ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: FionaS on May 29, 2007, 22:02:15 pm

Title: Television
Post by: FionaS on May 29, 2007, 22:02:15 pm
I never thought I would have the TV on when my lo was up.  She is 9mths old and spends much of her time grizzling.  She has been unsettled since 3 weeks of age and is still irritable and tense a lot of the time.  I find it hard to keep her happy but I've just discovered that having the TV on the background stops the grizzling and she plays happily.  Is it dangerous to her health / development to do this?  Incidentally, she doesn't yet roll or crawl so can't occupy herself that way.  We have been doing all the suggested activities to encourage these milestone but haven't seen any change yet.
Title: Re: Television
Post by: mari on May 29, 2007, 22:05:18 pm
I think that a little TV is harmless.

Does she spend lots of time on the floor?  Put lots of toys around her to encourage rolling and crawling.  She'll get there, before you know it she will be everywhere and you will wonder what hit you!
Title: Re: Television
Post by: Erin M on May 31, 2007, 14:50:04 pm
Would putting music on do the same thing?  We find that background music is great here, very soothing.  Is she staring at the TV at all or does she just like the noise from it? 
Title: Re: Television
Post by: Asher's Mommy on June 23, 2007, 01:24:24 am
We are tv and music people. My DH travels and the TV keeps me company while he is gone, even if I am not watching it. I put on Asher's shows in the am while he is playing. He might stop and watch a few moments but I feel it is educational. Then, I try to keep it off and do more activities and/or play music. SOMETIMES (maybe once a week) in the afternoon I will put on one of his videos especially if he is having a cranky day. My baby is older but I just wanted you to know what we honestly do at our house.

As far as it being dangerous, I think the only thing you would need to worry about it if your LO is watching a lot of tv she may become over stimulated. Also, some images, even rated G can be disturbing to their learning minds. Asher cries every time he sees the preview to the Incredibles that comes on the Finding Nemo DVD. There is something about the fat man in the tight red super suit that scares him?! Plus, I skip through the scary fish in the least for now. I guess the same would apply for the sounds too if she was just listening. Is she listening to Elmo or a bunch or arguing off of the Jerry Springer Show?  ;D

Title: Re: Television
Post by: TERESA-E&C's Mommy on June 23, 2007, 01:40:01 am
Funny you say we are TV/Music people.  I think we are the same here.  My husband loves TV and movies.  My DD usually watches 15-20 minutes in the morning and afternoon.  Then her and DH have quiet TV time before bed. He usually lays with her and plays with her hair.  She is only interested in Baby Einstein though.
Title: Re: Television
Post by: zed on June 23, 2007, 02:55:59 am
I too use the TV.  I find that I can't wait until Y time for a shower so I use baby Einstein videos.  Most days I leave it on repeat play and let it go all morning for the background noise.  After it has gone through 2 my kids (3 and 1) are no longer interested.  I also do this b/c I found that my 3 year old doesn't ask to watch cartoons if it is on (he could watch the cartoon Chanel all day).  So in a way, by having it on I am controlling the amount of time spent in front of TV w/o having to say no.  Not that I am not in favor of saying no.  Sometimes I get so sick of the same video that I turn it off anyway, and the kids don't even notice b/c they are bored with it.
Title: Re: Television
Post by: MamaC on June 25, 2007, 15:01:25 pm
Baby Einstein saved us at times as well.  Even now if he's really crabby after his afternoon nap, I'll pop one in and he is able to mellow out enough to interact again.
Title: Re: Television
Post by: skatty on June 26, 2007, 19:53:44 pm
I admit I often have the tv on especially if my nearly 9 month DD is cranky, she doesn't actually pay much attention but seems to love those awful insurance ads you get on UK tv, especially Sheila's Wheels which has some annoying women in pink singing an annoying song, she just loves it lol!! We are also BE fans but I don't mind if she watches Fifi and the Flowertots or Timothy Goes To School now and then either, we do loads of other stuff but she is easily bored and I need a break sometimes!! My HV said Tv is ok as long as she is not learning how to talk etc from it as that should be learnt with human interacation.