SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: Gippie on June 28, 2006, 13:26:24 pm

Title: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Gippie on June 28, 2006, 13:26:24 pm
I am one of those people who has to "understand" it all before I can act on something.   Our DD is 7m and has always slept through from 8-6am and lately we are getting 4am and 2am wakes - WEIRD.   It is NOT teeth - she has all 8 teeth ( :o) and we have been doing solids for a while now - so I suspect that is not it.   These wakes are here and there.  Sometimes I get a 5am wake and I can feed and she goes back t osleep - but the 2 and 4's are not normal.  Last night my DD took 12 ounces before bed, I DF her and she STILL woke at 2(4oz) and again at 6 (4oz).  I am going to venture out and say that there was NO WAY she ws hungry at 2am (she ate and drank well all day).  I am thinkng that the DF is causing a feeding patters (every 4 hours - like the day) rather than creating a sleeping pattern (we used to do perfectly!!!)

1.  HOW does the DF cause Nightwakings?
2.  Should I try w2s?
3.   Shold I drop the DF?
4.   Should I try the watered down feed plan?

What should I try tonight?    #2, 3 or 4?   

Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Aarismom on June 28, 2006, 17:18:23 pm

Gonna try and answer your questions best I can :)

Dreamfeeds usually happen before 11 pm because they can be the cause of nightwakings if they are anytime afterword. If you want to get real technical about it, the reason it interfears with night sleep after 11 is because it really begins to take its toll on the normal night sleep cycle. Most lo's usually get the majority of their deep sleep, or restorative sleep, during the PM side of the night. The AM side of the night is generally filled with REM sleep, and most of the time nightwakings happen during this time of the night because it's a lighter sleep cycle. REM sleep cycle's generally begin anytime after 11 pm and continue on the rest of the night. Some moms and dads do dream feeds after 11 pm (but not after midnight), and it works fine, but all babies are different as they go into their REM cycles at different times.

As your lo gets older, it's a good idea to start to drop the DF whenever you feel your lo is ready for it, usually around 6 months or so as by this time the majority of lo's usually don't need the nutrition during the night. If you continue to do the dreamfeed, it becomes a habit, as lo's have this nasty ability to realize that " and dad are getting me up for a feed, now would be a great time to play with them!"

As for w2s, that would be a great thing to try at this point. The fact that you are able to pinpoint a time when your lo is waking at night is indication that you definately have a nightwaking problem on your hands rather than a hunger problem.

As for getting rid of the feeds, if w2s doesn't work, the watered down feed idea works to. You can try either one, whichever you're most comfortable with. You definately may want to try this in order to begin to drop the DF, which to me sounds like a good idea based on what you're saying.

Good luck tonight!!

Sonya =P
Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Gippie on June 28, 2006, 17:58:51 pm

Tonight I will try W2s and see if she makes it past that time and gpes without the DF.    If she keeps waking at night I wil return to the DF and see what happens and if she still wakes I will water down what she takes.   

W2s has always worked well for her, and I DO think she is waking out of habit on her 4 hour feeding schedule - and she does not ned it!


will update
Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Chrissy on June 28, 2006, 18:11:10 pm
I have a similar issue with my 6 mos. old (who still won't sleep through the night).  In the past week or so, I have started to think that it was the DF (which I give him at 10:30, I have trouble staying up past then.)  The reason I think this is because he seems to wake between 4-5 hours after this for a night feeding.  He doesn't take a whole lot (this is the only time he will BF from me...he only will take a bottle in the day) and I can usually get him back  settled within 5-10 min of feeding, so I know he's not terribly hungry.  I'm thinking he's used to eating every 4 hours so he expects it??  (he gets his last feeding at around 6, asleep around 7, so his DF comes within 4-5 hours of this at 10:30) 
He puts himself to sleep for his naps, so he doesn't use the bottle as a "prop" anymore, and I thought this would fix the problem (we fixed this issue last month) but he still can't resettle himself for that night wakening.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 
What is the W2s you were referring to as a fix?  I can't figure that one out!
Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Gippie on June 29, 2006, 01:21:21 am
Hi there Chrissy,

Sounds like we have the same problem!    Quinn (DD) sleeps through the night from 8-6 MOST of the time.  She has her times and latelyI notice from writing it all down that she has these weird 2 am wakes.  I agree it is almost creating a feeding schedule rather than a sleeping one.  I totally think this is true cause one night I went out and had to DF her late - at 12 and she woke 4 hours later - and when I Df at 10 - she wakes at 2.

Tonight - no DF and I will do w2s at 2.  W2s (Wake to Sleep) is a seemingly backward technique that works.  When a baby gets into a habit of waking and you know it is not hunger (like the other night DD took 12 oz and a Df AND she woke at 2 - no way she was hungry!!) you "wake" them and interrupt the sleep cycle they were in and put them into another that does not include the wake time they have started to "do" each night.  You set the alarm about 1 hour before the wake - for me it will be 1am and go in and gently rouse them - not fully awake - just stir them and then settle them back in to sleep and head back to bed.  Tracy (in the book) says it usually works on the first night - but do it for 3 to be sure.   I have done it before (twice) and works like a charm.    If DD wakes for food tonight, I may reintroduce the DF.   I did not follow the weaning of the DF schedule in the book - kind of going cold turkey - we will see how it goes.   

We are weaning from BF and the DF was all we were left doing and I DO feel like it is disruptive more than helpful - so wean we will.

I will give w2s a try tonight and post my success - or not.    Check out more about it on the sleep boards!

Be well,

Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Fenella on August 04, 2006, 13:11:20 pm
Hi i found this thread really interesting.  My ds is only 6 weeks old but showing no signs of stretching past the 3 hours of df  i then feed him usually around 1.45 and then he will do his bigger stretch which is the wrong way round as the book states its the 2am feed they should drop not the 5am.  How have you ladies got on with your plans?
Title: Re: How DOES the DF cause Nightwakings?
Post by: Gippie on August 05, 2006, 01:44:23 am
Your DS is really young.   At HIS age I would not worry AT ALL about those feeds!!!  OUr DS did night feeds till maybe 2 months and then she just did the DF - if I recall correctly :-\.  Our DD is now 8 months and as I let this post sit - I often thought about it.   We lkept the DF till 2 weeks ago and dropped it by adding a few extra ounces tothe late night feed.  Since then she has contines to sleep through AND she no longer wakes at 5am like se used to  - now she wakes at 6 0 so we are at 8pm-6am - acceptable!!!
