ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: Clairehv on September 07, 2016, 20:49:48 pm

Title: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 07, 2016, 20:49:48 pm
As a continuation from my previous post, DD2 is now 16 weeks old. Will be 4 months next weekend.
I think she is ready to move on from 3hr EASY but I am still struggling to get any naps longer than 40 minutes so am not sure what to do.

Shall I just extend the feed times any way? X
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 08, 2016, 09:02:42 am
If she's showing less interest in one or more feeds you could begin to extend the time between E, yes. It may help her take a better fed.  You don't have to move to 4hr immediately, it's ok to go in steps and it's ok if she can't manage to move to 4hrly E too. There are some LOs who can't extend E until more like 6 months.

Did you want to continue your other thread for routine and sleep support or did you want to leave that thread and move to here for overall routine support now?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 08, 2016, 18:40:59 pm
Thank you. Very happy to continue on here for full routine support as I had several queries.

She has been on a 3 hour EASY, easily managing the feed routine but have not been able to establish naps.
I have never done a dream feed and she dropped down to 1 bottle in the night by around 11-12 weeks.
She has fully slept through the night 3 times not sure why and last one was a couple of weeks ago.

However I think the night feed, between 3-4am is really affecting her first feed of the day.

Last night, Wednesday night
She slept 7.15pm -3.45am
e drank 160ml milk
Thursday am:
Woke at 7.05am
Offered bottle, not interested. Took about 30ml at 7.30am.
S 9.00-10.45am (in cot! This is the first time she has ever slept that long - unintentionally moving me to a 4 hr easy from 7am)
11am E 170ml
S 1.05-1.45pm in pram. Did not drop off
E 3pm 60ml -would not take more
S 3.40pm-4.20pm (had hoped would get to 5pm)
Early bath at 5.45pm
E 6.20pm 250ml
S 7.00pm

So the 4am feed is definitely impacting.
Shall I introduce a dream feed. My worry is doing the dream feed, her not settling and then still waking at 3am or 5.30am maybe.

I am happy to go with a 3.5hr-4hr EASY. I was so surprised that she wouldn't take more milk at 3pm! Overtired I suspect.

The naps I just have to keep battling with I think.

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 08, 2016, 19:04:09 pm
It's very normal to have a night feed for a good while yet so may it is impacting on the morning feed but she's doing a really long stretch between E over night so I'm not sure I would reduce it any.  How about as an alternative you try the Wu feed later?  Mine would never eat when he woke anyway so it was always 30-60 mins after WU.  Perhaps she'll be more hungry at 8?

Great cot nap :)
S 9.00-10.45am (in cot! This is the first time she has ever slept that long - unintentionally moving me to a 4 hr easy from 7am)
11am E 170ml
S 1.05-1.45pm in pram. Did not drop off
E 3pm 60ml -would not take more
S 3.40pm-
So she didn't sleep at all from 10.45am until 3.40pm?  The 40 min period in the pram was this awake?  Do you usually do pram naps or was it out of the ordinary for her?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 08, 2016, 21:07:09 pm
apologies was typing on my phone

She slept 1.05pm-1.45pm and then after her typical 40 min wake up did not drop back off to sleep despite me walking. The pram was stationary for a while but then I was walking from 2.15.-2.45 so thought she may have drifted off. She looked like she was going to but hadn't by the time I got home.

Until about 3 weeks ago all of her naps were pram or sling. I have  been work ing on trying to get the first sleep of the day in the cot.
She always wakes at 40 minutes, in the sling she will wake but go back to sleep. In the pram she wakes and if I keep going May take 20 mins but will go back to sleep. I haven't had a successful transition in the cot yet.

I was amazed by that cot nap. Didn't know what to do with myself!!

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 09, 2016, 08:40:54 am
OK, just had a quick look at your previous thread. Looks like you were up to an A time of 1hr 40 but have now increased to 2hrs+
Was that intentional to see what happened or was it just how the day turned out? Some of those A times are huge.

I have a few questions for you:

- Have you got a school/nursery run in there you have to work around too? If so could you briefly give me the times and what you usually do with DD2 (ie pram nap or car or she waits until you are home or whatever) or what you need to do.

- On a regular day with no out of the ordinary appointments to attend what A time would you be aiming for?

- Now that nap 1 is becoming established in the cot is there a chance of you establishing nap 2 in the cot or is vital that you are out and about with the pram for this nap? (not judging here, just asking, we all have things we need to do, just trying to get a picture of how your day is and what we are aiming for)

- Are you using or have you considered W2S for the 40 min transition to help establish a routine?

I haven't had a successful transition in the cot yet.
But yesterday she transitioned in the cot alone, yes? Or did I misunderstand that?

For now I would aim to have her asleep no later than 2hrs from any WU time.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 12, 2016, 19:09:43 pm
Hi creations
Firstly thank you for responding and apologies it has taken me some days to reply.
Our wifi has died so can only respond on my phone so I apologise in advance for any typos.

The nap last Wednesday is the only nap that she has transitioned.
To be honest our days seem to be getting worse not better and her nights have regressed now as well.
I think the tiredness is affecting her milk intake in the day.

Moving forwards for DD1
Monday will be a pre school day.
I will have to drop her at 8.45 and pick up at 11.45.
While the weather is good I would like to walk as using the car still involves a walk and means getting A (DD2) in and out of car. It's only 3-4 min drive 10-12 min walk.

Tuesday and Wednesday full day childcare. Drop off about 8am pick up 5pm.
For drop off I can use car and envisage being able to drop off and get home to still give DD2 nap in cot.
Thursday drop off the same 8am
Pick up 12.30pm and DD1 gymnastics class at 1pm. No idea how this will work

Friday. No school. Both girls all day.

The 2 hour A times have not been international. She just took a while to settle. She is 4 months on Friday though and the book says 4 month olds may do 2 hours.
However I think her A time is 1hr 40.

So here is where we have been at the last two days:-

Saturday night
Sleep 6.15pm
Night bottle 1.30am
Woke 6.15 am Sunday, after being unsettled from 5am. This is new , always used to get to 7am

So Sunday
WU 6.15am
E 7am : 90 ml ( not much)
S : settled in cot after some crying by 8.20am- 9.05
- we had to travel so just set off early
S fell back to sleep 10-10.37am
E 11am 90ml
S (back in car continuing journey) 12.05-12.20 then 1,10-1.50pm
E 2.45pm 90ml
S 3.10-3.40 in sling (was crying first)
E 4pm 70ml
Very whingy
S 4.40pm-5.10pm in sling (ideally would be later)
Bath 5.45pm
Then 60ml but lots of OT crying
S 6.30pm-
12.30am only 60ml
4am 60ml! (Did try and settle without feeding first)

WU 6.15/30 after dummy resettle 5.40
E 7.20am 90ml
S (settled in pram as knew had to walk DD1 to nursery school)
S 830-9am (woke before we set off) then 9.40-10.10 (on tummy, flipped at 9.30 and was calmer straight away)
E 10.50 90ml
S : fell asleep unintended at 11.50am so transferred to cot, woke but sleep by 12pm- 12.40,
Tried to resettle but dd1 around so into sling and walk with both
S 1pm-2pm on/off
E 2.15 90ml
2.45 very whingy 70ml
So was clearly tired from 3.10 but had to take Eliza to swimming.
Then resisted nap until lots of rocking shhhinb s 4.25-4.50.
Annoyingly woken by someone shouting.

So very tired.
Bath 5.45pm
E drank 90ml but wanted to be asleep.
S 6.20pm

So I think that she is not sleeping or eating enough in the day so our nights are affecting the morning bottle and its a bit of a cycle.

Not sure what to do X

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 13, 2016, 12:13:05 pm
Hi creations
Firstly thank you for responding and apologies it has taken me some days to reply.
Our wifi has died so can only respond on my phone so I apologise in advance for any typos.

The nap last Wednesday is the only nap that she has transitioned.
To be honest our days seem to be getting worse not better and her nights have regressed now as well.
I think the tiredness is affecting her milk intake in the day.

Moving forwards for DD1
Monday will be a pre school day.
I will have to drop her at 8.45 and pick up at 11.45.
While the weather is good I would like to walk as using the car still involves a walk and means getting A (DD2) in and out of car. It's only 3-4 min drive 10-12 min walk.

Tuesday and Wednesday full day childcare. Drop off about 8am pick up 5pm.
For drop off I can use car and envisage being able to drop off and get home to still give DD2 nap in cot.
Thursday drop off the same 8am
Pick up 12.30pm and DD1 gymnastics class at 1pm. No idea how this will work

Friday. No school. Both girls all day.

The 2 hour A times have not been international. She just took a while to settle. She is 4 months on Friday though and the book says 4 month olds may do 2 hours.
However I think her A time is 1hr 40.

So here is where we have been at the last two days:-

Saturday night
Sleep 6.15pm
Night bottle 1.30am
Woke 6.15 am Sunday, after being unsettled from 5am. This is new , always used to get to 7am

So Sunday
WU 6.15am
E 7am : 90 ml ( not much)
S : settled in cot after some crying by 8.20am- 9.05
- we had to travel so just set off early
S fell back to sleep 10-10.37am
E 11am 90ml
S (back in car continuing journey) 12.05-12.20 then 1,10-1.50pm
E 2.45pm 90ml
S 3.10-3.40 in sling (was crying first)
E 4pm 70ml
Very whingy
S 4.40pm-5.10pm in sling (ideally would be later)
Bath 5.45pm
Then 60ml but lots of OT crying
S 6.30pm-
12.30am only 60ml
4am 60ml! (Did try and settle without feeding first)

WU 6.15/30 after dummy resettle 5.40
E 7.20am 90ml
S (settled in pram as knew had to walk DD1 to nursery school)
S 830-9am (woke before we set off) then 9.40-10.10 (on tummy, flipped at 9.30 and was calmer straight away)
E 10.50 90ml
S : fell asleep unintended at 11.50am so transferred to cot, woke but sleep by 12pm- 12.40,
Tried to resettle but dd1 around so into sling and walk with both
S 1pm-2pm on/off
E 2.15 90ml
2.45 very whingy 70ml
So was clearly tired from 3.10 but had to take Eliza to swimming.
Then resisted nap until lots of rocking shhhinb s 4.25-4.50.
Annoyingly woken by someone shouting.

So very tired.
Bath 5.45pm
E drank 90ml but wanted to be asleep.
S 6.20pm

So I think that she is not sleeping or eating enough in the day so our nights are affecting the morning bottle and its a bit of a cycle.

Not sure what to do X

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 13, 2016, 17:43:21 pm
As you want to walk to pre=school how about just starting the nap in the stroller or sling at home around 8am so she's already asleep when you set off?  If She's waking at 6.15am this would be 1hr 45 A time which is about right for 4 months.
You might also find she's more likely to transition and longer nap in the stroller/sling.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 14, 2016, 08:54:54 am
Did that on Monday but she woke in the pram before we left the house.

Today (Wednesday)
I have had more success with nap 1 in cot.
I went into room at 30 mins and lightly stirred her and put the white noise on. She has transitioned past 40 mins and so far has slept 1 hr 20 mins.
Will post our whole day later and need to ask some night time advice as well.

Thanks for the help x
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 14, 2016, 18:24:08 pm
Sounds like some good success today :)
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 20, 2016, 20:28:24 pm
we are a couple of weeks on, A is 4 months! Wow and around 18 weeks.
Our successful naps are few and far between and regardless of cot/pram/sling she seems to have such  a strong wake up reflex at 40 minutes.
We have moved quite easily to 4 hour feeds but just cannot get this day sleep established.
The nights seem to be going wonky as well. Dd1 was sleeping through by this point.

Anyway today:-
Dummy resettle 5.50am
WU 6.30am (would like to get to 7am to help rest of day.
E 7am
S 8.20am (was fussy from 8.10) - 9.30am, tried shh pat until 10am
E 11am
S was whiney from 11.15, S fell asleep in pram 11.50am- 12.30pm, (continued walking) S 1.15-2.20pm (had put on tummy at 1pm)
E 3pm
S (4.20-4.50pm. (Crying from 4.10) , so ideally I would really like this nap between 5-6pm but she cannot be awAke 2+ hrs
Bath 5.45pm
E 6pm 120ml then OT crying
Asleep by 6.30pm
Has woken a couple of times unusually before 9pm

So in the night she typically gets to around 2am then has a bottle.
We tried the 10.30pm feed a few times but she only drank 2oz then woke at 2/3am
Unlike my first daughter she seems unsettled from 5am ish and I use the dummy to resettle. Don't think iys hunger at that time as she never drains her first bottle at 7am.

Do you think the ability to transition over the 40 min will happen naturally?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 21, 2016, 13:46:42 pm
So no idea what to do today for the best.
She went down for a nap easily at 12.20pm after a 2 hour A time, possibly a little long but I was trying to push her nap later.
Woke at 1.10pm (50 mins - unusual) I tried resettling. Got a 10 min nap from 1.35-1.45 and then I persevered with trying to resettle until 2.30pm when I gave up.
Her next feed is due at 3pm but then she will probably want to be asleep by about 3.15.

I predict she will wake about 4pm, so then no idea how to get through bath time or do I try and force another nap about 5.30pm, meaning 4 naps today.

Totally at a loss with how to get my days extended to ensure a decent bedtime feed and not overtired.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 22, 2016, 09:19:31 am
Do you think the ability to transition over the 40 min will happen naturally?
It does look  like she's already doing it at times. There are some naps over an hour long so there must be a transition or two in there.

I'm not sure what to suggest.
have you tried a very early first nap?  Mine would have refused it but some LOs do like a very short first A time and then sleep better for that nap which helps them get a longer A time before naps 2.  What do you think?  Do you have a gut feeling or any feeling based on your experience with her?

I will say, this was a very hard period for us. Mine stopped long napping and went to 40 min naps for 2 months (3.5 to 5.5 months old) and I had to fit in 4 or 5 naps per day, it was very tiring.  From my point of view to get anything over that is a big bonus and shows hope for improvement on the nap length. Many LOs do nap better from 6 months too.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on September 22, 2016, 13:31:42 pm
I found that DD learned to naturally transition at 4.5 months (periodically) and DS was more like 6 months.  I do believe that as long as A times are right, that there is very much a natural/developmental component to learning how to transition.  As Creations has said, if there are naps here and there that are an hour there is some transition happening at some point.  I also agree that with both mine after 6 months, or rather after the 3-2, naps were just a whooooole lot better.

4 months is just an honest to goodness all around bad time for sleep.  I found it to be that way with both mine at that age.  Horrid!  I know that doesn't help but just wanted you to know that this is normal and you are doing fab managing it :)
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on September 22, 2016, 20:19:20 pm
thank you. I know there is meant to be a 4 month regression but to be honest as I don't feel we had any real success prior to this I am not sure what is regressing or not if you know what I mean!!

Also getting more and more unsettled nights so I am exhausted which just makes the days feel even harder.

I know I am not the only one, just wish I had an idea what to do late afternoon/evening.
I.e today she slept
11.30-12pm, then 12.55- 1.45

3.30-4.10 in sling
So I gave bottle at 5.20pm as I knew she would be exhausted after bath.
Then she had a top up at 6pm before being asleep at 6.10pm
Has cried out at 7pm , 7.50 - I tried a bottle, would not take a d has just cried at 9pm

She was sleeping 6.30pm-2.30am then 7am
But our night feed has got earlier to 1am and I hAve to resettle with dummy from 5am

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on September 25, 2016, 17:42:51 pm
How are the nights now?  any better?  Do you think it might be a growth spurt?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 01, 2016, 20:51:52 pm
Sorry I haven't responded. We have been on holiday for a week with limited phone reception or WiFi.

Her naps have not improved and no day is predictable due to that.
Our nights were very unsettled with two bottles a night and her not drinking a lot in the morning.
Today is our second night back at home.
I will record our EASY over the next couple of days.
The naps are really starting to get me down. I feel so tired and anxious as I know she needs more sleep. My back is suffering due to all the sling wearing but that is the only way she sleeps for a longer stretch.

I think I am finding it hard as although dd1 wasn't perfect she was reasonably predictable with her easy feeding and sleep routine.
I don't fee like I have Ayda on any pattern at all.

Thanks for the support. I will post tomorrow with an update on her sleep x
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 03, 2016, 20:12:22 pm
So still getting the 40 minute wake ups. You could set a clock by her. Have to work really hard to get her to resettle.
Having just relooked at the easy sample routines in the board, I just feel like we are so off track.

WU 7am ( had had a 6oz feed at 2am)
E 3-4oz
S 8.55am-9.35, several resettle to extend nap to 10.45
E 11am
S : 1pm-1.20, 1.30-1.45, 1.50-2.10, stopped trying to resettle
E 3pm
We were out and she didnt settle in arms so too long A time
S 4.35-5.15 in car seat.
6pm bath
6.30 E 230ml
S 7pm (3 dummy resettles by 10pm
E 1.30am 180ml

Unsettled from 5am
Wu 6.30am

Do I just keep going with the shhh pat when I am trying for cot naps?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 03, 2016, 20:25:03 pm
So still getting the 40 minute wake ups.
Honestly from 3.5 to 5.5 months my DS was the same. It was exhausting. I feel for you.
Bare in mind the people who would have had the time to post their EASY routines for those boards are more likely those who had LOs who were napping better and they had some Y time to post!  Those who had the 40 min napper were more likely to be trying to have a shower and get some clean clothes on yk?

Sorry if we've covered this before but have you noticed any reflux or silent reflux symptoms?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 04, 2016, 21:25:53 pm
She definitely had silent reflux, was on ranitidine from 6 weeks- 18 weeks, she then had a vomiting bug so didn't keep anything down for a couple of days and then I was concentrating on that so forgot to medicate for a few days and then it seemed silly to reintroduce it as she did seem more settled and would sleep on back at night,  for longer stretches.
So she hasn't been on it for a few weeks but that doesn't seem to have had any negative impact. Her naps are still 40 mins

I can live in hope of a turning point by 6 months maybe
Really appreciate you responding x
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 05, 2016, 17:49:33 pm
Do you not feel that it would be worth trying the reflux meds again?
My DS hadn't started on his reflux meds at 4 months it had not been diagnosed yet not until about 5 months...and now I think of it our his long naps returned at 5.5 months which was around the same time as getting reflux meds and starting solids too.
If it was me I'd try the meds.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 06, 2016, 21:37:16 pm
now that you have said about the meds I can't help feeling guilty that she may still be in discomfort. We have had very small feeds fussy on bottle and definite discomfort again but she doesn't cry or complain very often. What were your signs at 5 months ?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 07, 2016, 13:01:49 pm
Have you looked over the reflux symptoms recently?  Sometimes it's helpful just to have another look:
Reflux 101 - General reflux information

MY DS had silent reflux so for the majority he did not spit up or if he did it was quite small amounts, however at his worst he would spit up a larger amount and up to 3hrs after a feed (ie when I lay him down to change nappy just before his next 3hrly E he would then vom).  Poor sleep, screaming at night or for no apparent reason, only ever took half the recommended amount of milk (although gained weight), gas.  The docs called him a "happy spitter" because he was very polite and smiled at all appointments, there was nothing at all "happy" about the reflux pain in the middle of the night or disturbing naps or when he vommed they just didn't see that.  Sometimes I could hear the refluxing even when milk didn't come all the way up.
When the paediatrician saw DS though she diagnosed within just a couple of mins. Very basic questions and not even many of them and she heard the acid.  For me the sound of the acid coming but without any spit up was hard to identify when I didn't know what it was - I am more attuned to it now and even at 5yo we have phases of needing reflux meds again for a short spell - it still shows as discomfort and disturbed sleep in the night, hiccups, sore throat, sinus problems like a cold, it's usually DP who clicks on to it before I do.

hope this help some.
If it was me, if I had any thought at all that it may be reflux I'd ask the doc for another trial on meds, a couple of weeks maybe and review (our paedi reviewed after 1 month, the improvement was amazing), see if things have changed.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 07, 2016, 21:13:31 pm
I could definitely hear the acid reflux when she was younger and see obvious signs of discomfort but I thought they had settled although small feeds, fighting feeds and the unsettled on her back but sleeping on tummy or sling all seem to have increased again.
Spoke to our Dr today and hAve a ranitidine prescription to collect in the morning.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 08, 2016, 00:22:29 am
Hope it helps hun! We ended up going on raniditine at 4 months too :)
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 08, 2016, 07:39:49 am
Spoke to our Dr today and hAve a ranitidine prescription to collect in the morning.
Great. I think you are either going to say "well that made no difference whatsoever" or "Wow, what a difference".  I really don't think that you are going to have her on meds and still wondering if she needs them, yk?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 08, 2016, 20:40:34 pm
Well she was on ranitidine and still did the 40 min wake ups, it is more the reduction in milk intake I am concerned about and the increasing unsettled nights. We'll know in a week or so if the ranitidine changes anything. I had just though her naps and routine would be more established by 4.5 months yk.
I remember I had to work at settling DD1 but by this point her naps were predictable to the point I didn't really want to go out and about early afternoon as she used to do a great 1.5-2hrs nap.
Hey ho, all babies are different and maybe I have to go with the flow  a bit more with dd2, it is just her only meltdowns are due to over tiredness.

Hope you are ok? X
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 17, 2016, 20:51:21 pm
22 weeks now and don't feel we have had any progress in the day sleep and her nights seem to be getting worse.
Don't know whether to retry the dream feed, lose the dummy or just live in hope it will get better

Saturday night/ Sunday

BT asleep by 7pm after about 6oz
Dummy resettle 9.30pm
WU 11pm wouldn't settle so 5oz drunk
4am wouldn't settle from 3am so second bottle, then wouldn't settle so asleep on me (unusual) from 5am

Sunday am
wu 7.15am
E not interested in bottle, offered up to 8.30
S 9.15- 9.55
E 11am 5oz
S 12- 1.20pm but 3 resettle in that time
E 2.30 5oz
S 3.15-3.55
E 6.15 -  6oz, in several attempts up to 7pm
S 7pm
Resettled at 7.40, 10pm, 12am,
E 1.30am
Resettled at 4am

WU 6am
Refused 7am bottle
Tired cues 7.40
S 7.55 -8.30am (tried for 30mins to settle but wouldn't go back off)
E 9.30am
S 10.30-11.10
E 12.30pm
S 1.15-1.55
S 3.20-3.40pm
E 4pm 90ml
Bath and bed time 100ml
Asleep 6pm
6.40 50 ml

So today Monday, was a really won't day, didn't know what to do 're the bottle refusing and short early sleep.
Just had to get through it really.
Very tired at the moment due to all the dummy waking, should we get rid of it? She just settles so easily to sleep with it initially.

Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 18, 2016, 12:48:38 pm
Hi hun!! Sorry things haven't gotten any better! Looking at your routine I'm thinking that she's UT.  She's 5.5 months correct?  Between 5-6 months we were going trough the 3-2 transition and I realllly had to push those A times, by 6 months she was doing a 3hr A.  I would probably try at a minimum a 2.15hr A time but if you can get closer to 2.5hrs that would be ideal.  She will seem OT but you just kind of have to push her through it...I was literally doing dances around my DD to distract her and keep her going lol.  Even if she takes a 30min OT nap they tend to be easier to settle than UT ones. 
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 18, 2016, 20:36:51 pm
She has just been 5 months, I have been aiming for 2 hour A time as she seems to be at her max then, settles really easily but if I go beyond that is hard to settle.

However I can try pushing out in smaller increments this week and see how we go..

Just reeling from a hideous bedtime. So OT, 1 hour total hysteria, asleep for 20 mins and then another 30 min hysterical crying.

Any suggestions on losing dummy or just putting up with it until she can pop back in herself.

Her nights are crackers. Dd1 wasn't this bad I am sure  ;)
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 18, 2016, 23:45:07 pm
Ah, okay...sorry, I get the weeks all messed up LOL, and then I notice you have a ticker ::)  I would try to aim for a 2.15hr A time in that case.  I really found that between 5-6 months the A times skyrocketed and I had to keep on the borderline of OT in order to get through the 3-2.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 20, 2016, 20:29:52 pm
well she woke at 6am today and did not resettle, I pushed her A Times but we had a hideous day
WU : 6am
E: offered at 7, 7.20 none. 7.50-60ml
S 8.20am- 9am, tried for 30 mins to shhhh pat to sleep, failed.
E 9.45 180ml
10.40 60ml
S (was whingy from 11am) 11.30-12 (in pram, would not go back off), finally
S 2-2.40pm
E 3pm 100ml
S 4.45-5.25pm
E 6.15 200ml
S 6.50pm -

I am determined to get a decent nap!!! If it doesn't break me first!! X x
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 21, 2016, 02:37:19 am
I would just try to hold that A for a few days hun (at least the first A time), and remember if the first nap is short reduce the next A time by 15/20mins.  Honestly I found so much of getting over short naps was developmental...DS didn't take a good nap until he was 6/7 month old and it didn't matter what I did.  I could tweak his routine to death and it didn't make one bit of difference...then one day it was like a switch and he finally started napping (properly lol).  Let's just try to stay in top of the A times and it will happen eventually (though I know you would like it to happen today lol).
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 21, 2016, 05:05:49 am
Thank you.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 21, 2016, 09:16:07 am
Just stopping by with a bunch of encouragement really.
I agree with Lindsay about the developmental aspect. I doubt you will still be struggling with these short naps a month from now. I know a month sounds like a looooong time when you are living it every day but hang in there, there IS hope.  I tried so so hard from 3.5 - 5.5 months with mine, tried all sorts to get him back on track and it just didn't happen until that switch flipped.
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 26, 2016, 01:58:19 am
How you hanging in there hun?
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Clairehv on October 26, 2016, 21:20:47 pm
23 weeks now, no improvement in the naps without a lot of resetting or sling use 
Loads of dummy resettles at night as well.
Just have to get through each day really 

Away this weekend which won't help then need to make a decision on whether to ditch the dummy I think.

Feeling pretty tired and low 
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: Lindsay27 on October 27, 2016, 00:08:31 am
Here to hold your hand!!  I know you're tired and I would be too.  Short naps are the pits, you never get a break when you so desperately need one.  I think both mine learned to replug the paci sometime between 5/6 months so it might be worth waiting another week or 2 to see if she can figure it out.  Big hugs!!
Title: Re: 16 week old still short naps: how to move to 4 hr easy
Post by: creations on October 27, 2016, 08:51:43 am
Lots of hugs. Every time I read this thread I remember how hard it was.