ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: mysterymia on August 02, 2006, 10:10:30 am

Title: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: mysterymia on August 02, 2006, 10:10:30 am
Hi all,

My lo is 6 weeks and I started today after a bad day yesterday sent me looking for ideas. I bought Tracey's book and skimmed it last night then poured over the website today. My lo sleeps relatively well overnight and I was letting her find her own routines during the day if she was going to but realised that it perhaps that wasn't going to happen. Today I fed at 8am and settled with sh/pat 20 mins, I woke her at 11am and settled with sh/pat 5 mins, (mind you I was thinking that it was too good to be true at that point - I even got a shower unlike yesterday) she woke at 2pm and basically didn't settle (feed, try to settle feed etc) until I decided to carry her from 5-6 to get her some sleep before her feed at 6.

Her feeding seems okay but settling has always been difficult. I am starting to learn her cries and mostly she is in pain with wind. We have tried the various drops on the market but to no avail.

As we speak she has pain from her 6pm feed and it is 8 and she has not settled. I think that she is getting overtired also. Normally (prior to EASY) she fed about 8 and was settled by 9 then slept til 1 or 2 fed then slept til 5.30ish and then 2hrly over the day with not a lot of settling in between.

What should I do when wind mucks up the EASY routine that I am trying to establish?
Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: LŠuren on August 02, 2006, 16:06:42 pm
Are you giving her any gas or wind drops to help pass the wind?
Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: mysterymia on August 02, 2006, 23:54:48 pm
Sorry I forgot to introduce myself...I'm Kathy.

We have tried Infacol and Infants Friend as well as the Brauers one although I only tried it twice and she was sick so I thought I would leave it a day or so and try again.

On a more positive note I did the DF at 10 last night for the first time and she slept til 0430 and then slept til 0730 but windy and hasn't slept til now 10 so I will fed and try again. I have elevated the cot to see if that helps also.
Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: mysterymia on August 03, 2006, 11:16:33 am
Sorry had to run before....

It's been a big day! She basically didn't sleep today at all. She has been spitting up a bit over the last two weeks and seemed worse today so I took her to the doctor who thinks that her pain is actually reflux. He suggested that I try some Mylanta for a couple of days and then go back on Monday. I fed her and gave her Mylanta at 5pm and put her in her rocker/chair thing whcih is a bit upright and she slept!!!! I'm not sure if it was from exhaustion or the Mylanta. She has always really good over night so I have bathed and fed at 8ish and will wake for DF at 10pm seeing that it worked so well last night (her feeds were all over the place today as she was so upset so tomorrow is another day!)

The whole EASY thing was difficult because of her pain so if we can work that out we will see how it goes.

I've looked at the reflux 101 and others so have elevated her cot tonight to see.

Thanks for replying last night I was just grateful to 'talk' it out with someone who can relate to me feeling like a mum who doesn't know what to do next! LOL


Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: becky1969 on August 03, 2006, 22:45:14 pm
Just wanted to offer you some encouragement! We also had a very gassy baby, who also turned out to have reflux. He has silent reflux (means no spit-up), so didn't get truly diagnosed until 4 months. But DH & I quickly realized that he slept better when upright. Like you, we struggled with him b/c although he was an excellent sleeper normally, the pain would frequently keep him up.

I don't know if you BF or bottle feed, but if you bottle feed you may try to find a more friendly formula. If you BF, you can examine your diet for problem foods. We finally got our LO on a formula that GREATLY reduced the gas. On top of that, we gave gas drops and Gripe Water (a naturopathic remedy for gas) with every feeding. Also elevated the head of the crib. Even with all these changes, LO still had bad days and/or nights on occasion. You just do whatever you can to keep them comfortable and help them sleep. I quickly found out that when he was in pain, it was useless to 'go by the book'; I had to help him sleep in whatever way I could in order to keep him from getting overtired and out of his mind with misery.

Now that you've figured out the problem, I'm sure you'll find a solution too! Good luck! You're doing fabulously!
Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: mysterymia on August 04, 2006, 00:54:49 am
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I've really need it the past few days. I'm breastfeeding and have already eliminated dairy and as many other suspect things as I can. I guess what has been hard is that she sleeps so well at night. Even when feeding frequently she still goes straight down and I don't hear much out of her. I just hate it when she is in pain and I can't relieve it.

Has now started watery dirty nappies so will need to investigate that!

And.....started my period yesterday aarrrgghh she's only 6 weeks old! Thought that I should get a few more months grace especially seeing that half the night she is feeding 2 hrly!

Have a good day

Title: Re: Starting EASY (3hr) today but wind interferring!
Post by: becky1969 on August 04, 2006, 01:57:39 am
I hear you! My LO came home from the hospital able to sleep 5 hours straight at night! It would have been awesome if it hadn't been for the periodic wind and reflux issues making him miserable. Like you, it broke my heart to hear him crying in pain. I've since discovered that my LO rarely cries except when in pain - not even when hungry. My mom kept telling me early on that i needed to let "babies be babies" and not worry so much about that crying. I'm so glad I listened to my mommy instinct and kept investigating the problem until we got him on the right meds.

For us Prevacid has been a godsend. And now at 7 months old we're weaning off of it, with what appears to be no problems! Solids have been a bit of a challenge - some foods bring the old gas problem back - but, I've quickly learned the signs of a food that is not being digested correctly, and stop it before it gets out of hand. I guess what I'm saying is that it DOES get better. It takes time, and you will learn what soothes and comforts your LO. It's so hard early on because it's difficult to interpret what's going on! But after your LO reaches 3 months, a lot of things will become clearer and it will be easier to deal with.

 Lots of luck to you! These boards were a Godsend to me!