SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: malibu_nikkus on June 03, 2015, 18:53:44 pm

Title: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: malibu_nikkus on June 03, 2015, 18:53:44 pm
i can't work out why LO is waking so much in the later part of the night.  She madly tries to resettle herself by sucking thumb but then needs help.  If I manage to get her back to sleep she'll in,y sleep for about 1hr.  I end up bringing her into bed with me and feeding her, again, she doesn't sleep long.  Any ideas.heres our easy

6am wake
9am nap. Screaming, needed me to sit with her in the room.  Self settled.
10am feed
1.30 nap. Self settled
3.00 feed
6.30 feed
7pm asleep.  Needed me in the rim to go to sleep.
10.30 feed
2.45am feed
4am awake, tried to resettle herself. Held hand on her, went to sleep.
5am awake - brought into bed with me about 5.30, had a snuggle feed and dozed till 6.30 today

I'm sooo tired, I can't think.  What is happening?

Today was a bit different
8.30 feed
9.30 needed help t sleep, cried for ages. Slept for one hour
1pm feed
2.30 asleep.  Went to sleep independently
4.30 woke
5pm feed
6.45 top up feed
7pm put to bed, screamed for 30mins with me sitting with her shhh. Then went to sleep by 7.30
8.30 cried a little, self settled.  Clearly she is iced tired this time.  I'll be interested to see if she wakes at the 4am.  If not, I guess it has been an undertired thing..what do you think?
10.45 feed
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: malibu_nikkus on June 04, 2015, 04:26:01 am
She only woke at 11.30 & 3.45 for feeds then at 7am.  Wahoo. What do I do now? How should I be tweaking her routine to make her overtired everyday.  Often she has about 3.5hr wake time.  Could she really be ready to move up again?
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: becj86 on June 04, 2015, 08:31:26 am
It looks like she sleeps better on 3.5hr A than 3 - could you increase the first A and see how you go? That might help but that's a lot for a LO of her age. DYT she may be LSN? Definitely seems like UT for that first nap - the crying followed by 1hr nap then with longer A time, sleeping a decent length. That can also lead to the EWs.
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: malibu_nikkus on June 04, 2015, 12:02:09 pm
She has always been low sleep needs and has always surprised me with her wake time capabilities.  She was always a few months ahead on awake time recommendations...but, 3.5-4hrs just seems so long for such a little lady.  I'll try 3.5hrs and see what happens..
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: jessmum46 on June 04, 2015, 12:35:33 pm
I've just replied on your other thread but just to say that crying hard then a 1h nap happened here a lot with major OT, not UT.  We also had 2h+ naps through crashing hard.....the second day you posted she had 4h A time after a 1h nap.  I think it's unlikely to be UT if I'm honest, especially as nights aren't settled.  But just another opinion, as I mentioned on the other thread it can be hard to distinguish true LSN from chronic OT on the face of it x
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: becj86 on June 04, 2015, 22:24:01 pm
Good point Katherine, I've not had that but it could be. We always had the 30min waking if OT until DS was over 12 months when we started to get 1hr OT naps.
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: jessmum46 on June 05, 2015, 13:11:12 pm
So funny how different they all are isn't it?  I think DS did one 30 minute nap ever, but plenty of OT 1h ones.  Weird hey?
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: malibu_nikkus on June 18, 2015, 07:56:39 am
Thanks for your help.  It's taken a while to respond but things are doing better!  I do think it had a lot to do with over tiredness.  She seems to go down better 3.15hr wake time.  Her routine seems to follow this plan which I think is unusual.  She has 1 x long nap a day (2.5hr) 1x short (45min).  I'm a little stumped to know when a good bedtime is though.  She is having her overtired night sleep again and is tough to get to sleep at
7am. Wake and feed
8am solids (she eats a lot!)
10.30 (bed around 10.15 but takes a while to go to sleep because she keeps rolling onto her tummy and getting stuck.  Asleep by about 10.30)
1pm wake and feed followed by some solids
4.30 asleep
5.15 wake/feed
6.00 ish solids
7pm top up feed
7.30 bed, asleep by 7.45/8pm
Wake about 11 & 3 for a feed although woke 2-3hrly last
Title: Re: What does this early waking mean? 6mth old
Post by: jessmum46 on June 19, 2015, 18:11:00 pm
Routine looks great actually :). Some would say cap first nap to 2h max but if it's working I wouldn't change things. 

How do you settle night wakings if it's not a feed?  Wondering perhaps given you don't have any 'long' stretch in your night whether you may have developed some habit feeds or a sneaky prop?  Very easy to do, we definitely had habit feeds here for some time and night sleep did get quite a bit better once we tackled them.