Author Topic: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??  (Read 999 times)

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Offline alyssa1

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Any advice?
I really wanted to breatfeed with my children but my first child only got the benfit for 2 months due to problem after problem after problem.  I'm wondering, now that I'm 20 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child if there are any ways to prevent/get ready for BF again so that I don't run into this wreck.

Background - 1st time BF
-scabbed and bleeding for 8 weeks even after pumping 1/2 the time and using bottle
-infection after infection
-thrush 2x
-really bad engorgement - had to go on deswellers (perscription) just inorder to get a latch

My son had a great latch and would feed lots but the PAIN and the infections and the perscriptions I felt were not fair to him.  I really want it to go better with the 2nd child as I would like to BF longer. 
Any ideas??

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Re: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 18:49:23 pm »
I think that's wonderful that you want to try again!

First off, find a lactation consultant and have her visit you soon after you have your lo.  Although the latch was fine, she can help you in the other areas as well. 

Also, I'm not sure if this works for everyone, but I didn't use a single cream on my nipples.  I didnt use soap when showering either.  I just rinsed with water.  But what I did was express milk on to my nipples after every feed and let it dry there.  It makes a thin layer around your nipple and it worked wonders for us.  I did get red from being used so much, but I didn't crack or bleed. 

Have you read any books?  There are some suggestions posted just recently and I think it's a good idea to have one on hand at all times. 

Make sure you get lots of fluids and tons of rest.  It will be hard with another one to look after, but this is very important to your success.  Also, eat properly.

Use this site!!!!!

I hope this helps a little bit, but most importantly, find a lactation consultant... perhaps get a referral from someone you trust.
Mom to O (July 20/05) and L (Dec 25/06)

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Re: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 18:55:55 pm »
It's great that you want to try again and that you're looking into info beforehand.  Remember that this time around you are armed with much more knowledge from the get-go since you've done it before this time.  :)  I had many problems with #1 and stopped at about 7 or 8 weeks.  With #2, I did the same as you and got lost of info and advice and it helped!  Ds was a great breastfeeding.  We ended up stopping after 8 weeks due to some digestion issues and trying to figure him out (still trying to some extent though we think we've found a milk & soy intolerance), but we could have easily kept going if he didn't have tummy problems.  Things were SO much easier this time around.  I agree to see a lactation consultant when your lo is born and you might even want to attend a class beforehand in order to meet the LC even if you don't really need the info.  That's what I did.  The first time I had cracked and bleeding nipples and ended up with Mastitis, but this time around I had none of that.  I don't know that I really did anything different either except that he just started off as a better nurser and I made sure he had a good latch every single time.  I also did not use soap on my nipples though I did use Lanolin (I used the purple tube, can't remember the name, the one that's endorsed by the LLL).  Definitely drink lots of water and get as much sleep as possible (definitely harder with the first one to watch as well, but atleast rest while they watch tv or whatever you can do).  Stay positive and you might be pleasantly surprised!

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Re: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 19:41:00 pm »
Every baby is so so different when it comes to breastfeeding. Whatever happens it WILL NOT be the same as before.
I would agree with speaking to an LC now. If money's tight I would phone your local LLL and say you'd like to be hooked up with a peer counselor or a local leader. I bet you can find someone who would be so excited to feel they can make a difference. Meet them before the birth and make sure you see some people breastfeeding and talk to some mothers about their positive experiences so your mind is filled with positive references going in. At the hospital be pushy about what you're entitled to and question advice if you're not happy.

The problems you describe could be explained by latching issues. Ask people to watch you feed even if you think it's going OK. Ask people to visit you soon after you get home. That purple stuff I believe is lansinoh. It's expensive but a little goes a very long way. If you find you're relying a lot on creams though then there could be an underlying problem so get advice sooner rather than later.

Expect it to work. Expect to not need formula in the house. Get your army ready. Plus have plans for what older sibling will be doing while you feed (assuming they'll be around) - a special 'nursing toybox', DVDs, ways to help.
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Offline alyssa1

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Re: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2006, 13:32:01 pm »
That's great advice thanks.  I will have a lo (19months) around at the time so I will get some things ready. 
I think I need to seek someone out who will help but this is hard because when I went through it the first time, they didn't really help all that much and the ideas that they gave me I found very old school.  I think I just need to find someone to talk to that I'm really comfortable with. 
1 question.  Has anyone heard of pumping just before the baby comes to relieve engorgement problems but then using that milk so the baby gets the first stuff?

Offline Samuel's mum

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Re: Wanting to BF again for 2nd child but many problems with 1st child??
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2006, 15:51:28 pm »
I have heard of early pumping in very particular circ umstances under medical advice (e.g mum has diabetes and there are concerns about sugar levels immediately after labor). I'm not sure it's something to do be done unless necessary though.  :-\
The teeny tiny baby needs to be nursing on the breast asap and get colostrum in a natural as way as possible in my opinion. Milk that has been stored, including frozen, does changes its composition and with colostrum it's particularly important all the antibacterial properties/antibodies are preserved. I'm also not sure I would want to give a baby that young a bottle if I really wanted to safeguard my breastfeeding and ensure no latching problems.
I would say try and keep breastfeeding as 'natural' as possible in the early days. Hormones are churning around. Things are happening to our milk and our bodies that are not fully understood by science! I think you could certainly pump slightly before a feed to relieve engorgement (or hand express) but I would hold off on giving it to the baby and only pump the minimum (if you pump too much your supply may increase further and the engorgement problem NOT relieved in the long term).
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