ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: mich0902 on December 19, 2006, 16:45:39 pm

Title: Holidays and AP
Post by: mich0902 on December 19, 2006, 16:45:39 pm
Anybody else scared to death about the holidays?  I just don't see how I'm going to keep a schedule during those few days.  DD hates to sleep in a swing, she sometimes sleep in her carseat but sleeps best in her crib.  I have no  idea how we'll manage without some AP. 

How about everyone?  Are you willing to give up to some AP or do you have a plan to keep your LO on the best schedule possible?

Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: * Paula * on December 19, 2006, 20:30:59 pm
Hi Michele,

My DS is a lot older than your DD, and even at 17 months I am scared about getting him off schedule.  He can be so ratty if he does not get his sleep on time, and have been wondering what we can do.

Are you having Christmas at home?  We are going to DP's parents house, so that makes things even worse.

What I have thought is that around his bed time I will take him upstairs and wind him down, and perhaps lay down with him and see if that helps.

I know you are worried about AP, but to be honest, if you need to do this to ensure that your lo gets to sleep, I would do it - It is not going to take 1 day to enforce bad habits.  Personally I would rather AP, than have an overtired lo on the day.

Good Luck. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: Jonahs Mom on December 19, 2006, 21:10:52 pm
Oh my, this is something that is all too familiar to me. We travel to DH's parents often and ds sleeps next to their room. His dad works until 11pm on Saturday nights and is up by 6am for work on Sunday. So, I have nursed ds back to sleep when totally unnecessary one too many times just to keep him from crying too much.
I have found that bringing a lovey and blankets from home for his playpen really help. Also, we try and keep the routine as consistent as possible and explain to people what the consequences of not following it are - a grouchy, overtired baby who's mom is very tired and irritable the next day due to his nightwakings. They have witnessed this and now are very respectful of his routine.
Before naps and bed, we sit in the room for a little while longer to look at everything in the room so he knows where he is.
Other than that, we AP all the way while visiting and it has never back fired on us.

Are you not having the holidays at home? We have emailed ds's routine to our parents so that they can fit dinner and family activites around it. So far the feedback has been good.
Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: kim&savannah on December 19, 2006, 21:25:12 pm
Quote (selected)
We have emailed ds's routine to our parents so that they can fit dinner and family activites around it. So far the feedback has been good.

That's a great idea and nice that they are being respectful of that!

We have always had a hard time when traveling/holidays. . .  I think about last Christmas when dd spent several 2 hour chunks of time just screaming (turned out she had an ear infection, but we didn't realize it yet and went ahead and drove up to see our families (5 hours and then another 3 hours) and her routine was totally off).

And now, with 2 LO's I'm so glad that we are staying home this year, so except for dinner at my BIL's house, things should be okay.  I'm actually planning on spending some time during the couple weeks dh is off doing some serious sleep training with DS to get on track for the new year.

I have to say that we always tried to keep things as much the same as we could--bath, stories, songs, etc. . .  But at the same time, there were times that we made exceptions and kept DD up too late (we took her on a cruise when she was 5 months and everything was shot to he** that week, but we did our best to make sure she got sleep one way or another).  I think that you have to find a balance so your lo gets the rest they need, but you can enjoy the holiday a little and try to fit things in with family events.  It's only once a year--and they will eventually get back on track.  If you have to do some AP, I would say go for it.

Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: *Mona* on December 20, 2006, 08:41:02 am

for us it's our first Christmas but not first time we go away and 'have to' worry about dd's routine. I'm lucky to have a very easily 'adjusting' baby but I will still be aiming for maintaining her routine as usual.
I think what's most important to try not to worry to much. try keeping your LO's sleep - eat times but if they differ a bit from what you usually have, don't panic. and if you end up with some AP, don't worry too. we all do some AP from time to time. you can't be 'perfect' all the time ;)

Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: snappysara on December 20, 2006, 22:01:26 pm
Ok I am worried too, as we just started EASY a few weeks back.  And lo is still working it out.
What is AP?

Title: Re: Holidays and AP
Post by: * Paula * on December 20, 2006, 22:05:03 pm
AP is accidental parenting.

How is your routine going Snappysara?