SLEEP => General Sleep Issues => Topic started by: kikibugt on October 14, 2005, 20:54:28 pm

Title: New to this with 7 month old
Post by: kikibugt on October 14, 2005, 20:54:28 pm
My dd is 7 months and has been sleeping in our bed for most of her life.
It hasn't been bad bothersome until about 2 months ago. I read Tracey book and am trying to incorporate it, but it seem to be written for newborns and not so much for my severe accidental parenting.
Here is her "schedule"- I use that term very loosly b/c she really isn't on a schedule.

wake around 8:00-8:30
plays till 9:30 or 10:00
sleeps for 45min or hour
Breastfeeds (attempts to eat solids~ she is not a fan of food yet)
plays until 12:00 or 12:30
sleeps till 2:30-3:00
attempt food again, usually gags on it
naps sometimes at 6:30 or 8:30 and only for an hour
breastfeed every two hours from this point
awake until 11:00pm sleeps for 3 hours then wakes up every hour & 1/2 (and I bf her everytime for a few minutes for comfort-Lazy Kiki) until 8:00 and we start all over again.

I am flirting with insanity now and I would love some advice.
I read the interview with Tracy last night. I didn't do the pu/pd because she is 7 months, so I just comforted her as she cried while I "hmmm hmmm hmmm" and rubbed her eyebrows. She was pretty ticked off, but she fell asleep after 37 mins and slept until 7:00am, I fed her and we played for an hour and then she went back to sleep at 8:00 all by herself for an hour with no crying. Then naptime came around she went back to sleep at noon in the car,  I put her in bed and she woke up after 50 mins. I tried to make her cry it out again, but it was 40 mins and I didn't know what to do, so I picked her up and she fell asleep in less than 5 mins.

Any advice will be well taken, you can tell me all the things I am doing wrong if you tell me what to do instead.
My questions would be:
Do I just let her cry while I am there comforting her to put her to sleep?
How long do I let her cry?
What to do if she wakes up in the night?
Do I do the same crying/comfort for nap time?
When she fell asleep in the car should I wake her up and then put her to sleep again? (she usually naps 2 1/2 hours during the day).  If she does sleep for 50 mins or so and wakes up crying do I pick her up or try to make her sleep again.

Sorry for the long post, I just had the WORST sleep time with my son (who just barely started sleeping through the night at 4 1/2 and I really don't want that to happen with her and it sure it heading that way.  Thanks for any advice,
Title: New to this with 7 month old
Post by: Lily's Parents on October 15, 2005, 03:33:40 am
Hi there...We also have a seven month old who has been sleeping in our bed (sleeping solid from about 9:30 pm to 7:30 am). We're trying to move her to her crib and tried using this method. My questions are so similar to yours, so I thought I'd add my concerns too. Coincidentally, our baby was born on March 9, 2005!

Tonight I put her in her crib after the usual routine. She woke after 45 minutes, but went back to sleep very quickly. Not long after however, she woke up howling and could not be soothed by patting and shushing. I picked her up and patted her, then once she was calm, I laid her back down. She cried before she reached the mattress, so I put her down, then picked her up again. This happened 25 times in a row, and each time she cried more and more, as if she realized I would hold her longer if she was crying. She became frantic and nearly hysterical. Any suggestions? She's now wide awake at 11:30, watching me type this message. She's quite happy, but I'm exhausted. :)

Mommy to Lily 3/09/2005