EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: bellmaine on October 25, 2005, 16:43:55 pm

Title: falling asleep
Post by: bellmaine on October 25, 2005, 16:43:55 pm
Does anybody have any advice on when baby wants to eat every 1 1/2 to two hours.  my daughter seems to either fall sleep or eat constantly.  Any advice?  She seem when she is not eating or sleeping she is crying to eat again.
Title: falling asleep
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on October 25, 2005, 16:47:04 pm
How old is she?  When they're really little, they really do seem to just eat and sleep and it can mean feedings every 1.5 - 2 hrs - at least for the first while!  When she eats, do you feed with both sides, and about how long does she spend nursing?
Title: falling asleep
Post by: bellmaine on October 25, 2005, 17:29:47 pm
she is only 3 weeks.  I sometimes only do one breast forabout 10- 15 minutes.  Is that enough?
Title: falling asleep
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on October 25, 2005, 19:18:44 pm
Unless she's VERY efficient, she might need a bit longer than that. I used to aim for about 20 min total at the mimimum when my dd what that little (they start getting faster quickly though!).

What you might want to do is, when she starts slowing down (goes from the slow, long suck-suck-suck movements to quick little butterfly sucks), you can do breast compression to get the milk flowing again.  Here are some instructions:

This helps to get the back fatty milk that will help her go longer between feeds.  If she's only nursed for about 10 min and falls asleep, you might want to try changing her diaper and burping her, then switching sides, to encourage her to eat a bit more.  If she doesn't want to nurse anymore and you've burped her and she's AWAKE and you've used breast compression already, then she's probably had enough.  If she's not going more than 1.5 hrs, DEFINITELY offer the second breast. It's a good way to really make sure your supply is ok too.

How much weight is she gaining and does she have lots of wet diapers during the day and night?  Does she do any longer stretches overnight?
Title: falling asleep
Post by: bellmaine on October 25, 2005, 21:51:04 pm
She definitely has enough wet diapers.  She is on half breat milk and half formula.  Overnight she last from 3 to 4 hours.  On her 2 week check up she gained a pound.  She also seems to spit up a lot.  One more question I am having a really hard time getting her down for naps.  Today she didn't sleep at all during the day I finally just got her down at 4:50pm.  Any Advice?  Thank you so much for listening and answering me I am not very good at this newborn stage and I am having a very difficult time.
Title: falling asleep
Post by: joslil on October 26, 2005, 01:58:37 am
Just a thought - at three weeks, your milk production should still be working itself out to match your child.  If you are supplementing with formula, you may be tricking your body into thinking it doesn't need to make as much milk.  Also, note that the six week mark is usually a noticeable increase and baby may nurse frequently (mine all did almost hourly while awake) at this mark to increase your milk production.
Title: falling asleep
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on October 26, 2005, 19:46:55 pm
I agree about formula - it can definitely affect your supply. WHat's the reason for supplementing...?

As for naps - have you checked Tracy's sleep interview - there are some great suggestions there!
Title: falling asleep
Post by: bellmaine on October 27, 2005, 16:43:41 pm
Breastfeeding isn't going as easy as expected.   i was only going to breast feed for about 6 weeks.  my nipples are sore and red and I am constantly wondering if I have an infection.
Title: falling asleep
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on October 28, 2005, 15:22:24 pm
If they're sore, there's definitely something going on - you really need to get checked, preferably by an lc...  Could be problems with the latch or thrush, which is easily treated! Is there any way you could see a lactation consultant? Where do you live?
Title: falling asleep
Post by: bellmaine on October 28, 2005, 22:39:21 pm
I live in Chicago.  What are the symptoms of thrush.  Would this give the baby gas?
Title: falling asleep
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on October 29, 2005, 23:46:13 pm
I'm not sure about what sort of lactation consultants or breastfeeding clinics are available in Chicago...although I found this list, you could check out:

If your lo also has gas, it could be a problem with the latch, and for that you'd REALLY do best to see a lactation consultant.  At 3 weeks, your nipples shouldn't really be sore unless there's a problem.  Here's also a link about suggestions for the latch:

As for thrush, here's how to identify if you have it and treatments:

The treatment for thrush is pretty straightforward if that's what's going on.

Aside from problems with the latch, there are other possible reasons your lo could have gas, but I can't emphasize enough that first you need to see a specialist to get the latch checked.  Or at least read the resources and watch the videos if you can!  :) If the latch is fixed, then she'll start taking more milk in, less air and will be able to go longer between feeds and have less gas and discomfort - as will you!

Breastfeeding can be really wonderful when it works - sometimes it just takes a while to get the hang of it - both you and your dd are learning something new - contrary to what a lot of people think, it doesn't come naturally for all of us! Please keep me posted on how you're doing and let me know if you need more help.