ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: *Mona* on December 03, 2012, 07:50:28 am

Title: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: *Mona* on December 03, 2012, 07:50:28 am
Hello there :)

I'm back to the boards with my new Lo, she was born last week Tuesday :)

Everything's good except for the diaper change time. She just hates it - screams from the moment I start undressing her. Impossible to calm her down unless I put her on her tummy BUT I can't put the new diaper/complete dressing her while she's on her tummy. Never experienced it with our older girl so I'm pretty surprised, lol ;)

Any ideas?

Oh, and it makes no difference if it's bright or dark in the room, colder/warmer etc. She was already like that in the hospital too.
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: on December 03, 2012, 10:15:37 am
Hi hun, I'm not sure I have much advice except that some babies just don't like it. I've read some other people's posts on here and they say the same thing although I think with kind soothing words, hopefully she will grow out of it x
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: rach321 on December 03, 2012, 11:10:09 am
My ds1 was exactly the same - just used to get it done as quickly as possible - he did eventually grow out of it ( he was a very touchy baby though!)
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: Skadiver13 on December 03, 2012, 20:31:10 pm
My Lo was the same. I just kept using soothing words and did it as fast as I could. I'd say he grew out of it around  8 weeks or so.
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: *Mona* on December 04, 2012, 11:19:45 am
thanks ;) I surely hope she grows out of this, her screams make my ears hurt... lol
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: Skadiver13 on December 04, 2012, 12:49:45 pm
I can totally relate. My LO came home with themost severe case of diaper rash fro the NICU and continued to have it for weeks. We finaly figured out his allergies etc were causing it and it cleared up. But he screamed bloody murder for weeks after that too. This too shall pass :)
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: werwer1234 on December 04, 2012, 19:47:20 pm
We had the same problem, but mainly after the bath. Everything was fine, when our DS was in the water, but as soon as we took him up he was screaming and fighting all the time while being dressed... It helped, when we started to sing and did things slower. He's still irritated when I dress him up, but fortunately doesn't cry, just seems bored with it ;) He grew out of the screaming when he was 3 mo. On the other hand, we didn't have problems with diaper change. He actually loves to be naked ;)
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: koe2moe on December 04, 2012, 19:53:44 pm
Congratulations!!!  Does she scream every time she lies on her back or only on the changing table?  Is her head tilted back when she is on the table? 
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: *Mona* on December 05, 2012, 20:13:06 pm
koe2moe - only on the changing table. she doesn't mind lying down in her crib or on my knees etc...
so I don't think it's reflux.
Actually there are times when she doesn't scream too much, so hopefully she will grow out of it... :)
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: okinawamama on December 05, 2012, 20:31:46 pm
I do think some kids just hate it! From their first diaper change, to their last, my kids scream . Starting at 8 months I changed all diapers with them standing, for some reason they screamed less ( and once they were a bit older a changing table wasn't an option because they'd just flail/arch/kick so much that I feared they would fall off). Now at 18 months, if it's a particularly messy one and I need DS2 to lay down, I have to find a way to hold him down, distraction no longer works, and he just resists that strongly.
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: koe2moe on December 05, 2012, 20:39:14 pm
I was more thinking if she would need a tiny little extra support of her neck, perhaps a fold up muslin and let her hold something in her hand might help.  Or she is not happy to be exposed, we had to have a hairdryer at DS's bum during the first few months as he was born in December, then no crying lol
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: *Mona* on December 09, 2012, 11:26:10 am
Stephanie- lol, that's one strongly opinionated LO you have there ;)

 I hope mine grows out of it thou- there are moments when she does not scream ;)

and koe2moe- she's better with a piece of fabric right next to her face.
Title: Re: Screams bloody murder when dressed/diaper change
Post by: koe2moe on December 10, 2012, 11:48:28 am
Glad that you solved the riddle :)