Author Topic: What to do with the 5am NW  (Read 14347 times)

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Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #60 on: May 07, 2016, 21:47:54 pm »
At least I can normally settle her back down until 6:30/7ish...DS never went back to sleep after than 5:30am EW.

So even though this is a NW post, curious to know what you ladies think of this.  We are getting to a point where if she takes 2 good naps, offering a CN is pushing us into the territory of too much day sleep, but at the same time there would be no way she could manage from the end of her last nap until BT...

For example today was:
WU 7am
Nap 9:15-10:45
Nap 1-3

So by 3pm she's already had 3.5hrs of day sleep so offering even a 30min CN pushes her to 4hrs which seems like a lot, but she can't make it from 3pm until BT, even if I move BT up to 6:30pm that's a stretch.  I don't really like doing BT any earlier because she pretty well does a 12hr night and given the 5:30am EW I think if I did BT earlier she wouldn't go back down after that EW.  Cap that second nap? Or offer a AP'd 15min CN?  All this said I do think she's on the high end of sleep needs so this much day sleep doesn't necessarily affect her the same way it would my DS.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 22:18:01 pm by Lindsay27 »

Offline lily_layne

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2016, 02:30:58 am »
I also found that day sleep didn't affect my DS's nights as much. I would try a 30 min CN for a few nights and see what happens and then try a shorter one for a few nights. That should give you a sense of what she needs. By that age, I pretty much always AP'd the CN in the stroller - easier to get him down and easier to get him to woke. He often woke on his own after 20 minutes or so but some days he went longer (even after we'd stopped moving) and I let him - it didn't ruin his nights.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2016, 06:18:23 am »
At that age I often did a catnap of 5-20min, dependening on 2nd nap. Really additional 5-10mkn didnt up min to day sleep but did a difference in riding out OT. And it really was enough for DS. I did it around 4:30-5pm not later always in a buggy so AP as I could forget about a third nap in a crib at that age.

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2016, 11:58:38 am »
I ended up doing a regular 30min CN and the good news was that she slept from 7:30pm-3am, but then I think we ended up with a UT NW as I can normally feed her and get her back down within 30mins, but it ended up taking 1.5hrs. 

She doesn't always nap that well but I have a feeling over the next month we are going to the CN dance.  The late afternoon/early evening is just an awkward time to AP because I'm normally cooking dinner and DH isn't home from work yet.  In any case, likely just have to play each day by ear.  She can usually handle OT fairly well so I think even 15mins should be enough to get her through.

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2016, 18:42:02 pm »
It is an awkward time, isn't it? I seem to remember doing lots of wiwo, I know it's not quite the age for it but there was no way she'd sleep in a sling whilst I got DS his dinner, she was getting there with independent sleep (actually she must have been a bit older as I'm thinking of her 3-2, which was more like 8/9mo!), so it was PD, into kitchen to put first part of batch-cooked defrosted dinner in microwave, back into bedroom to comfort, back into kitchen to give DS's dinner a few more minutes or put the peas in or whatever, back into bedroom to comfort...and continue to go back and forth whilst DS ate, until finally she'd drop off for 10mins or so. Phew - I'm tired remembering! And probably not much help to you, just to say I remember it was a tricky phase for us too :-*

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #65 on: May 10, 2016, 10:29:39 am »
Hi ladies, does anyone have any suggestions about this 5:30am EW?  It is really starting to throw a wrench into things as I've lately been unable to resettle her.  It doesn't seem to matter anymore what time her NF is (it seems to be either 1am or 3am) and it means that her first nap is around 7:45am and she needs 3 full naps to get through the day...which I'm sure just perpetuates it.  Her A times seems to be able 2.15hr to get good naps, I tried to extend to 2.25hr the other day but we ended up with 30min naps.

WU 5:30
Nap 7:45-9:15
Nap 11:30-1
Nap 3:15- 4:45
BT 7

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #66 on: May 10, 2016, 19:30:58 pm »
Well never mind that plan she just did 30 min OT naps all day and was a complete crab apple.  Ugh, it's been a really long day.

Offline FPT23

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #67 on: May 10, 2016, 22:02:55 pm »
I'm so sorry and many hugs!!

Have you considered moving BT earlier? To catch up from OT? Instead of 7, try 6:30? Maybe the OT in her day could also be causing the early wake? I'm glad your back to 1 and 5 at least! :) that's a plus!

I also know that extending the first A time helps w/ EWs in older babies too! Have you tried pushing her first A time- instead of 2:15, try 2:20? Or will it result in 30 mins?
I remember suggesting to push that 1 am feed and soothe her a bit since she used to go to 2/3am feed... And then see if it helps w the 5:30 wake? Pushing it fwd? Wdyt
Just tossing out suggestions, I'm sorry and hope it gets better!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #68 on: May 10, 2016, 23:23:27 pm »
Ya we do lots of 6:30 BTs, more often than not actually.  It really depends on the day and what naps have been like, today was clearly an early BT...almost a 4hr A to bed because she refused a CN I attempted at 5pm.  Oy!!

I'm really not sure either, the thing is even in the nights she doesn't take her NF until 3am, she still wakes at 5:30am, so I'm not sure pushing the 1am NF is going to make a difference yk?

I can try pushing the first A to 2:20, it's 2hrs she is clearly exhausted from the EW, but I can try.

I'm glad I'm back to 1 and 5 too!  Last night she did her NF at 3am but had lots of wakings early in the night, but they were easily resettled.  I had a rough night though, I need to get to the doctor because I'm suffering from some major insomnia, sigh.  After DS was born I had to go on sleeping meds so I think I will have to go down that route again.  It's making the EWs hard and honestly emotional for me because I am waking up exhausted and I find I finally fall into a deep sleep around 4:30ish so when she's up an hour later I just want to cry.  I did cry!  Anyway that's neither here nor there, need to speak with my doctor about that.

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #69 on: May 11, 2016, 03:14:07 am »
I guess EBTs is all you can really do :(
Oh man she must've been tired! She wouldn't do a CN? Stroller? Car? Nothing!? I hate when that happens.

My LO did an EW today of 5am... Didn't settle until 7 (swing with pacifier EVENTUALLY worked) and then my toddler WU at 7:30 ::) so I feel the pain! I had insomnia when I had my first too...! Haven't yet w/ my new baby but that's definitely awful. I was on meds but I felt worse upon waking! If you need it though you have to take it! You need rest! Do you get any help? :( HUGSSSSSS

I'm sure she's exhausted but it doesn't hurt to try to push that A time.... Even just 5 mins every 3 days! 4 even!? Maybe that can work? ---- in time she will skip that 1am and well, if you say pushing it won't make much of a difference, then might as well feed right away and go to sleep (if u can) !!

My baby has recently began a 5am and I'm sure it's due to OT... But when they are this little (I mean yours is a tad older) there's not much that can be done but time. I did the 5am WUs for so long w my first.... Guess it's something that's normal.

I hope I helped! Keep us posted and many hugs! Your doing great- if anything applaud yourself for the long naps!!! I can't get long naps at all. Won't go beyond 45 mins ::) ....sigh. Can you sleep during one of those naps?


Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #70 on: May 11, 2016, 16:53:10 pm »
Ya she might be ready for an A time jump in general...I had to keep a lower first A today because she had a doctor appointment and we had to leave by 9:30am so I did about a 2.10 A and her nap was 1.20, so UT which I knew but again okay because of timing with the appointment.  Her second A was somewhere around 2.15/2.20 and she woke after 40mins but resettled fine, so might need a wee push there, and hopefully overall that will help the EW.

I saw Katherine mention on another thread that if they are doing an 11hr night it's not a "true" EW which is likely what we have, a constant rotation of EBTs with EWs, but it's hard because if I do a 7pm BT she is OT and that makes for a 13.5hr day which can't be good, so it seems like a viscous cycle.  But hopefully pushing As will give us good naps with no OT and therefore later BTs.

Or...maybe she's just gonna be like my DS and wake at 5:30am for 3 years straight no matter what ::). Please god...noooooo!!! Lol

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #71 on: May 11, 2016, 17:52:08 pm »
Wait but 7pm - 5am is a 10 hr night? Or I'm sorry explain that please, so I can have knowledge of it too when I arrive at 5am wakes... Hehe. I already get them but I'm so tired that i just do the swing and pacifier HAHA! Shaaaaame on me!

Does your LO self settle on her own? I hope by 4 months I have long naps haha like yours at least! He had a 2hr A today after resisting the nap and he still woke at 45 mins! ::) we shall see what happens!

Well that's good that your going to push her A times! Hope it works out for you! Don't saaaaay that about the 5am wakes!!!! Think positive. I would die if my second did it too haha!

Offline Lindsay27

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #72 on: May 11, 2016, 23:37:18 pm »
I think I meant when she does 6:30pm-5:30am that's an 11hr night.

Naps got better for us around 4 months, they started to finally extend.  I did do a silly amount of shh/pat for a few weeks when she woke early.

Tried bumping her A time to 2.25 after a solid 1.50hr nap, and we ended up with a 30min OT nap, so she was melting down by 6:15pm.  So I think that somewhere around 2.15/2.20 is the sweet spot.

Offline FPT23

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #73 on: May 12, 2016, 02:32:48 am »
Yk, I can't seem to extend his naps. Not enough to STAY asleep lately. Odd short nap phase ::) I've had no long naps for awhile. I used to get ONE. I'm all at 45 minutes ::)

Oh ok well as long as you A times are down! ;)
Did you try extending over the course of a few days? Never helped? :(

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Re: What to do with the 5am NW
« Reply #74 on: May 12, 2016, 06:19:18 am »
Being honest at that age OT during day helped us build good night sleep. I mean DS is not very prone to OT nights but from 3mo we had waking at 5:30 and it was always UT. It ended with a first nap being short (cut to 1:15/1:00/0:45/00:30), bringing second nap earlier and letting sleep more here (up to 2.5h even) and doing catnap in the evening. I was on 3 naps routine up to 7/8mo but with two short naps and one long I had less day sleep than with 2 longer naps.