Author Topic: early waking 10 1/2 month old  (Read 6359 times)

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Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« on: January 14, 2006, 00:50:27 am »
I know that this is a repetitive topic so I do apologize....

Our almost 11 month old has been sleeping from 7 - 7 for several months (more or less)  He had a terrible cold for a week and started waking at 5 am (and earlier) all stuffed up (poor guy).  Now he is feeling better.  But, three times this week he has woken up at 5 am.  He shrieks with delight for a while in his crib, jumps around and has a party (for a while)  Then the delight turns to crying.  He is clearly not ready to start his day as he rubs his eyes and wants to go back to sleep a short time later.  I hold off nursing him until soon as he nurses he is ready to go back to sleep a short time later.  Calorie intake is not an issue...he is a huge eater (25 lbs)  Should I keep him up from 5 am to his first nap time of 9:30 am so he gets the message not to wake early.  I'm going back to work in a couple of weeks so I don't want this to continue if I can help it.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2006, 05:00:01 am »
Hi Zelka

We are currently experiencing the same thing with my 9 1/2 MO.  Not much fun is it...

I would support the idea trying to keep the first nap at 9.30am if possible.  Getting him into the habit of an earlier nap will only exacerbate the problem.  Fingers crossed if you persist witht the later nap time those early waking will peter out (that's what we are trying so fingers crossed it will work for both of us  :D )

HTH and good luck

Offline mattandcindy

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2006, 23:08:16 pm »
Our little Abigail started doing that at 8.5 months and we just recently got her off of it.
Here are a couple suggestions:
1)What is your lo's daytime schedule? How many naps is he taking? How much daytime sleep is he getting? Maybe he is getting too much daytime sleep or taking his last nap too late?
2)Could it be teething? Have you tried maybe waking him up at about 4am and giving Tylenol/Advil?

With Abigail we tried EVERYTHING and I mean everything. What it finally ended up being for us was to tweak her daytime schedule. She has previously been doing 3 naps and I had to transition her to two naps. And I had to be really consistent about what times those two naps were. If she did wake for the day early, I still enforced keeping her up until her normal first naptime (which was really difficult sometimes) but after being consistent with this for a week or so, it somewhat sorted itself out. She still isn't back to her normal 7pm to 7am but she is consistently sleeping until at least 6:15am (which was better than her 4-5am wakeup).
What I would do when she woke up early is leave her in there until her playing/whining turned into crying. I didn't want her to get the idea that she was getting out of bed right when she woke up. Plus, that gave me about 45 minutes to try and wake up.
There are so many people who have/ or had this problem I wonder if it is developmental somewhat also. With Abigail it really got bad right after daylights savings!
Hope that helps some. Let us know how you are coming along.

Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2006, 02:40:20 am »
how "funny", both our boys up for two hours.  You mentioned that Fraser woke at 5:30 and went back down at 6:30....did you try to get him to stay awake until later?  I'm just confused as to whether I should let Nikolas go back to sleep an hour later if he wakes at 5ish or if I should try to keep him up until after 9.....what do you think?  As for the teething possibility, he cut his fifth tooth last week...I don't think another one is coming :?  Also, I'm thinking part of it is because he's recently figured out how to pull up in his crib and also how to crawl proficiently... :?

 thanks for the advice....what you wrote makes a lot of sense.  Nikolas' normal schedule is as follows:

7 (wake and bf)

8 (breakfast)

9/9:30 (sleep 1 1/2 hrs)

12 (lunch)

1:30/2 (sleep for 1 1/2 hrs or 45 min)
(snack upon waking or sometime after)

5 (supper)

6:30 (bath, bf)

7 (sleep)

He normally gets 2 1/2 - 3 hours of daytime sleep.  The other day (coincidentally the day of the night he woke at five) he actually slept for almost 4 hours during the day broken into two naps.  So if your theory about too much daytime sleep is correct it makes sense for that incident.  However, he's done this on occassions when he's had less daytime sleep.
Of course, he could be getting more teeth....he only has five so I'm sure that's a possibility.  I've never tried Motrin in the middle of the night unless I've known that he's teething but I guess it wouldn't hurt.

I'll keep everyone posted :)

Offline mattandcindy

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2006, 04:11:42 am »
Your schedule looks pretty good. I don't think that is the issue. The only thing I would say is to not him sleep past a particular time. With Abigail this time is 3:45pm. If I let her sleep later, it pushes her whole evening back and it seems the later she goes to sleep, the earlier she wakes up...

Abigail only has 2 teeth so you never know with teething.

How long has this been going on for you?


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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2006, 08:12:33 am »
Hi Zelka

What I do is - any waking before 6 am I try really really hard to get him back to sleep - try to feed back to sleep and if that doesn't work then whatever I can do.  If it's after 6 then we up and start our day - so at our house, that cut off is 6am.  Sometimes I can get him back to sleep and sometimes I can't but I always try because I don't want him to think that waking up earlier than then will mean his day starts then.  If that makes sense!


Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2006, 10:48:15 am »
HI....well it's 5:30 am here and I've heard Nikolas on and off for a bit since 5 am.  He's not crying...yet!  I'm really hoping that this is a developmental thing.  If it doesn't seem to pass after a week, I may try the wake to sleep method...never done it before.  I could get him now and nurse him and I know he would probably go back down but I don't know if that's what I want to be doing when I go back to work next month.  However, if this continues I may have to.

Cindy, everthing was fine on a 7 to 7 schedule for months.  Nikolas got a tooth and a really bad cold after New Year's so things went poopy then.  I still haven't had any issues putting him down for 7...he's always out like a light.  And I have a gut feeling that if I put him down later at night that he'd still wake at 5.  He's already tired after only 10 hours of sleep so I think any less would be terrible.  Oh, there he goes jumping's 5:45 now so I'll see if I can keep him in there till at least 6.  I'll let you know how our looong morning goes before nap time!!


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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2006, 10:58:42 am »
Hi ladies,

I have been reading with interest your little problem wiht early wakings.  This has been a problem of ours for months.  If I get himup before 6am, I try not to feed so he doesn't get use to it.  The last few days, he has woken around5:15/5:30am but we have left him and he plays till 6am. 

I will be very interested to see if any methods work. Zelka, your routine is very much like ours except we do bath at around 5:30/6pm straight after dinner.  Did you find it made a lot of difference bathing just before bed?  I might have to give this a go. 

In regards to keeping him awake till nap #1, I have beendoing naps at 9am and 2pm.  these were working well for awhile, but I have been having increasing difficulties in keeping him awake till 9am when he wakes so early, although he can do 4hr A time during the day.  I have also noticed that if i put him down at 8:30am he will sleep for 1.5hrs, but if I keep him at 9am, he may only do 45mins :roll:

Let me know how you go.  I am watching with very keen interest :lol:

Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala

Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2006, 19:45:29 pm »
A little update from this morning....Nikolas actually fell back asleep on his own before 6.  I didn't go in his room at all....he did whine but not cry...I hope that's not mean.  Anyway, he slept until 8:15.  So in total he slept 12 hours plus the hour he was up in his crib.  Hopefully things will start improving.  However, our schedule today was off because he woke so late.  As a result we had no morning nap so his first and only nap was from 12-1:30.  I would have like to have kep him up till 1 and start then but he was zonked.

Lisa, if your little guy naps better at 8:30 compared to 9, I would keep it.  Nikolas is the same....when overtired he wakes at 45 minutes (that's just my thought though)  If you would like to do 9, then I would increase it in small increments, say 5 minutes.  Maybe 8:35 one day and 5 minutes later the next...just a thought.  As for the bath, we've always done this at 6:35.....we're usually done and dressed by 6:50....then I nurse him and he falls asleep within a couple of minutes of being put in his crib.  I think this works because he's always been used to this.  We've never had problems putting him to sleep (fingers crossed) but he does suck his thumb so that is a huge factor I think.

That's it for now!  Good luck to all in our boat!

Offline mattandcindy

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2006, 19:48:32 pm »
I am so glad he slept later today! That is great. And NO, I don't think it is mean to leave them in there if they are only whining.
I am wondering though (down the line of course) if the late wakings continue if you will either have to adjust the schedule some to still fit in two naps or if you will have to wake him a little earlier in the morning so he doesn't keep skipping the am nap. But not to worry at this point. Just enjoy that he is doing better!

Oh, and btw, our little ones have the same birthday! What time was he born? Abigail was born at 6:16pm!!!

Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2006, 20:04:01 pm »
Hi Cindy....yes, if he would continue sleeping late then I would have to figure naps out....I would think 1 would be the best option but I'm sure I won't have the "problem" of him sleeping 13 hours every night.  Mind you, I'm going back to work :( in February so I would have to wake him in order to bring him to my parents/inlaws on time.  So I'm sure we'll still be into two naps for a while now that I think about it.

Nikolas was born at 1:24 am...he was actually 3 weeks early too but still weighed 7,11 (thank goodness he was early!!) 

Thanks for the reply

Offline zelkad

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2006, 18:36:47 pm »
Just a little update ..... Nikolas woke at 6 this morning but stayed happily in his crib until almost 7..I'm not really sure if he was truly awake at 6 . I did hear him briefly but not again until 20 minutes later.  I'm hoping he's getting back on track.  Jo, how is Fraser doing???


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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2006, 23:35:29 pm »
Hi Zelka

We are still battling those early wakings - this morning 5.30am.  I fed and tried hard to get him back to sleep but couldn't - so he started his day at about 6.15 (when I gave up and let DH get him up and I went back to bed until 7  :lol: )

I'm hoping this is a developmental thing and that it will just sort itself out a little - otherwise I will be trying Wake to Sleep and see how that goes.

Thanks for checking in on me!  Hope Nikolas keeps getting back on track for you.


Offline Pominoz

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2006, 01:14:36 am »
Hi there

I hope you don't mind me barging on your thread, but I'm the slightly desperate mother of a very early waker!  (I'm new to this forum but have been posting on a couple of IVF forums for ages).

My dd is almost 9 months.  For the past three months, since she's started sleeping through, she's woken between 4.30 and 5am.  I've tried pretty much everything - feeding her and trying to resettle, trying to resettle with the dummy, ignoring her, etc. etc.  As you know, there is no resettling these early wakers.  Trouble is that Tamsin doesn't just lie there playing and chattering, she is yelling to get up.  At the moment I'm letting her get up at 5.30am (I just can't face getting up before that), but this morning I had to listen to her crying (on an off) from 4.45.  I just can't do it any more.  As a last ditch attempt I think I might try the wake-to-sleep.  Do you think it works?  What time do you think I should wake her (or rather "stir" her), if she wakes for the day at 4.45am?  How about 4am?

If that fails, I think I am just going to have to get up and start the day at 4.45am. 

I was hoping that things might change when her "up" time between naps increases.  At the moment she can only manage 3 hours, so we are still on 3 naps a day.  But some of your babies are older than Tamsin, and their increased up time doesn't seem to have helped.  How much of this problem do you attribute to daytime nap structure?

I've also tried adjusting the bedtime to no avail - she usually goes down at 6.30am.  I tried putting her to bed at 7, but she still woke at the same time and was just so overtired.

Aaargh!  When will it end?

Thanks for listening


Offline Pominoz

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early waking 10 1/2 month old
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2006, 01:33:08 am »
Me again.  Just re-reading all your posts - do you all think I should force Tamsin onto 2 naps?  I did try it but she got so tired, as it means her staying up at least 3.5 hours between naps.  At the moment she goes down for her first nap at 7.45.  I'm just worried that if I put her down at say 8.30 and do 2 naps, there will be a long stretch at the end of the day.

Any advice would be much appreciated!