SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Mrsv4 on January 04, 2006, 00:53:38 am

Title: Won't sleep in crib
Post by: Mrsv4 on January 04, 2006, 00:53:38 am
My baby is almost 7 weeks old.  During our first 3 weeks home, she slept in her crib with no problems for both her daytime naps and at night.  During our fourth week she developed really bad gas, and her schedule got all messed up(hardly seemed to sleep).  The gas problem seemed to pass after about a week, but now she won't sleep in her crib during her daytime naps.  She'll only sleep in my arms or in her bouncy chair.  At night she will sleep in her crib.  She's often awake after her feedings during the night,and she will put herself to sleep with no problem.  I'd rather her be in her crib for her naps, any suggestions??
Title: Won't sleep in crib
Post by: Gage and Sophie's Mom on January 04, 2006, 01:20:34 am
Hi, I am no expert but this is what I did with Gage to get him to sleep in crib. I let him play in his crib during the day by himself and with me. I also put a night light in his room so he could look at his bumper which he loves. Is her room dark during the day. If not maybe she needs it to be. I also use a white noise to block out the daily bustle of the house. Lastly, I let Gage sleep in a postioner so that he feels cuddled in such a large area.

Title: Won't sleep in crib
Post by: Meg's Mom on January 05, 2006, 05:10:17 am
Good suggestions above.

I would also look at your nap wind down routine, did you have one before? 

Quote (selected)
She'll only sleep in my arms or in her bouncy chair

Sounds like she has gotten used to using you and the chair as a prop.  If you think of sleep as a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being totally asleep...start putting her down in her crib at 7, drowsey but awake.  Use shh/pat to help her the rest of the way.  OR start working back ward from 10 (where you are now) and start putting her down at 9, then after a few days 8 - etc.

Hope that helps.  Expect her to fuss, this is normal but if you are consistent, she will get back on track.