling a old pill bottle with rice for a rattle, etc.).  The discovery basket would keep him busy for awhile because it seemed like it was naughty!  :D

I also just baby-proofed my rooms enough that he could wander around to his heart's content without getting into trouble. He loved going through our CDs, so I gave him a bunch of empty CD cases to bang around with.  I put his toys at his level, so that he could just get into them.  I think this age is about the time we introduced blocks.  He obviously couldn't stack them or anything, but he loved holding them and trying to manipulate them.  A shape sorter is great for the same reason -- there's no way then sort the shapes, but they love feeling the shapes and putting them in their mouth.  Good cloth story books that they can't rip are nice too because they can mouth them and try to turn pages without hurting them. 

It's best to make the house safe enough that they can wander to their heart's content.  The only thing that will satisfy will be wandering, so it's best not to fight the instinct and let them have a go! When Owen learned to crawl, we were also living in a very small space.  I actually found that a good thing because he couldn't get into too much trouble without me knowing about it.  Oh! And an exersaucer is a great toy for this age.  It keeps them occupied in a place where you know they are!  ;D
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!