ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 20, 2005, 23:26:48 pm

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 20, 2005, 23:26:48 pm
Hi all,

Thought I'd follow the "June" babies lead and start a new thread to see if you all are still out there!  :D

I think the same problem happened with the previous thread getting too long.

Lynne....Priya....Dixiedutch....Cazao...??? Anyone? 


Sharon :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on April 21, 2005, 00:29:19 am
hey there. yes we`re here. good idea on the new thread. can`t stop for long...we have a baby tummy bug to deal with (baaaad nappies  :roll: ) but we`re definitely here. dealing with major 45 minute nap stage at the moment, so still on 3 hour feedings and wondering whether the naps will change if we introduce solids, but on the other hand i`d like to wait for the 6 months, so not really sure what i`ll do on that one. ok, just heard more farting noises...back to gross nappy duty....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: happy mommy on April 21, 2005, 01:11:11 am
Hi!  My second little man, Jaxon, was born Nov 30.  Today was our first day of 8 oz and four hours.  It's going supurbly well and has it looks like it will finally get us on a routine (as it works better for my 2 year old then a 3 hour easy does.  Other then that, he doesn't like to be on his tummy once he rolls over on it, and he's developing a real light rash on his neck, tummy and a little on his back and arms, that i am wondering whether or not I should worry about.  (Sorry, run on sentence.)  Anybody have any rash experiance?  I just don't remember any of this with my first little guy!
Holly (formerly dax's mom)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 21, 2005, 02:10:17 am
Hi ladies,

My lo was born Dec 26 and I have been following the other thread and would love to join you guys on this thread.
She's 4 mos and 1wk and I think she's an angel baby but we've had our very touchy days!!
She's on 4hr routine and takes 2 naps of about 2 hrs (sometimes takes 45 min for the second one) and a catnap around 5pm and is in bed by 7-7:30pm and sleeps til 6:30 or 7am.  She does wake once in the wee mornings but I just give her the paci and she goes back to sleep.
 She's a tummy sleeper and has been since 6wks when she cried for hours at a time and then one day I put her on tummy and she was good to go.
She just rolled from her side to her back yesterday and I was just tickled pink.  The same night, she started this squealing business.  I don't know what that's all about.  She did it at bed time for about 20 mins (not crying, just squealing like she's trying to say something).
She's still ebf and is pretty chunky.  I think she's around 15-16 lbs.
I love to read about your lo's because I know she will be doing whatever your lo is doing now. 
Thanks for letting me join in.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on April 21, 2005, 02:28:21 am
Me too, me too!  My dd was a December baby as well.  December 11.

She is on a 3 hour easy during the day and at night, well she sleeps 11 hours straight so.......

She is more touchy then anything I think :roll:   Maybe she is just what 'I' would picture as touchy though.

She has started solids.  About 2tbsp of cereal (currently rice, but tomorrow we are moving to Oatmeal) around lunch time.  IMO she is sleeping better now that she is eating solids.  I am also supplimenting formula (okay who am I kidding, she gets 8oz of ebm, the rest is formula).

My dd has to be in the right mood to enjoy tummy time.  Somedays she loves it and rolls all over the living room, then next she might freak if I lie her on her tummy.

I have been putting her in her exersaucer for a bit during the day.  Again, in the right mood she loves it and will smile at everybody.   She seems very alert and takes everything in.

Last week when I had her weighed she was 13lb 4oz (7lb 14.5oz at birth) and 24" tall.

I love hearing what all the other babies are doing.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on April 21, 2005, 12:27:02 pm
Hello ladies! 

My little man Zachary is a little over 5 months now (he's the only boy on this thread, so far, huh?).   

He's rolling all over the place now, finally.  I always find him in a different postition than I layed him in.  He weighed 13 pounds at 4.5 months and I think just went through a growth spurt because he felt like a ton of bricks when I picked him up out of his crib this morning.  We started cereal a few weeks ago and just this past Monday we started him on sweet potatoes which he loved!  Can't get enough of them.  I think we'll do green beans next (if I can get to the produce stand soon :roll: ).  He's exclusively breastfed with the exception of the two solid meals and is on a 4-4.5 hour EASY.  It's working wonders for us.

He loves his exersaucer!  He gets this goofy little grin while sitting it.  He especially loves it when Stephen plays with the little toys on it while he's sitting in it.

He's just recently (like in the last few nights) started extending his night sleeps to about 9-9.5 hours.  So, he normally goes 7-9 hours at night, which I can handle.

I think he's equal parts textbook and angel....with a touch of grumpy or touchy (I can't tell the difference) once in a while. 

So, are your little ones doing this: Zachary has started to cry if we are in a group of people and someone besides me or his daddy is holding him.  Stephen went through this at about 4-6 months, but I didn't think Zachary would since he's such a happy, content little guy.  Wondering if it's just a developmental thing?  But if we're one on one with someone and they hold him, it doesn't bother him. 

If no one has any objections, I'm going to lock the other thread so we don't have two going at the same time.  I'll put a note on that one, too, but let me know if you don't think I should lock it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Erin (redstarfalling) on April 21, 2005, 12:43:23 pm
Great idea, Alli!  As for Megan, she's almost 6.5 months now.  Still not doing much rolling, but this is starting to get a bit better, probably because I've been bringing her into bed with me (long story :? ) which motivates her to roll towards me. :roll: She's sitting up great, though and we're slowing working through beginner solids (she's not big on veggies....).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 21, 2005, 13:33:25 pm

My lo does what Zachary is doing.  It's the weirdest thing.  When someone she hasn't been around or heard, she does the down lip thing and within 5 seconds, she's crying like we just handed her to someone she doesn't like!!  She did this at 3 mos with my sister (her feelings were so hurt, as you can imagine) and she did it this weekend with my girlfriend.  It's like she sees me and yet I'm not holding her and that makes her confused or sad.  I do hope she does grow out of it soon.  She cried the other day when daddy was holding her and as soon as I held her, she was fine!!  Maybe it's a developmental thing or getting ready for the separation anxiety stage.
It's so strange because she is so happy and smiley 99% of the time.  At least with me.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on April 21, 2005, 14:21:53 pm
Hi gals!!!  CAn I join too??  :D

Zoë sounds like a lot of your little ones, especially with the crying with "strangers".....
She is on a 4 hr schedule, bottles at aroudn 6:30, 10:30, 2:30 and 6:30 then it's off to bed.  She usually wakes at around 6:15, a great little sleeper.  Usually the nap schedule is 45 minute in the AM, 3 HR in the afternoon and another 45 min catnap in the evening.

Had her appt on Tuesday and she weighs in at 15lbs 12oz and 26"  :shock:   We don't call her our chunky monkey for nothing  :lol:   We tried solids today for the first time...she mostly spit it back out so we'll try again in a couple of weeks.

She likes her excersaucer and playing on the floor.  Most days she'll only play on her tummy for 5 minutes at a time....but once and a while we'll get a 15-20 minute session.  She can roll from her tummy to back but still trying her darndest to get from back to tummy!!!  But her overall favorite is watching her brother JOhn  :D

As far as type, I would say mostly textbook with a bit of touchiness I think.  I'll have to go and take the "test" now that's she's older.

Love to hear about all the babies  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: happy mommy on April 21, 2005, 17:24:49 pm
:lol: Alli, Jaxon is a boy.  He and Zachary can be buddies! :lol:
I was just trying to think if he cries with strangers and I realized that not a lot of people hold him!! :shock:  I think I'm hogging all the holding and hugging in case I don't have any more babies! :oops: 
redstarfalling...I noticed with my first ds that it took him forever (it seemes) to roll over and that he needed lots of encouregment and practice.  With my second ds he was trying at 2 months and had mastered it around 3 months.  I think it has something to do with having a big brother he wants to play with.  Alli and John and  Zoe's mom...did you find the same thing to be true?
Opps!  Gotta run!  I'm late for an appointment!  How SHE is that?!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on April 21, 2005, 18:20:11 pm
Quote from: happy mommy
  I think it has something to do with having a big brother he wants to play with.  Alli and John and  Zoe's mom...did you find the same thing to be true?

I think so, it makes good sense. :D   We worked and worked with John and he only rolled about 2-3 times.....he sat pretty early though so i figured he had no ambition to get any where.   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Bryony's mum on April 21, 2005, 21:02:34 pm
Ben was six months yesterday (where has it gone?  :(  :) ). 

He is still breastfed and has been on solids for about 6 weeks.  He will eat anything - he hasn't turned down any food yet.  If we're having a snack and he hsn't got anything to eat, he gets rather upset.  :lol:   We've done about 8 different fruits and 8 veg, and I think i will start on chicken very soon.  He weighed 17lb today and seems long.

He will sit for up to 5 minutes at a time without falling, unless he sees something really interesting and lurches towards it.  He's been learning to sit for a while, but just this week he's got really stable, which means I don't have to stay right next to him all the time. 

Rolling is another matter. :roll:  He rolled from front to back about 2 months ago, and from back to front about a month ago, but hasn't done either since!    i think he just wanted to prove he could do it so i could write it in his baby book, but now can't be bothered!  :lol:   

'Napping' is a bit of a dirty word in our household.  Switching off for naps doesn't come easily to Ben, so i've well and truly given in to accidental parenting on this one. :oops:  I simply couldn't spend hours each day getting Ben to sleep for 30 minutes max, with bryony shut in her room or roaming around on her own downstairs - it was incredibly stressful.  So now, I'm ashamed to admit, i spend a couple of minutes rocking Ben to sleep in the pushchair in the garden, and then he sleeps long enough for us to have some kind of routine and for me to spend some very much needed time with Bryony.  I will fix it later!

I think Ben is definitely spirited.  He is never still, and gets overexcited simply by getting up in the morning!  Bryony was looking at a DVD cover the other day and he saw it and was so excited that he sat on my lap bouncing up and down for at least ten minutes.  :roll:  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 22, 2005, 01:36:55 am
Okay ladies,
 I need some help tonight.  I don't know what is going on but I figure I would post this question here and see if this is normal for her age (4 mos).  She took a 2hr nap, then a 45min nap, then another 45 min nap and 40 min with daddy in the Snugli at 5:30 til 6:10.  So I put her in her crib at 7:30 after her usual wind down routine, minus a bath tonight.  I usually rock her for about 5 mins, but tonight she was arching her back and fussing so I put her right into the crib and then the craziness began.  She is a tummy sleeper and takes a paci, but here lately is finding her fingers (thumb or the two fingers) and she kept on spitting out the paci and sticking her finger in then gets mad and whines.  She draws her legs up (is this what they do when they are trying to go to sleep?) and just keeps on squealing and whining.  I left her to do the whining on her side for about 5 mins and I heard this squealing and she was flipped on her back just smiling!!  So I put her on her tummy and she kept on drawing her legs up and more whining.   What is she doing??  I am completely flaberghasted!!!  She usually goes down very easily.  I'm scared those days are over.  She did a little bit of squealing last night but was off to sleep in 20 mins.  Tonight it's 8:30 and my husband just came down after patting her down.  Hopefully she will fall asleep.
So my question is :  Did your lo do this at this age?  What did you do?  Pu/pd or patting and telling her it's ok she's going to sleep?  She's not crying fully, just whining.  What do you do when she just lies there but is not going to sleep but just talks to herself?  Do you pat her or just walk out and hope she will fall asleep eventually??

Please help
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 22, 2005, 02:47:39 am
Yeah! So glad to see you all here!   :D

Ella is doing well... just started sweet potatoes in the am and she has her pears in the evening.  Decided to drop the rice cereal as she has it in her formula already.  (she's back to drinking 32 0z)She's due for next doctor's appt. on the 29th so we'll see what she weighs then but at last check (3 1/2 weeks ago) she was almost 17 lbs.  :shock:

And yes Ella has started doing the lip thing with strangers and just STARES at me... she may or may not cry depending on the time of day. ie. how tired she is. But I'm finding once she gets used to the new people she's fine. (new being assorted grandparents but she "forgets")

Jaydns mum.... didn't you say your lo just started rolling over? That could be the reason for the wonky sleep. Ella went through the same thing when she started rolling over and I actually posted yesterday on the nap board because she's going through another developmental leap and Matthew's mommy said it's normal for them to get thrown off when this happens.  Ella also "yells" and whines and kicks her legs around lately especially when she's supposed to go to sleep. It seems like she's figured out there's too much "life" going on and she doesn't want to miss any of it!  :lol: Oh and she also rolled both ways a while back but has yet to repeat front to back and now constantly rolls from back to front then starts yelling because she can't remember how to get back to her back!

We just keep going in and shushing and patting then leaving once she's quiet. Unless she cries (or yells a lot) we don't go in. She usually tires herself out after about 15 minutes and the last time we go in she takes her paci, holds my hand on her face and falls asleep.

Hope that's some help...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 22, 2005, 02:50:44 am
btw Cazao, Ella's naps didn't change once we started solids. In fact they may have become even worse! I'm lucky to get a good hour and a half in the am then the rest of the day it's 2 30-45 minute naps.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 22, 2005, 02:57:44 am I can't shut up!  :oops:

Alli I think the other thread should be closed.... and you said your lo really loved the exersaucer... I'm wondering if we should get one... would you all recommend it? Ella likes to play in her gymini but it makes her vomit a lot (the reflux thing) and we had a real scary episode again today with her choking and vomitting out her nose :cry: so I do like the idea of her being upright more...


Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on April 22, 2005, 04:06:34 am
can`t stop long (again!!) but just wanted to say to Kathy...i put lo down and then leave the room..she often talks/fusses to herself for a while..she`ll settle herself eventually (about 10-15 minutes maximum usually)...way quicker than if i go back in...unless she`s screaming i do everything i can to not go back in. and Sharon..thanks for the news about the naps  :roll:  guess solids aren`t my answer then..guess if it was that easy we`d not need this site! and go for the exersaucer..we love ours...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on April 22, 2005, 17:12:27 pm
My oh many new friends for Juliana and I...welcome Holly, Kathy, Dawn, Noelle, Alisa  :lol: we are so glad to meet you!

Well, I can't beleive that Juliana had REFLUX! We had a string of terrible nights with her. She'd cry every time I put her down. We were up til 1 AM the first and second nights, then she slept til 5AM and then on the third night til 3 AM. Each night, she gave out, exhausted, in my arms. We started Zantac yesterday and she's been a completely different baby.

She has always spit-up a great deal and quite often, but the doctor ruled out reflux for her colicky behaviour early on. When she was really tiny, we bought her an Amby Baby Hammock (Baby nest in the UK) to keep her in an upright position when she slept. I think this helped a great deal.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Please give your little ones a cuddle for me!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 24, 2005, 02:27:59 am
Hi all,

I just wanted to give you guys an update.  Jadyn slept today 2 1/2 hr for her first nap (no waking after 45min at all!) then slept 3 hrs for her second (I was working today & hubby had to take care of her.  Basically he just watched her sleep. :wink: )  Then she took a 45 min catnap.  She went to bed without even a tiny whine, except for once when her paci came out.  So I think I figured out what happened the other day and other 45 mins naps she's been getting so good at.  I had put her on the 4hr routine about 2wks ago because she started the 45min nap for her 2nd nap which used to be 2 1/2 hr.  I didn't do the gradual increase of 15 mins to keep her up like in the book.  It just seemed like one day she just stayed up longer than her usual 55 min awake time, so I just went with it.  But like I said, she was doing the 45 min wake thing almost daily and couldn't figure out why til today.  Since she screamed & screamed yesterday for 2 of her naps, I racked my brain and finally came to the conclusion that she can stay awake for 1 1/2 hr to 1.45 hr at most.  I had been stretching it to 2hr to 2hr 15mins at times.  She hasn't been giving me her cue, yawning, fussing before her nap times, so I thought she was good to go in staying up logner. 

So today for her first nap I put her down at 1.20 mins and did 5mins of wind down routine and she went down half asleep.  She did not even stir for the 45min mark and slept til my sister came over and I woke her up at 2hr 20min.  Then for the 2nd nap I did the wind down routine at 1hr 35min (still no yawning though) for about 5 mins and again she was down in no time.  I left and went to work.  My husband called me 2 hr 30mins later & said she's not awake yet & is worried!!  I told him to let her sleep til her feed (30 mins later she woke up to feed).  I came home early from work and bf her since she only took 2oz from the bottle.  She then went down 1 1/2 hr later for her catnap.  She was a little fussy, but I think it's because daddy played too hard with her getting her all rowdy. :lol:   She took about 10 mins to settle & slept for 45mins.  And then finally I put her for bed 1 1/2 hr after her catnap for her bedtime.  She spit out her paci on her own & is snoozing like a baby!! 

So hopefully I did not jinx myself and she will continue to do her great naps.  I will keep you guys posted.  I just can't believe what 30 min extra wake time tired her out to the point of screaming.  I guess she will go toward the 2hr wake soon enough but for now I'm happy with her 1 1/2 wake time to have her great naps. 

How long does your lo stay awake between naps?  I wonder if she will ever get to the 2hr or longer without getting too tired.  It does make it really hard not being able to take her anywhere!!!  BTW, I think that's the reason why she does the crying with strangers.  I rarely take her out to see other people besides just me & daddy & her sister.  She did the frown lip and cried again with my sister!!  Of course, as soon as my sister left, Jadyn was back to her sweet & laughing self!! :roll:   I really hope she will grow out of that soon.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on April 24, 2005, 15:07:33 pm
wow...well done jadyn...that`s fantastic napping. let us know if it continues. we`re struggling with wake times at the moment. i posted a question about it but no-one`s answered yet  :cry: so i`m not really sure what `normal` is at this point. but after a few days of her 45 minute naps shortening to 30 minutes, after about 1 hour 45 of awake time, i`ve gone the other way to you, and extended wake time to about 2hours 10 minutes. that was a couple of days ago and since then she`s been sleeping about 1.5/2hours in the morning, but still only 45 minutes in the afternoon, and then another 45 for her catnap. so i think we`re making progress, and finally getting near to a 4 hour EASY, at least in the mornings, but we`re still trying to figure it out. would love to hear what others awake times are....

oh, and georgia had her first real rolling experience last night..she`s rolled a couple of times before (back to front) but last night she went fast as i could flip her back she was on her tummy again. she did it maybe 10 times in about 45 minutes and she was frantically upset, because she still hates her tummy. have you guys been through that, and did you keep flipping lo back again?

and Caroline, that`s great news that Juliana`s being helped by the Zantac...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 24, 2005, 17:08:58 pm
Hi all,

Cazao I saw your post but didn't respond as Ella is ff and on solids but I will now... we have been having the same problem so maybe it's age related? Ella awakes by 6:30 but will usually play in her cot until close to 7, she has a bottle at 7 then sweet potatoes at 8:30.  Previously she went down at 8:45 and would only nap 30-45 min.  The last four or so days we've been keeping her awake until 9 or even 9:15 and when we have... presto. She sleeps an hour and a half to two!  Still have two 45 minute naps later as well.  She goes down for the night by 7 or 7:15 with a df at 11 and so far all is still well with that.  She seemed real tired this morning so we put her down at 8:45 and as I write my dh is with her right now as she is WIDE awake and laughing after 40 min.

And yes well done Jaydn!  That's fantastic!  :D

Oh and one more thing Cazao, Ella also flips like crazy these days from back to front and then gets right ed when she's on her tummy! She's doing all kinds of crazy gymnnastics lately.

And we went ahead and bought an exersaucer, she seems to really enjoy it but has now started "yelling" at it after about 10 minutes. IT seems like she's mad that she a) can't "walk" in it as she does these little dances and thrusts her body forward and b) she can't get the toys into her mouth! 

Look forward to hearing from you all soon!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on April 24, 2005, 17:51:46 pm
thanks`s so nice to know there`s someone out there in the same boat as us... :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on April 25, 2005, 02:40:10 am
Hi All...

I can't say too much about naps, becuase Juliana loves to catnap, too. On Saturday, she took 2 one and a half hour naps, but this was because she had THREE hours of awake time before each nap....

A good day for us looks like this:

Juliana at 4 -6 months…Introducing Solids…

7 : Wake up & feed…

9 First Nap

9:45 Diaper Change

10:00 Feed + Solids

10:30 Outing ( Walk or Shopping)

12:00 2nd Nap

12:45 Diaper Change

1:00 Feed

3:00 3rd Nap

3:45 Diaper Change

4:00 Feed + Solids at 5:30 PM

4:30 Visit, Play with Mackenzie, Mommy eats dinner

6:00 Bath & Bedtime Routine

7:00 Sleep

Mommy cleans kitchen, answers e-mail, folds laundry…

9:30 Mommy gets ready for bed

10:00 Pump, Papi dreamfeeds at 11:00

sleeps til between 5 and 7....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: sproutsmum on April 26, 2005, 16:26:33 pm
Giorgio is 4 months old, born on December 17th.  He's ENORMOUS -- weighing 18lbs 4oz last week, and already 66cms tall. 

He is a terrible terrible napper, seems to manage on 1 nap and 1 cat nap a day, unless I lie down and sleep with him, when he'll extend to 2 hours.  He doesn't get anywhere near sleeping through the night, but we've started adding rice to his cereal twice a day, and this has cut down his night waking from every 60-90 minutes, to only 2-3 times per night. A BIG improvement!

He's an absolutely lovely spirited fellow, extremely smiley, very determined, very brave.  His favourite thing is to stand up - I can barely make him sit in my lap anymore.  He stands up for 10 or more minutes at a time!  He has a little walker on wheels, and loves pushing himself around in circles.  He hasn't rolled over yet, but can turn onto his side very effectively. 

He loves to suck his fists, is dribbling so bad his chin is all spotty... DH and I are very much looking forward to his first tooth!

I don't have any friends with babies this age, so it's great to have you all to compare with!

*big hug*

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 26, 2005, 17:06:41 pm
Hi Tuesday,

WOW!  :o Giorgio sounds awesome! (And I thought Ella was a big girl!)
He sounds like he's been ready to take on the world the minute he arrived. That's wonderful! Glad to hear you're actually getting a bit more sleep through the night.

We've still been playing with extending Ella's awake times and it seems to be resulting in longer naps but we'll see.... It's definitely working for the morning nap. If she's awake 2 1/2 hours she'll sleep for at least an hour and 15 so...   that's big for us!  I'll keep you posted.

oh and dixiedutch, glad to hear you've figured out the reflux  with Juliana. As I've said before Ella is a baaad refluxer (failure to thrive, hospital stays, etc.) who is doing really well on Zantac and Domperidone so I know where you're at! I'd love to hear how Juliana is doing.

Looking forward to more updates from everyone!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on April 26, 2005, 19:11:58 pm
Well, Lindsey is not having a good day today.  Actually it started yesterday.  She pitches a fit everytime I walk into her room for nap time. Oh, and as soon as I leave the room she is usually ok. And I actually thought the whole nap thing was getting better.  She is obviously tired but even with me rocking her she is still crying/screaming her head off.  She is not hungry.  She has just eaten not long before I try to put her down.  I have been giving her Mylicon for gas in case that is it.  She had a good soft pooh so  she is not constipated.  She has not been eating much solids for me today so not sure what is going on with the little stinker.  She has had two 45 min naps so far today and each time when I went to her she had a poopy diaper which was not there before I put her down because I always change her before her naps.  I even gave her Tylenol on case she is teething.  Now she is in her swing fussing her head off.  Crap-this is so frustrating.  I hope this is just a couple bad days and not the beginning of a few bad weeks.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Bryony's mum on April 26, 2005, 19:13:23 pm
We've had an exciting few days round here - the last two nights ben has slep through from 7pm until 5am, which is a big improvement on the 4 wakings we had the night before that.  The only downside is that naps were worse than usual.  I hope I don't have to sacrifice our reasonable days in order to get better nights.  :?

Ben also cut his first tooth on Sunday.  I thought he'd got a tooth a couple of months ago, but I was imagining things.  :roll:

And then yesterday he was sitting and bouncing on his bottom (as he does much of the time) and he actually moved forward about 12 inches.  :D   (I had put a cushion right behind him so i could see where he had been sitting!)  I don't think he realises the potential of moving around, but i'm sure he work it out soon! 

What new and exciting things are your little ones doing? :D
Post by: sproutsmum on April 26, 2005, 23:30:34 pm
How funny!  Just today I wrote in my post that my son can't roll, and what do you know, tonight, while we were getting ready for bed, HE ROLLED!!!  Front to back, perfectly, like he's been doing it his whole life!  I'm such a proud mama!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on April 27, 2005, 00:55:30 am
Awwww, good job, Giorgio!!!  Congrats Mom! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 27, 2005, 02:48:30 am
Congrats to Bryony's mom on Ben's tooth & moving - all at one time!!   :D I can't wait for Jadyn to get her tooth.  She's drooling so bad.  It's gotta happen soon for her too. 

Lynne, my lo pooped 3 times yesterday & twice today.  The bad part of that was 2 times on both days were right in the middle of her nap :x  She had just done great for the morning nap when that happened and she was just laying there smelling & smiling after 45 mins.  I don't think it bothers her.  I can smell it when I go in.  Whoever said you can't smell ebf babies? :wink:   Of course she was tired within 30 mins and I tried in vain to get her back to sleep for at least 45 more mins.  I think she really tried but she might have had 10 mins and the rest was grunting.  I wished she would go back to pooping while bfing.  She did this 90% of the time, but now it's in the middle of the naps or early in the mornings.  Oh well I guess I can't control when she goes.

I'm doing the gradual weaning of her paci right now and it's a hit or miss daily.  I wait about 5 mins after she falls asleep to go & remove it.  I swear I think she knows I'm about to take it away cause she starts sucking on it like her life is depending on it, lol.  So now I have to stand there about 5 mins taking it out & putting it back in :roll:  I did have success one time taking it out before getting her in the crib, after rocking her with it.  I think that was a fluke.  She knows the wind down routine and expects the paci as soon as I sit in the glider & fusses if I don't give it to her right away.  I guess I can't complain because within 5 mins she's closing her eyes and when I put her in her crib with the paci, she's out in 1 min without a fuss. :)  This is so big because it used to take me at least 30 mins of patting & shhing.

I love reading about your lo!! Please keep posting & keep us updated on what they are doing.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on April 30, 2005, 01:56:17 am
My lo found her thumb!!!!  I caught her once half asleep with her thumb in sucking away and then while she was on the couch playing!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!! Yipee!!  :D  :D If I can just get her to keep it there, esp when she's trying to fall asleep.  Her gradual weaning is on & off these days.  I swear she smells me coming! :lol: She starts sucking on the paci more and then puts her little fist close to it, as if to tell me "back off!"  I chuckle every time, but I still take it out.  Mean mommy. :P

She threw me for a loop last night when she woke after 30 mins at bedtime.  She has never done that!!  She was just on her back (she's a tummy sleeper) just cooing and smiling.  Too cute.  She finally went off to sleep at 9:30pm.  I had put her to sleep at 7:45pm.  I think I kept her up too late from her catnap.  We were out buying a refrigerator :oops:
Then today for her first nap she only did 1 1/2 which she usually does 2hrs to 21/2hr and then her second nap she never did fall asleep!!  So I had to take her outside, lightly raining, and walked in her still in the Snugli til she finally fell asleep.  Of course she woke up after 20 mins when I came in and laid her on the couch with her in the Snulgi.  I got really nervous during the night time routine, thinking she was going to pull what she did last night.  She went off without a hitch.  Thank goodness.  I even took out the paci out, even though I was scared it would wake her for good.

My husband gave her some mashed up carrots at dinner time and she liked it!!!  I didn't know what to think about that.  I'm not ready for her to go on food yet.  I want to be the sole source for her food for now.  Of course when I tried to nurse her at bed time she kept on getting off my breast.  After trying for about 5 mins and crying (me, not her) my letdown finally happened and she nursed a little.  Whew.  I'm always paranoid she won't nurse any more.  I don't know what I'm going to do when she needs to be weaned.  That won't be for another year, but I dread it already.  Pitiful, aren't I?

Where did everyone go?  How's your lo's doing? What are they doing?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 30, 2005, 03:18:49 am
Hi all,

Kathy that's great about Jadyn's thumb... I'm terrified to wean Ella from her paci. Though she only wants it now to sleep... we were having such a hard time in the beginning with her reflux and me not being able to keep up milk wise she became positively addicted to her soother! When she was in a great deal of pain she would suck furiously and her little eyes would roll around.  :cry: Poor wee girl!

I left a post on the sleep thread yesterday... dd has been doing much better with her naps since we started extending her awake time but now she is waking at 5:15 rarin' to go!!  I don't know what to do about it.  We have the room super dark, we shush pat, etc. and usually she'll play with her "aquarium" (we changed from a womb sound machine to the wave noises on a fisher price gift we received) for about 20 min. but she won't go back to sleep.  We can keep her happy until about 6:30 when we get her up and change her, give her her meds, etc and feed at about 6:45. She'll drink a full 8oz. bottle but I don't think it's hunger waking her as she has always been extremely vocal when she's hungry. Meaning she goes straight to screaming!  :lol: We were at the doc today and she's not as heavy as I thought...17lbs... and she's having two solid meals a day plus (for the past 4 days about) close to 38 oz.  So I'm thinking maybe it's that the liquid isn't sustaining her anymore and she needs more solids?? I don't know if we should add lunch or just try and give her a bit more at breakfast and dinner.  I did re-introduce rice cereal this eve on the advice of the doc and she gobbled up a tablespoon of it plus a cube of pears so.... any advice would be most welcome!

And congrats sprouts mom on the rolling over!

Oh and I know what you mean about weaning off the breast.. I had too at  8 weeks due to Ella's reflux.  As I said I couldn't produce enough and once she had formula supp. after about a week she wouldn't go back to the breast. I had enough milk stored to give her EBM for another week and that was it.  She lost so much weight when she was sick we started the formula when we were back in the hospital and I was soooo torn!  I wanted to bf more than anything but we could make sure she was getting the proper amount so much easier with bottles. Boy I tried everything!  I rented a big electric pump, went on meds to help me produce more, pumped and fed constantly... nada.  Now I am very torn. On one hand my girl is chubby and soooo happy and healthy but I miss it! I obviously want what is best for her but I must admit I still tear when I see other mums bf! It's such a special bond!  But now with bottles I snug her in close and we cuddle and I also get in the bath with her everynight so we have some "us" time.

I'm getting all sentimental!  It's just such an amazing experience becoming a mum... for all the work and stress, etc. don't you just look at your lo in complete awe sometimes?!  Wow. Little miracles...

Look forward to hearing from you all,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on April 30, 2005, 14:28:42 pm
Hi once again...

Just wondering Lynne what's happening with Lindsey's naps.  Is she still fighting them?

And I just had to post again about dd.  Got to stay up a bit late last night as dh said he's do df and early a.m. so I could just do stuff last night for myself and not have to worry about getting up early (which only involved reading then passing out I'm so tired!  :lol: ) and guess what.  Ella slept until 7 when she had to be woken up! Great stuff but of course it's when it's dh's turn! :x  She did wake up 2x overnight but she'd rolled onto her belly and couldn't get back over and she went straight back to sleep. hhmmm....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on May 02, 2005, 16:47:05 pm
Hey Sharon.  Hope all is well with your lo.  Lindsey's naps are getting better but she still has good and bad days, kwim.   I still have been rocking or jiggling her to sleep for naps.  So far so good though.  I just can't seem to listen to her cry before her naps-it is just easier to do it that way. As soon as she closes her eyes I  hold her for a minute or so longer then put her down in her crib.  Thankfully at night she usually does not protest much anymore. She also will not even go into stage 1 sleep anymore while breastfeeding so she is awake 90 percent of the time when I put her to bed at night for bedtime.  She slept for an hour and 15 min this am and is currently napping.  Hopefully she will sleep til at least 1:30.  I put her down around 12:10. 

Hope everyone is having a good day.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 08, 2005, 16:44:28 pm
Hi everyone,

Haven't heard much lately and would love updates!  :D

Ella is doing well, finally had her second round of immunizations (she's behind because she was so sick in the beginning) and she took it like a trooper!  Still dealing with the odd sleep patterns as she flips around like a little monkey then gets scared when she wakes in a new position.  :D
Though lately she's decided sleeping on her side is the way to go.

Just having a lazy morning as dh has taken over for mother's day. The house looks like a bomb hit it!  :lol: But dd and dh are happy and of course so am I. Hope you're all having a wonderful mother's day!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: taylor on May 08, 2005, 17:16:15 pm
Hi everyone i have a little boy called zackary and hes just over 5 months he was born on the 28th of november 04.

he is a good little boy goes to bed at 7.30pm and thats him untill 8am.

He eats 2 meals a day and on 3 bottles  he will start on a breakfast  soon as my health vistor told me the other day he was suppoed to be one one the now.

He takes a good 9 ounce at every bottle feed.

But hes a small boy only weighs 13lbs 10 ounces but he was 10 days early and he weighed in at 6lbs 7ounces.

and i live in scotland.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 09, 2005, 03:38:21 am
Hi all,

Jadyn is finally sleeping through her 45min mark for the first nap.  Second one is a hit or miss, about 60% sleeps through it.  I am so happy!!  I darkened the room pitch black with blackout and I think it helped.  I also top her off for both of the naps for about 5mins. 

Lindsey's mom, I too have been rocking her for her winddown time, after I top her off, and I stand up from the glider and rock her in my arm for about a min and put her down.  I think I might be cheating because I'm putting her down when she's pretty much in her stage 1 sleep. :oops:  But it works really well, so I'm ok with it. 

Taylor's mom, wow, that's great your lo sleeps from 7:30 til 8am.  I'm very happy with mine going from 7:30 til 6:30am or 7am, but I would love it if she would go towards the 8am rather than the 6:30 am. :wink:

Still doing the gradual weaning and it's going well now.  She hasn't had the paci in her mouth to sleep at all after 5-10min of sleep.  I remove it very slowly now and she doesn't notice it much anymore.  What's funny is I give her the paci for the naps during the wind down and she knows what's coming.  She won't take it any other time except the sleep time.

Something new she's doing these days:  She doesn't yawn when she's sleepy anymore.  After being awake about 1 hr 40 mins, she starts this squealing, loud!!  And if I don't put her down within 10 mins, she screams & screams til she's red in the face!!  Has this happened to anyone?  She used to yawn & yawn and get sleepy eyes, but now it's this squealing loudly and almost like laughing and having a good time then seconds later is the screaming!!!  I had to come home from work, after I'd only gotten there 30mins.  My sister called & Jadyn was screaming so loudly I couldn't hear my sister trying to explain what was going on.  She was passed out by the time I made it home.  I drove like a crazy woman home!!!

She is so easy going any other time and so very sweet that I just can't stand it!!!  She's still chewing everything in sight and drooling like crazy.  She is smiling all the time and finally stopped crying when a stranger is talking to her.  She doesn't smile at them necessarily, but at least she's not doing her little lips and start crying.

Hope to hear about your lo's updates.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: taylor on May 09, 2005, 12:29:55 pm
tks Jadynsmom he is a great boy he is my 3rd child so i got him into a rountine as soon as he was born and it worked
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 15, 2005, 16:28:57 pm
Hi again,

Alisa that's great about Ben's tooth!  :D  I keep thinking Ella will have teeth any day as the drooling has become even worse (I didn't think it was possible!) and now for the past three nights she refuses her catnap so we've been putting her to bed at 6:45 instead of 7-7:15 and she'll go down but has then been waking every 45 min to an hour!  :? Dh gave her some tylenol last night after the df and she slept a four-five hour stretch so.... I hope things straighten out soon. It always seems to be something!  :)

Taylor, Zackary sounds awesome!  How wonderful he sleeps so well! (btw my husband was born in Glasgow)

And Kathy, Ella has been doing the screaming thing off and on for a few weeks now. I think she's just finding her voice. And lately she's added these "coughing" noises. It's not really coughing but again, like she's found a new sound and so she makes it repeatedly.

I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: taylor on May 15, 2005, 16:53:36 pm
i just live outside glasgow my little boy looks small compared to your babys.

how big were ur babys when they were born.

zackary was 6lbs7ounce he was 10 days early.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 15, 2005, 17:06:02 pm
Ella was 8lbs 6oz and right on her due date, Nov.20th.  Also long almost 23 inches. (10:30 pm emergency c-section) Though I was in hard labour at hospital for 3 days.   :shock:  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 15, 2005, 17:23:14 pm
blargh... having trouble making my posts work... testing??   :?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 16, 2005, 03:49:10 am
Taylor, my Jadyn weighed 8lb 12oz,  :shock:  she was a week early, had an induction.  They told me with 3 wks before the due date that she was almost 9lbs (I had gestational diabetes), so I was glad for the induction.  I'm only 5'5 & 127lb (pre-preg weight)gained 23lbs with her, so I was pretty much all baby. I thought for sure I would have a little baby and was hoping for a 6lb baby.  I lost all the weight within 2wks and a pound less than my pre-baby weight.  I didn't have any appetite,but I made myself eat so I could bf.

Sharon, my lo has added to her squealing, flipping over especially at bedtimes, drooling so much I almost need to get her a bib so I can save her clothes from being wet :roll: .  I know what you mean by not thinking she could drool any more than she already was!! 
She's pretty much dropping the 4pm catnap or trying really hard.  The thing about that is, she will get really drowsy when I hold her & sit in the glider but as soon as I put her down, she looks up and smiles as if she's saying "Boy, that was a good 5min nap.  I'm ready to get up now! :lol:  I guess I will have to do what you are doing as well and put her down at 6:30 rather than 7pm.  She stayed up til 7:30 tonight and was still not so ready to go to bed!  I wonder, isn't she too young to drop the 3rd catnap at 4 1/2 mo?  Her first nap is 2hr to 21/2 (if she gets past the 45mins) and the second nap is around 1hr 15 mins.  I am finally having success with her 45min wakes!! Yeah :D  :D

Hope to hear some more from all.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on May 16, 2005, 05:43:36 am
My cutie sat by herself today :D  Her daddy was eating and he told her that if she sat by herself he would share ( :roll: )  The little rat did it, she is such a daddy's girl.  Of course I wouldn't let her have the ice cream, but did give her some yummy carrots.

We have been having a few sleeping issues here.  She has a terrible cold so her cough keeps waking her up.  Last night I put her to sleep in the carseat (elevating her head :wink: ) and she slept much better.

My dd weighed 7lb 14.5oz at birth.  Pretty good since the U/S tech said I would never carry a baby bigger then 7.5lb. (I am 5'2, 110lb normally) She was actually my biggest out of all the kids.  Also the latest at 8 days over :x
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 17, 2005, 14:38:13 pm
Hello Ladies

Can I join the group?  I need some adult conversation as everyone around me is tired of hearing about dd.  But then everything she does is new to her and to me and I am so proud of her progress.  Anyway, some background about dd.  She's a very happy baby, on a flexible AES routine, used to have great naps and sleeps 7 - 7 am.  But now things are kinda screwy.  Now she wants to greet the day at 5 am (sometimes I can get her to sleep after a feed) and her naps are short and is showing signs of dropping the 3rd nap.  Is she ready for 2 naps???  Things I've learned as a new mom is to never expect things to be the same all the time.   :roll:   Oh well,  I am finally enjoying motherhood now as I have come accept dd's tendencies to throw me a curve ball or two every now and then.   :P   Like for the last few days, instead of yawning or rubbing her eyes, she would blow razzberries to tell me that it's time to eat and to sleep.  if I'm not quick enough, she's squeal!!! 

Gotta to go for my cup of java before she wakes from her nap.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 17, 2005, 16:36:22 pm
Hi Mimi,

Welcome!  I know what you mean about wanting to talk about your lo all the time!  :D

When I read your post I thought it could have been me writing it! Ella is a bit younger but we are having the same things happening.  She used to sleep from 7-7 and now it's 7 until 5 with the past four nights of waking all night as well.  Though her naps are better (for us anyways) she'll sometimes do two two hours or one two hour and a one and a half. (though that includes pat and shush) Probably because she's not sleeping at night!  :? She also won't catnap anymore (about a week now) no matter how tired so we've tried bumping up the bedtime but it hasn't worked.

She also does the rasberries and the screaming and squealing. And as I already said she seems to have added coughing.  It's too funny but I am exhausted again!  :)

Caljaccol- congrats on the sitting up! How exciting. I can't wait for that. It will just bring play time to a whole new level.

Jaydn's mom- that's a big baby and only 23 lbs of weight gain. wow!  I was also 127 (5'6") and I went up to 167 lbs. !  I have only managed to get back down to 140 though I can't say I really work at it either.   :lol: I walk a lot but no sit ups or stuff which is what I really need!

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 19, 2005, 02:18:33 am
Quote from: Mum to Ella Rose
I walk a lot but no sit ups or stuff which is what I really need!
I know what you mean!!  I'm putting off any workouts til I'm done bf, and that could be another year!!  My excuse is (as if I really need one), I don't want to lose my supply by exercising :lol:  I was hoping that my stomach would magically have the six-pack look after she was born :wink:  (I have never had this by the way), but no such luck.  If $$ was no issue and I don't plan on having any more babies, I would have it taken away :wink:

Have any of you experienced your lo's crying at bedtime, the first 2hrs, on and off?  There are times when she's all out crying like she's in pain, then there are nights like tonight where she just cries softly in her sleep.  By the time I get up there, she's back to snoring.  She's done it the past couple of hours.  I wish I could do something for her. :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 19, 2005, 06:24:47 am
Yes, dd does this llittle cry during the first 2-3 hrs.  It would only last less than a min and yet she is still asleep.  Sometimes I wonder if she is having a nightmare or something. 

Well I'm awake at this 12 am as dd just finally fell asleep after crying at 11:30pm.  I had to hold her and feed her to get her back to sleep.  I wonder if it is because I got rid of her swaddle and df tonight?  Hmmm...  I've thought about slowly weaning her off on both of these but decided to go cold turkey instead. 

Anyway, dd is sitting all by herself now and loves being videograghed!!! 

Gotta go, I think i hear her crying again. :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 21, 2005, 16:58:49 pm
Hi all!

Yes, Ella does the crying thing also.  Heartbreaking sometimes isn't it?!  :(

We've been having a rough week as she has decided to wake every hour over night.  The last two nights have been better though... (fingers crossed) I keep expecting to see teeth, have her pull up or do something that would explain what's been bothering her.  She's been happy enough during the day but...

I would thing stopping both the swaddling and the df would be a bit upsetting. Sounds normal to me.  Good for you for going cold turkey! Let me know how it goes.  We are in the process of weaning Ella off the df as she isn't hungry in the a.m. anymore and has been having less of her bottles in general.  She has been having 4 oz. the past 4 nights at 10:30 so I think we'll bump that up to 10 tonight and just 3oz.  And she started the waking thing before we did this so it's not that that's troubling her. We also started lunch a two days ago as I wondered if the liquid just isn't enough to sustain her anymore. As I've said she was drinking 38oz on top of 3tblsp of cereal and a food cube for breakfast plus 3tblsp. of cereal and a veggie for supper. So we've added avacado for lunch.  She loves it... I can't believe it!   :)

Btw has anyone else been having trouble with the board lately? this is my first time getting it to work in a few days. I was going crazy!  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: IsaacMom on May 24, 2005, 00:21:49 am
Mind one more?  I'm a first-time Mom.  My son Isaac is 5-months old, born Dec 15th, 17 days late!  He was 9 lb 9 oz and is now about 19 lbs and 28 1/2 inches long! 

We just started EASY and PU/PD on Saturday.  Maybe I should just say PU/PD as our routine is a mess (see posting).  As with others, his napping is a mess.  Today he took 2 20-min naps and 1 1 hr-20 min nap.  His 4th nap never happened (yes, 4th!)  But I'll save the rest of that for the other posting, if you're interested.

I was wondering, what does "lo" stand for?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 24, 2005, 01:06:09 am
Hi Jenn,  welcome!  :D

17 days late??!!  :shock: Wow. That must have been so tough on you!  Isaac sounds great though, I'll have to check out your other post when I have time. I'd love to hear what's happening btw...

today has been exhausting as Ella was up ALL night again and so very whingy today.  Boy I hope to see some teeth or something soon!

Hope you're all well.

oh and lo stands for little one.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on May 24, 2005, 01:24:12 am
hey there sharon. saw your other post...started rice cereal last sunday at breakfast. after about 5 days of her not really figuring out the whole opening her mouth thing, she got it, and today had a couple of teaspoons at breakfast and more than that at teatime, the first time she`s done twice a day. i think we`ll stick to rice cereal for another week and then see what she fancies.

poor love has had a wicked cold, and we`re sharing your pain with the nights. last night she woke every hour till midnight and then was wide awake between 4am and 5am. i`m hoping it`s teeth and that they come soon. what do you do when ella rose wakes? i`m dosing her up with tylenol etc but then end up feeding her back down more often than i probably should  :oops: two of her baby friends got teeth this week so i`m hoping hers will show any day. bath time now....hope your night is better tonight...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 24, 2005, 01:43:15 am
Well, it has been a very tough day.  DD had a total meltdown from 2pm to 6 pm.  She would not stop fussy or all out crying except when I read Goodnight Moon for bedtime.  Now i know for sure taht the early waking (5 am) and short naps are taking a toll on her.  For the last week or so, dd has been taking short naps and waking at 5 am.  For several days now, I've been trying to extend her awake time but it doesn't seem to work. 

I don't think that I mind the short naps so much if she is happy overall.  I remembered that there were times when she was happy with 3 short naps.   :(   Now is soooo different.  Is she manipulating me somehow?  Because by 5 pm, I had to calm down so I put her in the swing and cleaned the kitchen.  I tried to ignore her fussing but everytime I look at her she would start crying again.

Looking back, dd did smile at me once during that time.  It was when I read Goodnight Moon.  :roll:

Here's hoping that tomorrow will be better.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on May 24, 2005, 02:02:08 am
Hey Mimi, have you tried putting her straight back to bed at 5 am after feeding?  Lindsey woke at 5-530 for a while and I fed her and put her straight back to bed and sh ewould sleep for another couple hours.  Just a suggestion.   I am quickly learning that usually Lindseys nap success depends on the amount of nighttime sleep she gets.  If she sleeps for longer at night her naps are usually better.  I really believe that the more sleep they get the better they sleep.  Now if we can only get them TO sleep huh. :wink:   I am just trying to take each day as it comes.  Some days are good others bad, and some horrible!   Also, keep in mind that as they get older their amount of sleep needed lessons.  Lindsey on a good day gets about 13.5 hours sleep total-sometimes 14 but rarely that much.  Last night she slept 12 hours at night but only took two short naps today but overall was a pretty happy baby. Oh, when Lindsey was waking at 5 am or 5:30 I would give her her milk then back to bed.  So when she woke again I gave her solids in case you were wondering.  HTH!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 24, 2005, 02:19:30 am
Okay as much as I wish for everyone to have angel babies all the time, I sure take comfort in knowing I'm not alone!  We don't have a problem putting Ella to sleep. Not at night and no longer during the day anymore either.  Lately it's just KEEPING her asleep!  At night she'll maybe whine once or twice within 15 minutes of putting her down for an extra pat and stroke and she'll wake a few times during naps as well but a cuddle and immediately leaving the room usually works to extend her to 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. (she's still dropped the catnap) Bedtime is 7 and the df is down to 3oz. at 10. But overnight!! She wakes constantly. We can get her back to sleep again with shush and pat but she just keeps waking.  We do the shush in the a.m. starting around 5:30 and we can now get her to go back to sleep until 7.  And Cazao we don't need to feed Ella but she is a pacifier baby which I don't mind so much as she's ff and I like her to have the extra "suckle" time, so I understand feeding your lo for comfort at night sometimes. It's hard not to!  I don't know... sometimes I wonder if Ella is waking more at night due to longer naps. When she was a 3x 45 minuter we never had the night problems!  :?  But with dropping the catnap it's still basically the same amount of sleep.. grrr. You're probably all confused reading this as I am just plain confused in general!  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 24, 2005, 02:31:01 am
Hi Lynne,

Yes every time she wakes at 5 am I would try to get her back to sleep.  Pat/shushing, holding, wake to sleep but feeding her seems to have the most success for the last week or so.  When she does wake up later at 7 am I would just feed her solids as well.  But for the last few days, she just wouldn't go back to sleep so I just start the day at that time.  Tried to extend her awake by 15 min or go for a drive if she wakes early( but still tired) from her naps, doesn't work.  Lately I have to move up her bedtime to 6 from 7pm as she gets really tired by 5 ish.  Could this make her wake up at 5 am as she would have had 11 hrs of sleep at night?

I've checked for teething, colds, illnesses but nothing is wrong with her.  Could you tell me what your schedule with Lindsey is like?  Sometimes I wonder if dd should be having 2 naps only but it seems like this is not going to happen easily.  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on May 25, 2005, 02:13:19 am
Hello Mimi.  Sorry took me so long to respond.  Today was not a very good day for us.  Anyway, Lindsey has now been waking at around 7:00 am sometimes as early as 6:30 though.  I give her breastmilk upon awakening.  She then has activity for about 2 hours.  Then i try to get her to nap.  Today I got her to sleep around 9:25 and then she woke 10 min later with a poopy diaper and I could not get her back to sleep.  So from there she was awke.  i gave her breastmilk around 11:30, lunch at 12:45 and she finally slept for an hour and 15 min from 1:30 til 2:45.  then she was up til bedtime.  And yes she was very cranky today.  We even had to go out for a bit this late afternoon and she did not even catnap in the car.  then she got her third bf at around 3:45, supper at 6:00, bedtime routine and in bed at 7:40 although she woke an hour later I guess due to gas-she burped a few times, I gave her some baby motrin in case she was teething then put her back to bed.  Now, what I aim for every day is this: 

wake and bf
solids an hour to hour half later
2 hours after waking nap
breastfeed after nap or 4 hours from last feed if nap short
Lunch hour to our half after breastfeed
nap 2-3 hours after first nap ended(also watch for sleepy cues)
breastfeed after nap or 4 hours from last if nap short
supper around 5:30 or 6:00(this is usually pretty consistentlyat this time)
start bedtime routine at 6:30 or 6:45
breastfeed last before bed
Usually in bed around 7:30 give or take a few min.

I am trying to do easy 4 hour schedule.  I bf 4 times a day and solid feed 3 times a day. Here lately though she has been pooping not long after i put her to bed for her first nap so i may try to let her stay up a little bit loinger to see if she will poop before then. although it seems some times she can sleep through it or at least go back to sleep so who knows.  It does seem like it is taking her longer to show tired signs in the am.  But i watch her like a hawk usually to make sure I dont' miss them.  Sometimes if it is getting too much past 2 hours I will take her in to windown anyway in case I missed them.  also i have a trick where i will bounce her on the edge of the bed on my lap and if she makes her sleepy noise I can usually take her in for her windown.  Her sleepy noise is her mantra cry. 

Gotta run-time for bed. Oh sorry for typeos-did not take time to re read.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on May 25, 2005, 15:24:33 pm
Well, sure enough, I post that she sleeps til 6:30 or 7:00 and she woke at 5:15 this am! :roll:  :lol:   So, I fed her and put her straight back in her crib.  She actually was half asleep after eating so that helped.  Then she slept til about 8:30 and i fed her milk at 9:15 and she started showing sleepy signs again around 10:15 so I put her back down at 10:45 after a long wind down period.  I have not given her any solids yet today-was not sure when to since she has been so out of whack today.  But I do plan on giving her some when she wakes from this nap.  They love to throw us curve balls huh!  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 25, 2005, 18:09:54 pm
Do you df?  I had to do it for the several weeks or so b/c she was taking less due to cold.  But like the last time I gave the df (3-4 mos), dd would  not as hungry for her morning bottle and would have still a night waking or two.  As soon as i got rid of it, she slept 7-7.  Been talking over with dh and he thinks that she doesn't need the df and thinks that it messes up her internal clock or at least kick starts her metabolism and she wakes up.  I think that I will get rid of it.  Besides, if she really is hungry she will ask for it at night - it's not like she isn't already waking me up at 4-5am.   :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LindseysMom on May 25, 2005, 18:20:09 pm
No, I never did a dream feed.  Partly because I had never heard of it. I did not get the bw book til Lindsey was 2 months old. Then when I got it I did not think she needed it as she was already doing her long stretch of sleep at night and when she was that little had a later bedtime.  I think I started the earlier bedtimes around 4 months old?  Before then she was up til at least 10:00.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 26, 2005, 03:22:34 am
Mimi & Lynne,  that's heartening for me to know neither of you do the df.  We're trying to wean Ella off hers and I'm scared she'll have more night waking. So it was real good to hear Mimi that your baby sleeps better with out it. And Lynne you seem to usually be on the same schedule as us with the same "problems" and you don't df either.  hhhmmm. We're still at 3 oz. but we're going for 9:30 tonight.  I'm tempted to just go cold turkey. Any thoughts? Cazao, where are you at with the df? Another question to everyone... if you bf or express at all... any ideas what your lo's are drinking with being on solids now?  As I've said, Ella has cut back her bottles and I worry it's due to too much food...any thoughts/advice, etc. would be most welcome!

Hope you're all well.  Keep the updates coming please! I love them.  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 26, 2005, 15:56:53 pm
Sharon, last night was the first in 2 weeks that she slept from 7-7.  Yippeee!!!  I just cut the df cold turkey - she went from 6 oz to nothing and she slept through.  She did let out a cry at 1:30 am but it subsided in 10 sec.  Sometimes I wonder if she is having bad dreams???  This makes me wonder if the df really does messes around with her internal clock.  Hmmm.  Why don't you give it a try?  If Ella Rose does want the df, then she will cry for it, if not then at least you know that she doesn't really need it after all.  Good luck.

My ped says that once solids is well established (3 meals/day) then expect the amount of milk to go down.  As long as there are at least 3 wet diapers/day then you should be fine.  He also says that the range can be 15-24 oz, depending on baby.  I think that if you are concern about the decrease in nutrients, you could add in the milk with the solids. 

Sharon, I will try your method of extending dd naps.  Do you just go in reassure and pat and leave?  What if she cries or continues to babble?  what do you do?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 26, 2005, 16:21:44 pm
Hi Mimi,

Congrats on the good night!!  Btw, the hat Ella is wearing in her pic says "lil'monkey."   :D

Last night I went to feed Ella at about 9:40.  I did what we normally do, turned the light low and gave her tummy a few rubs and... nothing. Sound asleep. So we left her and she didn't wake until 5, we shushed patted her and she slept until 6:30. Yippee!! Hopefully it continues.

Thanks for your advice about the milk. She's drinking at least 20oz. so I guess I won't worry.  It's only that she was drinking 38 still for the first month of solids!  :)

When we extend Ella's naps we do shush pat, but I'm afraid she is also dependent on her soother so we pop it back in (she does pick it up herself if she can see it...if it's not too dark) and we just quietly say shhh and stroke her head or tummy. We leave right away. It's all very quick. I used to stay to long but my dh has taught me not too! It works better. And no eye contact.  We only go back in if she starts to get distressed. If she babbles we still leave her but if she sounds like she's going to get worked up we go back in to try and pre-empt any major crying. And we just keep doing it.  It has taken a long while but we really believe she trusts us now and just wants the reassurance.  She's also easier to read now. If she's still tired when we come in, she puts her hands over her eyes and rolls onto her side. If she's WIDE awake, she smiles and laughs and kicks and flips like a wee fish. We usually just get her up then. But for about the past month she won't "waken" like that until at least an hour.  I really believe we have this bit of success now only through perseverance with Tracy's techniques.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you want even more detail.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jrolph on May 27, 2005, 01:30:33 am
Hi, I hope you don't mind one more.

I have been on this website since January but never really stopped in the EASY section.  I just decided to browse here today and found this thread.  My DS is almost 6 months old and was born December 3, 2004 he was 8lbs 5oz and had a head full of hair.  His current weight is 19lbs and he is 28 inches long.  I have been reading everyones posts and I guess I am not alone.  My DS is battling the 45min naps and I also wonder if I should give up the dreamfeed since I know that before I started it he slept a lot longer but I remember reading to keep trying it since it takes a few weeks to work.  After that I was too afraid to stop doing it because I was afraid I would just get to sleep and he would wake up to eat.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 27, 2005, 02:04:11 am
Welcome Jrolph, isn't it nice to be in touch with other moms of babies around the same age?  Certainly makes me feel that I'm not alone when dd throws me one of her curve balls and get some advice to cope with it.

Well Sharon, didn't get a chance to use your method as dd had a2 hr nap this morning on her own.  Her awake time was 2.5hrs so I tried again in the afternoon but she took only a 50 min nap.  Maybe I should add another 15 min?  She's still fighting her 5 pm nap so instead of staying in the room, I left.  After 8 min of grunting and her whimpering, she fell asleep for 30 min.  Here's a question for everyone, if your lo is clearly showing signs of sleepiness for the night after 1 hr of waking, do you move the bedtime up?  If so by how much?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 27, 2005, 03:04:35 am
Hi Jrolph! Welcome.

I so agree Mimi... this is my "mummy's group" !  :)

That's awesome btw that your lo slept 2 hrs! Ella rarely goes that long and always needs a pat/shush to even get to 1.5.  I think if your lo slept 2 then 50 min. that's great!  Ella usually won't need more than that. Though we too are still strugging with the catnap. She doesn't want it! We tried earlier bed briefly but it didn't really work. We also tried today to extend her awake time too to 2.5 hrs. We did it but as she was up at 6:30 it was basically the same. Meaning she had too long of an awake time in the evening.  We put her in her jolly jumper, which she loves, it's the only thing that even if she's pooped she doesn't care.. :lol: and then just wound down with a baby einsein video and a longer bath. I think my goal is to do as you are doing and extend her awake time between naps and just drop the catnap. Though I still think an earlier bedtime will work.. I just don't have the guts to try it because we have only dropped the df for one night and we also only recently weaned her off "white noise" to go to sleep. I do know I don't think dd could handle an earlier bedtime than 6:30... and all that said.. we have had some nights where it's a small bump up in time. like 6:45 instead of 7...

hhmmm. I think I'm just babbling again!  Thank you all for your help all the time! I love having this sounding board!

Oh and Jrolph... we started the df immediately when dd was born. It just kind of incorporated itself as she got older. So I don't know that I think starting it at a later date will necessarily work...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on May 27, 2005, 03:44:24 am
you dropped the dreamfeed????!!! yay!!!!! good for you. fingers crossed for tonight. we`ve been so wonky the last few nights i don`t have the courage yet. frequent wakings early evening and then 4am or 5am or 1am. have no idea why. but i`m being liberal with the motrin  :oops:  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: IsaacMom on May 27, 2005, 19:09:56 pm
Well, I am feeling a little more positive today.  We have been on EASY (sort of) for almost 1 week (started last Saturday).  I have been mostly concentrating on getting him to go to sleep on his own and in his crib (he had been nursing to sleep and cosleeping up until then) and get some type of routine.  His naps have been outrageously short all week and my nerves were shot with all the crying when going to sleep.  But I have been trying to be consistent (while tweaking things to find something that works!)

I am crossing my fingers I have found something!  He has put himself to sleep for the last 2 naps (25 min, 15 min) and slept for 45 minutes the first time with no help from me (he's still sleeping now).  I know that's a short nap by most standards, but since he's been taking 20-30 minutes all week I am estatic!  I've found the more i try to help him to sleep (PU/PD or pat/sh) the longer it takes and the more he cries, so I have been taking a hands off approach today.  I also lengthened his awake time and used the time to play with him instead of making him try to go to sleep after a short nap.  The last few days I have also had several failed attempts at naps (he wouldn't fall asleep at all), but today there were none!

So, I am optimistic!  If I can just get him to nap regularly and get on a schedule then I will worry about making naps longer (but hopefully it will happen naturally!)

Thanks for listening!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 27, 2005, 20:11:17 pm
Hi all,

My lo is now officially 5mos old and boy is she in the middle of a developmental stage!!  She's so cute & happy and so active (esp during sleep times!)  She's doing the scooting her knees up and flipping to her back and just laying there and trying to touch her toes with her tongue and talking the whole time.  It's so cute, if it wasn't during sleep times! :?  I had been rocking her during the winddown routine for about 5 mins and putting her down pretty drowsy, and was getting kind of worried that that might become a prop, so starting today I'm putting her down completely awake.  She scooted for about 5mins and finally got to the very corner of the bed and couldn't scoot anymore so she just fell asleep!! Yeah!  I hope she will sleep tonight instead of playing for up to an hour, which she did last night.  I posted on the General Sleep and waited for an answer and nobody wrote :(   Anyway, I ended up going in after 45 mins and reswaddled her and put her back on her tummy with her paci and she went right to sleep.

She woke up last night at 2:30 am after 11pm df, which is so unusal.  She usually sleeps from 7:30pm til 6:30 am or 7am without a single peep.  I wonder, is this time for growth spurt? 5mo? I went ahead and nursed her and she fed for her normal length.  Then she was wide awake and took almost an hour of pat/shh and finally gave up and put her in the bed with me.  She woke at 6:40am and I nursed her and when she was finished, she went back to sleep til 9:30 :shock:   I slept in, too. :D  I didn't know what to do.  I guess I should have gotten her up and started my day, but she was so sleepy, that she slept on her back, on a pillow the whole time.
I wonder if I need to go ahead and finally introduce some solids (pears & maybe some cereal) and maybe drop the df?  She's 16lbs and 27 1/2 in.  I really wanted to wait til 6mos, but I'm beginning to think she might be ready for some real food. 

I am still working on the 45min wake and extending it.  Most of the time it works, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm staying a little too long in there as well.  I want to make sure she's back to sleep and have pulled out the paci before I leave the room. Yes,I'm still doing the gradual weaning.

Glad to hear from all the moms here on this board.
Lynn, that's great you are teaching your lo to fall asleep on his own and he's learning to do it, even if it's little increments of sleep at a time.  I'll bet before too long he'll be sleeping for a couple of hours at a time.  And you've only been on EASY for a week!  That's great.

Welcome, Jrolph!  I think the EASY is my favorite forum to read, since this is where everyone is on a similar routine and stage.

Mimi, those curve balls are always coming, aren't they?  I too am glad I'm not alone in this.  Actually, I am glad for all these crazy stages and having something to worry about :lol:  Jadyn is a miracle baby!!  We tried for     71/2 years to have her, after giving up and adopting Lexi!!  So, all these curve balls are sometimes just fun :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 27, 2005, 22:16:47 pm
Well, today started at 6 am and naps are not so great but it's ok.  Did end up going to the shopping center twice (hoping that she'll nap in the car/stroller) and bought some really cute summer outfilts for dd, though.  I wonder if I'm sending a bad message here - "Let's see, if I take short naps, Mommy will take me shopping and buy me more clothes.  Hmmm, what a tough decision -"   :lol:

Kathy, I know what you mean.  After numerous miscarriages and a very difficult labour, I am blessed with a beautiful healthy baby.  DH keeps reminding me that we should feel blessed and be thankful for her everyday.   :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 27, 2005, 22:57:12 pm
Blargh... I need to vent. Dd has been so cranky the past two days!  Lot's and lot's of whining and if we go anywhere she starts up after only 20 minutes. I'm pulling my hair out as I have pms too.  :x  It's finally warm out and I at least want to go for a walk so very bad but dd will have none of it.  She cries in the stroller unless I stop and put my face down by her or carry her. No to the baby bjorn carrier and no to the sling as well.  So frustrating! Of course she's all smiles for anyone else that pays attention to her... she was up six times again last night but didn't want any food and would go right back to sleep when dh or I went in...

Okay. As I said. Just wanted to vent. Thanks for listening. We're off to try the drugstore again as we need diapers.  Wish us luck!  :) Hope you're all having a good day!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 28, 2005, 03:24:47 am
Okay so we made it to the drugstore with my friend keeping her face in the stroller the whole way... :lol: only to find out they were out of our formula and our diapers.  sheesh...just one of those days!

At any rate I shouldn't complain.  I just find it so hard some days and that makes me pour the guilt bucket on myself... do you all ever feel like you're giving it everything you have to make your lo comfortable and happy and they just won't have any of it? Somedays I feel as though dd could care less what we are doing...she's just plain ornery no matter what's happening. It's hard with a grouchy baby...

Kathy, Mimi, it is very inspiring and humbling to hear what you have gone through to have your dear lo's... thanks for sharing that... it's most appreciated. Especially on a day like today. It makes me appreciate again what miracle's they are.

I wish I had some advice on the 5mo. growth spurt question and the nap issues but I feel very lost today...dd is really throwing me for a loop these days...I'm second guessing everything!!   :(

Hope you're all doing well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 28, 2005, 03:55:02 am
oops double post
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 28, 2005, 03:58:11 am

I'm sorry you are having one of those days!!  I guess we all have to have one or else what fun is there? :lol:

Your lo is so darn cute.  Sometimes when I get a little upset at Jadyn (when she's doing her 45min and won't go back down to sleep), I just start laughing 'cause I look at her and she's so darn cute.  I just end up kissing her all over her face and hold her real tight to my chest and tell her I love her, even if she's being a little stinker! She looks just like my husband, which is hillarious!!  See, I'm 100% Korean and my husband is your average joe white dude.  Jadyn is very fair, has blue/green eyes and except for the shape of the eyes, you would never guess she's got any Asian in her!  My hubby takes advantage of this as well.  Whenever he gets me ticked, he just looks at me and says "who does this face look like?"  And I just crack up 'cause they really do look so much alike!!

I can't believe your lo doesn't like the Baby Bjorn or even stroller.  You poor thing.  Those Baby Bjorn has saved us when she wouldn't go down for naps!!  I guess your lo just wants to be free and not confined :lol: And to answer your question, no, I don't think they know that we are trying so hard to please them or could care less.  I think they just expect it and know that it's our whole mission to do everything for them.  Hehe, they're right on that one, aren't they? :wink:
I hope that this was just a bad day and the rest of the weekend will be some great days!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 28, 2005, 04:39:22 am
ooohhh thank you Kathy!!!!

I so needed to hear some support.  I'm just feeling overwhelmed as a mum tonight.  It's funny, Ella looks just like her dad too... I am fair but dh is really "white".  I am blond with blue eyes and dd has green eyes and black hair and the whitest skin just like her daddy... she seems to have such a crush on him lately too. It's the cutest thing. When he walks into the room she coo's and giggles and hides her face in my shoulder if I'm holding her and then she just looks at him and smiles and kicks her wee legs around!  :)

Thank you for your support I do really appreciate it. I'm sure tomorrow will be better... I just love her so much and I want her to be happy and content. At least I can take comfort in knowing she knows how much she's loved...I think I like to forget about her reflux too... she is doing so much better with her meds, with solids and since she can sit up but I forget she still hurts and what we are doing is just pain management.  My dh said to me tonight when he got home from work..."maybe her tummy just hurts" and I (embarrasingly so) had to say "oh yeah."  I just want it all to be gone. It's been so much pain and turmoil. She wasn't out of hospitals until after 3 months old and I think I put too much on it. I want her to be okay and I want us to have mummy and me time where we just hang out.. and I forget that she is still a sick girl in some respects...


Thanks again for listening!  I really do appreciate you all sooo very much.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on May 28, 2005, 14:32:47 pm
hi ladies,
i hope you dont mind a late joiner.   My ds was born christmas day 7lbs 5oz 20inchs... now 28in 18lbs.  i have been following easy since he was 5weeks old and it seemed so much easier then.  we have always battled short naps but have been blessed with a full night sleep since 3mths.  i would love some advice on a few issues.... we started solids at 4.5, doctors orders since ds now has 3 teeth.  here is is schedule, wondering if we should try solids at lunch (although concerned will phase out bottles)  also, should we just try two naps?

630: awake & 6oz formula
8:breakfast (3tbsp cereal & 1\2jar veggies)
9:nap (around 45m)

1030: 6oz form
usually naps during errands around 1130 or 12

230: 6oz formula
3-4: nap

530: dinner (cereal & veggies)
7:bottle, book, bed
10 dream feed 6oz

I am so lost... should i not take him out so much, should he be on two solid naps.  please help  :?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 28, 2005, 15:01:05 pm
Welcome Jennifer,  I think that your schedule is fine.  If ds is sleeping well and wakes up happy then leave it be.  I think that once ds starts fighting the third nap or waking early (1-2 hrs earlier) then swtiching to 2 naps might be the answer.  I thought dd would be ready for 2 naps but we are trying for two weeks now to get there.  Sometimes she would take the 3rd nap sometimes not.  Who knows what's going on in her head?  :roll:   As for adding lunch, go ahead.  If he likes solids then I don't see any harm in giving it to him 3x/day.  DD was also told to go on solids at 4 mos b/c of her reflux but lately she seems to like her milk more than solids.  Although she loves bits of noodles, frozen yogurt, gnawing on fruits, bread, etc.  Maybe she doesn't like purees?

Kathy, Sharon, funny you should say that your los looks like their fathers.  When dd was first introduced to dh's family and relatives, dh often jokes that the only way he knows that dd is his is that she looks like him - lots of hair, round face and pouty lips.  And yes, dd gets very excited when she sees her dad.  Doesn't she knows that I'm the one that makes sure that she's fed, clean and entertained all day long?  No matter how tired or cranky dd is, once dh enters the room her whole face lights up!!!  I'ts not fair being a mom sometimes.   :cry: (crocodile tears running down my face)

Have a great weekend everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on May 28, 2005, 15:13:26 pm
thanks so much mimi for replying.  when did you start to let your lol knaw on fruit, veggies or bread?  i am so nervous about those things.  i will hold things and let me suck on them.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 28, 2005, 15:47:33 pm
Hi Jennifer,  welcome!

I agree with Mimi's advice. Sounds alright to me!  :)

Mimi, I too would like to know more about the food you're feeding.  Ella has now been running a low fever and was up all night again so I am more convinced than ever she's teething and BAD! I'd love to give her more stuff to gnaw on but I too am nervous. I heard frozen bagels were good? And also what yogurt do you use? I know we don't get yobaby in Canada... oh and did you introduce wheat cereal already? Before bread? So many questions so little time... :wink:


Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 28, 2005, 19:29:30 pm
For fruits, I just cut wedges of apples, pears and mangoes an offer them to her.  I was afraid that she might break off alarge piece and chock on them so I placed them in the Munchin Fresh fruit holder (it's has a mesh).  DD didn't like it too much so I have to watch her while eating the fruits.  I've also tried avocadoes and durian (it's a really stinky fruit, very popular with Asians). 

Since dd kept on staring while we eat, we just take small bits and offer them to her.  No meats or eggs products though.  It's really neat to see her try to slurp the noodle into her mouth.  I would dangle a 1 in piece of noodle on her lips and she would slowly suck it in.  Our ped says that it's ok to offer different foods as long as we avoid citrus fruits, meats and egg whites for now.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 28, 2005, 20:40:09 pm
Hi again Mimi,

Thanks for the response...did you ever use wheat cereal? And what yogurt do you use?  We give dd avadado every day and she LOVES it!  :D  Oh and does your dd have teeth yet?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 28, 2005, 20:41:31 pm
oops. "avadado"...apparently I'm just making stuff up now!  :lol: Maybe I should proof read my posts before I hit the submit button!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 29, 2005, 01:50:55 am
DD doesn't have any teeth yet but she can still gummed the fruits.  I use regular yogurt making sure that it has the most fat content 3.5-4%MF from Danone.  I never bother with wheat cereal as dd doesn't seem to like cereal that much.  She prefers to feed herself (not very good at it) or what's on my plate.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on May 29, 2005, 03:13:59 am
Well, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to get Jadyn to sleep and to stop her from scooting and flipping and waking at weird hours (2:45am, 4am-5am) and I think I MIGHT have a clue: 
Jadyn has a tooth!!!!!!  I can't believe it!! It's so cute.  It's the bottom left one.  I was wiping her face today and felt something kinda sharp in there and sure enough, a tooth!!!!  You would have thought I just won the jackpot or something, I yelled out loud and scared her. :lol:  She has been drooling and chewing everything in sight but has not cried at all.  I guess this one doesn't hurt as much as the other ones?  She's just a good baby and hardly fusses except when she's overtired.  She's always smiling at me and gives me this look of "Yes, I know you love me, and yes, I know I'm pretty darn cute." :lol:

I sure hope the wakings at night will stop.  I have a feeling though that it's only begun.... 

I just thought of something.  Since she has a tooth out, should I start giving her some real food?  And if I do, do I give her solids like cereal in the morning when she wakes and then an hour later bf?  Or do I bf when she first wakes then give her some cereal after an hour?  I read in the book somewhere where Tracy recommends feeding solid food and then the liquid (bf).  How do you guys do solids & bf?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: taylor on May 29, 2005, 12:15:03 pm
hi guys

not got much of an update on zack apart from he is now on 3 meals aday and he still sleeps allnight.

we have too bottom teeth in within a week last week didnt even know he was teehing.

he still cant sit up byhimself yet but hes okay if i put pillows behind him.

i think he should be sitting by byhimself but my health vistor says to early.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on May 29, 2005, 13:17:30 pm
Kathy-  my ds has 3 teeth and working on a 4th.  He got his 1st tooth at 3mths and the doctor told me that usually is a good indicator to start him on solids, along with if he can sit supported and is interested.  we waited till he was 4.5 and started with cereals. was great because they explained how to start with the consistency and add a tbsp each day.  we are introducing a new food every 4 days to watch for allergeies.  we are almost down with all of the veggies.  i am going to start fruit next week and start to feed him lunch along with breakfast and dinnner.  hope this helps and enjoy it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on May 29, 2005, 17:05:49 pm
that is soooo coool. hurray for the tooth!! hopefully that will mean the night wakings will stop. georgia slept through last night, after a week of night wakings and bad parenting frrom me like feeding her back to sleep and giving her pain medication whenever that didn`t work  :oops: (the combination worked nicely but i`m sure it was bad mummying), so my fingers are crossed that`s she`s got herself back on track again like she did last month. can`t help with the solids teeth here yet...although i may go and check now you mention it... :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on May 29, 2005, 19:38:14 pm
Yeah for the teeth!! That's so exciting!  Good for you Jaydn!

All your lo's seem to be cruising right along! Cazao...we're in the same place as you... lot's of night wakings, horrible teething going on. I actually posted in the solids/weaning board about rice rusks as I'm at my wits end... every morning I can't wait to see dd's smile and I keep hoping to see a pearly peg in there as well!  :)

Take care,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on May 31, 2005, 16:44:27 pm
Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Wanted to share this will all of you.

A daughter and mother talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of  adulthood. The mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter.

"Don't forget your girlfriends," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you'll have, you are still going to need girlfriends. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them. And remember that girlfriends are not only your friends, but your sisters, our daughters, and other relatives too. You'll need other women. Women always do."

'What a funny piece of advice,' the young woman thought. 'Haven't I just gotten married? Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a married woman, for goodness sake, a grown-up, not a young girl who needs girlfriends! Surely my husband and the family we'll start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her Mother; she kept contact with her girlfriends and made more each year.

As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about.  As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman, girlfriends are the mainstays of her life. After 50 years of living in this world, here is what she learned:

Times passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Love waxes and wanes.
Hearts break.
Careers end.
Jobs come and go.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Men don't call when they say they will.

BUT girlfriends are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are between you. A girlfriend is never farther away than needing her can reach. When you have to walk that lonesome valley, and you have to walk it for yourself, your girlfriends will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end. Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you. Or come in and carry you out.

Daughters, sisters, mothers,  sisters-in-law, mothers-in-law, aunts, nieces, cousins, extended family, co-workers, and friends bless our life!

The world wouldn't be the same without them, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joy or sorrow that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other. Every day, we need each other still.

Pass this on to the women who help make your life work.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 01, 2005, 16:28:20 pm
ggrrr... I posted a big reply then lost it... :(

Just wanted to say THANKS MIMI!  That was a real sweet thing to post!

Kathy...keep us posted on the solids introduction. sound like your just cruising along with a happy wee boy!

Jennifer that's a lot of teeth! Nice job lo!

Haven't heard from you Lynne in's Lindsey?

Dawn, Alysa, sprout's mom, Aligirl, how are you all doing?

Did I miss anyone?  :)

Cazao...we're still having the same problems as you. I was convinced, so much so I even posted about it on another thread, that dd's sleeping problems were behind us as she slept two nights in a row really well and it coincided with her starting to tummy sleep. Then last night... yuck. Awake 6 times. Finally gave her tylenol at 2 and she slept until 6.  I don't know what's going on!! Unless she's just having a particularly hard time teething.

Would love to hear how everyone is.  It's so nice, in fact it keeps me sane half the time, to know I'm not in this alone.

Take care,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 01, 2005, 16:31:44 pm
Holly, dixiedutch, erin and noelle. that's who I missed. You all still around?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 01, 2005, 16:49:38 pm
Hello all!  I'm here....thanks for wondering about me Sharon.  My computer died and I was offline for a while.  I didn't read all the posts that I missed from this thread, but it sounds like you all are doing great.  It's awesome that this has seemed to become a wonderful place of support for all of you!

THings with Zachary are good.  He's still not sleeping through, but I'm not stressing out that much.  Last night he slept till 4:30 which was an improvement, so maybe he'll keep doing that.  We tried the dreamfeed, but I haven't done that in a long time.  Not worth it for me since I go to bed early, anyway.  His naps are generally pretty good.  He takes 2 2-2.5 hour naps and refuses to take a third short nap, but that's okay with me.  Sometimes he doesn't nap that great during the day, so I make sure I find him some sleep elsewhere (in the car, stroller, etc). 

At our last doc appt he weighed around 14-15 pounds (I can't remember), I think.  He's rolling around like crazy and he can sit by himself for about 10 seconds before planting his face in the floor.  :lol:   He's also babbling quite a bit which is so cute to hear because Stephen never really did that.  I love it.   He's nursing about 4 times a day and I think I'm gonna up that to 5 to see if that  helps his nights.  He has 2 solid meals a day.  He eats like a pro.  No sign of teeth, yet....I guess that's a blessing since I still nurse him.  How many of you are doing three meals a day??

If you ever check the Health boards, you might see my posts on Zachary's health.  He's got this noisy breathing thing and we're still trying to get it all figured out.  We've been to an ENT and a GI doc and we have an appt in a couple weeks with a lung doc.  He's had lots of tests and it's been determined he has reflux which might have been causing the breathing thing but even with meds it doesn't get much better (although we cut back on his dosage and the noisy breathing immediately got worse).  THe GI doc said he didn't think it was life threatening ( :shock: um, thanks, I never thought it was :shock: ) and whatever it is can either be fixed or he'll grow out of it.   I'm tired of seeing doctors (I'm supposed to take him to see an opthamologist for something minor, but I just can't bring myself to make the appt tired of it all, KWIM?) but I'm so thankful for him.  We go to the Children's hospital in HOuston and going there makes me realize just how blessed we are with our relatively healthy babies. 

I guess that's it, ladies.  It's great to read about all your kiddos and to chat with you.  Take care!  {{{HUGS}}} all around! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 01, 2005, 17:27:12 pm
Hey Ali, how nice to hear from you!

Just a quick note as I have to get dd up but I wanted to say Ella has always had noisy breathing from her reflux.  Especially after she's been lying down. She then sounds very congested. Our paediatrician told us that's because the acid pools in their throat sometimes and kind of "bathes" their vocal chords in the acid.  Maybe that's some help? I know what you mean about being sick of doctors!! It gets so tiring and frustrating but I also know what you mean about feeling lucky. When we had to spend a week back in our Children's hospital our eyes were really opened to how much worse it could be. Take good care and we hope to hear from you again soon!  :)


oh and we do 3 meals/day but she has a relatively small lunch of just an avacado cube.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 01, 2005, 17:35:16 pm
hi all,  just thought i would say hello.  it is so great to have so many people going through the same ordeals you are going through.  our ds is a pretty good sleeper but since we stopped swaddling him it has been a major challenge.  he is a very spirited baby and the second we lay him down his arms and legs fly about and he grabs the paci out of his mouth.  unfortunatly we have resorted to rocking him with a blanket close to his face and putting him down pretty much asleep.  any suggestions as to what to do know.  this was all so much easier when we could swaddle but he now breaks free and that wakes him up.  thanks ladies
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 01, 2005, 18:22:32 pm
Hi Jennifer,

Have you tried one arm swaddling?  Dd would always break free too. We found using sleep sacks at least contained her legs somewhat...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 02, 2005, 02:50:23 am
Hi ladies,

Alli - May I ask what kind of noise or breathing sounds he is making?  My lo has always had a sound in her throat, almost like she's got allergies or a cold.  People always say, "she sounds like she's congested", and I tell them she's been like that since a month old.  I know I shouldn't worry, since our ped didn't seem too concerned about it but still.....

Jennifer - your lo has alot of teeth.  Once the first one came out, how long did it take for the others to come in?  Were they two on bottom first, then top two?  She's starting to get  a little fussy and she gums her mouth a lot and acts like it's bothering her and I"m wondering if the next ones are coming any day now.

Sharon,  Thank you so much for your schedule on the Weaning forum.  I will use it as my guide when I start solids in the next 10 days when she's officially 5 1/2 mos.

Cazao - I hope your lo is past the night waking stage!! I know what you mean when you would do anything to get them to sleep, bf or giving meds.

Well, Jadyn is getting better each night going to sleep.  I put her down fully awake now with paci (naps also) and I still take it out after about 5 mins.  She rolls to her back and talks for about 10 mins and I go back in and flip her back to her tummy.  I just gave up swaddling as of today!!  She is too mobile and gets out of the swaddle every time.  I figure if I go ahead and not swaddle her she won't try so hard to get out of it and sure enough it worked and she slept the same as if I did do the swaddle.   She wakes from her naps so happy!! She wakes in the mornings so happy, too.  I love going in to get her after she sleeps (even if it's sometimes only 45mins). :D  I've pretty much figured out she's going to take 1 1/2 hr nap and then two 45 min naps and I'm totally ok with it, esp since she's so happy & content.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 02, 2005, 14:09:02 pm
Kathy, that's great to hear about your progress with Jadyn's sleeps!!  Keep up the good work.

Zachary's breathing thing does sound like congestion sometimes.  Sometimes he sounds like he's grunting like a pig and sometimes, it just sounds like he's snoring, even when he's awake.  About 20% (or less) of the time, he's not making any noise at all.  The pedi said that it might just be that his anatomy (some parts in his airway) just might be immature still...."floppy" he said.  So he sent us to an ENT, who did a laryngoscope (a long tube up his nose, down his airway) and said his voice box looked inflamed, probably due to reflux.  So, we went to see a gastroenterologist, who said he DIDN'T think it was caused by reflux, but that the tests we had done for reflux came back "grossly abnormal", so he definitely has reflux.  GI doc thinks it's something with his lungs (possible aspiration of acid?) and is sending us to a pulmonologist.

You wanna know what's funny about this???  If he hadn't had this breathing thing, we might have never known he had reflux.....he's such a happy baby and when he wasn't on meds, he was only mildly cranky and I would've thought it was just his personality!

If you are concerned, talk to your doc.  Zachary had been doing it since birth and I had him at the doc several times before I made the appt for taht and the doc never mentioned it until I did and even then, he didn't do much about (it was hard, though, there was so much other stuff going on at the time).  It wasn't until I made a specific appt for that that he referred us to an ENT.  Your doc might think it's just congestion, too, if you don't mention it to him.  It's probably nothing, but if you are worried about, have it checked out!  Let me know how it goes.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 02, 2005, 16:18:48 pm
Sharon, thanks for the advice, i will try that. 
Kathy,  although no one believed me, ds began teething at around 2mo.  He got his first tooth right before he turned 4mo so you can see how long it can take before you see a tooth pop through.  Once he got the first it seemed like a couple of weeks before the second came through.  Before the 2nd was fully through, a top one popped through and he now has his 2nd top tooth cutting through as we speak.   i think the amount of time between teeth depends (the books say expect 6wks)  on your child.  Have you tried baby orajel?  it seems to work with ds, especially during mealtime.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 02, 2005, 18:04:58 pm
hey there all. and especially Sharon..thanks for your thoughts...sounds like georgia and ella rose are twin sisters. we had 2 nights of no wakings and now back to all over the place. i`m pretty convinced it`s teething although i`m taking her to the doctors today just to rule out ears. can`t stand going to the doctors, so ali, you have my sympathy....gotta run...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 02, 2005, 18:12:11 pm
ps jennifer. did you find the oragel really difficult to actually get on the gums? dd`s such a squirmer i have to put a big wodge on my finger and then with all the biting and the sucking it off before i`ve even got to her gums, i have to hope at least a little gets on the gums instead of everything going straight down her throat. i tasted it the other day and swallowing a whole lot is probably the wierdest sensation for a baby..
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 02, 2005, 19:05:15 pm
cazao... very difficult to get the orajel on his gums!!!! the one thing i try,  he loves to suck on my finger so i try to trick him but he is learning quick.  i feel like i dont always get much on but it seems to be enough to calm him shortly.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 02, 2005, 19:43:05 pm
Lordy Cazao, I don't even know where to post this for you!  We too are back to night wakings.  :(  Last night she went down at 7 no problem. Then she was up again 8 times!!  :shock:  The last being at 6:45.  I am so thrown for a loop... I think as you said in your other post it's a growth spurt combined with teething but instead of a cold like you it's reflux for us.


Can you tell I'm confused and grasping?  :)  And yes Georgia and Ella are right in the same place aren't they?!  Hope it works out for the BC-er's get together and we can comiserate it person.  Where abouts in Vancouver are you anyways?

Ali glad you're on top of it with your lo.

Looking forward to hearing more updates!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 02, 2005, 19:44:31 pm
p.s. what did the doctor say about a possible ear infection?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 03, 2005, 19:13:53 pm
she`s completely healthy (i guess i knew that..just grasping at straws. the doctor did think she could feel something under one gum, but said a tooth was still a couple of weeks away... :roll: oh well, it helps to know that`s what it is. last night was had wakings for the first hour or so, and then 4ish. and then she slept till 9.15am, so she`s all over the place but i`ll just keep going with the meds...tried hylands teething tabs last night and they seemed to help...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 04, 2005, 00:55:08 am
Where did you find the Hylands? I need to try ANYTHING with dd as I'm just at a loss.  It's so comforting Cazao to know you are in the same place. It reassures me that it may just all be normal and we'll get our great sleepers back yet.  I have now posted on the reflux thread as I'm starting to get paranoid dd's reflux is acting up again. I just can't put my finger on what's going on and it's sooooo frustrating!  :cry:

Hope everyone else is doing well!


And a big thank you for letting me vent here and receive support. It's very much appreciated!  :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 04, 2005, 17:46:29 pm
i found the hylands teething tablets at capers. last night i gave her the tablets (you dissolve them in water and i used a baby syringe to give them to her) and oragel before i put her down and she slept through....yay!!! so definitely worth a shot...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on June 06, 2005, 02:00:16 am
Hello Cazao and Sharon,

We've been away a long time...I'm really sorry, but thanks so much Sharon for asking about Juliana and I in one of your previous messages.

We had guests from the Netherlands visiting us for two weeks and I was so very busy I couldn't even log in. I know most Moms do this all the time...cook three meals a day and keep everyone going...but I was just so inexperienced it was quite overwhelming for me.

I am with both of you on the sleepless nights. Juliana has two little teeth now! We were all over the place for the past three weeks. My husband was traveling, so I began tucking her into bed with me again for a while. That helped, but neither one of us slept well. Thankfully, she seems to be passing through this stage and our days look like this:

wake up 7:30 or 7:45
BF + solids
sleep 15- 20 minutes in jogging stroller
11:00: BF + solids
12:00: 2 -3 hour nap....can you believe this?????
BF when she wakes
6:00: cat nap
6:30: BF + solids
9:00: jammies, book, last BF
9:30: sleep zzzzzzz

She has grown so much and she is ever so much more interactive. I look at her and I realize that she was once a part of me; but now she is decidedly her own person with her very own personality.

We went swimming today because it was so warm. She has her own little float and loved the water.

Sharon, how is Ella Rose and her reflux?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 06, 2005, 02:50:25 am
Caroline, sooo nice to hear from you!  :D

I have to ask... did the teeth pop up after the three sleepless weeks? As everyone knows we are struggling. Into our third week of sleepless nights though yesterday I bought some natural teething oil and she slept through!
This place is a God send. They have this tummy trouble oil I used before and dd was literally screaming her head off for over an hour and I rubbed this oil onto her tummy, she immediately relaxed, her wee head turned to the side and she went into a deep sleep. At this point I'm ready to go kiss the women who make this stuff!  :lol:  Though I'm not counting on it lasting... (it's a local Vancouver company but they'll deliver to the states now if anyone is that interested...)

How are your nights going Cazao? And Jennifer how about the swaddle? Always looking forward to more updates from everyone!

I couldn't have handled all that either Caroline. It's so overwhelming being a first time mum! (and a second and third, etc. I'm sure!!) And I know what you mean about their personalities at this stage. Dh and I have just been commenting about dd and how much she seems like a "little girl" all of a sudden. it's just amazing to see how they are already so much their own person!

And thanks for asking about Ella's reflux! It's so much better with the solids. Well, she was much better with the meds but now with solids it's better for us too as she doesn't spit up as much.  We're transitioning her off the rice starch formula and onto a regular one right now because it's all too much for her wee tummy. She seems to be handling it well. A bit more spit up but that's okay. I'm tempted to move her bottle and solids closer together though... I was scared she was having a hard time again with all these sleepless nights but I think I'm just paranoid now after what happened when she was younger. I think she's just being a "normal" baby. And a big part of my not worrying so much is all of you! Knowing you all are going through the same things...

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 06, 2005, 03:00:22 am
oops dbl post!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 06, 2005, 03:23:35 am
I posted this but I didn't see it, so I'm trying again.  Hope won't doublepost!

Hi everyone,

Well, I am just floored!! Jadyn has been fussy and cries at times for no reason and I know it's because of her tooth that popped up last week. Then today she was outside playing in her high chair(I use it outside and we watch daddy do yardwork ) and she was chewing away on her new chewy bracelet and then I saw it!!! Another tooth right beside the one that's already out!!! No wonder she's been just gumming her mouth and crying!!! I didn't realize it would be this quick. Man, she's going to have a mouth full of teeth before she's a year old. Yikes, I want to breastfeed til at least til she's a year old. She hasn't really used her tooth on me yet, so maybe she won't try to bite me. 
Are you guys using Baby Orajel? I only have regular strength Orajel and have been using it, very little. Is that ok? I just keep forgetting to get the baby strength!

Hi dixiedutch and welcome back. I know what you mean not being able to do everything and at times getting overwhelmed. Don't feel bad. I don't work hardly at all and it's good if I can just do the laundry and iron 2 shirts for my hubby. I just wonder how moms that work and have several children and keep the house nice and clean, cook dinner, etc. Whew!! I do good if I clean the house once a month.  As far as our babies growing and having their own personalities, I think the same thing!! I still can't believe she was once inside me, feeding, growing, moving around... Now she is her own little person. I just want to swallow her up and put her back inside me sometimes. She's so darn cute. It's hard for me to share her. I know that sounds so bad.  Does anybody else miss having their lo's in your tummy and being with you 24/7?

Jennifer, I just reread your question about you putting your baby almost asleep. I did that (rocking her to sleep) with Jadyn for about 2wks and she started waking at night times (very unusual) and taking longer to go back to sleep. So I read on Naps forum a post 'Nap training- It does work', and so I got motivated to retrain in putting Jadyn down for naps awake. It took just 2 days and this is going on a week now she goes down fully awake!!

Sharon & Cazao - How are your nightwakings? Is it getting better? Any teeth?
Sharon, I'm glad you found that tummy oil and hopefully it will help her for a long time.  Also, you can vent as much as you want here and we will be here for support!! 

Alli - Thanks for the info. I am going for her 6mo check up at the end of the month and I will definitely talk to him about it. I used to wonder if Jadyn had reflux as well. I think I just like to worry period. 

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on June 06, 2005, 03:59:38 am
Lots of reading to catch up on :D   As one might only imagine I have been a little busy the last few weeks with end of the school year stuff and getting things ready for dh to be away on a medical trip for months (6). 

So my wee one is getting too smart for her own good!  She 'tries' to pull herself up on her toys.  With a little help she manages to get into a full standing postion.  Her legs are still too weak for this but she thinks it is a good idea :roll:   She will just have to be content to bounce in her exersaucer and jollyjumper a little longer.

I haven't been using any 'medication' for teething.  Dd seems to be having not too much trouble and a cold teething toy or freezie :oops:  seems to be enough to keep her happy.  We still only have the two bottom teeth but I am sure there are more coming soon.

Dd is sitting up wonderfully.  So well in fact that she has enough balance to grab at things.  I think she is very close to crawling too.  She is trying so hard to get moving but hasn't figured out how to move her legs at the same time as her arms.  If nothing else she can roll to what she wants :roll:

Our nights are going very well.  She is in a great routine.  Bed by 8pm and sleeps straight through until 8am.  We are on a EAESY routine for her.  The first E is when I give her solids, the second a bottle.  I am getting 2 really good naps during the day (1-2 hours) and she takes the odd catnap in the van when we go out :oops: .

For solids she is eating Whole grain cereal at breakfast (banana added), fruit for lunch, and a beginner veggie and meat at supper.  As well as crackers, baby cookies, and dry toast to gum at other times during thee day.  She is doing very well with them.

The only trouble we are having is in regards to our bugs!  Dd has a few bites on her face that are making her scratch a bit and for some reason everyone is getting swollen from them this year (gotta love mosquitoes).  I have been putting Skin-So-Soft on her at night before bed, but of course it wears off before morning :x   I guess the only real solution is to move :wink:

So that is about it for now.  Next week we have our 6 month shots and I can't wait to see how much she weighs now.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 06, 2005, 04:16:50 am
Hi Dawn , nice to hear from you!  Btw, what does SAHM mean?
Things sound like they are moving along nicely for you. Glad to hear you aren't having much trouble with teething! You too Kathy. Jadyn sounds like she's a real trooper with teeth! Have you started solids yet?

As you can see I have a bit of time on my hands tonight as dh is taking over as he has to go out of town for the next three days. I finally found the thread that suggests what our avatars should be each month. June is wedding photos or photos of you with your significant other or just you!  :)

I suppose I should put a "real" wedding photo in but this one cracks me up!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on June 06, 2005, 04:58:53 am
Sahm means stay at home mom.

Love the picture :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 06, 2005, 13:04:40 pm
Kathy- re: breastfeeding a baby with several teeth...I was reeeaaaalllly nervous when Stephen got his furst two (got one right after the other), but they were on the bottom and their little tongues should be over their bottom gums.  Then a few months later he got two on top and I was really nervous again.  He never bit, but I did get a little callous where his teeth rested while nursed.  But we had no problems and I breastfed him until he was a little over 1.  And lots of moms do it way past that point when their kids have a mouth full of teeth.  If he bites, just firmly say, "No biting." and take him off the breast.

Good to hear from everyone else.  Zachary gave us a 12 hour night on Saturday and then a little over 9 hours last night! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 06, 2005, 14:28:37 pm
Gees, Sharon I thought that was your wedding picture!  Still love it though!

After reading all these postings about teething and restless nights is beginning to scare me a little now.  DD is still restless at nights, rollling and making sounds several times at night and she's not even teething!  I try not to go in and start a bad habit but sometimes I just want to hold her and let her know that I'm there for her. 

I was with a couple of moms over the weekend and there were discussions about attachment parenting.  Having listened to their reasons as to why or how often we should attend to our los' cries day or night, or that we shouldn't expect them to slept 10-12 hrs without a feeding or a cuddle made me feel uneasy about myself as a mom.  I don't always go to dd when she lets out a cry but I do attend to her when her cries are clearly in pain.  However, these last few weeks has me doubting myself again.  Am I expecting too much from dd?  Expecting her to sleep 11-12 hrs without waking b/c she did it before?  I know that developmental changes will affect her (sleep, eating, and behaviour) and that I should go with the flow when these happen however...  sometimes I wish that she comes with a manual.   :lol: Saw a commercial about that on TV recently - very funny.

On a good note, dd is learning to crawl.  She has managed to get on all fours but doesn't know how to coordinate her hands and legs yet.  And this is making her more whining as she doesnt want to be in her exersaucer for more than 15 min anymore - guess I have to start childproofing the house, cleaning everyday and buying a gate and .... where do these moms with more than 1 child find the time?   Well gotta to go, I guess that watching mommy type is not very interesting. :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 06, 2005, 19:14:07 pm
hi all,

so much to catch up on.. i am still trying to learn who everyone is and their lo. 
Kathy, thanks for the advice, ds is doing better.  i decided to stick to my decision and not swaddle.  now he falls asleep okay.  my routine is to hold him, give him paci, put blanket up against his face and sometimes he just passes out, other times i rock him a little until i see sleepy signs and put him down.  there have been times where he will wake up and flip his legs up and start to play the second he hits the mattress... those days i usually rock him longer but he is a very spirited baby.  also, our ds was born on 12\25 only a day eariler then jayden. 

caljaccol... you are amazing, what is your secret of sanity with all of those lo's?  i cant believe all of the physical activities your dd is doing. 

my question to everyone today is about milestones.  our ds is doing pretty good, he sits up with support and leans forward for toys while sitting.  you would think that he could sit up but he gets so excited and trys to reach for everything.  the one thing that concerns me is that he has been rolling from his back to his front since 3mo but still doesn't roll from front to back.  he gets so upset when he rolls over and even starts to cry... we tried tummy time and needless to say it was horrible.  any suggestions.  thanks.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 06, 2005, 19:14:03 pm
sorry guys,  mess up
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 06, 2005, 20:55:10 pm
Mimi....DON'T DOUBT yourself!  To me, Tracy's whole point was learning to read your own baby and what they need.  We do our best for them and try to learn their cues so they are happy and comfy.  If you think your baby needs a cuddle...cuddle her!  A mummy's instinct is always best.  We just try and do our routine as much as possible and as you said, ride out the rest. ie. our sleepless nights.  :) And, btw, Ella has slept through the past two nights with one brief waking and I think...think...think... a tooth is poking up the bottom. Just a hard bump but... *fingers crossed*  It's just about learning your own child and helping them in every way possible develop good habits. No pressure. We definitely notice dd thrives on our routine so we try and keep it as much as possible, but believe you me, SHE is definitely driving this bus!  :lol:  And that is a real wedding picture. What I meant by real was maybe I should put a "nice" one up instead of me trying to look up my husbands kilt.  :lol:

Jennifer, we had quite a time with the whole rolling business too.  Early on, I think about 4 months, dd rolled from back to front one day and the very next she rolled from front to back. She kept up with the rolling from back to front but seemed to forget how to go the other way!  This went right up until about 5 1/2 months when she started crying at night if she ended up on her tummy while she was sleeping. We'd have to go back in and roll her over.  Then, just recently she started doing it again and now rolls like crazy and has turned into a tummy sleeper. Oh and last night she somehow got out of her sleep sack!! It was in a ball in the corner of the crib!  :shock:  That girl has a triple A personality that's for sure! I also just read this morning that lo's lunging for toys while sitting is an important thing. It apparently is the pre-cursor to crawling or scooting. So sounds like ds is doing awesome!

Talk to you all soon, dd is calling after a 40 minute nap... :?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 06, 2005, 20:56:27 pm
and thanks Dawn!  :)

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 07, 2005, 16:48:07 pm
sharon-  this is too weird... i write the post yesterday about rolling over and last night, ds rolled over from back to front while trying to fall asleep.  initally i tried to roll him back over but he was sound asleep so i left him.  well, 3am comes and he did exactly what your lo did...sreamed
his head off, apparently he couldn't roll back over.  i hope he can soon because other wise i am worried about our nights.  i put a rolled up blanket next to him and that kept him from rolling again. 

for anyone who is doubting themselves i just want to tell you i am there :wink: our ds is not on what you would call an EASY routine anymore. it worked extremelly well when he was little but now he has decided his own routine.  fellow mothers and girlfriends of mine shared with me that this age (around 6mo) is almost more difficult then when they are first born and i believe it
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 07, 2005, 17:01:33 pm
Hi everyone,

Alli- Thank you for reassuring me that Jadyn's teeth won't bother bfing too much.  I really want to bf as looong as I can.  I love the bonding time and also I'm cheap.   :wink: Those formulas are too pricey, if you ask me, and these boobs are free. :lol: I told my husband I want to go even beyond 1yr.  He thinks I will change my mind, esp when ALL her teeth are in.  We'll see.

Jennifer - Glad ds is doing better, even without swaddling.  My lo flips and plays in bed as well.  She's so cute!! I will hear this little noise and I go up to check on her and she's on her back with her legs up in the air and she's trying to touch her toes.  Of course, that's not so cute when it's sleeptime!!
Just this morning I put her on her back and watched as she tried to flip to her tummy.  She flips from her tummy to back already but has been having trouble flipping from back to tummy, esp at night.  She's a tummy sleeper and won't sleep on her back!  So hopefully her practicing now will help her during sleep.

Mimi, My husband and I literally run when Jadyn cries, any kind of cries.  She hardly cries and is so happy that if she cries we figure she needs us.  I have to race to get to her before my hubby!! :wink:  We figure she's only a little baby for so long and we want to be there for her all the time and let her know that.  That's awesome she's crawling!! I can't wait til see my lo crawling.  I bet it's so cute.

Sharon-I think I will finally start solids this week.  She woke last night at 2:50am and would not go back down til 4:50am!!! Wow, I'm not used to that.  She did sleep in til 8:30am but still.  I don't see how moms that have to get up for nightwakings do it.  They are more of a mom than I am.

Gotta go, lo is up after 1.30 min nap & she didn't wake for her 45min!! Yeah!!! She;s cooing right now.  hope all of you are having a great day!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 08, 2005, 03:49:40 am
Kathy it makes me soooo happy to hear Jaydn is such a happy wee thing!
Good on you!   

And Jennifer I took much comfort in you saying your friends said six months is hard...'cause whooooo man we've been having a tough time!
Though dd is still sleeping through with only 1-2 wake ups and the bump on her gums is going up and down...

One new thing is she's started babbling.  :D  goo goo and da da da and it's the most wonderful sound I think I've ever heard! I recorded it and played it back for her and she laughed her head off like it was the funniest thing in the world!  ~sigh~  I'm soooo in love...  :D

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 08, 2005, 14:47:05 pm
My lo ate her first bit of solids today - 2 tblspoon of rice cereal mixed with ebm - and she ate it all up and liked it!! :D 

Sharon - she is a very happy baby but I think her teeth are finally bothering her sleep, esp at night.  She's doing this moaning and last night and the night before she screamed about 10mins into going to bed.  She definitely was in pain! :cry:  I gave her Orajel (hates it) & Tylenol (loves it).  Boy, I sure hope this teething is going to be over soon.

Do I give her cereal for breakfast (1hr after bf) and also for dinner (5:45pm) for a couple of weeks and then add in fruit or veggies?  I'm so confused with this solid foods!!  I just wish I only could give her bm and not worry about other stuff!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 08, 2005, 16:21:48 pm

so happy to hear your lo is enjoying solids, not every baby takes to it so quickly.  When i began feeding solids i researched a few baby food websites, i really liked  they, along with my ped suggests feeding rice cereal for 3-5 days (increasing the consistency each day) after rice is then wheat and then barley.  after your lo has tried all for at least 3 days each then you can start veggies and do the same for each type.  i started feeding my ds breakfast and dinner and now we are on the fruits.  he eats a fruit and ceral for breakfast, lunch is 1\2jar fruit & 1\2 jar veggies, dinner 1\2jar veggies and cereal.  hope i helped. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 09, 2005, 01:55:25 am
Thank you Jennifer for you reply.  I got on the website and read the guidelines for cereal and then introducing fruits & veggies.  I guess I am supposed to give rice cereal for about 4-5 days and then try barley & oatmeal for the same period.  And then after she's ok with that introduce the veggie or fruit?  Can I not just stay with rice cereal, rather than introducing barley & oatmeal?  I gave her 2tbl spoon of cereal at 5:30pm and she gobbled it up.  I wished I had made more.  Then I bf her at 7pm and she nursed for her normal length.

She's been kinda clingy and fussy a bit lately.  She woke up from her catnap really fussy and would not let me put her down.  I had to hold her in a sling while I tried to do things around the house. :?  On a good note, she went down for nighttime very easily, like she used to.  She moaned for only about 5mins and I patted her for about 5mins and she was calm enough to go to sleep.  I am so proud of her.  I did give her Tylenol & Orajel also. :wink:

She has been staying awake longer & longer and I'm kinda confused as to what her ideal wake time is.  She just goes with it, no matter how long her wake time is.  Like today, her big sissy had to go to summer camp and it was 45mins before her nap time.  I just went ahead and let her watch Baby Einstein and then took Lexi to camp.  On the way there, she was very quiet and not too sleepy.  On the way back, she was out, with her little cute mouth wide open. :lol:  So she stayed awake for almost 3hrs!!!  Of course, she did wake after 45 mins.  But her second nap, which is usually 45mins, was a little longer - 1hr40mins.  She stayed awake 2hr30min from her catnap til her bed time.  I wonder if I should just keep that her regular wake time, rather than the 2hr wake time.

What's your lo's wake time at 51/2mo or 6mos?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 09, 2005, 02:16:51 am
We kind of do the same as Jennifer food wise...I think I posted it before for you Kathy in the other forum. Let me know if you want it again here...

As for naps dd seems to be settling in to a new routine on her own. It's shaping up like this...

Anywhere between 5 and 6 she starts babbling. Sometimes she'll doze again until between 6:30 and 7.  We go in, open her blinds, and she plays for a few minutes more while we get her stuff ready.

7 bottle
8 breakfast
9 nap  lately exactly 1 1/2 hours from when she went down. To the minute sometimes!
11 bottle
12:30 lunch
1-1:15 nap usually two hours
3 bottle
5:30 supper   
6:15 bath
6:40 bottle
7 (sometimes 6:45) bed

So it's turning into 2 1/2 hours awake time. Because she's usually awake by 6:30 even if she's not up. 7 is a rare day and then her nap begins about 9:15. She still won't catnap for the most part and does get crankier in the evening.  I have noticed I can no longer let her "kitty cat" nap in the stroller etc. I did that today during a walk and she fell asleep about 12-12:30 and that threw her off for the afternoon. Wouldn't nap again and was just a fuss budget all evening until she took another cat nap in her swing from 5-5:30. She's currently down, without any problems, for the night.    I'm finding she naps better all around with the longer awake time. We kind of slid into it just by watching her closely and learning the new cues. I think someone else said it here before...there's very little yawning these days just different tired noises. Though I think we need to try and extend it even a bit more to alleviate the evening length. It's just too long!  But she's so tired by "nap time" and she's napping so well... I don't know. Curious to hear what others are doing...

Oh and the bump in dd's lower gum is back.... still waiting! The teething oil is helping as is the Tylenol.  Poor things cheeks are like little apples they're so red!  :)

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on June 09, 2005, 02:53:37 am
Kathy, we started solids about the same time as you did and only did rice cereal, fruits, and then yellow to orange to green veggies. I have not done oatmeal or mixed grain cereals yet. There are so many theories out there about when to do makes my head spin....

Mimi, I know what you mean about attachment parents. My mom's group is ALL attachment parents. Sometimes, I feel that teaching Juliana independence is a good thing -- I am the only one who doesn't carry the baby around all day and sometimes I feel that I am such a bad mother. Juliana was a very fussy baby and quite strong-willed. She cried ALOT.

6 months has been a bit easier for me because she's become more independant and naps much better. It takes a great deal more to keep her entertained though.

I am starting to feel a bit more lonely though. I have more time now that she naps to think about loneliness....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on June 09, 2005, 05:07:17 am
I think the important thing to take from Tracy is to try to follow a routine.  IMO a baby that knows what is going to come next is going to be much happier.  Some children might need lots of cuddles to be happy others not so much.  Last summer, I witnessed first hand what children (and these were from age 3-9)who have no routine are like to get to eat, sleep, and do anything else with.  That gave me one more reason to make sure my kids had routine in their life.

I thought I would post my routine on an average day with my 6 month old:

7:30am wake
1/4 c. cereal
8oz bottle
8-9:30 play (loves bouncing, rolling, rattles)
9:30 nap
10:30 wake
8oz bottle
11 play
11:30 lunch (veggie)
12 cat nap
12:30 8oz apple juice/water
1-2 nap
2 play
2:30 cat nap (time when I have to pick dd1 up from school and she always naps in the van)
3 8oz bottle
-4:30 play
4:30 supper (fruit, meat, veggie)
5:00 cat nap
5:30 play
6:30 bath
7 8oz bottle
7:30 bed

My question for everyone,  what do you do to entertain your lo's?

My dd has discovered mirrors lately.  If we walk past one she gets a big grin on her face and chatters.  She will spend hours in the bathroom chatting a way at herself!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on June 09, 2005, 12:39:03 pm
OMG - she can do it!!! I just had to share!!!!  :D  As I was on the site, I turned over and Zoe was on her tummy!!! She rolled all by herself for the first time!!!(from back to front)  And without me even coaxing her.  I thought my kids would never roll!! Woo hoo!!! :D  (can you tell I'm excited  :wink: )

Thanks for letting me share!! I don't post much on this thread, but I love keeping up with it!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 09, 2005, 14:04:38 pm
hi ladies,

Kathy, the ped told me to try and introduce oatmeal and barley after rice just to rule out allergies.  if you feed dd twice you can still give her rice cereal during one of the feedings.  they say to wait for multi grain till they are much older.  but everyone is right, you will get different advice from everyone. 

well here is our schedule, as i mentioned earlier, ds choose his own routine.

6\630 up&bottle 7oz
630-8 play with gymini or excersaucer
8breakfast-1\2jar fruit & 1\4tbsp oatmeal (doesnt like rice)
815-845 baby einstien video
1030-bottle 7oz
1 lunch 1\2jar fruit & 1\2jar veggies
230 bottle 7oz
3\330 nap
play (usually cranky time, wants to be held and walked around the house)
5dinner- 1\2 jar veggeis&1\4barley
530 bath
630 baby einstien video
7bottle 5oz

DS has always taken short naps, tried to make longer but more work then its worth.  he sleeps through with a dreamfeed at 10pm and rarely wakes during the night. 

As for activites, he gets bored very easily.  It seems every afternoon he wants to be carried around so i am working on new activities.  it is difficult because it is really hot here (florida) and i dont want to take him out in the heat.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 09, 2005, 22:26:01 pm
aawwww come here when you're lonely Caroline!  :D  I'm usually lurking trying to get advice on my parenting!

What is the deal with wheat and mixed grain anyways?  In Canada they say 6 months right? And is it a good idea to give cereal (whatever kind) 3x a day? Or can they have it once, or twice? There are such differing opinions as to how much per day. If dd is drinking an average of 25 oz. of formula too, then how much cereal should she be getting? I like to give her veggies and fruit but with cereal at every meal it seems like sooo much food. I also posted this in the weaning forum, but maybe someone here knows too... what about spices, onion, etc. Is it okay to start introducing it in veggie stock? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for the help!

Jennifer we watch baby einstein before nap time every morning too.  :lol:

We also use exersaucer, jolly jumper and lot's of walks in the stroller.  Sometimes we bang pots and pans, chew on tupperwear, play with teddy bears, leave her with some toys on the carpet, read books (though she just chews them) We also sing a lot, play music for her and sometimes just sit and make silly faces for her or give her some good bounces and wiggles till she laughs. Dd also loves the baby in the mirror so we spend a lot of time doing that. Sometimes if she's fussy we are doing a change of scenery every 10 or 15 minutes. We just try to intersperse quiet activites with more boisterous ones. Don't know if that helps but that's our activity!

And big congratulations on the rolling over Zoe!!  :)

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 10, 2005, 02:43:34 am
Congrats Zoe.  Now you won't be able to keep her from doing it all the time now. :lol:  Doesn't it feel like a world event when your lo does something different that she's never done before?  I think it's magnificent!!

Well, I'm not going to stress out about solids and just go with it.  I've got Sharon's routine on my refrig & and also Jennifer's so I should be ok.  I'm just going to give her rice cereal for two weeks for breakfast (1hr after bf) and dinner (1hr 1/2 before bedtime bf).  And after 2wks, I'm going to introduce veggie & fruit during those two times.  Then after about a month, I will finally introduce lunch (veggie).  She had 2 tbls mixed with ebm yesterday and today she had 3 tbl for breakfast and 4 tblspoon for dinner.  I think she would have kept on eating at dinner time if I'd offered.  She started crying when I stopped at 3tbl so I made 1 1/2 more to make her happy. She definitely lets me know if she wants something or doesn't like something.  Boy, am I in for it.  Her personality is so sweet and then there are those times when she gets frustrated (can't get the toy in the exersaucer in her mouth to chew), she starts yelling and banging stuff. :lol:

She has been fussing a little for bedtime and rolling and rolling and I've been concerned that I would become a prop of patting her til she's asleep.  So I talked to Matthew's mommy and decided to put her in bed and just walk away.  Oh my gosh, it worked.  She talked & rolled and lost her paci.  I just let her roll for about 10mins and went in and without any talking, rolled her to her tummy, put her paci in and left and then SILENCE, she fell asleep without any patting!!!!  No patting whatsoever!!!  I just walked away and she didn't cry at all!!  Wow.  Matthew's mommy said at this age, she should be able to fall asleep independently and when she does that, her 45mins wake will disappear.  I can't wait to see what happens this week.  She also told me that after 6mos, not to go in to try to put her back to sleep before she wakes because me going in & trying to help will actually do the opposite and wake her!!  I will keep you guys posted.

Jadyn loves her Einstein videos also!! If I need to iron or clean up, I will put her in her highchair downstairs and let her watch it (our tv is huge, so she needs to be up higher).  She loves it.  She gets mesmerized.  I put it in today 3times.  I felt kinda guilty though, not spending time with her.  I put it in French version.  Who knows, maybe she will get something? :wink:  They didn't have it in Korean :wink: (I'm 100% Korean)  My husband has some French in him though, I think.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 10, 2005, 03:18:52 am
That's some goooood eatin' Kathy!  :D  glad she likes it.

I've decided to hold out on wheat cereal until 8 months. (we don't have any allergies in our family) Though I did give her (and still do) oatmeal which apparently has gluten in it... she has both oatmeal and rice cereal every day. (though we did move to brown rice at 6 mo.) 

And the banging in the exersaucer is too funny! Ella does the exact same thing. She can only be in it for brief periods of time. She loves it but overloads and just starts beating everything.  :lol:

Ella has just learned how to put herself back down after the 45 minute mark.  She too babbles and rolls then you can hear her find her soother and she conks out again. Or it escalates until we go back in and put the soother in. I'm supposed to be weaning her off it right now but her naps have been great and now that we know it's teething I don't want to muck with it. We walk away immediately too. I think I said that before... can't remember but dh had to teach me not to stay in too long or I just get her going again. If we reassure then leave she ususally goes right back to sleep.

She actually has two little "cuts" and blisters on her lower gum now so I know she hasn't been sick or just cranky lately. I find immense relief in knowing what is actually wrong! :)

Have you seen the "language" baby einstein video? Dd likes it but she likes Mozart the best. The language one has French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and I can't remember what else but it's pretty cool... No Korean though, sorry Kathy!  :wink:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 10, 2005, 15:57:44 pm
Hello ladies,  I'm so glad that everyone is doing fine and like Kathy I think that I will posts some of your schedules for dd as well.  It seems that she is definitely getting very whiny/frustrated if she can't get a toy or gets bored too quickly.  Ahh...  I missed the good old days when she wasn't so vocal and LOUD!!! :lol:

Isn't Mathew's Mom great?  I've followed alot of her suggestions and they worked wonders.  Kathy, I know what you mean about just walking away and letting them sleep.  Sharon suggested the same thing to me and since then, I never bothered to camp out by dd's room to listen for that 45 min stirring.  And the amazing thing is dd just rolled over, bang the mattress a couple of times and then went back to sleep.

I have to confess to you all, dd doesn't like Baby Einstein.  She prefers... Barney!!! :oops:  Yes, my baby will grow up singing that dreadful "I love you" song instead of becoming a renown intellect. 

Now that her naps a great again.  Her nighttime is another story.   :roll:   I'm all for dd practicing her skills at rolling, crawling and trying to sit but must she do them at night?!?  Last night was the worst - I was up for a total of 3 hrs trying to get dd untangled and unwedged.  I was prepared for this wakings so I decided to wrap her legs for the last week but yet she still manages to do all these things while asleep.  Babies are amazing aren't they? :lol:

Well, SIL called and wondered about dd.  I told her the truth about her sleeping, eating and well basically everything and now I'm kinda regretting it.  You see, sil believes that babies should fit into our lifestyle and not the other way around.  That is, babies should eat at certain times and sleep whenever and whereever ( sil & mil thinks tht dd sleeps too much - 1 nap is enough).  I think that next time she ask, I'll just say that dd is just fine and leave it at that.

Have a good day everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 10, 2005, 16:50:54 pm
i am almost affraid to jinx it but... i have my angel back.  ds has 4 full teeth and was misearable for weeks.  the last few days have been wonderful, he is playing independantly and sleeping well.  yahhhhhhhhh!!!!  anyway, how do you put a pic near your name and how do you get the thing that tells the age of your lo??
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 10, 2005, 19:18:41 pm
 Go into your profile and insert a picture from your file into the avatar field.  As your lo's ticker, click on mine and it will take you there to the website and you can customize your own.  Once that is done, paste the ticker code into the signature field.  There are other sites to making a ticker.  Just click on any one of the ones you see in the signature and it will take you directly to that website.  Have fun wiht the tickers!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 10, 2005, 20:17:19 pm
well i think i got the ticker working but our photos are too big. might have dh fix it for me. have a good weekend all. :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 11, 2005, 01:13:10 am
Sharon, that is awesome that she can go back to sleep!! I'm making myself do things & keep from going in while that 45min is happening.  :oops:

Today her 1st nap was an hour (weird) with not a peep at 45mins, and then she slept 1.45min for her second nap.  Here's the wild thing though.  She was up 3hrs for her wake time.  I had to pickup her big sissy from summer camp so I just didn't put her down and she did ok.  The very last 10min was tough and she fussed in the car and almost fell asleep.  Anyway I was convinced since she was soooo tired she would wake at 45min, but, no, 1hr45mins.  Wow.  So she got up at 3pm, ok, we went to Home Depot to get some things to do our stairscase and she would not go to sleep in the Baby Bjorn!! She kept on smiling everytime I looked to see if she's getting sleepy.  So finally gave up at 5:30pm.  We went out to eat after that and I gave her cereal, which she gobbled up fast.  The child does not know how to savor her food.  She just swallows it whole.  How can she even taste it and enjoy it? :lol: So now she's been up for 3hr wake and she's not fussy, just wiggly wiggly!!  We get home at 7pm and I went straight to nurse her and man it was like bfing an octopus.  Her arms were grabbing at me, herself, flailing all over the place, trying to situp while boob is still in her mouth :? , pushing away, all at the same time.  She only nursed about 6mins and I put her down at 7:20.  That's 4 1/2hr wake time!!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  I was prepared for the worst!! She babbled for a couple of mins and started to fuss, so I went in and, of course, she was sideways, stuck.  I put her back in the middle, paci back in and she was out in 10mins.  Okay, so what the heck is that 4 1/2 hr wake time?  What am I supposed to do if she does this daily?  I guess in a month, she would be losing that catnap.  Oh well I will just go along with what she wants to do.  What choice do I have anyway?  It's not like I'm the one who's running this show anyway.  We all know who's the boss in this household. :wink:

Mimi, yes Matthew's Mommy has been wonderful.  I started to pm her when Jadyn was going through her crazy screaming at 10wks and Jane has called and talked things through over the phone.  She's awesome.

Jennifer, yeah, in having your angel back!! That teething business is torture, isn't it?  I know Jadyn's top will probably come out sooner than later and not looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend, ladies, and lots & lots of sleep to you all!!!

p.s. I just noticed that my posts are always so long!!  Sorry, I guess I don't know how to make it nice & short. :oops:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 11, 2005, 02:15:20 am
Mimi... that's too funny about Barney! I always sing that song to dd and dh walks around gagging behind our backs.  :lol:  And I know what you mean about SIL.  All our family thinks we try to do too much with dd.  They're very into the "port-a-baby" thing and my BIL and his wife have a baby they take to Granny's every day, let the kids sleep whenever they pass out, etc. and everyone thinks they are just relaxed and dh and I are too uptight not letting "babies be babies." Kwim? They say all babies cry for sleep and all babies cry at naps, etc. "It's just the way it is." Of course they're usually surprised when they are over and see how easily dd goes to sleep!  :wink: Some of our friends too (childless ones) don't understand why we don't want to go out at 7 at night and just let dd sleep wherever we are.  We don't bother to explain anymore. It's too hard. We know what we're trying to do and all we want is what's best for dd. Teaching her good habits and all that. What did Tracy say? Start as you mean to go on!"  :)

Jennifer that's awesome you have your angel back! So happy to hear it. When you create your ticker at lilypie, you have to cut and paste the 2nd option out of the three "codes" they give you. Don't know if that helps as I see you've tried but it's not working yet.

Kathy as you can see from some of my recent posts we're kind of struggling with that third late awake time too as dd won't cat nap anymore unless it's under extreme circumstances. (such as NO afternoon nap!) I tried my theory about dd's kitty cat naps in the stroller today... she started to fall asleep again doing errands right before lunch so I gently kept her awake on the way home. She became more awake and we had lunch and then I put her down for her afternoon nap and she slept two hours. Yeah!

And now for our big news..... ELLA HAS A TOOTH!!   :D   :D  Yippeeee!
Okay so it's only up a bit but it's through the gum and sharp and white so in my mind it's officially here! Soooo exciting. .....though I'm still thinking our long nights of uninterupted sleep are a thing of the past....  :lol:
I bought some other homeopathic teething stuff with the same ingredients as the Hylands... apparently the main ingredient is Chamomile. a natural analgesic.  I swear by it!! If you all want to try if need be.

You can see Kathy you're not the only one with long posts... In fact I worry I post too much!  :oops:

You all have a great weekend too.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 11, 2005, 12:19:57 pm
Congrats to ella!!! Sharon, i know exactly what you mean about friends and family.   i have attempted to go over friends houses in the evening and they always tell me to put him in the pack-n-play in the back room so he can sleep (no way when there are a lot of people there)  sometimes jake falls asleep but most of the time he doesnt and we leave early.  i had a friend tell me that "i'm not the same person anymore" :roll:
kathy, i vagualy remember hearing that around six months is when you can switch from 3 naps to 2.  something like 3hours before 1st and 3hr before 2nd and then 4hr before bedtime.  maybe jadyn is changing her schedule.   well gotta run :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 11, 2005, 12:21:59 pm
trying the ticker again :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 11, 2005, 14:38:38 pm
YEAH, Ella Rose!!!   :D  I know you are so happy too,Sharon! :D  And btw, I enjoy all your long posts. :lol: And, no, you don't post too many. I would have to admist I post too many as well, then. :D

Jennifer, of course you're not the same person any more.  You are now a mother.  :D I'm glad to be someone different.  And, yes, I don't go anywhere after 7pm either, Sharon.  For me, I'm very happy to accomodate my baby's needs while she's a baby.  And, no, I don't want her to 'fit' into our lives.  She's a person and I want her to have her say so and her time into our lives.

Thanks for the info on going to 2 naps.  So how do you get them to nap 2hrs on that schedule?  It only gives them an hour to nap if you keep them awake 3hrs.  I don't understand. Let me post my sched for 4hr routine.  Can you tell me how you or other moms do it, if they are on 2naps a day?

7 E (bf)
8 Breakfast
10 S (1hr?) (Should I keep this wake time at 21/2hr so she can sleep for 1hr30min?)

11 E (bf)
12 Lunch (This will start in a couple of weeks)
2   S (1hr?)

3 E (bf)
5 Dinner
6:30 Bedtime routine (bath, massage, jammies, 2 stories)
7 E (bf)
7:15 To bed (she does sleep in til 7 or 7:30 am.  So is that enough naptime (2hrs a day?) if she gets 12hrs at night?

Jadyn is sitting in her highchair next to me doing leg raises while holding it with her hands & she's babbling & blowing rasberries at me :lol: She just smiles & laughs when I look over at her!!  Gosh, sometimes I just can't believe she's all mine to love & hold and just to look at... What did I ever do to deserve her?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 11, 2005, 16:08:33 pm
Blargh.... dd was up ALL night again and we started the day at 5.  eep. I had hoped with the tooth we were on the upswing but... it appears their may be another that hasn't poked through the skin yet.  I can't believe my tiny wee baby (okay so she was never that tiny... :lol: ) is growing teeth, babbling rolling around... it's true what they say isn't it about how quickly it goes! Ella will be seven months in one week!!!

Okay. The schedule thing. I'm actually in the process of tweaking this right now (hopefully with some help from the infamous Matthew's Mommy) but I'll tell you where we are at and what we are trying to do. I think the EASY becomes less stringent as they grow, it's to set guidlines and good habits in the beginning. Such as learning how to not need to feed to sleep, etc.

Ella wakes on average at 6:30 which makes it a bit easier "schedule" wise.
And I've read there is usually less awake time between the am wakeup and am nap, and the am nap wakeup to the next pm nap. Kwim? So 2 1/2 hours between am wakeup and 1st nap and 3 hours between am nap wakeup and 2nd pm nap.  Though I'm still trying to find more info on that long evening stretch it leaves. I have heard it gets easier as they get older to stay awake for longer periods as the day goes on so... maybe that evening stretch is okay at this age. Or just starting to be.

Here's what is posted in the sleep issues thread about average times at this age. (can you believe the nap time decreases just when you figured out how to increase it!!)

 6 months old:
Night: 12 hours;
Day: 2.25 hours - 2 naps, 1 of 1 hour and 1 of 1.25 hours;
Total: 14.5 hours

Of course you'll notice that doesn't actually add up to 14.5 but 14.25.

So here's my theory so far.

7 milk
8 breakfast
9:30 nap until 10:30 (or if until 11 then 2-3 in p.m) so 1 or 1.5 hrs
11 milk
12 lunch
1:30 nap until 3 (or 2 nap until 3 depending on am) so 1 or 1.5 hrs
3 bottle
5 supper
6 (or 6:15 however long your routine is) bath
6:30 or 6:45 milk
7 bed

That's 14.5 hours.

I have to check as I think the next step in the land of napping is to drop the am nap and the next bottle or breast feed that is dropped is usually the 11. I think lunch gets bumped up to around 11 or 11:30.

As I said I'm just figuring it out now and I'm kind of thinking out loud here.
I'll keep you posted if Matthew's Mommy gets back to me. One other thing she said was they don't need as much of a wind down at around 6 months or they go through the stages of sleep too quickly then will wake at 45.min.

Does any of this make sense?  :shock: It's confusing...

Bye for now,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 11, 2005, 22:43:21 pm
hi ladies, need some advice.  i know they have a seperate board for this but i feel more comfortable chatting with you all.  my husband is in the military and is in training to become an officer, he has 18mths left of training before he is commissioned and they his salary about doubles.  but in the meantime we are living off of our savings.  until our son was born i always worked and we lived a lifestyle to reflect our income.  since ds was born i quit my job.  well, it is getting a little scary and we are not sure if we will make 18more months.  i have considered going back to work but the thought of leaving my son brings tears to my eyes.   we are considering selling our house in 6mths or so because our mortgage is high.  what do you all think. have any of you dealt with this issue or dealing with it currently.  sorry so personal but need some encouragement\advice. :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 12, 2005, 02:13:56 am
Sharon, thanks so much for the schedule you posted.  It makes sense I guess, but I don't like the fact that I've worked so hard and now she will only take 1hr nap & 1 1/2hr nap? No more 2hr naps?  Oh, well. What are you gonna do?  So when do you actually drop the 11am bf or bottle?  I hate the idea of dropping a bf.  I think I will post it in the bf forum and see what the ladies there think.   I mean, I guess I should be glad that I don't have to worry about bfing so much and one less might give us more time to do other things (like actually going out & shopping!)
Ok.  So I've been giving Jadyn cereal for the last 4days and gave her a taste of pear that I had made myself this morning.  She is so busy looking about this morning I had a hard time feeding her.  Finally I just took the rest of the pears (1cube) and mixed it with cereal and ebm and she ate it all.  The book suggested I give her 3 teaspoon and I've been giving her 3tablespoon & 4tablespoon :oops: and she's been eating it all up & wanting more :shock: Is that normal?  Is it ok?  Is it too much to eat for this chunky girl?  She's 17lbs now.  And I didn't realize that just cereal could make her poo so much more explosive!! Man, she didn't have an inch on her diaper that wasn't soiled this morning.  She woke up at 5:45am and was starving.  So I nursed her and tried to put back to sleep and of course she wasn't having it.  Then about an hour later, she pooed all over her diaper.  Wow. She just smiled afterwards! :lol:

Jennifer, hmm, that's a tough call.  I was working part-time before I got pregnant, just so that my older daughter could go to a private pre-school. The tuition is crazy.  Don't even get me started on private school tuition... So when Jadyn was born, I just didn't work for 4mos and just recently went back to working only 1 day a week (I'm a freelance makeup artist for Chanel cosmetics) which is perfect since I mostly work Sat.  There are a couple of ocassions I do get my girlfriend to watch her if I have to work an odd day during week.  We prayed & prayed for a way that I could stay with her as much as possible and I worried alot about it.  We basically don't have a savings account and live paycheck to paycheck and have a debt equaling a carloan and I'm ok with that.  My husband works a regular job in sales 40+hrs and somehow have made ends meet.  I don't know how, but it just worked out.  There were a couple of things we thought about doing before this.  Him working some weekends, me working a couple of nights and maybe some weekends and daddy home with 2kids (he wasn't crazy about that).  The way I figured it, Jadyn is only going to be a baby one time for one year, and then after that I knew it would be easier to leave her when she's a little older.  I know it's bad to be in debt, but I personally will take that over not being with her any day!!  We also had to change the way we spend our money.  No more shopping and getting whatever I wanted, no more outfits that were just too cute to pass by, eating out less, cooking more (esp since we couldn't go out during Jadyn's nap),etc.  I don't really miss the things that much and you do get accostumed to a more thriftier way of living.  I love my coupons and Walmart's price matching. :D  That's just me.
Could you maybe get a small loan and pay it off as soon as you can, when your husband's salary gets doubled?  You said you're already selling your house, so your bills will be much smaller and yo won't need that big of a loan?  Maybe he could pick up a part-time on weekends?  I know that's a tough call.  I hope something will happen in the next couple of weeks, some extra money will come your way or that perfect schedule job that pays great.  :wink:  Keep us posted on what you decide.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 12, 2005, 18:50:49 pm
Aaawww Jennifer!  So sorry to hear you are going through a trying time!!
I haven't gone through anything exactly like that but I unexpectedly became pregnant on our honeymoon.  We had just scraped, borrowed and begged practically to buy an apartment. Plus we payed for our wedding ourselves. We bought small fancy apt. in a highrise that was NOT child friendly.  We ended up buying a much smaller ground level apartment that is not at all "fancy" and in an old building. But it's more child friendly and affordable.  It was tough to move again seven months pregnant, etc. But you do what you have to for the family.  I guess what I'm saying is there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you only have 18 months to go. When you consider returning to work...could it be part time? Do you have any family or close friends that could be the caregiver? Then you would know your lo is spending quality time with a loved one while you are away. If not and you'd have to pay for childcare...consider the expense of that offset with what you'd be making. May not be worth it. I only work here and there now but my job allows me that flexibility. Without my normal income our lifestyle sure has changed!  :lol:  But that's okay. It also may not be a bad idea to move to a more affordable place for awhile. The main thing would be keeping you all together as much as possible and that is more important than having a "nice" place or larger rooms. And you would have the comfort of knowing you will be able to get a larger home again later when dh settles into his new post.

Just some thoughts... Please keep us posted and know you can talk about it here anytime!!!!!  Prayers are with you. and BIG HUGS!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 12, 2005, 23:03:54 pm
thanks ladies for your advice and wisdom... update.  we have decided to sell our home and rent a smaller house since we only have a short time left here.  selling our house will relieve us of our debt and a smaller house will help us be more comfortable.  i am nervous about finding a house i am comfortable and that isn't too small since i spend all day there.   you would think i am used to moving since my husband is in the navy but not so, we are very lucky.  the bottem line is that all of this is worth me being able to raise my child.  sharon, kathy, you guys are lucky to have flexibilty in your work.   

thanks again, it is great to have a place to go when you feel so stressed.   :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 13, 2005, 03:14:46 am
Jennifer - I am glad you guys have a decision made and you feel good about it.  That's the most important thing.  I'm sure you guys will probably get your house that you will love after your husband gets settled into his new income. :D

Sharon - Wow, pregnant on your honeymoon!!!  You guys didn't waste any time,did you? :lol: I wished we would have gotten pregnant so soon, cause we wouldn't be in our late 50's & early 60's (hubby) when our babies are going to be in their 20's. :wink:

Jadyn has been going down for naps & bedtime in less than 5mins.  I literally go in the room where it's dark and the music's already on, sing "you are my sunshine" 2times and dance.  Then I put her on tummy & give paci & lovey and she's down and I'm out the door. :D  I just can't believe it.  I had to write it down on my EASY form so that I can look at it when she's older.  She doesn't even do her moaning any more.  No fussing whatsoever.  Oh my gosh, I just can't believe it.  Hope I didn't jinx it.

Ok, something really funny happened and I gotta share.  She woke up at 7am and nursed really long (12mins) just on one side.  Daddy wakes up and starts to play with her while I go & pump the other side (I was full!!!)  I come back in and he's lying down and has Jadyn on his tummy picking her up over his head, back & forth.  You know what's coming. :wink:  So while I'm videotaping him playing with her, she just projectiles large amount of milk all over his face & head!! :lol:  :lol:  I put the video down & help clean him up.  She's just sitting there watching us, very content! :lol:  I laughed so hard!!  We watched the video afterwards and laughed so loud for a good 10mins watching it over & over.  I think I will definitely consider sending it to America's Funniest Video!  I guess daddy won't play so rough when she's just eaten. :wink:

Hope you all had a great weekend!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 13, 2005, 03:46:51 am
Ha ha ha !!! We always wonder when the spit up on the head will happen!  :lol:  You should send it in... I think that's hysterical!

And as far as not wasting any time Kathy... I kind of did beforehand!  I turned 37 in February. 3 months after dd was born. Hubby and I wed Feb. 14, 2004 and I was pregnant two weeks later. (yes, okay too much info but I got the dreaded "monthly visitor" on our wedding day) It's funny.. I knew it was coming and I almost went on the birth control shot. Dh and I had talked about not having children due to my age, etc. And just look at the way things turned out! Meant to be. We could think whatever we wanted to but dd had other ideas!  :lol: I should also mention dh is 9 years younger than me.  :oops:  heh heh heh. One of my favorite sayings is man plans, God laughs. It's just so true! you never know what's in store...

Sounds great Kathy, what dd is eating. Believe me, she'll tell you what's too much or not enough. I know I've said it before but she just sounds like such a happy wee girl! Our dd is grumpy/spirited. My heart breaks some nights because all I want is for her to cuddle me and "want" me. Does that make sense? She's soooo independant. Even at this age. I love her for who she is but sometimes my heart breaks and I have to remind myself it's not about me.  She doesn't like to snuggle or cuddle. Never holds her arms out to me, can only handle me holding her for brief minutes.  Don't get me wrong, she's happy! Just happy doing her own thing.

Jennifer, I'm so glad you all have an action plan. It's always hard moving and especially somewhere smaller and maybe not as "nice" but it will be worth it. And it won't be forever. Hang in there! We're always here for you. (especially Kathy and I... the posting Queens... :wink: )

Must try and sleep now as dd has already been up 2x. (1 hr. &40 min after bed) Oh and Kathy isn't it great when they go down like that?! Love it!

Let me know about dropping a feed if you find anything else out. There is one post in the bottle forum about people having to drop a feed around 6, 7 months and even though Ella is teething I have a feeling that's where we're at...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 13, 2005, 15:09:45 pm
Sharon, I wish I could let you guys see the video footage of the 'mega spitup'.   :lol:
So you married a much younger man!  I dated much younger dark headed men but then ended up marrying 5yrs older man with light hair.  We dated forever. He had some committment issues at the beginning.  He was quite the ladie's man starting in high school.  He'd also married his highschool girlfriend whom he'd dated since 12yrs old and is absolutely drop dead georgous.  So when they divorced, he'd swore never again.  Oh, well, I guess I messed up those plans. :wink:  He's 44 & I'm turning 40 on July 27th.  Oh gosh.  Turning 30 was very distressful.  I can't imagine what this one is going to be.  I just gotta get used to saying I'm now in my 40's instead of 30's. :cry:  My consolation is I had given myself a deadline to have a baby up til I'm 40, then I was going to go for Invitro fertilerization which would have cost more than I can imagine.  :x  We tried for a couple of years & when I didn't get pregnant, we adoped Lexi from China (she was already 14mos).  Then after 4yrs of just given up, Jadyn came along.  :D  I always tell people that God knew how long we waited and gave us the 'perfect' & sweet baby.  Her name btw means in Hebrew 'God heard'.  Isn't that perfect?

I gave Jadyn her 1oz of pear and I'm not sure if she likes it or not.  She kinda makes this face and then eats it.

Oh, on dropping the feeding, I posted it in bfing forum and a couple of them responded and said I can wait til 8 or 9mos.  I'll probably wait til 8mos to drop the df as well.  I can't imagine giving up that sweet cuddle feed time.  I still do the DF with bf and she's so sweet nursing in her sleep and the little sound she makes while she's feeding.  *sigh* I wish I could bottle that and sell it cause I'd be a millionaire....

Talk to you soon. 
p.s. I have all this time with Jadyn sleeping so well that I almost feel guilty just staying on the computer a lot.  Ok not that guilty. :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 13, 2005, 15:11:24 pm
That's very very funny Kathy.   :lol:  I can imagine Jadyn's face after she spit up - "Who me?!? Did I do that???" innocent look.   :P

Sharon, thanks for the schedule on dropping to 2 naps.  I remember reading a post saying that the transition may take a few weeks and that you might to have an early bedtime until everything is sorted out.  As for dd, she seemed to want to drop the catnap but every few days she would want to take it.  She's still waking up early but at least it's a decent hour these past few days around 6 am - I can handle that for now.

Ladies, this is a very silly question but what does a teething cry sounds like?  For the last few nights, dd has been crying in her sleep.  It sounds like a moan and a throaty cry at the same time.  i thought that she might be hungry as she would do this every 2-3 hrs and for 5-10 mins.   Sometimes she would take the bottle other times she just cry away in my arms.  I've tried the teething gel but it didn't seem to help.  I've looked for the Hylands teething tablets but Superstore(Loblaws), Zellers, and some drugstores don't carry them.  Where can you get them?

On a good note, dd has definitely got her little fingers wrapped around my dad's.  We were at my parents for an early Father's Day dinner and despite being awake for 6 hrs (she skipped her catnap), she cooed and wrapped herself around my dad's neck and arms.  The icing on cake for my dad was when she winked at him with both eyes.  It was the first time we saw her doing this.  No one taught her, she must have picked it up from somewhere.  My dad wouldn't let her down after that - took my mom a couple of attempts to get her away from him.   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 13, 2005, 20:56:50 pm
That's funny Kathy, I always dated older men. If someone had of told me I would marry a man this much younger than me I would have laughed!  :)

They say not to really judge whether or not a baby likes their food by their facial expressions as the new tastes can just plain be shocking and not indicitive of like or dislike. The key is the open mouth!

I thought that was about right for dropping a bottle (or feed as it were) but there's a thread in the bottle feeding forum about some babies doing it around 6 -7 months. Where they start only drinking about 3 oz. at their feeds then once the one feed is dropped they really up the intake of the others. Sometimes I wonder if this is what Ella is doing but as she's teething it could be that so we'll wait and see.

Mimi, I'm not really sure what a teething cry sounds like per se but that is the same thing Ella's been doing and it's definitely teeth! Though it went on for 3 weeks before one tooth popped.  Are you in Eastern Canada? You can get Hyland's at Caper's but I don't know that you have them there. You need to try a health food store. The liquid I ended up getting is from Quebec actually but it has the same ingredients as Hylands. The main one being Chamomile. I just asked at the pharmacy area. You could try that... I'll also get the name if the product I have for you but at the moment it's in dd's room and she's asleep. You're most welcome with the schedule! So far so good here. Two naps at 1 1/2 hours with 2 1/2 hours awake in am, then 3 with the final stretch being about 4. She's still going down at 7 well but is also still waking through the night. It's down to 4x now so at least it's an improvement.  We finally bought Motrin too yesterday and it worked wonders. We found tylenol did nothing. Dd isn't supposed to take Motrin due to her reflux but when it's the lesser of the two evils... she was SOOOO cranky yesterday! Gave her some Motrin and all the smiles came back. We'll just use it very sparingly.

And I love that dd wrapped her arms around your dad! My dd just pushes away. I can't wait until she wants to snuggle me. I figure not matter how independent she is it's gotta happen SOME time!  :lol:

Talk to you soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 13, 2005, 23:11:19 pm
well ladies, sounds like all is well.  although, ds and i have had a pretty rough day.  he is 5.5mo and i think teething for his 5th tooth.  as i said last week "i finally have my angel back" well the angel has left the building.  today he mostly cried and whined (he makes this whine-cry noise to let us know he is not happy)  he was so upset that i skipped the orajel and gave  him tylenol.  on top of that each nap was 30mins.  well lets hope for a better day tomorrow. 

btw, he was in bed by 615! 

Update... i have decided to try and find a part time job.  my old boss called and i am hoping to meet with her to present an idea to her tomorrow.  also, i realized i could always substitute teach here.  it doesnt pay well but it is something. 

as always thanks for letting me vent.   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 14, 2005, 15:43:15 pm
well, we know why are days was so tough yesterday.  Ds woke up with 2 more teeth this morning:o .  i am not sure why they are coming so fast but i know it must be painful for him.  poor little guy.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 14, 2005, 15:48:18 pm
OK, I have no idea where to put this....I figured I'd start here.   I'm not sure if I need advice or just to vent or what...but here goes....feel free to offer any thoughts if you have any.

Zachary's not been very interested in eating lately, especially for his last feed of the day.  Which in and of itself, I'm not so worried about, except now he's up twice a night again to make up for it!  The past 2 nights, he's been up at 11freakin':30 and then up again at 2:30 and then sleeping till 7 or so.  We're all coming down with a cold (which could be part of it) and I'm so exhausted.  Not to mention we had an AWFUL day yesterday (one of those days where all three of us spent most of the day in tears) and I really feel like I'm struggling emotionally, mentally, spiritually so I REALLY wanted to sleep well last night.  As it is, I'm just too tired and lazy in the middle of the night to work on trying to get him to go back to sleep without feeding it's too easy to feed him and put him back to bed.   ANYWAY, I thought maybe he's cutting a tooth (so far he's toothless), but there's no bumps or redness or ANY other sign that that might be it.   Anyway, I'm gonna try to tweak his schedule today to see if that helps, but I really don't think it will.  I feel like the main problem is that he just refuses to eat for his last feed.  I feed him solids around 5:30 or 6 and then try to nurse him at 8, which in the past has worked fine, but the past 2 nights, he's way more interested in looking at his daddy or playing with his feet.  So I give up and give him his bath and put him to bed. 

*sigh* I really thought I'd have him sleeping through the night by now.  Stephen had me really spoiled (slept through the night consistently by 10 weeks!).

THanks for letting me vent.  Sorry I don't post more, but I do keep up with you ladies. :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 14, 2005, 16:17:16 pm
Jennifer I can't believe how your lo is cranking out the teeth!!!! We had to wait three weeks just for one to slightly come through the gum.  :) At least you'll get it all over with quickly.

Which brings me to you Ali (lovely picture btw!!)  Ella slept throught the night from 7-7 since she was 9 weeks. That is...up until three weeks ago. And as I've said we didn't see a glimmer of a tooth until a few days ago. We think maaaybe there's another coming but we too are still struggling with her being up ALL night. Hang in there!! I have to believe it will pass. I can relate to the exhaustion. I had a horrible day yesterday too. I was in tears for most of it as I was just feeling like no matter what I did or do (and I feel like I'm BUSTING my butt) dd just doesn't care. Like nothing I can do makes any difference. The "nothing is working anyways so why bother" kind of attitude. I do feel a bit better today but... I guess all I'm saying is it can be soooo hard. Just know you're not alone. My emotions are getting out of whack due to lack of sleep and the fact dd doesn't ever snuggle me. She seems really uninterested in me. Sometimes I read other posts about night wakings and the mums are saying they just cave in sometimes and co sleep and I think, "wow, if I ever try to even lay down beside Ella she just punches me and cries."  :cry: I get jealous! How awful is that!!!

Okay. I just completley hijacked your post with my own rant. My apologies.  The only thing I can think of is trying to give ds his last feed without dh in the room. Also really dim light so he can't see much. They are just so distracted at that age. Everything is more interesting than eating!  Also when you say you give in and feed him overnight it makes me think it's the same as us but with a different "soother."  Dd needs her paci when she wakes and I would suspect your lo is soothing himself too. So... whereas I think we've created an addiction... you're still in the comfort stage. And my thought is if he's teething, then help him out. Just maybe try other things first to comfort him back to sleep so he doesn't think it happens every single time. Knim?

Good luck. DO keep us posted.  We're definitely here for you.

Oh and Jennifer it sounds like you and dh are really figuring things out! Im soooo glad to hear it! And yes I feel very lucky being able to have flexibility in my work. It's a blessing. (I'm an actor, mainly do voice work now)

Oh and do you think there's any possibility Ali ds might be ready to drop a feed? Kathy posted something about it in the bf forum and there's also a thread about it in the ff forum. Some mums had to around 6,7 months...
Just a thought.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 14, 2005, 19:39:07 pm
hi guys. sorry not posting much but still keeping up when i can! we have visitors and no time for sharon, we`re at exactly the same point as us schedule-wise. going down to 2 naps kind of just happened on it`s own as the awake time got more. i love her long morning nap..never really had long naps consistently before and it`s great. the bad news is we`re still majorly teething, and after weeks and weeks, still no sign of teeth.  :roll: alligirl, i was going to say the same thing about feeding zachary in quiet in the dark with no distractions. we`ve moved that last feed to after bath, in her room, curtains closed as part of the bedtime snuggle and she feeds way better. if she looks as if she`s going to fall asleep then sometimes i keep the curtains a little more open or just talk to her to keep her up (and sometimes i let her fall asleep if we`ve had a hard day). as far as the night wakings go, could well be i say..we`re still not seeing red cheeks, no bumps or lumps or anything at all.... but i know for sure it`s her teeth (well pain anyway and i`ve ruled out all other sources of pain). when she wakes i give her pain meds and she goes back down. i also put her on my boob becasue i have no willpower in the night and i`d much rather just get her back to sleep quickly, but i know she`s not waking out of hunger because she hardly eats anything, more just suckles for comfort, and she`s not waking out of habit becasue the timing`s all over the place. been doing this for weeks and weeks now and although i was worried about starting bad habits by feeding her in the night we seem to be ok.. there are nights when she sleeps all the way through, sometimes several at a stretch, and then we`re back to waking again. i`m taking it in turns between hylands teething tabs, oragel and motrin...kind of worried about overmedicating, but as the medicine seems to be doing the trick i guess it`s needed. sharon...was there belladonna in your homeopathic teething tabs? if not, then i might try to get them...can you tell me what they`re called...thanks. anyway...just thought i`d check in. this teething thing`s hard, (and sharon we have quite a prickly baby so i know what you mean...hard to see other babies full of smiles and laughs when georgia`s kind of her to death). on the good side we had our first swimming lesson today and it was the coolest thing ever ever ever. hang in there all of you.... :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 14, 2005, 21:22:57 pm
Hi again,

The teething liquid we are using does have belladonna... I thought Hylands did too?? I know there's great controversy but I feel in small amounts it's okay. For the record it's called Camilia by a company named Boiron. There is a day spa in Vancouver Cazao (nice to near from you by the way!) called Bloom Essentials. You can look them up online and that's where I got the teething oil which ONLY has Chamomile in it and you can rub it on the gums.

We too moved the last feed of the evening until right before bed. Same routine. Bath, feed in darkened room but no falling asleep, one or two lullabies during, then bed.

Cazao we never saw any ridges or anything for all the weeks of sleepless nights. Maybe red cheeks once or twice.  The little cut on her gum didn't show up until a few days before the tooth so.... hang in there!  :)  And swimming, how awesome! I want to do that with dd too...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 14, 2005, 23:55:55 pm
Sharon, I got the Hylands tablets.  Now when should I give it to her?  Should I give it to her every night or just when she wakes in the middle of the night?  Sorry about all the questions, just wanted to get my beauty sleep back and get rid of these dark circles under my eyes.  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 15, 2005, 01:56:12 am
Hi there everyone,

Today I got busy making some baby food!! I went to Wild Oats and got all kinds of veggies & fruits, and WOW, are they expensive!!!  My hubby made the remark that she eats the good stuff and the rest of us just gets whatever :wink: I got 5 avacados and they were $8!!!  I froze it and someone said that they will oxidize really quick when you thaw it out. :( I hope I didn't waste all that...  I also made some yellow squash, green beans & peas, peaches (baked it, smelled sooo good) and apples.  Tomorrow I'm going to do carrots and that should be good for a little while.  I will start introducing a new food every 4 days starting next week and also give cereal as well. 

Alli - I'm sorry for the bump you're experiencing.  Remember, it is a bump and it will pass.  I know what you mean when your lo spoils you sleeping through.  When & if I get pregnant again  :wink: I know I will have a lo that will probably never sleep.  I'm counting my blessings with Jadyn being so mild mannered & going right along for her age.

Sharon - Jadyn loves to be held most of the time but she also likes to be very active!! She kicks me when I get in her way when she's doing her leg raises.  I don't know what those leg raises are all about.  It's like she's doing exercises to slim down those chunky thighs. :lol: She doesn't always like to cuddle (I'd like it if she'd do it all the time).  Lexi was 14mos when we adopted her from China and she was never into being cuddled. :(  I know what you mean when they hurt your feelings by not letting you kiss on them.  Jadyn lets me kiss & hug her right after she wakes up and while bfing.  Other times she's too busy trying to bang or mash or chew her toys.

Cazao - good to hear from you. :D Hopefully those teeth will pop out overnight!!  How did you lo do with swimming lessions?  Do they actually let them swim underwater by themselves?  I still don't know how to tread water and I'm going to let my husband teach the girls how to swim as soon as they can.

Jennifer - That's great about your part time job teaching.  Sorry your angel has left temporarily.  She'll be back soon.  Jadyn has been doing that whining lately.  I can't put her down for long.  She likes to have attention on her all the time and likes to be picked up & held.  Can't do much of anything when she's in that mode. :?
Tonight she cried during her bath????  It was at 6:15 and I finally figured out I hadn't given her any dinner (5:30pm)!  She gobbled up 2 cube of peas & 2tbl of cereal so fast I was afraid she was gonna throw it all up. Gosh, I can't keep all these times in my head: Bf every 4hrs, awake for 2 or 2 1/2 hrs, nap for at least 1 1/2hr, solids in am & pm, change her diapers often even if I don't smell anything, phew.... My brain's kinda mush when I'm trying to make dinner for the family and I have a whiny one wanting to be picked up.

My husband's all into his team playing (Detroit Pistons) tonight, so he's not much help when they are playing...

I finally went & got a digital camera & took a pic of our wedding day so I can update our pic.  If I can just figure out how to download it into the darn computer. :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 15, 2005, 12:48:30 pm
OK, ladies, I need your prayers today (if you're the praying sort).  Today is Zachary's pulmonologist appt. and I'm reeeeaaaalllllly nervous about it.  After all the doc appts we've had (and we've had many :(  :roll: ) I'm more nervous about this one than any other.  It's just that we've seen the pedi several times, and an ENT which was no big deal, and a GI doc which was a bigger deal, but still doable for me.  But now we're seeing a LUNG doctor.....something about having to see a doctor for my baby's lungs brings my heart in to my throat.   I don't know what he's going to want to do, but I can imagine it will be easy.

So just keep us in your thoughts and prayers today....thanks for all your support.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 15, 2005, 13:56:55 pm
Hi once again....

Prayers are DEFINITELY with you Allie.  And big hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: December Baby
Post by: momtomiya on June 15, 2005, 14:16:35 pm
Hello everyone! :D  I just joined a few days ago and would like to join the Oct/Dec baby group.  My little one was born December 10, 6 weeks ahead of time, but she is doing great.  It will be great to share information for babies that are around this age.  We live in Ontario,Canada in a little town called Nottawa, about 2 hours northwest of Toronto.
Right now we are waiting for Miya to turn 6 months so we could start solids.  I'm trying to hold back becuase although she is showing signs of being ready to start I'm going to follow the book and start at 6 months.
She also was a preemie so I am more confused  :shock: about when to start.
Anyone out there have a similar experience? Tips to share?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 15, 2005, 14:58:07 pm
Alli - BIG Hugs to you!!!  Jadyn & I will both pray for you when we have our prayer time at night.  It made my heart sad just thinking about what you must be going through. :cry: Please let us know how things go.

momtomiya - welcome to the long & lengthy Oct/Dec board :D  I don't have the experience in my baby being a premie, sorry.  I think Tracy says in the book to adjust the premie's age.  So when she's 6mos, she's really almost 5mos, I think?  As far as solids, does she wake at night hungry just recently, as opposed to where she slept through before?  Does she have any teeth yet?  Is she on 4hr routine? How much does she weigh? Is she touchy or textbook or angel or spirited baby? How's her sleep?  So many questions, I guess, to see where & how she's doing.  Jadyn just started at 51/2 mos and she's a chunky girl at 17lbs.  She was a week early (induction) because I had gestional diabetes and she was getting too big! :shock: She does have 2 bottom teeth and nurses & eats really well.

Jadyn woke up at 6am this morning.  Whoa!! Too early for this gal.  Daddy tried to put her back to sleep, which she did for 20mins and woke up just fussing.  She nursed and was wide awake.  I tried to get her back to sleep with me but no such luck.  She didn't eat too much breakfast an hour later, though.  She ate about an ounce of pear & cereal and closed her mouth & kept on looking to the side. :? I finally gave up.  I kept her up til 8:45 (2.45 hr wake time) and she went out like a light when I put her down.  I heard her stirring at 45mins and I had to make myself sit still & not go up.  Sure enough, she went back to sleep.  Yeah Jadyn.  Ok, I had to go up & see for myself a few mins later.  Bold, aren't I?  She's just snoring away :lol:  She's so much like daddy, even in the snoring.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 15, 2005, 23:08:39 pm
Alligirl.. keep us posted, our thoughts are with you.

Welcome Momtomia... i wouldnt follow so strictly by the book if you think she is ready for solids.  our ped told us to start solids at 4.5mo because he had teeth and showed all of the signs.  when i started he loved it and gobbled it all up.  i think we can all attest that the book is a reference but the main thing you learn is to read your babies cues.  how are other things going, naps etc.

Well today was better then yesterday.   Ds took 1 1\2hr nap this afternoon  :o !  i wish i knew what caused that. 

jadynsmom, what time does dd normally wake in the mornings.  is it the same time every day?

Has anyone taken their lo's out in the sun?  ds seems to overheat easily, even when we are walking from the car to store.  we live in a hot climate but usually 90's right now. today i went to friends who had a baby pool.  i was outside with ds for almost an hour and it seemed to wear him out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 15, 2005, 23:57:40 pm
Hi mom to Mia! Welcome!  :D  Love this thread. Such a good source of inspiration and support! I don't know about preemies either but I agree with the others advice. I also know up here they still say (as a guidline still) that the six month mark for solids is more important for bf babies and 4 months for ff.  Don't know which you are doing but...

Kathy, you crack me up!  It's fun to make the food isn't it?

Mimi, we don't really have a pattern for the teething stuff. We tend to just give it whenever she is particularly grizzly if you know what I mean. If she's had a tough day we'll give it to her before naps and night or we just wait and see overnight. Don't know if that helps...

Jennifer we're still having yuck weather so I can't help with the heat! But I do know how I feel after a day in the sunshine!  :lol:

Well we had a horrible night again. Dd was up every 1/2 hour.  :shock: This morning I figured "well, we're not sleeping anyways" and I bit the bullet and put dd down for her nap with no soother. I just feel I have to eliminate it as a source of all the wakings. It took 45 minutes of pu/pd then she slept for an hour. In the afternoon it only took 5 minutes of her sucking my fingers in between "waaah's" (broke my heart!) and she then slept for an hour and 40. Though naps haven't been our problem, just nights. I tell you I'm not looking forward to tonight!


oh and thanks all for your support with Ella and her "lovin'" or lack there of!  :) I really needed it!!!

oh, more thing. I talked to the wonderful "Matthew's Mommy" and the schedule I posted is right on track. She also gave me a column by the sleep lady with some advice on early wakeups. Let me know if you're interested and I'll post it here.

really have to run now as dh thought it would be a good idea to babysit the neighbours children today!  :shock:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 16, 2005, 01:17:00 am
Quote from: Mum to Ella Rose
She also gave me a column by the sleep lady with some advice on early wakeups. Let me know if you're interested and I'll post it here.

Sharon, would you post that schedule & also the advice on early wakeups? Oh, and wow, weaning of the ever so wanted paci???  Congrats!! I just don't have the guts to do it right now esp since I take it out after 5mins and she doesn't miss it.  What are you going to do when she wakes in the night or early morning?  You're a brave woman.  Good for you.
Quote from: Mum to Ella Rose
really have to run now as dh thought it would be a good idea to babysit the neighbours children today!  :shock:

Dh is pretty funny, isn't he?  I can't imagine my hubby 'volunterring' to babysit other children!!!  He he he.  Let us know how that goes. :lol:

Jennifer - Jadyn wakes pretty consistently at 7:15am.  She's usually like clockwork so when she wakes earlier, there's usually a reason for it.  I think she might have heard her daddy creaking around (our house is old & hardwood floor creaks) OR the sun might have crept in when daddy opened the living room and it came in her room.  Hopefully she won't make a habit of it.

As far as the heat, I just don't take her out in it for very long.  She's sooo fair that I'm afraid she'll get a sunburn on her almost bald head. :wink:  She has hair but it's so fine.  Gosh, can she get something of mine, eg thick dark hair?  I mean, come on, she has daddy's face, his personality (thank heavens for that cause he's soooo laid back & yes, I'm the high strung one), even his body type!!  Oh, well, I guess she did come out of me....  They all say that when she gets older she will look more like me.  I don't see how.

Talk to you ladies soon (I'm sure very soon) :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 16, 2005, 01:37:33 am
OK, I'm totally confused!!!!   Here's how our day went:

Early wake up at 5:15, ignored her for 15 min - didn't work.  Feed her - didn't want it.  Hold her in the dark - after playing with my face for 25 min she dozes off but woke as soon as i lay her down.

Nap 1:  45 min - grunts for 15 min but won't go back to sleep.

Nap 2:  No nap - decided to take her shopping.  Didn't nap till we were going home, for 20min in car.  This was 4.5 hrs of awake time.

Nap 3:  No nap - but lots of babbling and rolling around in crib. 

Early Bedtime:  4.5 hrs from nap in car.  Thank goodness she went to sleep easily with no fuss.

I'm seriously thinking that dd should have only 2 naps now.  What do you ladies think?  This has been going off and on for a month now.  I want to use Sharon's schedule as a guide anyone using that or somthing similar? 

Alligirl,  I will add you to my prayers tonight!
Title: Thanks for the welcome
Post by: momtomiya on June 16, 2005, 01:43:33 am
It was great to see the responses from you out "there". I'm not usually a computer person so when I saw the responses I figured that I actually do know something about computers!!
Well, Miya is showing signs of being ready for solids. She is hungrier earlier than usual, she opens her mouth real big when I bring a spoon to her to lick, she is sitting up with minimal support and she weighs 18 lbs!!  :shock:  The signs are there (oh, she's breastfed) but not too sure when to start.  I guess in the big picture of things it won't hurt to wait a few more weeks to  start and wait for her 6-month mark.  I guess I'll see in the next few days. If she continues to feed before the 4 hour mark and is real hungry maybe then she is clearly trying to tell me that it's time to start. She is also an angel baby and content with life so far, so waiting probably won't hurt. 
Thanks again for the responses :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 16, 2005, 01:44:20 am
Hi again,

I just meant the "schedule" I was kind of figuring out a few posts back on moving to two naps and how feeding would work.

As for the paci weaning... I'm FREAKING out right now!  :lol: As I said, 1/2 hour pu/pd 1st nap, 5 min. "waahing" (so mantra cry) and finger sucking 2nd nap, just put her down for the night now (1/2 hr early I might add) And this is the big one...after her bottle we cuddle and she tucks into me (my only cuddles  :wink: ) and sucks her soother. So I was soooo scared to try no paci. But... she did it!!! I don't mean to jinx it but she didn't cry when I put her down! She chatted a bit and it's only been 15 minutes, but.. I'd definitely count this as a success! As for what I'm going to do when she wakes all night again, as I'm sure she will, I guess just pu/pd and hope for the best! Wish me luck!

Oh and the babysitting went fine. Basically dh got to play video games with the kids while I fed dd, did all the dishes, changed the diapers... :wink:

Here's the early waking thing Matthew's Mommy gave me:

(Partial excerpts from "Good Night, Sleep Tight")

Good Morning! Welcome to the most requested topic to be included in Snooze Week to date! Mornings for some of you, it seems, begin as early as 4 AM as others of you lounge around until 9 AM waiting for your baby to wake up. Both of these scenarios, however, can have their own repercussions. Waking up too early can mean a tired family and earlier naps, throwing off bedtime rituals later. Waking up too late does the opposite, pushing nap time to later in the day and sometimes prolonging bedtime. The solution is to find a schedule that works for you and your family and teach your child to stick to it!

Early risings sometimes have a very simple solution. If too much light is coming into the baby's room, buy room-darkening blinds (also good for napping). If an external noise-garbage trucks, songbirds, or a dad with a long commute who has turned on the shower-is waking him, you might want to try a white noise machine or a fan. Unfortunately, it's not always so simple.

If your child is awake at 6:00 or 6:30 a.m., cheerful, refreshed, and ready to start his day-even if you aren't-you'll probably have to live with it. That's a common and biologically appropriate wake-up time for a baby or small child. Remember to adapt the meal and nap schedule to suit his early hours.

Babies who wake up before 6:00 a.m., or who wake up cheerful at 6:00 or 6:30 but are a total grump by 7:00, are a different story. You need to intervene and coach him to sleep later. The longer you endure early risings, the harder it is to change the pattern, so I strongly suggest you address it now, even if it takes a few weeks to see results. Once they're older, it can take months. Make sure your early riser is getting enough daytime sleep because nap deprivation can cause poor night sleep and early awakenings.

If your baby is under 8months old and you think he is waking up very early because he is hungry, try waking him for a final feeding about 11:00 p.m. as an interim step, and also work on making sure he takes more food during the day.

When your early bird stirs, go to his room immediately. You want to try to get him back to sleep ASAP, not let him scream himself awake. Give him his lovey and try to soothe him back to sleep without picking him up. Follow the Sleep Lady Shuffle guidelines outlined in Good Night Sleep Tight). Even if he doesn't doze off again-and not all babies will at first-do not turn on the lights or get him out of his crib until 6:00 a.m. no matter how much he protests. Getting him up earlier, while it is still dark, sends a confusing message and is another example of intermittent reinforcement. He can't understand why he can get up in the dark at 5:45 a.m. but not at 2:15 a.m. Also, many parents I've worked with have learned the hard way that if they let him get up at 5:45 a.m., the next thing they know it's 5:30, 5:15, etc.

At this age, I usually recommend that the parent stay in the room for this early-morning routine. If, however, you feel your presence is encouraging him to be more awake, as often occurs with older children, you can try leaving his room after a bit of reassurance and see if he falls asleep again on his own. Check on him every ten to fifteen minutes. If you stay in the room, keep the interaction minimal. Try sitting in a chair with your eyes closed. When the clock finally strikes 6:00 a.m. and he's not falling asleep-and it can seem like it takes a very long time to reach 6:00 a.m.-leave the room for a minute or two. He may cry, but try not to let it bother you, you will be right back in a minute. When you come back in, make a big deal out of "good morning" time. Do your dramatic wake-up. The morning routine is the flip side of the bedtime-routine coin. Your goal is to help him distinguish between day and night, to know when it really is time to get up. Your message must be clear: "I'm getting you out of the crib because it's morning time-not because you were crying."

If your early riser is over 2 or 2.5 years old and sleeps in a bed, then you will have to return your child to their bed and treat this like a night wakening. Continue with your Shuffle position until the clock strikes 6:00 a.m. Consider using an alarm clock radio to help signal to your child when it is wake up time. If you sometimes let you child get out of bed and start the day before the music comes on then he or she will not take the alarm clock seriously!

Important points about early rising:

-Nap deprivation and too late a bedtime cause early rising!
-In other words, skipping naps and putting your child to bed later will cause early rising-I know it's not logical- you and I would never do that - but it is true!
-You can't assume your child needs less sleep than the average until they are taking decent naps and sleeping through the night for several weeks.
-Room darkening shades are critical!
-Early rising takes several weeks of utter consistency to change so stick with it!

Patience, consistency, and understanding of both your child and his needs are critical for this process to be successful. Be firm and be loving and good mornings will be right around the corner! I wish you both many happy mornings together!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 16, 2005, 02:25:21 am
Gawd I post a lot!!  :lol:

First off, Mom to Miya, I am sooo sorry I spelt your lo's name wrong in my last post! Even though I a VERY sleep deprived that was just careless and I'm sorry!  :oops:

I was posting my looooong last one at the same time as momtomiya's came in and Mimi's so I hadn't read them yet. I just wanted to say that even though we are having a hard time at night it really sounds to me Mimi that your lo is ready for two naps. So far it's working well for us...dd is happier and as I said Matthew's Mommy was a big help in saying we're on track. It did take up to a week or so to get it going but dd is definitely happier during the day. She just wouldn't take that last nap! Let me know what you decide and how it goes!

And sounds to me mom to Miya that you're right on track! If dd is getting that excited and opening her mouth it seems she's gearing up!  :D  But you're also right in saying you're okay to wait. Especially if she's bf. And I like keeping an eye out on the intake. (as much as you can bf..) Dd was drinking over 40oz a day when we started solids!  :shock:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 16, 2005, 12:56:28 pm
Hello all!  Just an update on our pulmonary appt yesterday (I'm gonna post this on the Health board, too, but I wanted to post an update here since I asked for your thoughts and prayers).

It went great!!  I'm so happy with that doc and he said that he thinks this is something that Z will grow out of by his first birhtday (I can't see that happening, but we'll have to wait and see).  He said as long as his reflux pain was being controlled by meds, he couldn't see that there was much more to do right now.  So I'm feeling like a huge weight has been lifted!

Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers! :D

OH, and Z slept through till nearly 6 without the 11 and 2 waking!  BIG SIGH OF RELIEF!  I needed a good nights sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 16, 2005, 14:54:08 pm
yay!!! way to go alli. that`s great news.... :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 16, 2005, 15:27:45 pm
That's wonderful Alli! So happy for you all. And a decent nights sleep to boot! Yeah!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 16, 2005, 15:55:53 pm
I am so happy for you Alli!! That's super fantastic.   :D  :D

Thank you Sharon for posting that article.  Don't you know it, as soon as I read that, this morning Jadyn gets up at 5:45am.  I tried for 30 mins to put her back to sleep and I thought she was down but in the very end, she raised her head & dropped her paci.  When she drops that paci & raises her head, it's over!! She won!!  I knew I had lost this battle.  I nursed her at 6:15 & went on with our day.  Daddy was still in bed so I can't blame it on him or the sun going in. :P  I don't know what's up with this early waking.  I guess since putting her down is going so easy & she's sleeping through her 45mins, she's gotta throw something in there just for me. :wink:  I really hope tomorrow she will be asleep at 6am........

well, her eating solids has taking a turn.  She ate a little this morning (pear & cereal) and she clenched her mouth shut after a couple of bites.  I thought she's just very distracted & turned her head to me (she had turned it sideways).  After trying 4 more times, I'm getting the clue she just doesn't like it!!!  So I had some peas leftover from last night & gave it to her.  She smelled it & opened her mouth wide!!! :roll:  So I thought ok.  I can play this game.  I put a bit of pear with the peas and she opened her mouth enough to take just the peas!!  I thought this is hillarious at first.  Then I was getting kinda annoyed.  How can a 5mo already know what she doesn't like?  Doesn't she know I cooked those darn pears myself, peeled it & cooked it and pay way too much money for it????  Oh, boy! I'm going to try it again for dinner.  My husband thought it was really funny.  I should make him feed the pears to her. :wink:

Oh, btw, she has dropped the catnap as well.  She sleep 1.45mins for her first nap & 1.30 for her second.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 18, 2005, 20:55:14 pm
Nice new pics Kathy!  :D

Dd has up days and down days with solids. Tried parsnip this morning and you'd think we were trying to poison her!  :lol:

Still trying to wean dd from the paci. Had a horrible day and precedning night yesterday. So wanted to cave but dh was strong. So last night to give me a break I went and stayed at a girlfriends once dd went down and came home this a.m. (my first time away!!  :shock: ) Wouldn't you know it, dd went to sleep at 6:20, woke briefly at 11 and 5:30, put herself back to sleep both times and woke again at 6:30. Then today she only needed 2x pu/pd for her naps and slept 2hrs for the first and she's just gone down again now.  Of course she does it for dh!! But it's a great thing. When I came home today her face lit up and she started waving her chubby arms around when she saw me. It was sooooo awesome!

Hope you're all enjoying your weekends! Any big father's day plans? I made dh a photo album starting with me pregnant through to now. Then I put a picture at the end of dd holding a piece of paper that says Happy Father's Day Daddy. In the front covers I glued a pic of dd and dh and drew in crayon with Ella's hand and put her foot and hand prints in it too.
I hope he likes it!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 19, 2005, 03:29:57 am
Hi everyone,

I figured it's almost end of June I'd better put the month's avatar.  I just figured out how to do it.  :oops:

I had to work yesterday & today and we had Lexi's 5th birthday party tonight with family.  Poor Jadyn had a rough go around 6pm.  She needed a catnap but too much going on and too many people holding her & playing with her, she just had a meltdown & screamed for 10 mins!!!  Times like today I never want to go in to work, even if it was for only 5hrs.  She just can't handle that many people & that much activity.  I just wanted to go somewhere quiet & hold & nurse her.  She took a 30min catnap from 6 to 6:30 and her eyes were red from all the crying.  She woke up crying, which she never does.  My heart is just broken.  Can't stand to see her so upset.   :cry:

She woke early 2 mornings in a row: one at 5:45 & one at 4:30 :shock:  You guys know I don't do these early wakings very well.  I was scared to death that it was becoming a habit but my little angel woke up yesterday at 7:15 & this morning I had to wake her at 7:45am.  I don't know what to expect tonight since she had such a crazy day and late bedtime (8:20pm).

She is officially on a solid strike.  She bfs no problem, just like always, but cereal & fruit is out now.  I read on the Solids & Weaning and some suggest it might be teething (top ones).  I wonder.  She basically will take ONE bite & turns her head & clamps down her mouth :? At first it was kinda funny & cute, but it's now officially getting on my nerves!!  My husband thought it would be a good idea to make her open her mouth by holding her nose, and boy was she ever sooooo mad.  On top of that, she never did open her mouth, even with her nose closed!!  She's a stubborn one.  I'm going to keep on offering & hoping she will go back to eating the way she was the first week. 

Sharon - I'm going to steal your idea for Father's Day card idea. :oops: I'm not very creative in that dept.  It's tomorrow, yikes. I did buy some Kenneth Cole dress shoes for his work.  I basically worked today to pay for those. :roll: I have a weakness for shoes (me or his) & purses. It's so hard to go to dept stores to work & get discounts & not buy things.  I usually have more self control but it is Father's Day & he does need work shoes.  I'm making excuses, aren't I? :wink:

Have a great weekend with your fathers!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 21, 2005, 01:16:47 am
hi all, sorry i havent posted lately.  well, it seems ds is regressing. not sure if it is his age or what?  his naps are now 40min.  He doesnt seem interested in his bottle anymore and he is very irritable.  He seems to be teething but is it possible for him to be getting his 7th & 8th teeth.  will  he (or dh and i ) ever get a break from the teething? 

did any of you have problems with short naps, ds always took short naps.  if i spent a long time working with him i could get him to nap longer but it seems like more work then worth. i would love to hear your stories.  right now, ds takes 3-45min naps and sleeps from 7pm-6am. 

thanks as always  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 21, 2005, 02:52:25 am
Hi Jennifer - Sorry your lo's having regression.  I'm sure it's still teething and yes, it will stop soon, won't it???

Jadyn did 45mins whole a month almost all the time and then just one day she just extended the ones she wanted to extend.  Tracy does say in the book that sometimes babies just are power nappers. :roll: Hopefully that isn't the case, though.  Is he waking from these 45mins happy or grumpy?  Whenever Jadyn woke up from these 45mins, she was mostly very happy so I usually just went with it.  She still has her 45mins once in a while and I'm totally ok with since she's happy & rested.  She usually does one good 1 hr 30mins and a 45min sometimes.  Like I said, it's like just one day she just got it.  I'd like to think it was all that sleep training but I'm sure it had something to do with developmental stage as well.

Jadyn is also not as hungry as before either.  Her solids are hit or miss these days :roll:  Today at dinner she was soooo fussy and I couldn't get the food into her fast enough.  She wanted to put her hands all in the bowl & chew the spoon too.  Two days ago, she wouldn't eat but ONE bit of her food.  Her milk is down to bfing for about 8mins max.  She's still chunky, so I know she's not starving or anything.  I'm sure your lo will eat when he's hungry.  Just continue to offer when it's his feeding time.

Let us know how it goes.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 21, 2005, 03:22:46 am
Jennifer- I meant to tell you that we also extended her wake time to 2.5 for her first nap & 2.5 to 3hrs for second.  Then she stays awake til her bedtime (4hrs).   And I stopped going in to check on her because I always seem to wake her.:roll:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 21, 2005, 13:56:50 pm
Kathy- Jake is usually very happy after his 45min naps but lately he has been a  little cranky but i think that is due to teething.  how did you know to extend Jadyns wake time? i thought about doing it, was she still taking 45min naps when you changed to 2 naps?  when did she extend that one nap.  i would love to see a sample of your schedule. 

thanks so much :)

oh ya, we are also trying to get back into putting ds down awake and teaching him to fall asleep on his own.  sometimes he falls asleep in 20min and sometimes he just wants us to pick him up and falls asleep immediately in our arms.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 21, 2005, 15:19:42 pm
Jennifer - We accidently extended her nap one day.  We were out & about and realized it had been 2 1/2hrs!!  She seemed ok, so the next day she kinda got a little fussy around 2hr wake.  I put her down & let her watch Baby Einstein.  She loves to watch that dvd :lol: It kept her occupied for another 30mins without any problem.  So now whenever she gets sleepy, I pop the video in and she's good to go afterwards.  She's even gone longer than 2.45 at times and up to 3 hrs for the second nap.  Like I said earlier, she's pretty much dropped the catnap. 

If she does have a day when she wakes after 45mins, I try to get her a 30min catnap around 5pm so that I can feed her dinner by 5:30pm.  I usually do that catnap in my sling.  I think the 45mins stopped after I put her to bed completely awake.  She goes down now for all her naps & bedtime fully awake.  At bedtime, she likes to toss around for about 10 mins and I go in after 10 mins & put her back on tummy & she goes out.

Here is her routine
7 or 7:15 wake & bf
8 breakfast (cereal & fruit)
9:30 or 9:45 naps for 1.30mins
11 wakes & bf
2pm naps for 1.30 mins sometimes 45mins then I just give her a
                    catnap around 4:30 or 5pm for 30mins to an hour
3:30 wakes & bf
5:30 Dinner (cereal & veggies)
6:30 bath & nighttime routine
7 or 7:15 bf
7:30 bed
10:45 Df
Hope that helps a little.  Let me know how it goes.  I'm convinced that putting her down & letting her fall asleep independently was the key.  I was rocking for winddown routine & also topping off before naps and it was making her wake earlier.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 21, 2005, 15:25:57 pm
Hi guys, only have a second...just wanted to say I do prettty much the same as Kathy. Only we now put dd to bed at 6:30 and she gets up between 6 and 6:30. So I kind of bump everything up a 1/2 hour. And the only other difference is lunch around 11:45. I also think the key is putting them down awake and the best way to tell if they're rested enough is if they wake up happy and energetic. By the way, I think we've (knock on wood) finally kicked the paci!!  :D

Talk to you soon,


Love the picture of Jaydn Kathy!  Will write more later...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 22, 2005, 13:38:05 pm
thanks guys for the help.  jake is seeming to go down easy, still only napping for 45 minutes but at least when we go to NY in August we wont have a problem getting him to sleep.

ds rolls over in his sleep and i get nervous because he cant roll back over, sometimes i go in and try to roll him over and sometimes he wakes.  should i not do that?

Sharon-congrats to Ella for kicking that paci habit :lol:  :lol:

one more question---when do you guys get any house work done with your lo.  Ds seems to always want my attention and seems to get bored easily.   thanks :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 22, 2005, 15:00:53 pm
Hi guys,

Sharon - I am so jealous about Ella Rose kicking the paci habit :wink:  I tried it for nap today (ok only for one min then I caved it & gave it to her). 

She woke up last night after going to bed 45mins later!!  :? She was awake for an hour and a half just happy as can be & would cry if I put her back in her crib.  At 9pm I fed her because I was thinking growth spurt, so no df last night.  My husband was wanting really bad to bring her down and let her watch the big game with him (Pistons vs San Antonio) :lol:  I told him he'd have to wait another year at least before he's going to hook her on sports.  Anyway, I gave her the paci after feeding & she still wouldn't go down, so finally, I just left her with the paci to talk & roll back & forth.  This morning at 7am my husband went to get her & she still had the paci in!!  I'm thinking also if she didn't get a df and still slept til 7am, hmmm should I start thinking about dropping it?  I would miss it soooo bad. :(

Jennifer - I stopped turning her over if she rolls on her back because I almost always woke her up.  It's hard though because she wakes so easily when she's on her back. :?  If she's on her tummy, she sleeps much better & can sleep through noises & other things.
I'm glad your lo is going to sleep easily.  If he's happy after 45mins, then just go with it.  Yesterday, after I posted, of course, she woke after 45mins for her first nap, which is unusual.  So for her second nap, she stirred & kinda moaned & was restless for a while.  I went & patted her & gave her paci and she slept for 2hrs(1:30pm til 3:30).  I had to wake her to feed her & she was grumpy that I woke her.  Go figure. 

Does anyone know what July's avatar is going to be?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 22, 2005, 16:51:59 pm
omg... he did it.  1st nap 1hour 15min!!!!!!!!!! he just went down for 2nd nap, took 10min of rolling around and he is out.   SUCCESS :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

How do you guys post pics.  it always says mine are too big.  i tried to post a pic of jake but it didnt work.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 22, 2005, 19:33:20 pm
Yeahhhhh Jake!!!  Are you not so excited, Jennifer?  I couldn't tell! :wink:  He will still have one or two 45min naps, but most of the time he will just sleep right through it.  GOod job.

For the phots, you have to resize it first and save it as, then use your browser to get the photo that you resized.  Hope that makes sense.  Someone on the website in the Lounge, I think, put the website for the resizer.

Download the free photoresizer & I think it can be no bigger than 120 x something.  Not much help, am I?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 22, 2005, 20:43:56 pm
thanks kathy, dont think the photos are coming out okay.  oh well.  btw.. jadyn is beautiful.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 23, 2005, 01:42:37 am
Jennifer - way to go on the nap!  It's wonderful isn't it when your lo can take long naps without your help.  As for the rolling while asleep, I'm in the same boat!  DD would sometimes rolled in the night and I would have to go in and rescue her.  I don't know how she does it but there were several times when she would get struck in the corner of the crib, faced down and turned 180 degrees!  :roll:   Now, instead of letting her fuss in the middle of the night ( which she sometimes do and then fall back asleep before she knows how to roll), I would have to check on her as I'm worry that she might get under the blanket one day. 

Should I still let her sleep with a blanket?  The blanket is crochet with plenty of holes and she's also in snuggle bag.  What do you think?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 23, 2005, 02:32:04 am
Yeah on the nap!!!  :D  In my last post I was all "oh, just put them down awake and they'll sleep better, that's the key..."  Well needless to say Ella's been thinking it's a good idea to only sleep 30 minutes in the afternoon these past few days.   :x  Then she grumps all evening.  I'm wondering if she's not getting her top teeth now too.

Thanks for the comments about the paci weaning. I'm very proud of it thought it's definitely causing bumps. Like the 30 min. naps!!!  :lol: We are back to too early wake up times too but all in all it's good. Dd is sleeping at least 11 hours overnight again and if she does wake she can put herself back to sleep or it takes minimal soothing.

I think the blanket's okay Mimi. It's the "re-breathing" they worry about. Like if their face is too close to something and they breathe back in their carbon dioxide. But truth be told, they don't know that even causes sids. They just think it can be an issue and better safe than sorry. So if the blanket has holes in it and your lo knows how to roll over... I think the blanket is probably safer even than tummy sleeping. Knim?  And we also went through the rolling thing... I know Ella would cry, and loud, if she needed help to change position, so I wouldn't worry too much Jennifer. Ella just eventually became a tummy sleeper. I think we need to remember sometimes they have very good instincts and will call to us if they need us. The sids risk also decreases after 6 months. (though of course it's still a scary reality...) We just do what we can. Babes slept on their tummys for a looooong time not that long ago.

It sounds like Jaydn may be ready to drop the df Kathy, you almost have a built in opportunity... though it's sad I know!!! They really do grow up so fast! But Tracy says in her book, 7 or 8 months I think. Once solids are well established. Though I know lots of mums never did it, or dropped it earlier.

Oh and Jennifer, my house is a disaster!!  :lol: And to top it off, dd is suddenly scared of loud noises so vaccuming while she's in the house has become near impossible. Needless to say the dust bunnies are a pilin' up.
I do do some with dd in her chair watching. If I go slow, washing dishes, clothes, etc. and show her everything she's become quite fascinated with what I am doing. And when that fails, I sing my head off and dance while trying to finish something up quickly. I'm a veritable one woman entertainment show!  :lol:

Love talking to you all, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Actually having a big MIL issue that maybe I'll bore you all with one day.

Wonder where everyone else went? Do you think we bored them away?  :wink: I hope not...

Oh and July's avatar is ultrasound pics with the nickname at the time. The poll is a sticky now in the lounge thread.

And Jennifer your pics look GREAT!!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 23, 2005, 15:04:20 pm
Mimi, i wouldnt worry about the blanket.  ds absolutly has to have a blanket to cuddle with during sleep.  i worry but i peek in and make sure hes ok.  Sharon, thanks for the response on the cleaning.  i am still looking for a part time job and maybe i will find a good paying one and i can find a cheap cleaning lady (in my dreams) 

today was the dreaded 6mth checkup.. i went by myself with ds.  he is now 19lbs and 29inches!  the doctor said to start baby proofing the house becuase ds was reaching and grabbing and he was impressed with his movement but warned me to beware  :roll: other then that all is well.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 24, 2005, 02:21:46 am
Hi guys,

Jennifer - I just figured out that you changed your name (JenniferSimmons to Jakesmom)?  Is that right or am I losing my marbles? 

Anyway, Jadyn had her first fall a couple of days ago (I had to tell my ped about it today) :oops:  So definitely be on the lookout for little Jake wanting to be so mobile.  I sat her down on a recliner in the crook part and picked up a pair of shorts to put on.  By the time I turned around (took maybe 5secs) and there she was head first down the chair.  It scared her so much.  She screamed & screamed and screamed even more when I picked her up.  It was like she was upset with me for lettiing that happen.  She's so active!!  She's either kicking her legs, doing leg raises, rolling back & forth or flailing her little arms everywhere!!  We also had our appt today for her 6mos.  She got 3shots and did not like it.  She weighed 17lbs & 28in.  She's in good shape, he said.

Mimi - Jadyn puts her lovey all over her face to go to sleep.  She can breathe through it, so I don't worry too much about it.  It's the only way she can get settled bfore sleep.

Sharon - Has Ella Rose gotten over the 30min naps?  I don't know which is worse, paci problems or short naps. :roll:  Well, at least she's sleeping really well through the night and being able to soothe so easily.  Jadyn hasn't gotten up early any more after those 2 days.  Today I went and got a Honeywell small fan to put in her room just in case.  It makes just enough noise to block out all the creaks in the floor when I come in to check on her and also when Daddy gets up in the morning at 5:30am.

Jadyn has been soooo happy & smiling lately.  I just look at her & cry sometimes (ok more than sometimes).  She smiles at me differently than anyone else, too.  The nurse today asked me if she has a preference over me or Daddy, and I answered very happily, it's me she prefers.  :D  I told my husband about it and he felt it was an unfair question.  He says because I'm still bfing her that I have an advantage.  That's right, baby.  And I will for another year, too. :lol:   :wink:  Hey, it's not my fault that she wants the boob & I happened to be the one with it, and not him.

Hope you guys will have a great weekend.  I have to go out of town to do a job for Chanel this Sat. and I'm not too excited about it, but I gotta do some work.  It should be interesting me having to pump twice while working and doing people's makeup.  I guess I will take a 15 min break and pump somewhere private. :roll:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 24, 2005, 13:54:45 pm
sorry about the name change with no heads up.  dh came on here and freaked because i had my full name and city and state, hes paranoid but i guess you cant be too careful these days.  he said "anyone can go on this site and see jake and your name, you might as well post your full address."  at first i thought he was crazy but then i watched the news.

sorry to hear jadyn fell, isen't it the worst feeling.  the other day, jake was sitting up with no support, naturally i got excited and turned around to get him a toy to play with and he fell backwards and hit his head :cry: he was not happy!!!

Have a good weekend all :P
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 24, 2005, 15:03:00 pm
Jennifer - I can relate regardings your dh's reaction.  Mine is the same.  I had posted dd's picture and he freaked!  needless to say,the piocture is gone and I so wanted to all of you to see her!  Especially now that her hair has grown back ( Asian belief that if you shave a newborn's hair, it will grow back thicker.   :roll: ), it looked like she has a mohawk!   :lol:

Yes, I totally know how you feel about being the cause of your lo's accidents - at least accidentally.  I have my fair share of them.  It's so sad b/c sometimes I think that she blames me for letting feel this pain!    :(    With her being so mobile, I can understand why there's a helmet for babies! 

Sharon - Have you tried extending her awake time again?  For 1 week now, I have finally figured out the optimal awake times for dd.   2.5 hrs from wake up in morning, 3 hrs before afternoon nap and 3.5-4 hrs bfore bed.  We no longer have the catnap but she does get whiny around 5. 

Have a great weekend everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 24, 2005, 15:32:22 pm
Hey ladies.  I just want to check with you to see if you are okay with having the thread this long.   If you're okay with it, then I'll leave it alone.  If it would be easier to start a new thread instead of having 20 pages, I can start a new one and lock this one.  Any thoughts?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 24, 2005, 17:26:27 pm
Fine with me :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 24, 2005, 23:09:28 pm
Fine by me, too.  Just dont take it away completely.  I would be so lost. :(

Mimi -
Quote (selected)
( Asian belief that if you shave a newborn's hair, it will grow back thicker.  ), it looked like she has a mohawk! 
My mom made me promise that I would shave Jadyn's hair when she was a couple of weeks old and I waited to do it, against my will, and it did not work.  She looked like someone took a bad pair of scissors & cut it in all kinds of different direction!!! :? Everyone gave me a hard time.  My mom said she did that to my hair & also my sister's and that's why we have such thick hair.  But then she also wrapped our feet really tight in cloth so they would be small.  I don't know what to think about that one.  Btw I wear 71/2, so maybe it did work. :wink:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 25, 2005, 00:17:19 am
Sounds good Alli.  Is it any kind of problem that we gab so much? I hope not! How's Zach doing by the way?

Thanks for the advice Mimi, we've been trying to do that... I'm so frustrated these days. I don't know what's going on with dd. She's so unhappy. We're going back to the paediatrician finally on Tuesday to check her reflux meds. We've tried everything else...I'm soooo tempted to give her her soother back. But I know it would only be a short term fix.

I know what you mean too about falling! Dd stood at the edge of the couch once and dh and I got so excited we both grabbed for the camera and she fell over!  :oops: Needless to say she wasn't too happy with us!

We don't do our six month shots until mid-July. (dd's behind due to being so sick in the beginning) I am soooo excited to see how much she weighs!!  :D Not excited about the shots though!

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 27, 2005, 23:12:28 pm
hi ladies, hope all is well.  We are having great progress with naps.  Today was awesome.. jake took a 2hr nap in the morning and 1 1\2 in the afternoon.  this is our first day with only 2 naps and he is doing so well.  he did fall asleep during baby einstien before bed but he made it 3hrs.  my theory with the 45min naps is that when a tooth is actually breaking through he has a hard time sleeping.  right now i think we may have a short break from the teeting monster :lol:   

Is anyone feeding stage 2's?  i was wondering how much to give ds, he will eat all day long if i let him.  what about the meats in stage 2's? 

thanks  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 28, 2005, 01:37:44 am
Hi ladies,

Sharon - How's Ella Rose doing these days?  Did you take her to the doctor yet?  Was her reflux back?  I hope not.  Does she have any more teeth showing through?  I'm sure there must be something bother your lo for her to be so unhappy :(  I know that must be really trying for you, too.  I will commeserate with you & share what our little Jadyn is doing these days.  She has decided that she doesn't want solids any more & opens her mouth at the very beginning only and then shuts her lips together & wastes pretty much half of everything I give her. :x  She doesn't like anything!!! I've given her the squash, avacado, peach, peas and I'm just about to give up & maybe give her store bought food.  I'm tired of having to pump so I can make her cereal with ebm, which she doesn't eat but 2 bites, if I'm lucky.  On top of that, she does not want to be left alone for one single minute.  She has to have my or daddy's or her sissy's UNDIVIDED attention.  But she's also soooo whiny these days, I just don't know what to do with her.  I actually yelled at her today when I was trying to feed her.  She stopped fussing & just looked at me & just grinned!!  Almost like, 'how can you be mad at this face' kinda look :roll:  Uugghh.  She still does smile, only when we are giving her all the attention & whatever she wants.  I'm just hoping it's the teething, although I don't see nothing else coming in.

Her naps have been still easy, except she's been waking & stirring at 30mins, instead of her infamous 45min stir.  Can't figure out what that is all about.  I do extend it & she will sleep for 2hrs & is grumpy if I wake her.  She doesn't take the catnap at all these days.  She's doing this thing where she wakes up but is VERY quiet in the mornings, so I don't know the actual wake time which really gets me frustrated because I don't know when to put her down for her first nap.  She just lays there & plays with her paci & her lovey. :?

Oh well, I'm really hoping her teeth will just get on with it & pop up.  Did you start giving her 3 meals at 6mos or just 2 (breakfast & dinner)?  I don't know if I should go ahead & give her all 3 meals now.  I don't know why I'm worrying.  It's not like she's gonna eat them anyway. :?  But I'm going to keep on offering.  Do you give cereal 2 times a day (breakfast & dinner)? and just give avacado for lunch?  She's been so constipated since eating cereal that she grunts the whole time I'm feeding her.

Jennifer - That's great that your lo has his naps down.  Isn't it nice?  I'm not giving my lo any meat yet.  All I'm offering these days are purreed fruit & veggies and rice cereal.  Maybe she wants real food and that's why she's not eating the mush I'm offering? I don't know.  My ped says to give her any baby food and even teething biscuits.  I went to the grocery store to find those bisuits and all I could find was something called Biter Biscuits by Gerber.  Has anyone tried a teething biscuit that they liked?

I know that at these ages our lo's are going through a lot of developmental stages & are very whiny & clingy & plain onery!! I hope they pass very quickly.  I try to remember that I will miss these young days when she's older (which seems very hard to believe right now), so I just grin & bear all her silliness. :wink:


p.s. Alli - Should we stop writing on this thread & create another one?  How do we do that?  Does everyone still want to keep this thread going?  I hope so.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on June 28, 2005, 02:23:53 am
Well, if you ladies don't have a problem with having the thread this long, I'll leave it for now.  Just tell me when you are ready to start another, ok?

Zachary is doing well.  I wish he would just crawl or scoot or SOMETHING.  He's getting frustrated and he's sooooo close.  Just before he acutally does it, he gives up and lays his head down to suck his fingers.  He won't even get up on his knees by himself.

Still no sign of teeth. :roll:  :lol:

Jake'smom--I've had Z on stage 2s for a while.  He has 2 jars in the morning....appx one jar at lunch and 1.5  jars for dinner.   I don't think you're supposed to introduce meats till 8-9 months but I could be wrong (I should know this stuff, right? :oops:  :wink: )
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 28, 2005, 03:28:46 am
Hi all,

As you may or may not know I've been having a rough time. Dd is VERY cranky and sleep is hit or miss. She too wakes at the 30 min. mark and sometimes will go back down sometimes not. The nights have been all over the map too. Today she was running a fever of just over 101. We see the doc in the am so we'll at least figure out if it's her reflux again or not. Dh has been a Godsend with support. Dd just loves him to bits. He can make her laugh like no one else! He took today and tomorrow off work so I'm having a bit of a break. (and a few bottles of wine... :wink: Just kidding. ...okay so a glass or two.)

Try not to worry too much about Jaydn not eating Kathy. Just keep it as light as you can though it's soooo frustrating! She'll eat when she wants to. Though it is so hard when you are going to all the effort isn't it. I am feeling like that in general these days. Are you giving dd water? I know there's conflicting opinions about that too but we give dd small sips from a cup at her meals and she will always eat more then. It's funny... I can't eat without drinking myself!  :lol: And yes we started lunch at 6mo. But it's still smaller than the other meals. That's when I give her avocado and yogurt.  I don't know about stage 2 food as I'm making it but I just started giving Ella chicken. I pureed poached chicken with parsnip and carrot. She makes the weirdest faces when she eats it but she gobbles it all up. Veggies are the worst for us. When she has broccoli you'd think I'm trying to poison her! She'll have none of it!  :lol:

Oh and Kathy, what about giving dd cereal you can mix with water? then you wouldn't have to pump... she's getting enough milk otherwise anyway... I don't know about teething biscuits as we haven't introduce wheat and most of them seem to have it. We tried baby mummums but as much as she likes them they just dissolve so don't really do much for teething. I wanted to wait until 8 months for wheat but I think I may do it sooner. Dd has had oatmeal and that has gluten in it so... The rice cereal may be what's bugging Jaydn too. Some babes have a real hard time with it. Water could also help that... maybe barley cereal too? I do give cereal for brekky and dinner. Not lunch. And I alternate oatmeal and rice with formula already in it and organic brown rice.

Jennifer that's awesome with the naps!!! And I'm glad the teething monster is giving you a break!

Alli, dd has taken to yelling because she can't crawl. She wants to so badly. She inches backwards now and that just p's her off even more!  :lol: She won't get on her hands and knees either.

And yes I want to keep this thread. You guys are my mummy's group!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on June 28, 2005, 05:19:54 am
Grrrrrr  what a week.  When one gets pinkeye they ALL get pinkeye.
Dd4 has a terrible bout of it right now.  I think that her plugged tear duct is making her pinkeye symptoms look worse!  To top that off she also has a head cold so her nose is running and she has an awful cough.

Sharon that is too bad that your dd isn't having anything to do with sleep schedules right now.  I am sure it is just a phase and that things will get better soon.  My dd has a fever too and just wants to be cuddled.  Lying down isn't on HER agenda!

Alli, I am in that just crawl already stage too.  Of course once that stage hits we are really in trouble aren't we :roll:

Jaydnsmom, I have been feeding dd Digestive's cookies by Dare.  I also have some pablum ones but I found them too messy!!!! 
Jakes_Mom, dd has been on the stage 2's for about a week now.  She gets little amounts of meats right now.   I would say she eats about 3 tbsp of stage 2's at lunch time,  1/2 c of cereal for breakfast (not all at once, in a few stages) and a jar of veggies/fruit at supper.

Is anyone else having trouble keeping their lo's cool during the hot summer days?  I dress dd in the lightest clothes I can find, park her in the shade and offer her lots of liquid.  Still she is getting heat rashes.  Going to be a tough summer if my other lo's can't spend all their time outside.

Have a great night everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 28, 2005, 16:51:32 pm
So many things to reply... i hope i remember them all. 

Kathy,  i was once told that babies inherently know how to regulate their systems and only eat what they need.  Not sure if i believe that myself since jake will eat till he pucks!  As sharon mentioned, maybe it is the rice cereal, jake hates it.  i give him oatmeal and barley(his favorite)  Do you bf her more when she refuse to eat or is she just not eating?  Jake eats a lot less when a tooth is getting ready to come through. 

alligirl, i too was told to wait on meats till ds is older but was thrown when i saw all of these meats available for stage 2's (which is for 6-8mo)  anyway, i did some more research and will stick to the orginial diet but with the stage 2 foods. 

Sharon, i feel for you... i hope ds will feel better soon, keep us posted. 

caljaccol, Jake gets very hot also.  i try to limit outside time but i have that luxury since he is my only one.  good luck

gotta jet, jake is up and yelling.  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 28, 2005, 23:38:12 pm
Wow Dawn... I am sorry it's so rough for you right now!!! It is nice to hear from you at any rate. I don't know where in BC you are but the weather here has been sucky. Though you've made me count my blessings about heat now!  :)

Just wanted to share a bit of good news. Took dd to the doc this am. They think it's a combination of teething and her reflux acting up so they've upped the meds. Hopefully it'll help. The good news is they aren't worred (which makes me less worried) as she's putting on weight nicely. She's 20lbs and 28". Yippee!!!!! I get so excited when she gains. I'm sure I've told you all before but she was born at 8lbs 6oz and went down to under 6lbs in the first month so... even though I try not to dwell on it I just get so happy when she's thriving.

Sleep is still hit and miss and we are starting our days way too early but I'm trying to make myself just roll with it. Hopefully we can kick it with a combination of the right medicine and just sticking to our routine.

Hope you're all doing okay. I look forward to hearing updates on everyone.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 29, 2005, 00:15:16 am
Sharon - so glad to hear that everything is good.  And just remember that when you wake at 5 or so with dd, know that over here in Alberta, my dd and I are probably up for an hour already as well!!!   :lol:  :roll:  I know how you feel about the weight gain, with my dd's reflux every ounce gained is worth celebrating!  Although now, she is getting a little fussy with feeding.  No solids now for 3 weeks, not even the food from my plate which she used to like.   :roll:

Jennifer - you can try stage 2 after 6 mos.  Our ped, says that it is ok to offer them meat and he suggested to try chicken first as it is more agreeable than the other meat products.

Kathy - I'm with you on the waking up in the morning and remaining very quiet.  DD used to hit the railings or the mattress or call out to tell me that she's awake but every now and then she would just lie there very quietly.  It is soooo difficult to time the first nap. 

Caljaccol - would you pass some of the hot weather up here to Calgary?  It's been raining for 3 weeks now and the city is almost overflowing with water!  I would love to have some of your nice weather!  When we do get some nice hot days, I just try to avoid going outside between 11-4.  We just hit the shopping centers during those hours.

Alligirl - that is so cute with Zachary taking a break to suck his fingers.  Dd is trying so hard to crawl forward but after two steps, she does a face plant. 

It's amazing the things the los are learning to do at around this age.  DD thinks that it's a game to unfasten her diaper (don't know how she learned that!), sit up from her tummy, splashing during bath time ( got to get her into the big tub soon!) and fight over the remote with daddy :lol: .
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 29, 2005, 01:21:31 am
only have a sec as dd needs her bath but thought i would have a quick read and i just have to say...Mimi... dd's sitting up from her tummy??!! That deserves a big congratulations!!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on June 29, 2005, 21:25:25 pm
Hi...this is my first time on Babywhisperer...I'm looking for information and help...I posted the following under Naps as well, but I saw that there is a thread about baby's my fella's age....He was born the end of November '04....

Last week, my baby turned 7 months old...also last week, something has changed in his sleeping pattern. It used to be that he would have a short nap every 2 to 2.5 hours, then go to bed at 7 or 7:30...
All the sudden, he has a 1 hour nap in the morning, and a 3 to 4 hour nap in the afternoon, but then is up until 9:30 or 10:00.
He always wakes for a bottle of milk at 1:00 am...I cannot seem to break him of this habit no matter how late I feed him in the evening (if I last fed him at 7:00 he would wake up at 1:00, if I last fed him at 11:00 he would wake up at 1:00)...and he awakes between 5:00 and 6:00 am...

Is this there anything I can do to go back to the 7:30 bed there anything I can do to adjust his 1:00 am habit?

Any help is appreciated...I'm new, this is the first time I've posted anything...hopefully somebody will have some tips....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on June 30, 2005, 01:31:55 am
Jellybeansmith - Welcome.  I think that the 3-4 hr nap in the afternoon is affecting the bedtime.  Could you wake him after 1 or 2 hrs of sleep so that he can go to bed at around 7:30pm?  I know that with dd, she needs to be awake for at least 3 hrs before she can go to bed for the night at 7 pm.
Also, if the nightwaking is always at 1 am, then it is a habit.  Does he take a full feed?  There is two ways you can break this habit.  First is to slowly decrease the amount of milk (1 oz or so) every few days or dilute the milk until it's just water.  Hopefully he will take the hint and sleep through.  Second way is to go cold turkey and use pat/shh, pu/pd or whatever you normally do to settle him back to sleep.  If there is another way, I'm sure that the other moms will jump in to help.  HTH

Sharon - we are so happy when she learned how to sit up.  The amazing thing is that just five min before she couldn't figure out how to unbend her legs to stablized herself.  She kept on pushing her body up with her hands but her folded legs were getting in the way.   With the long weekend coming up, dh and I will have to start childproofing the house and do a thorough cleaning.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 30, 2005, 02:02:46 am
I agree with Mimi.  The afternoon nap is too long and it's throwing off the nights.  Dd lately has been napping 1 1/2 hours after being awake for 2 1/2 in the am, then napping 1 to 1 1/2 in the afternoon with 3 hours of awake time in between. That leaves about 3 1/2 to 4 hours before bedtime. We've been tweaking her bedtime but lately it's been 6:45 and she's up between 5:30 and 6:30. Does that make sense? Do you have any of the books? I think my suggestion would be to tackle the nap times first with a consistent bedtime and then after that's straightened out a bit...tackle the night feed. There's a lot of good info on this site about it all.  :D  I hope that's some help!! Feel free to ask any questions here though too.

Mimi, again that's just awesome! It's weird isn't it... I get so excited the more mobile dd gets and yet I know it's going to change everything all over again in a BIG way!

Hope you're all doing well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on June 30, 2005, 02:20:21 am
Hi there guys,

Jillybeansmith - Welcome to the board :D Mimi & Sharon gave you some great advice on the long naps in the afternoon & also for getting rid of the 1am wake.  My lo also needs at least 3hrs, usually 4hrs, before bedtime.  So she takes her last nap at 1:45-3pm and is awake til 7pm which is bedtime.  Is he taking 2naps?  If you would like a sample of the routine, I will be glad to post my lo's, and I"m sure other moms will also be glad to share it.  I think we posted it somewhere in our thread but since it's soooo long I can't remember what page  :oops:

For the 1am wake, you can do what's called a 'wake-to-sleep' method.  It's in Tracy's last book.  Do you have it?  What you do is set your clock to about 12:45am & go into your lo's room & very gently kinda nudge him or gently move him about to where he wakes halfway.  This way YOU are waking him and not HIM waking up.  He should stir a little & go back to sleep.  If he wakes completely up, go ahead & do pat/shh him back to sleep.  Do you give him a paci to sleep?  If you do, you can put the paci back in to get him to sleep.  Does that make any sense?  Let me know if it doesn't.  Jadyn at the beginning always woke at 3:30am for about a full week.  I just patted her back to sleep without feeding her & gave her paci and she finally didn't wake any more.

Mimi - Wow!! Sitting up on her own!! I get so excited when I hear your lo doing things because I know Jadyn's about a month behind them.
Quote from: lil'monkey
With the long weekend coming up, dh and I will have to start childproofing the house and do a thorough cleaning.
  Hee hee.  I'm not looking forward to the thorough cleaning though.  I've got dust bunnies that are soo big that they are actually reproducing more bunnies. :lol:

Sharon - I'm so glad Ella's gaining good weight.  I love her picture on the bottom.  I hope her meds will make everything better for her.  Poor thing.  She's probably trying to communicate and can't so she's just sad or cranky.  Don't you wish they could just talk & tell you what they want?

Caljaccol - I bought my Lexi a Slip & Slide & have it on our yard on an incline.  I put sunscreen all over her and she goes & has a ball going down it!!  We did put up one of those portable pools for her to get in also.  Jadyn likes to get in & splash around. :lol:  So sorry for the pink eyes.  Poor things.

Allgirl - I bet it's so cute to watch him sucking him thumb.  I wish Jadyn would suck her thumb just once in a while.  She used to a little but these days, just chews any kinda toys or our shoulders. :P   I've always thought it so sweet to see babies suck their thumbs.  I guess she's going to be a non thumb sucker.

Had to work today and was gone for 5hrs and when I came home, Jadyn gave me the biggest smile!! Just melted my heart.  I have to work tomorrow too.  I hate leaving her but she's in good care with my girlfriend who has 3 kids and they had a ball today.

Gotta run.  Husband wants the computer.  He thinks I spend way too much time on here. :P

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on June 30, 2005, 11:08:35 am
Hi ladies...thanks for all of your advice...we have alittle work to do...we will be getting the book this weekend...I've gotten a lot of good advise in reading through some of these various forums...Prior to the 7 month mark he was napping about every 2 hours, but they were catnaps (45 minutes long or so)...Then all the sudden, it turned into 2 long naps...
Yesterday, he technically had 3 naps because he had a quick catnap at 11:00 am (like about 20 minutes), but then got grumpy quickly, so I had to put him back down...Also, when he is awake, he doesn't 'do' quiet's go-go-go then crash...he's not much of a quiet time kid or a cuddler, he will wiggle right off your lap if you let him...he will bounce in his jolly jumper or exersaucer until he is red and sweating, then hollers when you take him out (same with bathtub, his preference would be to be in it for much longer than he should be, and hollers when you remove him and put clothes on him)...Would activity level attribute to his frequent and long nap needs, or are all babies little 'go-ers' at this age...All in all, he's a happy kid, and a very good baby, it's just the sleep thing that's out of whack.

Thanks, and I'll keep you posted on how we make out...we will be getting this book this sounds like a 'bible' to a lot of people.......

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on June 30, 2005, 11:24:53 am
Oh answer a couple of questions...

He will not take a pacifier...we have to give him water or diluted juice to suck on to fall asleep...I go in and remove it once he falls asleep...he doesn't take that much of it, but seems to require sucking on something.  When he was really little he would use a pacif, but refused it at about 3 or 4 months old... The interesting thing is that for the 1 am waking, he will not take the juice or water....every other accidental awakening he will take it for a minute then off to sleep again, but the only thing that will settle him down at that time is the milk...

Yes, generally, he is taking just 2 naps, but sometimes he gets very cranky, and starts squealing for his bed, so sometimes he needs a cat nap (15 to 20 minutes) here or there...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on June 30, 2005, 11:48:11 am
Welcome jillybeansmith, it sounds like our lo's are a lot alike.  Jake isnt' a cuddler (unless teething) and is always trying to crawl off my lap (if he could)  For example, he just learned how to sit on his own and after 1 day, becuase he usually wants a toy out of reach, he flips from sitting to laying on his belly.  at first i was worried because i thought it would hurt but he doesnt seem to mind.  so now he does it immediatley.  i was so looking forward to some time of him sitting and playing on his own.  oh well  :roll:

Questions for you ladies, i have been trying to get rid of the dreamfeed and have been doing 15min increments for a while. he is now 4oz at 915.  we haven't had any problems until this week.  he has been waking at 530am to get up for the day.   do you think it is too early to skip df? 

One more question... do you ladies stay home all day with your lo's.  lately i have found when i go out during the day (even if it is for an hour) jake is all thrown off, his naps are short and then bedtime is rough.  if i stay home, he sleeps great.  Weird,huh!?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on June 30, 2005, 15:15:47 pm
hello everyone. sorry i haven`t posted for a while...whenever i sit down to try georgia wakes up or falls over or does something..i think she knows  :roll: but i`m still reading and keeping up with you all. welcome jillybeansmith. you`ll get loads of support here. just wanted to let you know jakesmom about our experience with dropping the dreamfeed...we`ve just done it...tracey recommends waiting till 7 or 8 months. we cut down a little around 6 months but i wouldn`t recommend trying to reduce too much more because you`ve got the 6 month growth spurt to contend with and hunger may be the reason for the early wakings if they`ve coincided with you cutting down. once they hit 7 months you know they`re over that blip and the df becaomes much easier to cut (we got down to 2oz at 10pm and then just dropped it). anyway hope everybody`s doing well. we finally have 2 bottom teeth, after about a month of motrin and torment. then a couple of nights of peace and now i swear she`s working on some others...i give her homeopathic medicine or motrin and she sleeps, i don`t and she doesn`t. i feel terrible about medicating her all the time, but when it seems to work what can you do? now i hear her wake. wishing a good day to everyone....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on June 30, 2005, 21:52:54 pm
Hi all just a quick note...Kathy you were looking for teething biscuits... I found some at a health food store by that "Healthy Times" company. (they're American so you should have them) They're called Maple Biscuits for Teething. They have oat flour, molasses, barley flour, cold pressed safflower and/or sunflower oil and Vit.E. They're totally organic. Dd LOVES them! The only time she's been quiet in her highchair. :lol: You have to watch for pieces at the very end but mainly they just slowly get smaller as baby sucks on them. Just thought I'd let you know...

Hope you're all well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 01, 2005, 15:37:14 pm
Thanks Sharon, I will have to go & look for those at a health store.  I know for a fact that she's working on her some more teeth coming out as lately she's chewing her paci to pieces (the hard part).  I worked the past two days and have the most horrible allergies, sneezing, runny nose, etc and I work doing makeup, so I HAD to take something.  I took Benedryl and OMG, I passed out 4hrs later and couldn't even tend to my little baby.  I think it might have passed in my milk to her because she woke screaming at 11pm, 3am, 4am and finally up for the day at 7am.  My poor husband had to bring her to me to bf then pat her & tried to console her because I was in bed and couldn't move a limb.  She's seems ok this morning, but I'm still out of it.  And I have to work again today & tomorrow!!

Cazao - welcome back.  Good to hear from you.  You said that there's a 6mo growth spurt?  I wonder if Jadyn has already past it or coming soon.  Hmm.  I really can't tell when she's hungry because she's never cried for food.  How am I supposed to know when's she's going through a growth spurt?  I wonder if last night was perhaps the doings of a growth spurt?  I did feed her every time she woke because I couldn't calm her any other way :oops:  I just thought she was hungry because I didn't do a df last night.  I had a late feed at 8pm.  Hubby let her sleep for 45 mins at 6pm!!!  I couldn't figure out what the heck to do.  She wasn't slelepy at her usual 7:30 bedtime.  I'm so foggy in my head from the stupid Benedryl I can't make anything work out in my head. :?

Jennifer - I'm sorry I can't help you with the df question.  I don't think I will be dropping it til she's 7mos.  She does so well that I'd hate to mess up a good thing.  Kwim?  I think once she does a little better with solids I will go ahead & drop it.  Right now her solids are so inconsistent.  This morning she ate 2cubes of apples but wouldn't take any barley cereal.  She gags with cereal & avacado.  I can't figure it out.  Oh well, I can't make her eat them, I guess.  I will keep on trying.

Well, gotta run so I can put my face on for work today.  I hate to put makeup on but since that's what I'm selling, I guess I HAVE to.  Today I'm freelancing for Bobbi Brown for about 5hrs.  I hope people aren't going to be too tough on me since I'm so out of it.  Does anyone else have a problem with medications really messing you up?  Is there another medicine I can take that won't make me so out of it? 

Hope you guys have a great Fourth of July weekend!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 02, 2005, 18:14:20 pm`s only really looking back that i realise she went through a growth spurt. at nighttime it all got mixed up with the nightwakings due to her teething..i often fed her during the teething nights to get her back to sleep  :oops: ...but looking back, she was taking more milk from me for a few days than she was normally. but the main way i knew was she was eating tons and tons of solids during the meal she ate 6 tbs of cereal, a whole jar of veggies and a whole banana...i thought she had that disease where you just keep eating and never stop....then after a few days of that kind of eating she went back to something more civilised. it happened towards the end of the 6th month so i wasn`t really looking out for it. whoops she`s waking...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 02, 2005, 20:44:47 pm
hi guys
mind if i join in?  i have posted a few replies here and there in the last few days since i registered, but then found this and thought it would be nice to chat with and ask questions to other moms who have babies the same age. 
gianna was born 12-02-04.  she is mostly textbook,  a little spirited.  she has MAJOR stranger/separation anxiety...poor thing.  we are working on that.  she is sitting, scooting (sometimes), and that's about it.  we have been on easy since about 8 weeks.  she was always the 30-45 minute napper until last month.  one day she just started sleeping longer.  i also increased her awake time, so i think that helped.  she is currently waking at 5-5:30 am and going to bed between 6:45-7:15 with 3 naps of about one hour.  i would like to move her to 2 naps per day.  has anyone else done this at 7 months?  how did you do it?  i don't know if she can do it since her wake up time is sooooo early!  also, how long are your babies awake?  right now i am keeping her up 2/2.5 hours.  should it be longer?  i am just afraid of getting her overtired.
also, we are having some problems with night sleep.  she used to sleep so well, never waking.  now she wakes 3-4 times between when we put her down and about 10:30pm.  anyone else experience this?
well, sorry for all the questions.  if anyone has read this far, thanks!  i am so glad i found this, as i am a stay at home mom.  and we really do stay at home all the time becasue she can't nap anywhere but her crib.  sometimes i feel like all the walls are closing in on me!!  (but i am fortunate to be able to stay home with her, i wouldn't have it any other way!)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 02, 2005, 22:48:43 pm
Welcome Gigismom, My lo is a little younger, born 12\25 but he too takes 3 naps a day. i am trying to switch to 2 naps but he always wakes too early from the first so he will be up too long before bedtime.  what i was told about awake tiime is... 2.5 till 1st nap, 3 till 2nd and 4 before bed.  now, for lo's like ours (who wake early)  we end up with an extra nap in there.  that schedule works for those whos lo nap longer then 1hour.  has your dd always wake so early in the morning.  ds is always up at 6-630 but sometimes he wakes beforeahand and i let him try and fall back asleep.  sorry, i dont have any advice about the night wakings.  look forward to sharing with you, this board is wonderful :wink:

Well ladies, things are going well here.  I am not sure if i mentioned that i had an interview this week, but i got hired on the spot :shock:  I was so happy because it is parttime, close to my house, in my career goals and pays better hourly then the job i had before!!! although i am now going through the realization that i have to leave Jake for a couple hours.  i didnt think this was going to be so difficult    :cry:   any advice, encouragement, i could use it about now.  For those of you who work, who watchs your lo's??
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 02, 2005, 23:10:21 pm
Hi jakes mom
thanks for the reply.  gianna has not always gotten up that early.  she used to sleep til 7 or 8, but her wake-ups have gotten earlier and earlier.  i do leave her in her crib until 6 though.  at least she plays quietly from her wake up until then.  i don't really know what to do about that either, but i am coping with the help of some coffee each morning.
i do work a few hours per week, and am fortunate enough to have my mom watch gianna.  she conveniently lives across the street!  it was still hard for me to leave her the first time.  i couldn't stop thinking about her the whole time and hoping she wasn't crying.  but she was fine.  i think it is good for them to learn that someone other than mommy can care for them and show them a good time.  i think it is actually harder on us mommies.   if you don't have friends or relatives who can care for your boy, have you considered hiring a nanny?  i was a nanny for several years before having gianna.  i took care of those kids like they were my own.  i still exchange pictures and phone calls with my "families".  there are lots of good nannies out there, if you don't mind a stranger working in your home.  if you go through an agency, you can get ones who are educated in early childhood education and are cpr/first aid certified.  with a nanny, at least your baby will be in the comfort of his own home with his own toys, in his own bed for naps, etc.  it might make the transition a little easier on him.  plus he won't have to share germs at day care.  just a thought.  good luck!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 03, 2005, 00:00:22 am
She's CRAWLING!!!!! :D  :D  :D   Not very long as she take a break and sit up after 5 steps.  But dh and I are so happy.  My baby is growing up...sigh...

Welcome Lindsey.  We switched to 2 naps at 7.5 mos but dd has been wanting to drop the catnap for several weeks before that.  I just decided one day to go with just two naps as she had been waking up at 4-5 am during that time.  I think that once we were on two naps, she started to wake up 6-7 am which I can cope with.  Our awake time are 2.5 hrs, first nap (1.5-2 hrs), 3 hrs of awake time before 2nd nap (1.5-2 hrs) and 3.5-4 hrs before bed at 7 pm.  You can try to extend her awake time by 10-15 every few days to get to the length that works.  Don't worry about the wake up time in the morning for now.  I just go by the awake time to time her naps and after 1 week, she started to wake at 6-7 am with 2 naps.  HTH

Jennifer - I'm also anxious about heading back to work in two months.  My mom will take care of her but I'm afraid that dd will be a handful for her.  DD used to let other people feed her but for the last few months, she would not feed from anyone but me.  I don't know what to do other than hope and pray. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 03, 2005, 03:40:42 am
Ok Jadyn is definitely a clever little girl!!  She was over at my sister's today since I was working and I thought she could handle just a couple of hours there.  Well, it came to nap time and every time they took her to their bedroom to lay her down, she started screaming! :?  So of course my sister calls me at work, I'm in the middle of doing a makeover so I don't answer the first two calls.  The third time I answer, I hear her screaming in the background. :cry:  I ended up leaving work & rushing like a madwoman to their house.  By then, they had called my husband & got him on the phone & he got over there first.  He took her & laid her down in the same bed & she went to sleep :P  So I'm convinced that she's used to us putting her down and not anyone else.  I tried to explain to my sister that she goes down for her naps so easily, but she wouldn't believe me.  I think my little Jadyn knew that if she screamed they would take her out of the room, which they did.  She just stopped crying as soon as they took her out of the room and just looked at them like 'what'?  What a little turkey. :roll:  I hope her top teeth will come out soon so she will stop chewing everything everywhere!!  It' been a month since the bottom two came out.  I thought a month is when the next top ones come out?

Welcome on the board Gigi'smom!!  My lo started to drop her catnap at 5mos.  She just wouldn't take it & was so hard that I went ahead & dropped it and she did ok.  Are you giving her solids yet? How much is she drinking during the day? BF or FF? My lo's routine is very similar to the others for wake time.  I wonder if she's hungry at night when she wakes? WHen she wakes at night, are you feeding her or just patting her back to sleep?  Let us know and see if we can figure something out.

Mimi - Congrats on your lo crawling!! Is she crawling with both arms & legs? I bet it is sooo cute to watch her!!

Cazao - Thanks for the reply.  I guess my lo went through the growth spurt at the very beginning of me giving her solids.  She ate sooo well those couple of days and now, well, it's a completely different story.

Jakesmom - I'm soo happy for you on your job.   :D  I know it's bittersweet since you have to leave him for a little bit.  I leave Jadyn with my girlfriend on the weekdays when I work & husband on the weekends.  I talked to my girlfriend about EASY & how important her routine is and she does everything that I write down.  I know I am very lucky.  It was so hard the first time.  I called her every hour.  She did fine and slept better for her than me!  I love coming home to her after work because she gives me these big smiles for me these days.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 03, 2005, 13:16:04 pm
Its good to know that we will make it through this transition.  We are also very lucky.   My sister will be watching Jake 2 days and my hubby on the other 3 days.  There are 2 hours on two days that i was going to use a friend.  well actually she is  my friends mother.  i dont know her as well as my friend.  what do you guys think?  i am nervous because i will have to drop him off there but on the other times he will be home.  She is really good with jake when i am around and seems to have fallen in love with him, i think that is the only reason why she offered to watch him. 

Kathy,  Jake does things now to get my atteniton.  it seems as soon as he turned 6mo he knew what to do.  When he was little, when he would start to cry it would always begin with this cough noise, so eventually we would rush over as soon as we heard the "cough".  Now he does the cough to get our attention (without a tear in sight i might add :roll: )  He also makes this grunting,\groaning\whining noise to let us know he is bored or wants to be held.  It is so funny to see him do these things at such a young age.

Mimi--congrats :lol:  :lol:  :lol: !!!! Have you baby proofed?  you will have to share all of the secrets and all of the funny stories to come.

gosh i write too much every time  :oops:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 04, 2005, 01:52:48 am
BLARGH!!! I want to write so badly right now and don't have the time yet. Things have been so crazy! Welcome Lindsey... will respond to your Q's too. Mimi, good thing you baby proofed!!!! Congrats!  :D Jennifer and Kathy I sooo know what you mean! And Jenn I'm so happy for you and try not to worry too much. Things will work out. The only advice I can give off the top of my head is that intorduce ds to the mum's friend a few times in advance. Let him get to know her a bit and things should be okay...

Hope this made sense I'll write more tonight or to run!

Miss you all!  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 04, 2005, 02:00:50 am
Not much has changed here, (well, I don't want to jinx anything! :wink: ) but I just wanted to pop in and say hi and to tell you Z finally cut his first tooth this morning!  I had no idea he was even trying to cut a tooth....his naps have been a tiny bit shorter than usual, but he's been sleeping GREAT at night (still not jinxing) and his mood has been fine.  I had no clue till I was letting him chew on my fingers while  played on the 'puter this morning and I felt something must have just broke through because he didn't have it when I put him down for his first nap.  He's such a sweet little soul!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 04, 2005, 20:56:53 pm
Hi Ladies,  Just wondering if I can join in.  My lo is just over 7 months now and has just started crawling this past weekend.  He is a pretty easy going little guy who likes to be on the go! 

Are any of you having luck with introducing sippy cups?  I have tried, but we don't seem to be getting too far.  Although I just started trying one by Nuby that he seems to be more interested in, at least now he will put it in his mouth and tries to get some water out - that normally just ends up all over his shirt.  Oh well, I guess he will catch on sooner or later...

It so nice to read all the posts about lo's close to Peter's age.    Looking forward to chatting with your all.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 04, 2005, 23:13:43 pm
Welcome Jen! We've been trying the sippy cup thing too but dd's not having any of it other than she thinks it makes a pretty good teether! She'll drink water out of a the cup with no lid though...

Jenn, we did the same as Cazao with the df. We too start our days now between 5:30 and 6.  :cry: Still tweaking bedtimes to see if it helps but her naps are all over the place too! On a good day she naps for 1 hour and 1 1/2 hours. Then always 11 to 11 1/2 overnight. Though today she thought 20 minutes was good in the aft. and it took 45 min of pu/pd to get another 45 min out of her!!! Not sure if that was the right call! And I can't decide if she the early wakings are her clock...and it doesn't matter what time she goes to bed... or if changing the bedtime will work. So frustrating!

Mimi that's so awesome about the crawling! Good thing you decided to baby proof!  :lol: Ella's trying to move still... only problem is she goes backwards. Then she gets more frustrated because whatever she's trying to get to gets farther away!! She pivots around a lot to try and reach stuff to so with this weird mix she can pretty much cover the living room.  :lol:

Alli that's wonderful about the tooth!! Glad it wasn't too disruptive!

Kathy, dd too has been eating less. I find it goes in waves. Lately she only wants a few bites and that's IT.

Lindsey, I agree with the others advice about naps. Probably time to transition down to 2...

On a good note here, dd has been much much happier so I think the medicine dose increase was the right thing to do. ~whew~   :)

Hope you're all having a great day, and I hope I haven't missed anything!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 05, 2005, 01:22:37 am
Hi There, today Connor went for his 6 month shot..he was a little delayed as he had a kidney infection at 3 1/2 months, and they had to run all sorts of tests to see if he had kidney reflux or not..

He is 23 lbs!!!, and 74 cm long..He is a very big boy...How do other boys out there compare??

Does anybody had a child with a potential peanut allergy?  Connor may have one...I was talking to the dr today, and it sounds likely...I had had a peanut butter sandwich a few minutes before playing with him...I kissed his tummy to make him laugh, and withing a few minutes, whereever my mouth had touched, he had hives...These type of allergies seem so common now...........

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 05, 2005, 01:40:09 am
Wow, Jill!  23 pounds?  At 7 months, Zachary weighed 15.5 pounds (at 6 months Stephen weighed not quite 13!) :shock: !
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jlumom on July 05, 2005, 03:13:04 am
Wow I'm so glad to see this thread is still going!!!  This original thread was my lifeline when Alexis was born.

Haven't been on the boards in quite some time......having a tough time getting the time to get on.  I can't wait to read up on all of those Oct-Dec 04 babies...and then I'll post back about Alexis!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 05, 2005, 11:05:34 am
I know...I know....He is getting big to carry!!...It seems genetics plays a bit of a roll...I'm 5 foot 9, and my husband is 6 ft...both of us have a solid bone brother was 30 lbs at 1 year...and my nieces and nephews were mostly big babies...Connor has always been way above average.  I asked my dr about it..she said that he is overweight, but once he gets moving, it should level out...(I hope)

He is definitely a handful!!!!! (I should say armfull!!!!!!!!!!!)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 05, 2005, 12:25:28 pm
omg Jill, you must have some muscule on you.  I thought jake was big, he is 19lbs and 30 inches.  no allergies here, thank god!

Sharon, so glad to hear Ella is feeling better, hope you are getting some peaceful rest now.  Jake is now consistently waking between 5 and 6 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  it is driving me nutty  :(  We moved the dreamfeed back to the original time.  he is eating more so it is hopefully the growth spurt :?

Welcome petes mom...we are working on sippy cups also, Jake likes the nuby cup too  :lol: but as yours he spills it all over his face and clothes.  i think they are all young still and we dont need to worry too much.

well tomorrow i start work, i have to work a full day for paperwork and meetings. i am excited but i know i will cry and miss Jake.   Luckly my sister will be there. 

wish me luck :cry:  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 05, 2005, 13:55:57 pm
Welcome back Robin! As you can see we're "post happy" over here!  :lol:

The peanut! That's wild! I guess it's good to find out now though... you must have been so shocked! We've been lucky so far. No food issues yet... hopefully it stays that way.

Dd is 20lbs and 71 cm (28") so she's big too, for a girl... I'm 5'6" and dh is 6' but I have a brother who is 6'7" so I guess dd does have the possibility of being a big girl!!  :D

We put dd down last night at 7:15 and she woke at six but chatted until 6:30 so I guess that's a bit better for us but I'm still worried it's not enough sleep! (for her that is)

Good luck with work Jenn!! It'll be tough the first while but it's very exciting! We'll be thinking of you...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 05, 2005, 15:41:24 pm
hey there everyone. our `little girl` is 22lb 5oz  :shock: me and dh are both tall so i guess she`ll stretch into tall and skinny eventually. it`s an amazing lesson for me though on people`s (including my own) views about fat...absolutely everyone talks about her chunkiness/fat within about 30 seconds of meeting her (and me and dh often refer to it too...we`re as guilty as everyone else) about starting these messages wonder girls end up with so many body issues.  anyway..we`re back into teething and i think that`s being complicated by mobility stuff at night. she`s commando-crawling backwards at quite a speed now (found her wedged backwards under the bed yesterday) and when she wakes at night i find her up on all fours moving around like crazy. so i`ve been picking her up and cuddling her back to sleep but last night i figured i had to do something else so tried to comfort her in the crib by rubbing her back, letting her suck my finger etc. anyway, after about 40 minutes it worked...she fell back to sleep and now it`s 8.40am and she`s still sleeping. yay!!! i`m so happy we may be able to find a way to comfort her at night that isn`t picking her up and cuddling/feeding and isn`t PU/PD (i was dreading that). she wakes...have a good day everyone...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Cody's Mum on July 06, 2005, 00:21:11 am
Hi everyone, it's the first time I post under this thread and I'm still trying to catch up with all the posts here when ds goes to sleep at night AND after I've done some housework :cry:

Ds is never a big baby but has long legs that makes him look older than he is. He can still wear some top for 6-months old but has to go for 9-12 months trousers. (I'm pretty small but dh is quite tall.)

Anyway, he couldn't sit up by himself until he passed 7-month mark and all of a sudden in the past few weeks he's been trying to crawl (backward still  :lol: ) and can also stands up while holding our fingers and even made a couple of little steps  :D Man, he's really growing now, a bit too fast for us to take in. But saying that, we still haven't seen any teeth yet  :?

He's gone through a two-month's long bottle strike and it was really a nightmare. ILs used to love to feed him but now they're so scared of feeding him as sometimes he'll waggle or scream from the beginning of a feed  :cry:, though things have improved in the last couple of weeks.

That's all for tonight. It's my bedtime finally (at 01:00  :wink: )
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 06, 2005, 01:56:12 am
WOW!!! Where have I been the last couple of days?  I've got some catching up to do! :lol:

Welcome back Robin, you've got some reading to do, hee hee.

Welcome to the board Joby!! - 2mo bottle strike!!??  What's he eating then?  I would be so stressed out.  I worry about nothing as it is. :oops:

Alli - YEAH  :D  :D  TOOTH!!  I know what you mean by not knowing he was cutting teeth.  Now with Jadyn's 2 teeth out, with the anticipation of the others coming out is worse than the actual 2 when it was coming out.

Sharon - I'm so glad Ella's medicine is working.  :D  This solid stuff is throwing me for a curve though.  I think I've figured out that she does not like to eat breakfast, which is funny cause I hate breakfast!!  She will not eat but a bite for morning, but for her dinner, I can't get her to stop eating these days.  Just when I think I might have a clue.....  I gave her sweet potato today & she just ate it up.  She even opened her mouth wide!!  Should I just not offer her breakfast any more?  She does take a lot of milk (bf) first thing in the morning.  I wonder.

Jake's mom - Good luck with your first day.  I know it will be tough, but as soon as the first day is over, it gets much easier.

Welcome also Jen - I gave my lo the sippy cup today for the first time.  She could't figure it out.  All she did was chew on it and kept making that noise biting on the lip part :roll: I figured since she's holding the bottle by herself she could figure out the sippy cup.  Oh well I guess I will just wait a little longer. 

Cazao - I guess the 'commando crawling' is at this stage.  I put a big sheet on the floor & let her just go all over it and she goes backwards & ends up on right near the coffee table & she gets stuck and gets mad. 

Jadyn is going through a huge separation anxiety AGAIN!!  She can't make up her mind!!!  I put her in the carseat & told her I will be right back & to talk to her sissy.  I shut the door & went to get her food to take with us shopping & when I came back, daddy had her out of the car!!  She had huge crocodile tears in her eyes :cry:  When she saw me she started to smile.  She's so sweet.  Her naps were pretty consistent except for Sat. where she took 3 45min naps :?  It's almost like she knows when things are off & it's the weekend.
BTW I thought Jadyn was big at 17lbs 28in!  Wow. All the babies seem to be off the chart for weight!!  I always wondered who actually decided what's ok & not ok & what's ont he chart & not on the chart. :roll:  I'm just glad my lo has fat rolls that I can take a bite out of & pinch :wink:  She is wearing 12mo clothes these days & size 3 in Pampers.

Hope to hear from you again soon.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 06, 2005, 03:29:34 am
Wow - there's so much to read.  I should be more consistent and keep up with the news.  Well I guess the dd is at the smaller scale as she is 18lbs and 28 inches.  Which is not bad as my back is really hurting by the end of the day from lifting and carrying her.  Anyway, with dd's mobility I'm finding that it's very hard to keep her from bumping her head into everything!!!!  We have glass doors on the tv stand and she kept bumping into them trying to get to the dvd player.  It's almost like a little bumper car - forward, bump, back off, forward, bump, back off, forward...  :roll:  :lol:   This went on for about 5 times today.  Maybe I should get one of those helmets for babies.   :wink:   

We are going to see a dietian tomorrow to discuss about dd's lack of interest in solids.  I'm not too concern but since the hospital has an open file on her since her refusal to drink any milk back at 2 mos, they are tracking her progress.  The only problem I have is taht the appointment is during her first nap and I'm not to feed her  milk 2-3 hrs before that.   And since she wakes at 6:30 am and the appointment is at 8 am, dd is going to be one cranky baby!!!  Maybe I can sneak in a couple of oz when she wakes.  Well, i hope she will try some solids for them to observe.  Gotta go to bed now.  Have a good night everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 06, 2005, 03:31:11 am
Welcome Joby!

Kathy I am starting to be right with you on the solids... dd has only eaten supper for the past few days.  :cry: I think you should still offer Jaydn breakfast though... we just keep trying and being "happy" about it and if she doesn't want to eat, well she doesn't want to eat. We are still keeping our mealtimes and trying to mix up the food hoping she'll eat again eventually.

It's too funny to read about everyone's lo's going backwards... I thought it was just our dd!  :lol: Imagine if we put them all in a room together!

We ended up having a long day today but dd did well... she wasn't put to bed until 7:30 though so I'm curious to see how long she sleeps tomorrow!!!!! I'll keep you posted.

Good night everyone!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 06, 2005, 12:42:36 pm
Well...I finally got the 'Baby Whisperer' book yesterday...I can't put it down...I have a lot of work to do...I have definitely been doing some accidental parenting, and have reinforced some bad habits.  I'm going to observe the remainder of this week and start a schedule next week.
So far, I would say that Connor is an 'angel' temperment, so hopefully it won't be too bad, even though he is at that somewhat resistent age.

Has anybody else attempted E.A.S.Y at a later age? (4 mo +)...

Wish me luck!

I find it interesting to find out what all the other babies are doing...(and their sizes)...

Yes, I am developing quite the set of pipes for arms...I always was muscular before I was pregnant, so I guess I can handle him...My life has changed quite a bit, as I used to play 3 or 4 nights of sports per week (hockey, soccer, broomball, ball hockey), and worked out in I am back to playing soccer once a week, and go to a gym a couple times a week, and I'm starting to feel strong I guess I am fairly capable of handling him, however, I did have a lot of back problems earlier from lugging him around, but they seem to be going away)... So, I wonder if Connor will be an athlete (I'm not going to push him). 

You do get self-conscioius about the size of your baby when everybody says 'Oh my God, he's a big boy for 7 months', then he flashed them his giant smile, and they say, 'Oh my God, he's so cute!!'...And, given my background, I know that we will be a very active family, so in the long run, as long as our big babies are healthy and happy and active, it'll all level out!...

Gotta go...somebody needs a little nap I think..

Talk to you later..........
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 06, 2005, 14:09:23 pm
Well, I see Peter and I have no shortage of company for our 5:30 - 6:00 am wake up :lol: ....  He wakes up so happy and excited that there is not a chance of getting him back down.  Normally he amuses himself till 6:00 am when I go in to start his day.  I think he is just an early riser like his Mom.  I also don't think it helps that dh is getting ready for work at that time as well.  I am not really complaining though at least he is sleeping.  Although as with his eating and everything esle I wonder if it is enough (I don't imagine that we change for many, many years to come :D .)

Jakes_mom sending you good vibes for your first day back. 

Jill, I would definately say you need to keep hitting the gym to keep up with Connor.  I thought Pete was quite the workout at 20 lbs.

Have a great day ladies!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 06, 2005, 17:34:08 pm
hope everyone had a wonderful long fourth of july weekend (u.s.)  we went to long beach, CA for the day and gianna went on her first carosel adorable!
it is exciting that all your babies are starting to crawl.  mine is a little behind the times!  she just lays on her stomach and starts whining after a few mins...i get down there with her and play to encourage her to build strength on her tummy.  did everyone else's baby resist tummy time at first too, or is gianna just not a tummy girl?  i'm not sure if i should make her lay on tummy or roll her over when she gets fussy.  one good thing is that she is now starting to sleep on her stomach at night and not crying when she rolls to it.  it is also helping her sleep later in the am-she slept til 6 today!
i am still trying to read all the pages of this thread (in all my spare time!)and figure out who's who.  everyone seems so nice and supportive, i'm glad i found you all.

jen- with the question about the sippy-we have been giving gianna a sippy since about 5 months, but she still doesn't have it down.  we bought a few different kinds for her to try.  she actually seems to do best with the cheaper ones where there is a spout but the water just slowly leaks out of it.  a lot messier but she seems to "get it" more with those kind of cups.  also, she likes drinking out of a regular cup (with help!)

kathy-gianna has recently begun rejecting breakfast as well whereas previously she ate almost 1 cup of oatmeal!  but on the upside, she eats the other meals like they might be her last!  so i guess as long as she is eating something and not waking at night she is fine.

one last question:  gianna's nap lengths are all over the place.  sometimes it's 2 hours, sometimes it's 1.5 and lately we are back to 45 mins.  is this normal?  anyone else having problems with inconsistency like this?  take care everyone.  (sorry i can't shut up today)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 07, 2005, 03:28:04 am
We put dd down last night at 7:30 and she slept until 7!!!!!! Yipeeeee!!! Much more manageable for us all. I had said I wasn't sure if it was her clock with the early wakings or her bedtime and if last night is any's her bedtime. It's not a huge difference but she went 11 1/2 hours as opposed to 10 1/2...  dh has been suggesting this for awhile and I've been the one who's been reticent. Just goes to show ya! We put her down at 7:40 tonight so we'll see tomorrow if it lasts. Oh and I should say she actually WOKE at 7... didn't make a single peep before that whereas usually it's at least a 1/2 hour of chatting before she says HEY get in here already!  :lol:

Dd didn't like tummy time either and still whines if she gets too frustrated with the lack of movement. We just try to keep encouraging her with it and alternating which side she's on. Sometimes after a particularly frustrating time on her tummy we'll roll her over and all she needs to be happy again is that. So she can flail her arms and legs wildly about! It's almost like she's having a wee fit on her back! But she just wants to move so badly...kwim?

We've also had a great deal of inconsistency with naps this past while. I have become VERY committed to pu/pd or a back rub or whatever it takes if it's less than an hour. Anything over... and she's up. On good days it seems to be a natural 1 hour and 1 1/2 hour nap. If she does that I'm bery happy and so is she!  :D

We started dd on EASY from birth but I have seen time and again how well it works. Between sickness, teething, general schedule disruptions, paci weaning... it has ALL worked out when we've just stuck to it and done things slooooowly... whilst "reading" dd at the same time. Does that make sense? We know what our goal always is and if we go slow, we are always all the happier for it. Dd is really blossoming into a wonderful little girl and I swear the BW has made all the difference. Keep at it and be consistent. Never forget they are learning at the same time you do and when you change things they are going to be confused by it but with patience and care it's all better in the long run.

Okay... I've babbled enough!  :lol: How was work Jenn?????

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on July 07, 2005, 04:41:51 am
What a long weekend :!:  :!:

I took the kids down to my parents for a few days and spent every night up with a screaming dd. :x   Ds had  been getting over a terrible cough and gave it to dd.  Well after 2 nights of no sleep, I took dd to Emergency where we waited for 3 hours only to hear what I already knew, and told them when I walked in the door, dd had an ear infection.  Her first one!!!  So after a day on meds she is starting to feel better and slept 12 straight hours last night.

Other then that, we took her to the lake for a day to just hang out.  She really liked the fresh air but only lasted a few hours before falling a sleep for the rest of the day.

Re: sippy cups
My dd hasn't figured out how to suck the right way to use one yet, but does drink from a straw (dh and his darn slurpees :roll: ).  She is pretty good at using a regular cup.

We are doing really well with solids.  She actually starts to fuss if her meal is late. 

She is moving backwards :P  all over my living room.  She has no interest in really crawling. Right now she is more into pulling herself up on things then moving around.  Today she alost pulled herself right up to standing along the couch.  She will be 7 months next week, but I think she is still too young for that :shock:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 07, 2005, 13:04:26 pm
hi ladies,  thanks so much for all of your support during this terrifying time of returning to work.  my first day went very well, we were so busy i didnt have time to obsess over ds.  When i got home i expected a big smile or alitte excitement but... nada!!! :cry: He didnt skip a beat with playing with my sister.   now looking back not sure if i should be sad or happy. :wink:   

caljaccol- so sorry to hear about dd's ear infection.  hope she feels better soon. :)

Sharon- so glad to hear you are getting some sleep, i am definitely jealous  :D Jake is still taking 45 min naps so he is still on 3 naps a day, usually around 9-10, 1-2, & a catnap.  if he didn't get the catnap he wouldn't make it till 7 for bedtime.  Last week he napped for 1 1\2 hours but i think he is getting more teeth (again :roll: ) because he is super cranky in the afternoons. 

Do you guys think it is okay to have 3 naps after 6mo?  i really dont see Jake switching because he naps are so short, they have always been this way.   i guess it really doesnt matter as long as he is happy. 

What kind of activities do you do with your lo, Jake seems to be bored by me  :lol: .   Need some new ideas.

thanks Jenn
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 07, 2005, 18:12:09 pm
glad to hear your first day went smoothly.  it must be a big relief to know he had fun w/o you, although a bit sad too!  about your nap question, my dd is over 7 months and still takes 3 naps per day, so we are in the same boat.  she was always a 45 min napper.  then we hit 6 months and she started doing longer ones, up to 2 hours.  so i thought about switching to 2 naps.  but lately she has reverted back to the 45 min thing!  occasionally she takes a longer one, but for the most part they are short.  so it looks like we will have to stick with the 3 naps for a while.  i think it is okay to have 3 naps, esp since they are short ones.  you don't want jake to get overtired.  regarding your question about what to do with him, as for us we have to stay inside most of the day now since we live in the desert and it is 112 outside.  so we are challenged finding things to do as well.  gianna loves her exersaucer, reading books (turning the pages), listening and dancing to music, and watching our dogs play.   we don't do anything special so i can't really help you there.  anyway, have a good day everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 07, 2005, 23:22:06 pm

Today was our first day on E.A.S.Y.
He was a little tired and cranky and clingy some of the time....BUT, this was the first time in 2 months that he has been to bed before 9:30 or 10:00.  He went down tonight like a dream.

Last night was a horrible night as he kept spitting up, then just wouldn't I hope he is tired from the routine and not just because he was thrown off last night.

There is one problem...and I guess it would be a problem that I created..for the most part he still has to go to sleep sucking on a bottle...He doesn't take much in, he just needs to suck on it...He will not take a soother, he stopped using it at about 4 months...he hates them now.  I have to work on getting him to sleep without sucking on a bottle.  I'm concerned about bottle rot, but I go in and remove it as soon as he is asleep or he just spits it out when he's soothed.. Any ideas on that one?

Wish me luck...I'll let you know how we make out...I'm just hoping he doesn't consider this 7:15 thing to be a nap and ends up awake at 9:00 (that's happened before)...I'll keep you posted.......

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 08, 2005, 11:52:03 am
Well...we did a little better...Connor remained asleep from 7:15 pm to 10:00 pm at which time he woke up frantic, and he needed to spit up :cry: ...I got him settled down by 10:20 pm...he then did his usual 1:00 am feeding (this is the one we need to elimiate), fell back asleep, woke up breifly at 5:00 (another habit), but fell back asleep and slept until 7:00 am..

So, all in all, I think it was a success... :D

We'll see how today goes..

He seems to be an awfully 'spit-uppy' baby..and sometimes when he wakes up at night to throwup, it upsets him so, and it takes a while to get him settled.  And, it's always several hours after feeding.

I'll keep you posted on how we are making out...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 08, 2005, 12:00:17 pm
Jill, I have no idea how you could get rid of the bottle to sleep, but maybe to start, you could water it down gradually until it is nothing but water (at least then it wouldn't hurt his teeth).

Just an idea! :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 11, 2005, 04:36:17 am
Hi all!

Jill just wondering about the formula thing with the night time spit ups. We give dd Good Start during the day but at night we still use the Enfamil with added rice starch (reflux baby) so she doesn't have as much chance to spit it up. Works well for us.. just a thought.  It would stress dd out a great deal too when she threw up at night. Or you may try keeping him upright for 10 minutes or so after the last feed? Or the nighttime feeds?

Glad to hear work went well Jenn! It's confusing isn't it to be so happy your lo did well without you yet part of you wants them to be ecstatic you're back!!  :lol:

Dawn- sorry to hear about the ear infection! I think that's hysterical about the almost pulling up already! Sounds like you'll have your hands even more full!

HHmmmm activites... I'm lucky here lately. Dd is happy just about anywhere! I don't know what happened!
 :lol: LIttle things seem to amuse her the most lately. Slow wiggling hands in front of her, our belts, (??) blowing on her, high pitched voices, other people, (!!) time by herself, (she loves to be naked in her crib with a few toys  :lol: ) Though if any of you have read my other posts.... she's outgrown her exersaucer!! And almost her jolly jumper which makes me sooo sad. Oh and she loves plastic cups and pots.

We've been having decent sleep around here too... she actually took a two hour nap yesterday which she hasn't done in months!!!!  :D

Dh is going away for two days tomorrow so I'm not looking forward to that, plus I made the horrible mistake of starting smoking  :oops: again when dd was so sick and I'm going to quit again tomorrow. (with some of the other mums here) Should be interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wish me luck!!!!!!

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 11, 2005, 11:47:37 am
Thanks for the advice.
The one thing that I've noticed that may seem to have aggravated his problem, is that I bought a case of the 'Enfamil Next Step, for 6+ month olds'...I'm starting to wonder if that has caused issues...He has always been spit-uppy,  but it seems to have gotten worse.

So, we have been keeping to the E.A.S.Y during the's been working like a dream...Thursday & Friday, he was in bed at 7:15.  He was ready for bed both Sat & Sun night at 7ish, but Sat night the grandparents were over, so he got over-tired & excitable...and last night, he had the spit-ups and tummy trouble.  Friday night he had to sleep with me for 2 hours because we had a power blackout, and I discovered that he is afraid of the dark (he had no nightlight, and no hallway light on), but I was able to put him back once things were back to normal.

Yes, I find that once he is upset with tummy trouble, his night schedule si toast...He just gets so upset..last night he was so upset that the only place I could get him to fall asleep was in his swing.  I think maybe he is more comfortable in it when he feels crummy because it kind cradles him.  (he'll soon be too big for it though).

Talk to you later.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 12, 2005, 01:27:10 am
hello everyone
 we had a looooong weekend!  gianna has started waking at night for about 2 hours.  what is going on?  she is not hungry as i tried offering feedings and she was uninterested.  she wakes up and cries unless my husband or i are standing next to her at her crib.  we have to do pu/pd a little, but for the most part she just lays there and plays as long as we are in her sights.  scary!  we don't talk to her or make eye contact so she doesn't think it is playtime.  she has done this 3 nights.  i have put a hold on all new foods in case it is gas.  we are giving her an herbal rememdy for teething in case it is that.  but i don't know what else to do.  i am tired and confused.  anyone else experienced this? 
sharon-is the change in bedtime still making a difference for your dd's wake up?  did you make her bedtime earlier or later?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 12, 2005, 02:54:12 am
Hello everyone!  Thanks for all the responses on the sippy cup.  Now that we have found one that he seems to like he is at least entertaining the idea of drinking from it.  I have also found that he does pretty well with a regular cup.

Lindsey - Pete did that for about  4 or 5 nights before he started crawling.  It was almost like he was waking up to practice some more...Has she been working on something new like crawling or such? I guess it could also be separation anxiety - I believe that is next on the development list at this age...maybe a lovey that has your scent would's hoping it passes quickly.

Hope everyone is doing well and getting some sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 13, 2005, 14:55:31 pm
hi ladies, i need some help.  i just finished posting on the sleep board but realized i could get great advice from you all.  Jake is still waking early.  every morning around 5am!  this morning he woke at 445 and i kept going in there and flipping him onto his back (because he was upset) finally he fell back to sleep at 6am and slept till 730.  he is still on 3 naps and i think he is sleeping too much during the day so yesterday i kept him up for 4 hours before bedtime, didnt seem to work. 

 the other concern is he seems to be filling up his diaper more then usual and it is leaking which could be the cause for the early waking.   i change him during df and he still has room in his diapers. 

thanks ladies, this is just getting so exhausting.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 13, 2005, 22:04:06 pm
hi jakes mom
i have exactly the same problem as you.  my dd wakes up so early, and therefore needs 3 naps per day to get her to a decent bedtime.  but i think it is the 3 naps that are contributing to the early wake up.  it's a vicious cycle.  i don't know how to break it either.  i am considering just keeping her up longer for the awake time, but am afraid of getting her so overtired she can't nap.  scary!  also we are still facing multiple night wakings.  i think that is sep anxiety...but not sure.  we are very tired over here.  if anyone has any suggestions, please help.  thanks
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 14, 2005, 02:06:55 am
Hi guys,

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I've had to work the last 3 days and I'm feeling so bad about leaving my lo!! She is teething with a vengence these days.  She cries in her sleep and it's breaking my heart.  I've been giving her Motrin at night times and I think it's helping.  She woke up at 5:30am this morning and my husband gave her the paci & she went back to sleep til 7:30am.  Thank goodness.  She has pretty much decided that she does not want any fruit day or night.  Only eats sweet potatos & barley cereal or oatmeal. She hates green beans, pears, apples, peaches, etc.  She will eat avacado once in a while. 

Jakes mom - When Jadyn dropped her catnap I extended her wake times to 21/2hrs & 3hrs for her naps & 4hrs before bedtime.  It was kinda tricky because she was sooo tired.  I would extend it by letting her watch Baby einstein videos or going outside and just sitting in our swing or just walking around.  A couple of times she just got really tired & would wake at night after 45mins, but I would give her the paci & she went back to sleep always.  Her winddown is down to about 2mins these days.  Basically since one song & dance during it & just laid her down.  She would kinda scoot on her knees and I would let her.  She always falls asleep within 5 mins.  I don't even flip her back onto her tummy any more.  I just leave her on her back if she ends up on her back. 

When your lo wakes at 5:30am, just continue to treat it as nightwaking and just pat or give paci & leave for them to try to go back to sleep.  It will take a couple of times, but continue to try to settle them back to sleep.  Hopefully they will reset their bodies to wake at a more reasonable time.  I do think it's because of the 3naps that they are waking so early.  Btw, what time are they going to bed?  If I put Jadyn to sleep before 7:30pm, she seemed to wake around 6:30 or 6:45, but if I put her down 7:30 & she falls asleep about 7:40, she wakes right at 7:20am (exactly), which is right at 12hrs.  You might want to play with the bedtime by 15mins to 30mins & see if it's any different.

Hopefully they will sleep through til 7am soon.

Sharon - How's Ella doing these days?  I haven't seen any posts from you here.  I haven't had time to read any other posts these days.  This is the only one I've been checking regularly.

Hope everyone's doing well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 14, 2005, 03:02:12 am
Hi all, I'm here! It's funny Kathy because I was wondering where you were!  :D  I feel so behind though in the posts! I agree with what Kathy said. though early wakings seem to go with the territory around 6 months don't they? I think it's probably time for both lo's to drop the 3rd nap. We have the same amount of awake time as Kathy. As far as figuring out Ella's bedtime... if it's around 7:30, 7:45 we can get her to go until 7. Usually. It seems she's an 11 1/2 hour girl. Though naps are sucking again!!!! It's always somthing isn't it? Maybe you guys can post your schedules and we can go from there.

Jill, it's normal to have regression when starting EASY. Just keep at it and keep consistent and it should straighten out. Always allow for some flexibility and "read" your baby but just keep going and it should get better.

We too think we've finally found a sippy for Ella. An Avent trainer that pours a bit out of the spout and the handles go on the sides of the bottle. She just wouldn't suck on the no spill ones! I think maybe because we gave her an "open" regular cup so early.  Oh and we dropped the 11 am bottle! That's our big news. We've just bumped lunch to 11:30 and now she is eating so much better... at all solid meals too. So she's drinking 24oz over 3 bottles and a few oz. with lunch in her sippy. Plus cereal, etc. Dd's almost 8 months now so she had her first cheerios today too! It was the cutest thing! She has just started trying to "chew" her food for a few days now. Love it. I also put my hands out today when she was sitting up in her bouncy seat and she grabbed them and pulled up to standing. I got sooo excited! Then so did she. She started laughing away! I didn't pull on her but dh and I were thinking it still doesn't really "count" as her pulling herself up for the first time... but it was still so exciting! These days I feel as though we suddenly have a wee girl living here and not a baby!  :cry:  :D Boy, mixed emotions on that!

I hope I haven't missed responding to anyone... please let me know if I have!

Hope you're all well...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 14, 2005, 14:10:55 pm
okay, so we had a great day yesterday.  Jake took 2 naps, 1-1.5hr and 1 1.15hr.   He went to bed at 7pm and woke at 530.  we struggled with him for a while and got him up at 7am, but not sure if he actually slept.  he went down for his first nap at 930.   We tried a bigger diaper and it still leaked, i think its from him moving around too much. 

Kathy,  i think you are right about the bedtime but everytime i would extend his bed time he would wake the same time, whcih was 6-630 but we will definitly try it, probably wait till he gets used to 2 naps.  is jadyn getting close to crawling? 

Sharon, heres jakes schedule when he was on a 3 nap\day:

6-630 wakeup (before the current 5-530wakeup)
630 bottle
8 solids
1030 bottle
12 solids
1230-130 nap
230 bottle
430-5 nap
530 solids
630baby einstien

We are now working on:
7-730wake up and bottle
830 solids
930\10 nap
11 bottle
2\230 nap
3 bottle
630 baby einstein

thanks girls :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 14, 2005, 22:20:11 pm
our schedule is very screwy because her wakeup times and nap lengths are soooo erratic.  but here is a sample of a "normal" day:

5:30 wake up (cannot extend this for the life of me!), bf, solids one hour later, activity

8:00 nap for usually 45 mins

8:45  snack, activity

11:15 nap for usually 1.5 hour

12:45 bf, solids one hour later, activity

3:15 nap for usually 30-45 mins

4:00 dinner at 5 pm, activity, bath, books, bf

7:00 bedtime

10:00 df

anyway, is it really possible that she can survive this very long day with only 2 naps??  if i keep her up longer than usual, will she have trouble settling for a nap and staying asleep?  i am just a big wimp and scared that if i try it and keep her up too long, she will go ballistic.  she is 7.5 months, so she should really be able to stay up longer.  should i expect resistance from her at first, or take that as a sign she is not ready for 2 naps??  thanks for all your help!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 14, 2005, 22:20:24 pm
our schedule is very screwy because her wakeup times and nap lengths are soooo erratic.  but here is a sample of a "normal" day:

5:30 wake up (cannot extend this for the life of me!), bf, solids one hour later, activity

8:00 nap for usually 45 mins

8:45  snack, activity

11:15 nap for usually 1.5 hour

12:45 bf, solids one hour later, activity

3:15 nap for usually 30-45 mins

4:00 dinner at 5 pm, activity, bath, books, bf

7:00 bedtime

10:00 df

anyway, is it really possible that she can survive this very long day with only 2 naps??  if i keep her up longer than usual, will she have trouble settling for a nap and staying asleep?  i am just a big wimp and scared that if i try it and keep her up too long, she will go ballistic.  she is 7.5 months, so she should really be able to stay up longer.  should i expect resistance from her at first, or take that as a sign she is not ready for 2 naps??  thanks for all your help!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 14, 2005, 22:21:50 pm
our schedule is very screwy because her wakeup times and nap lengths are soooo erratic.  but here is a sample of a "normal" day:

5:30 wake up (cannot extend this for the life of me!), bf, solids one hour later, activity

8:00 nap for usually 45 mins

8:45  snack, activity

11:15 nap for usually 1.5 hour

12:45 bf, solids one hour later, activity

3:15 nap for usually 30-45 mins

4:00 dinner at 5 pm, activity, bath, books, bf

7:00 bedtime

10:00 df

anyway, is it really possible that she can survive this very long day with only 2 naps??  if i keep her up longer than usual, will she have trouble settling for a nap and staying asleep?  i am just a big wimp and scared that if i try it and keep her up too long, she will go ballistic.  she is 7.5 months, so she should really be able to stay up longer.  should i expect resistance from her at first, or take that as a sign she is not ready for 2 naps??  thanks for all your help!

ps-kathy...gianna goes on food strikes too, but i find if i keep offering the rejected food, she usually takes it 1-2 days later and then it becomes her favorite food!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 15, 2005, 02:05:05 am
Gigi's mom - When your lo wakes at 5:30am, do you wait or do you feed right away?  I wonder if you could hold off & let her play quietly in crib & bf around 6:30am?  As far as wake time, I think you could add 15mins to all her naps and see how that goes first.  I don't know if I would count her first nap as a 'real' nap, kwim?  What does she do if you were to feed & put back to her crib?  Would she just play quietly or yell for you to get her out? When Jadyn wakes a little earlier, I usually wait about 30mins & then bf.  I just let her lie in my bed and talk very quietly and let her just roll around for that 30 mins.

Jakes mom - I read somewhere about diapers leaking and a mom suggested doubling up (using 2 diapers at night)?  Could be worth a try?
Jadyn is soo close to crawling.  I think she might have taken a couple of scoots today in our bed.  She has a little bit of help on our bed since there's some resistence on our mattress.  She cannot sit still at all!!!  Gosh, it seemed like yesterday she was just lying around & sleeping all the time!!  Honestly, she is constantly moving, scooting, flipping, rocking on all four  :lol:  :lol: So busy!!  Also she's doing this thing where she tilts her head to the side.  Anyone's lo doing this?  It's so funny to see. :lol:

Sharon - I wish Jadyn would do something with the sippy cup besides chew it! :roll:  She would prefer to drink out of my glass any day. 
Wow.  That's big,her dropping her 11am feeding.  I know what you mean by them growing up :cry:  I get really sad sometimes because I want her to be a baby forever.  Ok.  Not forever, but for a little while longer.  I gave Jadyn some Cheerios but I realized afterwards that it was Honey Nut Cheerios!! My ped said no honey!! I'll have to go shopping for some plain ones.  Anyway she loved it.  I tried to trick her and give her a bite of the Cheerios and when she opened her mouth, I put her solid food in.  She caught on real fast & kept her eyes on my hand with the food!! Then she would open it only when she knew it was Cheerios, and not the solids!! Clever girl.
I bet it's cute to watch Ella eat those things.  Sounds like she's such a happy little thing!! Yay! Ella's trying to pull up by herself! I would count that as pulling up all by her big self! :D

I am sooo glad today was my last day to work for about a month.  I felt horrible for leaving her while she's teething sooo bad.  Since she's not eating much during the day, she's very constipated!! My girlfriend watched the girls today and she did this trick with a some soap & a Q-tip and Jadyn had 2 good poop today :oops:  She said it's a trick her mom did.  I don't want to know too much detail on that one, but boy did it work!!  She pooped again before bedtime.
I'm kinda concerned about Jadyn's appetite or the lack of these day.  Yesterday, she did not take her 3pm bottle.  I was at work.  Then today I had to skip 2 bf (11am & 3pm), and babysitter tried to give her bottle and some solids and she would not take nothing.  So she nursed at 7am and nothing til I came home at 4:30pm!!! I mean nothing.  No milk.  No solids!!  I was freaking out.  I don't know if I could go to work again if I know she's not going to take the bottle.  I know she's miserable for the teeth, but wow... She made up the nursing at the 4:30pm and at 7pm.  She's so clingy also.  If we leave her to play in her favorite, exerciser, and leave the room, she starts crying & yelling.  If I put her down, she starts yelling & crying.  They say the top teeth are the worst.  I agree.  I saw a white bump on her top gum.  She hates it when I try to open & investigate. :?

I hope your lo's will not wake early but sleep til 7:30am tomorrow!! :D  I know Jadyn will probably wake early tomorrow since she didn't take her bottles today :?  I have my sling ready.  I can always put her back to sleep in that thing. :P

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 15, 2005, 03:44:51 am
Well I don't have any helpful advice, but just thought I would say these babies sure do know how to keep us girls hopping!  I feel like just when I get one thing dealt with, along comes the next - oh well, I am having a lot of fun in the process.

Kathy - I totally hear you on the top teeth, I think they must hurt so much more seeing as they are so close to their little sinus cavities and such.  Peter cut his bottom two with no trouble but now he has been biting everything in sight for a month and still no sign of those top ones  (at least I believe those are the ones he is working on - it is near impossible to get a look in there!)

Wishing everyone a good night's sleep without any early wake up calls!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 16, 2005, 03:48:28 am
Hi ladies,

Don't know why but I haven't been receiving notifications that there's new posts here!!!

At any rate once again I agree with Kathy's advice. The thing that jumps out at me about the schedules is too much awake time between the first and second naps. Here's our ideal schedule.

7 wake and bottle (8oz)
9:30 nap (usually these days just over an hour)
11:30 solids and 2oz. in sippy (before it would be bottle at 11, solids at 12)
 1:30 - 2 nap (3 hours after awake time) again, just over an hour.
3 -ish bottle 8oz. (it was at 3 before dropped bottle now it's whenever she wakes up)
5:30 solids
7 bath
7:30/7:45 bed time

Again, ideally it should be 2 1/2 hours awake time between morning wake up and 1st nap, 3 hours awake time between 1st and 2nd nap and anywhere from 3-4 1/2 hours awake time between last nap and bedtime.

Does that make sense? Does it help at all? Like Kathy says if you do it in increments you can play with their awake times a bit.

Oh and Kathy the finger food thing is killing me!  :D  Dd has had cheese bits, sliced banana and cheerios already and she LOVES it!!! Doesn't want anything else. And now that she can pull her self up with our hands that's all she wants to do. ANywhere and everywhere. She's also been real big on the crocodile tears lately. If you take away a toy, or don't help her stand, etc. She cries long and loud!!! Then turns to you and blinks over and over while whimpering until you do what she wants!  :lol:

Hope to hear from you all soon...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 16, 2005, 03:50:30 am
oops. I forgot to put the last bottle in my schedule... it's after the bath and usually 8oz.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 17, 2005, 03:13:04 am
Hi ladies,

Well, I just posted in General Sleep concerning Jadyn's new sleep pattern!! I'm pretty sure it's separation anxiety as she will not let me put her down or leave the room, even for a minute and I am talking loudly to let her know I'm just going to the kitchen to get some coffee!!  She cries when I put her down for sleep and leave the room.  While it is flattering that she loves me sooo much that she can't be without me even for a second, it's kinda taking a toll on me, esp at sleep times.  Boy, does she have a stubborn side, too. 

Sharon, I'm with you on these crocodile tears & pitiful cries when she doesn't get what she wants.  We are in BIG trouble if they are doing this already and they're not even a year old!! :?  That's so funny about wanting to stand up all the time.  I thought that was just Jadyn :lol: 
I wonder if Jadyn is too young for fingerfood.  I gave her regular cheerios today and she just went wild trying to grab them & eat them.  Do they dissolve quick enough? She coughed a couple of times and I got scared and didn't give her any more.  She loved them.  I figured out that when I give her cheerios, she opens her mouth wide open, so I would sneak a couple of bites of veggies :wink:  She catches on pretty quickly so I can only do it for about 3 bites. She clenches her mouth so tightly that there's no way I can put a spoon anywhere near those lips. :?  She's so calm about it, too.  Just clenches & turns her head and acts very interested in the light or the fan.  She only likes to eat sweet potatoes & apples now.  It seems like it's different each day.

I sure hope she gets over this separation anxiety thing quickly and goes back to sleeping within minutes without crying for me to be in there!  She still sleeps in til 7ish but it just takes me now anywhere from 30mins to an hour now to get her to sleep at bedtime!@  I guess I got spoiled to 2min winddown & her sleeping within 5mins.

Hope your are all having a great weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 17, 2005, 03:45:30 am
Kathy, even though dd is a month older, it sounds sooooo similar! It definitely sounds like seperation anxiety and dd is doing the same thing. Won't sleep without many backrubs, gets very distressed if we leave the room and takes a good half hour somtimes more to get to sleep.  :?

As far as the food goes, I don't think she's too young. It depends on the babe. One thing I read that helps us is only putting a few finger foods in front of them at a time. We'll put out 2 or 3 cheerios, etc. and slowly add more. Because she's the same way. If there's a pile... she'll shove them all in as fast as she can!!! And as far as using it to spoon feed her at the same time, that too is part of growing independence. Do you give her her own spoon? Ella will eat more if we alternate finger foods and spoon feeding and she loves to have her own spoon. She also likes when she can stick her hands in the bowl and mush stuff around. She will open her mouth while playing. I think... :shock: they're just trying to grow up a bit. It's messy and frustrating but...It's funny..dh is more concerned with the mess than me... and I'm usually the anal one!  :lol:

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 17, 2005, 19:30:44 pm
Thought that I might join in on this thread.  Reegan is a November baby and it is good to see where she fits in with other babies her age.  I think that she is a little behind most in that she is not even close to crawling yet!  She's not really big into tummy time and I think that might be part of the problem.  I'm not worried about her and know that she will get it in her own time.  Righ now she is fine rolling to get to where she wants. 

I was glad to see that there are others out there wiht the 5:30 wake time.  She slept through the night for a week but now I am back to feeding her around 4 after a 7:30 bedtime.  I found that if I do this she will sleep until about 7 and if I don't she is up for the day at 5:30.  I know she doesn't need one but I like that extra sleep in the exrta sleep in the morning!  This is our approximate schedule right now. 

7:00 Wake and BF
8:00 Oatmeal with fruit
9:30 nap
11:00 wake and BF followed by lunch
1:30 nap
3:00 wake and BF
6:30 Dinner and BF
7:00 Bedtime routine followed by a top off BF
7:30 Bed
4:00 middle of night BF
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 17, 2005, 22:13:56 pm
as for our early wake-ups, when she wakes early, i do not go in to get her for about an hour.  she always plays quietly for about that long.  and when i do get her up and try to bf, she is not even really hungry.  so she is not waking early out of hunger or to play because she doesn't get any of those things right away.  on the bright side, for the past few mornings she slept in til 6:30 or 7:00!!  except today she woke at 6:00.  but i think that when i put her to bed later, like 7:30 or 8:00, she wakes later in the we are going to try keeping her up later from now on.

mom to ree- don't worry, my dd doesn't crawl either...or scoot...or show any signs of independent movement anytime soon!  in their own time i guess.

kathy-gianna did that weird crying before sleep for about a week or so a while back...i had to rock her or jiggle her to sleep each time, for naps and bedtime.  and then she started waking in the night for about 2 hours at a time and wanting me to stand next to her crib the whole time.  she has stopped doing both those things...(at least for now)...but i think it was sep anxiety too.   one day she just went down without crying.  i don't know if this helped, but i made our wind down routine longer, about 20-30 mins.  we read books, hear music, and just play quietly on the bed together so she gets lots of my undivided attention.  it seems like as soon as i did that, she started sleeping better...maybe that will help you??

anyway, have a good weekend everyone.

ps-sorry for that post that went on 3 times...don't know what happened??
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 18, 2005, 02:27:43 am
Welcome Momtoree!!  I wouldn't worry about her not crawling yet or not liking the tummy time.  I'm sure she will whiz by those things in no time, when she's ready. :D

Gigi'smom - Thanks for the advice on longer winddown giving her my undivided attention.   The child gets 24/7 attention as it is!! :lol: I definitely don't mind reading her an extra book or two.  Tonight I had my husband put her down and don't you know it, she took 10 mins to go to sleep  & no crying.  He did get on his hands & knees and snuck out of the room while shushing the whole way out.  Now that's a visual you guys can appreciate.  The things we do  for our babies. :lol:

Sharon - Jadyn likes to chew on the spoon but not eat anything off of it.  Today she bf a lot less than usual and she ate lunch & dinner like she was hungry!!  She was very constipated and was turning all shades of red & purple grunting for 4hrs.  She wasn't even fussy, just straining sooo hard!!  I felt so bad.  So I called my friend that watched her last week & asked her exactly what she did to make my lo poop.  She told my husband(I couldn't do it) to get a shaving off of a bar of soap and mold it into an inch long suppository & insert to her bottom.  He did it and boy it worked within 2 seconds!! SHe cried during but she was so happy afterwards.  I think I will post this tip in the weaning & solids forum for babies with constipation. :lol:

Her separation anxiety is sooo bad right now, I literally have her glued to me the most of the day.  We had lunch with friends, and she cried when she held her.  I had to lay down with her for naps because she wouldn't let me leave her.  When I lay down with her she doesn't cry at all.  I sure hope this accidental parenting is not going to backfire too much later on.  I don't know what else to do. :oops:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 18, 2005, 12:16:58 pm
hi ladies, sorry i havent posted in awhile, i am not getting email notifications either, sharon.    anyway, no progress with sleeping.  jake is now waking multiple times at night, usually still asleep but sortof crying in his sleep.  i usually run in and check him and hes fine.   i am not used to getting up at night with him so i am pretty tired.  also, he is still waking around 530 every morning and we try to keep him in his crib hoping he goes back to bed but it never happens. 

the new problem is he is only taking about 4oz out of 7 of formula a feeding.  should i wean a feed, i tried the df and that back fired.  maybe i will try again tonight, things cant get any worse.  :cry:  :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 18, 2005, 19:53:49 pm
Kathy- that is funny that your husband could put jadyn down with no crying..gianna did the same thing with my husband for that week or so.  when i put her down, she screamed, but with him, silence!!  so i think that is definitely an indication that it is sep anxiety!
jakes's mom-gianna is hardly drinking milk anymore either!  she has not breastfed once today and it is almost 1 pm!  but she eats tons of solids.  i am not sure if i should just wean her too...but i'd like to wait until she can eat another source of fat/protein.  now she just eats vegs/fruits.  she was never big on the bf anyway, but it seems so early to be done.  sorry about jake's night waking.  i know how hard that is!

is anyone else giving their babies meat/cheese yet?  if gianna stops drinking milk, i think i will have to give her those things...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 18, 2005, 19:57:10 pm
gigismom- i give jake 1/2 jar of meat and veggies.  he really seems to like those.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 19, 2005, 11:34:29 am
Hi Everybody..the 'E.A.S.Y' seems to be going pretty good.
Connor still wakes up at night, but it is getting more random, as if he really may be hungry.  If I water down his formula for the feeding in the middle of the night, he just wakes up two hours later for more, so, he may genuinely be hungry in the middle of the night.

Has anybody been experiencing any 'separation anxiety' with any of your little ones...I think that is part of why he is waking up at night for some of the other times...The last week, he will wake up crying not just the once a night, but now about 4 times a night, and I think it's the separation thing.
He is also getting so that he doesn't want me to leave the room, and on the weekend, I left him with my husband for a few hours to I could take in part of a soccer tournament, and I just got to my destination, and had to turn around and come back home because my husband couldn't handle the screaming.  I walked in, and he turned all smiley (which is frustrating for my husband)...I know this is a common problem (object permanance), but I was just wondering if anybody else is there yet???

Talk to you later,
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 19, 2005, 13:41:13 pm
hi all, and welcome momtoree

ive been wondering about this seperation anxiety issue as well.  Kathy- does jadyn know what to do to make you come get her (ie. a noise she makes or does she just cry)??? Jake seems to make this irritating whine noise and if i dont come running he will start to cry.  i thougt it is supposed to get easier now! :roll:  Jake was such an easy baby that we were so spoiled.   

Well, last night we put him down at 8pm and he slept till 6!!!!!!!! i guess this is progress.  only problem---he had to take 3 naps yesterday.  any suggestions.  i think we are going to put him down at 7 tonight to see if last night was a flook(sp?)

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 19, 2005, 14:54:29 pm
hi guys. thought i`d check in. it`s been a while. it`s funny reading the last few pages becasue it`s georgia to a `t`...not fancying her milk so much, shutting her mouth after a couple of bites of jarred food  and for sure we`re starting the separation anxiety. it took a loooong time to get her to sleep last night...screaming her head off if if was out of the room, happy as a clam the second i came back to the crib and put my hand on her. she eventually dropped off after about an hour and a half of that little dance. i`ve thought baout dh putting her to bed but i still breastfeed right before bed in the dark etcetc so i`m not sure if switching over at the last minute would work. any ideas anyone?? i felt a little as if she had me right under her thumb, but on the other hand i know she`s probably genuinely scared when i leave the room. i`m probably guilty of being a bit of a `hoverer` with her....i`ve decided today to try to step back a little more to let her play etc during the day and try to get her happeir with me not being in the room...this could take a while though.  :roll:

of course the whole thing is complicated by the fact that she`s just getting over chickenpox!! i couldn`t believe a baby this young could get them but she`s been covered from head to toe and so so miserable, but hopefully we`re on our way back up again now. oh, she`s waking...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 19, 2005, 17:23:53 pm
Hi all

Cazao - Chicken pox!!??  I thought they get shots to prevent them from getting that?  That scares me.  How long did it last?  Did she scrach really bad? What did you do for her as far as relief?

Jenn - She does this whining at first when I leave the room and if I don't say something to let her know I'm right there, she will start crying with tears!! 

This separation anxiety is getting really bad now.  She's not sleeping through the night any more!! Last night it took 35 mins to put her to bed and I finally gave up & put her in my bed & laid down with her.  Of course she was happy as can be and went to sleep within 5mins, feeling my face & arms & shoulders the whole time.  It is kinda sweet.  So when I went to df her at 10:30pm, I put her back in her crib and at 4:40 am, she woke up.  I tried to put paci back in and she wasn't having any of that & started screaming.  Sooooo, back to our bed and after 20 mins to rolling & rocking on all fours, my husband finally said "Give her the boob"!!  :lol:    I did nurse her and she went to sleep holding my face & hair and slept til 9am.  There goes our routine today :?  She is taking less & less milk during the day.  She does ok first thing in the morning & at bedtime, but others are 5mins if I'm lucky.  Solids are not very good still.  When is she giong to start eating?  She acts like she wants our food rather than baby pureed food.  She will happily take a banana if it's not cut up and I give it to her the whole thing.  She'd rather take a bite out of my food, whatever I'm having.  Is she going to just skip the pureed food & go right to table food at this age???  I can get her to eat cheerios but surely a baby can't survive on just cheerios & biter biscuits???

Sounds like everyone else is having the same separation anxiety.  Someone please tell me when this will be over!!

Just had to go & get her after her 45min nap.  Have her in my sling right now because as soon as I put her down, she cried.  I guess I won't be able to brush my teeth today :oops:

Hopefully everyone else is having a better day than me today.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 19, 2005, 18:00:17 pm
oh kathy i feel for you...hang in there. i think i`m going to post a question on the boards about separation anxiety and make a plea for the more experienced moms to share their wisdom. i also didn`t think you could get chickenpox this early...the vaccination for it isn`t till 12months so i guess it`s pretty unusual. it`s been brutal...georgia`s had a fever and has obviously been really really itchy...the good thing is that although she`s desparately been trying to scratch her thousands of spots, she doesn`t have the co-ordination yet to get them, so i guess no scarring!! we`ve been giveing her benadryl for the itching and tylenol for fever and giving her oatmeal baths twice daily...she`s way better now..the first spots came on wednesday...she was at her worst saturday, and then sunday night we could see that things had taken a turn for the better. hopefully none of the other babies will get it, and certainly not jadyn, but if they do at least you know it`s only a few days of crazy... :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 19, 2005, 18:10:36 pm
I can't remember how long Stephen went through separation anxiety.  I wanna say it was several weeks and it kind of took a "weaning" process".  I would sit and play with him for a few days and then start moving back.  Eventually, I quit playing with him the whole time and let him play on his own.  Then I would sit a little further.  You get the picture.  Games of "peekaboo" help too because they are learning about object permanence.  If you have to put baby down for a minute and they start crying, tell them "I'll be right back" then walk away and sing and talk to them while you walk out of the room.  Sing and talk the whole time you are gone and then walk back in and say "Here I am!!  I said I'd be right back and here I am!"  That helped Stephen.

Anybody else's wee one not crawling yet??  Zachary seems to have no interest....he seems to have figured out that mommy (or big brother) will come to his rescue!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 19, 2005, 19:06:49 pm
Well at least it helps to know we're not alone it all this madness!! Ella will cry constantly without Motrin these days. She's gone back to sleeping overnight from about 7:30 until 6 or 6:30 which I can handle, but now the naps are out the window. Yesterday she wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all. She also wouldn't have her am bottle or solids, no formula at "lunch" though she would eat some cottage cheese (our latest food that she mashes into her mouth herself...that seems to be the key) and cheerios. She's not so bad with the seperation anxiety as you all are experiencing but she definitely has it. We have to stay with her to fall asleep and constantly rub her back. If we leave her alone (not sitting RIGHT beside her or holding her) she cries too. We play peek a boo A LOT too. I even leave the bathroom door open when I use it and sit her in the hall where she can see me then pop my head back and forth from behing the door so she doesn't freak out.  :lol: She's also big on trying to stand these days so cries if you don't help her pull up all the time. But Alli, she's still not really crawling. Just kind of wiggles backwards then cries again 'cause she's frustrated. Though the last few days she's finally figured out how to lift onto one knee a bit and she rocks a bit but she only does this in her crib. Blah. I don't know if any of you read the Couch forum but I've been trying to quit smoking (I started when dd was real sick in hospital) and I've been very unsuccessful with all the stress. (we can see dd's top teeth trying to come in too)  :oops:  :oops: I'm a basket case these days!!!!!

Keep me posted on how you all are...and hang in there!!!!! It has to get better!!!  :shock:  :lol:


p.s. Cazao I pm'd you...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 19, 2005, 19:11:06 pm
OMG!!!  We are going through several setbacks here as well.  DD is crying several times a night and the only thing that seems to settle her is the bottle.  I know that this is a habit I have to break later on but it is so hard to hear her moan every few hrs and she'll scream if I let this go for more than 30min.  It's almost like a snooze button but I can only snooze her for so long! :lol:   

Cazao - wow, chicken pox!  I hate to see dd get it as she scratches herself enough as it is already.  Hope everything is fine now.

Cathy - how did Jadyn took to your friend when you first dropped her off to babysit?  Did you have to transistion her slowly or did you just do it?  I'm heading back to work in a few weeks and dd would not eat or sleep for anyone but me.  My mom will be taking care of her so I'm thinking of dropping her of at mom for the morning for 2-3 hrs every few days to get her used to eating and sleeping at mom's.   Do you think that would be a good idea?  I'm scared taht she will be sooo distressed and hungry.   :cry:

Alligirl and Sharon - try sitting in front of your lo and hoding their favorite toy.  That's how I got dd to crawl towards me.  Her favorite toy is the tv remote as we seldom let her play with it and she gets really excited when we do let her.  I can see her and dh fighting over the remote.

Today dd crawled up the stairs.  She was trying to follow her cousin. I'm so happy for her but at the same time I'm worried about my niece forgetting to lock the gate next time.  She is still not very interested in solids as well.  But she would lick her lips every time she sees us eat.  Of course she would only taste it when it is offered.   :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 19, 2005, 21:20:37 pm
I can't believe it  :shock: It seems we are all experiencing the same thing at exactly the same time...I knew Connor & I had some work to do with the getting up once in the middle of the night to feed, but this last week, it's been every couple hours he wakes up...and like others said, only a bottle will comfort him...It's crazy.

Jakesmom:  Connor knows exactly what to do to make me come to him...he 'chokes' himself, he makes this sound that sounds like he is gagging or coughing, and of course, I come running...(pretty smart...I call him my 'Con-artist'.

And, yeah, it does feel like you are being manipulated or under his thumb.

I have also had to resort to bringing him to bed with me, and you know what?...he does the exact same thing, falls asleep but has to be touching me at all times...We are in the middle of a heat wave with some thunderstorms (scares him), and a lot of power outages (not enough power in southern ontario for the heatwave), so that scares him because he seems to be afraid of the dark, but then I've discovered that it's more than that now....

It's just interesting to see everybody else's baby having this separation anxiety, like they are following some sort of textbook!...

Alligirl: My little guy doesn't crawl yet...He's quite a big boy, so I wonder if it will take him a while longer because of his size (23 lbs)...he wants to though, and gets very frustrated by it.  We go to baby playgroup, and he watches the other babies crawling and gets annoyed... :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 19, 2005, 23:33:13 pm
it is always good to have company in our frustrations.  i never thought jake was having seperation anxiety until reading all of your posts.  Today when i tried to put him down for his nap i noticed that he had to be touching my face while i rocked him to sleep (he does this while he eats also, grabs and rubs my face)  i also thought the whining noise he makes was out of boredom but now realize it is because i am either not paying attention or i have gotten up off the floor to get something.  not sure why he has been waking early though, but it seems to be the pattern with all of our lo's. 

Well jake is still not taking in a whole lot of formula.  how much formula does your lo's take in (those who bottlefeed)?  Do you give them juice\water?  Jake does this thing with his sippy cup, he sucks in the water and then spits it back out :shock: it is actually really funny. 

i dont know what i would do without you guys :wink:  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 19, 2005, 23:43:53 pm
Mimi I think the advance visits are a great idea! Keep us posted...

Jill - Con-artist cracked me up!!!  :lol:

Jenn, as far as formula, we just dropped the 11am bottle but with her teething again it's hard to tell. I can usually get her (with work) to have 4-5 oz in the am then breakfast/solids then we have lunch at 11:30. At lunch she gets her sippy with 2oz formula but not much success there yet. Usually she only has a few sips and hucks the rest around. Whenever she wakes from nap #2 she gets another bottle (2:30-3) and she'll take the full 8oz. Supper/solids around 5:30 and another bottle at 7:15 or so where she'll drink 8oz. again. We also give her sips of water from a cup (a plastic handled cup with no lid at all) at breakfast and supper. She loves it. She'll always drink water! I did give her a few sips of apple/prune juice diluted with water too the other day as she was real constipated but that's it.

Bye for now,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 20, 2005, 01:33:23 am
Mimi - I am very fortunate in that my friend comes to our house so I've never really had to deal with dropping off.  Although when my sister took her that one time and tried to put her to nap, she screamed til I had to leave work and go & get her!!  But I think it would be a good idea for your mom to get some 'practice' run at it for a little bit.  I would even let her put him down for nap and feed him & be there in case to see what happens.

Jillibean - My lo coughs also!!!  My husband & I were thinking maybe she had some food stuck or maybe a feather stuck in her throat. (we have a downs in our duvet and pillow)!! That's too funny.  I was on the floor playing with her and I called my mom in Korea.  About 5mins into the conversation, she started fussing.  I was sitting right in front of her but not giving her my 'full undivided' attention.  She definitely demands 100% of mommy's attention.  If she wasn't soo darn cute.....

Sharon - I wish you lots of luck trying to quit smoking.  I've never smoked and am one of those that are allergic & can't breathe after I've been around smoke.  I bet it is hard to quit especially during this crazy & stressful time. 

Tomorrow I am going to get Jadyn's 6mo picture before she turns 7mo in a week. :oops: I've been putting it off.  Hope she will do ok.  I've always wanted professional pics of my lo in their infancy to 1yr stage.  I saw a great photo in the forum one of the moms have of her lo in her hand.  It's so sweet.  I wish so much that I would have gotton something like that. :(  Come to think of it, I don't think she was ever as small as that baby in the picture. :lol:

I sure hope she will sleep through tonight and not wake at 4 or 5am! Tonight she was sooo tired that she did't put up much of a fuss and fell asleep on her back.  I think she's finally able to sleep on her tummy & back without it waking her if she's on her back.

Thank goodness we are all in this together.  I think I would go mad! :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 20, 2005, 02:23:36 am
Reegan has been going through the seperation anxiety for over two months now and it is only getting worse!  She clings to me and cries even when I sit on the floor beside her.  She wants to be on my lap or me holding her all the time.  I don't think that it helped that I give her 100% attention and when I am at work there is a nanny that gives her 100% of her atttention.  I jope that she gets through it soon and I know that DH does too.  She won't even let him hold her when he gets home!

Before returning to work I would suggest a trial run with you there and out of sight.  I know that I did and it was good for my peace of mind.  It was horrible leaving her the first few times but it was better knowing that she went down for naps and ate well for her.  Good luck with it!  I started leaving mine at six months and I know what you are feeling.   

Here we are having problems with my milk supply.  She doesn't have too much interest in being spoon fed but loves feeding herself the Gerber fruit and Veggie Puffs.  I just wish that she would eat more dinner so maybe she would sleep through the night. 

Good luck to everyone getting through the night!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 20, 2005, 18:14:57 pm
alli..we`re not crawling yet either...i`ve never been too diligent with tummy time and georgia`s so happy sitting to play right now i`m more than content she`s in one place and am not doing anything to encourage crawling... :oops:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 20, 2005, 18:52:51 pm
it is so funny to read these posts, it's like i wrote them all myself.  it is nice to talk with moms of babies of similar age because i can see that all the things my dd is doing are normal...(if not annoying!)  she is still not crawling or attempting to move.  she is eating solids like crazy but hasn't had a drop of breastmilk from breastfeeding in over 2 days.  i am pumping and adding it to her cereal.  the sep anxiety is still terrible.  when my mil or anyone she doesn't know well tries to hold her, she screams until she is hyperventilating.  my mil insists on holding her anyway, although i think it makes it worse.  but i try not to butt in and take her back as much as i want to!  she is doing well playing on her own though.

kathy-are you still having trouble with jadyn's solids?  i remembered something from my childhood that might help.  my sister when she was a baby would not touch fruits/vegs except mashed potatoes.  so my mom started making bread/pancakes with fruit, veg and/or cheese baked into them so she would get her nutrition.  we had apple bread, carrot bread, zucchini pancakes (yes, they were green!), etc.  you get the idea.  maybe if jadyn will eat bread peices and is not allergic to the ingredients you use, that may work..?

jakesmom-are you still having trouble with early wake ups?  i think that we have (dare i say it) cracked this problem.  we used to put gigi down between 6:45 and 7:15 and she would wake at 5 or 5:30.  now we are keeping her up til 7:45 or 8:00 and she sleeps til 6:30 or 7:00!  if we put her down earlier than 7:45 she wakes up at 6:00 or so.  weird, but maybe you can play around with his bedtime.

sharon-that is wonderful you are trying to quit smoking.  i hope you have lots of support at home...good luck!

hope everyone has a good day.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 21, 2005, 11:21:46 am
Well...Connor is on tooth number 5 & 6....The fifth one is nearly through, and the sixth one is just starting...

This kid is going to have a mouthful of teeth before he's 1 year old!!!

Needless to say, he's a little irritable, but with him, once they start they seem to come in over night.......
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 22, 2005, 12:34:45 pm
Well, big news on this end!  Yesterday, Zachary started to scoot (commando crawl) AND he started signing!! :D   He only scoots a few inches at a time and it's not at all coordinated and he combines it with rolling to get get where he wants, but he's getting better each time he does it.  And at lunch, he started signing "more"!!  I couldn't believe it!  His brother was 9.5-10 months old before he finally started signing, but I've been more consistent on working on it with him.  He did it all through dinner last night because dh was feeding him biscuit and cheese and he couldn't get enough of it! :lol:   Too cute!

I've been too scared to really say this out loud (or in type :wink: ), but he's consistently sleeping through the night for a few weeks now!  I think I've finally figured it out!

He's got two teeth, not sure if I've mentioned that.  I thought  a third was coming through, but not yet. 

Hmmmmm, I guess that's all of the update on us for now!  Keep up the great discussion, ladies! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 23, 2005, 01:19:57 am
Alli - That's great about him signing and scooting/crawling!!! Are you just teaching him yourself from a book?  I'm really interested in starting teaching Jadyn to do a couple of signs.  Nothing too extensive, maybe just like, 'more', 'all done', 'hurts', etc.  Where do you suggest I start? 

Jillybean - wow, that's a lot of teeth!  I hope Jadyn's come in 'overnight'!!! I can't wait.

Well, I had to post in the Breastfeeding forum because she's not nursing like she used to.  She literally bf for 2mins and arched her back & pushed me away!! I didn't know what the heck to do!!! Tonight, I had to rock her & stand & nurse her :roll: The only reason she finished nursing was because she was almost falling asleep.  I woke her up & put her in her crib and she was out!!!  I think I'm going to drop her solids til she starts nursing better.  I'm really scared of her trying to wean herself.  It's not like she's eating all that much solids but I just want to be on the safe side.  She loves to eat Cheerios & bananas as long as I give it to her whole & let her bite it.  She is chewing everything!! Where the heck are those darn top teeth?  I want them to go ahead & come in!!! 

Her separation anxiety is getting better, I think.  I pm'd Matthew's Mommy, and she suggested when you leave, let her know you're coming back & talking the whole time you are leaving and when you come back, say 'See, I told you I was coming back'.  And giving her a lot of one & one during the day.  So she's been stuck to me all day long.  I did leave her once in her exerciser & talked the whole time and she kinda made a little noise but went ahead & played by herself.  Yay.  My sister came over and she didn't even cry & was laughing with her.  Whew.  Although she cried with my husband's family yesterday.   :oops: I always feel like I'm not being a good mommy when she cries & won't let them hold her because I'm not teaching her to be more sociable.  Of course, his sister's baby who is 10mos had just woke up from her nap & was being very calm & holdable. :roll: Mine just cried & whined til I held her.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on July 23, 2005, 01:37:02 am
Kathy-I'm just teaching him myself without a book.  I did it with Stephen and I'm so glad I did.  I just start using the signs whenever I say the word (in the beginning, I use the words I want him to learn ALL the time).  I've started out with just a few important words like "more", "eat", "drink" (and I've been doing "light" too, but that's just for fun). 

Your lo might be teething if she's not interested in bf...I think that some kids drop one or the other (bf or solids) when they teethe.  I hope that's the case for you!

Separation anxiety is hard, but keep this in mind....separation anxiety IS normal, but it's a security issue.  So I think you are doing the right thing by "keeping her to yourself" when you are with family or a bunch of other people.  She's learning alot about the world in your arms.  She'll get more sociable as time goes on (if that's her personality).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 23, 2005, 02:57:22 am
Hi all,

Sorry to hear Jaydn is out of sorts eating wise Kathy!! I don't know if it'll help but dd is now very happy with less feeds. Was not drinking hardly anything but once we dropped that 11 am feed she eats 3x 8oz now plus a couple with lunch. (usually only one or two 0z at lunch but...) I'm sure the bf mums will be able to help you and you should have a better idea once you try slowing solids down and see if that helps or not. Plus as Allie said it could be teeth...

Congrats on the crawling/scooting thing too Allie! And the signing! We too sign with Ella. (bath, bed, milk, eat, drink, finished, and more) though nothing back yet she seems to understand most. It's great!

Dd has her two top teeth poking out a bit so hopefully we'll be through it soon as well...

Must run, have company in town...

Hope everyone is okay!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 23, 2005, 19:01:54 pm
wow alli, that`s amazing about the`ve got a genius on your`s pretty early for him to sign back..well done!! we`ve been signing, but probably not as diligently as we should have been..i`m now inspired to recommit to it. how many times a meal do you do the sign for `more`?

on the separation anxiety i posted a question on the general sleep board about how to deal with bedtime/night waking problems and got a helpful answer if anyone wants to check it out. i`m doing the hand on her back till she`s calm then leaving the room, then hand on back when she wails again and then leave thing, and it`s working....last night she only took half an hour of in and out of her room and then she was good for the night..i`m still a bit confused about sneaking out of her room vs staying in there....i don`t want to break her trust (see, i was scared mummy would leave and she did vs i`ll fall asleep but only if mummy`s right here with her hand on me for the rest of my life... :roll: )

we`re back to 2x 45minute naps but from what i can tell that`s pretty normal and she seems fairly happy on them so i guess i`ll have to get used to not having that beautiful couple of hours of me time any more  :lol:

oh, and is any one else`s lo`s stretching our wake time?...this morning we suddenly went to 3 hours before first nap (normally it`s 2.5), and she`s stretching out her next stretch to more like 3.5 hours now...guess she`s getting bigger

hope jaydn`s drinking more now....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 23, 2005, 21:58:33 pm
Hi...we've been having some pretty rough nights with the new teeth...
I know I shouldn't but both of the last two nights, I had to give in and bring him into bed with me..(finally at 1:00 or 1:30)...prior to that, he would sleep for 1/2 hr, then cry for me, fall back to sleep for a 1/2 hr, then cry...and he has a runny, stuffy nose from the teeth as well.  It's the two top teeth on either side of the two middle ones...He in general feels crummy...

Tomorrow, Connor is getting baptized...wish me luck.  He is such a spitter-upper, I'm envisioning he outfit being white for 30 seconds...oh well...
It's going to throw off his naps as well.

We've had to go back to the 3 naps instead of 2 as well since he hasn't been feeling good...

Hopefully we will get back on track once he is done with these teeth, and runny nose and stuff.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 23, 2005, 22:02:47 pm
Just had to post.... dd stood up in her crib for the first time all by her self!!!
Yipeee!  :D Now we're definitely in for more sleepless nights as she hasn't a clue how to get back down!  :lol:

Cazao, we too do the back rub thing... works well but I swear she just calls out for a back rub now..  :wink:

Good luck with the baptism! Bless you little Connor!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 23, 2005, 22:25:23 pm
Things have been pretty good here, Jake is as active as ever!!! :roll:   :lol:
Sharon, thanks for the advice on skipping the 11am bottle.... it seems to have worked.   He now eats a few more oz's  from his other bottles, and it also gives us some time to do errands. 
Alli, congrats on all the progress (signing and scooting) you must have went through the roof when he signed back :lol:
Kathy, so sorry to hear Jadyn's not nursing.  First off i have to congratulate you for making it this far.  i nursed for the first 3mths, it is extremely hard work.  Try what sharon suggested, skip a feed and see if she eats more the next time around.  I am glad to hear she is getting better with the anxiety, jake seems to be getting worse and we are going on a road trip to visit family in 2weeks. :o  :roll:
Jillybeanssmith, so sorry to hear about your nights, hope you get your sanity back soon.
Gigismom,  i am happy to tell you that he has stopped the early (430\5am) wakings but still wakes around 530\6 and stays in his crib till at least 630.  i tried changing the bedtime but it didnt make a difference for jake other then have him nap a little longer during the day.   Congrats on the late mornings with your lo.

Have a great weekend ladies.

ohya, i start working monday :? wish me luck!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 23, 2005, 22:43:58 pm
well, i spoke too soon about beating the early wakings.  she has woken up before 5:30 for the last 2 days!  i am so bummed.  also she stopped breastfeeding...sounds like a few other ones are doing that too.  i see her top teeth are almost through, so i really hope that is why she is refusing to bf.  i am pumping to add it to her cereal, but my supply is so low now that i am lucky to get 4 oz.  very reluctant to start formula if i don't have to.  i really hope she resumes again soon.  she is even refusing to df while she is sleeping!
on the upside we are having good naps.  she had 2 -two hour naps today.  so we are going to try and skip the 3rd nap.  we tried that yesterday and she was ballistic before tired!  is that normal?  do their bodies just adjust?

alli- that is so exciting about the signing.  we sign to gianna but she doesn't have the coordination yet to even attempt doing it back. 

have a nice weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 23, 2005, 23:32:53 pm
i forgot to post this question:  my mother in law has offered to take us to europe for 3 weeks in oct 2006 when gianna will be 22 months.  the time difference is 9-10 hours i think.  so basically her days/nights will be reversed.  i really do not want to go as i have been to europe several times already, and i am deathly afraid this will cause MAJOR sleep problems for me to deal with while we are there and when we get home.  does anyone have any input?  experienced this or know anyone who has?  i am getting a lot of grief from my inlaws and dh, but am still VERY reluctant to commit.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 23, 2005, 23:33:20 pm
Hi!  Is it too late to join in?  I was just reading through some of your posts and I sure wish I had found this earlier.  My dd was born Dec. 26 (I saw someone else has a lo with the same birthday(':D')) 

I noticed some of you were discussing dropping the 11am feed.  I couldn't find the original posts regarding this.  My lo has stopped drinking as much formula.  I breastfed for 31/2 months exclusively, then breastfed and supplemented a little because my supply went down after returning to work.  At 51/2 months, I weaned her because she would only nurse for 2 min and then want a bottle.  She used to always take 6oz. and now sometimes it's a struggle to get her to take 4 or 5.  She's having two meals of solids a day and I've been wondering if a change in feeding routine would help.  Any advice? 

Anyway if you don't mind another person, I'm looking forward to having others to share the challenges with.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 24, 2005, 00:37:49 am
Welcome pdb!  How many bottles are you giving?  What is your schedule like? 

Sharon - congrats on Ella Rose standing!  Guess you have to lower the crib now.  Isn't it bittersweet?  You want them to accomplish all these milestones but.... you know that their sleep ( and yours) will be disrupted b/c of them.   :roll:  :wink:  :lol:

Lindsey - when we moved to 2 naps, I had to give dd an earlier bedtime (30-45 min early) for a few days until she can last the 3.5 - 4 hrs before bedtime.  I understand about the df.  When dd skipped a bottle, i would try to df her but she would just bat it away while asleep.  I think that when they get older, they are more aware then we give them credit for.  Scary thought as dd is quite determined and stubborn.  Can't wait till she's a teen... NOT!!!!!

Alli - congrats on the signing.  I've been wanting to do it but ....   OK, I'm just to lazy!   :wink:

Well, dd cried and refuse to feed at my mom's.  I was so sad to see her cried when I went back to get her.  She just clinged to me and would not let go.  DH tried to put her in the carseat but she would just cried until I rubbed her head.  I know that it's going to be very hard but I have to do thing again.   :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 24, 2005, 04:20:05 am
Welcome aboard Pdb!! It's never too late to join us :D My lo also has 26th of Dec as her birthday.  I can't help much on the eating more since she's doing the same thing. :?

Lindsey - I saw this question on another board, I believe it was Getting Back on Track, about traveling & doing EASY.
 I don't know what to tell you as far as whether to go or not.  I hope YOU are comforable with the decision and I wouldn't worry about what they say.  You have to come home & live with your lo, not them.
For her last nap, if she is taking the last nap & is awake by or after 3pm, I would try to keep her awake til 7pm.  Maybe take her outside and walk around if she gets really sleepy.

Jenn - Good luck on your job on Monday. Sorry to hear Jake's getting worse on his separation anxiety!!  I'm really having a hard time thinking about dropping the 11am feeding.  I've had such an easy time bf from the beginning.  I know I'm one of the fortunate ones that I can bf and not have such diffculties :) It would be nice to go from 7am feeding to 3pm and have the time in between, but it would mean she would only be getting 3 bf a day! :cry: I know I"m going to be dropping the df within the next month and I'm dreading that.  So how do I go from 5 bfs to 3 bfs without it backfiring and her waking up all night long?

Sharon - YAY :D  :D  Standing up!!  Matthew's Mommy told me that the next 'difficulties' will come when our lo's starts to pull up & stand in their cribs.  So I guess yours has officially started :lol:  Do you actually see her teeth on top or is it bumps?   Also, when you dropped the 11am bottle, were you doing the df as well?  How many bottles were you giving?

Jillybeansmith - Don't feel bad about bringing her in to your bed when she wakes crying.  I do the same thing.  Heck, I'm starting to just put her in it to begin with since she seems to LOVE our bed for all her sleeps! :P   She sleeps longer & doesn't wake at 45mins when she's on our bed.  I think it's the mattress.  You're so tired when they wake at night, the last thing you feel like doing is patting or shhing or p/u p/d.  You just want to do whatever's fastest to get them to sleep. :oops:

Cazao - I'm having the 45mins naps once in a while, too.  I can usually extend them by putting her in my sling, which btw she is WAY too big for.  I then lay her on my bed still in the sling and she sleeps usually another hour in it!  The times she wakes after 45mins, if she's happy, I just wake her & go on with it. 
Thanks for asking about her drinking more.  I think she is taking a little bit more.  I've dropped her breakfast & lunch solids.  Just giving her dinner of solids.  Also, I have to stand up &  move around while singing  :oops: to get her to nurse at night time :roll:  :? Sigh... The things we do for the love of our babies...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 24, 2005, 13:21:52 pm
I am giving my lo a bottle at 7, 11, 3, and 7.  She gets solids at 8:00ish and 6:00.  She seems to be eating a little better.  What was really worring me was days when she was only taking 17-18oz.  She was sleeping through but on days like that she would wake and then I would of course feed her because I didn't think she took enough during the day.  I was afraid we'd never sleep through the night again, but the last couple of nights she has, so maybe it was a phase.

I am having nap difficulties too.  From 5 to 6 months, she never napped more than 45 minutes, but she was teething, got an ear infection, and having digestive problems all at the same time.  Then at 6 months when she was over all that, I had resolved to do PU/PD at naptime and then she just started napping 11/2 hrs twice a day on her own.  After a few days she went back to 45 min nap in pm, so I tried PU/PD.  After a couple of days she was back on track.(although I'm not convinced the PU/PD had anything to do with it)  I took her to the sitters last Tues. in the pm and she had a bad nap.  She hasn't napped longer than 45 min. in the afternoon since.  I have tried PU/PD everyday but she quiets as soon as I enter the room and gets on her hands and knees and seems to be attempting to climb out of the crib.  I've tried just getting her up, but she gets tired before dinner time.  Yesterday, after an hour and a half of PU/PD she finally calmed but stayed in her crib wide awake until her next feeding.  I got her up and then let her take another short nap.  I am thinking we may just have to go to two 30-45 minute naps in the afternoon for awhile. 

Sorry this is so long!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 24, 2005, 21:17:42 pm
Well I have finally got Peter waking up at around 6:30 instead of 5:30.  I tried making his bedtime later but that didn't work so then I decided to just make it a little earlier and that seems to do the trick.  So he is now going to bed at 6:45 - 7:00.  Thankfully my dh gets home early in the afternoon so that he can still spend some time with Peter.

Alli - That is so great about the signing and crawling.  We sign to Peter as well but I have not been so good about remembering to do it all the time.

Sharon - Congrats on the pulling up.  I was just mentioning to dh that we should lower our crib in the next day or so...

Our most of you offering your lo's 3 solid meals a day?  I am not sure if I should offer Pete lunch or not... His two solid meals are a fair size (5 tbsp of cereal and 2-3 cubes of veg or fruit), but I just can't tell if he is ready for anymore.  I'm wondering if I should just give him smaller portions at his other meals and add lunch... I'm still bf and don't really want him to drop any feeds yet as the material I have read seems to suggest that until at least 9 months food should only supplement and not replace milk.  I think I finding the whole feeding thing more baffling than anything else.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 24, 2005, 23:05:51 pm
Jen-I have only been feeding Susana two meals a day, but I think I'm going to start a third this week.  She only eats 1 or 2 tablespoons at a meal though.  Sounds like you have a good eater!

Good news here.  After 5 days of 30-45 min. afternoon naps, my lo slept 1 hr and 45 min this afternoon.  Yeah!  Now I'm just waiting for her to wake up after going to bed for the evening.  She didn't take a catnap this afternoon because she slept so well.  I've found on days when we cut out the catnap, she wakes up 45 min to an hour after putting her down for the night.  I guess her body thinks she's going down for a catnap still.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 25, 2005, 02:39:03 am
I am really impressed with the signing.  That is so great.  We are doing it too, but she doesn't respond.

We have really good news.  I got put back on the meds to help my milk supply so there is enough milk for her.  I think that she must be going through a growth sprut too because she is also eating lots of solids.  Tonight she ate two jars for dinner and that was after eating 1 and 1/2 jars for lunch!  I also gave her a gerber wagon wheel for dinner and she put the whole thing in her mouth!  She wouldn't bite it so I guess those will go back up for awhile. 

With all these lo pulling up it makes me think that I need to lower my crib.  Has everyone else lowered there's yet?  I don't think that mine is close but you never know.  Mine still isn't even close to crawling.  We are working on it by putting some puffs on the floor and her trying to "push" forward to get them.

Hope everyone has a great night!  I'm still praying for dd to make it all night.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 25, 2005, 02:52:46 am
It really makes me wonder if all this erratic napping and early wake times isn't just par for the course with babes our ages. Otherwise would we all be experiencing the same thing? I think we just have to keep some sembalence of a routine and roll with the rest!  :D  Dd seems to be falling into a new pattern (excluding the teething, etc) where she sleeps 11 1/2 overnight and 1hr 15 for both day time naps. I can live with that!

Kathy, I didn't realize for some reason you were still giving the df. I wouldn't worry at all yet about the 11 feed. I think you'll probably find things get back on track milk intake wise once you do that. We didn't drop the 11 am until about a month or so after the df.

And dd does eat three meals a day but lunch (until dropping the 11 feed) was smaller than the others.

We dropped our crib mattress awhile back just in case.

Lindsey, do you have to commit to the trip now? Could you give it some more time and see how things go?

Oh and welcome Pdb! Always room!  :D

Jenn GOOD LUCK at work tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mimi so sorry to hear it was hard with your lo!!! Hopefully it will get better soon...

Must run, hope I haven't missed anyone's questions, new, etc. Still have company so I'm doing this as quick as possible!!  :lol: Oh, though I must say again I agree with Kathy's advice about extending the evening awake times...

Hope you've all had a great weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 25, 2005, 02:55:00 am
Oh and when this version of the thread was started dd was 5 months old. Where on earth has the time gone already!!!  :shock:  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on July 25, 2005, 04:09:58 am
Hi!  What a neat thread!  My little one is almost 8 mos, and I would love to peek in on your chatter, if that's okay.  It is so fun hearing from other moms with kiddos the same age.  I also got a shock a few weeks ago when I walked in the nursery to get Nathan after a nap and found him standing.   :shock:   Now pulling himself up is his favorite thing to do (instead of sleeping).  He is doing the army crawl on his belly - hasn't quite mastered the belly-off-the floor-thing.  He still has 5 bottles - 7, 11, 3, 7, 10, but we are now dropping the dream feed.  Wish us luck!  Hope to get to know you all better!   :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 25, 2005, 13:32:35 pm
I have lowered my crib.  I was in the nursery putting away clothes with my lo in the crib.  I turned around to hang something up and when I turned back, she was standing.  She hasn't done it since, but we lowered the mattress to be safe.  She just started crawling two days ago, so we're really in for it now!

About the signing, does anyone have a good book to recommend on that?  I really want to start doing that.  My lo is very easily frustrated and I think it would help.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 25, 2005, 13:59:37 pm
Sounds like everybody's little ones are standing and crawling!!!...My big guy isn't yet...he loves to stand and bounce if you are holding onto him under his arms, but other than that, he doesn't..

Could it be that he is too heavy for himself to support just yet???  I know he is a pork-chop.

My husband was really fat as a baby and didn't walk or crawl for a very long time, but he was much bigger than Connor...luckily I was a small baby, dh was huge, Connor seems to be in between (although that is still huge...he's between 23 and 24 lbs at 8 months)...Luckily once my husband got moving as a baby, he slimmed up...

My gosh, my arms and back are tired by the end of a day!!!

Had the baptism yesterday, he was as good as gold...and it was so hot in the church, and he was so tired, when we got back home, he slept most of the afternoon, he was worn out....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 25, 2005, 14:53:24 pm
Welcome Sheila!  :D Good luck with the df. I hope it goes well.

Good to hear the baptism went well! I wouldn't worry about Connor not crawling or pulling up yet. Dd, like Phoebe, dd has only done it once and she's not really crawling yet either. Just pushes backwards and still gets really frustrated with the whole business. THough she has started to get her bum up off the floor a few times...

Gotta run!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 25, 2005, 16:33:17 pm
dbl post :oops:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 25, 2005, 16:34:59 pm
Welcome Sheila!! I think there's a common thread in our babies and they all happen together - standing & crawling, separation anxiety (much better now).  My is getting a lot of practicing crawling but no standing yet.

Phoebe - Yeah for your lo taking great naps!  I think I need to lower my crib just in case.  I would also love to find out what book to use for signing. 

Jillybeansmith - What a sweet boy Connor, being so good for his baptism!!  That's funny about him being a little pork chop.   :lol:

Sharon - Hope your guests being there is going well.  Has it been 3mos since this thread was started?  I can't believe we're talking about our lo's crawling & standing!! They were just babies yesterday, weren't they?  It seems like just a couple of weeks ago.....
So do you think I should just keep my feedings at 5 for now?  And then wait til another month to drop the df and then after that drop the 11am feed?

Jadyn slept in til 7:15 this morning.  She had been waking at odd times the last week.  I was soooo happy when I looked at my clock and it wasn't 3am or 5am when she let me know she was ready to get up!!!  Although she's doing something really weird for her first nap the last couple of days. I put her down after 2.5hrs, the same routine in her crib, and then she wakes after 30-35mins, just talking??!!!  So I go in and I try to lay her back down, and she just keeps on sitting up!! :?  Then I have to go & get my trusty ole sling & put her to sleep and lay her down on my bed after she's asleep.  I can't figure this out.  Am I not getting her long enough wake time?  Am I waiting too late? She usually yawns after 2hr wake,but I wait til 2.5 to put her down. Should I put her down after 2hrs rather than 2.5?  She's up there asleep and it's now her feeding time.  I hate to wake her up.  I might give her 30more mins.  Her afternoon naps are no problem & she sleeps a good 1.5 or 2hrs.  The 45mins wake are gone, I think.  Of course, now it's this new 30-35mins.  I think she just loves to throw me a curve ball! :wink: She's not crying or anything, except when I try to put her little head down on the crib.

Happy Monday to all.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 25, 2005, 17:56:46 pm
Kathy-My Susana has done the same thing only after an hour instead of 30 min.  She went through that for about a week.  I just left her in her crib until she cried.  Sometimes she would stay in there awake and playing for 1/2 an hour.  If I went in and tried to put her back to sleep, she'd just get upset.   That was the problem I was having in the afternoon when she would wake early too.  In the afternoon, she would wake up crying so I'd go in to do PU/PD to try to extend her nap.  Only every time I'd go in she was smiling and on her hands and knees and would grab the side of her crib like she wanted out.  I'd leave and she'd start crying, come back in, same thing.  Basically this would last the whole nap time.  I think I've finally decided that if she does that, I'm just getting her up because I have yet to be able to extend a naptime anyway.  Then I just put her down a little earlier than usual for her next nap and maybe add a catnap in the late afternoon.  If you figure out a better solution PLEASE let me know.javascript:':)'

Is anyone having problems with whining?  My lo seems to do nothing but whine the past few days.  She might find somethng to entertain her for a few minutes, but then starts whining again.   I'm not sure if it's teething related or frustration because she's learning so many new things but doesn't quite have them mastered???  Anyone else have this problem?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 25, 2005, 20:50:54 pm
Kathy if you're having some problems still with milk intake I would consider dropping the df... how long has she been on solids now? When we dropped the df her milk intake had gone down. After dropping it it went back up. (more at each feed) Then when it went back down again we dropped the 11 am (about a week now I guess, maybe a bit more) and now she is back up to 8oz. bottles again. But only three. Though it's so much easier to be sure when you can count ounces! She also eats three meals a day and has cheddar cheese, cottage and yogurt so she gets calcium from that. Her cereal has formula in it too and of course I know she's getting her iron from the formula. I'm afraid it's not much help to you in that respect...

Phoebe, dd has been whiny for months now!  :lol: It fluctuates. And when she's teething she literally whines ALL day!!! Like now!  :) We just keep changing the "scenery" and hope for the best. I do also believe it's related to mobility and frustration at the lack of. I remember one thing Tracy said in one of her books too that their wee muscles get sore, like after we've worked out, when they're becoming mobile.

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 25, 2005, 22:18:14 pm
quick post before making dinner.

Sharon - Thanks for all the advice!! I do wish I could I could measure her intake.  I'm going to try not giving her solids for another 3 days & see how it goes.

Phoebe - I went on the internet & found this website for signing.  It's free.  Some others wanted to charge and I wasn't really interested in those.  Only thing about this one is there's not a sign for 'nurse' as in 'breastfeed'.  I've been asking Jadyn if she wants to nurse but I don't know how to sign it. 
Does anyone know how to do it??  Please let us know if you do.  THanks.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 25, 2005, 22:49:05 pm
Sharon- Glad to know I don't have the only whiny baby out there.  :D

Kathy- Thanks for the website, I'll check it out.  I have a friend who signed to her baby when he was little.  I'll try to give her a call and see if she has any other resources.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 25, 2005, 22:54:24 pm
whining-yes, we have this!  it was really bad around 4 months, but now goes up and down depending on what is going on...teething, etc.

the mattress-we have not lowered ours, but should even though dd does not seem like she will be capable of moving anytime soon.  jillybeansmith-we call gigi "pork chop" too!  how long do you think she will let me call her that?

Kathy-that is great that the sep. anxiety is getting better and the am wake up are getting later.  gianna's got later, then got early again, and today we are back to 7 am.  so don't be discouraged if she wakes early again for a few days.  hopefully they will get later again.  for a nursing sign, we just do the sign for "milk".

phoebe-when gigi wakes early from her afternoon nap, we give a catnap too.  on the days she doesn't get the catnap, she also wakes about 40 mins after going to bed.  what do you do when your lo does this?

sharon-how are you doing on quitting smoking?  yes, we do have to commit to the trip soon so my mil can buy the tix at a reduced rate.  at the risk of sounding ungrateful, i still don't want to go!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 25, 2005, 23:13:00 pm
Lindsey - I wait a few minutes to see if she can go back to sleep on her own.  She usually doesn't, so I go in and hold her for a few minutes.  She'll calm right down and go back to sleep.  I tried PU/PD a couple of times, but she gets really upset and would stay up until 8:30 or so.  I know I probably shouldn't hold her, but she goes back to sleep so much quicker that way.   I figure if we get the catnap permanently phased out, then I can work on getting her to get back to sleep on her own.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 26, 2005, 14:13:25 pm
Has anybody had their babies 'swimming'?? I take Connor to an indoor pool once a week, and every week, he gets a little less timid about's finally become very fun for him..he splashes his hands, wiggles his bum, and kicks his feet (and if you take  your eyes off of him for 1 second, he dunks his head)...I've never let him go, but it's so much fun to see how everytime he gets a little more comfortable with it.

I'm trying to introduce him to things before he develops the fear for them...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on July 27, 2005, 00:05:25 am
Ok, ok - I have been soooooooooooo bad at keeping up with this post - and hope now I'm not intruding, but I so want to know how everyone is doing and to keep with up you guys since they are close to Zoë in age.  So, if you don't mine, could you please indulge me on the following.....I was going to read the entire thread, and holy crap, 33 pages!!!  This way I'll know where we are baby wise (sort of comparing, but not in the bad way...just curious :wink: ).  And I hope to be more active and get to "know" everyone  :D   Thanks!

1.  Crawling - No, doesn't even get on her knees
2.  Standing - No
3.  Sleeping through the night - yep since 7-1/2 weeks (yay lucky me :wink: )
4.  Bottle/Breastfed - Bottle 4X day, averaging 20-23oz
5.  Solids - very little.....usually only 2 TBLS dry of cereal in the AM, 1/2 of jar stage 1 veggies for lunch (if she isn't napping) and 2 TBLS cereal dry for supper.  Tried finger foods....never even brings them to her mouth though any toy goes straight in  :lol:  :shock:
6.  Babbling? - Not really, no mama, dada or gaga, just sort of still screeches AAAHHHH!!!
7.  Sitting up - yep, has done that for a while
8.  Sippy cup? - nope, but am trying
9.  Holds own bottle/cup? Nope, but trying to enourage that too
10.  Teeth?  2 bottom at around 4 mos, the top two are just cutting through
11. Separation Anxiety? - I think there's a little starting
12.  Wake up time in the AM? Use to be 6-6:30, lately 5-5:30 - eeek!!

Feel free to add any other interesting tid bit too  :wink:

Thanks girls, this will help me get back into the "swing" of things  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 27, 2005, 00:35:58 am
I'm fairly new here, but here's what my lo is doing.

1. Crawling - Yes, but still a little frustrated by it.
2. Standing - Has pulled up once in the crib, likes for you to stand her up in front of things.
3. Sleeping through the night - usually
4. Bottle/Breastfed - Bottle 4X day, averaging 20-24oz
5. Solids - just increased, eats about two tbsp cooked cereal with two tbsp fruit in the morning, and a few tbsps of veggies at lunch and dinner, just started lunch today.  Haven't tried finger foods yet.
6. Babbling? - Also screeches a lot, babbles sometimes (says mama a lot :lol:).
7. Sitting up - yep, has done that for a while
8. Sippy cup? - nope, but am trying
9. Holds own bottle/cup? Nope, but trying to enourage that too
10. Teeth? 2 bottom at around 5 mos, I think the top two are coming any day now
11. Separation Anxiety? - I don't know, but she definitely has stranger anxiety
12. Wake up time in the AM? Anywhere from 6:00 to 7:00, but luckily she'll play in her crib for awhile if she wakes up early.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 27, 2005, 00:56:01 am
I have taken Reegan swimming a few times.  She really likes splashing and floating around but she loves her baths too!  I think the big thing at the pool is watching all teh other kids.  She actually feel asleep in her little babyfloat thing once.  It wasn't her nap time but all the swimming must have worn her out.  It was so cute I hated to get her out!

We are working on getting Reegan to stay on her belly so she will figure out to crawl.  I have learned that if I put a piece of cereal on teh floor she will stay on her belly and push herself forward with her toes to get to it.  Funny she will never do this for a toy but watch out when you pull the food out  :lol: No wonder she is such a chunk! 

Is anybody else still feeding their lo at night?  I think that I still need to for my supply but I think that she needs to cut it out.  I don't know what to do about it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 27, 2005, 01:05:23 am
When I was still breastfeeding, I kept feeding her at night for the same reason.  When I weaned her, she kept eating at night for a week or so, then kind of quit on her own.  I never did the dream feed, because she has reflux and before it was diagnosed the dream feed would just cause her to wake more often, so I just waited until she woke on her own.  Every once in a while, she still wakes and I will feed her a little bit if she didn't have many ounces during the day.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on July 27, 2005, 01:08:07 am
Hi I just found this thread and find it really for one more? Hannah was born Dec 6 during a serious snow storm.  I guess to get started I will provide some information about Hannah.
1. Crawling - Not even close
2. Standing - Won't pull up but will stand and walk if you hold her fingers
3. Sleeping through the night - most nights
4. Bottle/Breastfed - Breastfed 5X a day
5. Solids - 3 meals a day cereal, veggies and fruit just starting meats..she loves baby mum mums (rice cookies)
6. Babbling? - Alot dada, mama, gaga, baba and nana
7. Sitting up - will sit for awhile then through herself backwards
8. Sippy cup? - nope, but am trying
9. Holds own bottle/cup? Nope, but trying to enourage that too
10. Teeth? NO TEETH yet
11. Separation Anxiety? - No separation anxiety will go to anyone
12. Wake up time in the AM? 6:00 am

I am trying to wean DD and she won't have anything to do with a bottle, we are trying the sippy cup but we are stuggling with it too, any idea's?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 27, 2005, 03:52:48 am
Ooooh this is a great idea!  :D And yes it is hard to compare as we are a group with babes over a three month period and as we all know even a day can change things! But I think it's great to help us know each other's lo's...

So... here's Ella in a nutshell... :wink:

1. Crawling - pushes backwards but over the past two days has been getting up on all fours and also doing a weird "push up"
2. Standing - has pulled up once but wants you to hold her up standing ALL day!
3. Sleeping through the night - most nights
4. Bottle/Breastfed - 3 bottles averaging 24oz
5. Solids - 3 meals a day usually a "food cube" &4 tblsp cereal in am and pm, two cubes at lunch, and sips of water at meals. LOVES finger food and has been refusing the spoon lately
6. Babbling? - mainly dada, some mama, baba and LOTS of screeching and fake coughing and laughing.
7. Sitting up - yes but can't get there by herself
8. Sippy cup? - nope, but am trying
9. Holds own bottle/cup? no to the bottle, yes to a regular plastic cup with water in it
10. Teeth? two bottom teeth and the top two are coming in now.
11. Separation Anxiety? - some but mainly stranger anxiety
12. Wake up time in the AM? all over the map. 11-12 hours after bedtime.

Sorry I have NO idea about sippy cup advice! We've tried soooo many kinds and different ways.. she wants nothing to do with them. Though she will drink out of the cup with no lid at all... I can't see us doing that as she won't be able to coordinate it enough to manage lots of milk!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 27, 2005, 06:53:58 am
What an awesome idea!

1. Crawling - commando/creeping (he is darn fast!) when that doesn't work he just rolls to where he wants to go....
2. Standing - No, I don't even think he is considering it!
3. Sleeping through the night - yep since 9 weeks (lucky me too! )
4. Bottle/Breastfed - Breastfed 4-5x/day
5. Solids -  twice a day - 5 TBLS dry of cereal in the AM and approximately 1/4 cup of fruit and 5 TBLS cereal dry for supper and 1/4 cup of veggies.  We just started trying finger foods today - since he is teething everything goes to his mouth....   
6. Babbling? - Not much, a little dada, really perfers screeching
7. Sitting up - yes - although it took him till 7 months as he has a big head and it was really like sticking a potato on a pencil and expecting it to stay upright...
8. Sippy cup? - not really - some sucess takes around 2 ounces of water a day.
9. Holds own bottle/cup? Does grabbing his sippy cup and promptly dropping it on the floor count?  :D 
10. Teeth? 2 bottom at exactly 6 mos, nada since although his checks are a lovely shade of neon red...
11. Separation Anxiety? - Not yet.
12. Wake up time in the AM? Use to be 5:30, lately 6-6:30  (I so hope this continues!!!!!!)

I am certainly no sippy cup expert. I too have acquired quite the sippy cup collection, but after the suggestion of the registered dietician who put on our health region's "feeding your baby class" I started using the one by Nuby with the silicone top and it has worked pretty well for Peter - it is no spill but a little easier than most of the other non spills that we tried, HTH.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on July 27, 2005, 11:15:40 am
Its been months since I have posted as well! Hope everyone is doing great. My DD is now 9 months, baby Morgan!

1. Crawling - Yep, everywhere!
2. Standing - Yes, on her leapfrog table, her crib and on pulls up on coffee table
3. Sleeping through the night - Always has
4. Bottle/Breastfed - Bottle, weaned to 3x a day
5. Solids - twice a day - Pancakes or scramble eggs for breakfast, always with fruit. Hotdog or stage 2 jar for lunch. Stage 3 jat for dinner and a tiny bit of whatever we are eating. She also loves yogurt and Gerber fruit puffs.
6. Babbling? - NA! She says dada, mama, baba, and giggles all day long.
7. Sitting up - Yes
8. Sippy cup? - I wish. Gets huice in a 4 oz bottle, thought I do try the sippy cup first
9. Holds own bottle/cup? Been holding her own bottle since about 6 months, its so nice
10. Teeth? 2 bottom at 4 months. And right now 6 are coming in on top, she is a champ!
11. Separation Anxiety? - With her daddy yes, he works lots!
12. Wake up time in the AM? 6 AM - 7 AM

Yeah learning a sippy cup seems to be hard, she just rubs the rubber spout on her gums. She loves food! Loves her bath and enjoys swimming so much, she too has fell asleep in her float. When standing it seems like she is trying to take steps, Im excited and scared at the same time.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 27, 2005, 14:16:43 pm
Ok here's our lo's 'can& cannot do' things  :D

1. Crawling - Yes, pretty fast when she wants something.  She does cheat by 'leaping'.
2. Standing - Only when you are holding her
3. Sleeping through the night - pretty much since 8wks (except teething times)
4. Bottle/Breastfed - Breastfeed 5x
5. Solids - 1 meal at dinnertime (2cubes of veg, 3 tbls of cereal & 2cubes of fruit)
6. Babbling? - Just screeching and yelling when she gets frustrated.
7. Sitting up - yes, very well and likes to do this when I lay her down for naps for a couple of mins.
8. Sippy cup? - Not really.  I took the plug out & she sucks that way.
9. Holds own bottle/cup? Yes, bottle.  Daddy was very proud & took pics to show Mommy when I got home.
10. Teeth? two bottom teeth and the top ones are coming in, I think.
11. Separation Anxiety? - Better now.  When Daddy is home she wants him to hold & not put her down. 
12. Wake up time in the AM - 7 or 7:15am most of the time.

Her 'crawling' is starting to get out of hand.  I literally caught her at the last second as she was getting off our bed, twice.  :shock:  I put a blanket down on the floor downstairs and she is off to the end to eat the rug that has flowers on it about every 3mins :roll:

Well, today is my BIG 40 day and I'm kinda hohum about it.  My husband is taking me out to eat at my favorite restaurant, got babysitter lined up, had flowers & 3 cards this morning all ready for me.  Also got an hour massage!! Can't wait.

Hope you all are having a good day!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on July 27, 2005, 14:40:21 pm
THanks for indulging me gals!!! :D

Happy Birthday Kathy!!! Sounds like a great day so far...and even better to come  :D  :wink:

This morning Zoe woke at 5:50.....getting better.....

ANy tips on how to get her to hold her own bottle.  No rush really....I have this bad habit of comparing her to John....and he was doing most of these things already.  I know all babies are different though  :D

I took Zoe to the pool for the first time last weekend.  She didn't particularly like it (too cold maybe?) but she loves to splash during bathtime.  We're going camping where there is a big beach in August and plan on trying again there.  I have this big floatly thing with a chair for babies...we'll see how she likes it  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 27, 2005, 15:02:57 pm
It's great to be on the computer again.  We had a virus Trojan Horse?  from the sleepshufflelady website.  Be careful if you go to it.  Anyway, so goooood to read up on everyone.

Here's dd stats!

1.  Crawling - yes for a while now.
2.  Standing - yes but doesn't know how to get down.  Naps are ruined when this happens.   :roll:
3.  Sleeping thru 10-12hrs - since 3 mos with occasional nightwakings due to developmental events.
4.  Bottle - 4.5 bottles about 24-28 oz
5.  Solids - very little puree, but willing to try finger food and table food.  She just not taking enough to consider it a meal though.
6.  Babbling - yes, only said mama twice but loves saying dada and tata.
7.  Sitting up - yes
8.  Sippy cup - for 4 mos now - I've introduced it when she was 4.5 mos.  She didn't get the hang of it till a month after.  Will also drink from a cup but I have to hold it for her as she tends to tip it too much and the water just spills out.  Any los would sip the water and then spit it back out again?  Mine would do this sometimes.  I think that she likes getting her front wet or something. 
9.  Holds own bottle/cup - yes but too messy.
10.  Teeth - none so far
11.  seperation anxiety - not much during play time but nap/bedtime is another story.  Will not let anyone hold her for naps/feeding.   :cry:
12.  Wakeup - around 6-7 am with occassional days before 6 am.  Would try to feed her back to sleep, sometimes works sometimes not.  Like today, 5 am!!!!

Well, dd was a total mess yesterday.  I've tried to get her to nap outside of her room to prep her when I head back to work and it was really bad.  So I tried twice to get her to nap in her room in the pm and she wouldn't have it.  Between the crying and pulling up 40 min, I took her for a stroll and car ride( around the block) hoping that she'll nap.  Instead, she cried and threw up while I was driving.  I felt so bad!!!!!  But as I was about to pull over, she fell asleep.  Debating whether or not I should stop or keep driving, I drove.  I know that it's digusting to let her sleep while she's wet from the milk but she has been awake for 6-7 hrs by now.  She managed to sleep for 15 min until a bump in the road woke her up.  She was really really upset.  So we went home.  Gave her a bath and off to bed at 5:45 pm.  I could put her down as she would start crying as soon as I do so I held her in the dark for 15 min till she was asleep.  I feel so bad.  I don't know if I can leave her to go back to work now.   I spoke to a couple of the daycare providers and asked how they get babies to adjust.  They said that there will be days of crying and sleep disruptions but babies will adjust to the new routine.  I don't know what to do anymore.  My mom can take care of her but she can't hold her or rock to calm her down as my mom has arthritis (sp?).  Any thoughts?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on July 27, 2005, 18:20:36 pm`s us.

1. Crawling - no, but kind of commando slithering backwards at quite a rate.
2. Standing - not really...only if we hold her up. 
3. Sleeping through night - since 7weeks  :lol: except for teething and developmental stuff.
4. Breastfed...4x per day
5. Solids - a few tbsps cereal and fruit at breakfast, 1/2 stage 2 jar and jar fruit for lunch, cereal, veg, fruit at tea. she`s well over 22lb and has always had a healthy appetite!
6. Babbling - kind of...does the squeals, ahhhs and `singing`, and saying mumumum a dada`s or any other `words` yet.
7. Sitting up - yes since 5months, but can`t get there on her own.
8. Sippy cup - trying to get the hang of it, but still a long way to go.
9. Holds own cup - not really, or at least only to tip it upside down all over her tummy or throw on the floor.
10. Teeth - 2 bottom ones about a month ago, definitely working on the top ones now.
11. separation anxiety - yes, still some at night...having to go back and pat her several times. not so much during the day..although she does that cute `playing shy` thing with everybody.
12. Wakeup - gone crazy the last few days. has always been between 7am-8am..the last couple of days it was 9am, which sounds great, but led to ONE nap only, about lunchtime, and then an extraordinarialy grumpy baby till bedtime, and then one who kept waking because she was overtired. this morning i woke her as i don`t want to repeat that experience!! she`s completely extending her wake time though...about 3 hours before first nap now, and 3.5hours before second...

lil`monkey.. not sure what to suggest about the going back to work...i haven`t had to do that yet and i know i will hate to leave georgia when the time comes, but i do know that everyone says how quickly babies adjust and how much good it does them to be with other people...and it`s way worse for us than it is for them, so i guess i`d say try not to let your concerns hold you back...your lo will probably be absolutely fine.

happy birthday kathy!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 27, 2005, 20:53:37 pm's Connors rundown....

1. Crawling - no...gets his knees up under him then his front end collapses (too chubby...24 lbs at 8 mo)
2. Standing - only if held up (loves to bounce..used to jollyjumper)
3. Sleeping through night - Not a chance...wakes up at least a couple times a night
4. Feeding - he was bottle fed (I didn't make a drop)...about 6 or 7 ounces every 4 hours or so..
5. Solids - 3 meals a day...Loves all cereal...all vegetables, all fruits, but nothing with 'texture' (still needs to be mush)...I tried cheerios the other day, and he gagged and threw up all finger foods.
6. Babbling - squeals, yells, makes whirring or purring noises (rolling the tounge), aa-ga, aa-ba, mumumum.
7. Sitting up - yes, but still forgets what he's doing a falls over if he doesn't concentrate.
8. Sippy cup - yes, but it comes out too fast sometimes and he gags
9. Holds own bottle/cup - yes, but sometines forgets what he's doing. He's quite independent, he prefers to hold it on his own.
10. Teeth - working on number 6!!! Had first one at 3 months old
11. separation anxiety - yes...but no 'stranger anxiety' -- loves just about everybody and will go to anybody, but then discovers I'm not around...
Feels the need to check up on me several times a night
12. Wakeup - about 7 am.
Title: Little Isaiah's routine and milestones
Post by: zayandme on July 27, 2005, 21:15:28 pm
1. Crawling - no...He gets on his hands and toes with his rear in the air and doesn't know what to do!
2. Standing - loves to hold our hands and stand or walk around
3. Sleeping through night - Yup- sleeps from 8 to 7 am (Yes, heavenly, I know)
4. Feeding -Down to 24 ounces of formula or so. 3 bottles daily. 
5. Solids - Loves them. Loves texture, chunks etc. 
6. Babbling - Big into "babababa" right now, as well as "ssssss". Otherwise mostly just garbled up sounds
7. Sitting up - Yes
8. Sippy cup - Yes, drinks from the Nuby brand with a "sippy nipple"
9. Holds own bottle/cup - Just learned this one and  you can tell he just things he's the coolest when he does
10. Teeth - Has 6 currently and I think is working on 7 and 8. (They just get easier for us though, thankfully. The first four were awful experiences!)
11. separation anxiety - Yes, I find myself frequently having to reassure him while he plays alone, and for about 10 seconds after I walk away he just screams. Yesterday was Reeeeeally bad, (wonder if he wasnt feeling well?) and I couldn't walk away without him just sobbing- once for 10 min.  even with reassurance. Ugh.
12. Wakeup - about 7 am.
Title: Mimi-
Post by: zayandme on July 27, 2005, 21:25:56 pm
I know something that Tracy always emphasizes in her books is patience. Even for very young babies she says to try new things for at least 3 days and observe a lot. Give your lo time- and yourself, too- to adjust to this (napping in new places, day care, etc.)
Hope the situation will become easier over the next few days!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 28, 2005, 14:02:48 pm
Oh my goodness :o i feel like i have been gone for ages with all of the new posts.  This is fun to see where everyone is.  Here is Jakes:

1. Crawling -  Nope, ds is a big guy but doesnt seem to be able to coordinate his back with his front. He can barely roll from his belly to his back but rolls from back to belly.
2. Standing - all the time with help
3. Sleeping through night - since 3mo.  Rarely ever wakes in the night
4. Feeding - 4 bottles-approx 24oz
5. Solids - his favorite thing to do is eat.  3meals, B:jar oatmeal&fruit, L: 1jar fruit\1/2jarveggies, D:1/4c barley\1jar meat&veggies
6. Babbling - all the time, mama&baba but loves to scream long and hard when playing
7. Sitting up - since 6mo but still falls over and cant get up from laying position
8. Sippy cup - since 6mo, also using nuby cup but usually just spits the water out.  sort of like he is playing with it
9. Holds own bottle/cup - yes-bottle.  usually grabs the bottle out of my hands before i get a chance to sit and give it to him.  usually lets me take over after a few minutes (i think it gets heavy)
10. Teeth - 6!!! all came one after the other but havent seen any in site for a few weeks. 
11. separation anxiety - i thought he did but i think he just likes to have attention on him.
12. Wakeup - was 6-630 (always an early waker) but still battling 530 wakeup!!! :roll:

Well gotta jet, going to work. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 28, 2005, 14:27:06 pm
Kathy- Happy Birthday! 

Mimi - I know how you feel about going to work.  I go back tomorrow. We were going to put my lo in daycare, but found a lady near the school where I teach who wants to keep her.  I'm still very nervous.  I took her for half  a day just for a trial run and she cried for 30 minutes before napping and then only napped 45 min.  Everyone says they adjust quickly, but Susana has never done well with changes in routine.  I know she'll adjust eventually, I'm just worried about how much patience the lady will have with her.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 28, 2005, 15:09:38 pm
Only have a second, dd wouldn't go to bed  last night, it took 2 hours, then woke up in the middle of the night, downed an 8oz bottle and finally went back to sleep after an hour only to wake 5 hours later!!  :shock: And now I have to go to work.... :? Anyway just wanted to say...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY!!!!   :D  :D  :D  :D  :D The big 4-0!

Hope it was fantastic!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 28, 2005, 19:16:04 pm
Thanks you guys for my b-day wishes!!! We had a great time last night.  We had my sister watch the kids and I was a little heistant, but Jadyn did great.  She didn't get her last bf til 8pm & bed at 8:15 but she was soooo sweet.  Not a single fuss.  Right out!!

She's teething worse than ever!!!!  I see the white bump on her top gum and she's been really chewing everything in sight.  She woke this morning at 5am :shock:  :shock: Would not settle til I nursed her and went back to sleep in our bed.  I had to wake her at 8:30 so our routine wouldn't be so out of whack.  But, wow, she's sooo clingy today.  I was trying to make some homemade chicken salad and was pulling the meat by hand so I couldn't pick her up and she cried the whole time!!  I was right in front of her.  I finally held her and she had tears all down her cheeks!!! 

I tried to give her some peaches this morning so she could poop, but she fought it the whole time.  :?  I finally gave up after 15mins.  I don't think I will give her any breakfast any more.  It's just too hard.  She didn't even want Cheerios.

She's all happy now cause Daddy's home & playing with her on the floor.  She's just smiling & giggling!!  She's sooo cute.  She's very ticklish & just giggles when he bites her tummy!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on July 28, 2005, 19:51:59 pm
I am so glad I found this thread. Prior to this when Hannah would do her "fake cough" I had no idea what she was doing and I didn't know it was actually normal. Guess it's her way of telling me she needs more attention.  I have a question for BF mom's, did you have any trouble weaning and if so how did you deal with them. I have to go back to work in November and I want to start weaning but she won't have anything to do with the bottle or sippy cup? It's very fustrating....

As for napping in other locations we are having the same issue. She will not sleep anywhere but her crib or playpen.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on July 28, 2005, 20:57:00 pm
oh ya, happy bday kathy  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 28, 2005, 21:42:28 pm

What's with dd crying when she wakes?  At first I thought that she needed more sleep but she wouldn't go back down.  Today she woke after 45 min and was babbling and happy but for her pm nap of 1.5 hr, she woke up crying! :?   Anyone going through this?  What's going on?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 29, 2005, 00:06:47 am
Happy Birthday Kathy  :D .  Glad to hear you had a nice evening out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 29, 2005, 01:47:10 am
We are having a really hard time with teething.  She has both top ones coming in and it has given her a runny nose and diarrehea.  She has been pooping little balls for a month even taking the laxitive and prune juice but it all came out today.  It came out of the diaper from every side when she was feeding right before I went to work and went all over my skirt.   :roll:   Since DH is on vacation he got to clean her all up  :D First time that he has had to do that .  He is always the one handing her off to me.

She's also gotten up a little earlier every day and today it was like 5:30!  I was so bummed!  I just hope that she gets up later since I am off on Fridays. 

Glad you had a great birthday Kathy! 

Good luck with going back to work.  I know how hard it is.  I am just so lucky because the three days a week that I work we have a nanny that comes to the house to watch her. 

Can your lo get into the sitting position on his/her own?  Mine can't yet and there is no sign that she is close.  Not close to crawling yet, but is pulling herself up to her knees! 

Wishing everyone a long night of sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 29, 2005, 19:04:38 pm
is anyone else's lo waking a lot during the night?  (aside from phoebe, because i know yours is!!)  this is becoming a big issue as it happens almost every night.  sometimes she wakes once sometimes 3 times.  she sometimes goes right back to sleep, other times is awake for 2 hours.  i try not to pick her up, but just pat her belly or back and shh her.  she will quiet for a minute then cry again if i walk away.  i do not think she is overtired as it is rarely longer than 3 hours between last nap and bed.  i don't think it is teething pain because we give her meds before bed.  anyone else having this problem and how are you dealing with it?  i am bummed as dd used to be a GREAT night sleeper.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on July 29, 2005, 21:50:12 pm
gigismom...we have the same issue....Connor gets up several times a night..usually the only thing that calms him is a bottle, but now I give him a watered down bottle because he only sucks a few sips and goes back down (he's never wanted a soother)...He's also had issues with teething, and he spits up a lot, so once he's upset with those issues, it kinda sets the tone for the whole night...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 30, 2005, 01:23:58 am
Hi ladies,

Sorry I can't help you in the question about your lo waking at night times since mine is doing it.  I know it has to do with her teething and I'm just trying to ride it out.  Actually she slept in our bed all last week. :oops: She woke 2 or 3 times & I patted her back to sleep, but it woke my husband up each time.  He's making me put her in her crib tonight.

I think it's just time for our babies to do weird things during their naps since they are all teething!! :?   Jadyn has decided to play "let's sit up and play" game during nap times.  She did it for both naps today.  I tried to pat her & hold her down to make her go to sleep.  She won.  I ended up just letting her do that for about 15mins and finally went back in and put her back down to sleep.  I'm wondering if she's needing longer wake time.  Her wake time for her 1st naps was 2.35hr and 2.45 for her 2nd nap.  Maybe it needs to be 2.45 & 3hrs?? 

I finally decided to give her a different type of sippy cup and it seemed to work much better.  It's one of those that has two different stopper, one with slow and other fast flow.  Only problem with that is, it doesn't have handle on both sides.  I hate to keep on buying sippy cups.  I'm going to go next week & search for one that has a handle and the one you can control the flow of the fluid.

THANKS everyone for b-day wishes.  I know 40 is supposed to be a big deal, but it really wasn't.  I know I don't feel 40.  Heck, I feel about 33yrs old.  I think having an infant helps.  Also you know what they say about Asians not aging.  :wink: Thank you mom & dad.

p.s. For the constipated babies, I think when I give her pear juice or apple juice dilluted with water with her solids really helps. 

Have a great weekend & great sleep everyone!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on July 30, 2005, 03:50:35 am
Here is ours!  :)

1. Crawling - yes, on the belly, but still gets around!
2. Standing - yes but doesn't know how to get down
3. Sleeping - just ended middle-of-night bottle a couple weeks ago; still awake all throughout the night, sometimes every hour :( 
4. Bottle - 4 - 5 bottles a day (4-6 oz each)
5. Solids - doesn't like puree, but wants anything that mom and dad are eating; also loves baby yoghurt, cheese, and cheerios
6. Babbling - yes, da, ma, ta, ...
7. Sitting up - yes
8. Sippy cup - definitely NOT; drinks from it if I hold it up for him; otherwise likes to bang it, throw it, etc
9. Holds own bottle/cup - no
10. Teeth - 2 bottoms; working on the tops
11. Seperation anxiety - not much when playing, but won't let anyone else feed him (Argggg)
12. Wakeup - around 5:30 - 6:30 am Usually babbles to himself until I get him at 6:30

Can I add temper tantrums?  I never knew that an 8 mos old could throw  a full on fit when the book he likes is finished or the toy he likes is taken away!  :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 30, 2005, 04:04:40 am
BLAGH!!! Are things ever rocky here!  :?  For some reason (like oh, I dunno, the newfound rocking on hands and knees, the newfound standing, the newfound trying desperately to sit up but getting tangled, the two top teeth trying to poke through) things are just all over the map in our house!  :lol:  Dd will NOT go to sleep without a fight anymore. Naps and nighttime. At least an hour... needless to say it's throwing any semblance of a routine out the window. She's decided she hates to eat solids unless it's cheerios, throws her food all over the place, HATES cereal, hates bath time, hates all her toys... okay maybe not hates, but just is downright ornery! Every single thing we do all day and evening is a big fight. ~ sigh ~ I hope we get through this stage soon... on a positive note, she drank diluted pear juice from her sippy today. I had to hold it but it's the first time she drank!  :D

Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 30, 2005, 12:22:53 pm
Nathan's mommy - I can so relate to the temper tantrums.  Last night was all out war because I want to put a bib on him for supper (Peter thought that was quite the injustice :roll: ).

Sharon and Kathy - good news on the sippy cups success!  Like you Kathy, I have a every growing sippy cup selection - why is it that most of these things get sold as two in a package.... Oh well maybe instead of playing with tupperware, ds will just have to settle for unwanted sippy cups.

We haven't been having night wakings but naps are all over the place for some reason he wants to go to sleep about 2 hours after his first nap which means he is up around 1:30 pm and won't take another nap before bed! 

Well we are off to visit family in Las Vegas tomorrow.  Pete is a pretty light sleeper so I don't know how it will go having him sleep in the same room as us....I sure hope the plane ride goes well - I am already picturing the dirty looks as we walk on the plane.

Have a great weekend ladies, and here is wishing you good sleeps!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 30, 2005, 13:16:16 pm
Wow!  It sounds like we're all having some erratic times with our babies.  Glad to know I'm not the only one.  I'm starting to wonder if I should call the doctor since Susana is shredding her ears again.  Does anyone else's lo do that?  The first time it happened I panicked when I went into her room and saw blood all over the sheets!  She does it while she's teething, but in the back of my mind I always worry she might have an ear infection since she's had one of those too. 

On top of all this, I went back to work yesterday. :cry: It broke my heart to leave her.  She wasn't crying, but she gave me this look like, "Wait mommy, I'm supposed to go with you!"  I cried the whole way to work.

I haven't been trying sippy cups.  I did once or twice a few weeks ago, but she couldn't figure out how to get liquid out.  What types is everyone finding most successful?  What liquids are you giving from the sippy cup?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on July 30, 2005, 19:49:41 pm
pdb - we've tried the Nuby no-spill, no-valve cup ( she didn't like it as the spout is too big for her mouth), Playtex soft spout ( didn't like again the spout).  We use the Advent spout to go with her old Advent bottles.  I had to remove the valve so that she knows that water comes out of it instead of it being just a banging toy! :lol:   After a few weeks, she got the hang of it and would suck with the valve.  I think that you just have to try until you find the ones she likes.  And yes, I think that it is a conspiracy to sell the sippy cups in pairs!

I think dd is about to cut a tooth as I can clearly see and feel the ridge.  I hope that this explais why she wouldn't let me near her mouth.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on July 31, 2005, 04:31:18 am
Wow!! Today was a very eventful day.  We went to visit our friends in Ky (2hrs drive) and Jadyn slept for the whole 2hrs in the car!!  Then she is all smiley for our friends and their little children.  Then she's just giving kisses to the little boy (10yrs) and keeps on smiling at everyone & cooing and trying to talk.  They swear she was saying "hi" :lol:  Lunch time, she takes the sippy cup and actually drinks from it, even with the spout that is hard to get liquid out (no-spill)!!!! I was amazed she did it like she's done it her whole life. LOL!! Then she crawled, moving her knees one in front of the other!!! I thought it was a mistake so I moved the toy she was trying to get to, and she did it again!!  Not lunging, not cheating by scooting or rolling, just plain CRAWLING!!!  Ok.  So then at the same time in between, she gets on her hands and puts her butt up in the air, like she was trying to stand from crawling position!  So she pulls up on daddy's tummy and actually stood.  By this point, I'm just floored.  She did this for almost 30mins, non stop.  She did so well at our friends' house that they were so amazed how happy & content she was.  She did give me a little hard time going down for her 2nd nap, so I put her in my trusty sling and she was out in 2mins.  I laid her down on their bed and checked in after an hour and she was sitting up playing with the paci, looking very rested like she had a great nap.

I've been doing the signs, just 'milk', 'done', 'kiss', 'more' and 'gentle'.  She just smiles at me when I do them.  But when I do the 'kiss' sign, she opens her mouth and kisses me.  Oooohhhh I could just eat her up.  She did it while we were there and just kept on kissing me, even though I was doing it like 5 or 6 times.

Sharon - So sorry it's so crazy right now for you.  When Jadyn does that rocking on all fours, I have to let her get it out of her system. :roll:  Sometimes it can be as long as 30mins til she finally gets all tired out.  As for food, I'm finally figuring out that she likes to eat food that is cut up in small pieces, not all purreed.  I gave her peaches chopped up and bananas cut up and she loved it. 

Phoebe - I give her pear juice with water mixed in it and she seems to like it.  On the ears, she just grabs it and tries like she's knocking it off, like pulling it off.  That's horrible about her ears bleeding. :cry:  I could hardly work the first couple of times I left her but it does get a little easier.  You get to look forward to coming home and giving her all the kisses. :D

Nathan's mom - Jadyn definitely let's me know when she's not happy, like when I move something away from her or try to change her diaper.  She slams her arms and legs down like she's throwing a fit.  I have to just laugh because it's soo cute.  :lol:  I know this is the only way she can communicate!! :lol:

Pete's mom - I hope your trip to Vegas goes well.  And I wouldn't worry much about people on the plane.  He is just a baby after all and it's a short flight, right?  I bet he will do just fine.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on July 31, 2005, 04:52:45 am
Phoebe - we tried the Avent one first (no luck) and then tried the Nuby one with the soft silicone top.  Once he got the general idea with the Nuby I tried the Avent ones again (with the valve removed) and he took to it no problem...  Last week I tried putting the valve back in the Avent and he drank around 5 oz of ebm from it.   The whole process took us a good two months of offering it for a sip or two of water each day after his meals. 

Kathy - my goodness it Jadyn going for a record of most developmental milestones in one day?  That is fantastic!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 31, 2005, 05:08:47 am
Lindsey, dd did the same thing for awhile, as did most of our babies I think!  :lol: We would just pat/sshhh dd when she woke (wakes) overnight. Only if she couldn't be settled would we feed her. I think it's a combination at this age of "the world is tooooo exciting! I can move! Where's my mummy? My teeth hurt!" etc. etc. etc. Have you decided about Europe yet? I think if you are at all reticent...then you shouldn't go. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything!!!

We use the avent trainer thingy too... where you add the handles to the bottle and the different spout...

Kathy...OMG!!!!! How awesome is Jaydn?! What a peach! I am sooo proud! Does that seem strange?But I feel like I know her and it's just so exciting to hear of all these milestones! I just vented about Ella going through stuff but it's making her frustrated, so for Jaydn to be sleeping and figuring our her world, well, I just say YIPPEEEE!!! Good on her!  :D

Phoebe sorry it was so hard going to work! I hate leaving dd! And if your lo is pulling on her ears hard enough to bleed, I would call the doc. Just to be safe! Dd (knock on wood) has never had an ear infection so... it could just be the teething monster but it can't hurt to check it out! Oh and dd's first drinking from the sippy is diluted pear juice. No milk yet...

Good luck in Vegas! Let us know how it goes!!!

Dd cut her left top tooth today so I hope we'll be back to "happiness" soon!  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 31, 2005, 05:11:25 am
Ack. I feel like a boob.... Sorry I misspelled Jadyn's name TWICE Kathy!!!  :oops:  I'm being careless in my rush to write...  :oops:  :oops:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 31, 2005, 13:46:54 pm
Thanks everyone!  I think I will call the doctor this week and see if he wants me to bring her in.  Last time when she was teething and then had an ear infection right after, she made her right ear bleed, but her left one was the one with the infection.  So I'm thinking it's probably the teething that's making her pull at her ears. 

Last night was awful.  After almost no naps yesterday, Susana went down easily around 6:30.  We got through 40 minutes without her waking up so I thought we were home free, but then at 7:30 she woke crying.  I waited a few minutes and she did manage to fall asleep on her own.  At 11:15 she was crying again.  After a few minutes I went in to check on her and her lamp was on.  Our power had gone out and we had left it on so it woke her up.  Poor thing.  Then at 4:30 she was screaming again.  When I went in to check, she looked asleep so I left her and she eventually stopped.  Then at 6:00 she was up for good.  I guess the good thing is she went back to sleep on her own most of the time.   :?   I just keep thinking about next week, when my students start back to school.  I will have to get up at 5:00 so no more sleep for me after a 4:30 wake up.  :(

Thanks for the advice on sippy cups.  I kind of figured you just have to experiment.  Someone gave me a couple as a gift so I started with those.  Yesterday I took the stopper out and she drank a little out of it.  She was more interested in chewing on it though.

Kathy - Sounds like you had a fun day.  I know you must be proud!  Isn't it so cute when they stick their little butt up in the air like they are going to stand up?  Susana does that too.   :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 31, 2005, 19:30:38 pm
pete's mom-  hope your trip to vegas goes well.  i always worry so much when we travel, but it usually goes ok.  we took dd to hawaii when she was 6 months.  the plane rides were hard, but most people were understanding and gave us pitiful looks like they'd been there before!

nathan's mommy-we cannot relate to the temper tantrums, as whining is the preferred method at our house.  i would almost rather an occasional outburst than the constant whining!

kathy-that is so wonderful about jadyn's newfound abilities.  i can't wait til gigi can do at least some of those things.

phoebe-sorry your going back to work was so hard.   how did susana do for the sitter?  i hope things get easier as you settle into your new routine.

sharon-glad to hear the tooth is through.  these things are causing more trouble than they are worth!! hope sleeping gets better for you guys.  basically i have decided "no" on europe at least for gianna.  we MIGHT go without her.  i think we will make the reservations and buy insurance so we can cancel them if we decide we are not ready to leave dd at that age.

have a nice weekend!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on July 31, 2005, 20:07:39 pm
Phoebe, sorry work was so hard.  I cried the whole first week and I even came home for an hour at lunch everyday that I worked.  It sucks but it does get easier.  There are some days though that it is just as hard as the first day! 

Jadyn sounds like she had an amazing day!  Sounds like you couldn't of had a better trip. 

The sippy cup that we have finally had luck with is a Playtex one.  It has two side handles and she can hold it easy.  I have to fix the valve so it isn't tight so she can get teh water out.  We use to just take the valve out but now just not tight.  We went through a lot before we found this one that she likes.  Still not really getting much, but we are getting closer.  The only thing that I put in it is water but I hope that she will start taking her juice from it too. 

Right now we are still having loads of trouble wtih the two front teeth.  We haven't got to sleep past 5:30 in a while now.  Plus she has now went back to only sleeping for 30/40 minutes for her first nap.  Somehow, though she is in a good mood most of the day.  We can understand the tantrums here.  Half the tiem I give up trying to put the bib on and just take the shirt off!  The other half she just eats in my lap or sitting on the table.  If i put her in the highchair crying she won't take a bite!  Not one little bit! 

Something that I did recently was do a treasure basket and she loves it.  I can actually walk away wtih her on teh floor playing with it  :D.  If you don't have one I suggest making one.  WE are up to about 50 items and it is my lifesaver to get some stuff done.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on July 31, 2005, 20:10:38 pm
mom to ree, what items are in your treasure basket?  dd is getting bored with hers.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on July 31, 2005, 22:00:32 pm
That's funny...we just discovered this! Dd's toys are in little baskets under the TV (where the vcr and stuff was) and she recently started pulling them out and taking out her toys one by one then putting them back in.  :lol: She doesn't seem to really "care" what's inside, it's more like the discovery of it all is what's fun!

We're having a tough day again. Dd wouldn't go down for her first nap (tried for over an hour) then finally went to sleep at noon for only 40 minutes!!  :shock: It's now 3pm and still no sleep. Needless to say we're all tired. Thank goodness it's the weekend and dh is here!

Take care,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on July 31, 2005, 23:05:09 pm
I can totally relate to the whining.  Susana does it a lot!  I'm hoping once her teeth are through she'll stop, but I'm starting to think it has more to do with frustration than anything else. 

I'd like to hear more about the treasure basket too.  I have a basket of toys in the living room for Susana, but she never seems interested in them for long.  She'd much rather go after things she's not supposed to have like the cat, hairballs, the remote......

She pulled up in her crib again today.  She had the funniest little grin on her face when she did it.  She's also doing really well getting into a sitting position from her tummy.  I'm really going to miss all these little milestones being back at work.  I just keep telling her she has to save them for the weekends.

Hope everyone has a great night!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 01, 2005, 02:31:23 am
Our treasure basket has all the "non toy" toys.  There is lots of kitchen stuff; measuring cups, measuring spoons, garlic press brush, new scrub brush, plastic baster, those small bags of cereal (one of her favorites) and the boxes seperated, more spoons, tuperware, lids.  There rest is just random stuff; a new flip flop, old medicine bottles filled with big pasta, rice, stuff that makes noise but she wouldn't choke on, a diaper (funny but she loves it), old remotes, old phones, weekly pull box, a sock, different ribbons, sunglass case, personal tape player, headphones, a couple purses that have different textures, zippers, buttons, and snaps. 

Really I just go around the house and look for non-choking hazards that are different textures.  When I see that she likes something I try to add it if I don't think that it would hurt her.  I try to add somehting new everyday.  I swear she likes it better than any of her toys!  She takes stuff out one by one or sometimes dumps it and then goes through it.  Have fun with it!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 01, 2005, 02:36:00 am
Those ideas are AWESOME! Thank you! What a great mummy you are...  :D We will definitely be making one!

Would you believe dd didn't sleep more than that 40 minutes today??!! I don't know what is happening! Wish us luck for tomorrow!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 01, 2005, 23:08:58 pm
That is a great idea!  My sister also gave her child a lot of everyday items to play with.  They definitely seem to like them better than all those noisy toys that grandma buys. :wink: I can't wait to start a basket for Susana.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 02, 2005, 00:20:22 am
Hey ladies!!

wow!!! Jadyn was busy, busy!!!!  :D

I am kind of right with everyone with the teething, though the top two have finally popped all the way through and she's a much happier little girl.  However, this weekend she's developed a horrendous cough and a slight fever  :(   It just breaks my heart to see my kids sick, I wish i could go through it for them  :cry:   She's been a trooper though, wakes every now and again when she has a coughing spell but goes right back to sleep.  I had her sleep in her car seat for naps as that seemed to lessen the coughing.  I elevated her crib for at night..but she just kept rolling to the other end, so I took the pillow out from under the mattress and she still did great. Whew!!!

Guess what.....she took about an ounce from her straw cup today!! Yipee!!!! :D   And she has finally started putting some of her zwieback into her mouth and figuring out how to chew.

For all you guys having some issues with the short naps....I think it is developmental.  John was an excellent napper and then at 8 mos it went to 45 minutes so we were back to tweaking everything again. Luckily after about a month, things when back to normal, so chins up everyone  :D

Hope everyone has a great week!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 02, 2005, 00:55:24 am
Noelle...that picture is adorable!  :lol:  Sorry your lo is sick... but great with the straw cup! Maybe we should try that instead...

We are in the middle of changing our schedule to "suit" a nine month old. Along with Cazao and Mimi. You can see the post if you'd like in the nap thread.

Also just wanted to say we made our treasure chest today. It's a basket with a lid (lined with material) and we put a diaper  :wink: an old calculator (closest thing to a remote) some spoons and cups and bowls, a tinfoil baking dish, a plastic turtle, glasses case, some little purses from china town with zippers, a fuzzy pink sock and a sippy cup sealed with barley in it. (finally found a use for those stupid sippy's!  :lol: ) Can't remember what else but she LOVES it! So thank you again for the fabulous idea!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 02, 2005, 02:54:16 am
Hi guys,

Oh, poop!!! :x  :? I just wrote a whole page and it's all gone!!!

Sharon - That's great about her tooth coming out on top.  Maybe her sleep will smooth out?  Sounds like she's going to try to go to 1 nap.  :shock: 
That's funny about you feel like you know Jadyn.  I feel the same way about Ella & the babies on this thread.  That's why I love to see new pictures of 'our' babies.  I love your new pic.  I gotta get a new one.

Noelle - Sorry about your lo's cough & fever.  Poor thing.  I know what you mean by wanting to take on their sickness.  Last night Jadyn couldn't breathe well because her nose was stuffy, I noticed I was holding my breath, too.   That's awesome about her using a straw.  Yay :D

MomtoRee - THat's such a great idea about the treasure chest.  I've got to get busy.  I know one thing I'm going to put in there:  a leather wallet, just like Daddy's with fake credit cards all in it.  She loves his wallet.

Phoebe - I bet the grin on her face when she pulled up was sooo cute.  I can almost see her!! :lol:  Don't worry.  She will do ALL of her milestones when  you are at home. :wink:

Lindsey - That's great about your decision and that you can buy insurance if you change your mind.  Who will watch Gianna if you went without him?

I'm going to go & get some fresh peaches so I can freeze them & give them to Jadyn.  She seems to like fruit only if it's cut up in bits, not pureed. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 02, 2005, 12:01:47 pm
Well...Connor is starting to take to a sippy cup now...he can hold onto it really well, and he knows that he has to tip it up..but as for getting the drink out of it, it is more of a game than anything right now...

We start home renovations tomorrow...we have a small bungalow, and we find already that Connor's toys and stuff take up a lot of room...we are finishing the basement to be a recroom, laundry room and (this is the most exciting)...a real TOY ROOM for Connor...

It will be interesting to see how he makes out with his naps with all of the hammering and banging, though....we may have to go for drives to get him to nap....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 02, 2005, 12:18:28 pm
/Sigh! Last night Morgan woke up at 2 wimpering and whinning and I guess w.o even thinking I went right in there picked her up and started rocking. All of a sudden I thought why am I in here, she isnt sick, clean diaper. She just woke up and couldnt get herself back to sleep. Then my husband tells me I have been rocking her back to sleep ALL week!! I was so mad at myself. So I put her down and told her she was ok and that mommy had to go and she had to go night night all by herself. She fake cried for about a good 20 mins, no could so tell it was fake. Then she fell asleep and slept till 7:40 AM. I just cant believe Ive been rocking her back all week! Guess her and I both got used to it from when she was teething and woke up really crying. Looks like I gotta be the tough one this week. Its so hard. Ill let ya know how she does tonight!
   About the treasure chest! Morgan has one, with the close to the same items. Some old easter eggs ( plastic of course ) wooden spoon and yogurt containers with diff nosey items in them. She loves them. In fact when we are out and she is in the shopping cart, she rather hold a plastic baby spoon then any other toy of hers, its so neat. But yes all she wants is the remote to the TV and the cordless phones, go figure!
   Anyone else ben putting there LO in the bigger kid car seat?? Morgan is so happy to sitting up in the car finally! Im just happy I finally picked one out I like.
    All of the baby pics look GREAT! Ill have to update mine today, the one on here is from 2 months!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 02, 2005, 12:28:58 pm
MorganLeigh:  We finally had to put Connor in a bigger car seat last week...we kept holding off because of the convenience of him being the 'infant bucket' so we didn't have to disturb him if he was napping, but he was W-A-Y-Y-Y TOO big for it..

I don't know if you are Canadian or not, or if you are from the States what the laws are, but we have to have them in the rear facing position until at least 1 year old...and most car seats are rear-facing up to 20 lbs, but he is 24 lbs, so we had to get a particular car seat that allowed for 30 lbs rear facing, then convert to forward the shopping was a bit of a pain, and it was a little more expensive, but the one we go will do rear up to 30 lbs, forward up to 40 lbs, then booster seat up to 80 lbs.

He loves looking around out the side and rear windows...I didn't think he would like being upright, but he enjoys it, and he still snoozes back there..........
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 02, 2005, 12:32:37 pm
What is the fascination with REMOTE CONTROLS!!...seems to be the only thing that will distract Connor is he is upset, and he will roll across anywhere to get to one....I thought it was just 'cause he is male....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 02, 2005, 22:43:31 pm
gianna's fascination is with cell phones...maybe it's cause she's FEMALE!!

kathy-if we go to europe without her, my parents will watch her.  she loves them and they are generally understanding of keeping her on her routine.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 02, 2005, 22:45:34 pm
i forgot to bad is the whining at everyone's houses?  it is nearly unbearable over here.  i don't know if it is teeth or what...she is driving me insane!

also, i must admit, we have a good looking bunch of babies on this thread.  i love all the new pics.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 02, 2005, 23:14:07 pm
Yup! Remote controls and phones of any kind are definitely the toy of choice around here!  :lol:

Still trying to figure out dd's schedule. She will not nap without 4hrs of awake time!!!  :shock:  :? Which doesn't work if she sleeps 11 hours overnight... or even if we woke her after 10... blargh. She woke 2x overnight last night too. I guess in a wierd way I'm lucky as she has never liked to be rocked to sleep. She just shoves me if I try to hold her at all.  :lol: She does want her head and back rubbed for DAYS though! I've even taken to giving her little leg massages which she loves.

I had to do a bit of work this am so I took dd next door to the neighbours and apparently while there dd crawled!  :shock: Of course dh is out of town too... I have yet to see a repeat performance but it's exciting nonetheless. She also sat up by herself once today. What a busy week!

Dd actually seems to be through the whining stage (knock on wood) she still gets cranky but isn't whining quite as bad these days.

We switched to a bigger car seat a few months back as the infant seat just made dd vomit.  :cry: She loves the big one!


oh and yes! great looking babies!!!!  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 03, 2005, 00:32:59 am
Hey Sharon....with Ella Rose crawling and sitting up on her own....I bet that's related to her nap issues.....I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!  :D

I put Zoe in her big car seat a few weeks back already....she's a little chunkola....weighed too much for her infant seat.  Plus, I could hardly lift the darn thing out of the van anymore  :lol:

Jillybeansmith.....with the working on your kiddos usually slept through pretty good.  They a lot of times amazed me with how much they would sleep though - I know I certainly wouldn't be able to.  And if they did wake up, it was after the dreaded 45 minute mark, so we ended up putting in an extra nap.

So far, knock on wood....there hasn't been too much whining in our house.  Though I'm sure that's because her front teeth popped through...can't wait for the next one :shock:  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 03, 2005, 02:32:31 am
Love all teh new pics.  I need to get an updated one from the 2 week old one now.

Starting to sound like Reegan is the only one that isn't crawling and I think that she is one of the oldest.  Oh well, she gets around just fine rolling.  She is actually starting the camando crawling with her belly still on the floor. 

We switched to a new car seat 5 months ago.  She was at the length limit.  I wanted to cry when I lost the portable seat! 

The whining is crazy here with the teeth still coming in.  She is starting to bang on my chest when she gets mad and scream at the top of her lungs!  Fun stuff! 

Sounds like everybody else is having the sleeping issues too!  She has been taking a 30 minute first nap and getting up at 5:30!  Just praying that she does better tonight.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 03, 2005, 03:35:23 am
Can I ask all you pro mommies a question?  For the last few days, Nathan has just been a grump!  He cries all throughout the day, has trouble with naps, and sometimes doesn't even want his binky (huge deal for him).  At night, he is up for 2 sometimes 3 hours SCREAMING.  I try Tylenol, binky, etc and nothing helps.  He sounds congested, and his saliva is really phlegmy.  But once he is out of his crib and playing around, I don't notice a runny nose. 

Does this sound like teething?  He got his bottom 2 in about a month ago.  If it is teething, how do you deal with it???  He is in obvious pain at night.  Do I do pick up/put down, hold him, bring him in bed with me?  Any advice would be fabulous...  I am so tired and hate to see him hurting...  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 03, 2005, 05:39:23 am
Hi Sheila,

It does sound like teething, but I'm not an expert.  I do not do p/u p/d with my lo when she's in pain. :( I do whatever to maker her comfortable and give extra cuddles.  I have known to bring her into our bed sometimes(ok a lot :wink: ), hold her a little extra when she's fussy & clingy, and give Motrin or Tylenol before bedtime.  I don't give it during the day since she seems ok when I hold her.  She also takes her paci out & chews on the handle of it and plays with it rather than sucking on it.  She was extra whiny today, she had tears in her eyes and could tell her teeth were really bothering her, so I just held her while I made dinner, ate my dinner, and tried to clean up.  She just needed a little extra cuddles & attention which I was happy to do. :D Hope he gets to feeling a little better.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 03, 2005, 13:19:11 pm
I would say that that sounds like teething too...especially if its the top teeth I find they get plugged up..

Well, construction began on our basement this am, and Connor is napping soundly....(so far)....I took him down to see what was going on, and he was very curious about the appearance of a man in our basement..

By the way, Ree's mom....she is not the only one not crawling...Connor doesn't either...I think it's his weight (24 lbs)...His back end is a lot stronger than his front end, so the back end gets up and he does a face-plant into the floor, so I really don't push it, because he gets mad when this happens.  I'm not too concerned, he's strong & healthy, it'll happen when it happens.  He wiggles and shimmys and rolls whereever he wants to go...I almost lost him off the bed the other night, he wiggled off, and got stuck between the wall and the bed with only his big bum and legs holding him off the floor upside down...scary how mobile they can be even without crawling..............

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 03, 2005, 14:43:47 pm
Hey Sheila,
It definitely sounds like teething to me too.  Have you tried Ibuprofen at all?  I know for me, Tylenol doesn't Ibuprofen works 6-8 hrs vs 4.  If they are in pain, I usually will do an alternate form of pu/pd where I will hold/rock them until calm and then for a few extra minutes and then lay back down (I repeat until calm when I lay down).  Normally I would pu and pd down right away.  Poor little guy, hope it gets better soon :D crawling here either :D  THough she has the opposite problem than Connor...she can' t get her butt in the air  :lol:   ANd i so know what you mean about how mobile they are. Zoe was sitting in the corner of the recliner, with the recliner up and she went on her belly and somehow managed to wriggle up and fall off the side, in a matter of seconds?? And I was sitting right at the end of the recliner putting John's shoes on  :shock:  :cry:   I felt HORRIBLE...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on August 03, 2005, 15:16:54 pm
no crawling here either  :lol:
yup it sounds like teething to me. but i`d take him to the doctor just to rule out any other source of pain. when georgia`s teething (and she is terribly right now) i give medicine before bed every night (my doctor said you can do this pretty much for as long as it`s needed but suggested alternating between motrin and tylenol.) i find motrin works TONS better than tylenol, so we tend to stick to that when things get really painful. her last bout of teething a couple of months ago i`d almost always pick her up and cuddle/bf her back to sleep...this time round if she`s had her medicine and all else is well i find it works to put my hand on her back and stay with her until she`s calm. sometimes if things are really really painful and she`s trying to sleep but just can`t (squiriming all over the bed trying to get comfortable and then keeps waking/crying every 10 minutes or so) i add in oragel on her gums. i figured with the picking her up vs comforting her in her crib that she`s going to have many more teeth come in, so if i picked her up every time, i`d be in danger of creating some seriously bad habits...but still if she was really hurting i think i`d cave and pick her up anyway  :lol: and tons of cuddles during the day... good luck...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 03, 2005, 15:28:51 pm
I agree with Cazao on ruling out any other illness. Dd has never really got a runny nose or sounded congested when teething but everyone is different. I swear doctors think teething has no symptoms!  :lol: We find dd's reflux gets worse when teething. We also don't find Tylenol any help. Definitely Motrin though. We also back rub and only pu if it's very bad.

Still haven't seen dd crawl so I wonder if she really did at the neighbours?? Time will tell but boy can she ever move anyways! I swear I spent our whole time yesterday on our deck pulling things out of her mouth!  :lol: After the fourth leaf I realized my hands were probably dirtier than anything she was trying to eat...

Most of us in this group seem to have "big" babies, no? My dh jokes it's because we're all too healthy now during pregnancy compared to the last generations. My aunt tells stories about how in the 60's they all smoked in the hospital. Even the doctors. She said the only time the nurses would get mad was if you were trying to smoke and breastfeed at the same time.  :shock:

Well dd didn't go to bed until 8:15 last night then woke at 6. yuck. I hope we figure out this new schedule soon....

Hope you're all well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 03, 2005, 15:29:52 pm
Teething! Isnt it fun. Luckily my Morgan shows no signs of it, we just notice a tooth is there and figure oh maybe thats why last week she ate a lil less or was a tiny bit cranky. Im truely blessed to have a very happy go lucky baby. Anyways, Im posting bc Morgan just had her 9 month check up and they pricked her lil toe to get some blood for a test, she was fine. They placed a bandaid on it and sent me home. Well halfway home my daughter is choking in the backseat bc she ate the bandaid. I didnt know that is why she was choking bc she is rear faced. I hear her, pull over and run back imagine this, all I see is blood dripping down her mouth! I open her mouth and finally find a band aid way back in her mouth. The blood was only from the band aid but oh my was that the scariest moment of her 9 months. I honestly just sat and held her for about 5 mins in the backseat on the side of the road. Well baby is fine and so is mama, was just very frightening. Had to share that, so be careful of bandaids !!! Ill never forget now. I was happy with her check up, she didnt gain nearly as much weight as I thought, she only 18 lbs I was guessing 20 at least! But she is 29 inches long, my lil wiggle worm!
Everyone else been removing coffee tables, and pictures and statues??? Its been a mess here child proofing!
Watch out they ALL will be crawling and standing soon!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 03, 2005, 18:06:22 pm
Oh, my gosh, Morgan!  What a scare with the bandaid!  So glad you noticed it!

Thanks to everyone for your excellent teething advice!  Last night was a bit better, but I will definitely go get some Motrin ASAP.  Gave him lots of cuddles today and hopefully I will see a tooth soon! 
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on August 03, 2005, 18:40:11 pm
That is SO scary, Morgan!  So glad you heard her and pulled over to check things out.   When Stephen had his nine month prick, the nurse kept saying over and over, "take the band-aid off when the bleeding stops and watch him until then."

Not sure if I've already posted this, but Zachary's finally mobile (and he must be the smallest of the bunch...I think around 17 lbs).  He's "going commando" everywhere, but has taken a few steps up on hands and knees...I think he's starting to figure that it should be easier to do it that way, he just can't get coordinated.  He looks a bit like a newborn foal, stumbling around. :lol:  And now I'm finding out just how much cr@p there is on my floors because I walk away for two seconds and come back to him chewing on something....pieces of carpet, leaves from the foyer, tiny little pieces of plastic wrapping from something, and yesterday at the ILs we found him chewing on a rubber band (while all four adults were sitting around watching him and talking :roll: ).

He's cut his third tooth and is working on #4.   Teething isn't too hard on him, thankfully.  But he's got this wicked diaper rash that I can't get rid of and I htink it's really bugging him.  I've got one more thing to try (Lansinoh--for those of you that have some left over from the first few weeks bf, it's GREAT on diaper rash...I speak from experience) and if that doesn't work, I'm calling the doc.

Take care, all!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 03, 2005, 18:58:46 pm
Alli~ My Morgan doesnt get diaper rash but my nephew ( 1 yr ) has it constantly from teething. Ill have to give my sister my stash from when I bf! Thanks for the advice! Yeah I should have took the bandaid off but I never though..I learned my lesson and wont let it happen again and now all of you will remember!
Question! How long is your LOs awake time between naps? I think I spend too much time trying to put DD down when she isnt ready bc Im just stuck thinking its supposed to be 2 hours! I need to be sleep trained, lol. Just was wondering!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 03, 2005, 23:08:10 pm
Morgan - I'm glad you shared the story about the bandaid, I would have never thought of that!  I'm glad everything is OK.  My lo usually stays up around 2.5 to 3 hours. 

Sheila - I'm definitely no pro mommy, but I agree with everyone who said to check with the doctor.  My lo was really whiny the past couple of weeks and pulling at her ears.  I just figured it was teething because she was drooling and chewing on everything.  I called the doctor the other day though because the ear pulling had gotten so bad, she made her ears bleed.  Turns out she had an ear infection in both ears.
 :(   So it never hurts to check.  I feel bad I didn't take her sooner.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 04, 2005, 00:48:48 am
Morgan a few of us are trying to figure this out right now. Check the nap thread where there is average 9 month old sleep schedule posted as well as a post started by Cazao about "longer awake times..." It definitely changes now!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 04, 2005, 01:12:22 am
momtoree-gianna's not crawling either.  she can't get her butt off the ground.  crawling is actually considered an optional skill, so don't worry.  gianna is whining big time...i can't put her down.  and we have company this week, so they are going to leave thinking she is the biggest brat they have ever seen!

sheila-yes, the symptoms you described sound like gianna's when she is teething.  we go for the motrin or tylenol before bedtime.  if she wakes in the night from pain, i give her more.

alli-the only thing that has ever worked for diaper rash at our house is "boudreaux's butt paste"'s great.

morgan's mom- the awake time at our house is 2.5 to 3 hours.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 04, 2005, 11:47:18 am
Recap of yesterday....

Connor isn't bothered by the construction going on in the basement...I'm so excited about him having his own little playroom...

He started taking to the sippy cup...

He learned how to clap his hands on his own...

He slept from 10:00 to 4:30 am (the 2nd night in a row...two nights without the hourly wakeup and the 1:00 feed)...

And...He BIT me....that's right, got all silly and excited, reached over and chomped down on my arm...left marks...still have faint marks this morning.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 04, 2005, 11:59:55 am
Awww Connor is clapping! Morgan does that too :) She even did it at the Dr. Office so of course everyone knows she is doing well there! How long will the construction last?
Well last night Morgan wouldnt go down till about 9, this is our problem, she needs to be asleep by 7:30/8 at the lastest! She so wants to wait for daddy to come home though and I want them to have time together too so I let her. But no more, Im gonna make her sleep at 7:30! Her night time has been so messed up. Sleep at 9, sometimes wake once for a short whine session and awake at 6:45. Thats not enough sleep for her age! And we all know bad sleep can lead to bad naps..but Im gonna break the cycle! Bless her lil baby heart, she woke up at around 6 today so Im gonna have to try and keep her awake till 9/9:30, will actually be tough on me because I had less sleep. Way off topic my husband got a promotion. YAY! But now he has so much on his mind he has been talking in his sleep! Driving me up the wall. So I have her whinning and him giving me orders in me sleep! Least he gets sleep, someone in this house has to!
*edit! Yay for Connor and his sippy cup, heh I cant even find Morgan's she just throws em around! How did he finally take it?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 04, 2005, 17:13:26 pm
Yay Connor...for the clapping and the sleeping  :D  :wink:

Zoë's front two teeth are barely through, but she is now clicking/grinding them together with her bottom ones??? :shock:   It sounds awful...and can this possibly be good for them?  EEkk...hopefully it's just a new novelty that will wear off soon.

Zoë still isn't taking solids very well at all...and yet has reduced her bottles to 2-4 oz most of the time...though at her last bottle at 6:30 she'll take up to 13 oz..wowzers.  So my plan is instead of a bottle at 11:00 to give her solids first and anything she wants to drink from her she took one ounce and ate 3/4 of a jar of stage 1 squash.  Now since she took a 45min AM nap, she usually will take a 2.5-3 hr nap.  I'm curious to see if she'll wake up early hungry.  If so, then I'll give her her bottle....that should do her until dinner at 5:30.  I hoping this way she'll get better with solids and maybe up her formula consumption at the same time??'d think that since this is my second I'd have some sort of clue  :roll:

Hey Nathan's did last night go?  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 04, 2005, 21:34:52 pm
Hi all

MorganLeigh - Congrats on your husband's promotion.  My husband has a lot going on with his job as well, but rather than talking in his sleep, he snores, kicks his legs, moves all over the bed and is just non-stop!!!  It's really funny because Jadyn is so much like her daddy that she even sleeps (kicks, snores, rolls all over) like him.  Do you wonder sometimes if Morgan 'waits' for her daddy to come home & won't go to sleep?  Last night Jadyn did not want to go to sleep and when my husband finally came home (8pm), she finally went to sleep after he patted her down. :roll:

Noelle - Yeah for Zoë's front teeth coming out.  We are still barey showing just one of the top tooth.  Can't wait for it to just come on out.  Let us know how your plan of dropping the bottle at 11 and giving solids go.  I am getting to the point of where I just don't give her any solids except Cheerios for breakfast & lunch.  I guess since she does eat pretty decent for dinner I can't complain.

Jill - Wow Connor!!  So much going on, sippy cup, clapping his hands,
sleepping without the hourly wakeup :D  What did you do or say when he bit you on your arm? When Jadyn bites me during bf, I will take her off & say "ow" loudly.  She just looks at me for a few seconds and then grins. :lol:  I don't think she gets it that it hurts.  It is pretty cute though the look on her face when she grins.

Sharon, Cazao - I've been following the thread on your lo's long waketime and naps.  How's it going?  For some reason Jadyn has decided that she's going to have 6ish as her "NEW" wake up time.  Ok.  30-45 mins is not that big of a deal but it seems like she's getting up earlier & earlier, 10mins or 20mins earlier in the mornings.  This is the 3rd day of waking before 7am.  I wonder if I should put her to sleep after 7:30pm.  Her wake times for her first nap is 2.45mins and 3hrs for the second nap.  She's awake from 3:30 til bedtime at 7:30 (4hr waketime) and she acts really sleepy til I put her in her crib.  Then that's where she rolls & puts her butt up in the air and sits up and plays with her paci for 30mins or so.  She doesn't cry.  She just has a blast in her crib. :P  Wonder if I go ahead & make her bedtime at 8pm, that will help???  Let me  know how you guys are doing with your babies.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 05, 2005, 01:21:34 am
Yeah for Connor taking the sippy cup!  Ree went through a stage where she would bite anything on me that she could get her mouth on, including when she was nursing.  She would laugh when I would say no and go in for teh kill again.  She finally outgrew it, thankfully! 

We had a great night last night!  She slept for 10 hours got up, ate and then slept for another 2!  It was so nice.  I really needed that.  Work has been stressful and busy.  I can't image if I had to work everyday.  I just hope that it can continue.  I thought that it would screw up her naps but she still took two that were almost an 1 1/2. 

She has started eating carrots that I cut up and she loves them.  She also ate peas and green beans.  Since she is refusing teh spoon I had to do something.  We are still working on teh sippy cup but she does get a couple sips in at the meals. 

Good luck getting lots of sleep tonight!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 05, 2005, 01:27:04 am
Hey MomtoRee....I was wondering...what age did you start giving finger foods??  Zoe doesn't take to solids/baby foods very well at all and am wondering if maybe finger foods is the way to go?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 05, 2005, 02:07:56 am
noelle-gianna is grinding her top and bottom teeth big time.  it sounds like fingernails on a gives me the creeps.  she does it all between whining of course.  i guess it is just the new sensation in their mouths.  i hope she stops soon!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 05, 2005, 02:37:11 am
Thanks Lindsey!! And that is what is sounds like! Chalk, ack!!!  The hair on my neck is standing up just thinking about it  :lol:   Here's hoping it gets old soon!!!  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 05, 2005, 02:44:06 am
I so wish Morgan would drink from her sippy cup! Well she was in bed 7:30! Ill let ya know how this plays out on her naps tomorrow! Yay! Get lots of sleep ladies.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 05, 2005, 12:24:31 pm
Ok, was in bed by 7:30. But for some reason my angel who slept through the night at 3 months is now waking twice a night at least! First time I went in there calmed her down and pat/shh till she drifted. Second time i let her whine it out. This is driving me crazy! I just want it to pass. I feel for my DH, our house is so small and he can hear everything and he works hard hours and when I let her whine/cry it out Im sure he is wide awake for those 10/20 mins. Well she did sleep till close to 7, so if ya count the close to almost an hour she was awake lastnight Id say she got a good amount of sleep at least. Maybe naps will go smoothly!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 05, 2005, 14:53:32 pm
I think that I started giving the veggie and fruit puffs around the age of your lo.  She would eat one or two after every meal.  She didn't do really great for a while gettign them in her mouth but she is a pro at it now.  I knew that she was ready because she was mushing her food around in her mouth.  If Zoe is mushing her food around then I would say to try something that dissolves like teh Gerber puffs. 

Does anybody have any finger foods that there lo really likes.  I'm looking for some new ideas since the spoon strike is still on!

We had a great night in bed at 7:30, up at 3 to eat, and then up at 6:30.  That is so much better than the 5:30.  She is actually down for a nap so I am hoping that it is a good one.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 05, 2005, 18:25:00 pm
Unfortunately, Connor doesn't like finger foods (except for the Farley's Cookies) because they turn to mush instantly.  Anything with 'texture' so far makes him gag and throw up....

I tried the was fun for him until he started to actually try eating them, then he threw was nasty...I will try again in a few weeks...he's got a real gag reflex.....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 05, 2005, 18:34:05 pm
morgan's mom- gianna was sleeping through the night too from 3-6months.  then it all changed.  she wakes a lot now.  although the past week or so has been pretty good.  when she does wake, i just try to let her settle herself.  if she can't or is getting really mad, i just do a no-nonsense pat on her tummy, no talking or eye  contact.  i do this and try walking away.  sometimes she goes right back to sleep.  other times she is awake for 2 hours!  very frustrating.  i don't know what to do either other than ride it out and try not to do any accidental parenting along the way.  is morgan getting teeth that might be painful at night?  it seems that gianna wakes less when we give her meds before bed?

by the way everyone, how often and for how long are you guys giving your lo's meds for teething?  we give it every night before bed, as my pediatrician said it is safe to give for a really long time if it is only once a day...but it just seems like a lot??
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 05, 2005, 19:25:08 pm
Lindsey - Do you give Gianna Tylenol or Motrin?  Does she seem to do better with one or the other?  I give Jadyn Motrin before bedtime pretty much daily for the past week.  Today was horrible for her teething.  Her top tooth is out!!! Yeah!!  But she seems to be in a lot of pain.  She just cried, not whine, just hurt cry :cry: I felt her forehead and she was sooo hot.  Her temperature was only 100.4 but she felt like hotter than that to me.  She also had very runny nose and she kept on trying to feel her tooth!  She was so miserable.  Her naps are good though (1.30min), which I'm very surprised.  She has finally kicked the 45min wake 99% of the time.  I hope I didn't jinx it!  :wink:

MomtoRee - As for fingerfood, I went & bought some Chex and she seems to like it and actually put it in her mouth and ate it.  Cheerios are a little bit smaller so she doesn't actually make it to her mouth.  I cut up some fresh peaches and she ate it up.  Also she loves to eat bananas if I hold it and let her bite from it.  I think my next batch of food I will make some carrots & sweet potatoes and cut it in small chunks rather than puree them.  She does like avacados but they are so expensive ($1.75 ea).

Hope all these nightwakings will soon pass!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 05, 2005, 21:10:46 pm
Hey far the motrin goes...if she's been extrememly fussy during the day and/or is fussy before bedtime (not due to being overtired :wink: ) then I give her the motrin.  Otherwise I don't  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 05, 2005, 22:04:21 pm
ooooh we pray to the motrin god everyday!  :lol: dd's top two teeth are officially in! yippeeeeeee! Maybe we'll get back on track now...  :wink:


(oh dd likes cheerios, grated cheddar cheese, and little cubes of toast smushed with cereal, yogurt, etc. also bits of lightly poached fruit. she also attempts cottage cheese but that is a HUGE mess!  :lol: )

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 05, 2005, 23:51:59 pm
Lindsey - I know how you feel about the Motrin.  I'm always afraid I'm giving it to Susana too often.  I only give it to her on nights she's really fussy.  And even then I usually try to put her to bed without it.  To me, it doesn't really seem to help that much anyway.

jillybeansmith- My lo has that gag reflex too.  She can't stand things with texture.  I have to smother oatmeal with bananas to get her to eat it and forget rice cereal.  I haven't really tried many fonger foods yet, so I'll be interested to see how she reacts.

Those of you that have been having early wakeups.  What do you do?  Are you getting up that early or trying to put your lo back to sleep.  Susana used to sleep until 7:00 but has been getting up earlier and earlier.  I didn't discourage it too much because during the week I have to get her up by 6:00 to get her to the sitter's before I go to work.  But she's started getting up at 5:20!!! She has a poopy diaper when she wakes, which I think might be waking her up.  But there's not much you can do about that.  This morning she slept until 5:40 and I really think she just woke up because her daddy doesn't seem to be able to move without making a lot of noise.   :)  Keep your fingers crossed for me that she'll sleep at least until 6:00 tomorrow.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 06, 2005, 00:23:11 am
Hey old is your LO?

Zoe has finally started to wake later...when she did wake early (my limit was 5:45-6:00AM) I do pu/pd.  If she is pooping that's definitely the culprit  :lol:   What does she do when she wakes up?  sometimes zoe wakes at 5:30 playing...and will go back to sleep at around 6:00...

And totally understand the daddy not knowing how to move without making any noise......I'm now the best at moving in stealth mode  :wink:  :lol:

Sending sleep late vibes for all of us ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 06, 2005, 00:26:11 am
Phoebe - when dd wakes early I ignore her if she is not crying.  Sometimes she would fall back asleep (or at least remained very quiet!)  If she is crying or moaning on and on, then I just feed her and try to get her back to sleep.  I used to soothe her back to sleep without the bottle but I think that with teething and such, it is sooo much quicker to feed her. 

Kathy - congrats on the naps!  I should try some fresh peaches as dd doesn't like the puree stuff. 

DD finally has a tooth!  Now, how many more days & nights do I have to go through this teething phase?   Gotta to go, dh needs help with changing her diaper, apparently she exploded!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 06, 2005, 11:27:29 am
7:30 to 6:11! Ill take it! Just too bad she doesnt know its Saturday and what that means. I wanna sleep in :)
 Oh on a side note, Im already planning her Bday party..guess Im just so excited. We have one to attend today so she will be playing and out all day, so we will see how naps and sleep goes. Enjoy your weekend moms!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 06, 2005, 13:33:38 pm
6:45 here...though I heard her playing at 4:30 for about a half an hour  :lol:   Then, she took 8oz and ate cereal and fruit this AM  :shock:   Growth spurt maybe????

Our county fair is this weekend so we're taking John for'll be fun to see Zoe watch all the excitement  :D

And yay Mimi on dd's tooth  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 06, 2005, 13:59:06 pm
Yes... yay on the tooth!

we didn't do as well here, 8:30 to 6 but nana and grampy are here so there's lots of excitement!  :D

Enjoy your saturday...we're having a BBQ for 11 people!  :shock:

Talk to you all soon...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 06, 2005, 17:15:45 pm
yes, early rising here too!!  yesterday was 5 am and today was 5:45!  very discouraging.  we will never get to 2 naps at this rate.  when she wakes early she is not crying, just playing.  i have tried feeding her and putting her back down but she never goes back to sleep.  so i just leave her in there until she is crying or fussing too much, usually 30-60 mins after she wakes.  at least that gives me a few extra mins in bed or time to make coffee!  sleeping in on a saturday (or any day) would be HEAVEN!

both top teeth are in now...thank goodness.  the whining has slowed a little bit, so i'm hoping for a break before the next tooth sprouting.  we are still giving motrin at nights, trying an herbal remedy during the day.

our company left yesterday, but we are getting 2 new guests today.  don't ask me why all these people want to come visit the desert in august.  crazy!  also, my sister is moving in with us this weekend, so we will be very busy!

have a good weekend everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 06, 2005, 23:19:05 pm
Were back!  Vegas was lots of fun.  Pete slept on the way there and back, he would try to wake up and the movement or engine noise would put him right back to sleep.  He did pretty good as far as sleeping in the room with us.  He was happy to be back in his own crib though.

Sounds like everyone is getting an early wake up call!  Pete is still waking around 6:00 - 6:30.  I am not too bothered by it, but wish he would nap a little better.  I really think he is just not much of a napper.  I have tried everything and seem to really only get one decent 1 1/4 hour nap and one 30 minute nap.  He is generally pretty happy all day so I am starting to think maybe that is all he needs.

Is anyone thinking of trying the early potty training at 9 months that Tracy suggests in her latest book?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 07, 2005, 13:16:45 pm
Susana is 7 months old.  It must not just be the pooping because this morning she woke up at 5:30 and her diaper wasn't dirty.  I left her in there until 6:00 hoping she'd go back to sleep, but at 6:00 she started whining.  The other problem is during the week, I have to get her up at 6:00 anyway, so I guess we're stuck with this early wakeup time for the rest of the school year.  I'm dreading the time change because then she'll be waking at 4:30!!!

Congrats on all the teeth everyone.  I sure wish Susana's would come in.   The top two look like they are right there but so far haven't cut through.

We have some exciting news.  Susana is drinking from a sippy cup!  After reading how many of you are already doing it with your los, I decided to start trying again.  I had to take the stopper out for a few days until she understood that stuff comes out of there.  Yesterday I put it back in and she got it!  She still won't hold the cup herself but at least she understands what it's for.  She also drinks a lot more water from the cup than the bottle. 

I'm going shopping for some finger foods when she gets up from her nap.  I only feed her organic food, but I'm thinking about making an exception for those Gerber puffs.  I like that they melt.  I'm kind of worried about choking.

Have a good weekend everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 07, 2005, 15:58:22 pm
I think that we are actually getting over the early wakenings!  Yeah!  This morning it was 6:20 and yesterday it was 6:30.  I can do this, just not 5:30.  Plus she is napping better too.  Both naps are almost an hour and a half.  Just hope that it stays this way.  We are all so nice and rested now.  I really am since Dh got up with her yesterday and today so I got to sleep in after feeding her!  There is nothing greater then that  :D !

We have tried a lot of new finger foods and she likes everything.  We did corn, peaches, melon, cut up grapes, green beans, more crackers, and more cereal.  Plus I can sneak in a couple of bites of food in betweeen bites.  Last night I got her to eat 1/2 jar stage 3 food and she ate turkey and 4 whole crackers!   She always does better when she eats when we are out.  I couldn't believe how much she ate and then she still nursed on one side! 

Does your lo throw a fit when you take something away that they shouldn't have?  Reegan screams cries and bangs on me.  I swear we are going to have our hands ful when she gets a little older if things don't get better.  What do you do when they do this, if they do it?  I'm at a loss since she only laughs when I say no to something.  I know she doesn't get disipline yet.  Just wondering if anyone else is hitting the same problem. 
Do you all find that it is hard to keep your house clean?  We are having a shower next weekend and I am going to die trying to get everythign ready.  It seems like the house is always cluttered with all her toys and I even pick them up several times a day.  We need a toy room to put everything.  To bad we don't have a basement to build one too! 

Hope you all had great weekends!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 07, 2005, 17:18:05 pm
We have little temper tantrums when we take away the remote control, I think that it's just their way right now of displaying their will...I think we will have our hands full too...

Connor is all out of whack with sleeping since this construction, he's been sleeping and sleeping this weekend, I guess trying to get caught up...which is okay, because they will be hammering and drilling again tomorrow...I've just been letting him sleep when he wants to, because for 2 days he went all day without ANY naps...We will have to get back on a schedule once the construction is complete........
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 07, 2005, 17:59:00 pm
Petesmom-i posted a topic on the potty training section in "toddlers" about starting toilet training at 9 months since we are almost there and i can't even picture my dd on the potty!  you can check out the responses i got...i think we are going to maybe try it and see how it goes.  it can't hurt to start early, esp since i stay at home with her so i can consistently put her on the potty every day.  glad you had fun in vegas.

phoebe-i too am dreading the time change because then the am wake ups will be 4 or 4:30!!  i hope her body adjusts quickly.  we will try to keep her up an hour later so she will sleep an hour later.  i hope it's that easy.  i hope things are going well for you back at work.

momtoree-gianna doesn't throw tantrums but she whines when we take something away.  we just let her whine.  if we give in now, we are setting ourselves up for some trouble.  when we take something away, we just make it very matter of fact, no bargaining or giving in.  we will usually give her something else to replace whatever we've taken away though...sort of a distraction.  i totally understand about the clutter...i am such a neat freak, it drives me crazy.  i wish i had a friend nearby with a newborn so i could lend her all the stuff we are outgrowing as it is accumulating all over the house now.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 07, 2005, 18:18:05 pm
Hi all,

Just wanted to say I bought Tracy's Toddler book (starts at eight months!  :D ) and she says for the time change in October you put your lo to bed and hour later and that will make up the hour. Then in the spring you shorten the afternoon nap by one hour so hopefully your lo will be ready for bed earlier and will be less likely to feel the time change.

Ella also gets very mad when you take something away. We find a firm no (if it's something she shouldn't have) works. I think even if your little one smiles when you say it just don't smile back. We also definitely use distraction!  :D

We have had such a big few weeks!!!! We have the two new teeth, she learned how to sit up from her tummy, she is now crawling on hands and knees forwards ( :lol: ) she waves hi at you if you do it first, can point out the "birdies" in one of her books (we "read" it everynight in the bath) and says daddy everytime dh walks into the room.   :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  I can't even believe it!!!! Suddenly my baby has been replaced by a little girl!!!  I'd love your opinions on the daddy thing... she has ben saying da-da and sometimes daddy for awhile now as well as the mama (never mommy) baba, gaga, yaya, etc. but now she looks directly at dh when he comes in and yells "daddy!" (it's really cute because she stresses the second syllable instead of the first so it sounds like daDEE) Does that seem like her first word? It really seems as though she's made the connection but....

Still having problems with the sleep too but mainly it's getting her to go down. We used to pop her in her cot and that was it. Now she cries and fights it for soooo long. I guess with everything going on who wants to sleep?  :lol:

Congrats on the sippy cup, some sleep and a successful trip!!!!

Dh has taken dd to Granny's, all the company left this am so I am going to try and actually take a nap! (if i can stay off this board!  :lol: )

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on August 07, 2005, 19:17:05 pm
Never mind the time change, travelling from one time zone to another has done us in :roll:   Dd has always went to bed with the sun, got up with the sun.  When we went on our holiday it took a short time for her to start waking up that hour earlier :(   We have been home for a few days now and with some help from blackout curtains and my persistance she is back on track.  I have been putting her to bed gradually earlier then the hour difference and it seems to have worked.

Dd popped her 3rd tooth through on the last day of our trip.  She had been a little fussy, but sleeping well.

As far as eating goes, she is eating anything and everything she can get her hands on!!!!  'I' have been feeding her cereal for breakfast, apple sauce or diced fruit for lunch and a jar of meat for supper.  She also snacks on crackers, biscuits, and cheerios.

Her crawling is unbelieveable.  She likes to crawl so far get up on her knees so she can grab something then with one hand holding it, crawl back to where ever.  The other day she also pulled herself to standing let go of the table and stood there for a good 10 seconds before falling. I was only kidding when I told dd's teacher she would be walking by September, I didn't think there was any chance!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 08, 2005, 00:29:54 am
Susana also is starting to whine and cry when you take something away she wants.  Usually she only does that when she's getting close to naptime.  It's the same with crying if she falls down.  If she's rested she can fall on the rug and it's no big deal, but if she's tired you'd think she'd cracked her head open or something.  :?

More exciting developments here today.  Susana stood up by herself for the first time.  She has been trying to pull up on everything for weeks but has only been able to do it once in her crib.  Today she was on the floor and pulled up to her little activity table by using a nearby basket to help her balance.  I was quite impressed.  She has also discovered this weekend that there is a whole house to explore, not just the area rug we put her on.  :shock:

Thanks for the advice on the time change.  I kind of figured that's what I should do.  I haven't read the part about potty training in Tracy's book.  I think I'll check out  the other posts.  Susana's only 7 months, but if it's possible to start at 9 months, I guess I better get prepared.  Everything happens so fast doesn't it?

Well, I'm headed to bed.  I've got to work tomorrow so it's 5:00am wake up for me.  :(  Not that Susana would let me sleep much later anyway. :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 08, 2005, 00:31:30 am
Hey I have another question I've been meaning to ask.  Can anyone tell me how to attach a picture beside my posts?  I love seeing everyone else's los and would like to add a picture of my dd.  Thanks!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 08, 2005, 12:59:13 pm
Weekend was great. Spent the whole time running around with family, swimming eating not napping but she wasnt cranky. She was havind fun! Both nights she slept from about 8 to 6:30. She is def working out some more bottom teeth, I cant believe we have 8 teeth already, now if she would only get some more hair! Im not giving up on the sippy cup, I want her to use it so badly, its frustrating!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 08, 2005, 21:51:55 pm
hello ladies

I was wondering how you children react when they have a reaction to food.  DD has spots all over her and I don't know if it's a food reaction or something else
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 08, 2005, 22:14:13 pm
hannah's mom-what do her spots look like?  gianna has these red/pink spots that appear randomly in random patterns on her torso usually.  they are only there for 30-60 mins, sometimes longer.  i thought it was from buttons on her shirt pressing into her skin, but she gets them even when she is not wearing clothes.  i was going to ask her doctor when we go in for shots on the 26th of this month.  they don't seem to itch or bother her at all.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 09, 2005, 01:59:23 am
Nothing too much new to report on my end  :D   Dropping the bottle isn't going the greatest....but not going horrible either.  When I offer the snack with the sippy, I usually end up giving her 3-4 oz an hour or so later so I'm still playing around with it a bit.  Though I have noticed her dinner solids seemed to have increased :D

Phoebe....for help with your avatar take a look at the announcements in the photo forum.  If you still need help, just PM me  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 09, 2005, 02:54:46 am
Where did the weekend go??? Jadyn's top tooth is out and she paid for it dearly this weekend.  She had a fever of 101 two days in a row and has been waking up sobbing! :cry:  She is glued to my hip as I cannot put her down for not one second.  I've had to give her Motrin & Tylenol back & forth 2 times a day.  Her next top tooth is starting to poke through.  Wow. I guess it's better to go ahead and get it all done at one time but I feel so bad for her.  She's in so much pain.  Oh, yeah, she's doing the teeth grinding and it's driving me crazy.  She thinks it's neat.  She gets very quiet and just focuses on grinding away. :lol:

She's trying to pull up on everything.  I nursed her this morning in our bed and walked to the bathroom, and she held the headboard and pulled up.  I was saying "Be careful.  Don't go too close to the edge." She just turned around and smiled at me and kept on trying to stand. :shock:  We finally lowered her crib.  Last couple of nights she's had a hard time going to sleep.  When I go in after 10 mins to see what she's doing, she's sitting at the side of the crib, trying to pull up.  Yikes.  I'm scared she's going to knock her teeth out when she falls & hit the crib.

I'm very fortunate that she has been waking only once or twice during the night and she goes back to sleep til 6:45 or 7:30am (Sat.).  I wonder what will happen with the time change.

Sharon - So when time changes, put her to bed at 8:45pm(7:45 usual time)??  I cannot remember what I did the last time change.  Also, does the new book you got go into details about potty training at 9mo?  Let us know and some tips if you decide to do it.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 10, 2005, 10:47:10 am
All I have to say is I need a bigger house. Its SO tiny. This morning Dh had an early meeting so rise and shine was DD at 6:10 am. That makes every nap an hour earlier and we all know what that means. I have a hard enough time keeping her awake till 7:30 pm as it is! /Sigh
Well other than that she has been relay whiney this week so far but sleeping well. Win some and lose some.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on August 10, 2005, 11:44:24 am
Hello ladies,   Well it has been quite a few weeks for us.  i started work 3 weeks ago and have been trying to adjust to our new busy life.  I have not had much time to even catch up on all of the posts.  When i logged on i thought i would have some to catch up on but i never imagined it would be 9 pages :o  :o  :o

Well here is where we are:  Jake is now eating 3 meals a day with 4 bottles.  we are trying to stop the dreamfeed.  We are hoping to start giving him some finger foods.  we have had a few scary moments where Jake choked on what we gave him so we are not sure if he is ready or not.  does anyone else have this problem???  He is getting ready to start crawling, rocking on his knees.  He is also talking so much.  i swear when he puts MAMAMAMAMAM & BABABABABA, he is really trying to tell me something, hahaha :wink:  :wink:  :wink:

I miss chatting with you all and promise to check in more.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 10, 2005, 14:57:47 pm
hello ladies,
Gigismom-that is exactly what's what happens, let me know what the doctor says. 

We have had success with the sippy cup and she can know hold her own bottle. I though she was never going to take the cup or the bottle. What worked for us was removing the flow control part from the avent cup and giving her diluted apple juice. Once she realized what was coming out of the cup she decided she liked it. Now I have put the flow control part back on and she will suck away.

Still no sign of DD crawling. She will stand for ever and take steps using the walker but we can only do that for so long because my back kills. Is it possible she may skip the crawling stage?


Has anyone else tried the baby  mum mum rice cookies? They are the only finger food hannah can eat and not choke on because they dissolve so quickly
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 10, 2005, 15:24:23 pm
Hi Ange,
John never crawled...and then at around 8.5 months he did this weird Igor crawl for about 2 weeks.  Up until that point though he had been whizzing around in his walker and standing/pulling up for a long time.  He then started walking, so basically only crawled for 2 weeks  :D    Yay on the sippy cup and bottle  :D

Jakesmom....Zoe still doesn't really even chew yet, the couple of times she's actually put food into her mouth she's gummed it and spit it back out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 10, 2005, 15:52:02 pm
Tried Connor with a couple cheerios...still has fun playing with them, but gags and throws up everything else he had eaten that day.

Also tried him with tiny bits of watermelon...he loved the taste, but again, gags and tosses his cookies...He cannot deal with anything that has texture.

Construction is still going on...I probably should be trying to keep Connors schedule, but he's so cranky whan he's tired, and he's been fighting sleeping due to the noises, so when he does finally crash for a nap, it's 2 or 3 hours...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 10, 2005, 23:52:31 pm
Jenn- How are you doing with going back to work.  I went back a couple of weeks ago and I'm feeling so overwhelmed.  My dd is also all off because she now has to do a 30 minute commute with me twice a day to get to the babysitter's.  That combined with the fact that she's waking up so early has really messed us up.

Ange  - Where did you get the rice cookies?  Are they sweetened? I was looking for something to give Susana for finger foods.  I bought some puffed rice cereal thinking that might be good, but I tried it and it doesn't dissolve so I didn't watn to give it to her since she only has two teeth.  I looked for the equivalent of Cheerios at the health food store, but the only kind they had were sweetened. 

Susana's been pretty whiny again.  Not sure if the ears are acting up again, if she's teething or if the change in her routine has her off and too tired.  We go back to the doctor for a follow up Tuesday.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 11, 2005, 17:55:20 pm
Phoebe - how are the naps and nighttime sleeps?  Are they ok?  Right now, I'm getting dd used to the commute to dm's place 20 min away and spending the day there.  Everything seemed ok last week with her taking at least some short naps (with crying) but the last two days, she would not nap for dm and I had to take over.  Her nights are terrible as she has multiple night wakings and waking up at 5 am.  Are you doing anything differently?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 11, 2005, 18:40:49 pm
ange- i will let you know what the dr the meantime, i have a friend who is a pediatrician...i will ask her for a diagnosis, but she lives so far away that i won't be able to have her actually look at the rash, but it may give us a clue as to what it could be.

phoebe-i know you said you are feeding susana organic foods, so what we like to give gigi for finger foods is "earth's best organic (wheat-free) teething biscuits".  she loves them and they dissolve easily after being sucked on for a while!!  they are a little sweeter than i would like them to be, but she really loves them and they are one of the few things she will feed, i LOVE the extra 45 mins i get to do some chores while she sits in her high chair playing with/eating them.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 12, 2005, 00:09:56 am
Mimi- Naps and nightime sleep are getting worse.  It's hard to know if it's just from overtiredness, ears, teething, etc.  Last Friday she napped great for the sitter and had a good day, same with me Sat.  Sun. her afternoon nap was really short and this week naps have been pretty bad.  At night she used to always go down so easily, now she sits up in her crib and tries to play.  Cries when I leave but won't lay down when I come in.  After about 45 minutes she'll settle if I hold her, but I don't want her to get in the habit of me holding her to sleep.  I'm also wondering if maybe the babysitter is doing that.  She had been sleeping through the night, but the past few nights has woken several times in the early evening and then again in the middle of the night. 

Lindsey- I almost bought those teething biscuits the other day, but I wasn't sure if Susana was old enough for them yet.  I'll have to give them a try.

Called the doctor today and they want to see Susana tomorrow instead of waiting until Tues.  I hope her ears are OK, but if they are not then at least that might explain some of the erratic behavior.  We'll see...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 12, 2005, 01:40:01 am
Well ladies Hannah is 8 months and we just got our first tooth. We were calling her gummy joe because she hasn't had any teeth up til now...Guess we will have to change the nic name 

Has any one else noticed that there little ones are now dropping things and watching it fall and smiling when you bend over to pick it up. Or if you place something behind your back they bend and reach to try and find it. It's amazing being here each day to notice the small developmental changes.  I really am not looking forward to going back to work and missing all these changes.

What games do you find your little ones like to play or do they have a favorite toy they like???

Hannah loves the fischer price learning bird bath. She loves she can smack the birds, water or pull the shapes out and suck on them. She also likes her leap frog activity center. 

Ohhh the mummum's can be found in Zehr's or any big department store.  They have a little sugar in them, I think it's 1.8 grams of sugar for 8 cookies. I only give her one or two a day so the sugar content is really low. Also the shape of the cookie makes it really easy for her to feed herself.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 12, 2005, 03:39:27 am
Just wanted to add about those teething cookies. Morgan loves them and I felt so safe with them. But now that she has like 7 teeth she actually bited big huge chunks off so no more. Ijust loved them as well bc it as like a break..took her like an hour to gum it to death! Now it cheerios!! they everywhere.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 12, 2005, 03:51:12 am
Hi!  I see that a lot of our babies are waking a lot at night!  For the last few weeks, Nathan will wake a few times a night screaming, inconsolable.  Sometimes it takes an hour to get him calm and back to sleep.  Took him to doc (thanks to all your good advice), but no ear infection.  Hmmmm, could teething take this long?  Or maybe he is having separation anxiety.  Not sure, but I hope this is just a phase.     :?

When do you normally go from 4 to 3 bottles a day?  DS is 8 mos, 1 week, and he takes about 4-5 ounces, 4 times a day.  He won't take more, and sometimes after about 4 ounces, he pushes his tummy in and out, like he is trying to have a little fart.   :shock:   Gas?  Not sure if cutting out a bottle would help since he refuses to drink any more than 4-5 oz ( BTW also medicated for severe reflux).  What do you think?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 12, 2005, 04:17:39 am
Well we too are all over the map still... dd's latest is standing in her crib CONSTANTLY!  :lol:  She's up all hours and won't nap easily...

Sheila, we went to 3 bottles just a few weeks ago and it made all the difference. Ella too would only drink about 4 oz. and now she has 3 8 oz. bottles though it took a few days to adjust. And she too is a refluxer. On Zantac and Domperidone. In fact we were at the doc's again today and he wants her to see a gastroenterologist (sp?) again plus he upped her meds. (she's not gaining well again  :cry: ) At any rate my point is we had good success with going to three bottles so maybe you would too??

Morgan Leighs mom... your post made me laugh!!! (gumming it to death... :lol: )

Ange... congrats on the tooth!!  What is the bird bath thing? Sounds great! Ella also loves the Leap Frog table though she pulls it on top of herself... :lol: She also still loves her jolly jumper and her latest thing is balls. She loves to "play ball." you roll it too her and she trys to throw it back. She is also showing her first interest in books. She points at stuff and then looks up at you with a big grin. It's the funniest thing... she's so interested in her pointer finger right now! She stares and stares at it then lifts her arm up over her head and watches while she waves the one finger around!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 12, 2005, 10:15:29 am
5:30 wake time - 3 days in a row now. You know how hard it is to get them to stay up to 7:30 pm when days like this happen. Im at a loss. She wakes up at 5:30 plays to get then yells she ready to get out and join the world. Now yesterday after getting uo at 5:45 she didnt wanna nap till 9:30! Her schedule is all messed up this week and I feel like Im losing it. I dont know maybe Ill try to sneak in a cat nap today and try to put her to bed at 8 tonight and see how that goes, we will see. Just hope she least gets some good naps in. Mondays start off like this the whole weeks will be the same! But Im determined to fix it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 12, 2005, 10:19:02 am
Or maybe instead of an extra cat nap I should cut back on daytime sleep? But it just seems she barely gets an hour a nap in for her 2. Ahhhhhh!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jakes_mom on August 12, 2005, 11:38:20 am
pbd- work is going well, i am surprised how much i enjoy the time to myself.  Jake is still adjusting.  He goes to my sisters house 2 days a week and usually doesnt go down for his nap as if he is home.  she usually waits till he is exhausted and he passes out :roll:  :roll: .  Those days are so hard, usually he is miserable because he didnt sleep.  As soon as Jake starts to crawl i will ask my sister to come to my house and then he can go back on schedule.  the funny thing is that those two days dont seem to mess up the other days.  Does your lol fall asleep in the car?  How old is your lol?

We have been slowly trying the gerger puffs, he seems to like them and is now picking them up himself with his thumb and pointer and putting in his mouth.  we too are trying to go from 4 bottles to 3 but worried he may not get enough formula.  the first 3 bottles are about 7 oz's and we are still doing the dreamfeed but only about 4oz. 

Morganleigh-  Jake is always up around 530-6am. We have adjusted his morning wake time to 3hrs before 1st and 2nd nap and 4 -4.5 hrs before bedtime.  sometimes he falls asleep before 7pm but he still sleeps till the morning.  hope this helps.

well gotta jet--Jenn
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 12, 2005, 16:17:27 pm
Quote from: Mum to Ella Rose
Sheila, we went to 3 bottles just a few weeks ago and it made all the difference. Ella too would only drink about 4 oz. and now she has 3 8 oz. bottles though it took a few days to adjust. And she too is a refluxer. On Zantac and Domperidone. In fact we were at the doc's again today and he wants her to see a gastroenterologist (sp?) again plus he upped her meds. (she's not gaining well again  :cry: ) At any rate my point is we had good success with going to three bottles so maybe you would too??

Hi!  Thanks for the bottle advice - I will definitely try it.  Good luck with the gastroenterologist.  When we took Nathan to a ped GI, he switched us from Zantac to a PPI (Prevacid or Prilosec), and it made all the difference in the world.  Hope it helps her!   :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 12, 2005, 18:38:19 pm
for all of you with babies waking in the night:  we have had this problem on and off for about 2 months.  we usually do the letting her cry/try to settle for 5 mins, then comfort, cry 5 mins, comfort.  it was taking us 2 hours sometimes for her to go back to sleep.  now, it is usually 10-20 mins.  sometimes she wakes and cries and goes back to sleep by herself right away.  also, i have been reading a lot lately on infant sleep and am noticing many glaring mistakes i am making with dd that we are going to try to correct now that i know.  tracy's books are good, but they leave out many key facts on sleep.  it is a very interesting subject and i recommend (for those of you with spare time-haha) reading a few extra books on babies and sleep so you can try to get to the root of the problems rather than pu/pd until your arms fall off.

morgan's mom-gianna sometimes wakes really early too.  on those days, i have to drive her around in the car at 5 pm for about 30 mins so she can get a catnap.  she refuses to sleep in her crib that late...if you have the time and morgan sleeps in the car, you can try this...??...also, if you have a fortune to pay for all the gas!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 12, 2005, 18:51:15 pm
i always do this...i write a long post then forget to ask the question i came here for!  this is a df question...for those of you who've dropped it.

gianna lately has just been plain refusing it. she is always asleep but turns her head and won't latch on.  so i just put her down.  is it ok to drop it cold turkey like this?  i have no idea how much she takes at the df as she is EBF.  i just don't want her to start waking any earlier in the am because she is hungry.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 12, 2005, 19:59:32 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
  also, i have been reading a lot lately on infant sleep and am noticing many glaring mistakes i am making with dd that we are going to try to correct now that i know.  tracy's books are good, but they leave out many key facts on sleep.  it is a very interesting subject and i recommend (for those of you with spare time-haha) reading a few extra books on babies and sleep so you can try to get to the root of the problems rather than pu/pd until your arms fall off.
Lindsey, just curious as to what were some of the mistakes you were making?  I never could do pu/pd for just personal preference so I can't say that I tried it even.  Can you tell me the name of the book?  I guess I do have a little extra time. :wink:

This last week has been really tough for Jadyn with her top teeth.  Yes, she finally has the top two out!!! Yeah.  :D  THe first one was really tough and the second one is out but not as much as the first one.  She woke at night 2 or 3 times for almost a week.  I noticed a lot of you are also experiencing night wakes as well so I can sympathize.  I think we did a lot of AP during that time, bringing her into our bed, bfing her back to sleep, rocking her to sleep (daddy did this).  Good news is this morning she woke up at 7:38am happy and she went to bed last night at 7:45pm and it took 3 mins to sleep on her own and never did make a peep during the night.  Only thing is she's been pooping in the middle of the night.  I'm really thinking about dropping her df, even though her solids are not quite in place.

I can't tell if our AP has affected her clinginess as we can't leave her to play by herself most of the time.  I can't even set her down in her exersaucer to play.  She gets these big tears in her eyes.  Just when I thought her separation anxiety was almost gone. :?

Uh oh husband needs the computer.  Gotta go.  Will write more later.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 12, 2005, 20:07:17 pm
Well we are over 9 months now and there is still no sign of crawling!  She moves mostly by rolling but pushes herself forward wtih her toes.  Sure makes things easier on me that she is not crawling!  She still can't sit herself up on her own either.  DH was really slow in these areas so I think that she is taking after him.  He didn't crawl until over 10 months and didn't walk until he was 15 months! 

We went through that stage for a long time with Reegan getting up at 5:30 but now it is 6:30/7:00.  She just outgrew it or somehting but she still gets up around 5 to get a snack.  I don't mind this since I have supply issues.  I think it helped that she started napping better.  She is now going 1 nap 1 1/2 and the 2nd nap has been over 2 hours  :D !  It throws the eating off a bit but that is fine wiht me.  I am just so happy because she has never been this good.  I have to say that I go through the nap/nighttime routine and lay her down and leave.  If she does cry I let her go for a few minutes before I go back in and then just comfort her and leave again.  I know that this is not BW but when we were gettin up 10/12 times a night for over a month I had to do something different.  THis got her sleeping almost through the night and she very rarely cries and if she does is just a little fussing.  I still feel bad about doing this but turns out that it is what she needed. 

We are still having BM 4 times a day.  I don't think that I will drop one until we are ready to quit.  I think this is different then a bottle but that is my input. 

Reegan's favorite toy besides her treasure basket is the Fisher Price Aquarium bowl with teh balls in it.  She has loved it since she was a month old.  Now she loves to take the balls in and out and throw them.  It is such a great toy!  She also loves her baby mcdonald on teh Farm book.  When I pull it out she gets so excited and screams.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 12, 2005, 21:41:59 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
i always do this...i write a long post then forget to ask the question i came here for!  this is a df question...for those of you who've dropped it.

gianna lately has just been plain refusing it. she is always asleep but turns her head and won't latch on.  so i just put her down.  is it ok to drop it cold turkey like this?  i have no idea how much she takes at the df as she is EBF.  i just don't want her to start waking any earlier in the am because she is hungry.

Yes!  We had to drop the dream feed cold turkey.  All of a sudden, Nathan just refused it, even though we tried again for several more nights.   :?   At first, he would wake middle of night, probably hungry.  But, after a few days, he slept through pretty well (until the last few weeks, where he has been screaming 2-3 times a night.  Hmmmm.  Don't think that is hunger related though).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 13, 2005, 00:01:45 am
Lindsey - what books did you read?  Like kathy, i can't do pu/pd (dd gets really mad and vomits when I did it once) and lately b/c of the nightwakings i have been feeding/holding her back to sleep.  I sometimes wish that I can just bring dd into bed with me but she thinks that our bed is her play zone.   We dropped that df cold turkey and she slept very well 11-12hrs except the usual milestones, illnesses, etc.  Even now, when her intake during the day is low (ie by at least 8 oz) she won't take the df when it is offered.  She just turned her head away. 

Quote (selected)
Well we too are all over the map still... dd's latest is standing in her crib CONSTANTLY!  She's up all hours and won't nap easily...

Don't you just hate it!   :twisted:   Once dd is on her feet, I know that she will not settle by herself.  This is where I usually have to hold her till she is semi asleep.  Makes you think that all that hard work you did before just went down the drain b/c of all these milestones.  I was talking to a mom here, and she said that it is nothing - wait till they can climb out of the crib/bed!!!!  Oh boy!!! :roll:  :roll:

Well, here's the latest news for us.  DD can climb up the stairs and will take about 5 steps while holding my hands.  Her latest trick is to get on her tippy toes and try to reach for something on the counter.  Of course, she did fell several times but did that deter her from it?  Nooooo.... I have one stubborn little monkey!!! :lol:

I have decided to head back to work but asked my manager for a less stressful position and she said yes.  This would mean the pay is less and the commute to my new branch (I work for the bank) will be farther than before but I think taht it will be worth it.  Also, i just found out that they have job sharing.  It's good to know this just in case I want to work part time.  Anyway, fil and mil are visiting and I need to clean the house!  I hate being judged by my ils!

Hve a great weekend!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 13, 2005, 00:04:01 am
MomtoRee - Glad to hear your lo grew out of the 5:30 wake time.  THere's hope for us! :)   I am going to work on getting my lo back to sleep, but I don't have a lot of time to work with on week days.

Glad to see other I'm not the only one who doesn't stick strictly to BW techniques.  My lo has always done things that don't quite fit the scenarios in the book.  PU/PD was never very effective for us, probably because I was never very comfortable with it.

Kathy- Glad Jadyn finally got her teeth.  It sounded like she was in a lot of pain with those.  Susana's still haven't come out, although they are right at the surface.

Jenn - I feel your pain on the bad nap days.  Susana hasn't napped well at all since she started at the sitters so our evenings are usually pretty miserable. 

Susana likes the Crawl and Flutter bee.  (I think that's what it's called)  I made her a treasure basket and she's really into that now.  She also loves her little activity table.  I don't know what brand it is, a friend gave it to me. 

Well, I'm off to bed early since I haven't had much sleep this week and I'm expecting I'll probably get a 5 am wakeup call.  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 13, 2005, 14:30:09 pm
Me again.  Last night was awful, but I think we're making progress.  I put my dd down right after bottle last night.  At first she laid right down and I thought she'd go right to sleep, but then she popped up and started fussing.  I sat with her, tried not to pick her up too much, but after about 15 min. she was still crying.  I decided to give her Motrin just in case her teeth were hurting, the top two are right at the surface.  She cried hard with me in the room for about 15 more minutes and then went to sleep.  She slept well until 3 am when she woke up crying.  I did the same routine as before bed, but she stayed up until 4:30.  :? After that, she slept until 6:30, which is a big improvement for us lately.

This morning I tried really hard to get her to sleep before she got too sleepy.  I put her down at 8:15 and left the room.  She fussed a little but went to sleep on her own by 8:30.  She only slept 45 min., but she had a poopy which I think woke her.  I tried getting her back to sleep for another 45 minutes and then got her up.  Let's hope tonight is easier!  Now I just have to train the sitter so she doesn't undo all my hard work. 

 What's the longest you guys have given a pain reliever?  I think someone asked that not too long ago, but I can't remember the response.

Mimi- Your work situtation sounds great.  I sure wish I could do something less stressful.   I'm a teacher and I've been in districts where you can job share, but my current district doesn't do that.  The hours of my job are great, but the problem is it's impossible to do everything in the hours you are required to be there because you're with the kids all day.  That means I end up bringing a lot home or not getting it done, both of which are very stressful.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 13, 2005, 21:09:20 pm
the books i have read so far are "healthy sleep habits, happy child" by marc weissbluth and "sleeping through the night" by jodi mindell.  both were very dry reads, often repetitive, but i did learn many interesting and helpful facts about sleep.  yesterday i got another book i ordered online called "good night sleep tight" by kim west.  this one seems to be a little more interesting to read and also is very informative.  all 3 books suggest different ways of dealing with sleep issues, so you can choose one to try that is different from pu/pd.  actually one of the books cautions against pu/pd because that is still seen through the child's eyes as a reward for waking up. 
the biggest mistakes we are making are at bedtime.  lately, for the past couple of months, she has been falling asleep bf'ing with her lullaby cd playing in the background before bedtime.  i thought this was ok since she knew how to put herself to sleep for naps.  (plus i liked her falling asleep in my arms as that is the ONLY time i can cuddle her!!)  but this is a BIG no-no.  the books repeatedly bring out that how a child falls asleep at the beginning of a sleep period greatly affects their chances for waking up later and not being able to put themselves back to sleep.  also, the way we were responding to her in the night is wrong.  we were staying to comfort her way too long.  the books also bring out that you want to keep the comforting very brief, less than a minute, even if the child is still crying.  you do not want to reward the child in ANY way for waking.  it is ok to check on them but that's it.  "good night sleep tight" seems to have another effective way to deal with this called "the shuffle".  (in a nutshell, this involves parent sitting in a chair in child's room while child cries, progressively moving the chair out of the room over several nights).  we haven't had to use it yet, but it is an option to consider.   
so last night, we cut out the lullaby cd.  in a week or two, we are going to stop the bf'ing before bed.  or at least try to keep her awake through it.  i don't want to drop it right away because she just dropped the df so i want to make sure that goes well first.   she is still waking at night a few times, but the past couple of nights, she has gone back to sleep in a min or two without our intervention.  this am she woke at 5 though ( i think from hunger since we dropped the df).  but after i fed her, i put her down and she went back to sleep til 8 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  a first!!
sorry this is so long.  but i highly recommend these other books.  in addition to dealing with the wakings, they offer reasons for the root of the problem.  also, i bought all these books used through for less than $5 (plus shipping)...just a thought for those of you trying to save money!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 13, 2005, 23:43:00 pm
I have the Good Night Sleep Tight book by Kim West.  I am currently trying the shuffle.  I found today that during naptime it was better for me to just leave the room.  If I stayed by her crib she would just try to play.  I did it last night though at bedtime and in 35 minutes she was asleep.  (Down from an hour the past few nights.)  She woke at 3:00 am adn it took me a good hour to get her back to sleep, but I think she was having some teething pain and I waited awhile to give her Motrin.  Tonight I didn't even have to stay in her room.  I put her right down, she didn't fuss and I left.  So far she's still asleep, so we'll see how it goes tonight.  I found the suggestions in this book to be very similar to BW, but it gives you a few other things to try.  It also addresses slepp issues all the way up to age five.

Lindsey - let me know how it goes for you if you try it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 14, 2005, 00:05:34 am
Thanks Lindsey.  I've read the other two but haven't read the one by West.  I think that I should read them again.  I have a friend who swore by the book Babywise.  She said that her lo have been a great sleeper since 2 mos and she is almost a year now.  Anyone read it?  I've heard that it is very rigid.  Anyway, mil suggested that I start toilet training dd as dh was trained by 1 yr. :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 14, 2005, 00:30:34 am
Mimi-i read babywise before gianna was born and was totally ready to implement it.  i read it because 2 of the families i had nannied for in the past used it with all their children and all the children were excellent sleepers.  it is very rigid in that it suggests that from birth onward, you should put the child down awake and let the child cry itself to sleep, no matter how long it takes. 
however, i underestimated how hard it would be to hear the baby cry.  gianna was definitely not "by the book".  she would cry and cry in her little bassinet.  today i am so filled with guilt when i think back to how i let her cry so much at such a young age.  so after about a week of this, i couldn't take it.  that's when we began rocking her to sleep.  then i read tracys new book and we started with that around 2 months.
babywise is basically built on the same e-a-s routine, but is much more rigid.  so if you are already doing e-a-s, there is really no need to buy it in my opinion.  there are lots of other books that are more helpful than babywise.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 14, 2005, 01:18:26 am
Hey girls - it's hard to keep up with all these posts  :lol:

Sounds like a lot of you are having some troubles with nightwakings  :(   I wish I could help you....when they are waking up are they playing or crying right away?  I just ask because with my 2 kiddos, they would wake in the middle of the night and sometimes play for up til an hour  :shock:   Once and a while they would start to whine/cry...I force myself to watch the clock because 10 seconds feels like 10 minutes  :lol:   and they have always went back to sleep within 2 minutes..don't know if that helps at all but thought I would throw that out there.

Just wondering too.....what sippy cups are each of you using?  Did you start with that one or did you need to try a couple? Thanks!

Hey Phoebe...not quite sure what you mean by what the longest is I've given them....but if zoe is extremely fussy before bed when teething, I do give her motrin....and I would every night, when I know that it's teething  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 14, 2005, 03:15:19 am
Phoebe - You just described our little Jadyn last night.  She woke at 12:30am crying & would not go back to sleep.  I ended up bringing her into our bed :oops:  I swore that we would break that habit but it doesn't really bother me or my husband, so, I guess she's going to keep on coming in til her teething is done. :D

Sharon - I bet her saying 'Dadddy' is sooo cute.  I wished Jadyn would say something even close.  All she does is cooo like a dove.  We crack up listening to her coo. :lol:  I know what you mean by Ella pulling up on her crib.  Jadyn loves to do this when she is put down for sleep.  She also loves to stand up holding our headboard.  She is crawling everywhere.  I can't put her down without her getting into things off the floor.  She's pretty quick, too.  When I tell her to stop, if she's going to or trying to, she just looks back, grins and just keeps on going, FASTER.  :lol: She thinks it's funny.  I pretty much have to put her in her seat or hold her.

Today was crazy since her sleep was soo off last night.  She woke at 7:15am, after waking 12:30am and not going back down til 1:30am.  Then woke 5am and pat back to sleep within 5mins.  So her nap was after 3hrs after her wake at 10:15am, and of course she woke after 45mins, crying.  So I extended it in her sling and she slept til 1pm when I finally had to wake her. :shock:   So then I took her over to my sis's house while we went to see a movie and told her to get her to take a catnap around 4pm.  We get back at 6:45pm, and she did not take a catnap.  That means 5hrs wake time :shock:  :shock: She didn't cry or fuss the whole time.  She fell asleep on the way home at 7:15pm, so I gently put her in her crib when we got home.  She woke 8:10pm and I nursed her and she went back to sleep.  She's still asleep. I sure hope tonight she will sleep through.


I wanted to show a pic of her pulling up on our bed.  I was trying to put her pjs on and she won't sit still.  She just heads straight to the headboard. :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 14, 2005, 03:29:34 am
Ok I can't seem to load the pic.  Trying again
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 14, 2005, 03:32:38 am
Oh my word Kathy!!!! What a BEAUTIFUL little peach!  :D  Gorgeous!  :D  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: chell on August 14, 2005, 07:16:56 am
Hi My lo is Jacob George, and was born on 7th november. He is a little touhcy-textbook. The first few months were a real nightmare - colicy, windy, not wanting to sleep etc!! But now most stuff is sorted -thanks to the BW website (and my BW freind Rachel). My main difficulties now are dealing with Jacobs food allergies and eczema! Never mind I'll get there in the end!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 14, 2005, 13:50:18 pm had mentioned that it's best to leave the room to get the baby to sleep.

I have to put Connor down in his crib & leave.  If he is ready, he will nod off, if he's not ready he may play, or if he really fusses, we have to bring him out and wear him out a little...But ultimately, I cannot even be in sight for him to fall asleep...sometimes I make the mistake of peeking in, and he will see me (or hear me)...then wants to play with me..

During the day naps, because of the construction that's going on, I have to sometimes nap with him, but I literally have to 'nap'...I have to close my eyes and stay still---or he will want to play...

Our issue is still the night wakings, but it really isn't a good time to iron them out because of his mixed up day schedule from the construction, AND he is working on tooth # 6...he's been working on it for a while now, but it's finally starting to cut through.  I'm hoping once these two things are out of the road, we can start working on him..but the one thing I read, is that in order to get them to sleep well at night, you have to have their daytime schedule worked out, and it's just so out of whack now.

We took Connor to a restaurant Friday night...he was SO GOOD...he didn't make a peep...He was just so interested in all the activity and people, he would laugh out loud everytime somebody smiled or talked to him, so he was getting a lot of attention.

Last night, we took him to a birthday party, and again, he was as good as gold...Complete strangers (to him) were able to take him while I disappeared to get something to eat or go to the washroom, and he didn't even care that I had gone...and there were older boys (4 & 2) that were quite interested in playing with him (and they were a little rough), but he just laughed at he's becoming quite social...I was a little worried because for a while there he seemed scared of everybody.

Connor has been quite pleasant even with cutting this tooth, he's had a few crying spells at night...Doesn't it seem to bother them more at night????
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 14, 2005, 14:00:04 pm
By the way...Hi there will find this group quite interesting as all of the babies are at similar stages, and quite often we are all dealing with similar issues at the same time.

Food Allergies....what is your baby allergic to, and how did you find are you dealing with it?

It is highly likely that Connor has a peanut allergy.  I discovered this after me having a piece of toast & peanut butter, then 15-20 minutes later started playing with him, and I was kissing his belly and chest. He immediately broke out in lip shaped hives everyplace my lips had touched.  The dr has just told me to avoid all products that could contain nuts until he can be tested (she said at 18 months).  This has me nervous, as I don't know what the extent of it is, and the daycare that he will be going to is not a peanut-free place...I've read articles saying that indirect external contact reactions can indicate a serious problem, and that further exposure could lead to more serious reactions.  We've banned peanut butter and peanuts from our house...but it's in everything!!!
Title: peanuts
Post by: zayandme on August 14, 2005, 14:08:19 pm
I've heard that the more they stay away from peanuts at a very young age, the higher the chances of them just growing out of it. If they are exposed to peanuts often while very young, it will only aggravate a peanut allergy. My nephew seemed allergic at 12 mos, my sister kept him away from peanuts for a year and he's been fine since (3 years later). May not happen for you, but it very well could!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on August 14, 2005, 16:00:06 pm
hey there. just wanted to check in quickly..turned my back for 5 minutes and there`s about 5 more pages of stuff here..but all good....and that photo of jadyn is priceless. things are going pretty well here....still working on the tooth though. i`ve given tylenol or motrin every night before bed for mmmm probably the last 3 weeks. i know it sounds terrible but my doctor said it was ok and the nights i decide not to do it, she wakes a few hours later and i have to give it to her anyway. the fact she sleeps through fine when i give it to her tells me it must be pain bothering her, so i kind of feel ok about it, but still a little guilty. but then if it really does hurt for them as much as i`m told, then i don`t feel so bad. oh dear. i don`t know. anyway, i just wondered if some of the night wakings some people are going through might be because of the pain. teething definitely causes the random wakings and then taking a long time to get back to sleep for us. new discovery...NUBY sippy cups....they`re fantastic!!..georgia really was having trouble with the previous 2 types we tried over the last month or so, and then i gave her a NUBY a couple of days back and she`s figured it out already and is nearly holding it on her own...they`re unspillable but don`t have a valve to fiddle with.

on the night wakings stuff....i do the hand on her back until she interaction/eye contact/talking....leave the room when she`s stopped crying (normally just a minute or so)...then wait for 5 minutes when she starts crying again and then go in and do it again. she can`t get herself to sleep with me in the room, but can get herself settled and stoped crying..the longest i`ve had my hand on her back was about half an hour, normally now it just takens a moment or so. i`m really really cynical about gina ford just because of the leave them crying thing and she just seems such a stickler. and i haven`t done the PU/PD...just didn`t think it would work for us. mind you, we haven`t had to face the nightwakings due to sitting/pulling up yet, so i may be singing a different tune then.  :lol:

ok breakfast time...
Title: standing?
Post by: zayandme on August 14, 2005, 16:50:49 pm
My LO just learned to crawl 2 weeks ago, and already seems like he is "done with it". This week he's begun pulling himself up on things and acts like he wants to take steps. Does it usually happen this fast? I was so glad when he started crawling cause the development was causing him to wake at night, have trouble napping, fussy, etc. Now I feel like we're starting that all over again!

Are any of your lo's standing? Walking? How long have your lo's been crawling, how long did it take to get to standing, and then from standing to walking?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 14, 2005, 17:24:31 pm
My lo started crawling right before she turned 7 months.  She's 7 and a half months now and is trying to pull up on everything.  She has been trying to pull up since she started crawling, but just got the hang of it last week.  Her balance is still a little off, but it's amazing the difference I notice each day.  For instance, a couple of days ago she would hold on for dear life with both hands once she was up, now she lets go with one hand.   It's scary how fast they change.

I think a lot of our night waking is from teething too.  But before now, I had been doing whatever I could to get her back to sleep.  Now that I'm being more consistent, it's easier to know when it's probably teething and not just tiredness. 

Glad to see someone else is giving Motrin for a long time.  My dd's top two teeth seemed to come up to the surface weeks ago, but still haven't cut through.  We were at the doctor the other day and he said they are definitely right there.  I wasn't sure about giving her Motrin for this long, thought maybe I was wrong about the teething.  I haven't given it to her every night, but have been using it pretty frequently.  Her first two teeth came pretty quick.  She stopped napping well for a few days, was unbelieveably fussy one day and then two days later the first one had cut through the gum.  These are taking much longer. :(

Kathy - Jadyn is so cute.  I hope the teething gets better soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 14, 2005, 17:33:32 pm
My ds is into everything also.  Pulling up, trying to open the fireplace glass doors (got to find a lock for them), and just started standing on his own for about 10 seconds, until he realizes it and drops to the ground.

We are still dealing with night wakings.  Starting 3 weeks ago, he wakes 2-3 times a night SCREAMING.  Sometimes it takes an hour to get him back to sleep.  We ruled out ear infection and no sign of another tooth yet.  I'm starting to wonder if he could have night terrors this young???

Yes, I loooove the Nuby sippy cups.  Inexpensive too...   :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: momtomiya on August 14, 2005, 18:42:52 pm
O.K. so this nightwaking stuff is normal!! I thought our dd was having nightmares because I could not figure out why she would wake up during the night and cry (tears, pouting, screaming) all in deep sleep. I took a peek at her gums today and lo and behold there was the answer ... two bottom teeth making their appearance  :shock: !!  Rushed out today to buy baby orajel and will try it tonight. She is fine during the day, it's at night when the trouble starts. We gave her baby tylenol last night and that seemed to work for a bit.  Now I'm prepared for tonight and I'm hoping those bottom teech wil come through soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 14, 2005, 20:42:07 pm
sounds like you and I are completely on the same page. Isaiah's been waking every night this week, and we thought it was an ear infection too. I see he's teething (though mine's working on numbers 7 and 8!), but he's also been tugging on his ears and stuff-?
I've found motrin works better for us than tylenol. Works longer and seems stronger. In fact, if its nearing bed time and the motrin still has a while to wear off, we'll give him tylenol in the interrim.
Yes, sometimes I feel bad giving him so much pain reliever, but then I think about when I've got cramps or something else painful and realize I'm just doing what is best for us to take care of him.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 15, 2005, 12:07:33 pm
Im real intersted to know when this night waking and early waking is gonna stop. I mean DD used to sleep all night and stay asleep to at least 7:30. I guess my guess is after teething stops? So Im glad she started early and already has 8 or 9 in. Ive kinda gone back to the way I slept when she was a newborn, expecting to be woken up so I sleep with one ear open.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 16:06:23 pm
yeah- except last time I checked i had a mouth FULL of teeth  :D  So when does teething stop?!?!
Isaiah is working on teeth 7 and 8, and teeth 1-4 were just HORRIBLE, but I do have to say I barely noticed him getting teeth 5 and 6.
I don't see any pattern, I just know this is pretty tiring! a mother's work is never done... :)

(and i know what you mean about them being such good sleepers! I don't know how many teeth your lo has, but between teething my lo went back to sleeping well.)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 15, 2005, 16:08:03 pm
Did everyone manage to get some sleep?  Peter had a horrible night on Saturday - dh had his poker game and while they weren't terribly loud Peter is just not a deep sleeper so he was up for close to 3 hours  :shock: 

Other than that things are good.  We decided to start the early potty training with Peter.  I read an interesting book called Early Start Potty Training by Linda Sonna, and after reading it I was even more convinced to give at a try.  She sites some interesting studies that said babies starting between 6 and 9 months were generally done around 15 months.  I figure at the very least it will just get us both in the routine that much earlier and cause less resistance in the long run.  My timing has been pretty good 1 poop and 1 pee since starting yesterday afternoon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 16:09:48 pm
ah! I am so excited to hear this about the early potty training. Let's some of us do it together- In fact, we should probably start a new thread? Where would we do that?
I think I'll start next week.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 15, 2005, 16:11:41 pm
When does the pulling up on everything and standing stop?????  Poor Jadyn has bruises on her face from hitting things when she pulls up.  She gets really brave and lets go of one hand and just stands there like she's all that. :lol: She loves to pull up on her high chair but keeps on hitting her face on the legs of it. :(

Something that's weird is that she's been pooping so much lately, esp at night.  I thought at first it was the df, and I know it's time for me to stop her df since she's 7mos.  So I bit the bullet and no df last night!  Guess what??? No wake or a single sound til this morning at 7:10am and I had my husband go & wake her since I had to take Lexi to her first day of Kindergarten!!! I couldn't believe it.  Cold turkey on df.  Now that I wrote it she'll probably wake 3 times tonight :lol:  I'm really kinda sad about it since I don't get to do that last snuggle and I'm gonna have to pump before I go to bed so I don't soak my bed from being so full.  :roll:

Gotta go, she just woke up.

p.s. Hang in there everyone on these pesky nightwakings.  This too shall pass. :D  hopefully sooner than later.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 15, 2005, 16:14:53 pm
me again.

For early potty training, is 7.5 mos too young to start?  I would love to get in on this.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 16:20:31 pm
in tbwsayp book she says 9 mos
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 16:44:48 pm
sorry- had a crying baby on my hip for that last one. Yeah, in the BW solves ayp, she talks about starting at 9 months. But I haven't found anyone on the website who has done this, and I have a feeling we're one of the first groups of BW's who have hit 9 months since the book came out, so I think we'll be trailblazers.
Kathy, let us pave the way and you can join in in a couple months!
Pete's mom- I'm going to see if my local library has that book. Thanks!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on August 15, 2005, 17:28:24 pm
i`m in on the potty training...went and bought a potty last week. am scared to start, so would love to do it as a group. how about we start a thread on the potty training forum and see what happens. thanks for the tip on the book..i`m also going to go check out the library. and yay!!! on the dreamfeed. once you get used to it it`s kind of nice not to have to do it i promise....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 17:37:05 pm
Okay. I'm going to go start  a thread there- I'll title it "Training 9-12 months", alright?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 15, 2005, 17:46:36 pm
I'm all for doing this as a group effort!  I thought I maybe the only one interested. 

Kathy, I think you would be fine to start if you wanted as long as Jadyn is sitting well, although why would she want to sit when she can so easily pull herself up  :D .  The book I read broke things out into sections ie 0-6 months :shock: and then 6-18 months, etc...  It also talks about how babies do develop control of the muscles at anywhere from 6-9 months.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 15, 2005, 18:29:39 pm
I'm in on the potty training!  :D  See you there!


oh and we're having TERRIBLE sleep problems too! She pulls up on everything all day and night.... :?  :wink:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 15, 2005, 18:37:09 pm
'Con'-man is almost 9 months old...but I don't think he's ready...he can sit up okay, but can't sit himself up, and launches himself backwards or sideways just for the fun of it sometimes...can't crawl...can't pull himself up...I think he's got a good thing going, he just gets mommy to do all this for him...

Tooth # 6 is breaking through...he's having a rough go of it...he's even got the runny-poo-poos to go along with it...I've read that alot of you swear by motrin..we have been using tylenol, but I went out and bought some motrin today..we will give it a try this evening........

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 15, 2005, 18:43:18 pm
Yeah, love that motrin. wish I'd heard about it with teeth 1 and 2! Thankful I did find it, though!

Okay all you early pt'ers! Join me in "Toddler: Potty training: Toilet Training at 9-12Months"

Anyone got an early walker or an older sibling out there? How long did your little one take to go from standing to first steps?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 15, 2005, 18:55:52 pm
gee, you turn your back for one second on this thread and you have to invest an hour to read all the pages you missed!!  it's great.  i'm glad we seem to have a lively, active one!!

kathy-that picture of jadyn is adorable.  we too recently dropped the df cold turkey.  gigi was refusing it while she was sleeping, so i figured that was the sign she was done.  she woke up super early the first few days that it was dropped.  she was hungry.  but i think now her body has adjusted and she is sleeping 7:30-at least 7:00!!!  woohoo!

Sheila-gianna woke screaming her head off too for about 3 nights in a row.  i guess it was when she was around 7 months or so.  i would go in and just pat her back and try to calm her.  then i'd try to walk out.  i think it was sep anxiety because when i'd try to leave, she'd scream harder.  so i was staying til she fell asleep.  sometimes this was hours.  but eventually it got less and less.  now she is still waking, but cries only 1-2 seconds, then goes back to sleep.  the books i mentioned in my last few posts give some helpful ways to deal with this.

phoebe-we alternated nights giving motrin and tylenol for about 2-3 weeks until her teeth were fully in. 

jen-we too are thinking about early potty training.  i will have to get that book you suggested.  it can't hurt to start now...i just have to go get a potty seat.

jill-gianna is 8.5 months and not crawling either.  not even a hint that she is going to make any sort of independent movement before she is able to vote!!!  sometimes it worries me, especially with all the mobile babies on this thread, but i am trying to take it in stride.

see you all in the potty training thread!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 15, 2005, 19:47:04 pm
hello ladies,
Well hannah has joined the night waking club...just when I was getting comfortable sleeping all night again. You forget quickly how trying and tired getting out of bed multiple times in the night makes you, even if it is just to go into the next room and tell them that they are okay.

It's amazing the developmental differences between the babies. Hannah only has one tooth and I keep reading about all these babies work on teeth 6,7 and 8. I can't believe we have 19 more to go.

Jill and Gigismom-Hannah isn't crawling yet either. I think it's because she's pretty laid back. She will pull herself up and loves to stand. She can't get herself into the seated position by either. Doctors say she is health and happy baby. I guess she will hit all the milestones when she is ready.

My mom encouraged me to buy a potty a few months back. She started my sister and I when we were 5 months. She said she wasn't potty training us at that time she was just adding a new activity to our routine. That's the way I look at it too. It's just another activity we do. So, right now all I do is put her on the potty first thing in the morning when I change her and I read to her there. Night time before her bath she sits on it again and we sing songs. In another month or so I will put her on it 1/2 after every meal and everytime she drinks something. There will be no pressure at all to perform.

Here is a picture of Hannah looking very serious outside
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 15, 2005, 22:21:21 pm
That picture is SO sweet!!! 

I am on board with the potty training thread!  Can't wait!   :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 15, 2005, 23:50:49 pm
Ok Everyone's got me wanting to try the potty training thing.  Kathy are you going to try now or wait until 9 months?  I figure we could start together since our dds were born on the same day.

Nightwakings are driving me crazy.  They would happen right after I had to return to work.  :? Just when I thought we were making progress on that, it took Susana almost an hour to fall back to sleep last night.  Up from 35 min. the night before.  It was so tempting to just go hold her but I stuck with just sitting by her crib.  I even gave her the Motrin right when I went in her room thinking it might help her go to sleep faster, but no luck.

She was back at the sitter's today.  Took one 45 min nap in the morning and an even shorter one in the afternoon.   :(   She napped in the car on the way home.  Then tonight I had to go sit in her room before she would fall asleep.  The past two nights she went right down on her own.  I have talked to the sitter about the methods I'm trying to use, but I get the feeling she's only half listening.  I hope it works out because I don't know who else we could get to keep her at this point.  Anyone else have any problems with babysitter's being consistent?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 16, 2005, 01:41:10 am
What a darling picture of Hannah!! I love seeing the babies on here and what they look like. :D

Phoebe - I am going to start kinda potty training.  I pretty much know when she's going to go poop so I might as well put her on the potty when she first wakes as fun time, like Hannah's mom.  I will also put her on the potty at nighttime before bath as well.  Let me know if you want to do also.  We will keep each other posted. :wink:

I have to work a full day tomorrow 9-5:30pm and I am not looking forward to it.  I will have to pump at least once and I hate that she will have to take 2bottles and not bf from me. :(

Jadyn's solids for dinner is going great finally.  She ate & ate & ate tonight!!  I think she ate 5tbls of barley, 2cubes of veggies, 2cubes of peaches, about 10 chex pieces!!  She ate it all up.  Now if I can just get her to do that for breakfast & lunch.  I was cracking up yesterday.  I made her cereal and gave her a bite or two and then left to go & get her sippy cup.  I came back and could not find the cereal bowl & spoon.  It was nowhere.  I thought I was losing my mind!!  Finally I see Jadyn's hands all gooey :lol:  SHe had pretty much grabbed it and dumped it all over her.  She's pretty quick getting into things.  I should know better.

Well, she's down for the night and she was 'mmmmming' so I gave her Tylenol & Orajel.  She cried for about 10 mins off & on and finally fell asleep.  Hope she will sleep ok without her df. 

Here's some sleeping vibes for all you nightwaking babies.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 16, 2005, 12:58:18 pm
I'll join.  Mil been pressuring me to get her tp.  Apparently she takes care of dh's niece and she hates changing the diapers.  Sil got an earful everyday until her dd was finally tp after 10-11 mos at 22 mos.  I hope dd doesn't take that long to be trained.  I'm so to get a potty.  What are you ladies using?

phoebe - I'm with you her as well.  DD fell asleep in the car on the way home.  I drove an extra 20min to let her sleep as she has not been sleeping v well for naps or bedtime.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on August 16, 2005, 13:14:42 pm
Gee, am I the only one NOT interested in potty training right now? :?  :shock:  It would be nice to have both out of diapers, there's just too much else going on!  Praying we have the same experience potty training Z that we did with Stephen!  I had no problem training him just before he was 2.

We haven't been dealing with nightwakings, but he is waking at 7 (we put him down between 8:30 and 9 at night) and nurses then goes straight back to sleep.  It kinda screws with our day and when he does this, I can't schedule his and Stephen's naps at the same time.  Which means I'm "on duty" every second of the day or with only a short break.  Yesterday, he took a 3.5 hour nap and ended up skipping a feed AND lunch.  I thought for sure he would wake EARLY this morning, but he slept straight thru to 7 again.

Nothing terribly new here.  He can finally get himself into the sitting position from the crawling position.  And when I sing "Wheels on the Bus", he starts waving his arms in the cute!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 16, 2005, 22:51:24 pm
Well good news.  Susana slept throught the night last night.  She also took two fairly good naps today at the babysitter's.  Let's hope tonight goes well too.   :)

I guess I need to go get a potty this weekend.  I'd like to try this.  I figure the sooner we're out of diapers the better.  I went and bought a box at Sam's Club today and the price has gone up $5 since a month ago!  I'll just have to read a bit about it and see if I can manage it while working.  Mybe I can get my sitter to help out.

Susana is pulling up on everything!  I'm getting scared she's going to walk early.  Not really wanting that to happen too soon.  She has learned to "dance".  It is so cute, she just kind of bops around when music is playing.


We had kind of a scare tonight.  She started choking on a piece of cereal.  I could see it in the back of her throat, but was scared to reach in because I didn't want to push it farther back.  She was coughing so I left her alone and she finally cleared it, bu tit was a little scary.  I really need to renew my CPR and first aid certification just in case.

Hope everyone sleeps well.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 17, 2005, 00:46:00 am
Peter has a new trick - pulling himself up  :D   He had been pulling himself up to his knees for the past week or so, but just this evening he went all the way to standing.  I suppose this means I am in for him doing this all the time like Jadyn and Ella Rose...and given how much he liked to roll when he discovered he could do that, I think I will be in for big trouble....

Phoebe - how scary about the cereal incident.  Glad she is okay.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on August 17, 2005, 01:02:03 am
Wow I won't even try to catch up!

Dd has yet another ear infection :(   The Dr. isn't sure if the one from July just didn't clear up completely or whether it is a new one.  It doesn't help that she is popping 4  :shock:  top teeth through at the same time.  So aside from an ear infection, her mouth hurts and she has a nasty rash on her bum :cry:   Why is it htat some kids are just more prone to them then others (my other kids were 2 before they had their first)

Did read about the cereal incident.  How scary.  A good infant/Toddler first-aid course is truly a lifesaver.  My dd is into EVERYTHING the plants, a piece of who knows what under the table, grass, .......  I am constantly fishing something out of her mouth.

As for potty training, as soon as she can walk (which I think could be any day now :roll: ) we are going to start.  My experience has been that the earlier I start the easier it is.  I stupidly listened to my mil and waited on training dd2 and she was the hardest (and still isn't the best) to potty train.  It is much easier when they haven't already got set on their ways :!:

We finally put our new crib together and dd is/was sleeping 13 straight at night.  Up until now she had been in the bassinet and then the playpen. She is having the best time pulling herself up in the morning.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 17, 2005, 01:12:31 am
Just wanted to say I recently read up again on infant choking (dd choked on her bath water the other night... splashed herslef while laughing) and you did the right thing letting her cough. You don't begin trying to dislodge the object if theyre coughing. You let them try and bring it up because the coughing means the airway is only partially blocked. And you were right too with not trying to fish it out... it only pushes it in further. Nice work! How scary is it though! Dd turned bright red and dh had to turn her upside down on his forearm and do the back thumping thing. (he's trained in infant cpr thank God...)

Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time Dawn!  :cry:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 17, 2005, 12:06:16 pm
two nights in a row..its been 8:30 to about 6:40. Not exactly the 11 hours some say a baby of he age needs but Ill take it bc she had uninterupted sleep!

Im all about reading this potty training book, I plan on ordering it, but Im not quite on boars just yet. So many things going on in her life atm in my eyes! But Im def gonna follow up on everyones potty training threads.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 17, 2005, 13:02:48 pm
Quote from: alligirl
Gee, am I the only one NOT interested in potty training right now? :?  :shock:  It would be nice to have both out of diapers, there's just too much else going on!  Praying we have the same experience potty training Z that we did with Stephen!  I had no problem training him just before he was 2.

Not happening here either Alli....I figure if I can't be consistent I won't go full force.  And with working 3 days/week, I doubt my daycare would go along with it.  Although, with that said, I might put her on each time we get ready for a bath...that's always consistent  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 17, 2005, 19:08:01 pm
Well tooth number one is in and I think tooth number 2 is coming. How long does it usually take betwee each tooth? It's been about a week or so and the second one hasn't broken through yet.

Phoebe, sorry to hear about the incident. I just called red cross to sign up for a children's safety course. I have taken adult CPR and first aid but I wouldn't know what to do if Hannah started to choke.

Well the night wakings are so bad. It took an hour to get her to back to sleep last night. Ususally you put the paci in and she's out. Feel like a walk zombie today.

DD was weighed yesterday. She is 8 months 1 week and she is 16 lbs 14 ozs. Has anyone else noticed a decline in the rate of weight gain. I wasn't expecting it yet because she doesn't crawl.

Oh ya, doctor went through the developmental checklist and asked if she was clapping her hands, I said no because she hasn't even attempted that yet. She tries to wave bye bye sometimes but it's not consistent. Is anyone's lo clapping yet? just curious....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 17, 2005, 21:00:39 pm
I feel behind by not getting on here for a few days.  We aren't going to do the potty thing yet either.  I think that I am going to wait until she is at least walking to start it and when I can be consistent with it.  Good luck to all who are doing it!

We went to the Doctor for the 9 month checkup and Reegan is exactly 20lbs and 29 inches long.  Her weight has finally slowed down.

She is still not crawling but she pulled herself all the way up yesterday.  It only last about 2 seconds before she fell over but she made it up, once! 

Well I had a shower here this weekend and the second nap was a little late and that threw her off and now she is back waking up at night.  It's still only twice but I need my sleep before work.  This is way better than 10 times but I am so mad for not putting her down when she should have went down.  One day is all it takes to mess her up!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 17, 2005, 23:57:21 pm
Back to night waking again last night.   :(   Just once and she was back asleep in 30 min., but I was so hoping that phase had passed, at least for awhile.  Still no top teeth, though when I looked today, it seemed like there are four coming in instead of just the two middle ones.  It seems like they are never going to cut through though.

Thanks for the advice on the choking.  I used to be trained in CPR, so I remembered that as long as they are coughing you leave them alone, but you just feel so helpless sitting there. 

Can I just say my child seems to be developing at lightning speed right now?  It's kind of scary.  Last week she couldn't really pull up on her own too well.  This week, not only can she pull up on everything, but she's cruising and trying to let go too!  :shock:  :shock:   She actually let go with both hands and balanced for a second today.

With the weight gain.  My lo slowed down too before she was really crawling.  Her appetite decreased around then too.  She has started taking a little more formula the past few days but is only taking around 24 oz.  She doesn't really eat all that much in the way of solids either, but as long as she's gaining, I try not to worry.  I couldn't believe how much Jadyn ate the other night!  Susana doesn't eat anywhere near that.  She is really into the finger food right now.  She doesn't seem to want to eat anything from the spoon.  Anyone else have that problem?  Baby cannot live by Cheerios alone.  :)  I'm trying to figure out what other finger foods I can give her that I don't have to worry about her choking on.  So far we've done well with cooked carrot bits and  Toasted Oats(like Cheerios).  I was going to try the teething biscuits Lindsey recommended, but they contain milk and Susana is MSPI.  I found another brand I'm going to try.  Other than that, I can't really think of much else to give her right now.

Potty training - think I'm going to wait a little while and let some of you be the guinea pigs.  :wink: I think I'll give it a try around 9 months.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 18, 2005, 01:41:59 am
Here are some suggestions I got for finger food.  Rice puffs, very soft pasta (bows, inch long spagetti, shells, etc.), peas, beans, bits of soft fruits, grated cheese, homemade dried fruits (no preservatives and no extra sugar) bits of bread and baked potatoes/yams fries.  Of course if you want extra fibre try paper (it's dd favorite!)   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 18, 2005, 18:08:01 pm
Well aside from last night (gianna was crying on/off from 2:!5-3:30), we are doing great with night sleep.  for a few nights, we haven't heard a peep from her all night.  but we have the same problem as morgan...she doesn't usually sleep over 10 or 10.5 hours a night...
our early am wakings seem to be returning!  i am really at a loss as to what to do about them.  does anyone else's lo cycle through regular am wakings (6:30 or later) and really early wakings (5 am or so)?  i don't do anything differently during the days but it seems sometimes she wakes at a decent hour and sometimes she is ready to go way before the rest of mankind.
i guess mine is the only one NOT developing at lightning speed.  i am getting concerned.  i think i will have lots of issues to address with our pediatrician next week.
jen-i love the picture of pete.  his cheeks look VERY squishable!!
mimi-how do you make dried fruit at home?  what fruits do you use?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 18, 2005, 19:02:34 pm
Lindsey - apples, mangoes and peaches are cut into thin slices and baked in the oven at 100 -120 F for about 2 -3 hrs.  Or you could buy a food/fruit dryer.  I just make sure that I leave the oven door slightly open to let the air circulate.    DD loves the mangoes.  I suggest that you use the smaller yellow mangoes from the Philipines - they have less strings.

Well, today i left dd with my mom for the whole day.  We'll see what happens tonight.   Fingers crossed!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 18, 2005, 19:18:52 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
i guess mine is the only one NOT developing at lightning speed.

Mine isn't either, so you're not the only one  :D   I catch myself getting concerned but I don't think there is any reason to yet...if that makes you feel better at all  :D  :wink:


Want to add too....though Zoe isn't doing things as quickly as John did...she does excel in other things where John didn't...really has helped me understand that every baby is different and do things when they're ready  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 18, 2005, 23:04:07 pm
sorry mimi but one more do you store the fruit once it is dried?  fridge, freezer or shelf?  and how long is it good?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on August 18, 2005, 23:54:07 pm
don`t worry about the development stuff...we`re still in the slow lane and quite happy crawling, no pulling up, no signing...she`ll get there when she`s ready....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 19, 2005, 00:08:57 am
Lindsey- I wouldn't worry about Gianna not crawling yet.  I have a friend whose baby didn't crawl until 10 months or so and he's over a year now and still showing no signs of walking.  She jokes that he's too lazy. :) Consider yourself lucky, mobile babies are tiring! 

Susana does the same thing with waking.  I'll send you a pm with more details.

I made sweet potato fries in the oven the other day for finger food.  They got really dry though.  Any suggestions for how to cook those without them drying out?  Thanks for all the finger food suggestions.  I haven't introduced a lot of those foods yet, but I'll try them once I do.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 19, 2005, 01:14:25 am
The dried fruits are stored in zip-lock bags and they can keep for about 4-5 days, if dh let them last that long!   :wink:   Those are tough as i sometimes over baked them and they do get dry.  i've found that if I cut them a little thicker ( thickness of little finger), them tend to be just right.

Well, dd did not nap at all today.  Just got her down for bed so we'll see how things go.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 19, 2005, 13:59:00 pm
Well the second tooth is through. Hopefully the night wakings will also come to an end.  Some mornings Hannah also wakes up pretty early (6 am). Usually I just lay on the floor with her when this happens. She's not crawling yet either. However, she is starting to lunge  forward from the sitting position, could this be the start ?

It's so hard to get to bed at a descent time. DD is in bed by 8 but then the laundry needs to be done and all the other house hold chores need to be completed. I don't know how on earth all this stuff will get done once I am back to work.

Mimi-with the dried fruit, does your lo manage to bite off big pieces or is it pretty tough too?

We are also trying to go from 3 naps to 2 but some days she just can't seem to make it when she gets up so early, anyone else having this problem?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 19, 2005, 18:02:23 pm
hannah's mom- gianna started lunging foward from the sitting position yesterday too.  she seems to want to move, but is afraid to.  we too struggle to get by on 2 naps although for the past few days, we've managed to do so.  how old is hannah?  gianna schedule when she wakes early looks like this:

6am wake time
8:30-10:00 nap
10-1 or 1:15 wake time
1:15-3:00 nap
3:00-7:15 wake time
7:15 bedtime

sometimes she can make it on these 2 naps.  other times if she seems really tired or the second nap is short, i will drive her around in the car to get her to take a catnap, never ending after 5 pm or bedtime is a struggle.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 19, 2005, 18:06:27 pm
Lindsey, Reegan is over nine months and still not crawling.  The dr said her guess is that she is mobile enough without it and said not to worry.  She guessed that she wouldn't walk until 15 months or so from the looks of it  :shock: .  Makes my life a lot easier.  I can still run upstairs to gather laundry and know that she can't get too far rolling  :D

On a great note Reegan slept from 7:30 until 6:30!!!!!!!  This is only her 8th time to make it through the night and it has been a month since she last did it.  Just in time to go down to my parent house for a weekend trip.  Oh well, at least I go one full night of sleep but I was up from 5:30 wondering if she was going to want to eat because I was so full of milk I was uncomfortable.  She had to pick the one night I didn't pump before I went to bed!  I'm not complaining though, I would love for the this to continue. 

Hope everyone has restful weekends!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 19, 2005, 18:26:29 pm
Yesterday, and today, Connor is OBSESSED with turning over onto his tummy and trying to move about (more by wiggling than anything)...I think this is his first step towards crawling.  He wants to be on his tummy all the time...he's even sleeping on his's been causing problems because I put him in bed on his back, facing the appropriate direction, and he winds up sideways across the bed on his tummy, wedged with no room to move.

No more putting him on the spare bedroom bed, he's all the sudden too mobile.

Tooth number 6 is in.. :D

So, the sleeping is a little better, however, he still wakes up doing his 'help me I'm starving to death...I'm not gonna make it' scream...(like I said ---'CON'nor artist...)

Construction should be done today or monday, then we have to paint, then they will come back and do the it should start to be a little quieter...

We recently got professional photos done...I'm using them for my ticker & avatar....what do you think???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 20, 2005, 02:11:28 am
Dd can't really bite as she just cut two teeth and the top in beginning to cut as well.  What she does is suck on it to soften it and then gum little bits off.  It will take her about 10 min to eat a slice (pea pod size).

have a great weeken everyone!  Sending everyone sleep vibes!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 20, 2005, 02:44:38 am
Ella lunged for a few days before she actually tried to crawl... It's crazy now trying to keep her out of everything! We thought we had baby proofed the house but holy! She finds everything that she shouldn't!  :lol:

She slept last night from 7:30 to 6:30 as well but won't go down so easily tonight... :cry: I'm also wishing everyone good sleeps!

And gorgeous pictures of Connor! He's a real sweetheart.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 20, 2005, 12:59:52 pm
Susana slept from 6:15 last night to 6:00 this morning!  Good thing because I've come down with a cold and really needed to sleep.  She is fighting her nap right now though.  I put her down a little after 8:00 and she's still in there whining.  I went in to try to settle her bur she just wanted to be picked up and got mad if I wouldn't so I left .  Her grandmother and great grandmother were here yesterday.  I have a feeling they held her to sleep while I was at work.  :? Oh well what can you do?

Hope everyone else got some sleep.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 20, 2005, 14:13:49 pm
Gigismom-hannah's schedule looks like this
7 am wake up
activity til 9 am
then I throw her in the jogging stroller for 1/2hr
nap 9:30 to 11
activity 11-1:30 (trying to extend until 2)
sleep 1:30 to 3:30
activity till 7:00
sleep 7:30

I feed her at between 5-6 am and she goes back to sleep until 7. She just can't seem to make it until 7. But I am not going to complain because she always goes back to sleep.  She is still lunging forward and falling flat on her face time and time again. DH keeps catching her. I told him that why I put the pillows there and eventually she will put her hands out to stop herself and get into the crawling position. She never cries because she does land on a pillow (most of the time)...DH is very overprotective of her.

pdb-I made sweet potato fries too, I put them in a little water and wrapped them in tin foil and they turned out pretty well.

Well we have tonnes of company coming I better make my way to the kitchen and start cooking..

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 21, 2005, 01:05:57 am
Ladies...wish me luck!

Now is the time...Connor isn't teething, the construction is done, he's napping, and he is eating a tonne in the day...

His bottle has become his soother...there is no way he needs to be eating two or three times in the middle of the night.

This is my plan...I'm going to try to comfort him by any means I can, except for giving him a bottle, or bring him into bed with me!...if I must resort to giving him a bottle, I will give him a watered down one.  PU/PD doesn't seem to work as he gets too upset, so I'm going to try to comfort him within the confines of his room, if that doesn't work, we will have to take a tour of the house....

Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 22, 2005, 11:26:22 am
So...both nights Connor woke up 'hungry'...I picked him up...attempted Pu/Pd...however he would freak everytime I put him down...I refused to give him formula.  After a while though, I did 'give in' and give him a bit of watered down pear juice (which wasn't what he wanted, but calmed him down).

My I correct in thinking that he will get the idea that waking up and not being able to get back to sleep for an hour and a half eventually won't be worth it for something he really doesn't want???

I attempted to give him a soother, but he hates them...I tried to give him other toys to chew or suck on, and that worked for a few minutes, but then he would chuck them out of his crib...I also tried giving him an empty bottle, just so he could suck on the nipple, that worked for a few minutes, but he would chuck it out of his crib.

By the way, he is one of the 'spirited' babies...he started out angel/spirited, but now is more on the spirited side...I found that when he was starting to unravel, I have to get in there before it was an all out temper-tantrum.  I find Pu/Pd frustrates him even more....

Does anybody have any suggestions??  Any other 'spirited' lo's with sleep issues?

Hey, guess what?...he has started crawling BACKWARDS a bit...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 22, 2005, 14:39:35 pm
Yeah, I would say stick with the non-formula or ebm at night. Just do watered down pear juice for a couple days and then just water. At some point I would also say that you need to spend less and less time in his room and just lay him down. But that may take a while to get to that point.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 22, 2005, 14:44:08 pm
AND, ah, I don't know if any of you noticed my post on the potty training thread, but
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 22, 2005, 15:57:32 pm
Hi, everyone,

Congrats Sarah!!! That leaves me kinda wondering how quickly one can get pregnant.  Your lo is 9mos?  Hmmm.  Only about 18mos apart?  Is the aaahhhhh shocked or happy??? :D

Jillybean - I love your pics.  He is a sweetie.  I hope little Connor will take something and not 'throw' it over his crib. :D  I'm visualizing his tossing everything in retaliation.  Too funny :lol:  :lol:  Have you given him a lovey with your scent on it?  Jadyn still HAS to have her lovey with my scent on it to go to sleep.  She puts it over her eyes & cheeks to go to sleep.  It's so sweet.

Well, let's catch up here on our sweet Jadyn.  Her teeth are completely out and she's dropped the df, but she's waking at 5:30am or 6am.  6am I can handle, but  5:30, no way.  She does go back to sleep most of the time til around 7 or 7:30 after she nurses, with me :oops:   But she is still pooping at night times and I just don't know how to stop that.  Sharon & Cazao, I saw your replies to my "Pooping at NIght" in the Solids forum.  Cazao, sorry, but like Sharon,  :lol:  :lol:  on the bath & poop. 

Jadyn is finally picking up the Cheerios by herself & putting it in her mouth.  Her little fingers are like little claws and picks it up and puts it right in her mouth.  Her drinking sippy cup is hit or miss these days.  She still prefers to drink from my glass. :roll:  She is crawling fast and won't sit still anywhere, anytime.  Will pull up all day if she could, including in the crib.  I think I've created a little monster in rubbing her back.  She used to go right to sleep, but now she does this little cry like "don't leave yet.  Keep on rubbing, mom"

How's everyone else's early wakings?  Is it getting better?  Please tell me my 7am riser is just around the corner???

Hope you guys had a great weekend and lots of late sleep vibes going out...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 22, 2005, 16:15:37 pm
oh, no, its a shocked "aaaahhhh".  Was charting and thought we were "protected" when I got pregnant with Isaiah. Looks like we may have had another mishap. Don't want to give TMI, but we know people who used protection for years and didn't get pregnant- if I'm pregnant now our batting average is pretty low!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 22, 2005, 22:58:54 pm
Susana seems to be split pretty evenly between spirited, touchy and textbook.  But when it comes to sleep, I'd definitely say she's spirited.   I have tried the techniques in the Good Night Sleep Tight book and they seem to be working pretty well for night wakings. (Naptime however, is another story.) 

I could never be consistent with PU/PD because it would get Susana so upset I couldn't stand it, not to mention I thought my arms were going to fall off after about 15 min.  Basically, what I did was go in when she woke and sat by the crib.  I did not pick her up unless she got very upset and then only until she calmed down.  The Good Night Sleep Tight book says you can pat them if you need to, but I found that doesn't really help Susana.  The less interaction the better.  The first night it took about an hour, the next night was down to 35 min.  Third night a little longer, but she has slept through since then.  The book says to move farther away from the crib every three days or your baby will become dependent on you staying by the crib.

Don't know if that helps any.  Good luck - sleep issues are definitely no fun.

Anyone have any suggestions on naps?  I'm at my wits end.  I have been very consistent with putting my dd down right when she's tired, but her latest thing is to fight sleeping for up to an hour.  Needless to say, she doesn't sleep very long once she does finally fall asleep, because she's overtired and it's getting close to eating time again.  I don't go in and get her, but she will stay in her crib and play with a little intermittant whining for an hour.  Occasionally, she'll go down easily, then wake up after 30 minutes and play in her crib for the next hour of naptime.  I've talked to the sitter about trying to be consistent with what I do.  I think she is, but of course can't be absolutely sure. 

We had the same problem on poops.  I think that's what started the early wakings.  The poops stopped on their own, but the early waking hasn't.  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 22, 2005, 23:45:55 pm
Jill- i love your new picture of Connor.  he is so cute!!  as for the sleep issues you guys have...phoebe already suggested the sleep lady techniques.  if this is not something you want to try, have you read tracy's "toddler" book?  in it, it describes a scenario with a 14 month old (i think) that had similar issues of waking up "hungry".  it gives a step by step process of how to wean from this.  i think the issues get more complex as the child gets older, so some of the info in the toddler book is a little bit modified to meet a toddler's needs instead of an infant's.

kathy-congrats on dropping the df!!  so nerve wracking isn't it?  gianna also woke early for the first few days after we dropped it, but now has resumed the "late" waking of 6 seems like the more people i talk to, the more that 6 am seems to be an average wake time for this age group.  i just dread the time change when it will be a 5 am wake up!!  but hopefully jadyn doesn't get the memo that all the other babies seem to have gotten (to rise so early!!) and goes back to her later wake ups!  also, gigi will ONLY drink out of our cups!!  the sippys are mainly used for throwing, beating the dogs, and chewing on.

phoebe-i am so glad that you are having success with the sleep lady techniques.  as for her naps, have you considered increasing her awake times?  how long is she up?  it seems like maybe she is not tired yet...?  i think gianna is a little older but for now our awake times are:
2.5 to 2.75 hours before 1st nap
3.25 to 3.5 hours before 2nd nap
4 hours til bed time
also, for us, it seems to help gianna sleep better if she gets her meal or at least a good snack 30-60 mins before the nap.  that's all i can think of on that subject.
zayandme-congrats on the suprise...if there is one.  i am not opposed to having another right now. 
if anyone has any extra time, check out my post on the "and then there were 2..." board.  my thread is called "contemplating TTC while dd#1 is 9 months-advice please!"...(or something to that effect)...would be interested to hear what anyone's thought are!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Kinlagh's Folks on August 23, 2005, 00:25:27 am
Hello there.  Sorry to steal your chat for a moment.  I have a question for moms of 10 month olds...  I will be travelling by plane with my dd when she is almost 10 months (in November).  And I'm wondering what your schedule is like at that age and what would be considered the "better" time to fly?  It's only a 2 hour flight but with the hour waiting for the plane, and the hour waiting for bags and ride home, what time are your babies happiest and what are their nap times?  Our flight options are 7am, 10:30am, 6pm & 8pm.  Thanks for your help & suggestions!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on August 23, 2005, 02:03:14 am
Hi MIchelle,
If it were me, I would do the 7AM one.  Nap times would be around 9 & 1.   I would do 7 am as she'd probably fall asleep on the way to the airport....strolling around i the airport hopefully as it's not as busy.  Then she'd be ready for a feed when the plane took off ( you want to feed at this point for the air pressure)...and then hopefully as you are flying you can get her to nap, that's probably the trickiest part (zoe will really only sleep in her crib/pack n play)...but when you land and are strolling around then hopefully  she'd fall asleep.  Just what I would do. Plus that way you have the rest of the day/night to help get her back on track.  HTH  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 23, 2005, 02:38:16 am
Hi Michelle, I agree with Noelle. Good advice!  :D

Sarah that's incredible news!!!! When will you be sure? Remember God doesn't give us more than we can handle...  :)  I thought I may be pregnant again a week ago and it brought up incredibly mixed emotions. Dd was also an "oops." (good honeymoon  :wink: ) And it was just soooo tough in the beginning. She was so sick for so many months... But now, wow, I never knew I could feel love like this! Please keep us posted.

We're still sticking with pd to combat the bedtime battles. We combine it with backrubs and soothing talking along with making sure we don't stay in the room too long. So far it's getting better and better though overall her sleep is less. Anywhere from 10 to 11 hours. Her am nap is down to 30 - 45 minutes and the pm one is usually an hour and a half.

I've just come down with strep throat though. Yuck. Have to take dd to the doc tomorrow to make sure she's okay.

Take care everyone!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 23, 2005, 03:02:21 am
Phoebe - I agree with Lindsey about getting a meal or snack before naptime.  Once we were on 2 naps, I found that dd sleeps much better whenever I feed her something before her naps.  EASY doesn't work at this age as her feeding times sometimes coincide with her naps so I just moved her feedings 30-60 min earlier.

Kathy - way to go on the df!  I'm all for anything that does not require me to go into dd's room after her bedtime! 

zayandme - that could have my "aaaahhhh" a month ago!  I was very late and we were not ready to have another one! 

jillybeansmith - pu/pd doesn't agree with dd, so whenever she has a nightwaking and needed me, i would swaddle her and gently sway for afew minutes.  Once she is calm and droopy eyed, I gently lay her down.  I was afraid that this will cause more nightwakings but so far we have only about 1-2 a week where dd cannot fall back asleep by herself. 

DD would not nap for my mom so I have to retrain her.  Since she will be sleeping on the floor, I have to remain in the room till she is asleep.  If I don't, she will get up and crawl towards the door.  I'm hoping that with my mom being with me during this time, dd will get used to her presence and then i can slowly disappear.  I'm hoping that this will not make her depend on me for her bedtime at night. 

BTW, dd can stand for about 2-3 sec now.  It was soooo exciting to witness this. She was sitting by herself and then she started to get onto her knees and pushes up with her hands.  I'm sooo proud of her!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 23, 2005, 04:42:45 am
Mimi - That is sooo exciting to see her standing!!!  All these developmental milestones, and yet I get so sad knowing that my little baby is no longer a baby, KWIM?

Sharon - I'm with you on the naps being 45 mins for the first one and 1.5 to 2hrs sometimes for the second one.  I am seriously having some problems with her screaming for me if I don't rub her back til she's completely asleep.  I tried to leave today after about 5mins of rubbing her back & went to the kitchen to get something to eat.  I could hear her without the monitor just hollering for me.  She got really mad because I wanted to see if she would calm down a little.  Oh, no, she got soooooo mad!!  By the time I got in there (3mins max) she had tears in her eyes and was standing up just screaming.  Of course as soon as I picked her up, she was quiet. :roll: This screaming is pretty new.  It's a different kinda scream.  More like, making herself scream as opposed to I'm tired or I'm hurting.  It's like "Let's see how fast you come running" scream.  If she wasn't such a sweet baby....

On her poop, I'm going to cut out the veggies & fruit which is a lot of fiber.  Tonight I gave her pasta with homemade sauce tonight and she ate it well.  Let's see if she can wait til tomorrow morning to go poop.  I tried to give her a little bites of meatballs, but it took her a while to chew it.  I think I will just stick to pasta & try the meat later on.  I finally got her some soft cheese (wow, they're expensive) and I don't think she likes it.  Darn it.  I hate wasting that much food.  I think I will just take it back to Costco where I bought it.  I also started giving her organic yogurt and she ate the whole container (the big size, not the mini size) for lunch yesterday!!  I gave her Yobaby today and she didn't like it as much as the one I gave her yesterday.

Lindsey - I don't know if I am ready right this minute to have another one for a couple of reasons.  First one being, I want to breastfeed Jadyn til she's around 16mos.  Second, husband is kinda scared about taking care of another little one.  I mean, if we got pregnant, we would be very happy, especially since Jadyn is a miracle baby (tried for almost 8yrs), so if we got pregnant again, wow, I don't even know what I would think or do... Not much help there.

Phoebe - Sorry to hear about naps being so hard.  I agree with Lindsey about longer wake time.  Jadyn is doing weird things right now, so I can't even tell you what to do, but I know if I put her down before she's tired, forget it.  She won't have it at all.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 23, 2005, 14:49:32 pm
as far as the pregnancy- Sharon thanks for the reminder that God won't give us more than we can't handle. It'll be about 2 weeks til we can tell. In the meantime I'm going to do my best to ignore. And I'll let you all know.

My lo is finally crawling! He learned about a month ago but would only crawl far enough to get to something to play with- and he had to REEEEEally want it. Now he's actually using it to explore and find me etc. Its nice and keeps him occupied.
He did find the toilet paper on Sunday though.  By the time I located him it was quite a photo opportunity!

Michelle- I agree with the 7 am flight time. But having traveled on a plane with a 7 month old its just sort of "roll with it" time. are you bringing a car seat? Definitely would encourage the feed as you are gaining altitude.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 23, 2005, 18:43:59 pm
Michelle- i agree with the 7 am flight.  we went to hawaii a couple of months ago.  we took an early flight there and a late night flight back.  the early flight went much smoother than the late night one.  but they were both hard.  for the flight on the way over, we were delayed 3 hours!!  so be sure you expect the unexpected, packing more food, wipes and diapers in your carry on than you think you'll need.  also, don't worry too much about following the normal schedule for the day you are flying.  it will be great if she naps at her normal times, but don't count on it.  basically we just did whatever it took to keep gianna happy and quiet and us less stressed on the flight, even if it meant bf'ing every 30 mins.  you can get her back on track after you reach your destination.  good luck and have a great time.

sharon-hope you are feeling better soon...strep throat is NO fun!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 23, 2005, 19:54:31 pm
Sharon - I'm so sorry you're sick! :(  I sure hope you get to feeling back to yourself really soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 23, 2005, 20:13:56 pm
Con is working on tooth number 7 (SEVEN!!!!!)...teeth are sprouting up all over the's know wonder we have troubles sleeping, he's been teething non-stop since 3 1/2 months old.

Went to visit the daycare that he will be going to in November...he will start going partial days in september to get to know everybody...I wish I could stay home with him, but I do have the comfort of being comfortable with where he will be staying...and he seems to like her, and I've heard a lot of good about this place.......

Motrin times are here again (we just finish the last tooth last week!!!)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 23, 2005, 22:34:18 pm
Thanks for the advice everyone.  I've been wondering if she should stay up a little longer, especially since the sitter said that today a neighbor came over just as she was about to lie Susana down, so she had her nap late.  Then she slept for 1 hour and 45 min!  That's the longest she's slept since she was about 4 mon. old.   :D   Her morning nap was short, but from what some of you are saying that is kind of the trend. 

Sarah - Congrats if you are pregnant! 

I'm surprised how many of you are contemplating another lo.   :)   I can't imagine getting pregnant again right now.  I'd love to have another, but don't know how we'd handle it at this point.

Sharon - Sorry you're sick.  I just got over a sinus something or other too.  It is not fun taking care of a baby while sick.  I hope your lo doesn't catch it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 24, 2005, 15:53:59 pm
We had Peter's 9 month check up yesterday.  All went well, he is now 22 1/2 lbs and is 28 1/2' long. 

Pete has also had some strange wake ups for the last two weeks but they seem to be resolved now.  He was waking every other night for 2-3 hours - he has never done that before - but I think he may have an food intolerance to egg yolks, so we have stop giving him those.

Michelle - I think either the 7 am or the 11:00 am flight would be fine.  When we flew to Vegas last month (about a 3 hour) the flights there and back were mid day and went very smoothly, after eating during takeoff he slept almost the entire flight.  We did buy a seat for Peter as he is not the type of baby you could hold for 3 hours.

Kathy -  It also took us about 8 years to conceive Peter and I am also bf him till probably 16 months (thought I would like to make it to spring to help him fend off any colds and such from the winter months).

Lindsey - no plans for number 2 here anytime soon - of course that is mainly because Peter still has everyone baffled as to how he came about...  I can certainly see your reasoning and I think if you have the energy you should go for it!  I did, however, read about an interesting study that suggested that 3-4 years was the ideal time to space children for them to remain close in their adult years - I think it had something to do with them feeling more individual as they grew up in the teen years instead of more competition towards each other, can't remember much more about it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 24, 2005, 21:40:51 pm
I think Isaiah is sensitive to egg yolks too. Too bad. Hope he grows out of that one.

 I was wondering if there are any babies around 9 months, around this size and if you all could tell me how much formula your babies are taking. I just don't know if I should encourage it more than I am. My lo is 20 lbs and 28 inches.

Kathy- I know what you mean about the new screams. there's been a definite shift these days- like "hey, mom, here's what I think about what you're doing!"

So, moms of october babies- what do I have to look forward to over the next month or so?[/i]
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 25, 2005, 01:45:32 am
No thoughts here of number 2...Connor will likely be an only child...
I did NOT do well with pregnancy, and found out after 28 hrs of labour, that my anatomy won't let me deliver, and I will always have to have cesareans... husband is having a LOT of problems..He's on week # 3 of pain in his what-nots, and a lump has been discovered on one of his testicles, and he is dealing with the embarassment and worry of tests and ultrasounds, so lets just hasn't been on the agenda or an entertained thought in a while.  I'm worried about him, he's only 32, we will find out in a week if it's cancerous or what it is...

By the old are the rest of you mom's??  Connor is my first, and I'm 33 years old..Am I the oldest to start a family???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 25, 2005, 02:21:59 am
jillybeansmith - sorry to hear about your dh.  My prayers are with you both.  I hope that it is not cancerous.  We're the same age.  I'm turning 33 and dh is 32.  DD is our first after many tries and mishaps.  Like yourself, my ob suggested that I should have a c-section for the next one as my labour experience was not very pleasant.  I had 3 doctors and 5 nurses with me plus a ton of painkillers!  I was so looking forward to a natural childbirth but it was not possible. 

DD was taking about 26 oz but for the last 2 weeks, it's around 35-38 oz.  I had to add an extra bottle back.  I was hoping that she would take more solids but she prefers milk.  She's about 21lbs and 29 inches. 

Don't you hate the screaming/screeching?  DD was doing it for 15 min straight tonight.  Doesn't her ears hurt? :roll:   Whenever dd starts whining, I start singing.  Apparently this makes her stop and just look at me funny.  i may not win a Grammy for my singing but at least she stops whining.!   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on August 25, 2005, 02:33:20 am
Hello all!!  Just popping in to say hello!
Jillybeansmith....please keep us updated on your hubby, k?  I've said a prayer for your family. 

Zachary's doing well...we have his 9 month check tomorrow (a little late).  I'm looking forward to seeing how big he is (BTW-if you are interested in seeing an updated pic, check out the post in the Lounge about our weekend with NoahandCaleb's mom).  He recently cut teeth #6 and #7 and I think he's working on 8.  Such a trooper!  He's saying "dada" like crazy and will even say it when we ask him to. 

We have been thinking of #3, and I would love to start trying soon, but I just don't feel like now is the right time.  We have a lot up in the air, and I'm craving a little more stability before we add another little joy to the mix.  Both my boys were c-section babies, and all subsequent pregnancies will be, as well.  I have no problem with my c-sections.  Both my experiences were great!

I might be the youngest of this group (but maybe not....).  I'm 23.  I got married when I was 18 and had Stephen just a couple weeks after my 21st birthday! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 25, 2005, 03:39:40 am
Jillybean - Yes, please keep us posted on your hubby.  Definitely say a prayer that's it's not cancerous.

I bet I am the oldest in this group.  I hit my 40 in July.  I feel like a 30yr old though, and dh is 45 but looks & acts very young as well.  My pregnancy was very easy, if you don't count the 3mos of 24hr nausea (I do mean 24hrs of non-stop gagging & heaving).  I was induced due to gestional diabetes and I pushed for about 20mins and boom there she was.  :D

Today Jadyn was in the middle of her standing and started to grunt.  So I took her to the bathroom & put her on the potty and she finished pooping, and then I heard this trickling.  She peed!!!  I said very excitedly "yeah, you are pottying", and she just looked at me & smiled.  I know it was a fluke but it was cute.  I can usually get her to sit in it for about 3 mins max before she tries to climb down.

On a flip side, her pulling up in the crib and not wanting to go to sleep is driving me insane.  I posted it on Naps forum and hopefully I will get an idea what to do.  She's taking an average of 20-30 mins to go down for naps, as opposed to her 2-5mins!!! Surely she will get bored with this pulling up business.  On top of that, she wants me to rub her back til she falls asleep. :roll:   And yes, she's waking at 6am now.  Ugghh!! I sure miss my 7:15am baby.

Her pooping at night is solved.  I stopped giving her veggies & fruit for dinner.  Just giving her pasta & potato & cheese for dinner and it solved the problem.  Btw, my baby loves my homemade spaghetti!! She was eating it like it was the best thing since my booby. :lol:

Pete's mom - A personal question for you bfing mom, have you gotton your period back?  I think I just got mine back today. :?  I guess I can't complain.  I did have almost a year & a half without it.  I figured if I kept breastfeeding I wouldn't get it??  I think it's affecting my supply already.

Sharon - How are you doing?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 25, 2005, 03:58:17 am
Jillybeansmith - Hope everything is okay with your dh.  I will keep him in my prayers and thoughts.

Kathy - I just got my period back 2 months ago.  About 1 1/2 months after Peter started taking solids.  So far I don't think it is affecting my supply, but I was a certianly a bit more tired for those days....

I will turn 33 in September.  My pregnancy was extermely easy, labour and delivery was good too except it was very fast and I ended up with a 3rd degree tear :cry: , post partum terrible....I was just off to get some blood work today as they figure I may have a thyroid issue...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 25, 2005, 04:29:09 am
Wow I don't know what happened but I stopped receiving notifications on this topic... :? Suddenly I have pages to catch up with!

Thanks for your well wishes I am feeling a bit better.  :D

Jillybean, soooo sorry to hear about dh! Will say a prayer too...

Kathy, check the nap boards out a bit. Me and a bunch of others have been posting a bunch about the same issues.  I think it's just a matter of riding it out and being consistent. One of the mums said this is a prime time for "accidental parenting" and sleep issues. Dd is getting back on track a bit (after 3 weeks!  :shock: ) and I'm trying to go with the flow more and not get stressed when she doesn't sleep. I tend to be rigid and take it all personally!  :lol: Like I'm a bad mum if she doesn't get the required amount of sleep! She has learned to sit down on her own now and that's helped a great deal. Tracy has a good suggestion in one of her books which is to help them learn to sit. Place there hands on the crib rails and slowly slide them down. It worked for us. Now we leave dd if she's yelling or mantra crying and standing. We just say "night night now Ella." and leave with a kiss. We don't go back in unless she is distressed. Not just yelling to get one of us to come back. It's tough but it's really working!

Dd has learned how to wave now. It's the cutest thing ever! If people wave to her when we're out walking she waves back at everyone. Ahhh proud parents hey?  :lol:  I get excited cause she waggles her wee arm around...

I'm an "old" mummy too. (Kathy and I talked of this previously in one of these 55 pages... :lol: ) I turned 37 in Feb. Hubby is only 28  :oops:  :wink:  And dd happened on our honeymoon... It's tough because now we know we don't have a great deal of time if we want to try for one more and yet we'd like to wait a bit... plus dd was so sick and it was sooooo very difficult in the beginning. We're terrified of going through that again!

My labour was tough... my water broke with a BANG and went straight to hospital (strep b) A day later and contractions one on top of the other I finally got an epidural and  laboured for a whole other day. When I started closing back up so to speak (only dilated to 4cm then went back to 2) they realized dd's head was stuck and it was causing me to swell so I had a c-section after two days... the funny thing is I want to "feel" it all again... am I crazy or what?!  :lol:

Must run.... I've babbled enough... oh but one more thing... dd is 21lbs and drinks three 8oz bottles/day. Her paed. said this was plenty. (24oz)

Take care everyone,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 25, 2005, 11:01:24 am
Hey..thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and I will keep you posted...we should know next week what the heck it is, but more importantly, we want to get the problem fixed so that the pain will go's not very nice. Typical men, though, I made 3 appointments for him, and he broke all three, stating that he was under no circumstances NOT getting THAT looked at, then his parents got involved, and he finally went the last time...his dad took him...

Connor is almost done with tooth number 7...geez, he looks funny with a big mouth full of teeth...

It's interesting finding out how old everybody start to feel like you know everybody when you read the message boards every day...

Lots of cesareans out there too, eh? (ooopppps...that's the Canadian coming out in me...)  It's funny, it wasn't even a consideration, I thought I was going to do it naturally..NOPE...I also thought I would breastfeed, but I didn't make a drop of milk...I tried for a week exclusively, then supplemented for a month, only getting an ounce or two out a day, my poor little guy was losing weight dramatically, so we had to switch to formula, and he exploded in size on it, as you can see........

Anyways, talk to you all later.......Jill
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 25, 2005, 11:10:43 am
SIZE:   By the way, Connor has his 9 month visit next week...I'll let you know, but I think he's going to come in at 25 lbs and 30 1/2 inches...last time he was 23 lbs and 30 inches...I know he's still putting on weight.  I guess he's the pork-chop of the bunch here...

MOVING:  He's enjoying being mobile, rolling everywhere, crawling backwards.

CHOKING:    Talk about babyproofing, and choking!!... last night we were sitting on the couch, and Con was rolling all over the room, he pulled a peice of plastic off of something, and was very quiet..I asked dh what he was doing, and he said he was laying there sucking on his thumb and fingers..which he was doing, but he was also putting the plastic in his mouth..he started gagging, and I thought he had his fingers in too far, sure enough, he threw-up and in the middle of the mess was this piece of plastic...

This message board has had a few little choking incidents, hasn't it...they just want to stuff everything in their mouths.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 25, 2005, 14:54:43 pm
I can totally picture connor chewing on plastic. Isaiah has done the same thing. We have an armchair that has this fuzzy stuff underneath and Isaiah's favorite thing to do is crawl under it and pick the fuzz off of it. Then of course he tries to eat it- when he comes out from under the chair, he looks like a wild beast that's caught its prey- mounds of fuzz puffed out of his mouth. Needless to say we're trying to avoid the armchair entirely.

I just turned 23, my Husband is 32.
I had a miserable pregnancy (thyroid) and a miserable postpartum period (thyroid), but my labor went quite smoothly. Checked into the hospital at 10, had the baby at 4:58- we joked that we did that so the doctor could have a normal work day.

Whoever said they're getting bloodwork done for their thyroid, please send me a personal message. I'd like to find out how youre doing and what your Dr. says. Thanks.

I stopped breastfeeding when ds was 7 months, and I got my period about 8 weeks later. But I've heard that getting your period while bfing will cause a drop in your supply only for  a few days, then your body will hopefully go back to normal. Let us know.

ALSO- can someone private message me with a link or instructions on how to add a picture of my lo? I dont know how.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 25, 2005, 15:53:22 pm
Finally, something to show for after all that pain and nightwakings!

zayandme - check this out for instructions.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 25, 2005, 16:10:27 pm
mimi- are those really teeth?!?

the problem is I am not on a PC, I'm on a Mac. Anyone know of a link to help with mac's and Iphoto for avatars?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 25, 2005, 17:09:21 pm
Hi Kathy - We went through that pulling up in the crib stage.  It lasted about 2 weeks for us, but was SO difficult.  Ds would pull up in his crib, play for a while, cry, I would lay him back down, and he did this over and over.  Argggg.  I think the novelty of being able to pull up wore off, because he only does this every now and then.  When they learn to sit back down easily, I think things get better.  Hang in there!

I am 26, DH will be 27 next week.  This pregnancy was pretty hard  - I was sick as a dog for the first trimester, and during my whole pregnancy, I cramped.  It felt just like a period cramp.  I constantly thought I was miscarrying.  SO glad that it is over and ds is here safe and sound.  My labor was fast and furious.  Started having contractions at 10 pm, and went to the hospital.  I was only dilated to a 1, so they almost sent me home.  Good thing they didn't because by 7 am I was fully dilated, 10 minutes of pushing, and out popped Nathan.  Episiotomy was the WORST (sorry if this is TMI).  Next pregnancy I am going to refuse an episiotomy, and pitocin (they gave it to me even though I was already fully dilated - they just hadn't checked in a while.  It was TOTALLY unnecessary).  Funny how you can be more confident the second time around.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 25, 2005, 18:24:47 pm
jill-we'll be thinking of your family and hoping for good news!!

mimi- love the picture.

i am 27.  my pregnancy was a nightmare from the beginning.  before i knew i was pg, i developed a strange heart condition that had my heart beating 200 bpm while i was just lying down!  i was in the hospital for 2 weeks during which time i requested 2 pg tests, although we hadn't been trying.  both came back negative (too early).  so the drs went ahead with the procedure to correct my included MASSIVE amounts of radiation.  radiation + pg = bad mix!!  once we found out i truly was pg, the drs urged us to have an abortion telling us the radiation had "severely damaged" the baby.  this was not an option we thought about once.  we decided if the baby lived, no matter what was wrong, we would just love it and take care of it.  so for the first 5 months of pg, (before the extensive ultrasound), we were thinking something was wrong.  but during the ultrasound, everything looked great.  and she came out (via c-section) just perfect and even a little bit cute!  however, due to her exposure to radiation in utero, she has an increased risk of childhood cancer.  something i can't even think about now.   
this weird heart thing may come back with another pg, so that is why i want to get pg now.  we will be living near our families for the next year and they could help tremendously with gianna until after i had the baby and could get the procedure done again.  (during the pg, i could take meds that are safe for the baby and would keep my heart rate down).  but dh is freaking out at the thought of another one right now.  so i guess i am losing.  oh well!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 25, 2005, 19:06:53 pm
She was eating rice puffs and I couldn't resist taking a picture.  Instead of smiling for the camera, she would do all these funny faces.  I hope that she'll outgrow it soon as we are planning to have a family portrait in October.

Last night was sooo bad!  Two hrs of crying and screaming from 3 am to 5 am, nothing works.  On top of that she only slept for 45 min after that.  I think that the top 2 teeth are cutting through as I can feel them.   So how many teeth do babies have?

Anybody thinks that their babies are being replace by a yepping puppy?  For the last week, dd would yep, yep, yep.  It was funny at first but now it is really annoying.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 25, 2005, 20:26:23 pm
Wow, Gianna sounds like a miracle baby!!...I think that tops the pregnancy nightmares!!!

Mimi....Connor makes a lot of goofy faces too...My husband hopes he outgrows this before getting around other kids, instead of smiling, sometimes he does the 'rat face', he wrinkles up his nose and sticks his teeth out...we don't know where he got it!!...I tell my husband to ignore it instead of laughing, and it will  eventually go away....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 25, 2005, 23:08:05 pm
God Lindsey that is terrifying! Seems we have a few "miracle babies" in this thread. (thinking of you Kathy)

We seem to be getting back on track here... (knock on wood) Dd's gone back to sleeping between 10 and 11 hours overnight and though naps are somewhat erratic today is a good day. She slept from 8 to 7 overnight, napped 30 min. this am and just woke up from her second nap after 2 hrs. and 15 min.  :shock:  Lord if she goes down tonight okay it will be our first "good" 24 hour cycle in months! Though I have to confess I've taken to walking her in her stroller for the first nap now... :oops:

Mimi, that picture absolutely cracked me up! Thanks for that!  :lol:

Talk to you all soon,


(haven't tried the potty training yet... scared to add something new into the mix with all the chaos recently!)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 25, 2005, 23:10:11 pm
Oh and Sarah I just export a pic from iphoto (small enough size) to my desktop and then attach it in my profile. Make sense? Let me know...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 26, 2005, 02:08:36 am
it is so exciting to read all the news.  I also have the thyroid problems that were mentioned.  I actually have not been able to get mine regulated since I had Reegan over 9 months ago.  No wonder I am so tired.  I am 26 and can't imagine having another one now.  I want to soon but need a little more time to get the thyroid taken care of first.  I will be excited to have another one and be able to spend some time with him or her in the beginning.  I had Reegan during the last semester of law school and went back to school 5 days after I had her.  Good thing that I had an easy labor and delivery.  She went to school with me and sat in a study room with my mom while I did class.  Boy, that was fun!  Plus then I got to take the bar. 

Sorry to hear that people are still ahving problems with naps.  That is one thing that is good here.  My dm has been up watching Reegan this week since the nanny has off and she has been taking a good 2 hour nap plus another 1 1/2 one.  Problems come up at night.  Guess since she is working on her 6th tooth!  She is waking up several times but I usually only have to go in twice with feeding her once.  I never know what to do with her because she only wants to eat when I go in there. 

Anybody else done with the babyfood.  Reegan will not take any from a spoon or on a cracker or anything.  It is all finger food here.  She does great wtih it but I just worry about her getting enough.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 26, 2005, 03:34:34 am
Wow Lindsey!! :shock: I don't even know what to say.  She truly is a miracle baby, a cute one at that. :D

Sharon - I guess you & I are the 'older' moms on this board. :wink: I'm glad to hear Ella's naps are improving.

Mimi - that pic cracked me up :lol: Can I ask what nationality you are?  I don't know if that's the politically correct thing to ask?? I just ask to see if you're from where I am :D  I'm all Korean, but I don't speak any Korean to Jadyn and I don't think I will.  My mom definitely is not pleased with that, but my Korean is so bad I'm embarrased to even speak it half the time. :oops:   I will teach her to eat all the good Korean food though. :wink:

MomtoRee - Jadyn will still eat some of my homemade baby food, like carrots, squash, apples, sweet potatos & peaches.  I just started giving her yogurt (loves it) and Laughing Cow semisoft cheese (can't tell if she likes it or not yet).  She loves to eat finger foods too.  I was making my favorite Korean dish which has Kimchee & tofu, and I gave her a bite of the tofu & she ate it!!  If she's my kid, she has to love tofu because it's one of my favorite foods. :D

Her naps were ok today.  I left her to stand & play til she started to cry & yell for help, which she did for 2naps & and nighttime.  I guess I can't complain since it took at most 15mins.  I put her to bed early tonight (7pm) in hoping that she won't wake at 5:50am, which btw is her new waketime :roll:  We'll see tomorrow.

She has 4 teeth total.  I've been feeling them lately when she's bfing.  She lets me know she's done by clenching her lips & biting a little :? Tonight she did that and I yelled loudly & laid her down & told her that hurts.  She looked at me & saw I was upset & she put her bottom lip out and started to cry.  It broke my heart.  It's like I hurt HER feelings.  :(  On the potty training (or potty sitting), I caught her grunting & ran to the bathroom & started to put her on the potty, and her poop was caught on the floor, on top of the diaper. :lol: She finished pooping more in the potty.  This time she laughed & giggled when I did the praise dancing.  She's so cute.  I forgot to put her on it after dinner and went to put her on it before her bath and she already had a suprise for me in her diaper. 

I loved reading everyone's age & experience about their pregnancy!! I feel like I know you girls!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 26, 2005, 06:41:45 am
Mimi, I wanted to crack up at that picture but I was so afraid that I would and you would tell me that they're her real teeth! Phew! Yes, that is hilarious.

Connor's mom- Isaiah just passed through that scrunched up smile thing. I would be at the grocery store and people would smile their "hey that's a cute baby" smile, and he'd shoot back a 'rat face' as you call it and they'd get all puzzled and say "can you smile?" or ask if he's alright. Hah.

Momto ree- did you just go CRAZY finishing school with a little one? My gosh, that is like insane. Did you do BW from the start? Do you think you had PPD? Did you have thyroid problems before Reegan was born?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 26, 2005, 10:49:21 am
Kathy - I'm Vietnamese and dh is Chinese.  I speak both Vietnamese and English to dd and since my parents will be taking care of her while I work, I'm hoping that she'll be fluent in both languages.  MIL and fil are not pleased that dh doesn't speak Chinese to dd but his Chinese is bad.  He once tried teach me to say "I'm his girlfriend" in Chinese but I ended up saying "I'm his lady friend" - meaning I'm a prositute!   :lol:

MomtoRee - we are done with baby food.  DD doesn't want anything pureed anymore.  She'll have finger food or food from my plate.  She isn't eating enough to consider it a meal but I'm not too worry as she is getting enough milk.  My nephew didn't even have baby food and went straight to real food when he was 16 mos.  Sil was happy as she hated preparing baby food for her first child. 

I'm using this picture as one of her "show the boyfriend" picture collection!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 26, 2005, 22:07:34 pm
zayandme---I know, isn't it funny? Connor did the rat face around a 4 year old boy we know, and the little boy asked what he's doing, and if he's okay...Connor sometimes 'freezes' up when he gets too excited, his hands go straight out and he tenses up so he's shaking with excitement, like he doesn't know what to do with all of his excited energy...the little boy thought that that was odd as well...I just explained that Con was so excited that he didn't know how to express it.

As for my pregnancy, I had had a lot of bleeding which made us always fear was due to cysts, as well, i developed fibroids in my uterus, so I had a big lump on my belly, and also had high blood pressure.  After 1 and 1/2 week overdue, I was induced, but Connor was posterior, and due to a tilted cervix, there was no way out for him...the dr said that I could have been there for a week and wouldn't have made any progress... Anyways, we had the cesarean, and he came out perfect and beautiful.  So, that was how my pregnancy went.

Thank goodness for today's medical technology...think of the things that could have gone wrong in our parents or grandparents day...I for one wouldn't have been able to deliver back in the old days....The doctors were so wonderful...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 26, 2005, 23:41:28 pm
Wow-didn't check the forum for one day and there were three new pages!

It's  fun finding out everyone's ages and reading about your labors.  My pregnancy went  well, but my labor was really long!  I too wanted to have a natural childbirth and even switched to a midwife at  32 weeks after a doctor at my practice told me that by five years from now they would probably be delivering everyone by Cesarean. :shock:
I went into labor at midnight Christms Eve. Went to the hospital at 8 am and was only 1cm, went home.  Went back at 8pm,  STILL only 1 cm.  The nurse felt sorry for me and let me stay awhile.  About an hour later my water broke and my labor got very hard.  Went form 1cm to 6 in about an hour and a half.  The hospital I was in had doulas but there was only one there because it was Christmas and she was already with someone else, so I ended up asking for an epidural, it never took on one side.   At 5:18 on the 26th Susana was born after 2 hours of pushing!  She let me know from the beginning that she was going to be a lot of work.  :wink:

Lindsey - All of that must have been so scary for you! 

We're having sleep issues again!  For now, still sleeping through, but going to bed is a nightmare.  The Sleep Lady techniques worked great.  Gradually moved out of the room.  She went down easily three nights in a row, a little fussing but went to sleep on her own and then three days ago decided she would scream her head off whenever I put her down.  I try letting her cry and checking on her every five minutes or so, but she gets sooo upset.  I finally end up picking her up and putting her back down as soon as she's quiet which is like 2 seconds after I pick her up.  She also starts with the mamamama when I leave which makes it really hard not to just go scoop her up. 

We've been lucky with the pulling up.  She has never gotten stuck.  She figured out how to get back down at the same time she figured out how to get up.  She's just now learning how to bend her knees, but before would just stick her butt back and drop.   :lol:

She's waving bye-bye now too.  It's so cute.  She's been waving her hand for a few days, but didn't really seem to make the connection until today.  We say bye-bye to her bath toys every night and tonight she waved at each one when I put them away. 

Mimi- Sorry to hear about your dh.  Keep us updated.

 I wish I could post a picture, but I have had no luck figuring out how to save a picture to the right size.  Plus I have dial-up which I hate.   :? I have Kodak Easy Share.  Anyone know how to reduce filesize with that?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 26, 2005, 23:42:30 pm
BTW I'm 30.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 27, 2005, 01:42:11 am
We went to the pediatricain today for 6 month shots.  We are a little behind because we don't do all of them at once.  And she had a bad reaction to her 4 month ones, so i've been dragging my feet.  she screamed absolute bloody murder when the doctor was just examining her.  she is TERRIFIED of strangers, and kept reaching out for me.  so sad.  she got pediarix today, so we are bracing for a rough weekend.  she has been very cuddly today since the appt.  she keeps hugging me and rubbing my cute!

ange-i asked the dr. about the rash that hannah seems to have too.  the dr said that it is common.  it is just an irritation to something in her clothes or my clothes, or perhaps from heat.  she said i can put moisturizer on it and see if that helps.  but she said as long as it goes away, don't worry about it.  let me know if your dr. says something different.

momtoree-law school with a newborn!?  very impressive!!!!  (i hadn't even brushed my hair 5 days post-delivery.)

sharon-glad to see improvement in your sleep cycles.  hope it continues.  ours seem to cycle between good and bad too.

phoebe-sorry to hear about more sleep trouble.  we also have the same thing.  i have been SO consistent with gianna.  we had initial success, but now she keeps wakingat nights and naps are going to 35 mins.  i really don't know what else to do except stick with our method.  i have NO idea what is causing all this.

i also liked hearing all the delivery stories.  seems like there were a lot of c-sections.  i too had hoped for a natural birth, but the c-section wasn't as bad as i had planned for.  don't get me wrong, it hurt like heck, but if i had another baby, i'd schedule another cesarean.  but who knows...maybe i sustained just enough brain damage during the pregnacy and the last 9 (sleep deprived) months to cloud my memory on the matter...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 27, 2005, 01:59:43 am
I can't believe all the hard times people had.  I guess that I was lucky to only have to do progesterone.  To answer the question I had my thyroid tested with my pregnancy test and it came back that I had issues.  I knew that I had problems but hadn't done anything with it because I just hadn't been to the doctor.  It runs in my family and my sister had a lot of problems.  This is why I have so many problems with my milk supply. 

And yes I did go crazy finishing school and doing teh bar.  That is why I didn't start BW until I was done.  Until then she slept half the night in the bed with me and I held her the whole time while I studied!  Talk about bad habits!

Mimi, I loved the picture!  That is a classic. 

Glad to see that someone else is done with the babyfood!  Tonight she ate a whole veggieburger.  Does anyone wlse have trouble with veggies.  She spits them out and refuses to eat them.  Any suggestions? 

It is so nice to know that we are not the only ones that are having sleeping issues.  Today one nap was only 30 minutes and then she cried for an hour!  Guess it is that 6th tooth coming in now!  I am scared to use the Motrin instead of the Tylenol because I remember seeing somewhere that there is a very small % of children that have a horrible reaction.  Does anybody know about this?  I want to check it out before I try it. 

SLeep well everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 27, 2005, 03:06:54 am
We're still managing to get purees in between bites of finger food. though she will not eat anything unless she can eat finger food by herself. I am mixing veggies with all kinds of things to sneak them in. Veggie stews, roasted veggies, veggies with chicken, fish, etc. Let me know if you want any recipes... I have a fantastic book! Though they are purees... if they're thick I roll them into little balls and she eats it that way.

And once again Mimi--- you crack me up! I have visions of you going around telling all MIL and FIL's friends that you're they're sons prostitute while you're dating. Too funny!  :lol:  My dad is from Poland and he was always yelling at us in Polish. He never taught us any... I think it was his way of being able to say whatever he felt like without getting into any trouble.   :lol:

I also loved the comment about not even brushing your hair after 5 days let alone finishing law school. Exactly how I felt! In fact we were still in hospital in a complete daze... good on you!!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on August 27, 2005, 19:27:28 pm
Wow! It has been months since I have posted here and there are so many new folks....

It is comforting to know that lots of you are having night-time sleep issues. I am glad I am not the only one burning the midnight oil.  I don't even remember the last time Lana slept through the night. I think I am due for a major PU/PD session soon.

Like you, Sharon, we do the morning nap in the jogging stroller while we are walking the dog. It is so short and variable anyway.

Our afternoon nap is usually at 2 or so and is pretty good: an hour to an hour and a half.....

Is anyone thinking of winding down the breastfeeding soon? I think about it a great deal with a mixture of anticipation and remorse.Any hints?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 27, 2005, 20:34:07 pm
Nice to hear from you Dixiedutch!  :D  I noticed another post of yours and wanted to comment on your avatar. What a sweetheart she is! And how did I never notice before our lo's have the same birthday?

Our schedule sounds the same as yours... dd is doing all night again after 3 1/2 weeks of pd.  :shock: But I think we're through it... for now...  :lol:

Can't help with the bf... we're doing bottles...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 28, 2005, 03:31:37 am
Hi everyone

Dixiedutch - How many times are you bf?  I'm still doing 4, just dropped df.  I won't be much help since I plan to bf for another 8mos :wink:  I know I will probably drop to 3 feedings after 12mos, I think.  Then at around 15mos, I think I will do just am & bedtime.  At least that's my plan.  Never know when it actually comes down to that time.  Who knows dd might have other plans. :lol:

Mimi - I'm envious that you can speak both languages to your lo.  I really would love if Jadyn could speak 2 languages, but, really, my Korean is just plain bad.  I'm sure I'm worse than you husband's Chinese.

On eating solids, wow, Jadyn has been a little oinker!!  She loves the Laughing Cow soft cheese now.  I chew it up a little & give it to her & she just eats it up.  She's now eating 1 1/2 (1oz total) of the cheese, 1/4 cup of barley, 2 sweet potato cubes, and usually a little bit of yogurt for dessert and then how many ever Cheerios I give her. :shock:  And she still nurses pretty well at night before bed.

Sleep is a different issue, at least at nighttime it is.  Naps are ok.  It's different almost each day as far as the lengh, but it's 80% of the 1hr20mins.  Nighttime is kinda crazy.  I can't figure out if it's because of the dropped df.  She goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes almost every night around 2:30 or 3am.  I give her the paci & pat and she's back to sleep within 5mins.  And then at EXACTLY 5:50am she wakes for the day, all roaring to go.  No chance of getting her back to sleep.  I do try to hold off bf her til 7am, but sometimes she won't have it.  I'm tempted if this doesn't stop to do wake to sleep or give back the df.  What do you guys think?  I hate to go backwards & do df, but if it will get her through the night I will gladly do it.  I don't feed her at the 3am wake.

I've been doing the sign with her & she knows what milk is because she starts to do this laugh & like she's so excited noise and then she buries her face in my boobs. :lol:  But she will not sign back at all.  She's not waving or saying mama or dada.  I know she will do it soon, but I wonder when.

I came home from work today and she was soooo excited to see me.  She was sitting on the bed watching me take my makeup off and she started to crawl towards the end of the bed.  Dh stood at the end to make sure she wouldn't fall off, but she leaped forward so fast that she hit the rod iron bedpost with her cheeks!!  She got a purple spot right away & screamed.  Dh had to take her out of the room because I was screaming & crying at the same time, too.  I felt soo bad.  I keep hearing the sound when she hit the bedpost and seeing the purple spot on her cheeks still. :cry: 

I sure hope she will sleep in tomorrow morning, at least til 6:30am.  Hope everyone gets some sleep this weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 28, 2005, 15:49:00 pm
Interesting that you posted about Jadyn bumping her head on the bed- I was just coming on to post about Isaiah's newest bump!
It was so sad- he dove head first into the corner of this wooden box- I never knew how pointy that thing was until he hit it. No blood, just a really deep scratch that looks like a big bruise right now.
Makes my stomach drop when I hear his poor little head hit something. Seems like something happens every day- but this has been one of the worst!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on August 29, 2005, 01:40:57 am
Lindsey - You must have been so stressed your whole pregnancy.  She obviously is meant to be here and already has proven that she has the determination to prove everybody wrong....

MomtoRee - I am with Lindsey on this, very impressive indeed!  I believe 5 days after I was curled up on my bed between feedings wondering if the searing pain I was feeling from my newly engorged "granite boobs", and there ability to shoot milk clear across the room, was the slight discomfort and leaking I had been told about at my breastfeeding class...

Kathy and zayandme - sorry to hear about the bumps.   

Peter's two top front teeth are coming in...poor thing has had a runny nose and been drooling so much today.  I can see a little white spot on the right one. I hope they come through quickly.

As for the potty training I put him on 5 or 6 times today and he went everytime :shock:  :shock: ....I must have very good timing! He sure seems pleased with himself after he has gone.  He smiles at me everytime I make the potty sign to him, it is so cute.

Hope everyone got some good sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 29, 2005, 03:10:58 am
Just wanted to call attention to my Little precious one- now that you can all see what he looks like (thankfully DH helped me put it up, cause there was no way on earth I was figuring it out myself!)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 29, 2005, 12:21:12 pm
Sarah- he is soooo cute!  Ahhh, wish I have a swimming pool to cool off!  Are you teaching him how to swim?  I want to take dd swimming but i'm afraid that she'll drink the water.  Anyone knows if too much chlorine is bad for them?

For two days straight, dd has been sleeping 11.5 hrs at night!  Yay!!!!  There are still 1-2 nightwakings but she quickly settles back to sleep.  naps are so so and I'm just so happy for that extra hr of sleep.  My dad tried to extend her nap the othr day by patting her but she quickly sat up and wanted to play.  I guess she has associated him with play only.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 29, 2005, 14:24:44 pm
I have 8 pages to catch up on but Im back! My lovely computer blew up last week and we had to go get a new one.
Well just when DD was back on track BAM came a cold, wasnt too bad just need to be conforted at night, a lil pat/shh and she was good for an hour or two. The first night I had her sleep in her bouncy seat (wasnt easy) just bc I could tell she didnt want to lay down bc of her nose.
Off to read the 8 pages! Oh anyone have plans for the first bday party, Ideas and decorations and such??? Im so excited.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on August 29, 2005, 15:32:15 pm
Exciting news at our house...Reegan got on her hands and knees and rocked back and forth a few times and then crawled backwards  :D !  She was on our bed getting ready for bed and I wanted to jump up and down and scream but since it was bedtime I couldn't.  I have only seen her on her hands and knees a couple of times and am not expecting a repeat performance anytime soon.  I think that it was just a one time thing for now but exciting to know that she can do it if she really wanted to!  Besides that she took two steps behind her push walker yesterday  :shock: She's going to walk at the same time that she crawls. 

This weekend was interesting for sleep.  Friday night her tooth must have been really bothering her or she had an upset stomach because she was up 8 time  :(  I ended up feeding her twice because I couldn't get her clamed down at all and you could tell that something was wrong.  Then Saturady night she slept 11 hours straight  :D Problem is that I am awake waiting for her to wake up!  So when she sleeps through I don't.  how crazy is that?  Last night was back to the normal 5 wake up and back to sleep until 7. 

Such a cute new picture!  We took ours down and now I have to figure out how to get a new one up. 

Sorry to hear about the bumps and bruises.  I can't stand it when Reegan gets hurt.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on August 29, 2005, 18:43:30 pm
Sarah-i love your picture of isaiah.  he looks like a happy boy!!  and of course you have to have a pool in arizona.  where are you in AZ?  we live in the palm springs area, so we are fellow sufferers in the desert!

Jen-your comment about the "granite boobs" cracked me up.  of course they couldn't tell us the true horrors about to befall us in those silly classes...fortunately, i was high on a cocktail of vicodin and lack of sleep, so i vaguely remember the pain of the first breastfeedings now. 

momtoree-gianna's sleep too was interrupted a lot by the teeth coming in, mostly the top teeth.  it only lasted about a week i guess.  i have the same problem as you in that i cannot sleep even when gianna is sleeping because i am waiting for her to wake up.  i wake up every morning at 4:30-5:00 even though she usually sleeps til 6:30!!  it's a curse...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on August 29, 2005, 18:53:10 pm
Well, Mom to Ree, I am glad we are not the only ones with sleep issues! Lana was baptized last week and we had both sides of our families staying with us the same all went well (except that I purchased one too few steaks...Freudian slip as I am a vegetarian!) BUT I was awfully stressed. Lana picked up on it, sensitive/spirited type that she is, and had 3 hour "wide awake" spells in the night. I was afraid she would wake up all the sleeping grandparents, so we spent those hours on the back porch, listening to the fountain in the pond at the edge of our back yard and watching the moon and stars. Enchanting, but boy was I so tired!

Sharon....thanks so much for responding to my BF questions. Is that you with Ella Rose in the bucket? For some reason, I thought you were in MN, but you are in Canada...I think that is really special that Ella Rose and Lana have the same birthday.

We are doing lots of finger foods these days as well. She LOVES it, too!

Kathy....I will have to try those Laughing cow cheeses. I've been eager to try cheese, but uncertain which one to go for first. I'll be a copy-cat.

We've been trying to sign, mainly to keep me entertained, but Lana does TRY to sign back "dog" as we let our Aussie out of the kennel each morning. That is her favorite part of the day.

Sarah...what a cute little fellow....we have a float like that, too and it is great....

Welcome back from bum computer land MorganLeigh....

It is great to be back  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 29, 2005, 19:31:58 pm
We just got back from the cottage. THe fresh air did hannah some good. She slept 12 hr a night. First night back home and she was up at 5:30 looking to eat. She bit me for the first time today and screamed. I didn't think it would hurt that much. I felt bad because I really scared her. After that very unpleasant experience I have decided to start weaning her.
Still no signs of her crawling but she too is starting to take a few steps with her walker.

Dixiedutch- I am going to replace one feed with a bottle every two weeks. I don't want to wean too quickly. We also have a dog too which DD love, a st. benard ( he will be great in the snow...DH actually plans on putting a sleigh behind him and putting DD in it)

Well interesting to hear about all the c-sections. We had one too. After pushing for 4 hrs and the doctor decided that Hannah wouldn't fit through my pelvis so off to the OR we went. Really it's hard to believe how fast the whole thing happened. DH said it was interesting to watch. Oh ya I am 28

SOrry to hear about all the bumps and bruises

Pete'smom-congrat's getting him to go on the potty. That 's impressive. Obviously happening that many times it can't be all luck

Kathy we also tried laughing cow cheese and it was a huge hit

Sarah your son is too cute
well have to go make dinner and catch up on all the other posts
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on August 29, 2005, 20:08:04 pm
7 teeth and counting!!!!

Hanna's mom, aren't the frsh air= longer sleeps days great :)   I try to tkae dd for a walk every night after supper just so she will sleep longer.

DixieDutch, kids seem to have a keen sense when things aren't quite right.  Hopefully now that things settle down she is doing better.

MomtoRee, to funny about crawling backwards.  If I remember correctly 3/5 of mine did that first too.   Now that she has done it once, I am sure that it won't be longer before she is crawling all over the place.

MorganLeigh, hopefully the cold will be short lived.  Isn't that always the way things seem to work?
No b-day plans here yet (but hten I still have another 3 months :wink: )

lil'monkey, more hours of sleep at night yippeeee!!!!  I am sure we could all use that

Zayandme, he is so cute :!:
How is the bump doing? 

Pete's mom, that is great about the potty!  Keep it up and he will be trained in no time.  I think it is important that kids learn early on where to pee and poop. Much easier then trying to teach them that the way they have been doing things for a year or two is wrong.

Jaydn'smom,  I don't know if anyone can eat more Cheerio's then my dd.  As long as the other kids give them to her she will eat them.  We go thorugh the jumbo box pretty quick!

Opps, gotta run.  Sorry if I missed anyone :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 29, 2005, 20:58:34 pm
I've got a lot of posts to read...a few pages anyways..., but before I get into the reading, I thought I would give a quick Con update.

He is rolling everywhere, and crawling backwards...he is into everything.

With this, we are having HUGE sleeping problems...he's been over-excited, and over-tired...he doesn't want to nap and he doesn't want to go to bed...has anybody else experienced this with spirited babies once they discover they can move???

It was cute, Connor also discovered that he has a bunny rabbit..We've had a pet rabbit named Jack for a few years, but Con has discovered his existence, and is very excited and intrigued by him...we set the rabbit up in front of Connor's exersaucer, and it entertains him for hours!!!..\

Oh yeah...I think tooth number 8 is coming soon...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 29, 2005, 21:09:16 pm
By the way..PU/PD really seems to anger Connor to the point that he is having a fit, and I end up rocking him to calm him down.

I've finally ruled out that his awakenings have anything to do with hunger...the bottle was just a prop, and we nearly have it worked out, but now, I think I'M the prop...I have to rock him or walk him, but PU/PD seems to make things worse.

Does anybody have any suggestions???  I'm really getting worried, and  I only have 2 months to get all this straightened out before I go back to work...

If I let him cry too long he's inconsolable, red, sweaty, angry and defiant!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 29, 2005, 23:59:15 pm
Wow, I had a lot to catch up on today.  For some reason I'm not getting emails notifying me that there are new posts. 

Well after the two or three nights of horrible bedtime, we are back to going down easily.  I have added a little extra snuggle time right before bed and naps and that seems to have helped for now.  I think I was going a little too extreme in the other direction wanting her to be able to put herself to sleep.  It's a VERY fine line with Susana. :)

We finally have a top tooth!!!  After about a month and a half of having the top teeth right at the surface, the left one started cutting through yesterday.  It's not out all the way yet, but definite progress.  Napping is back to normal for now too.  At 4:30 this morning she woke up shrieking.  Don't know what was wrong, can they have nightmares yet??

We were back to early morning poops again this weekend.  I introduced potatoes hoping I could feed her those at night since Kathy said that helped.  She hates them.  In fact she's hated the last couple of foods I've introduced.  Seems all she wants to eat is Cheerios and rice cakes.  Tonight I had to slather puree on her rice cake to get her to eat some squash.  Is anyone else having picky issues?  Do you just offer one food and let it go if they don't eat? or try something else and see if they want it?  I don't want to keep thawing and throwing away food cubes all the time.

jillybeansmith - Have you tried getting that Good Night Sleep Tight book?  PU/PD would get Susana really upset too.  I found letting her cry some on her own (not too much) worked better.  She was having big napping issues when she first started crawling and pulling up, but they seem to be getting better now.

I'm totally ready to get started on party planning.  Even though we have almost 4 more months, if I don't start now, I'm afraid I won't get done.  My sister had a huge party for my niece.  I think we want to keep it a little more low key for our dd.  She gets way overstimulated if there are too many new people at once.

I hate to hear about all the bumps.  So far we have avoided any, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. 

Sarah - What a cute picture!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on August 30, 2005, 03:37:55 am
Phoebe - I have wasted many cubes of veggies too.  Tonight she was really cranky and would eat only cheese & cheerios :? She loves sweet potatoes but tonight would keep turning her head and make a horrible face & whined.  Oh, well, I hope tomorrow will be different.  She loves the cheese.  They are ridiculously expensive and she eats two of them at a time.

MorganLeigh -  :shock:  :shock: 1st birthday party???  I can't even get past my lo is 8mos, let alone getting close to the 1st birthday.  I have to always make her birthday special since it's the day after Christmas. I hope she will feel special on her birthday and also be able to enjoy Christmas and not feel like she's slighted. Love the pic of him in your sink with the duckie. :D
Sara - Love your pic!! Sorry to hear about his bruise.  Jadyn has a black eye and on top of that she hit the wooden coffee table on her forehead this morning and now that's purple as well.

MomtoRee - Before you know it she will be crawling all over the place and you will have to confine her!! :lol:   I almost wished my lo would just sit still & not be into everything.

Hanna'smom - Sorry to hear about her biting you.  I don't want to wean yet, but when she does bite me, it's enough for me to consider not giving her the boob for the rest of the day :wink:  I do yell out & I tell her "no biting.  That hurts mommy".  She looks at me & smiles, but then when she sees me frowning & not laughing, she stops smiling.  I don't know if she gets it or not, but I do take her off my breast immediately and say "ok.  We're all done." 

Jen - That's great about him pottying so often!!  I put her on the potty after eating, but she didn't poop so I took her off of it after about 3mins.  Of course, 5mins later she pooped while pulling up on the couch.  I put her on it again right after her nap since her diaper was dry and guess what, she peed & laughed while doing it!! I laughed with her and clapped.  It was too cute.  I'm encouraged by your story and I am going to be consistent after every nap to put her on it.

Jillybeansmith - I have to agree with Phoebe on letting your lo fuss for a little bit (not crying a lot).  I left Jadyn to fuss & whine while she pulled up & played in her crib and she does go to sleep on her own after about 10 mins.  If she cries really loudly, I do go in & lay her down & give her the paci & her lovey. 

Dawn - 7 teeth?! Wow.  I think Jillybeansmith is right with you with 8?? Your lo's are 8mos?  That's a lot of teeth.

Well, all this hurricane & tropical storm is going to affect us tomorrow with the wind & rain and they just called off school.  That means I will have 2 children bored staying at home.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on August 30, 2005, 04:35:49 am
Now that 5 are in bed, let me try this again.

Yes, dd has 7 teeth.  She discovered the best secret, pop 4 through at once :shock:   Made for a h#!! of a week, but it went pretty quick.  Kind of glad she got so many at the same time as she gets those darn ear infections.  Tonight she has been upset again so I am guessing it is due to the one popping in on the bottom now.  I gave her Tylenol so hopefully that will ward off the ear infection and save me a trip to the dr.

Dd is eating anything and everything she can get her hands on.  Her favourite things seem to be Cheerios and Mum-Mum's.  I think later are her favourite when her teeth are bugging her.  For breafast she eats cereal or toast.  Lunch is small pieces of fruit or veggies.  Supper she likes noodles or soup.  She cna not stand potatoes though.  Everytime I try to give her some she makes this really funny face and turns the other way.

For the last week or so I have been tweaking her schedule a bit to allow for the kids school schedule.  Her morning nap has been moved a little bit earlier (she sleeps about 1.5 hours then).  Her afternoon nap I have had to shorten a bit (about 1 hour).  So far it seems to be working.  It is getting darker at night now, so bedtime is going very well.  I lie her in crib, cover her up and she nods off to sleep.

She has all but given up on crawling.  She still has to crawl to get anywhere, but once she is there she stands up!  She can stand quite a while now.  I bug dh that when he comes home this weekend she will probalby walk just for him. :roll:

And she babbles ALL the time.  Finally she is over dadadadad and is MMMMMMMM everything.

DD1 taught her to high five.  IF we put our hand up she hits it and laughs.  Does anyone else have a LO that insists on sticking their tongue out all the time?  That is a funnier game then any I have ever bought for her.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 30, 2005, 15:53:43 pm
Oh, yeah. Tongue out is definitely the thing right now. Very cute.
Same with switching from Dadadada to MMMMM- funny that they're so alike in  a lot of ways right now!

Okay, other than crawling places to stand, and looking through books (melts my heart to see him look at the pictures, flip pages, etc. I love it), it seems like my little guy has hit a new level with toys.
He's bored with them.
Any suggestions for things your babies like to play with right now? (preferrably nothing Ihave to go out and buy- although I guess I may be willing to get a little something).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 30, 2005, 16:02:35 pm
This is something you may have to buy (or already have...) but off the top of my head dd's new fascination is with balls. Must run will catch up later!  :D

btw love all the pictures!!!!!!!!! (and no that isn't me with Ella in my avatar it's the neighbour. we were having a bbq and she got filthy so we plunked her in the tub outside and I snapped a picture.)

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 30, 2005, 16:04:33 pm
Oh one more thing... Caroline when was your dd born? I thought they had the same birthdays from the tickers but at certain times it's off a day... so I thought maybe the time zone's?? Dd was 10:20 Nov.20th...and were in Pacific time...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 30, 2005, 16:09:30 pm
Oh, you know, that's true with balls. I forgot we got a hold of some tennis balls and wiffle (sp?) balls a couple months ago. He started to learn to roll them, but over the weeks I think they went by the wayside. I'll have to pull those out again. Thanks for the suggestion.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 30, 2005, 18:11:18 pm
Sarah - a great buy is the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Phone.  It teaches letters, numbers and phrases.  I bought one for dd and she loves it.  For some reason, she loves pressing the number 5 and the ABC button.  I hope that she will forget about our phone and remote as they do not have any flashing lights.  I agree with the balls, we play lawn bowling with them.  Here are some household items I play with dd:
 - socks puppets.  I put her socks on her hands and she make hand gestures with them.  Sometimes I would mix the pairs and see if she notices the difference. 
 - hats/caps.  She sits in front of the mirror and tries them on.  She likes the red baseball cap.
 -  plastic membership cards.  She would try to put them in/out of the wallet.  Although i don't think this is a great way of teaching her the value of money!
 - binoculars
 - fidge magnets.

I think that there's a jinx fairy out there.  Everytime I mentioned dd is sleeping great, the very next day it sours!   :roll:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 30, 2005, 18:53:03 pm
Shhhhh, I dont wanna jinx it, but DD is sound asleep for nap number 2! its been 45 mins so far! Thats great for this past week or two, she is having a hard time with this cold.

BALLS! Sounds great, Ill have to get some. Yes, she loves hats too and she hasall my cards from my wallett, even my insurance :) I also gave her my old keyboard, I bring that out when its really bad. Oh and nothing I let her play with when supervised, beads, like mardi gra beads..she loves them..but I dont let her out of my site of course bc she can strangle herself. She also has her "own" diaper bag now she can play with and put things in an out, so if anything is missing...its in there!

Well ladies its Tues, lets keep the week strong and sleep wonderful!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on August 30, 2005, 23:20:20 pm
Hi!  Its so hard to keep up with this thread - so many posts and good ideas!  Nathan just had his 9 mos appt today.  He is doing sooo well with solids (eats anything in sight) but the doc is still worried about his fluid intake.  He absolutely hates his bottle (he is a recovering refluxer), and even though the 20 or so ounces of formula he gets a day is fine, doc says he needs a total of 30 ounces of fluid a day.   :shock:   I have to sing "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" over and over just to get the formula down!  How will I get 10 more ounces of water or juice down???  Right now he drinks from a sippy, but only a few sips a meal.  I think I will just go with the flow, and maybe I will try to give him more fruit/yogurt to get more fluid in him.  Hmmmm

He is doing so great at night, sleeping from around 7 - 6 or so.  But naptimes are a different story!  He has always had two naps of 1.5 hrs each.  But recently, he refuses to sleep.  Just sits in the crib and talks and plays for about an hour, then cries (I'm sure he's exhausted) but won't sleep.  Then it is time for a feeding, so he eats, plays for a bit until cranky.  So I try to get him to nap again, and it is the same thing.  I am going nuts!  Could a 9 mos old be ready for just one nap this young???  I hope not - I LIVE for naptime.   :D

Anyways, good chatting with you all...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on August 30, 2005, 23:21:57 pm
Kathy - We're in the same boat with the birthday since Susana has the same birthday as Jadyn.  Let me know if you have any great ideas on making it special.  I thought when Susana is older and wants to have parties with friends, we can have an unbirthday six months from her actual one.  That's how I celebrate my students' bithdays at school when they have summer birthdays.

I wish we could try that cheese but the doctor said we won't try dairy for another few months because of dd's protein intolerance.

caljaccol-My dd lives with her tongue sticking out.  It's so cute.

Susana did the screaming thing at 4:44 again this morning.  I didn't go in this time and she didn't make any more noise so I assume she went back to sleep.  She was up at 5:45 though with a poopy diaper again.  I sure wish we could do something about that.  If we didn't have to get up so early I would try feeding her later and putting her to bed a little later since it seems to happen 12 hrs after her last meal.  We leave the house about 6:30 though so I don't want to keep her up too late.  Oh well, as they say, this too shall pass...

I'm afraid we're working on ear infection #3.  She has scratched her ear to the bleeding point again. 

Anyone's lo making a fish face?  That's the new thing here.  It's so funny.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 31, 2005, 12:10:14 pm
Sarah - Connor is fascinated with hats, any tupperware out of the cupboard, and I find the greatest amusement for him is something as simple as watching us wiggle our feet...The other night, he got laughing hysterically because my husband was moving his toes and feet (you know how people just diddle or fidget...that's all he was doing..)...he got laughing so hard that he couldn't catch his breath...last night, he got hysterically because I stretched and started waving my arms...

His favourite thing to do is have his dad and mom lay on the floor on a blanket with Con in between us so he can roll around and pick at us and play with us and he can't really go anywhere, and he loves the closeness...I find that he gets board of his toys as well...I guess we are his favourite toys...and it doesn't cost a thing.

He also likes fabric pant belts (supervised of course), that can fascinate him for an evening. 

As for faces...Connor does the fish face, the rat face, and the 'eyes wide open, bottom teeth jutting out...almost horror-movie face'..
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on August 31, 2005, 13:49:47 pm
I love some of the idea's that I get from this thread. It seems to be saving us some money in the toy department. I love the idea of giving them there own diaper bag and playing with a wallet.
Has anyone tried play doe???? We did finger and feet painting it seem to go over pretty well.

Well DD has started cruising. Last week I gave her a laundry basket which I turned upside down to let her stand against with some toys on it (she is short, couch and stool are too high for her) and she started pushing it around the house. It's quite funny to watch-it's like a giant walker, the fischer price walker we have she can walk with but it seem her upper body goes faster then her lower body when she is behind it. The laundry basket seem to work better because it covers a larger surface area and doesn't move as fast.

Eating is going very well. She loves whole wheat waffles cut up, macaroni (cut up) and tomato sauce and watermelon. I think I will try giving her some whole peas tonight to see if she can get them in her mouth.

The babbling mamamama and dadada and babababa has stopped. Now she  just screams all the time. Has this happened to anyone else? It's like she has forgotten how to babble.

caljaccol-no tounges out of there house around here.
Nathan'sMommy-have you tried a day with one nap how was his sleep and temperament? I know we aren't going there any time soon. Hannah just went from 3 naps to 2 in the last month. 

Well Hannah is down for a nap I should go and get some housework done
HOpe everyone has a good day
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on August 31, 2005, 14:43:39 pm
Just had to post this. Now when ya see "Peek a boo" Morgan puts her hands up to her ears, think she is giong for the eyes..close enough for me. Its so cute!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on August 31, 2005, 17:03:52 pm
Noticing that all the moms who suggested playing with diaper bags and wallets (i think...) have girls! Coincidence???

Yeah, we just started whole wheat waffles- he totally scarfed them!
Connor's mom- what do you mean fabric pant belts? I know you were just making a comment but for the life of me I just can't figure out what you mean!  :?  :lol:

Isaiah hasn't figured out how to open cabinets so i've been ignoring the whole tupperware option, but I think its time. i'm sure he'll love it. He loves making noise.

(I had too much coffee today and I'mhaving such a hard time typing!!!)

And ange- I've noticed they seem to "forget" things like babbling (waving, peek a boo, etc) just before they start doinnng (doh! Caffeine!) something new- so let us know if she just up and starts conversing now thhat she's given up that babbling stuff!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 31, 2005, 18:24:14 pm
zayandme - I have a couple pairs of jeans that came with belts that are fabric, and have stripes (and of course the metal ends) has brown and green colours the other the colours of the rainbow...they are soft, and I don't know whether he likes them because of the pattern or because it's basically a giant string, but one evening, he just sat in his exersaucer and played with it running it though his hands for was great!

Connor is finally starting to take in a little texture...mum-mum rice rusks, and toddler biscuits....What a mess!!!!  Not big on cheerios yet..still gags.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on August 31, 2005, 19:23:33 pm
Never mind...somethings with texture, I ruined it by giving him some baby pastina....he puked....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on August 31, 2005, 20:23:10 pm
Hello all,

It is good to know that there are other lizzards out there, tasting the world by flicking their tongues out...  :lol:

Hannah's Mom....Ouch on the bite!!! I'd be dropping feedings to if I were getting bit! Luckily, Lana's teeth are bottom ones...

Phoebe, can you say a bit more about the "Good Night Sleep Tight" book? I looked it up after reading your post. Does she have some good things to say? PU/PD seemed to make Lana angrier, the method she describes on her website seemed to be close to what worked for us. I just wondered if she had anything worthwhile to say about nap schedules, etc.

Kathy, I think I remember reading somewhere that you plan to nurse Jadyn past past one year. What is that like? Can you say more about when you dropped feedings as you reached the one year point?

Right now, Lana is nursing at night and it just feels right to me to let her continue to co-sleep half the night with us -- at least until one year. She just seems to need that extra cuddle at night. However, I argue with myself in my head all the time.... am I doing the right thing? I want to step back and give her her independance when she is ready. This parenting is a fine balance, when to hold back and when to give....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on August 31, 2005, 22:39:40 pm
Kathy & Caroline - I think that it's great you continue to bf as I sorely miss the cuddles I have with dd while feeding her.  Lately, I can't seem to hold onto her for more than 5-10 min.   :cry: I often have to feed her facing out or lying on a pillow beside me.  Even our evening cuddles are slowly diminishing.  She really wants her independence unless she wants something then she'll crawl to me.   

That's funny about the lizzards! 

Dh and i joked that we can tell where dd has been as there is always the telltale signs of drools and spits everywhere.  Once the drool faucet stops, we are giving the carpet/furniture a thorough cleaning.  Any babies out there love tilting their head all the way back? 

gotta go...she's up early from her nap!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on August 31, 2005, 22:49:37 pm
Well we finally have tooth #5 out! With #6 just showing... :D  Sleep is still okay around here though we are a tad liberal with the motrin... :lol: 

I know what you mean about the falling and bumps. Dd has new ones everyday though she's getting a bit better. She also has bruises on her legs from crawling!  :shock: (we have tile and laminate wood with rugs in the living room only)

Dd too finds feet very interesting... no lizzard faces here or anything like that but yes Mimi she loves to have us hold her and she'll hang her head upside down. If I do it too she laughs a great deal.

I also have to hold her in my lap facing outwards when feeding. It's with such mixed emotions we watch them grow, hey? oh have to run, dd is up now too...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 01, 2005, 00:00:09 am
i am a bit embarrassed to admit we have amassed a plethora of toys... well beyond dd's ability to ever play with them all.  it started with generous baby shower attendees, add to that spoiling grandparents, aunties, and uncles...and ok, ok i have to admit i have bought many too.  but it is 115 degrees outside all summer.  we haven't gone outside since june, so i feel i should at least provide stimulating activities inside.  with all the toys however, she still prefers cell phones and keys.  (btw, i was one of those who SWORE i would never buy toys, only giving dd a rock and a stick to play with to encourage imagination....ha)

caroline-i also read "good night sleep tight" and would highly recommend it although i have never used her "shuffle" technique but phoebe has.  if the need arises though, i will try that instead of pu/pd as that just angered my dd.  it is an interesting read and gives some good info on infant sleep.  also, (don't get me wrong because i love tracy) but kim west's book gives a little more "permission" to engage in accidental parenting as we all do sometimes.  it is a bit more realistic.  as for the co-sleeping, if it feels right and you are sll getting sleep, just do it!!  they are only small for so long.  don't feel guilty!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 01, 2005, 00:25:32 am
caroline - I agree with what Lindsey said about Good Night Sleep Tight.  I found it very helpful.  There is even a Chapter on co-sleeping.  The author, Kim West, says that if you're comfortable with it, then by all means keep it up.  She also gives suggestions on how to get everyone sleeping better in a shared bed and tips for how to move your child to their own bed when you are ready for it.  I think her techniques are very similar to BW, but like Lindsey said, a little more realistic.  I love BW but although Tracy mentioned in her book that with some children this age you need to leave the room, there aren't a lot of details on how to do that or when it's considered crying it out vs. letting them fall asleep on their own.  The sleep lady shuffle that West uses was much easier for me that PU/PD.  I think it was easier on my dd too.

Lindsey - I cracked up when I read your comments about the toys.  I too was one of the rock and stick people. :roll: I haven't bought  any toys for Susana except a set of plastic keys and that Aquarium toy for the side of the crib, but that's only because my mil brings a carload of stuff every time she visits. (which is about once a week)  Needless to say she has way more than I ever thought necessary.  But isn't it funny how they'd much rather play with a cardboard box?  I will say I put up all the noisy toys on occasion just to be sure she still has an imagination of her own.   It did kind of freak me out one day when she was going back and forth between her giant Peek-a-Blocks toy and activity table, pressing all the buttons that make noise, like she was possessed.   :shock:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 01:42:10 am
lil'monkey - Con loves to toss himself all the way back so that his head is hanging off my lap upside down...He loves it so much that he resists me when I bring him back up by stiffening his torso...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 01:43:46 am
lil'monkey - the only problem with that is that I absolutely cannot let him sit by himself, because he launches himself backwards, and doesn't know the difference between being on my lap and me catching him, or the floor...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 01, 2005, 02:15:34 am
hehehe...dd is like that too!  I think that she has no fear!  Today she tried to crawl off the edge of the bed, i wanted to see if she knows the difference b/w thin air and the edge.  I recall seeing a documentary on the cognitive developemnt of fear in babies and they say that fear ( not separation anxiety) isn't developed till about 12-16 mos.  I wonder if I can sell the idea of Baby Fear Factor to Hollywood, hmmmm...

Are there anybody on the convertible or 3-in-1 carseat?  DD no longer fits in the infant seat and I'm curious as to which model is best.  So far, I'm considering the Alpha Omega Elite.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 01, 2005, 04:27:09 am

This is the carseat we use with Morgan. I love it, the site alwo shows you other reviews from parents.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 14:38:14 pm
lil'monkey - we're Canadian, but this is one that we found as Sears...we love it, it's the Eddie Bauer Stage III...there is likely the same thing in the U.S...Here's the link...

He's very snug and safe, and him being a little bigger, there is lots of room rear facing...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 14:38:53 pm
Sorry...I see your canadian too....Go to
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 01, 2005, 14:42:41 pm
We didn't go for the 3 in 1... We choose the Britax Marathon.  Tried out a few to see which would fit in the car best and it was the winner...

I am very envious that you made it this long with the infant seat - it was so convenient, Peter was out of his at 5 1/2 months....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 01, 2005, 14:53:51 pm
Well I think Hannah may actually crawl. She lunges forward (which she has done for a week or so) and before she used to fall on her face and now she lunges and holds her self up. SHe shuffles a little bit it almost looks like a crab walk. 

We too have a huge collection of toys and books. I tell DH its more for me then her. I get tired of reading the same books and playing with the same toys. I also tell him that they are an investment because we will be able to use them for the next child and we won't need to buy any more (we all know that isn't true however it seems like a good justification at the time).

We'll were back to waking up a few times a night. SHe was up at 2 and 6. I fed her at 6 and she slept until 8. I don't know if this is such a good habit we are starting but it seems to work for now.

Hi little monkey-we have the three in one Alpha Omega Elite. It is exactly the same as the eddie bauer (cosco makes eddie bauer). THe only difference is the colour of the fabric and the price (50 dollars cheaper). I found this out when I was doing some research online.

have a good day everyone
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 01, 2005, 15:25:24 pm
We use the Britax Marathon too. Hurts the wallet but hands down one of the best buys we've made. LOVE it!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 01, 2005, 16:18:22 pm
Thank you.  I'll start dong my research.  DD actually outgrew hers about a month ago but I keep on putting it off as it is soooo convienient.

Jen - I live in Calgary too.  Where about are you?

Man...I hate it when she poops when sleeping!  I thought that I have her bm figured out by now as it has been pretty regular for months now.  One tip I heard regarding toliet training is to go for the really cheap no name brand diapers if you don't want to use cloth.

Hannah'smom - I'm guilty on the books!  I love to read and already have started a collection of classics for dd.  Little Women, Black Beauty, Charlotte's Web, The Lion, the Witch,.., I get funny looks when I asked for books at dd's baby shower in lieu of toys.  Instead I get too many layette sets, socks, teddy bears and other useless stuffs.  I think the one useless gift we received was a small diamond pendant.  The thought was nice but she won't be wearing till she's a teen.  BTW, it gave from a childless couple.   :roll:

Gotto.  I'm treating myself to a facial.  Got to get rid of all the pimples before returning to work. :oops:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 01, 2005, 16:43:08 pm
Hi girls,

I have only a few mins because of Jadyn being all over the place.  She's on the floor now & somehow is in between the highchair legs. :roll:

Caroline - I do plan on nursing til around 16 or 18 mos.  It's probably more for me than for her :oops:  I love nursing & it's been very easy for her to latch on and she's done in less than 10mins for every feed.  People (friends) think it'll be horrible to nurse an 18mo old, but I don't care.  She is my baby, and they can do whatever they like with their baby.  She is bfing 7, 11, 3:15 and 7:15pm right now.  The df was dropped about 2 wks ago and it's been very smooth.  She woke up for about 3 nights, but after that she sleeps right through. 
I will drop the 11am feeding in about 2mos (10mos) and probably go to am & pm feeding around 14 or 16mos.  It all depends on how she deals with it.  She's doing so much better with solids now that I know she's getting full at each feeding.  I still bf first then give the solids after an hour.

Mimi - I, too, invested in the Britax Marathon like Sharon and could't be happier.  I wished I had two, but at that price I don't think so.

Jillybeansmith - Sorry about little Connor & his texture food.  What does he eat these days?

Phoebe - On her birthday, I plan on having a separate party after our usual Christmas celebration.  I guess when she gets older, we will have to figure something else out, like your 6mo idea.  Except it will still be during school being out (June 26th).

It seems like our lo's are just busy busy busy and on the go go go.  I wished she would stop & be still for a little bit.  She won't even stop to give me kisses any more.  She pushes my face away & laughs. :( 
Funny thing she's doing & it has me and dh kinda perplexed.  She tilts her head to the right, like she's trying to get a look at a different angle???  She does it when she's staring at something, esp our digital clock.  Cracks me up, but at the same time kinda worries me. ... I know I just want to worry about nothing. :D

Sharon - Which teeth are coming out??  I think Jadyn is trying to have one come out as she is feeling her gum like she did when her other ones came out.  Is it the bottom or the top eye teeth?

Our poor little Jadyn has no toys that are new.  I got all of them from yardsales for like a $1 a piece.  She definitely prefers paper (eating them or tearing it to pieces), my cell phone and any little pieces of fuzz that is on the floor. :roll:

Better go since she's standing up using the coffee table.  Don't want any more black eyes. :wink:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 01, 2005, 19:19:31 pm
Hello Everyone!

Today is not a good nap day. :evil: Lana woke after about 30 minutes and she is still tired because she is inconsolable.

Do any of you try to put an hour or so in your day when it is just play time? I realized that I was so busy doing other things: computer, cleaning, cooking, errands, etc. that I was not taking time to focus JUST on Lana. I've been trying to spend the hour after lunch just playing and interacting with her.

Mimi...I know what you mean about the drool. I wish it was a potion for eternal youth; I could bottle it, sell it, and make a fortune. We go through several outfits a day. I thought you had a great idea collecting classics. I've been thinking of the books I want to read with Lana, but I have not invested yet. What a great idea; what a lasting treasure for Mikayla.

Lindsey...I wonder if it is spirited babies who have a bugger of a time with PU/PD....thanks for the input...

Phoebe...that was quite funny about the peek-a-blocks and the activity table :D thanks for the input on "Goodnight"...yet another book to buy...

Wow....speaking of things to buy...the Britax Marathon car seat is certainly expensive...we do plan to buy one, but hapilly Lana is just over 16lbs and still fits in our infant seat....the time is coming soon, though.

Kathy...thanks for the input on late breastfeeding. Lana and I worked so  hard to achieve success that I really do hate to give it up, too. I am copying your plan for dropping feedings into the hints I save from these conversations, thanks so much for taking the time to type it all out while Jaydyn was crawling under the highchair and over the coffee table.

By keeping the am/pm feedings, do you mean first in the morning and last at night?

The only problem is breastfeeding keeps me 10 lbs heavier than I like to be....vanity, vanity, vanity.....

best wishes for a good day to all,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 01, 2005, 19:23:45 pm
PS Mimi facials are the ULTIMATE treat....I am so jealous  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 01, 2005, 19:40:40 pm
really only have a sec will write more later just had to say BLAH Caroline, I stopped bf months ago and still can't shake that last 10lbs!!! At least you have a great reason for it!  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 21:50:15 pm
Funny, I didn't bf (didn't make any milk), and I'm still 10 lbs heavier than before........will it ever go away???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 01, 2005, 21:53:17 pm
Lindsey/Caroline, I think it must be a spirited baby thing with the pu/pd..
Con gets totally p**s**d-off...he's spirited for the most part........
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 02, 2005, 00:13:21 am
lil monkey - What a small world!  I live in Cougar Ridge (up behind C.O.P., whereabouts are you?

Caroline - I am bf also and plan to go till about 16 months.  Right now our schedule is 6:30, 10:30, 2:30-3:00, 7:00.  I have just started to figure out how I plan to go about weaning but here is the "work in progress" plan - I am going to try to transisition the 10:30 feed to a sippy cup of ebm sometime this month and then follow a few weeks later with the 3:00 feed.  I plan to keep the morning and bedtime feed till Peter is one and then probably go down to just the morning feed after that depending on how the milk supply goes, he really likes his morning feed the best....

I also have close to 10 pounds left to go, I keep hoping it is the bf but I don't know.  To be honest I could live with the number on my scale if my poor tummy could just go back to being somewhat flat more thing to add to my to do list - get back in shape.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 02, 2005, 00:14:15 am
I agree with all of you about the spirited babies.  Susana is a mix of types, but I'd say mostly spirited and we definitely had problems with PU/PD.

I'm jealous of all of you still breastfeeding.  Caroline, consider yourself lucky.  I had a problem keeping weight on while breastfeeding and I think that was why I started having supply problems.  At the end, I was trying to consume 3000-3500 calories a day and was still losing weight.  I'm 5'5" and when I stopped breastfeeding when Susana was 5 1/2 months I weighed 108 and was still losing.  I was 155 when pregnant, so I dropped almost 50 pounds in 5 1/2 months.  I know that seems like a wonderful problem to have, but it wasn't when it meant I couldn't keep nursing.  I had lactation consultants tell me that your weight has nothing to do with how much milk you produce, but all I know is I had tons of milk until I hit 112 pounds and then my supply started decreasing.  I don't think it was the only factor but  it definitely contributed to the problem.

Anyway,  be thankful you can still nurse if that's what you want.  Even though I had a horrible time nursing, I still miss it and wish I could have done it longer. :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 02, 2005, 00:20:27 am
Oh I almost forgot!  I think Susana signed for milk today!  She is definitely understanding the sign.  In the morning and at night when I give her a bottle in her room, I have signed milk while she's playing on the floor and she'll look over to where her bottle is sitting and then start crawling for it.  It's so neat!  How many of you are signing with your los?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 02, 2005, 00:25:52 am
i guess if i hadn't spent so much money on toys, we could afford the britax too!!  (although, like kathy i bought most of them used, but on ebay...nothing a little antibacterial soap can't fix)...

as for bf'ing, i was planning to continue for one year.  but someone a few pages back said they were going to bf til after the cold/flu season.  great idea if dd will have it...we bf 4 times per day and each time she looks at me like "ok, i guess i'll suck this thing if you want me to."  then she drinks for 2-3 mins and is done.  i read that the WHO recommends 2 years bf'ing.  the US is one of the only ones that only recommends 1 year.  i too am cursed with an extra 10-15 pounds.  if it doesn't come off soon, i am planning on trying to BEAT it off with a large stick...

as for the spirited types, i'd say they are the ones with the biggest pu/pd problems.  it's like the p/u is just a tease for these ones...

caroline- i also find dd will let me know if i haven't given her enough one on one attention.  so i am trying to make a conscious effort to focus just on her several times a day.  it's hard though with all the laundry, phone call, etc distracting you!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 02, 2005, 00:28:07 am
phoebe-we are signing, but so far no signing back although she definitely comprehends english.  when i say "eat" she looks at her high chair, when i say "doggies", she looks at our dogs, etc. 

btw, out of curiousity, how many of you are full time stay at home moms like myself?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 02, 2005, 01:08:53 am

Caroline - Yes, am feeding will be the first bf when she first wakes and then the nighttime bf right before bed.  I need these two really bad.  I can do without the other 2 since she nurses for about 5mins max.  She's really efficient.  On the weight, I've always been told that bf is what makes you lose the babyfat fast?? Anyhow, I'm back to my original weight, but I think my tummy is too flabby.  On the other hand, tummy has ALWAYS been my point of contention. If I had the money, I would go for a tummy tuck.

Lindsey - I'm almost a fulltime stay at home mom.  I work about 4 times a month for Chanel (5hr shifts mostly).  I definitely enjoy working very part time and enjoy my work esp if my husband is watching Jadyn. :wink:

Phoebe - We are still signing and, yes, she definitely knows the 'milk' sign.  I think I wrote what she does last week.  She does this panting/laughing and crawls like lightening to my boobs if she's far away.  If she's nearby, she comes right to my breast & buries her face, like she's trying to nurse through my shirt. :lol: 
She also knows 'water' because when I do it, she looks at her sippy cup.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 02, 2005, 02:26:46 am
You have to check this everyday or there is way too much to read!

Phoebe - that is awsome that she signed back to you.  Sometimes I think that Reegan does the all done sign back at me, but I think she thinks I am waving and she is just waving back. 

As for the carseat I would go for the Britax Wizard.  Right now they are on sale everywhere online because they are replacing it with teh Boulavard.  My SIL is a child advocate specialist and she says it is the best.  We have it and love it.  It is one of the only ones with the side impact head restraints.  I am so jelous you made it this far with the other seat! 

We are still BF 4 times a day and once at 5am.  I know that I need to drop the 5 am one but I love it and it helps with my supply issues.  She does get 1 bottle 3 days a week.  I am lucky to work close to home and come home for 1 feeding the 3 days that I work.  I am planning to feed until one year and then until we are ready to stop.  That is if when I stop taking the Reglan I have enough milk.  I read somewhere that if you don't stop by 18 months there is a significant emotional attachment to it and you will have a really hard time stopping before 3 so 18 months is my goal!  My MIL thinks that I should stop but I really don't care.  I still love doing it! 

Here we have started the potty chair thing.  I figured everytime she goes on teh pot it saves 20 cents so might as well give it a shot.  She stays dry all night and has peed in teh pot every day this week!  Yeah!  And she pooped yesterday in it!!!! 

Good luck with all the sleep issues tonight!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 02, 2005, 04:26:57 am
Lindsey - I am a SAHM too.

Phoebe - we are signing to Peter but I am not nearly as consistent as I should be :oops: so far he seems to just smile back at me whenever I sign...

Jill - is there any word on your husband's tests?

zayandme - any results yet?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 02, 2005, 12:37:40 pm
Lindsey - I really wish I could be a SAHM...I love being with Con, but I go back to work November 7.  I'm already getting jealous of the sitter, that she will get to spend so much more time with him than myself.

Pete's Mom - We find out on Tuesday what the result good thing though, is that his pain is subsiding...he doesn't really want to talk about it much...

We had a terrible night last night...I put him down at 7:30, he was up at 8:30, up at 11:00, 12:00, 2:00, 5:00 (at which point I just put him in bed with me as he was totally in play mode), then 7:30.

The night before, he slept from 10:00 to 4:30....go figure....I do think that tooth number 8 is causing so much havoc...Part of the problem with Con's sleep is that he's been teething non-stop since 3.5 months old!!!!

Do we know if any of our message board ladies have been affected by the flooding in the south??? It looks like a war zone. Since I've had a little baby, I think a lot about the terrible situations other innocent little babies are in (from abuse, neglect, poor living conditions, and disasters)...not to sound shallow, but I never thought much about things before Connor.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 02, 2005, 12:41:36 pm
Hey, has anybody noticed with their babies, that if you hand something to them (some foods or bottle), that they won't take it, but if you set it infront of them they will happily take it? that an independence thing???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 02, 2005, 15:02:17 pm
Jillybeansmith - It might be as dd is the same way.  She won't take anything from the spoon or from my hand (which she usually does) but if I put it down, she'll reach for it.  Our night was similar to yours as well.  She was trying so hard to fall back asleep but the pain was too much.  I've tried everything but she just wimpered and wouldn't let me put anything near her mouth.  Finally at 5:30 I took her into to bed with me but she didn't sleep.   Hope yoou have good news on Tuesday.

Do you think thatt I should bring her into bed every now and then so she'll get used to sleeping in it again?  I'm willing to do anything now just to give her enough sleep as she missed her pm nap yesterday as well. 

It is so sad to see the devastation.  I got really mad when I heard about the people with guns shooting/threatening the rescuers for their boats.  Cna't they see taht there are other people that need help?!?  I wonder what will happen now to that area?  I know that this is selfish of me but I wished that I had taken that trip to New Orleans last summer.  I don't thinkthat the city will ever be the same again.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 02, 2005, 15:34:25 pm
When we watch the news it's so surreal. I am not american but I think the tragic event will touch all of us in some away or another. I keep thinking of all the babies and pregnant women not getting the food, water and shelter they need.  Let's all pray that the necessary help will get there soon.

phoebe-we are signing but not consistently, a friend of find signs with her toddler who is 21 months. His speech has been delayed and the signing has come in handy allowing them to communicate with each other.

caroline- It's true we are all so busy doing things around the house, running errands and cooking. That we need to make a conscious effort to focus soley on our LOs. They need to learn to play independently but also how to interact on a social level.  I am trying to spend an hour in the morning and afternoon playing with Hannah and talking with her. Also to strength our relationship too.

Lindsey- I wish I could stay home with Hannah however circumstances don't allow for that. In our household I actually have the larger pay check and we have actually talked about my DH staying home with DD.

We are still BF 3 times a day I am starting to wean but we are going really slowly. I too plan to keep the first and last feed until at least a year. 
I think this was already asked but for the breastfeeding mom's have you had your menstural cycle yet? I haven't and alot of my friend with infants who are BF have.  Not that I am complaining just kind of worried.

Hannah's top gums are so swollen and she is becoming very difficult to put down to sleep and for naps. I have to rock her to get her to calm down.  However once she is a sleep her naps are lasting an 1 1/2 hrs.

Last question-washing Hannah last night I noticed a lump right under her right nipple. It wasn't there before, the other one is still flat, could this be hormones from me? It's about the size of two peas together.  Has anyone else seen or heard of this before?

Well she just woke up gotta go
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 02, 2005, 16:08:32 pm
Ange- is she fighting a cold or anything? i wonder if there are lymphnode glands near the nipple and they are a bit swollen because she's fighting an infection-?

Any results yet!?! NO- I'm on day 32 of my cycle and my cycle can be any where from 29 to 42 Days long. I took a test yesterday and it was negative, but we still have about a week to for sure know. Deep down my hope is that I'm not, but I know it will all be for the best if it is positive.

Grumpy baby- g2g
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: caljaccol on September 02, 2005, 16:14:50 pm
Hannah's mom, my 2 year old had what  sounds like a similar lump at about the same age.  I played the waiting game over the weekend and by monday it seemed to be getting smaller.  Not sure if it was coincidence or not but she also had a bit of a chest cold at the same time.   I would say watch it closely over the weekend and if it is still there Monday go in and get it checked.  If you notice it growing at all during this time, please go to the hospital ASAP.

Dd did not want to sleep last night.  Put her down at 7 and she slept for 3 hours.  Then she woke up and would not go back to sleep.  No matter how much I tried to comfort her in her bed she wasn't having it.  I finally pcked her up and she was happy as can be.  I am pretty sure that her ear is still bothering her and lying her down was just hurting.

My dd finally waved on Tuesday.  My neighbour loves babies and she was geting so jealous because dd would smile at her mom but not her, she would crawl to her daughter, but not her.  Well as we were leaving on Tuesday dd looks at her and gives her a wave. 

I am also a sahm.  I can't afford not to be.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 02, 2005, 16:34:46 pm
Also a SAHM. I lost my job when I was 5 months pregnant and just havent really cared to look hard for a new one. I always said if a job fell into my lap Id take it, but right now having Morgan in my lap is good enough. I guess Im really lucky because when Morgan is around the house playing she will come back to me several times and love on me..I saw awwww baby and she just grins and love. Very effectionate, I love it.
   I live in Georgia and we have lots of ecavuees here staying in shelters. This morning I took all of Morgan's old baby clothes, even some new and brought them to the shelters. Also my stage 1 and stage 2 jars of baby food along with some enfimil coupons. The lady at the shelter asked if i would like to come in and see the babies who would be receiving these items and I simply said no thank you, my heart couldnt take it. Id want to over each and every family there my home, then how would my DD ever sleep! Im just glad I was able to help in some small way. This dissaster is so tragic and I am also praying for everyones safety and wellfair.
   DD, will eat some things from a the gerber carrots and fruits and if its something off mommy's plate. But if I try to feed her something just for her she refuses and wants it on her tray so she can eat it she spends half the day in the tub or she just eats clean safe hot dogs, hahahaha!
   Just broke my heart but I made her appt with a cardioligist for an echocardiagram sched in October, she had one at 6 months and they are asking for another one. I dont know they gonna get her to sit still for 12 mins this time, they need at least 12 mins of video and sound. I have two months to get brave for her so she cant feel how scared I am!
   30 min nap this morning, didnt fight her, lets see how PM goes *cross fingers*
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 02, 2005, 16:44:59 pm
morgan's mom-we too are working off a 30 min nap this am...and at 11, we are going in for a Hib vaccine.  this afternoon no doubt holds much fun for us!!  i think that is great that you are close enough to be able to help the people affected by the hurricane. 
i wish i could do more than some lousy donation to the red cross.  who knows if those people will ever get it anyway.  it absolutely breaks my heart seeing all those people on tv, especially the babies whose moms are crying because they have no formula or water.  it really keeps me up at night thinking about it.  sort of like after the tsunami, i just couldn't sleep thinking about all those people hurting.  it really puts things in persepective for me...i guess a 30 min nap doesn't make for such a bad day after all.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 02, 2005, 17:41:57 pm
I think I know what the pg test will be anyway. I've got a raging case of PMS- got SO annoyed at the computer for something pretty minor, and all I want to eat is a nice plate of onion rings and a chocolate shake.
If those aren't results, I don't know what is!  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on September 02, 2005, 18:23:08 pm
hi guys. just checking in. i`m a SAHM too...need to go back to work at some point, but can`t think about that yet...i love the SAH too much at the moment. Caroline good to see you. how`s the weaning going? we`re at about the same point as you. on 4 bf a day and i want her to be weaned by her 1st birthday...we`re going back to the UK this Xmas and if she`s weaned i get to leave her with my parents for a couple of days while me and DH go somewhere. so i`m feeling conflicted about stopping bf but that is a hell of an incentive. i also love the idea of someone else, like DH, putting her to bed...i reckon it`s probably time he got those special last cuddles that only i`ve had because of the bf before bed. anyway, i thought i`d wait until 10 months and then skip the mid-morning feed and go straight to lunch when she wakes from her nap. how`s it going for you? Hannah`s mom, how did you drop the 4th feed? do you give any milk at lunchtime? and i`m bf but got my cycle back a few months ago. i wouldn`t worry understanding is that there`s a huge variation. hope you get the answer you`re wanting zayandme....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 02, 2005, 18:52:03 pm
I know I am heartsick over what is happening in the states... :cry:  Good on you for taking supplies in!

I'm basically a SAHM but I still work the odd day. (usually from 1/2hr. to a couple of hours) I mentioned this way back but I am a voice actor so I get great flexibility and good pay for what I do. I actually went on an audition this am for a commercial and just took dd and dh with me. (I do commercials and cartoons and such) Very blessed. Used to do TV too but not since becoming pregnant. Don't know if I'll go back as that's a much larger commitment and I love being with dd.

I was one of those lucky women that got my period back right at the 6 week mark!!  :shock: I literally had two days of "nothing" then straight into my cycles. Blech. I was bf too...

Talk to you all soon,

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 02, 2005, 19:16:01 pm
Ange, like you, I'm the 'bread-winner', so It's been interesting on maternity...seems we've incurred quite a bit of debt, so I guess that gives me incentive to get back to work...but I'm not going to like it one bit...I want to be the one to take care of my little boy...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 03, 2005, 00:06:20 am
On the carseat - I wanted the Britax but it's sooo expensive and it just has so much padding that it seems like my dd would roast in it here in the summer.  I know some of you are in the desert, but it's nothing like SC summers.  The humidity makes it feel like 20 degrees hotter than it actually is and it is very hot to begin with.  I found the Evenflo Titan 5.  It was rated a Consumer Reports best buy and rated safer than one of the Britax models by Consumer Reports.  It only costs $59.99 + shipping on  It fits nicely in my car and my dd seems comfortable in it so that's what we're sticking with for now.

I have also been so upset by the hurricane.  Brings back flashbacks of Hugo.  I usually don't watch the news because I am getting Susana fed, bathed and to bed, but I did watch last night and the thought of babies without food and water just haunted me.  It all seems so unjust too, since the majority of stranded people are there because of poverty.  The school where I teach collected water today for the Red Cross, but the Red Cross wouldn't take it because it wasn't on pallets.  Our school secretary mangaged to get in touch with someone at our National Guard office. They were deploying today so they sent some men by to pick up the water and were headed straight to LA.  Hopefully it will end up where it is needed.  We are also expected to get refugees here in SC.  My bil's cousin teaches in Charleston and they will be receiving some children at their school.  I just wish there was more we could do.

Well, dh's birthday is tomorrow so we're looking forward to celebrating and having a long weekend home with dd.    Hope everyone has a good night.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 03, 2005, 14:14:00 pm
Terrible night again...up about 5 times..BUT, we have the bottle-dependence done with, he doesn't require middle of night bottles.  Now, all I have to do is get to him before he freaks, put my hand on the back of the head and rub his head, and he drifts off..a couple times I actually had to pick him up...I still think its the teething...Hopefully once it's done, now that he is weaned from the nighttime bottles, maybe he will settle.????
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 04, 2005, 23:43:32 pm
GOOD NEWS  it turns out the lump Hannah has are caused by hormones she is getting from me. Also, went to the ER turns out she has thrush-won't eat, won't drink and is in some pain. WHAT A GOOD LONG WEEKEND. I hope everyone else is having a better time then us.

We'll I think I will go and have a glass of wine
Take care everyone
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 05, 2005, 01:42:08 am
Well I don't want to jinx it and I don't want you all to throw eggs at me  :wink: but I don't know what is going on with dd!!! She has been napping 30-45 min in the am, an hour and a half in the pm then sleeping just over 12 hours at night.  :shock: What the heck??!! It's absolutely awesome and I'm trying so very hard to enjoy every second because I know it's only a matter of time before the next curveball comes. But thank you Tracy!  :lol:  :lol:

Sorry to hear about the thrush! Poor wee thing... I hope you all recover soon.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 05, 2005, 02:27:02 am
It has been a full weekend...we had a big cookout with my husband's students yesterday. Lana scooted all around our back deck and delighted in pulling herself up on everyone's chair to say hello...

Sharon: Yahoo!  :lol:  on the sleep! Spend some time with your dh or doing something just for you!

Jen/Cazao: Thanks for weaning advice...Cazao, I think I'd go for the vacation, just think of all the places you could go! I think I'll try pumping the mid-day feed into a sippy cup, too as we near 10 months. That is a great idea. The 4:00 feed will be harder to drop as Lana wakes grumpy from that nap and really relishes her cuddle time.

Phoebe: Yikes! You really have a fast metabolism! Do you run or something? I used to be a runner, but found I could not sustain my milk supply and run, too. Still, I have no where near as low a BMI as you. What do you teach?

BTW, we do sign....Lana signs, "dog"....for our far that is the only one that is really clear. We are taking a class in late September on signing, so I am hoping to get some more hints.

Lindsey: I am a full-time SAHM, too. My husband works long hours, so most of the time it is just me. (PS...can I borrow your stick when you are done beating off your 10lbs?  :) )

Kathy: Are you a diva or what...working at the Chanel counter? What a great part-time job!

Jill: I am with you on the empathy being much deeper after having a child.

Ange: So relieved to hear the lumps are okay. I have not gotten my cycles back either...not even any makes our nights much less stressful, too!

Zay's Mom...any news yet?

Have a great labor day!

Caroline & Lana
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 05, 2005, 03:29:22 am
Sharon - Yeah!! Good for you, Ella. :D   I won't even want to throw any eggs on you, Sharon. :lol:

Carolina - I know!! I love my job!!  I get to play in makeup, get paid more than most men and get free stuff for me.  You can't imagine what women will pay to have eternal youth & have pretty makeup & perfume. :D   Me, personally, could never afford to buy this stuff.  I spend all of my money on my babies.

Ange - I'm so glad to hear the lumps are ok.  Sorry about the thrush.  Just curious since I've never had thrush:  How do you get thrush?

Phoebe - Hope your dh has an incredible birthday tomorrow!!

We are spending tomorrow (holiday) clearing out all our baby clothes & toys and dh and my clothes to take to the Feed the Children which is based out of here in Nashville.  I was reading in the Lounge forum that they need a lot of babycarriers, diapers, blankets, clothes, etc, and I've been soooo heartsick over what's been happening that I can't wait to go & donate these items for the poor babies. :cry:  I think of how fortunate we are, having a home, clothes (more than we need), and toys.  I was reading that they needed babycarries since they can't set the babies down. :cry:   And here I have not one but 5 carriers.  I'm donating all but two.  I also hoard diapers like I'm gonna run out!!  I have probably 8-10 pkgs of mega diapers :shock:  I'll be donating them as well.  I can't imagine my baby not having diapers & food.  I've been crying so much lately that I just can't watch any more tv or read any more.

Hope everyone has a great Labor day weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 05, 2005, 13:58:35 pm
jillybeansmith-Congrats on getting Connor weaned from his nighttime bottle.

Ange-Sorry to hear about the thrush.  Glad the lumps were nothing serious.

Sharon - Lucky you. :D

Caroline - No I don't run.  I used to be addicted to working out, but was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had to give all that up.  I walk and do yoga, although I don't get to the gym these days for yoga and it's so darn hot hear I haven't been doing much walking either.  I teach second grade.

Kathy - That's so great of you.  I need to find out what else I can do here to help.  My mil is volunteering to go work for the Red Cross down there for a few weeks.  Wish I could do something like that but with Susana and work, don't think that's possible right now.

Well we're headed to the doctor as soon as Suana wakes up from nap.  Last night was awful.  She woke up at 10:00, 11:00, and then was up for 2 hours at 1:00.  I thought that with all that waking she might at least sleep in a little, but she was up for the day at 6:00!  At 10:00 and 11:00 she went right back to sleep when I held her.  At 1:00 I made the mistake of bringing her in our room which I think just woke her up. She's used to coming in there in the morning to play.  She's sounded really congested lately so I want to check and make sure she doesn't have another ear infection.   She also made a really weird breathing noise the other day when I laid her down.  It scared me to death because I thought she was choking or something.  She was still breathing so I called the doctor and they said if she was still doing it in 5 min. to call back, but she went right back to playing and seemed fine.  :? She's napping really well now.  I think I'm going to have to wake her to get her to the doctor. 

Hope everyone has a nice holiday today.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 05, 2005, 19:38:19 pm
Happy Labor day to me! DH took DD to MIL's and Im all alone for the day. its well needed. She has been so hard to sleep lately, I feel all day long Im putting her to bed. Im lovin this me time!
Have fun ladies!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 05, 2005, 19:48:26 pm
Hope everyone had a good long weekend!  For the firts time Reegan only took one nap.  DH tried to put her down for her first one on Sat. and it didn't work.  She was so tired by the time she went down for a nap she fell asleep on me within a minute of listening to her before bed music.  Other than that we had a good weekend.  Reegan is still not crawling, but is very good at going from belly to knees to sitting.  So maybe she still will crawl sometime soon? 

That is horrible about the thrush.  We have been really lucky to not get sick at all. 

Good job getting Connor off the night bottle.  Makes me think about trying to stop!  I just don't want to mess up the good thing that we have going. 

I too have the extra pounds since pregnancy.  i like to blame it on teh thyroid problem but I don't think it helps that I eat all the time and have stopped exercising.  I just don't have the time like I use to. 

Kathy - sounds like you have a great job! 

I have said this before but I am not a SAHM but I worl part time.  3 days a week from 8 - 4 with an hour at home in teh middle of the day when it is time to eat.  I feel so blessed to have found a job where I can work but still spend a lot of time at home with Reegan.  I was really putting off looking for a job after the bar and this just fell in my lap. 

Anyone else having problems with eating.  Reegan still won't take anything from the spoon.  I saw that others do have this problem, but she only eats about 5 bites of food and NO veggies.  I try to put them inthings that she likes but she will spit them out.  She likes taking bites of bread, but only if I give her the entire slice.  When I do that I slice the bread down the middle and stuff some meat and veggies and fruit in there.  She would take a couple bites but now it all comes out of the mouth until she hits a bite with only bread.  She does it cantalope but only if it is cut a certain way and the gerber apple pieces.  Talk about a picky eater!  I have tried every fruit and veggie there is and meat and veggie product.  I think that she just likes her milk  :(   

So Saturday I am going to a wedding with my girlfriends and DH is staying home with Reegan.  I am so nervous because this will be the first time that I will not be the one that puts her down for the night.  I always do it since I nurse right before I put her down. 

We are going to the Pediatric Ophthomologist tomorrow for Reegans tear duct problem.  Has anyone had to have the procedure done?  Right now her eye is looking so much better so I don't know what he is going to do. Let me know how it went for you if you had to have this done.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 05, 2005, 23:49:54 pm
Susana has the same problem with eating.  She only wants to eat rice cakes and Cheerios.  I was able to sneak some vegetable puree on her rice cake, but she's figured that out and now will whine until you give her a fresh piece.  Occassionally, I can sneak a bite in when she's opening her mouth to put the rice cake in.  Isn't that awful?  I just really want her to eat some fruits and veggies.  I think it's just a phase because about a month ago, she'd eat anything you gave her.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 06, 2005, 20:24:11 pm
are any of you faithful fertility charters?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 06, 2005, 21:42:17 pm
Good news dh's problem was two-fold, one was epididimytis (I'm not sure of it's spelling, an infection in his 'tubes', and the other...the lump, was a cyst)...we are very relieved!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 06, 2005, 21:45:06 pm
Oh, great! So good to hear it wasn't more serious!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 06, 2005, 23:32:48 pm
Great news! Glad to hear it.  :D

And no fertility charting here...

Gotta run start dinner, hope you're all okay!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 07, 2005, 00:26:47 am
Glad to hear everything's OK with your dh.

Sarah-I used to chart before I got pregnant, but I've had trouble getting back into it since I quit breastfeeding and started my cycles again.  I need to though.  I got so used to knowing when my period would start, it drives me nuts now not really knowing.

Sleep was not much better here last night. DH tried to give me a break but after an hour of trying to get her in the crib I took over.  She wouldn't let me put her down either so I finally just put her in the crib and sat by her for 45 minutes while she fussed and then finally put herself back to sleep.  Don't know what's going on with her.  Doctor said no ear infection.  He thinks it's related to her reflux.  That's probably what caused the weird breathing the other day too.  Just when I thought she might be growing out of it.  :?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 07, 2005, 02:04:29 am
So glad that your DH is ok.  Must be nice to have that stress over with. 

Sarah - I do NFP so I chart.  Well actually I really am not now because I haven't gotten my fertility back.  Kind of hard to chart when there is nothing there to chart.  Plus my temp is off because I get up at 5/5:30 and then for good at 7 or earlier if I go to work.  Just haven't found that time to take it everyday at the same time.  Starting to wish that it would come back. 

Well we have the surgery for the tear duct scheduled for December 2.  I'm a little freaked out by it but it is so common that it shoudl be fine.  The drugs are what really scare me.  Because of the appt today her naps were off and she was a grump  :(   Just hope that she has a good night.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 07, 2005, 02:27:08 am
That's good that it isn't cancerous.  No charting here!  I'm too tired to think about anything but sleep lately!

Phoebe - we're in the same boat!  For a week now, dd has been having nightwakings several times a night.  I don't think that it is teething as she will fall back asleep by herself again without any meds.   DD cannot take Motrin as it upsets her stomach too much.  The nights that she has it, she wakes even more.  We have been sticking to tylenol and teh gel.  The last three nights were so bad.  She would cried for 1-2 hrs each time and nothing I did seemed to help.  So I finally did our bedtime routine again and lay her in the crib and she fell asleep!

Our naps are not a geat as well as they would be anywhere between 30 mins - 2 hrs.  Today we had a 30 min nap and a 2.5 hrs nap.  Don't know what is going on but I hope that the nightswakings will just go away!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 07, 2005, 02:36:17 am
Oh, got a great tip from a friend about making your own picture book for the baby.  Take a small photo album (1 picture/page) and put pictures from magazines into them.  Label each picture and routinely alternate them with new ones.  You can have several albums ( one for each theme: items found in bedroom, kitchen, animals, clothing items, etc).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 07, 2005, 18:46:43 pm
Well Hannah is back to waking in the night. She is waking twice, she goes right back to sleep once I put the pacifier in so I don't think she is in any great pain. The thrush is getting better, that may be what is bothering her. Thrush looks like little white pimples in the mouth. It is caused by the same bacteria that causes yeast infections (great :roll:  :roll: )

MomtoRee:Hannah is still not crawling yet. She will get on all fours and then sit down again. Sorry to hear your LO has to have surgery but in the end things will be much better. How did the wedding go?

jillybeansmith-glad to hear everything is okay....
zayandme-we are not charting yet because there is nothing to chart
Phoebe-sorry to hear about the eat problems. I have started to make muffins and put carrots and other veggies into them to get hannah to eat more veggies. I have even replaced some of the flour with rice or oatmeal cereal.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 07, 2005, 20:07:59 pm
jill-so glad to hear everything is ok with your husband.

ange-hope hannah is feeling better soon.

we are back to tons of night waking as well.  i am attributing it to our long busy weekend.  i am just hoping that it is because we were gone so much, with so many (loud) people, and just not in our routine.  last night was the worst, as she was awake for 2 hours crying!!  she was so tired. as soon as i picked her up, she'd almost fall asleep, but scream when put down.  i really hope tonite goes better.  although one good thing about all this is that since she is awake so much at night, she is sleeping til 7:30 or 8:00 am.  woo hoo!!!

how many hours of day sleep are the lo's getting?  mine gets 2.5-3.5 hours split between 2 naps usually.  i am wondering if that is too much and causing her to wake at night.  i'd be interested to hear what naps are like elsewhere.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 07, 2005, 20:14:58 pm
Hey Lindsey, something happended with your says Gianna is only 3 weeks old now... :lol: can you imagine?

Ella is only sleeping 30-45 minutes for her am nap now and an hour and a half to an hour and 45 for her second nap. She then sleeps 12 overnight. Maybe 11 1/2.  We kind of fell into this after all our problems with her standing and her night wakings. Though she did wake 3x last night we never had to go in... I think she's working on tooth 7...but she is happy these days so we're sticking to it.

Must run am working this afternoon for a few hours.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on September 07, 2005, 20:32:32 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
how many hours of day sleep are the lo's getting?  mine gets 2.5-3.5 hours split between 2 naps usually.  i am wondering if that is too much and causing her to wake at night.  i'd be interested to hear what naps are like elsewhere.

I don't think 2.5-3.5 hours of day sleep is too much at this age....heck, on a good day, my 2.5 year old gets that much! :lol:

Zachary has two naps a day--each being 2-3 hours.  He then sleeps 10-13 hours a night, but he averages about 11.5-12 hours.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 07, 2005, 23:13:16 pm
Good luck with the surgery.  I know that must be scary for you. 

DD slept through the night last night. :lol: She was up at 5:40 with a poopy, but I can't complain since it was better than the last couple of nights.

Her two top teeth are definitely through now.  I don't think that's what was bothering her though.  She threw up last night right before bed and her sitter said she spit up a little today too, so it probably is reflux. :(   I am hoping she grows completely out of it soon.  I don't want her to end up having surgery for it. 

Eating is getting worse.  She eats for the sitter but only wants bottles from me.  I give her a 2 oz. bottle that has one of her medicines before dinner, then feed her solids.  Tonight after the two oz. she whined and whined and kept signing for milk, so I finally just gave her more bottle.  I tried peas but she wouldn't eat them.  I rolled some in millet puffs and she ate about two bites, but that was it. 

Uh oh, she's crying now.  Let me go see if I can get her back to sleep.  This does not bode well for the night.  Wish me luck.  Hope everyone else's night wakings improve.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 08, 2005, 00:13:37 am
Okay Alli all I have to say about how much Zachary sleeps is...
 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Good on you!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 08, 2005, 00:20:31 am
Ditto on that sleep, Sharon.... :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Alli, you are sooo lucky!

Juliana has been sleeping 45 min @ first nap and 30 min @ 2nd nap and 11 hours at night with 1-2 wake-ups. I am really drained....

I am not sure why I read almost everything that my husband says/does as criticism. As of late, it is crushing me and I feel myself retreating more and more. I guess it doesn't help that I am so tired....

Does anyone know if these short naps mean that she is trying to transition to just one nap?

P.S. Jillybean....sooo glad dh is okay!!!
Zay's Mom?  We used to chart religiously .... but not anymore, b/c my cycles have not returned. We are waiting until at least one more year to start trying again....

Caroline & Juliana
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 08, 2005, 01:18:20 am
Quote from: Gigismom
how many hours of day sleep are the lo's getting?  mine gets 2.5-3.5 hours split between 2 naps usually.  i am wondering if that is too much and causing her to wake at night.  i'd be interested to hear what naps are like elsewhere.

Zoe naps on average 2-4 hrs a day.  A 45min nap in the AM and then usually a 2 hr nap in the afternoon (though this sometimes varies...1-1/2 somedays up to 3-1/2 today  :D ).  Nighttime is 7pm-7am with no nightwakings since she was 7-1/2 weeks -lucky me!!  :shock:  :D  (though i'm sure that won't be the case if she'd start getting more teeth, only two top and two bottom here)

I don't post much again...but I always keep up with this thread.  Zoe is finally starting to hold a bottle.  Still doesn't like to eat much, though LOVES finger foods.  Has pulled up once in her crib a couple of weeks ago.  Rocks back and forth on her knees...still waiting for crawling  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on September 08, 2005, 01:47:08 am
Gee, didn't really realize how lucky I am :lol: ....I thought that's what every baby did! :lol:  :oops:   Stephen's always been the same way, too!  In fact, Stephen as a baby was a better sleeper than Z.  He slept through ALOT earlier, but didn't always nap as well as Z.  It's good though, I need that down time when they are both sleeping at the same time!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 08, 2005, 01:49:29 am
Aw, Caroline!  :cry: What's happening? Do you want to talk about it more? I'm sure I could speak for the other women and say we're here for you if you need to talk. Feel free to pm me too...

Nice to hear from you Noelle!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 08, 2005, 01:51:25 am
Oh and Caroline, is this new? The nap thing? We've been going back and forth with bad naps and thinking she's getting ready for one nap too...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 08, 2005, 15:47:32 pm
Con had his 9 month checkup today...he's fat!!!

25 lbs 11 ounces......he's basically on time for everything, she figures the delay in pulling himself up & crawling forward is due to heftiness. 

I asked her about the sleeping problems, she said that part of it is that he's very active, but cannot wear himself out, so once he gets walking, it should work some of it out....she said that it's part of some babies personalities....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 08, 2005, 16:06:33 pm
Jillybean, reading your post makes me want to pick up Connor and squish him!  :lol: I just think that is too sweet he can't quite tire himself out yet. Glad to hear he's healthy but sorry about the sleep deprivation it causes!

Dh is sending me to the spa today for a massage... can't wait! Feel sooooo lucky... I just hope I can stay awake to enjoy it!  :lol:

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 08, 2005, 16:14:38 pm
Quote from: jillybeansmith
Con had his 9 month checkup today...he's fat!!!
  :lol:  :lol:  Only can a mom say this about anyone!!  He's just good & healthy!!
Sorry to hear of all the nightwakings.  Hopefully they will go back to their norm soon.

MomtoRee - Hope the tear duct surgery goes ok.

Have a second here.  My 5yr had really bad tummy ache since Sunday and dr couldn't figure out why.  Finally yesterday(Wed) took her to the dr again and he sent her to the hospital!!  Her appendix had ruptured! :cry:  :cry:  I wished the dr could have caught it the first day and not have her in pain for 4days!!  She's at the hospital now doing well.  I spent the night with her and also had Jadyn with me :shock:  :shock:  That wasn't fun.  Jadyn was so wired that she slept from 8pm til 9pm in a sling and then we finally got in a room and she didn't go down til 11:30pm.  :shock:  I am totally running on adrealine.  I brought her home this morning so she could take a nap in her own crib and she's out like a light.  I'm just waiting for her to wake up from her nap.

Hope everyone is well.  Will catch up in a couple of days since she has to have IV for her medicine for 5days!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 08, 2005, 16:40:37 pm
Oh, poor thing! That must just break your heart to see your baby (I know she's 5, but do they ever stop being your baby?) in the hospital or in so much pain! Is she getting some relief now?
When is your nap scheduled!?!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 08, 2005, 20:04:08 pm
I know, I shouldn't call him 'fat' doesn't matter anyways, because he is just so darm cute!!!...he was turning on the charm in the waiting room...he turns on the charm everywhere I go...somebody even looks his way, he'll start smiling at them...and if somebody gets close and doesn't acknowledge him, he'll start smiling away at them trying to get their attention...

Geez.....sorry to hear about the appendix!!!! That must have been so scary!!!!!

Connor took his two grandmothers to english cream tea this afternoon at a historic house here in Napanee...again, he was just a proper little man...never made a peep...all smiles.. except for the sleep thing, he is a great little guy, and he's so quiet in public (so far....)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 09, 2005, 00:44:24 am
Kathy - Yikes!  I'm glad they figured out what it was and everything's OK.  I know you must be bad they didn't figure it out quicker. 

Alli - Let me just say you are the envy of every mother.  I wouldn't know what to do with myself with naps that long!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 09, 2005, 00:48:41 am
Kathy I'm so very sorry! Glad to hear she's on the mend. Please take care and keep us posted when you can!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 09, 2005, 02:26:34 am
Kathy, I do hope you are getting some rest is your oldest little girl, now? Do they still let them eat ice cream after surgery? You win the award for toughest night! must have STRONG arms!

Sharon, the tough naps started Monday. Today, I just resigned myself to the afternoon nap being short (mornings been short ALWAYS....). I felt much better not expecting a long break....

I checked out "Sleeping Through the Night" by Jodi Mendell from the library. I was reading tonight that at 9-11 mos 11 % of children take 1 nap a day, 75% take 2 and 11% take 3. At 12 - 17 mos 60 % take 1 nap & 40% take 2.  There are children who transition to 1 nap early, I guess!

I really think we are on the slide toward one nap, but it is just not possible for her to make it through the whole day on one nap just yet. I slid bedtime from 8:00 to 7:30 tonight, and with a few tears, she did go to sleep.

Goodnight all!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 09, 2005, 11:52:44 am
Remember I mentioned that Connor discovered that we have a bunny rabbit....?

It's great, I let Jack (the bunny) out of this cage to run around, and Connor just watches and giggles and then starts laughing uncontrollably as Jack bounces all over the place.  The bunny is house broken, but when Connor was little, he rarely got out of his cage, now the rabbit can get out and be loose (which makes it happy), and Connor has entertainment...

Con woke up 3 times last night....I think this is a losing battle!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 09, 2005, 12:10:26 pm
By the way, Yes, my arms are very strong...many backaches though!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 09, 2005, 14:11:07 pm
Kathy- that is so horrible.  My heart goes out to you and her.  I can't believe that they didn't catch it the first time. 

Alli - you have a really great sleeper!  As for teh daytime sleep here we get 2 naps between 1 hour 15 min and 2  1/2 hours.  Then she is sleeping about 11 1/2 hours at night with one early morning wake up to eat.  We have the occasional short nap now but not like we used to have. 

I think that Reegan had an upset stomach or something last night because she was up from 11-1 fussing.  I didn't know what to do for her.  On top of that she was up at 6:15, an hour before her usual time to get up! 

I hope that she does better this weekend since we are having friends in to stay to go to that wedding with me.  I am still scared to let DH put her to bed without me.  I'm not even going to be here if it doesn't go well to step in and take over.  I am so nervous that I have him nervous about it! 

DH has an interview today for a new job.  I am really wanting it because the insurance would be way better than what we have now. 

Before your lo started crawling did they get on their hands and knees and go into the sitting position a lot?  Reegan is doing that all the time now and I am wondering if it a step towards crawling.  I know that she will get it in her own time but she is 10 months old!  It's killing me that she is not crawling yet and there is nothing I can do to help her get there.  I know I need to get over it but I hate telling people no, she's not crawling. 

Hope everyone has great weekends!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 09, 2005, 15:05:51 pm
Kathy - sorry to hear about the rupture.  It must have been very painful for your dd1.  I hope that she is feeling better now. 

jillybeansmith - you say that Connor's fat, well dh and I think that dd has thunder tighs!  Her arms arm skinny but the thighs!!! :roll: I have to keep reminding myself that I shouldn't call her such as I'm sooo afraid that it becomes self-prophecy!  Hmmm... maybe I should start telling dd that she's a good baby that sleeps through the night.  Think it would work???

Momtoree - hope dh gets the job!  Before dd started to crawl, she would be in a sitting position first.  Don't worry it will happen soon.

Caroline - I have read that book too.  I makes me really wonder if dd in on her way to just one nap.  Yesterday, she was awake for 4 hrs before nap 1 and would have slept for 2.5 hrs if I hadn't woken her up by mistake.  Her pm nap is either getting harder or getting shorter (30-45 min.)  I've been reading the toddler's sleep forum to get a idea as to transitioning.  And it appears to take anywhere from a few days to several weeks for babies to adjust. 

Sharon - ahhh, soooo envious of you!!!

I read this book "Look Who's Talking" and it suggested that ways to encourage babies/toddlers to talk.  It goes in detail of each stage of the babies/toddlers development.  One of them is to encorage drinking from a cup (not sippy) or using a straw as this works the tongue/mouth muscles required for speech.  Anybody using the cup or straw?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 09, 2005, 15:13:24 pm
Oh Kathy...that's scary, I hope she feels better soon!!!!  :(

We used a straw cup with John and we use one with Zoe too.  I preferred them as that way they didn't have to learn how to tip them in addition to how to drink from them  :oops:  :wink:   Good to know there are other benefits too!!  :D

jillybeansmith...does the bunny go to the bathroom like cats? In kitty litter? Are they pretty easy pets?  Do they shed?  What do you do when you go on vacation?  Just wondering as I might want to get another pet when our dog dies, he's getting old  :(   But we have two cats too, think they'll get along?  :D

Momtoree - good luck with job!!  Fingers crossed  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 09, 2005, 16:10:21 pm
Bunnies as pets:  Our's will not go to the bathroom outside his cage, he will hop back in to do his business, but many can be kitty-litter box trained.  We didn't train ours, we just got lucky...The main issue is bunny-proofing.  We have entrances to behind the couches blocked off, and behind the tv.  Try to keep wires out of site or covered...Try to provide things for them to chew, because they love to chew...our's has left his mark on tv remote buttons, baseboard and the edge of the coffee table. 
They love affection and attention.  I would suggest letting them out of the cage, ours is out at least a couple hours a day...(supervised...or else the chewing happens)...They do shed, but they only have certain places that they go...for instance, ours doesn't realize that there is a world beyond  the coffee table area rug and the corner that his cage is in...he only inhabits 1/4 of the room, and doesn't venture away from that area, so the shedding is in a controlled area..and it's only twice a year.  Healthy, however, I suggest natural food (vegetables, fruit and yard trimmings with some vitamin supplements), ours didn't do well on the commercial pellats....We only take him to the vet to get his nails trimmed every 4-6 can do it on your own, but we aren't that brave.

Entertaining little pet for kids......but let them come to the kids, not the other way around...very timid, but very curious, so it's best until they get used to you to have initial interaction on their terms...

If we are gone for days, we have somebody stop in and feed him, or we take him to the in-laws...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 09, 2005, 16:12:52 pm
Oh...I don't know about bunnies & cats getting along...Jack gets along with some dogs that are quiet, but others scare the poor thing to death...
I don't know if cats would think of him as prey or not...I'm just not sure about that one.....

Oh yeah...Con & I went to the police station today to get them to make sure his carseat is installed was pretty good, a few adjustments and tightening though.  He may have to go forward-facing next month because he is tall, and his legs look like they may start getting cramped.  When we go forward-facing, the cop said to come back in and they will help us get it installed properly...

Not a bad idea though, if you have any concerns about proper installations...the cops here like you to do that, they've seen enough terrible wrecks here on our highways lately, where the parents are injured or don't survive, but the baby is unharmed because the seat installation was perfect....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 09, 2005, 17:11:01 pm
Okay, I am not sure if I am going to remember every question that has been posed on her since my last look, but here goes....

Kathy - Sorry to hear about dd1, hope she is on the mend.  Was she suppose to start school now as well?

Mom to Ree - send good luck vibes your way for dh's job.

Jill - my goodness Connor is a big boy, although it sounds like he is tall too.  Peter is in the 80th percentile for weight but only the 50th for height (doc said they like to see the height percentile higher than the weight  :roll: )

I am also wondering about the one nap issue this week Peter has been sleeping till 7 am  :shock: instead of his usual 6 - 6:30 wake up call.  Today he slept till 7:30 and doesn't show any signs of tiredness yet, I have no idea at what time he will finally crash, but I think we are going to end up with just one nap today....  He normally naps 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the am and 40 minutes if I am lucky in the pm.

Mimi - interesting info on the sippy cups, figures now that ds will take one it is not the straw type.  I do try to give him his water with meals out of a regular plastic cup, some days he does well, some days not.... We also can't believe the size of Peter's thighs and keep commenting that it is a good thing he is a boy as he certainly got his father's thighs :wink: .

Our biggest challenge these days is finger foods, Peter will only eat cheerios or puffed cereal or toast, no veggies etc... I have tried to give him his favourite veggies and fruit but it is a no go.  I have even put them on his table in among the cheerios and if he happens to touch them he immediately flicks them out of his hand and looks for his beloved cheerios :roll:.  Oh well at least he is not on a spoon strike yet.

Have a great weekend everyone!  I am off to pick up my MIL for babysitting duty.  Dh and I are head out for date night tonight.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 09, 2005, 20:21:21 pm
So hard to keep up with us! Such a busy thread!  :)

Kathy- how is your daughter doing?

Jill- I thought that we had to keep them rear facing til their a year? what is the "rule" there?

Guys, I'm going crazy. Still no AF, and another negative pregnancy test this morning. As each day passes I realize I should just be coming to grips with the fact that must be pregnant but its not coming up on the HPT's.  Jeesh, it seems like DH just looks at me funny and we get pregnant... What on earth am I going to do with an 18 month old and a newborn...?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on September 09, 2005, 20:26:22 pm
Sarah, forgive me if I'm asking questions you've already answered, but I'm just wonderign....are you breastfeeding at all?  Have you had any "normal" cycles since having Isaiah?  Are you sure you know when you ovulated?  Have you had any stress or something different going on in your life??  Just curious....there must be something behind no AF.  If I remember correctly, arent you around 40ish DPO?

And what would do with an 18 month old and a newborn?  Get lots of ideas and support from here of course!!  Lots of moms have done it! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 10, 2005, 00:22:31 am
MomtoRee- Good luck with dh's job.  My lo crawled before she could push up to sitting.  Maybe yours will just skip crawling and go right to walking?

jillybeansmith- Does Connor try to grab your bunny?  We have 3 cats and a dog.  My lo is constantly trying to grab them.  She thinks it's hilarious.  2 of our cats stay out of her way, but the other lets her grab him.  I'm afraid one day it'll be too much and he'll scratch her.  He's a very patient cat though.  I just have to really watch.  The dog is a German Shepherd.  He just gets up and moves when she starts bothering him.  Once she grabbed his tail and he got up with her still holding on and drug her across the room.  :shock: She got a little upset, but I have to admit it was kind of funny.  :)

Mimi - Thunder thighs here too.   My stepdad calls dd the "Michelin girl" because of all her rolls.  DD uses a sippy cup at the sitter's, but at home I giver her water from a regular cup.  I bought some plastic juice glasses.  They are a nice size for her to hold.  Better than the sippy cups actually.  I hold it for her some and let her tip it over and play with it some so she can learn how to do it.  She can drink when I hold it, but still hasn't figured it out on her own.  She actually seems to prefer drinking from a regualr cup.

Sarah - Hope you find out for sure soon. 

Gotta go, dd is crying.  We have gone back to this waking up an hour or so after she goes down for the night.  Ugh.. just when you think you have it all figured out. :?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 10, 2005, 11:35:35 am
Sarah...the rule is to keep them rear facing until they are a year...The cop said that this is a rule of thumb because at a year, they generally have the neck strength to handle a rear-ender.  In our case, Connor is such a big boy, and a tall boy..our car seat is about as big as you can go rear-facing, and he is okay weight-wise, but his height is such that he is sort of getting frog-legged against the back-seat.  The cop almost suggested forward-facing, but unless Con is strong enough, he has so much mass behind him in an accident with his own body weight that he could hurt himself...but he could also hurt his legs and hips rear-facing.  The cop suggested that maybe in a month or so, Con will start crawling or standing, thus indicating that his neck is stronger, enough to get us forward-facing...and he will 10 1/2 months old.

Phoebe...luckily (but unfortunately), Con isn't crawling yet, so I have the ability to control him around Jack Rabbit...when I hold Jack up to him, he first touches Jacks fur, then attempts to grab it...Bunnies are delicate, so it'll be interesting once Con is mobile.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 10, 2005, 23:18:36 pm
I have had NO time this week, but just wanted to check in real quick.

alli-i am so jealous of z's sleeping.  want to have a "kid swap" for a week??!!

kathy-hope your dd is feeling better soon.

momtoree-gianna is still not crawling either although she gets on her hands and knees and rocks.  so we're getting closer i think.  and also, i wanted to tell you that the last family i nannied for had a dd with a blocked tear duct also.  she was a little over 1 year when they did the surgery.  everything went perfectly and she is totally fine now.  the hardest part was not being able to feed her breakfast the day of surgery.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 12, 2005, 12:13:41 pm
I think I'm out of options.  I finally broke down last night and tried to let him cry it out.  It was a disaster.  The other thing is my husband cannot stand letting him cry...I don't think that that is a good option for us (or Connor)...we let it go on for 1/2 hr...I would check in on him a couple times...DH ended up going and getting him.  It then took me a full hour of rocking.  I tried several times to put him in his crib, but he would wake up after a minute and look for me.  Even while rocking, he would fall asleep, jerk awake, feel my face or hand, then fall back to sleep...I finally got him into his crib, but he awoke a couple hours later, screaming, then wouldn't let me put him down, so I ended up bring him to bed with me, and he would still wake up every so often (at least 5 or 6 once an hour), crying and wanting to touch me to make sure I was there...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 12, 2005, 13:48:24 pm I'm sad...

Got a call from Connor's sitter when I go back to work.  He starts 1/2 day on October 3, then another 1/2 day, a full day one week, then 2 full days, then another 2 full days...then I'm back at work...

I didn't expect this to bother me much, but now it seems so final, like our time together is coming to an end...I'm kinda weepy this normal???  I can't even talk about going back to work and daycare without getting weepy!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 13, 2005, 00:58:11 am
Reegan crawled today  :shock: !  Just when I was thinking that it would never happen she is off and going.  She is all over the place already.  Took her a long time to get it but I don't think that it is going to take long to master! 

Jill - it is totally normal to have those feelings.  I think that everyone I know had a hard time going back to work.  The only good thing is that you were able to stay home for so long wtih him.  I know that I cried like a baby when I had to leave Reegan the first time.  Hopefully you will still be able to spend lots of time with him. 

So DH put Reegan to bed Sat when I was at a wedding and she went down without crying!  She then slept all night long  :D I was so happy that it went well for him.  I was so nervous about it but know I know that if I have something he can do it and Reegan is ok with it.  Besides that we had a rough weekend with naps.  She only took 1 nap on Sat and Sun!  Didn't help me being nervous about Sat night!  I think that she wanted to stay up to see the people that were staying with us.  I was very happy that she went back to taking two goods naps today!  I was scared that she was down to one for good! 

Sarah - Just to let you know I did have a cycle and nothing since.  That was about 4 months ago so even if you had one and haven't had another it doesn't mean you are pregnant.  Lots of people have babies that are 18months apart.  We know a family that has 8 kids that are all 18 months apart! 

Also, DH got an offer for the job today, but he doesn't know if he wants it now!  At least he has the option.

Hope you all had a great weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 13, 2005, 03:25:14 am
LOL! 8? Oh, DH and I used to joke that we wanted 8--that is, until I got pregnant with #1. Ugh. I don't know how women do it more than a couple times and survive.
AND....Drum roll please!
AF has arrived! Yaaaaaay! I am beyond happy. I know that it would have worked- God has a bigger plan than I do- but I am really relieved to know that I'm not pregnant.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 13, 2005, 03:36:23 am
Sarah - so glad you got the answer you were hoping for. :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 13, 2005, 04:00:39 am
Jilly, so sorry you're having a rough time with Connor and his sleep. Do you want us to try and help you figure it out?? Maybe post his schedule, etc. ?

Mom to Ree, congrats on the crawling! there's no looking back now!  :lol:  And great news on dh's job offer too.

Sarah that's great news you're not pg. What a long wait for you!

Ella has been sleeping well up until today's pm nap and she took almost an hour to go down tonight too. But we see tooth number 7 so....

Take care everyone.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 13, 2005, 05:03:40 am
I've been a self- centered post-er these days- having trouble thinking about anything other than pregnancy! I'll be back to our little group tomorrow!

SO what happens when we make it to like a bajillion pages long? Do we turn our thread into a book? :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 13, 2005, 11:54:43 am
any other LOs scared of the dark? I didnt notice lastnight that when I put DD down her night light was out, it wasnt completley dark out when she went to bed. So at midnigh tI guess when she opened her eyes and saw that it was pitch black she screamed her head off. She was then up till THREE AM scared to close her eyes! *yawn* Other than that she is good, been taking 1  hour 15 min naps twice day hope last nights lack of sleep doesnt break that cycle. Took 12 is here, yay

Hope everyone is well, Im too tired to read and look! lol
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on September 13, 2005, 12:33:54 pm
Quote from: MorganLeigh
any other LOs scared of the dark? I didnt notice lastnight that when I put DD down her night light was out, it wasnt completley dark out when she went to bed. So at midnigh tI guess when she opened her eyes and saw that it was pitch black she screamed her head off. She was then up till THREE AM scared to close her eyes!

You know, I made the comment to dh the other night (when Stephen was closing himself up in our closet) that neither of our kids have ever been afraid of the dark.  They don't mind it all.  I think it's because we've always made their rooms pitch dark at night for them to sleep.

Glad to hear your good news Sarah!! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on September 13, 2005, 13:04:47 pm
I've never posted on this thread, but have been much fun and useful!
Can any of you ladies post your lo's EASY routine, including amounts of milk????....I'm having a hard time figuring out how much milk to give each time.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 13, 2005, 14:48:10 pm
here's Isaiah's daily routine- give or take 45 minutes-

6:30- bottle- 10 oz.

7:30- Breakfast- Cheerios and fruit

9:30- Nap for 2 hours

11:30- Lunch

Somewhere between 1 and 2:30- Bottle- 8 oz

2:30 or 3- down for 1.5-2 hrs

4:30- If he's awake he has a small snack

5:30- Dinner

7pm- bottle 8oz

8pm- bed
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 13, 2005, 14:49:55 pm
we lay Isaiah down in the dark, too, and haven't noticed any fear- hopefully something won't crop up!

Never realized that Zachary and Isaiah are only one day apart! How fun!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 13, 2005, 16:07:24 pm
Well luckily lastnight didnt ruin he rmorning nap, Ill take an hour after all that!
Morgans Sched

7 AM ~ 6 oz Bottle
8:30 ~ Breakfast
9:45 ~ wind down/nap usually 1 hour and 15 mins
12 ~ Lunch
1 ~ 6 oz bottle
2 ~ Nap
4 ~ Juice and sometimes a snack
5:30 Dinner
7 ~ 6 oz bottle
7:30 (sometimes 9:30) Bed

Im seeing others give more than 6 oz 3 times a day...hmm maybe I should bump it up to 8?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 13, 2005, 19:58:09 pm
I feel so out of the loop since i rarely have time to check this anymore.  we are doing ok over here.  we are actually planning on moving back to sacramento this winter (long story)  so we have been busy checking out real estate.  i am excited though because that is where we came from and all our friends are there.  most of my friends have had babies this year or are expecting soon, so it will be nice to ahve some support as far as that goes.  lots of play dates!

phoebe-are you going to be affected by hurricane/tropical storm ophelia?  i hope you guys are ok!!

catalina-here's our day except i don't know how much milk she takes because she is EBF.

6:30 wake and bf for 2-3 mins
7:30 breakfast of solids
9:00 nap
10:30 wake and bf for 2-3 mins'
12:30 lunch of solids
2:00 nap
3:15 wake and bf 2-3 mins, snack of solids
5:30 dinner of solids
7:15 bf 2-3 mins then bedtime

hope that helps.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 13, 2005, 20:40:08 pm
Hi...Connor schedule is generally like this (this is what it is today)...

6:30 - wake up (sometimes it's at 7:30)...usually a bottle
7:15 - breakfast
7:30 - activity
9:00 - nap (usually only 45 minutes/hr)
10:00 - wake up
11:30 - lunch
1:00 - bottle or snack
3:00 - nap (again, usually only 1 hr)
4:00 - snack
5:30 - supper
5:45 - sometimes a cat-nap until 6:30.
6:30 - play
7:15 - bathtime
7:30 - bottle and first attempt at bed...

Once I get him to bed, he sleeps well until 10'ish...then wakes up at midnight or 1:00....then, lately, after that he is very restless...
Last 2 nights, he's been up every hr on the hr after midnight....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 13, 2005, 20:58:30 pm
PS...Connor's bottles are typically 7-8 oz...
If he insists on a midnight snack, we have special bottles that are only 1 or 2 oz and the rest water...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on September 13, 2005, 21:50:47 pm
Hi all,
thanks for posting your routines.
jillybeansmith, Sebastian's nights have always been a mess too :cry: !!! I so understand you! I'm just sooooo lucky to live in the 3rd world  :D  (Brazil), where I do have help (maid), and she takes care of him in the early morning while I sleep and helps me continue with the day.
Lately, I think, his upper teeth have been bothering him, and this is what makes him wake up so much during the night. Maybe Connor is experiencing some teething pain?
I've been weaning him from the breast and up until last night I would only bf in the morning, middle of the night (usually 3-4am), and when he wakes up. Last night I gave him a bottle hoping for a better night sleep, and guess what???? Nothing changed!!!  :evil:
I was so dissapointed!
Anyway, tonight I'm giving him some tylenol for the teething pain, and hope it goes better.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 13, 2005, 23:58:59 pm
jilly- I tried to send you a private message last night but I'm not sure it went throuhg.  I know how you feel about going back to work.  It's so hard, but it does get easier.  In fact our sitter is turning out to be like another grandmother for dd. 

Catalina- Our schedule is like this:
               6:00 ish 5 oz bottle
               7:15 breakfast - oatmeal, 1-2 fruit cubes, 2oz juice, finger foods

               8:45 nap 1 hour and 20 minutes if all goes well

               10:00 6 oz bottle

               11:30  lunch - 1 veggie cube and finger foods, water to drink

               1:00 nap 1 hour and 30 min.

               2:00  6 oz bottle

               3:00  juice

               5:00 dinner - 1 veggie cube and finger foods, water to drink

               6:30 7 oz bottle and bed

Lindsey - I haven't seen the news today, but last I heard Ophelia was not hitting SC.  Even if it does, we probably won't be affected much here since I am not on the coast.  I happy for you moving. 

We started with the potty training Sunday.  I'll have to post more on that thread, but basically we are doing a pretty good job of training her to pee on the floor. :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on September 14, 2005, 00:13:05 am
What is a vegetable cube? is it pureed veggies?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 14, 2005, 11:09:10 am
So, the schedule that I posted was followed to a T yesterday...but I couldn't get him to go to sleep!!!!!!!!  He fell asleep several times, but would wake up looking for me (within 30 seconds...he was literally fighting sleep, you would see him drift off, then his legs would start kicking and he'd get all wiggly, then he would wake up screaming until he saw me!!!!  Finally, I got him to sleep at 10:45!!!...the good thing is he slept through until 6:30, but that means he didn't get all of his sleep.
It could be teeth, he's been working on #8 for 3's just under the surface of the gums, you can see the little purply-white line where it will come up, but it's been like that for the better part of a week.

Good luck to our East-Coasters with Ophelia coming in....!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 14, 2005, 11:13:53 am
pheobe...No the message didn't come through..

The one good thing is that Connor's sitter has a wonderful reputation...everybody has heard of her and has heard good things about her.  Our neighbour and my friend from childhood sends her 3 little girls there, and they love it, and my friend is an ECE, so she knows what to look for in childcare. 

The sitter has her mother come over and work as well if there are babies, so that there is more one-on-one attention.  Her mom worked with developmentally handicapped kids all of her life and is retired, so she will have lots of patience.  Connor and I go to meet the mother today..
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 14, 2005, 14:53:38 pm
Jilly-It sound like we are going back to work about the same time. I start again on Nov.7. I go back for a week and than I get my holiday's from this past year so I am off until Dec. 15. I have day care lined up but I haven't really sat down and thought about going back until I read your post.  I told DH that I don't want to go back and cried but he and I discussed it and really I don't have a choice if we wish to maintain a certain standard of living.  I sounds like you have found an amazing sitter. That must make you feel a little better

Catalina- Our schedule looks like this:

5:30 BF and back to bed
7-up to play
8-BF-waffle and fruit
9-9:30 nap
12:30 play
2-2:30 nap
4-bottle 8 oz and snack
5:30 dinner
7 walk and bath
7:30-8 BF to bed
 Looks like I need to change her schedule. I believe at 9 months bottle comes after food and it looks like a lot of people have already changed that in there schedule and it looks like most went from 4 feds to 3.
Maybe we need to do some more reading

DD used to sleep until 5:30-6 but for the last few weeks we have also had some serious sleep issues. I usually take her into the guest room at 4ish so DH can get some sleep.  I think that this might be becoming a habit
Lindsey-congratulations on the up coming move. Life is always easier when you have more help around and support.
Momtoree-glad to hear your LO is crawling. Hopefully Hannah will start too. She is starting to rock more and reach further..What was the progression like before she actually started crawling
Sarah-I agree with you, Someone up above has a master plan for each of us.

There is so much going on this thread its hard to keep up. Hannah still has thrush. TOok her to a clinic this weekend and the DR. said it was nothing went to the family Dr yesterday and he said it was getting worse and it was thrush....makes me think you always need to look for a second opinion.  She is almost 18 lbs. She seems so small for her age only 27 inches.

Well should go and clean a little before she wakes up

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 14, 2005, 15:46:26 pm
Morgan Leigh - Pete's night light just burnt out this last week as well.  So far he doesn't seem troubled when he has woken up, in fact I think he may put himself to sleep easier without it, so we are just going to see how it goes without it.

Our schedule goes something like this:

6 - 6:30 wake up and bf
7:30 solids (mainly just cheerios and a veggie or fruit cube)
9:00 am nap (lately it has only been for 40 minutes)
10:30 bf
11:30 lunch - 1/2 cup yogurt with 2 furit cubes thrown in
12:30 - 1:00 nap (usually 1 1/2 hours)
2:30 - 3:00 bf
5:00 supper - 5 tblsp of cereal, tofu or whatever other protien we may be having, 2-3 veggie cubes.
7-7:30 bf and bed

Jill - do you think there is anyway to get Connor down before 3 for a nap in the afternoon?  I was just thinking maybe with his longest strech of awake time being between 10:00 and 3:00 he is just taking the edge of his tiredness with the 3:00 nap and catnap but still remaining overtired by the time bedtime rolls around.  Pete's 5 hour strech of awake time is from 2:30 - 7:30 and that has him pretty wiped out, so that why I was thinking that.  I know Connor is not crawling yet so maybe he is just not able to tire himself out before 3:00, although you would think his  "bunny aerobics" would do the trick :lol:.  Also, I have no idea how feasible this is, but what about gradually weaning him from rocking to sleep, kind of like you would do with a soother?  Maybe every night you could rock him a little less after he has fallen asleep, until the point that you start putting him in the crib just before he falls asleep, and finish up with just stroking his forehead or rubbing his back till he goes to sleep.  Then hopefully if he stays calm with those things you could eliminate the rocking and then start to eliminate the back rubs - but at least have a way to soothe him in his crib. kwim?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 14, 2005, 18:19:07 pm
ange-gianna is small too.  she was 17 lbs 10 oz and 27.5 inches a couple of weeks ago.  i was so sure she was at least 20 lbs!

jill-i agree with jen about the late nap maybe interupting connor's sleep.  it seems that for us anyway, if gianna sleeps much past 3:15 or so, we have a lot more night wakings than if i wake her earlier.  it seems cruel to wake them, but at this age, i think it really helps them sleep better if they get a loooooong awake time right before bed.  also, i would definitely try to wean from the cat nap.  we have just fully weaned off it and the night sleep is so much better.  the first couple of days without it were hard, but to combat this, i invited compnay over for dinner on those nights so that gianna was too excited/distracted to remember she was tired.   now we can easily go 4 or 4.5 hours from last nap to bedtime.  it's worth a try.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 14, 2005, 18:21:53 pm
Jill - sorry to hear about the sleep disruptions.  I know what you mean about returning to work.  I was so undecided back in July and still is...but I've told my manager that I will start Oct. 1.  I really hate to go back on my word but dd has been quite difficult lately that I'm afraid for my mom.  A big part of me wants to stay home to deal with this phase (whatever it is   :roll:  :?  :shock: ) but dh and some friends think that I should learn to let go.  Besides, I'm hoping to convince my manager to let me do the job-sharing program after a few months back.  I think that it is easier heading back to work when you know that your lo is in capable and loving hands.

Ange - sorry to hear about he thrush.  DD had it once and it was not very pleasant.  Just make sure that Hannah is on her meds for at least two weeks to really get rid of it.  We were told to put dd (7 weeks) on the med for a week only and it came back a week later.  The second time, we had her on it for 2.5 weeks and it hasn't come back since. 

We took the night light away at 5 mos.  DD didn't seem to noticed.  Now the only light in her room is the tiny green light from the monitor.  I found that dd tend to fall asleep faster if it is very dark.

Well, today is day one of transitioning to one nap.  I don't know if it is right or wrong but I'm soooo tired of fighting with dd for the naps.  Today she went down very easily after 5 hrs of being awake.  I watched her like a hawk and she didn't show any sleepy signs till 11 am.   I hope that this is a good sign.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 14, 2005, 18:22:36 pm
Connor's been a bear today...but guess what? mom was sitting him today for an hour, and she discovered a 2nd tooth...Tooth number 8 AND 9 are being worked on.

I talked to the pharmacist about the appropriate dosage for motrin.  The infants motrin only shows dosage for up to 23 lbs.  I wondered if it's wearing off too quick...He said not to go the the childrens motrin, stick with infants, even though he is heavy.  BUT, he said not to be afraid to give it to him more frequently, it won't hurt him. Allows 4 doses in a 24 hour span.  I was only giving it to him at bedtime..

He also mentioned the infant's motrin is the best for teething (over tylenol & advil...)

I go back to work November 7 as well...and I also told my hubby that I would like to work from home, do computer consulting, but it wouldn't make nearly what I make at my real job..My income is 'breadwinner' income, so it's not as disposable if we were used to less to begin with..
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on September 14, 2005, 19:50:42 pm
I address you because we both have a hard time with sleep time....
Today I went cold turkey on the pacifier....I'm just trying every possibility as to Sebastian's sleeping disruptions.
First nap was perfect. Didn't cry at all and slept for 2 hours!  :D
Second nap was a nightmare. He cried for over 1 hr, with me doing pu/pd, and standing by the crib, while he went all the way from being layed, to standing up....and again and again. Finally he fell asleep (out of exhaustion??), and is still.
Will update about the night time...which I'm dreading! :cry:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 15, 2005, 01:06:57 am
Sleep hasn't been so great here either.  I'm pretty sure it's because of teething.  DD is drooling all over the place and today I discovered not one, but two new teeth.  That's #5 & 6.  She was at mom's again today and only took two 30 min. naps and a 45 min. one.  Then tonight I put her down at 6:30 (which is her usual bedtime) and she didn't go to sleep until almost 8:00!!!  I just hope she sleeps through the rest of the night.

jilly-It sounds like you have a great sitter.  That will make all the difference for you. 

It sounds like Connor really has a hard time with teething.  My bil's cousin has a little one who was just like that.  Things got better once all the teeth were finally in.  Maybe giving him Motrin more often will help.

Catalina - Yes a veggie cube is just pureed veggies.  I make all of dd's food and freeze it in ice cube trays.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 15, 2005, 01:57:49 am
Hello,hello, hello! Everyone!

Here is zoe's schedule (at the moment  :wink: )

6:30-7:00 - Wake-up - Bottle (usually 4-6oz)
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 (Nap until 9:45)
11:00 Lunch with milk in a sippy
12:00-3:00 or 3:30 - Nap
Bottle after nap, usually 6-8 oz.
5:30 Supper
6:30 Bottle - 8+ounces
7:00 Bed!

She has started somewhat crawling today!  More of a lunge, but she sure is close!! And she has sat up on her own a few times now - yay!!!  I don't know if you guys remember, but she was never really big on her solids.  For the last 3-4 days I have fed all her meals in finger foods.  No cereal or purees at all...she only takes a couple of spoonfuls for me.  I'm not going to buy any more baby food, it just goes to waste.  This is what we feed her so far.

Can you guys post what you guys feed for finger foods...I could use some ideas and hopefully I can provide some for you  :D . 

Scrambled eggs (we do use the whites)
Wheat Bread
Cottage Cheese
Regular Cheese
Beans (green and brown)

That's all I can think of right now...

Thank gals!!!

And hey Sharon...welcome to Moderating  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 15, 2005, 03:31:52 am
Thanks Noelle!  :D  I figured I spend enough time here... :lol: You're finger foods are awesome! The only things I can think to add are bits of chicken, I make macaroni and cheese and puree it but then roll it into little balls and I made a broccoli and cauliflower puree with cheese sauce that I mix with macaroni and she eats that...basically trying to find creative ways to use up the purees that are already in the freezer.

We're actually trying a new schedule (yet again) as far as feeding goes...though I don't know it's the right thing to do...dd drinks great from a cup if it's water but milk...forget it! She's taking little fake sips now just to get us to cheer her on! We'd like to try to skip the sippy altogether as she drinks so well from a cup now but...we'll try it for awhile and see. So anyways here's what we're doing these days. Oh and we also tried one nap and it was no go! She took an almost 3 hour nap when we did it but she was tooooo crabby with the long awake times.

7:30 wake

8:00 breakfast and milk in a cup (maybe an ounce) followed by the bottle usually 6oz.

10-ish nap for 45-1 hour

12 lunch and milk in a cup followed by a bottle 5 or 6oz.

2-ish nap for 1 hour

5 supper with milk in a cup and 5 0r 6oz. bottle

7 bath and 6-7oz bottle

7:30 bed

As you can see we're trying to get her to like her milk in a cup and also move the solids and formula closer together. It's taken us back to 4 bottles a day but...the idea is she'll eventually just take her milk with meals. I'm not sure we should be doing it this way or if we should keep giving water with meals and make the previous milk feed eventual snacks. Does that make sense? Oh and we also give a snack sometimes before the am nap and after the pm nap if she seems to need it but with the new routine we're not doing it so much yet to make sure she still takes enough formula.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 15, 2005, 03:42:47 am
Hi guys,

I feel like I've been gone forever!!! Well, dd1 is back home as of yesterday but still has a catheder in her arm in which we administer medine 6am, 12pm, 6pm and 12am (this one is the hardest).  She has missed school for almost 2wks!! To top it off we are going to visit our dear friends who are older (in their 70's) and he has emphysema and we're afraid he will die soon. :cry:  We are leaving tomorrow and coming back home Tues.

I caught up reading and there's so much going on!!  It seems teeth are popping up everywhere!! I think Jadyn might be trying to break the eye teeth on right & left upper.  She cried today when I put her down and kept on standing up & putting her arms out for an hour!!  I didn't know what to do since this is very unusual.  I ended up cheating and gave her the boob. :oops:  So of course she only slept for 45mins for both naps.

As for food & milk I wonder, do I need to nurse AFTER giving solids?? I'm confused.  Since she's still 8mos, do I change the order after 9mos???  Anyone still bfing first and when do I officially change the order of solids and milk?

Jadyn has been eating a lot of solids lately.  For breakfast she eats 3 slices of peaches, 1/4cup of oatmeal; lunch, avacado and a yogurt and cheerios, and for dinner, she just pigs out and eats 3cubes of pasta with tomato sauce, 1 cube of soft cheese, 1cube of veggie and usually 1/2 of banana.  She loves pasta with tomoato sauce and gets so mad if I don't feed her fast enough.  Only thing is she doesn't chew, just swallows it whole! :roll:  I try to imitate chewing but she just laughs at me.  So cute.

Hope everyone has great sleep and easy teething.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 15, 2005, 11:11:53 am
I'm jealous about you ladies getting away with the finger foods.  The only ones that Connor can tolerate are baby mum-mum biscuits and farley's biscuits...Tried banana - he puked, Tried little bits of cheese - he puked 4 times!!!...Mashed potatoes - hurl...pieces of watermelon - hurl...Cheerios - puke, puke and puke!!! pastina - bad news...puked....tiny pieces of chicken - spit them out!....

Connor is happy with his oatmeal, and heintz baby foods (peas, grean beans, corn, etc, etc, etc...(but none of the ones for his age with the bits of rice or vegetables...), mum-mums and farleys are his only 'finger foods'...

I'll keep trying some of the other items on the lists you guys posted...surely something won't make him toss his cookies...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 15, 2005, 13:24:40 pm
Well Morgan has been standing on her for quite some time now, she will us ethe couch or my leg and then let go. She gets SO excited because we all clap. Well this morning she was playing then just decided to stand up woth doll in her with no help, all by herself! Its such an amazing thing to see, watching her in amazement when she learns new things. She is in that phase where she hands me EVERYTHING! lol Oh and she tries to feed me now, so sweet!
Now if I can just get the booger to sleep through the night again!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on September 15, 2005, 14:40:29 pm
Standing by! That's great!  :D  Ella tries to feed me now too... so cute.

Jilly, maybe try grated cheese? Dd can't handle bananas either.

Kathy so nice to hear from you!!!!!!!! Must get dd now will write more later...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cazao on September 15, 2005, 14:46:30 pm
hi guys. haven`t checked in for a while. things have been a bit nuts. georgia has finally got the hang of crawling in the last few days, and is now all over the place...haven`t babyproofed yet so she`s finding all sorts of danger. and of course it led to major night wakings the last week or so...i`m assuming it`s the crawling anyway. and then there`s the major separation anxiety and mmm oh yes, i rear-ended our car  :oops: but last night georgia slept through so hopefully that`s done with that and we`re on a better track now. i`m in the process of changing her milk/solids routine....for the last little while her routine has been roughly

8 and bf
9 solids
11 nap...normally 1.5 hours
12.30pm bf
2pm solids
4pm nap...45 mins/hour
5pm bf
6.30pm solids
8pm bf
8.30pm bed.

the last 2 days i`ve stopped the 12.30pm bf and gone straight to solids lunch at about 1pm. she didn`t seem to notice at all. yesterday i offered her a sippy of formula before her second nap...she only took a tiny bit but had a good bf on waking from her 2nd nap. i think i`m going to forget about the sippy and just move that 2nd bf to a bit before the 2nd nap as i noticed yesterday the last part of the day from 5pm was kind of crammed with eating, with 2 bf and dinner. maybe in a month or so i`ll replace the 2nd bf with a sippy. so that`s my plan Kathy...i`ll let you know how it goes. what i`ve picked up from other posts is that about this age solids come before milk, only 3 bf`s are necessary and you don`t have to replace the 11am milkfeed with anything. i have to say it`s rally liberating to know that she now goes from before breakfast to mid afternoon without a bf...kind of frees me up a bit if ever i wanted a bit of r and r  :lol: 

on another anyone else realising their lo is now really `getting it`? when i say where`s the ball...she goes to find the ball, she follows my fingers pointing now and completely recognises the words for bird and plane and the sign for drink as she looks in the right place whenever i say anything. still waiting for some signing back...she`s working away on something with her hands, just haven`t figured out yet what it is....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 15, 2005, 15:07:22 pm
Kathy-glad your dd #1 is home.  that must be hard for you.  as for the milk/solids thing, we do bf 4 times a day.  once when she wakes in the am, after both naps and before bedtime.  she hardly drinks anything at all, so i can't really count that as any nourishment, maybe just a small snack.  in any case, she gets solids usually about 1 hour after the bf.  i could probly stop bf'ing altogether right now and she wouldn't even care.  but i don't want to yet!

cazao-yes, gianna is definitely "getting it".  she recognizes several words: daddy, doggies, music, eat, water, byebye, butterflies, etc.  sometimes, she will respond to the word with action, like when i say "dance" she starts dancing.  so cute!  she may be signing back "all done", but the jury's still out on that one...she's also really into feeding me...too bad i'm not really into eating slimy crackers.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 15, 2005, 15:15:15 pm
one question:
do you guys have set nap times or is it just when your child shows cues, even if it is different times everyday?  my problem is that gianna's am wakeup times are so varied (anywhere from 5am to 7:30am), that her naps times are all over the place.  so i am trying set nap times.  i am aiming for starting 1st nap between 9 and 9:30 regardless of when she woke up and between 1:30-2:00 for 2nd nap to begin.  does this make sense?  i am just thinking that maybe this will help her regulate her screwy internal clock and possibly (please god!) give us a regular wake up time in the am.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 16, 2005, 00:37:29 am
Noelle - The finger foods we've tried are: avacado, rice cakes, Cheerios, puffed millet (usually I roll some puree in this because the puffs are very tiny), carrots, bananas, canteloupe, grapes, sweet potatoes, mashed potato balls, teething biscuits, egg yolks

The rice cakes and Cheerios are by far the favorites.  I think dd could eat her weight in Cheerios.  I think I'm going to start feeding more finger foods and less puree.  I have a hard time getting her to eat puree, although she eats it well for the sitter.

Sharon - I thought about doing the milk with meals, but I decided to keep the bottles after naps and I'll eventually replace those with a snack I think.  I'm planning on discussing it with the pediatrician at our 9 mon. visit and see what he suggests too. 

Kathy - Glad your daughter is OK and back home.  I know that has been hard for you.  Wow Jadyn is a great eater!  Susana will occasionally have a day where she pigs out, but she's usually so picky - just wants Cheerios.

MorganLEigh - Congrats on the standing solo!  How exciting! 

cazao - I'm noticing my lo getting it too.  She definitely knows milk (the word and the sign), water, dance(she loves to dance)  and she even puts her hands together when you tell her to Pattycake.  She's not clapping yet though.  She also knows no, but her response to that is to look up and grin and then go right back to what she was doing.

Lindsey- We have some problems with varied wakings as well.  I usually go with time intervals instead of set times.  Susana is usually ready for a nap 2 hours and 45 minutes after waking and 3 hours after waking from first nap.  If I let her get too tired then she doesn't nap well.  Our early wakings are tied to pooping though.  I have figured out that she poops almost exactly 12 hours after I feed her dinner.  So I think we're stuck with early wake times until school's out for the summer.  :(   IF only she could learn the difference between weekdays and weekends. :)

Well, bedtime is becoming a nightmare again.  My dd just screams when I put her down.  I have to end up holding her and she tries her best to get me to play and then finally starts twitching and flopping like a dying fish until she's so exhausted she passes out.  I don't know if it's teething or what.  I don't want to get in a habit of holding her to sleep, but last night I went in and out of the room and/or sat by her crib for  almost 2 hours.  She would lie down, but then sit back up after 5 minutes and start crying again.  Any suggestions???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 16, 2005, 01:51:10 am
Lindsey - we have set time intervals.  However lately, I don't know what is going on with dd as she can do anywhere between 3.5 - 5 hrs before am nap.  If she sleeps for 2 hr or more, she is very difficult to put down for the pm nap which I think is about 3.5 hrs after.  Yesterday and today, she didn't take a nap but did do take a 5-10 min snooze as I drive home. 

Phoebe - bedtime is out of wack over here too.  I'm doing what you are doing as well.  We are also having a 1 hr crying session in the middle of the night.  Everytime we put her down she would start screaming.  Dh had to walk the stairs just to calm her down.  DH suggested that I just let her cry and go in every few minutes to reassure her.  Don't know if that will work but another mom here says that you leave for 10 sec and then go back in to reassure and then leave again.  Maybe I will give that a try.  Hope there are better ideas. 

DD also understands no.  Everytime I tell her no, I would shake my head.  Well whenever she approaches the stairs or garbage can, I would say no and she would finish it off with a shake of her head and crawled away.  They are so much smarter than we give them credit for.   Our babies are growing up!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 16, 2005, 02:11:21 am
Kathy - Glad to hear back from you and that dd is ok.  I can't imagine how hard that had to be on both of you. 

We are still bf 5 times a day.  I know that we really only need to be at 3 but I need to feed to keep my supply up.  The 5th one is at 5 in the morning to get her to go back to sleep.  It's only a couple minutes so it doesn't really count as a full feed.  We BF before solids but solids before BF at lunch.  OUr schedule is as follows:
7 wake & BF
8 solids - chex, apple bites, cantalope, watermelon, peaches, strawberries, waffles, wheat toast, banana, pear, mango, or other cereal
10 nap - 1 1/2 hours
11:45 solids - same stuff as dinner
12:15 BF
2 nap 1 1/2
4:30 BF
6 solids - chicken, veggiedogs, turkey, veggie burgers, green beans, baked beans, pasta, mushrooms, squash, sweet potato, potato, mixed veggies, peas & carrots, corn, cheese, fruit like breakfast, Gerber stuffed pasta, wagon wheels, and crackers  are the usuals

MorganLeigh - standing!  That is awsome! 

Sorry can't help with the sleep issues because we lay her down and leave.  Took a little crying but much better then when I stayed in the room with her.  that made things worse.  Now there is no crying for naps or night when I put her down.  Just wish that she could make it through that 4/5 oclock thing.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 16, 2005, 02:42:31 am
Quote from: pdb
I have a hard time getting her to eat puree, although she eats it well for the sitter.

Oh I know this!!  She takes all cereal and purees like a charm for our sitter - though makes me feel better because then I know she's getting th iron, etc. that she needs (she is there 3days/week).  I can hardly get her to take 3 bites of purees for me :shock:   Though she'll take fine from a straw cup for me, but hardly any for her  :?:

And I got a few more ideas nows on the solids  - thanks!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: LachlansMum on September 16, 2005, 08:09:03 am
Hello Everyone,

I just stumbled upon this thread and thought that i would introduce myself.

My name is Chrissy and I am 21 with a 9.5month old son Lachlan.

I found out about Tracey on another forum that i moderate on and people can highly recommend her books. I've ordered mine and am waiting on them but thought that i would check out this website also.

For the past 9 months, Lachlan has been b/fed to sleep and now, well its come to a point where he needs to learn to go to sleep independantly and increase his sleep times. He is a horrible napper!

At the moment we are really having a hard time. His just starting to walk! :shock: and his just too over stimulated.

Anyway I hope to get to know you & your babies alot better.

Take care
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on September 16, 2005, 13:40:11 pm
I was just wondering....
Do you ladies still use pacifier??????
Since I started weaning ds from pacifier (today we start day #3).... and starting last night he started having a flu!!  :shock:
It was a better night, but now I think the stuffed nose woke him up too!  :shock: 
Since he's sick, should I give him the dummie back? just during the day (NOT to sleep)?
Thanks for any advice!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 16, 2005, 13:46:29 pm
Welcome Chrissy!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 16, 2005, 15:17:33 pm
Things have gotten worse...I'm hoping it's just the teeth..
Last night dh & I finally resorted to driving at 9:00 at night to get Con to sleep.  Then getting him into his crib, like we are carrying some sort of worked though, he slept until 1:30, woke up briefly to have a snack, then slept 'til 5:30...This was after we rocking, and walking, and putting him down and leaving, and him screaming for two hours.  It got to the point that he wasn't even happy in the spare bedroom with us laying beside him...he was a raving lunatic!!!!

This morning, he was a screaming monster again...I couldn't even set him down for me to take a shower...I did the driving thing again!!...

Makes it hectic though when he is so unreasonably crabby during the day & the night...It's GOT to be the teeth!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 16, 2005, 15:43:03 pm
Welcome Chrissy!  your little boy is a cutie.

lil monkey and phoebe-as for the problems going to sleep at night and night wakings, we have had those too, but they seem to be diminishing.  when we were having these problems, first off i made sure all the needs were met...she was fed, nursed, changed, given tylenol if necessary, etc.  if everything seemed fine, we would let her cry 5 mins, then go in and briefly comfort, let her cry 5 mins, go in and comfort, repeat.  this seems to work really well for us.  she usually started off crying really hard, we would comfort her after 5 mins, (ok, sometimes i cheated and went in after 3-4 mins), then when we laid her down again, she would cry really hard for 1-2 mins, then whine, then sleep.  rarely did the crying go on for more than 10 mins or so.  it seemed with pu/pd or any method where she could see us in the room, she was way harder to calm down.  i know the letting them cry method is a personal choice, but it worked for us.  of course, we still have the random, unexplained wakings but we always use this method and within a day or two, she stops waking or can put herself back to sleep without us when she does wake...phoebe, from what you described (susana being awake for 2 hours...not going to sleep til 8 when put down at 6...etc), it sounds like maybe she might be extremely overtired or not tired enough.  did she get significantly more or less sleep in naps on those days?  i am learning with gianna that she needs 3 hours or less in naps and needs to be awake at least 4 hours from last nap til bedtime in order to sleep well.  i just really want to if possible keep as much control over the sleep issue as i can because she just seems to keep getting smarter (and more manipulative) the older she gets.  i think it is easier when they are younger.  anyway, hope that helps.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lisa regent on September 16, 2005, 21:45:12 pm
Hi I'm new to the site I'm Lisa and I have a 9 1/2 month old Ben, I would be really gratefull of any advice you could give me on how to get ben to drink out of a sippy cup, I have about 20 of them in the cupboard all different shapes, sizes, spill, non spill, but he wont entertain any of them! and he loves his juice I only put the tiniest drop of sugar free juice in his bottle but I'm so worried about his little teeth I brush them morning and night. Has anyone got any suggestions.
Thankyou Lisa & Ben
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 16, 2005, 22:57:00 pm
Welcome Chrissy and Lisa!

Mimi- Glad to hear I'm not alone.  Tonight went much better thank goodness because I'm on my own for the weekend.  Dh is here but had surgery on his knee this morning, so he is bedridden at least through the weekend.  I gave dd Motrin before giving her her bedtime bottle.  I held her until she settled but put her down before she was asleep.  She screamed for about 30 seconds and then went to sleep.

Lindsey - Thanks for the advice.  I know being overtired had something to do with it Wed. because she was at my mom's and only napped 30 min. each nap.  But yesterday the sitter said she took two good naps and she was up for four hours before bedtime.  I'm starting to wonder if the sitter is not telling me the truth about the length of her naps, becuase she seemed very tired yesterday when I got her.    :?   Anyway like I said before tonight was easier because I was home and know how much sleep she got.  I also think teething and the fact that she is suddenly a LOT more active is contributing. 

Noelle - It's weird about the eating isn't it???  Glad to know my lo is not the only one who's particular about who feeds her.

cata- Sorry can't help with the pacifier issue.  My dd decided she no longer wanted one when she was about 3 months old and found her thumb.  Now she doesn't like that either.  I guess I'm lucky we don't have to break any habits there.

jilly- Sorry you're having so much trouble with Connor.  I hope it gets better soon.

Lisa - I didn't try lots of kinds of sippy cups.  Someone gave us one as a gift and I just kept using that one until she got it.  I started out by removing the valve so she could figure out that something came out of the cup and then put it back in when she started figuring it out.  I have also started using a regular cup.  I bought small plastic juice glasses that are just the right size for her to hold.  She is not drinking out of them by herself yet, but she drinks well from them if you help her hold it.  I always give her a little play time with it so she'll eventually figure out how to do it herself.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 17, 2005, 01:05:51 am
hi lisa-i am afraid i cannot help you with the sippy issue as i have the same problem.  we have about 10 sippy cups that she is clueless with.  she is good at drinking water out of a regular cup with help.  i think that phoebe may be onto something though with sticking with one cup until they master that one.  i will try that next.  good luck and welcome to this thread...

phoebe-hope your dh is feeling better soon.

are any lo's drinking from a straw yet?  i would like gianna to use the sippy with a straw but i am not sure if she is able to use one at her age...she mostly just chews it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 17, 2005, 12:47:56 pm
Lindsey- We haven't tried a straw yet, but htis morning I was thinking we should.  Susana was holding her sippy cup herself and sucking away but couldn't get anything out because she couldn't tilt it up.  If I help her tip the cup up, she lets go.  I was thinking that a cup with a straw would work better because she wouldn't have to tip it up.  I think it's hard for them to grab those cups and tip them up.  They are not the right size for their little hands.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 17, 2005, 14:24:25 pm
jilly- Sorry to hear about Connor. I don't know what is going on but we are having the same issues. Hannah is a pretty happy baby most of the time. But lately she is a bear too. I can't put her down. She cries and then she throws a tantrum and hits her self in the stomach and bangs her feet on the floor if I do. I spent the night sleeping on her floor...WHAT FUN...
I think there may be some separation anxiety too because if she can't see me she starts to cry. I am convinced the neighbours are going to call Children Services soon....I hope this is just a phase....

Welcome Chrissy and Lisa!
lisa-It took awhile for DD to get used to the sippy cup. I used to take the pacifier and put it in her mouth then pull it out and put the spout of the cup in and eventually she got it.
cata-We still use a pacifier for naps and night time. SHe doesn't get it during the day anymore. I don't know when I am going to take it away. My cousin who is a dentist said no damage is caused by the soother as long as they don't have it when their permanent teeth come in..DD soother will be gone long before that happens
Lindsey-We have tried the straw however it doesn't seem to work. She just sees it as another thing to chew on.

Hannah still isn't crawling but she is catching on to many other things. She gets on all fours and then falls flat on her face then moves around on the floor like a dying fish screaming of course.  She will wave goodbye, play peek a boo, turn the lights on and off throughout the house as we enter and leave a room. She hasn't figured out how to clap her hands yet.

Hannah is going to run in her first race tomorrow. We are going to take her on the Terry Fox Run in the jogging stroller and then the plan is to take her out and get a picture of her crossing the finish line. DH wants to find a sweat band for her head but I haven't been able to find one yet.

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Xavier and Erica's mommy on September 17, 2005, 15:49:28 pm
I usually just browse this thread, but I wanted to let you know my dd started using a straw at 5 mos.  She just grabbed my ds cup out of my hand and started to drink out of it.  I think she saw him doing it and I also use a straw cup for my water so she figured, my turn. 
With my son I taught him to use one at about 1 yr also.  I just sat in front of him with a straw cup and showed him very overtly how to use it and he got it pretty quick. 
I will warn you, with my daughter, because she uses the straw she refuses any other type of cup because she does not understand that you have to tip a sippy cup back to get anything out of it LOL
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 17, 2005, 19:52:00 pm
Hannah's mom - yeah...Connor is usually happy too...He was so pleasant this morning..went down for a nap on his own...was good and happy, went down for his 2nd nap...woke back up a raging lunatic again...
Oh yeah..and there is an element of tantrum...he will grab the bottle away from me like he wants it, then throws it as hard as he can...

Hey ladies...Connor says 'mom'  (not mama)...which is weird...and it's in context!!!...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 18, 2005, 23:06:10 pm
Oh my gosh - it's days like today that make me glad I work. lol 

This has been an exciting nightmarish day all rolled into one!  DD woke up three times last night and wanted me to hold her.  I tried leaving and comign in to check on her and sitting by her crib, but she screamed like someone was killing her, so I started the day tired.  Then this morning she figured out  she could let go of things while she's standing and balance.  It was very cute to watch her figure it out.  She also learned how to walk behind her push toy.  Her morning nap was only 40 minutes and then I tried for an hour to get her down for her afternoon one, but she just screamed and screamed even with me holding her.  I finally took her out with me to try to get her to sleep at least a little in the car. 

She was whiny and clingy all day because she was so tired.  But she was also into everything, I spent the entire day chasing her around with no break.  Add that to the fact I had to wait on my husband since he had surgery Friday and I am about to go crazy!  And of course every time I had to get something for him, dd would decide that she wanted me to hold her, so I'd either have to try to get things for him while lugging her around or listen to her screech while I tried to get him what he needed.   :shock:   I fed her early and had her in bed by 6:00, but she's already been up crying once.  I just hope she sleeps the rest of the night because I am exhausted. 

The last time dd was this clingy, she had an ear infection.  I haven't noticed her pulling at her ears until tonight, but if things don't get better I guess I'll go have her checked.  I just hate paying for the doctor visit if there's nothing wrong.  Wish there was some way you could know for sure whether or not it's the ears. 

Sorry to be such a complainer.  I just needed to vent.  Can't vent to dh or he'll try to get up and help when he should be resting.  I hear him in the kitchen now, so I better go make him lie down.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 19, 2005, 13:05:07 pm
Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend. Morgan slept wonderfuly all weekend. Think we beat the nap problem for now and the night wakings are getting better! YAY. This weekend she started walking with a push toy, we dont have any of our own do she could have been ready a week or so ago and we just had no clue. She was walking so fast and she loved it. Im trying to hold off just one more month on new toys bc of her bday.
Trying the nubby sippy cup, it works for her if I tip it, if not she just chews on it :( . I know she will get it one day. Also Ive been putting a lil bit of milk in each bottle and she seems to be doing well with that. Its been about two weeks, yay!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 19, 2005, 23:45:38 pm
Yesterday dd learned how to let go and balance standing and walk behind a push toy.  Today she learned how to stand up on her own, not holding on.  Can I just say, she's developing too fast for me. 

Sleep is no better, up five times last night.  Went ahead and made a doctor's appointment.  I think I just need to go back to the sleep training but I have a hard time being consistent and sticking with it if I have a doubt about whether she's sick or not.  Stupid I know. 

Morgan - I'm jealous of the good sleep.   :)   Isn't it exciting to see them start walking?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 20, 2005, 00:59:39 am
walking!  That is great.  We are just getting good at crawling here. 

With the paci, we still give it to Reegan at naps and at night.  I lay her down and there are 4 of them in teh crib.  If she wants them she can get them but I don't put it in her mouth like I used to do.  I don't see a reason at this point to get rid of it. 

The sippy cup.  We just used one until she got the hang of it.  The Nuby brand is great but I cut the slits a little bigger in one to make it easier.  NOw when she wants a drink she hands it to me and opens her mouth.  For some reason she dosn't want to hold it herself. 

We used to use a straw but haven't tried it in awhile.  She just caught on how to do it.  I need to get one out again to make sure she remembers how. 

Sorry that the weekend sleep wasn't great for all.  Our weekend was ok, but today was rough. Only 45 minute nap this morning and NO afternoon nap  :(  I even tried to take her for a walk to get her to sleep.  Good thing my sister brought her threekids over to entertain her because she was a grouch! 

I know that I have said this before but I let Reegan cry for intervals.  Reegan just doesn't do well if we stay in the room.  Besides today's nap she rarely lets out a peep once I lay her down.  I know some think that this is horrible but you have to do what works.

Hope everyone has a good night sleep.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 20, 2005, 10:59:32 am
Finally got Connor to bed last night...I wasn't going to give in and take him for a drive in the car, and I wasn't going to let him sleep with me...
Lots of screaming and fighting...he get's so overtired.  I think it's a separation-anx thing.  The one time, he was at the end of his crib, looking over, crying 'mom-mom-mom-mom'....he's using his voice now, even if he only knows one word, he's quite effective.  He finally crashed, but I had to give him a bottle to suck on...Then he just got up at 12:30 and 4:00, so it was pretty good for Connor.   Still not great though.

Took him to the sitters yesterday to meet the sitter's helper.  Her mom helps when there are babies...Connor had smiles for both of them, and laughed at the other children.  He's going to like it there, so that at least makes me feel a little better.

Still not crawling yet, but get's up on his knees and rocks.  Even without the crawling, though, he is hard to keep track of, he wiggles and rolls everywhere and can clear a large room in seconds...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on September 20, 2005, 13:26:09 pm
Well the sleeping is getting better here. Thrush is going away but she still has a bit of a cold.  SHe has been going down at 7:30 sleeping until 5:30 eating and going back down until 7 (only for the last two nights). 

 My husband's entire family is coming for a visit (mom,dad and two sisters-who don't have kids but are experts). I dread these times becasue I tell them how much she eats, how to put her down, when she gets milk ect. It's like they don't hear me, I constantly here "Oh I think she needs more food"," She looks thirsty I think she needs more milk" it drives me BATTY. His sisters constantly question everything-why do you let her sleep with you, why isn't she aloud the pacifier during the day.....I think if they say anything this time I am lose it on them :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  usually I just sit there and not say anything....SORRY need rant before they get here.

It's great to see all the lo starting to stand and walk. Morgan is adorable-she doesn't look like a baby anymore, more like a little person.
Jilly-That must make your heart melt when he says mom.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 20, 2005, 14:46:14 pm can I resist him...his daddy is trying to get him to say dadada!!!...but he just repeats 'mom' over again....

Jealous of Morgan Leigh's good sleep too....I don't know what that's like...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 20, 2005, 17:01:51 pm
Dont be jealous, I think its just a phase. Plus I think she is the the oldest out of the bunch, so its normal she grew out of it first. Just be patient. I dont work so I was able to stay calm and relaxed and go with it.
Yes she is a lil person now. I love it!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on September 20, 2005, 20:04:11 pm
WHOA .... what a lot of news....

Jaydyn's glad your older child is home again, but what a lot to manage....

Phoebe's Mom....What a day :P I just keep thinking that I don't know how you manage it all AND teach, too. I was once a kdg teacher in SC and it is no easy row to plow. Hope your dh is recovering well from surgery and that you are getting some rest....

Cazao...hope no one was hurt in the smash up... is your transition to one nap going. We certainly don't have 5 hours of awake time in the morning yet.

We made it to sleep through the night (KNOCK ON WOOD!). The first night was miserable. I just sat by J's bed in a rocker while she howled and smashed her crib toy against the railing. This went on for an hour. I did not do PU/PD b/c she just gets more alert. After that, we've had a bit of crying but none of it more than 10  mins....

I thought we were transitioning to one nap, but AM nap comes at 10 AM  still. Sometimes she goes through the entire afternoon w/o a 2nd nap, but today she was soooo tired at 3 that I just put her down....

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 21, 2005, 00:07:15 am
ange and jill-we have had a couple of weeks like yours where i just could NOT put gianna down without her getting hysterical.  one week was definitely her top teeth coming through and making her grumpy.  other times, i think it was sep anx.  the times like this only last a few days though.  so hopefully your lo's will cheer up soon.  and jill you must be so proud of connor's "mom"!!

morgan's mom- she is SO cute standing there like that!!

phoebe-sorry about your crazy weekend.  hope it's getting better for you.

how are all the lo's doing with strangers?  gianna is absolutely terrified of them.  she will smile at them if they are at least 5 feet away.  but if they get close or god forbid try to touch her, she flips out, clinging to me like they are going to kidnap her.  then the person just looks at me like "what a brat!" and walks away.  i don't (and can't) push her into liking strangers.  i don't really know what to do.  any ideas of how to handle this??  we are not around lots of people a whole lot, but enough to where this is getting to be an embarrassing problem.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 21, 2005, 01:53:37 am
GiGi's mom! Morgan is very random with strangers. She will talk to anyone but if I try to hand her off she freaks, not with everyone though and not everytime she sees them. And thanks, she likes to put cloth, cotton any kind of clothing on her head and crawl around. She does it with her night night too. its so cute to be sitting here at my desk and see her prance in here with some strange clothing item on her head!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 21, 2005, 11:02:51 am
Lindsey - Connor is wonderful with strangers, so far, the only trouble that he has with strangers (or with anyone), is there approach.  If they approach him too quickly or there is something in their voice that is sharp or the get in his face and startles them, he will freak...and he can be quite unforgiving.  My aunt moved in on him too quickly once, and it took him a few times to see her before he would warm up to her.  Other than that, I can leave him with anyone. 

I went to a soccer party a month ago, and I had some things to bring in from the car.  I brought Con in and sat him down on a friends lap (that he never met), and went out and got the stuff.  He was happy that I came back for him and he was looking for me, but he wasn't upset sitting on her lap...

Sleep - Last night, Connor & I had a wonderful sleep...BUT...I probably didn't do things the way I should.  Firstly, I think he might be afraid of the dark, so I left his light on, and he fell asleep without a fuss (like during the day naps), but then woke up with gas at 10:00, and wouldn't settle.  I put him in his rocker/bouncer (I got one to accomodate a bigger child..up to 40 lbs), and let him relax with us...he drifted off, stayed asleep until 1:30 (the usual)...I heard him start to stir, rolled over, rubbed his hair for 10 secconds, and off he went again, until 3:30 (the other usual time), I rubbed his hair again, off he went...then at 5:00, I gave him a bottle.  This is the wrong way of going about things, but boy it was nice to have him settle so quickly...I was only up for 2 minutes total!!! 

So, he didn't have to fall asleep in the car...he was close to me without being in the same bed, and he was quick to settle....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 21, 2005, 16:30:03 pm
Caroline - day 1 was fine as dd went to sleep for her nap and bedtime very easily.  However, the following days were not so great.  I don't know if it is b/c of her night wakings or what but she clearly needed the second nap (but not without some fussing) :roll: .  Lately I'm just taking things in stride and offer her the second nap but if she screams/cry then I'll try again in 30 min.  But I stop at 4 pm.  It would seem that her awake times are 3hrs & 45 min and 4 hrs on a good day.  This really messes up her eating schedule so at the moment, it seems that I'm offering her something to eat/bottle every 2-3 hrs.  Oh well, such is motherhood! :?

Lindsey - dd is great with strangers.  She doesn't mind them at all.  If only she feel the same way about her ped as well.  Everytime she sees him, she would cry with these huge tears running down her face.

Phoebe - I know how you feel about wanting to head back to work.  Just the other day, I wanted to call my manager and asked if I can start right away!  You love them so much yet, it is very hard to deal with the crying, screaming, whining, and lack of sleep. 

DD has found a new way to express her love/affection - biting/slobbering your nose!  I guess she sees us kissing and haven't quite got the aim down yet.

What is your lo's unique way of expressing love?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 21, 2005, 23:37:40 pm

that's all i got...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 21, 2005, 23:39:01 pm
by the way, does this mean i have to now vaccuum EVERY day or what?  how clean are your floors? 

ps-we have 2 (indoor) dogs...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 22, 2005, 00:00:07 am
Lindsey - Susana has been the same way about strangers, but not all strangers.  She seems to go through phases too.  Sometimes she's all smiles for anyone she sees.  Other times she screams her head off if someone looks at her.  In fact, she screamed her head off everytime she saw my mil from the time she was 4 months until just recently.  Way to go on the crawling.  I know you are excited.  :D We also have a German Shepherd that lives inside and 3 cats.  When I was home, I vaccuumed the lr rug once at least once a day and swept at least twice. (we have hardwoods)  I still try to do that, but there are days when it doesn't get done now that I'm working.  I'm sure my child will be the first ever to get a hairball. :lol:

Mimi - Susana also does the open mouth kiss sometimes and lately it's turning into the open mouthed bite.  :shock:

jilly- Glad you got some sleep.  Sometimes it's worth it to do whatever it takes.

Caroline - I feel constantly overwhelmed.  I am so far behind at work it's ridiculous.  Teaching was always overwhelming even without a child, but now it's so much worse.  But I don't have the option of staying home, so I just have to keep wading through and try to keep my head above water.  Where in SC did you teach?

Sleep is better here.   :D   Went to the doctor yesterday and no ear infection.  He thinks it's just the teething that's throwing her off.  She's gotten four teeth in the past couple of weeks with another one coming any day now.  I figured that was all it was combined with some separation anxiety, but she tends to get ear infections when she's teething so I wanted to be sure.  We went back to sleep lady techniques last night.  It took her a while to fall asleep, but she didn't wake up at all last night.  Tonight I just left the room.  She did a whiny cry for about 30 minutes but then went to sleep on her own.  I knew if I went in and sat by her crib, she would just get more upset trying to get me to pick her up.  She's quite the drama queen.  Dh is getting better but still not back to his usual self.  I have a crazy couple of weeks.  Have to stay at school until 6:30 tomorrow and then PTA next Tuesday night.  That combined with having to take my husband to PT twice a week is going to make it tough, but then hopefully things will settle back down.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: ForeverHopeful on September 22, 2005, 13:04:27 pm
Hi everyone  :D Was wondering if I could join you. 

I just make the cut.  Owen was born 31st Dec 2004.  I've been reading your posts for past couple of weeks because we've been having a more difficult time than usual.  It's nice to hear similar stories to mine.

Our schedule is great.  I REALLY can't complain too much.  It's mainly the mobility issue at the moment.  He is sooooo ready to crawl.  But just can't!  :lol:

I'm glad to meet you all and hope to have plenty of input  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: ForeverHopeful on September 22, 2005, 13:05:36 pm
Oh, my name is Laura and I'm from Scotland.  I really need to put on a signature in my posts.  I thought I did but didn't see an option to attach it  :?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 22, 2005, 14:16:12 pm
Hope all goes well with any southerners that we have here (alligirl??)...with hurricane Rita...Good luck, keep safe!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 22, 2005, 16:31:20 pm
Welcome Laura!

Yay Gianna!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lisa regent on September 22, 2005, 20:57:03 pm
welcome Laura I'm new to the site also, I live near Manchester England, my gorgeous boy Ben is almost 10 months now and is the same as your baby he so wants to crawl but can't, we have a wood laminate floor and I think he is frightened of falling onto it which he has a couple of times! He leans right over but just can't seem to go the extra little bit, if I put him up on hands and knees he just moves backwards and eventually sits back on his bottom! I'm not overly worried cause I know that once he starts there will be no stopping him! and I'll wish he was sat in one place again, good luck with your little one.  :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 22, 2005, 21:00:15 pm
welcome laura and owen.  glad to have you.

some serious news:  this am, our 3 year old weimaraner bit gianna in the face!  (she's ok)  i was sitting RIGHT there.  mainly i am posting this story to remind everyone that ANY dog can bite under the right circumstances.  bailee (the dog) has had professional obedience training and is very obedient.  from day one, she has been excellent with gianna.  we only allowed her contact with gianna's scent for the first few months, but gradually increased their contact.  now we allow them to sit together on the floor as long as one of us is sitting literally right there supervising.  we allow some actual physical contact as we guide gianna's hand teaching her "gentle" and to respect the dog (and vice versa).  when she does occasionally pinch or pull, bailee either responds by getting up and leaving or scooting away.  so for the last 9 months, there have been NO signs of aggression or even dominance toward gigi. 
but today, we three were sitting there.  i have no idea what happened because it was over in half a second.  i saw gianna scoot toward the dog.  i am assuming she must have hurt bailee somehow as bailee yelped, growled and next thing i knew, gianna was knocked over and had a puncture wound on her forehead.  i cringe when i think it could have been her eye.
we always swore that if one of our dogs ever hurt gianna, the dog would be gone no questions asked.  it is proving to be harder than that.  bailee really is like one of the family, but obviously gianna's safety comes in far ahead of that.  my dh is doing research online today and we are contacting various weimaraner rescues and trainers to get opinions and advice.  it could be a freak thing that never happens again or a sign of what she is capable of.  i take some comfort in knowing that it wasn't sheer aggression (she was obviously hurt) and that it was really a warning nip.  bailee is 75+ pounds and capable of far more than that.  in any case, i feel horrible because it basically is my fault as i was the adult in charge.  anyway, just thought i'd post this little reminder so no one gets too comfortable with babies and pets.  hope this never happens again in our home or any of yours.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 22, 2005, 23:27:45 pm
Wow..that's scary...will there be any scarring on Gianna?
We don't have a dog, but my husband's parents have 5 in the house...only one is allowed in the room when Connor is there, but you just never know...One is an unpredictable sharpay (I don't know how to spell it)...but he's never allowed around Connor.

Anybody's kids slowing down on the formula consumption???

Anybody's kids switching to one nap???

Also...I think Connor is scared of the dark..Still doesn't sleep though the night, but he kicks up no fuss about going into his bedroom now...he falls asleep on his own at 7:00...I had a nightlight, but now I have a lamp on...Anybody else have a fear of the dark?

He would scream as soon as I went from the hallway into his room....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 23, 2005, 01:02:04 am
Welcome Laura!

That is so scary about the dog.  That is why I don't want any dogs around Reegan.  My dog that usually lets my nephew sit on her and pull her tail nipped at him.  Plus we have a serious dog bite case at work that had never done anything like that before.  Never know what they are going to do.  Better be safe than sorry is what I think. 

Crongrats on the crawling!  I know what you mean about cleaning the floor.  Our carpet is old and I steam clean it all the time.  I just don't think that the vacuum gets it all and Reegan finds every tiny thing on the floor.  It is so cut when she finds something and picks it up I say "no" and she shakes her head no and hands it to me.  I was so ready for her to crawl and it has only been a week and now I am ready for her to be still again.  She goes straight for whatever she can't have.  So don't be in a hurry for them to crawl. 

How is signing going foe everyone?  Reegan does milk when she is hungry and when I am getting ready to feed her.  She also does "all done" when she is done eating and more. 

We just finished tooth 8.  Last night was not fun.  I ended up feeding her at 11:30 last night because she wouldn't settle and I knew that she was in pain.  Since she only wakes at 5:30 and I always feed her I think that is the only way to settle her now  :oops:  We are gone out of town everyweekend in October for weddings and then I am going to drop that feed, I think  :?  I know that is is past time. 

With the one nap we only have one every once in awhile.  I think that she will be switching in a month or so.  Right now it is hard if she gets up a little late or takes a little longer nap.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 23, 2005, 01:05:23 am
Lindsey - How awful!  Your story reminded me that I need to be more careful with my animals.  We have an 85 pound German Shepherd, who we took through obedience training and is very tolerant.  But you're right, a dog is a dog and as our trainer taught us, ALL dogs bite. I must confess I've been a little too slack with Susana's interactions with our dog.  She tries to grab him and will pull his hair.  He so far has been very good and will just get up and walk away or lick her, but I guess I need to be more careful.  I'm glad to hear Gianna wasn't seriously hurt.  I know how difficult it must be for you to decide what to do about your dog.  Our dog is also like our first child.

Welcome Laura!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 23, 2005, 04:42:50 am
Lindsey - I hope Gianna is okay and that she isn't afraid of Bailee now.  We don't have any pets but dd loves animals and would reach out to them.  I'm always cautious around pets when she is with me.  thank you for the warning.

Jilly - i think that dd is working towards one nap.  DD is really fighting her naps and her awake times are just too bizzare.  I have noticed that she sleeps better at nights on days of just one nap (2+ hrs.)  Now if only I can get her to take 2+ hr naps consistently.  A tip that I got from another mom is to avoid car rides or the stroller during this time.  DD's consumption is down as well.  I think that it is b/c she would rather play/explore than sit still to feed.  I feel like a bad mommy b/c the I sometimes bribed her with the TV just to get her to feed.

Gotta go.  Have a good night everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Luisasmum on September 23, 2005, 08:31:44 am
Hi mums...I'm new to the site! My daughter Luisa was born December 14, 2004 but was due January 1, 2005.

I have just bought the first book, Secrets of the Baby Whisperer after reading several good reports about it but I have some questions. I have only just flicked through it while my daughter has her nap but I can't seem to find any reference to "wake to sleep" and "pick up, put down". It sounds like these methods will help my daughter to sleep past 4.00am. Have I bought the wrong book or have I just missed the chapter?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 23, 2005, 11:04:49 am
Yes...Connor for the most part is moving towards 1 nap...BUT, he then crashes hard at 7:00, but then wants to play at 9:00 for an hour??????

I'm going to try to get him to go to one nap if that is the direction he is moving in, as our sitter (where Connor will be going to every day in a!!!  :cry:  :cry: She has 1 nap time that all the kids adjust to eventually from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm..(any anything in between).  I was worried about this, but he might be gearing himself naturally to this anyway...

Connor slept okay last longer fearful of his bedroom with his light on, however, I find that when he does wake up, (like at 4:00 am this morning), he's revved up and wants to play...I brought him into bed with me, just to play himself out then put him back in his crib.  I was drifting off, and Connor wasnt' saying a word, he then started touching my hair, and saying 'mom?'....'mom?' if to say are you awake????  It was cute, so bizarre to hear from him though, you would expect mamama mixed in with other babble...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 23, 2005, 11:20:32 am
YAY ! One more month to my babies first bday! Wow, I made it this far! lol

Im so sorry about the dog bite, I gasped so loud and quickly DH came in asking if I was ok. My heart goes out to all of you even Bailey, but it scared her as much.

Well my Morgan is a genius! When and if you say hello she will put her hand to her ear like it a phone and try to say hello. She waves bye bye when you say bye. Of course she also does the "How big is Morgan?" and throws her hand up way high and I say "So big!" Also when ya start singing "If you're happy and ya know it..." She starts to clap! I mean she does these thing EVERY time! Its so much fun!

Well Im sounding sleep prayers to all my beautiful mothers out there. I hope all of you are safe from the storm.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 23, 2005, 15:35:15 pm
jill-no, gianna isn't scarred.  yesterday the wound was a visible red puncture, but today looks much better, just a small scab.  yes, gianna is also cutting down milk consumption.  she only bf's 3 times a day now for a few mins each time.  i can't get her to take anymore!

momtoree-we are signing with gianna.  she hasn't signed back yet so far.  but she seems to understand what the signs mean when we do them.  gigi is also working on tooth #8.  i don't see an end in sight with these teeth.  they just come one on top of the other.  good luck with the 5:30 wake ups. we still haven't beat those entirely.  has anyone??

phoebe-i am glad our little story helped you guys with your dog.  we too had become lax with the dog and gianna.  although one of us was always sitting next to them, we had started not paying as much attention to what they were doing.  i still don't know what we will do.  basically if we keep her, it will be under the agreement that they can not have physical contact until gianna is old enough to respect bailee and recognize her "warning" signs.  as much as i love my dog, i am not sure i will be able to do this.  and then i think of when we have more kids, or gianna's friends come over, how will i keep MULTIPLE children away from her?  i really think it was a freak thing, seeing as how she has been so tolerant, but i am still reticent.

luisa's mum-definitely buy tracy's other book "the baby whisperer solves all your problems".  i has a lot more in depth and detailed descriptions of her techniques.  and welcome!!

jodi-wow, morgan IS a genius.  i bet it is so cool watching your baby develop like that.  i can't wait!!  so far, no signs of brilliance on gianna's end...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 23, 2005, 15:51:00 pm
Yay I'm back!!! We had gone to Florida to visit our sick friend and had 2days of just chilling in Orlando.

So many things going on and I don't know if I can catch up.  I won't even try!!  But congrats on all the standing, crawling, teeth, sleeping, 1 nap etc...

Welcome all the newbies here :D Lisa, Luisasmum, Laura.

Luisasmum - Do you have the Baby WHisperer Solves All Your Problem book?  That has all the things you were asking about.  It has almost half of the book on p/u p/d. Also there is a Forum just on P/u P/d.  Wake to sleep is when you go an hour before, which will be 3am for you, and gently nudging them to stir so that they will wake but not completely awake and hopefully she will go back to sleep on their own.  Does that make sense?  I would set an alarm for 3am.  Are you feeding her at 4am when she wakes?  I would personally not feed her and hope that she will get the hint that she won't get it even if she wakes for it. :wink:   Let us know how it goes.  Also if you could post your routine, we might be able to figure something out if that doesn't work.

Lindsey - Congrats on the crawling. Yay Gianna!! Yes, you will have to keep the floor fairly clean because she will put everything she finds in her mouth.  Jadyn always has something in her mouth and she tries to crawy away really fast when she sees me coming.  :lol:   But so sorry about your dog biting her.  Hope you can figure out what to do and it will all work out.

Mimi - Could you keep us posted on your schedule for her naps and also I think you are dropping a feeding?   Jadyn kisses me on the lips with her mouth open but she also tries to bite me when I try to get too many kisses from her and she gets agitated. :roll:

Phoebe - Hope your dh is getting better.

Jodi - All I can say is wow :shock:  She is older but still.

Mom to Ree - I am still signing but still nothing back yet.  She is clapping now and she does that when she's singing along or sees somthing she likes.  She also is waving and putting her hand up like she's saluting!! 

On sleep, she woke up at 5am crying this morning and went right back to sleep til 7:20am!!  I was so happy.  She's been waking at 6:15am for the past 2wks!!

Teeth - Her 3rd bottom tooth is completely out.  She has her eye teeth coming out on both sides.  She is a bit clingy and does not like to be left alone even for one second.  She is ok with strangers if I let HER decide how to approach them.  Yesterday my sil watched her and I put her down for nap before I went to work and when she woke she screamed because she was in a different place and I wasn't there.  She was ok after a little bit.

I think this is probably enough for now.  I have sooo much catchup work on the house I'm overwhelmed!!

Hope everyone gets great sleep over the weekend.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 23, 2005, 20:16:59 pm
a few tears, but finally first pigtails...what do you think?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 23, 2005, 21:03:57 pm
Ah...too cute, Gianna!!!

I bet I could do that with Connors hair too....although daddy wouldn't appreciate it... As Connors hair gets longer, he's getting a think head of blond curls at the back...and long blonde eyelashes....I (and most women) would die for!!!!

Glad there is no serious injury to Gianna...that could have been very, very bad....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 23, 2005, 23:58:50 pm
Oh my gosh Lindsey, that is sooo cute!  On the wakeups...we are still dealing with 5:30 wakeups.  I am so dreading the time change.  Susana did wake up at 5:20 the other day, babbled a bit and went back to sleep until 6:15.  But sthe still poops most days around 5:30, so there's little hope for her sleeping in anytime soon.

Kathy - Glad you're back.  We're also having some MAJOR separation anxiety issues. 

Tonight I put Susana down in her crib and left.  The past few nights she has done a whiny cry for awhile, but then gone to sleep.  Tonight she was overtired and would not go to sleep.  She got louder and louder until after 30 min. I went into her room.  I tried sitting in a chair near her crib, but that just made her mad.  She was holding onto the side of her crib bouncing up and down and screaming for me to pick her up.  I stood right by the crib until she settled down then picked her up for a little while until she calmed down.  I just can't believe she's already throwing temper tantrums.  Anyone else having this?  I didn't want to pick her up at all because I didn't want to reinforce the screaming.  That's why I tried to get her to stop crying first before picking her up.  I just hope this is a phase that passes soon.  I'm afraid I'm in for it when she hits the terrible twos.

MomtoRee- Weare also doing a few signs.  She seemed to be signing for milk for awhile but I haven't seen her do it lately.  She definitely understands the signs we use regularly.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 24, 2005, 19:24:28 pm
Love the pigtails!  She is such a cutie!  that is my favorite way to put Reegan's hair up.  we've been doing it for 4 months now!  she has really long hair.  just to let you know the easiest way that I have found to do it is to put in a Baby Einstein movie and she sits perfectly still! 

Just wanted to know if anyone else feels trapped by their schedule.  We went to a friends today to watch the football game and I am at home early because it was nap time and she was a mess.  It stinks, I wanted to stay and watch the game too!  I feel like we can't do anything because we have to work around naps and eating.  I feel like I have backed myself into a corner.  Am I the only one?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 24, 2005, 20:25:51 pm
kathy-welcome back!!

momtoree-MANY times i have wondered if i did the right thing by putting her on this "routine".  most of my friends are the kind with kids who get dragged around anywhere, anytime and thus have become used to being able to sleep in different places.  so almost none of my friends understand when i say i can't do this or that because it will be g's nap time or bedtime.  (she has never missed a nap!!)  she will sleep when we are out, but only for 30-45 mins, so we rarely have her sleep anywhere other than her crib.  in my heart, i know it is better for her being on the routine and getting her sleep.  but i can't help but envy those moms who take their babies out to dinner and shop til 9 pm.  i think i may feel a bit selfish though if i did that consistently.  i just consider this "house arrest" as one of the many sacrifices of parenthood and can't wait til it's over.  one of the reasons i wish dh would let me have another baby right now is to get this house bound phase overwith.  by the time gianna is more portable, i will be starting over again with a new one.  but i think i will be a bit more relaxed with the next and help it be a bit more adaptable than gigi is...

btw, what are you guys planning to do for the time change?  i put a post about this on the "general sleep issues" board, and so far have only received responses from equally confused moms.  tracy's book says to keep them up an hour later.  is this possible?!  do we keep them up later gradually or do the whole hour in one night?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 24, 2005, 23:04:03 pm
Welcome back Kathy!

Welcome to all the new ladies.

I have the same thoughts as Lindsey regarding the "routine" as well.  Some of the moms I know have babies that sleep anywhere.  We were at a wedding today, and this mom just transported her 1 yr old son from the car to the pew and he stayed asleep!!!  I couldn't help but give her the evil eye  :twisted:  throughtout the ceremony.  I like the routine but I think that next time I would try to get he/she to sleep in any environment.

As for the time change, I don't know what I'm going to do yet.  But in Tracy's book she did say to keep them up that extra hour.  I'm thinking taht if they wake up at their usual time (ie 1 hr early), we use pu/pd or wts or whatever to get them back to sleep again. 

Ahhh...I wish dd has enough hair for pigtails!  Gianna looks sooo cute!

Kathy - Currently I don't have a schedule as dd 's naps are really messed up!  The schedule used to be:

6-6:30 wake & bottle
7:30 drop her off at my mom's
8:30 solids (very little at the moment)
10  1.5 hr nap ( now her naps can be anywhere from 45 - 2+ hrs)
12 solids & bottle
2:30  1.5 hr nap ( now she is fighting it.  Depending on the am nap, I can somtimes make her nap for about 30 - 45 min)
4:30 solids & bottle
6 bottle
6:30 bath & bed by 7 pm

I want to drop the 4:30 bottle but she is not eating enough solids and I hate to have a hungry baby in a traffic jam. 

I feel bad for thinking this but I'm glad to be leaving dd with my mom for the entire day every day, starting this Monday.  I'm hoping that dd will finalize her 1 nap transition with my mom.  Having raised 4 kids and 4 grandkids, I'm sure that my mom will make this transition more smoothly than I can. 

Kathy, how did you do it with your first dd?  Could you share your experience?

Bye for now!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on September 25, 2005, 00:40:04 am
She took a step!!!!!!  I'm soooo proud of her! :D   I think that she was surprised that she did it too as she had this  :shock:  look.  Then she was all smiles and laughing with dh and I.  We tried to get her to do it again but she wouldn't.  I can't believe it!   My mom was soo right,  it is moments like this that you forget all the sleepless nights and crying spells!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 25, 2005, 14:53:32 pm
Mimi - Congratulations on the first step! 

Lindsey - I'm not sure what we're going to do either.  If I keep Susana up an extra hour, she is soooo hard to get to sleep.  I am hoping it's not going to be too much of an issue.  This morning she woke at 5:15 crying, but I let her cry a little and within 5 minutes she was talking to herself then was back asleep in another 5 min.  She slept until 7:15 !!!!!  That's the first time she's lept that late in months.  I'm hoping that might continue and then the time change adjustment won't be so bad. 

Momto Ree - I feel the same way about the routine.  I've always thought my dd had so much trouble with change because even though I've tried to keep her on a good routine, she has had to deal with a lot of change.  I kept her for her first two months, then my mom kept her during the day for the next 3, then I was home with her again for 2 and then she started with a sitter.  Throw in the mil visiting about once a week and totally throwing everything off and the terrible reflux and digestive issues she had for the first 6 months or so and I just felt like she would never have any consistency.  But listening to you guys, I really think it probably has more to do with their personalities than anything.  I think some babies are very adaptable and some are not.  I know my sister has kept her child on a good routine since birth.  She can take her child anywhere and her dd adjusts very quickly.  I still feel that we are doing what's best for our babies, even though it is sometimes frustrating.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on September 27, 2005, 02:07:59 am
Lindsey I am so jealous of the pigtails!!! Jadyn has Daddy's hairline and is more of a middle of the hair mohawk.  If I don't put pink and frilly stuff on her, she looks just like a mini version of Daddy, a little boy!  I did try to put on a hairbow on that fuzzy pieces of hair and it stayed on about 5 mins. :lol:

Phoebe - You just cracked me up because you just described our Jadyn before her bedtime the last week.  She gets so mad if I don't come and pick her up.  I try to hide on the side of the bed but she peeks around the crib to look for me and gets really mad and just screams.  She's also going through the most awful separation anxiety.  Whenever she's around someone she's not as familar with, she turns her head & clings to my neck and holds on for dear life, like they are trying to snatch her away from me.  Sigh, people must think I never go out to meet different people.

Mimi - I feel you on the eating and milk consumption.  Jadyn is just acting crazy the last 3 days!! She nursed in the morning just 5mins!!!!! Yikes!! I was too lazy to pump so I was lopsided til her next feeding.  She's eating her solids erratic as well.  She will not eat anything but yogurt & fruit, and of course Cheerios.
Lexi was 14mos when we adopted her from China and she slept great from day one.  She took 2 naps til she was 18mos and one nap at 2yrs old.  She was one of those that slept anywhere and I had no clue as to what to do as far as routine.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm making things way too complicated with Jadyn.  Of course in an orphanage that's all Lexi did was sleep.

I am finally going to bite the bullet and drop her 11am feeding.  I decided to do this because she nurses for no more than 6mins for all of her feeding, including her morning one, after 12hrs of no milk!!  Also, she went for her 9mo checkup and she's gaining weight pretty well and her ped says she can do alright with just 3 bf.  I think this will give me a little bit of freedom as far as leaving her with a babysitter or daddy.  So this is my goal for her schedule.

7am Bf
8am Solids of fruits & cereal
10-11:15 nap

12 Lunch of fruits & veggies or yogurt
1:30pm Bf before her nap
2pm-3pm nap

4pm Snack of probably just a cookie or Cheerios & fruit
5:30 Dinner - Pasta, cheese, veggies & banana
6:15 Bath
7:15pm Bf and to bed by 7:30pm

This is my ideal schedule.  She usually wakes around 6:30am and I hold off bf til 7am.  I think I will put her to bed 30mins later for the time change the first night and the next night, another 30mins later the next day.  We'll see how that goes.  She seems to be able to stay up longer in between her naps, sometimes even 31/2 hrs so I think she will adjust well.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Luisasmum on September 27, 2005, 15:34:22 pm
Thanks for the advice everyone. This is such a good website! I even found a post about Flylady which has been a Godsend.

I think I am going to have to get the solves all your problems book, even though I swore I would not buy any more sleep books!

Lindsay, I hope Gianna gets over the little run in and that you can sort it out without having to get rid of the doggie. At this stage, I don't think I will EVER get Luisa into pigtails - it's hard enough changing her nappy! I will give it a try though - it looks so cute! Nice to see the little toes on show, too! It's still pretty cold here so Luisa's toes are all covered up - can't wait 'til summer!

momtoRee, I have read lots of sleep books trying to get my daughter into a routine and nothing seems to work. Just when I think I have her sussed, she changes on me. Babywhisperer has been the best so far, but like you, I can't take my daughter anywhere without her throwing a tanty at some stage. My husband gets really frustrated and swears we are never taking her out again but we are suckers for punishment and try not to let her temperament get in the way of our life. I wonder sometimes if it would have been a different story had I known about Babywhisperer earlier, or if it is just the way she is. Most of the time, I have my mother in law there to help me and she just loves rocking that pram back and forth trying to get my overtired baby to sleep!

Oh well, better go and do the dream feed thing. We've just been to my in-laws for dinner (bless them!) so Luisa is all out of whack, well, not that she's often in whack but you know what I mean!

I wish you all a good night's sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 27, 2005, 16:02:22 pm
as much as we all are bashing the routine, think how much worse it could be without on "supernanny" or "nanny 911".  (i am addicted to those shows, furiously taking notes so as not to repeat those parents' mistakes!)  one of the main problems in those families on the show is a lack of routine and the first thing the nanny does is implement a new schedule.

Mimi-wow, steps!!  congratulations to mikayla!!  that is exciting!!

kathy-gigi is hardly bf'ing anymore either.  over the last 3 days, she has fed maybe 5 times!  and only 3 mins or so each time!  i am hoping it's a nursing strike and she's not trying to wean herself already.  and i know what you mean about the stranger anx.  gianna hates strangers.  it is sometimes embarrassing.

luisasmum-well, we live in the desert here in southern california, so our toes are ALWAYS on show!!  and i know what you mean about buying too many books.  i could open a library at this point.

well, i am trying to transition gianna slowly for the time change.  we have already started putting her to bed 15-30 mins later (she is way tired by then!) and she is doing well sleeping later.  she woke today at 7!  i think when the time changes again in the spring, i am not going to change her schedule again.  it is too hard!  plus, i would really rather her stay up til like 8:30 and sleep til 7 or 7:30 in the am.  that is what we are going to aim for.  it seems like she gets at least 10 hours of sleep at night from the time we put her down.  so if we put down at 8:30, we are pretty much guaranteed to sleep in til 6:30 at least.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 28, 2005, 00:03:57 am
Luisasmom- I hear you on the Flylady.  I found out about her on this website too.  It did wonders for the state of my household while I was home this summer.  I just wish they had a Flylady for working mom's.  I haen't done as well since going back to work.  I try to at least stick to my routines though.

Lindsey - I too am addicted to Nanny 911.  The first time I watched one of those shows, I freaked out and thought "That's going to be me one day!"  I hope not.   :)   I'm thinking of doing our time change on a Friday night so we have the weekend to work on it.  Changing the time gradually won't work here, because I can't let her sleep later during the week.

How much sleep are your los getting at night? How long are they awake from last nap until bedtime?  Susana has been so hard to put down the past few nights, that I'm starting to wonder if she needs to stay up a little later.  I can't quite figure out if she's overtired or not tired enough.  It's easier for me to know on the weekend when I know exactly how long naps are.  My sitter always gives estimated times.  I don't think she's a real clock watcher, so I don't always know exactly how long she's been awake.  My dd is soooo good at masking sleep signals now that she's mobile, so I really have to pay attention to the length of time she's been awake.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 28, 2005, 03:32:36 am
As much as I complain about the schedule I really like having one most days.  It makes things so much easier. 

Right now Reegan is sleeping a little less than 12 hours at night.  She is getting up from her last nap about 3 1/2 - 4 hours before bedtime.  But tonight she took a 2 1/2 hour nap so she went to bed 3 hours after she got up.

We are lucky here in that we don't change times  :)

We are not slowing down on the breastfeeding here.  I thought she was trying to drop the 11:00 feeding but it was only for a couple of days.  Now she is back going strong.  I think that we are going to have problems weaning.  That is if my milk holds out.  I have 2 weeks of Reglan left. 

Reegan fell on her face when she was crawling today and busted her lip :cry: .  It was the first time that she has been hurt like that and I have never heard her scream like that.  I didn't know she was bleeding until I saw the blood on my shirt.  I don't think that I could have felt any worse if I had done it to myself!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 28, 2005, 11:01:32 am
Kathy your sched looks exactly llike Morgan's. I dropped her 11 am bottle probably ta 9 months though.
Also right now she has 8 oz formula at 7, then 6 oz of COWS milk at 1 and then 8 oz of formula at 7. I started adding some cows milk to each bottle about a month ago, then decided to give a whole bottle. Everything has been ever since. So the $21 can of formula I have now is the last I have to buy! YAY! She was bf till 3 month, then on soy formula, then to milk based formula and now my baby drinks milk! Im so proud.

GRATS! On first step.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on September 28, 2005, 12:44:40 pm
At what point can you move them to cows milk???

Connor was never breastfed (combined breast & bottle for first month), and is now on the Nestle next step...I would like to move him on to cows milk, but how do you know when you can????
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: mommasboys on September 28, 2005, 13:06:15 pm
Hey ladies my little one is an october baby can i just jump in???

I haven't read to baby whisperer yet.......I know, i know.  I plan on getting it the next time i'm out at the library.  Holly has been talling me about it for a long time now.

I do think i've got a pretty good routine going with dorian.   Since he is almost 1 i've been trying to cut back alittle more on his formula and give him more REAL food.  So far he is doing very well.

As far as sleeping goes i am very proud. He USUALLY goes to bed at 8:30 and wakes up for a bottle around midnight.  Then he'll wake up in the morning any time between 5:30 and 6:30. Then he'll go down for a nap around 11:00. He generally sleeps for 2 hours.  Then he'll go back down for a nap around 4 and sleep for an hour.

My oloder son, when he was a baby he woun't sleep in his own bed and he had to be held to fall asleep. Which i mostly blame myself.  So with dorian i knew what NOT to do.  He has always slept in his bed. 

Thanks for letting me jump in. :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: momofnewbaby on September 28, 2005, 13:06:17 pm
What I have heard is that they can have cows milk starting at one year. Best to check with your ped, though.


Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 29, 2005, 01:11:36 am
We were just at the pediatrician today and he said definitely not before a year on the milk.

Wow!  Reegan sure is a good sleeper! Lucky you.  I would think Susana was dead if she slept that long, especially a 2 1/2 hour nap!  We're lucky if we get 1 1/2 hours.

Anyone else out there a nutrition nut like me???  You should have seen the look on my pediatrician's face when he saw the list of foods I have given Susana.  He had no idea what millet or tahini were.  It was pretty funny.  The nurse tried to offer a sample of those Gerber puffs and I'm sure thought I was a total weirdo when I told her no thanks because they are full of additives and preservatives.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 29, 2005, 15:36:03 pm
dorian's mom-welcome!!  since you are the voice of experience with an older baby, the rest of us can all bug you with our questions. 

phoebe-what is Flylady?  for gianna's night sleep, it is about 10-10.5
hours.  sometimes we get lucky with 11 hours, but that's rare.  from the end of her last nap til bedtime, it's about 4-4.5 hours.  she may be able to stay awake even longer than that, but i haven't tried it yet.  i am a bit of a health nut too.  i try to give gianna foods that look as close to they did when they came out of the earth as possible...if that makes any sense.  she eats tons of fruit, vegs, various beans, ground grains, etc.  (although i confess to purchasing a can of gerber puffs for a long car ride...they worked like magic!)  my sil thinks i am totally nuts and makes fun of me every time she is around.  she always makes comments like "oh no, don't let gianna spill tofu on her uniform!"  ok, it is kind of funny, but still annoying.  (btw, her son has been drinking coke since before he was one...he used to drink it from his bottle!)  i am also paranoid about food coloring, preservatives, etc even for dh and me.

momtoree-poor little reegan.  i hope her lip is feeling better soon!  and you are totally lucky with the amount of sleep she gives you...

morgan's mom-is morgan on one nap yet?  i think she is one of the oldest babies on this thread so i was just wondering if you had some insight as to when and how to make the (terrifying) switch.  gianna has always gone down well for naps, but lately doesn't seem super tired in the am.   she has actually cried when i put her down for this nap...very odd.  anyway, if you have any tips, would you mind sharing?  thanks!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on September 29, 2005, 15:38:33 pm
GiGi's mom ~ still two naps. though it used to be that had it to be at the 3 hour mark. it seems now I can be more felxable with her nap routine! YAY! Oh and trust me Ill let ya know of any changes. She currently takes 2 naps, 1 1/2 hours each.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 29, 2005, 21:22:18 pm
thanks morgan's mom.

phoebe i forgot to tell you this earlier.  i know you are having trouble getting a picture on the site.  i couldn't get the avatar to work either, so i went to the "photo gallery" forum under the "general" board.  there are people on there who, if you can pm them a picture, your username and password, they will put it on your avatar for you.  the lady who did it for me was username "ferbit".
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on September 30, 2005, 00:19:49 am
Thanks Lindsey.  I found ferbit and emailed her, she told me to look on one of threads for help, but I still couldn't figure it out.  :? I intended to email her again and let her do it for me, but it's hard for me to get much of anything done now that I'm at work again.  Add to that the fact that I have dial-up and takes forever to do anything.  If you want to find out more about Flylady go to her website  It's a site for what she calls SHEs.  (sidetracked home executives) 

Also, just to let you know, my niece is 15 months and still takes two naps.  My sister tried transitioning to one and she didn't do as well so she still lets her take two.  She has been missing one of them one day a week for a playgroup, but every other day takes two. I took Susana over to my mom's today because she is keeping my niece for a few days.  Susana stood up without holding on for the longest time ever while we were there.  I think she wanted to be big like her cousin. :D My niece smacked her on the head and dropped a calculator on her head.  :shock: Susana just looked at her like, "Why'd you do that?"  and started crying.   

Glad to hear I'm not the only one careful about nutrition.  Coke in a bottle!  Oh my gosh!  I must confess I like to indulge in a Coke every now and then, but I'd never give my baby one. 

MomtoRee - How's Reegan's lip?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on September 30, 2005, 01:02:47 am
Reegan's lip is fine now, I think.  She won't let me look in at it. 

We have had an interesting week.  The nany has the flu so DH stayed home with her on Tues and Wed and then I stayed home with her today.  My sister had playgroup at her house so I decided to go.  Problem was it was from 10-12 when she is usually napping.  We went and she was fine there but then had a meltdown when it was time to leave.  Then she started to fall alseep when she was nursing when we got home.  The one nap didn't work so well because it was still only 1 1/2  :(  Then she was cranky the rest of the day.  On the other hand she loved all the little kids and had a great time there.  Just hope that I am not paying for the day tonight. 

On a good note I almost have a big raise at work  :D   It still has to have a final vote but I am almost there. 

I would love to be more of a health nut but I love all the Gerber foods.  The additives and stuff don't bother me so much because before law school I use to work in lab for a flavoring company.  I worked with lots of additives.  I do try to give her mostly fruits and veggies and whole grain stuff.  However, I do not give her any sugar substitutes, but then I don't give her sugar either.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 30, 2005, 03:33:30 am
There is just so much to catch up on.

Mimi - how great about the first steps!  Have you started back at work?

Lindsey - Yikes about the dog nip.  Have you figured out what you are going to do? I worry all the time about our two cats, they have been our "fur children" for 9 years now and while they are doing well with all the change as Peter gets more mobile they may revolt.

MomtoRee - hope the lip is good and hope the raise goes through!

Phoebe - we are nutrition nuts here as well.  Peter gets his fair share of millet and tahini.  I thought he would balk at the tahini, but he seems to like it just fine. 

Well September has been a rough month for us, poor Peter has had two colds - which he kindly shared with me  :roll:, and he finally has his top two teeth.  He has still been sleeping great at night but naps are laughable....they are so hit and miss everyday.

We aren't having any luck with finger foods.  I don't know if I am just doing something wrong or if he is just not ready.  Although I don't think it helps that while he will pick up his cheerios properly, he has discovered that if sticks his drool soaked finger on top of the cheerio it will stick to his finger and is a much more reliable transportation method than grasping it.  Only problem is it doesn't work with cheese, fruits and veggies...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Pete's Mom on September 30, 2005, 03:37:03 am
Oh, totally forgot to mention a big welcome to all the newcomers on the thread.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on September 30, 2005, 03:37:46 am
Hi all....still keeping up.....

just a few notes.....John took 2 naps for a LONG time!!!!  They were lovely  :wink:

A little hint for hard to pick up finger foods...roll them in crushed cheerios or bread crumbs  :D

Welcome all new comers!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on September 30, 2005, 16:00:56 pm
Its been a long time, but I'm back!
Good to see you all again (hehe that sounds funny since we can't really see each other...)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on September 30, 2005, 16:43:00 pm
welcome back sarah!!  glad to see you again too.

momtoree-hope you get the raise.  keep us posted.  i have a question about reegan missing one of her naps to go to playgroup.  i have a couple of friends here who have a playgroup once a week (during am naptime) and they are wanting us to join in.  but i don't know how i would work g's nap.  when reegan missed her nap, did you keep her up til the next scheduled nap time?  or put her down earlier than you would have?   was she hard to get to sleep for the nap or bedtime?  i would love to join a playgroup, but if it means i will be paying for it the rest of the day or night, then it's not worth it to me.  when we move back to sacramento, i am planning on starting one at MY house so g can take her naps no matter what.  (i am a little unbalanced as you can see!)

petes mom-gianna took a while to get into the hang of finger foods too.  she would eat cheerios, but mainly just smash the fruits and vegs.  now she does really well with them.  i would say just keep trying with him.  as for our dog, we are planning on keeping her i think.  we have just committed ourselves to not allowing any physical contact.  if i can't be watching both of them like a hawk, then bailee gets locked in another room or outside.  she doesn't mind since she mostly sleeps all day anyway.  but we just feel like if we got rid of bailee we'd have to get rid of the other dog too since all dogs are capable of biting, kwim?  and we want gianna to grow up with animals since there are so many benefits to that and we want her to learn to respect animals.  i am just glad God gave me a "freebie" with that nip and she wasn't seriously hurt.  lesson learned!

noelle- that picture of zoe always cracks me up.  she is so cute.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on October 01, 2005, 02:31:45 am
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to check in & let you know I'm reading when I get a chance.  Working a little more these days and having a horrible time with Jadyn screaming & clinging to me for dear life as soon as the babysitter comes through the door. :roll: Such a drama queen.

She's been on a nursing strike for 3 days.  I thought I was going to have a breakdown yesterday, but she has nursed 3 times today!!! I can hardly contain myself.  What am I going to do when it's time to wean? :oops:

Naps are going well and nighttimes are predictable at 7:30pm til 6:45am.  She is eating well the things she likes to eat.  Loves her fruit, Cheerios, pasta, yogurt, jasmine rice or sticky rice and carrots.  One of my favorite food is tofu and I gave her a sample of it while I was cooking with it.  I gave it to her uncooked, cold, and she ate & ate til it was all gone.  I have to go & buy tons of it.  For me & for her!!  I get the firm tofu and cut it up & put it on her tray and she gobbles it up.  Also gave her organic peas and she loved picking it up one at a time & eating them.  I think she definitely likes to pick up her own food.

Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 01, 2005, 02:36:30 am
Quote from: Gigismom

noelle- that picture of zoe always cracks me up.  she is so cute.

Thanks Lindsey  :D ...though I'm getting antsy..time to switch again soon  :wink:

Ohhh Kathy thanks for the idea on Tofu (and rice).  We don't eat it ourselves but totally forgot about it. John would never eat it.  Mental note..go buy some  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 01, 2005, 15:33:09 pm
I bet that Reegan would like tofu.  I need to pick some up at the store. 

Gigismom - we took our second nap about an hour early.  That night she was good too.  No more than her usual one wakeup at 5 to eat and then she slept in an extra half hour.  I think that I might have the sitter start taking her on Thursday so she can be around other kids.  Eventhough it skips a nap I think that it is worth it to see other babies.  THat would be great to have it at your house but do you really think that she would go to sleep if there were that many other kids there?  I know that Reegan wouldn't. 

I am trying not to be so stuck on the schedule anymore.  She is older now and has a little more flexibility so last night we stayed at a party until almost 7:30!  That is her usual bedtime and she did great.  She went to bed about 8 and did great.  I was so happy that we could stay a little longer. 

Someone gave us a little plastic slide and Reegan loves going down it!  She tries to crawl back up too.  I was happy that we got something new.  I think that she is bored with her toys.  Does anyone else think this?  She doesn't really play with them anymore.  I don't want to buy any since her birthday is in a month but I feel bad for her. 

Have a great weekend!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on October 02, 2005, 00:57:02 am
Jen - I start work this Monday and I'm a little sad about it now.  I left dd with my mom last week and did a trial run of having dd there for the entire day without me.  Her naps were quite erratic (I think that she is really trying to transition to one nap) but the nights were fine.  I was afraid that there would be lots of night wakings but she slept 10-11 hrs without a fuss.  Which is very good.

We had guests today and she walked 4-5 steps for them!  I can't believe that this is happening soon quickly!  So is she a toddler now?

Well gotta go.  Dh is making dinner and he's calling!

Good sleeps everyone!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 02, 2005, 22:18:14 pm
Hi...I guess I haven't been on in a few days...just busy.
Yesterday Connor went to a birthday party for a 2 year old...I had him sitting on a comforter on the ground, and was watching him carefully, but he somehow managed to sneak in a leaf for a snack.  After a few minutes, he started puking...and puking .... AND went on forever...finally in the bottom of the pile of throw-up was a chewed up leaf!!...Scared took him about 4 throwup sessions to get rid of it!

Connor goes for his first 1/2 day of daycare's going to be weird...I'll let you know how he makes out.

He's finally eating some finger foods toast and crackers now...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on October 02, 2005, 22:47:04 pm
Lordy I don't even know where to begin to catch up with everyone!  :shock:  :lol: Still reading, but I just got sooo behind so very quickly! Ella has had a terrible cold but we're through the worst of it now. Of course tooth #8 is making it's way in now so we're back to being a bit erratic. I'm just incredibly in love... ~sigh~ you know it's funny, I'll watch Ella do something and then I read about it here...or I'll read something one of your lo's has done and a few days later we'll be experiencing the same thing. It's really cool! One example is the tantrum thing. Ella folds herself in half, face to the floor and wails... :roll: Oh and the sippy cup thing!!! She's been drinking water from a regular cup since 4 months. Never milk and has refused all sippy's. with water or otherwise. Suddenly yesterday she crawls over to the kitchen cupboard that has all the non breakables in it, hauls out a sippy and starts to pretend drink out of it. (this is the girl who won't even hold her own bottle) So I quietly take it from her, put some water in it and gave it back to her. And she drank it! All of it! hee hee. Made me laugh. Talk about doing things "when she's good and ready!"

Anyways, I hope you all are well!!!!

And congrats Mimi on the steps! That's huge!!!  :D

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 03, 2005, 15:34:21 pm
OMG!!!  ANOTHER DOG BITE!!!  this one was totally out of the blue and vicious.  i was playing on a blanket with gianna and bailee was "sleeping" (at least appeared to be) about 2-3 feet behind me on the floor.  gianna was sitting and then rocked foward to her hands to start crawling.  i guess bailee must have been watching because she flew across me and bit gianna right in the face AGAIN.  this one was harder than last time, but there is only one puncture wound.  so i have no idea what caused this one because gianna wasn't even touching her or near her.  i am thinking maybe it has something to do with g's newfound mobility because it happened last time when she was starting to crawl too. so bailee is definitely going to have to find a new home.  although a baby-biter may be hard to place.  as soon as it happened and i picked up g and made sure she was ok, i was furious at bailee for about 1 second.  then i just got really sad because i knew she couldn't stay with us.  only another dog lover could understand how someone could still love a dog who just bit their kid.  she will probly be gone sometime this week but i think dh may have to drive her to the weimaraner rescue in sacramento.   really sad.

momtoree-well, gianna has so many toys, it's hard to get bored with them!!  she will play with a set of toys for about 20 mins, then fuss and want a new set.  i am really trying to halt the toy buying.  i want her to appreciate what she has and not have so much that she doesn't care about any of it.

kathy-gianna has barely been nursing too.  i am lucky to get one bf out of her at bedtime.  she is just too active and interested in other things.  we were at a friend's house the other day and she was making korean food for dinner, so gianna got to try tofu.  she spit it out immediately but at least she tried it!  i always forget to buy tofu too, but i really like it myself.

sharon-hope ella is feeling better soon!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 04, 2005, 00:12:56 am
jillybean- That must have been scary.  Sounds like the plant might have been poisoness to make him so sick.  I'm glad he's OK.

Sharon - Glad to know my dd's not the only one who won't hold her own bottle.  My pediatrician has told me to work on that.  She knows how, but the second you even look like you might help her out, she lets go - just being lazy I guess.

Lindsey - I'm sending you a pm.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on October 04, 2005, 01:59:19 am
Hi all!

So sorry about Gianna getting bit & having to find a new home for bailey.

Hi Sharon!  Good to hear from you.  Sorry Ella's not feeling well.

So sorry about Connor & leaf incident.  It must have been horrible.

I can't believe I'm sitting in the hospital, again!!!  Lexi's got infection that spread to her leg from her appendix leaking.  I'm just overwhelmed with trying to take care of her, Jadyn being so clingy & teething, being at the hospital all day long !!  AARRGG!!

They have not been communicating  with me so I have already went off on 2 doctors and 4 nurses and threatened to leave & take her home!!.  After my fit they finally took the set up a ct procedure to take the fluid out of her hip today and going to check which antibiotics to give, which means we will be here anothe 2-3days.  We have been her since Sat.  To to it off, my work needs me to fill in for someone that just quit the next 3 days.  I think I will just have a nervous breakdown right here in the hospital. I'm spending the night here and Jadyn is at home with daddy and would not go to sleep.  She was looking for me and crying. :cry: This is my first night away from her.

I have a computer in her room, so I guess I will have something to do at night when Lexi's alsleep.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 04, 2005, 02:09:34 am
kathy-i am SO sorry about your situation.  that must be so hard for you.  i wish we lived closer so i could help out somehow.  i hope your dd is ok soon.  it's sad that when you are sick and in a hospital you have to threaten doctors to tell you what's going on and to take care of you.  (i have had similar problems myself, so i feel for you!!)  keep us posted.

phoebe-your pm never made it...?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on October 04, 2005, 02:44:42 am
Kathy - I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble you're going through.  I hope that Lexi's spirit is up despite being in the hospital. 

Phoebe - oh...I hope that G is fine now. 

Sharon - welcome back!  Hope Ella is feeling well.

Jilly - hope Connor is fine.

Is this the phase for a bottle/nursing strike or self-weaning?  Like some of you, I'm finding it very hard to get dd to take the bottle.  Anyone has succes with feeding milk in a cup or sippy?  DD would only take water from it and if I sneak in some formula, she'll spit it out. 

Good night for now.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 04, 2005, 03:01:33 am
Awww dog bites and sick children, Im so sad to read this. yes I wish we all lievd close by, wouldnt that be awesome?? Trading baby clothes and formula coupons! Well on a brighter note....


I was so proud, she took about 4 steps. Im so excited!

Night ladies, Im beat,
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on October 04, 2005, 09:55:43 am
Congrats Morgan!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 04, 2005, 21:39:05 pm
Wow, Morgan...walking!!!...
Connor has yet to crawl!...he gets around pretty good by pushing himself along, and rolling..

He was fine after the throwing up incident, so the leaf didn't affect him, but it was good that he got it out of him, and that he didn't choke.

First 1/2 day at daycare - was good, I snuck out while he was playing, but then got angry when he discovered I wasn't there, but didn't see any the worse for wear when I picked him up...tired though, he would not sleep at the sitters...He's been clingy last night and all day today...coincidence??? Is he afraid I'm going to disappear on him again??

Scary about the dog bite...I understand about the dog being like family, at one point, dh's parents had 8 dogs!!...they were their kids...they were like the 'crazy dog people'...Everything from an English mastiff weighing in at 230 lbs to a chihuahua...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 05, 2005, 01:34:25 am
Kathy - so sorry to hear about Lexie.  That is horrible.  I hope that you have better luck with the doctors and nurses.  Sorry that everything is so crazy.  We'll say prayers for you and the family. 

Hope Gianna is ok from the dog.  I am so sorry that you have to get rid of your dog.  That is so sad for you. 

Morgan is walking!!!!  That is crazy!  Congrats on the steps. 

Reegan is now pulling up and crawled up one step.  Well, she can only pull up on the stairs but not on anything else. 

Sorry about Connor.  At least he got it up.  Good to hear that he can eat some solids now. 

Are you all getting you lo the flu shot?  I can't decide if we should or not. 

Well I am wishing for a good night of sleep for Reegan.  I think that she still might be teething and its bothering her.  She has been waking up a couple of times and then getting up early.  Just hope that she does better tonight.  Hope that everyone else has a long long night of sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 05, 2005, 01:54:46 am
Quote from: MomtoRee
Are you all getting you lo the flu shot?  I can't decide if we should or not. 

I like to pop in on the short answers...tee hee :lol:  :oops:

no flu shot here.....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on October 05, 2005, 11:31:16 am
Jilly-one thing that helped me with leaving M for the day is to clearly say bye-bye to her.  I would give her a kiss and hug and then we would wave bye-bye.  I snuck out once and she was very clingy when I picked her up.  Since doing this bye-bye routine, she is so much better.  Also, make a big deal when you come to pick him up.  Plenty of smiles and hugs. 

Flu shot? - mostly likely yes.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 05, 2005, 21:00:35 pm
mimi-we have had no luck period with sippy cups...milk or water.  she only likes the open cup.

congrats on the walking morgan.  so exciting!!!

jill-i know it seems easier to sneak out when they are not looking, but everything i have read says it's better to say bye bye and let him see you walk out.  he may have a fit at first, but will recover faster and not feel the need to keep looking for you.  btw, as a former nanny, i agree that the letting them see you leave method works a lot better than trying to sneak away.  hopefully he will begin to feel more comfortable at day care soon and look foward to going there to play!

momtoree-i doubt i am going to get gianna the flu shot.  i am one of those weirdos who almost didn't get the regular "mandatory" vaccines because of all the bad things i have read about them.  we are going to go ahead and get the mandatory ones, but as for the optional ones, i don't think so.  we will just do a lot of hand washing and praying that we don't get the flu!!  it's not like gianna is exposed to a lot of other people's germs anyway.  hope reegan's sleep improves soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 05, 2005, 22:56:31 pm
Lindsey - Ugh!  That's the second time I've pmd someone and it didn't go through.  I'll try again.  I'm kind of weird about the vaccines too, but I did go ahead and let her get all the routine ones.  As for the flu shot, we're going to do that too.  I figured we better since I'm a second grade teacher and bring home every germ known to man.  :)

Yeah Morgan!!!

Kathy - Omg!  I sure wish there was some way I could help you!  The one night we had to spend in the hospital with Susana about did me in, I can't imagine how you are doing it all!!!

jilly- I waved bye to my lo the first day I left her.  It about broke my heart because she reached out for me.  Now she's so busy looking for the sitter's dog in the yard when I pull off, she doesn't even look at me when I leave.   :D   They definitely adjust faster than we do.

I do not know what is going on with my dd.  Last night it took 2 hours to get her to sleep.  I was on the verge of putting her in the car and driving around to see if that would work when she finally dropped off.  It's so weird, she goes to sleep fine usually.  But every few weeks or so we go through this.  This was definitely the worst.  I tried letting her cry awhile, but there is a point with her when I know she's not just going to cry and then drift off.  I can't take screaching and outright screaming, so when she gets to that point I have to go in.  I tried sitting by the crib, but that was no better.  When I held her, she stopped crying but was twitching and twisting everywhere.  It was like she couldn't get comfortable.  I gave her 2 oz. of a new formula yesterday morning at the doctor's request.  We are trying to wean her from Neocate to Pregestimil.  The only thing I can figure is it was hurting her tummy???  She didn't have any weird poop or anything though so I'm not sure.  I didn't give it to her today and she went down pretty easy, still kind of squirmy though.  If only they could talk.

Has anyone had any reactions to foods?  Last weekend I gave her spinach.  She had mucus in her stools and a horrible diaper rash for about a day afterward.  I think it was the spinach, but I'm not positive that it wasn't a bug.  There have been stomach viruses going around here lately.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 06, 2005, 01:22:57 am
When I leave the house sometimes I say bye to Reegan and sometimes I don't.  When she is really having a bad day it is better if I sneek out while she is playing.  All the books say it is better to have a good bye routine.  It might be a little different for me because she stays at our house and I'm not leaving her somewhere different.  I know how lucky I am to be able to have someone come to the house so she doesn't have to leave her anywhere. 

pdb - sounds like she had a tummy ache.  Good that tonight was better.  Not sure about teh food reaction.  We haven't had anything like that. 
I think Reegan had a tummy ache last night too.  She was awake about 5 times but I only had to go in 1 time.  She still has problems going to the bathroom and I had pumped her full of prune juice Monday and Tuesday.  So, today she had the little hard balls when she went to the bathroom and then....a couple hours later it all came out!  We had a puddle of poop on the floor  :shock: Oh, it was so gross.  It was coming out of the diaper at both the legs and out the top in the front and her shorts were full and running down her legs!  The gross things that you get to deal with as a mom.

I scheduled the first flu shot for next Tuesday.  Hope that it doesn't make her sick. 

Kathy - hope that things are getting better for you.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 06, 2005, 23:50:24 pm
is anyone else having problems logging off?  i tried to get help on the glitches board, but nothing is looks like i am logged on 24/7! 

phoebe-is susana getting more teeth that could be causing her trouble sleeping?  it seems like that is the biggest sleep buster for us.  whenever gianna is really bad at getting to sleep, a tooth is usually to be found right under the gums.  she has had problems sleeping with because of tummy aches too.  a couple of times i fed her too many prunes and she woke screaming and farting like there was no tomorrow.  i felt really bad!!  i too look foward to when they can just say what's wrong!  as for food rxns, we have had a few diaper rashes, but nothing too severe.  and i can never usually pin down exactly what food caused it.

momtoree-that poopy story was funny.  since our home is for sale now, we had some realtors touring the house the other night.  we were all standing in the kitchen talking and gianna was eating in her high chair.  she kept looking down her side so i thought she had dropped a piece of food down the side of her body.  so i reached down in there as i was talking to all these people.  i felt something warm and squishy (i didn't remember feeding her anything warm and squishy!), so i pulled it up.  before i got it all the way up to her tray, i noticed it was a piece of POOP that had somehow scooted out of her diaper!!  i was mortified, but didn't want to pull up this big turd in front of all those people.  so i dropped it back in the chair and ran to the sink and washed my hands, all the while praying gianna wouldn't pick it up (she didn't).  i tried my best to rush those people out so i could rescue my kid from sitting in her own poopies and clean her up.  it was horrible at the time, but sort of funny now.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 07, 2005, 00:25:34 am
Sort of funny...that's hilarious!!!  :D   We have had some nasty poops too.  For a month or so there before solids, Susana's poop would explode out the back of her diaper.  We would have to change her outfit every time we changed a diaper.  Thank goodness for grandmas who love to buy clothes!

I considered the teething too because that seems to cause the big sleep problems for us too.  I couldn't really feel anything though.  The nurse practitioner at the pedgastros office told me that it doesn't sound like the formula caused it.  I'm not totally convinced though since she napped better today and so far so good on the bedtime.  I'm knocking hard on some wood right now.  I did give her Motrin for good measure though in case it was teething, so I guess I'll never know for sure.  We had so many horrible tummy issues early on, I think I'm just paranoid about switching formula.  Why mess up a good thing??  I guess I'll have to try again though.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 07, 2005, 01:09:21 am
Hi ladies....I know I've been in and out, forgive me.

MomtoRee, just wanted to let you know that we are getting the flu shot this year, probably for both boys, but Stephen had it the first time last year.  I've gone back and forth about it, but I feel good with the decision.  He's getting the first dose on Tuesday as well.

A quick update on Z...he's got 8 teeth!  He pulled up for the first time (I'll admit, though, that he cheated) on Tuesday and has done it again once or twice (still cheating) since then.   He's still a little guy, around 18 pounds, I guess.  Hmmmmm.....what else???  Nothing terribly exciting, but sometimes I consider that a good thing.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 07, 2005, 13:56:59 pm
8 teeth?  Holy crap!  Zoe still only has 4 (two top and two bottom).

Did any of your LO's pull on his/her ear when teething?  Zoe just started doing this a couple of days ago.  Wavering on taking her to the dr. to check for an ear infection.  She's still in good spirits..... :?:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 08, 2005, 00:19:12 am
Well our extended vacation to my parents just ended and I couldn't wait to get back to check what is going on with everyone's LO. I can't believe how much I look forward to reading this.
I am so sorry to hear about the dog bite Lindsey. How are you guys holding up?
Kathy-so sorry to hear about all that is going on with your LO? I hope she is feeling better. Balancing family and work with sick children takes parenting to a whole other level.
Mimi-We had the same problem with the cup but I just kept putting different things into it until she took it. Apple juice, pear juice, peach juice all diluted of course. Eventually I diluted it more and more and then I put milk in it after she would take the pure water from it. I didn't want to wean completely yet but Hannah won't BF any more. When I try to feed her she would grab my nipple and twist it and then flick it back and forth. One can only take so much pain.
Jodi-Congrat's on the walking. Will you have to do any more baby proofing because of this?
Well there is so much to comment on but I have to go my sister is coming to stay the night. I wish everyone sweet dreams.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 08, 2005, 01:16:51 am
My house is currently completely baby proof, has been for awhile. I mean there are still some things out, but nothing that she could break or swallow. She isnt quite "walking" yet. She gets SO excited and claps so hard she falls right down on her bottom. She gets about 5 steps b4 that happens. More Good news, I put all my bottles away..NO More! All she drinks out of is her Nubby Sippy Cup, man it took awhile for her to use them. She had an appt with her Dr. today bc of her heart Murmur and she said to go ahead and drop the formula (just about 2 weeks shy of a yr) Lil did she know I had been giving her milk for a month, my sister did the same with my nephew. After this can of formula we are done..its a huge relief. I feel like I made it to the first yr I can do anything!!!
I so wish we could all have HUGE Bday party together for our LOs..that would rock!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 08, 2005, 14:27:25 pm
I know, it would be so neat if we all could meet!

Noelle - My lo pulled on her ears with teething (she has 7 teeth already), but the two times she's had ear infections, she was also teething.  My pediatrician said the teething can cause ear infections because the swelling in their gums can cause fluid to get trapped in the Eustachian tubes.  Some pediatricians will tell you that teething doesn't cause any problems, but all I know is my child has so far shown no other hint of any kind of illness and even when she had the ear infections she didn't have a stuffy nose,  fever or anything else.  I'm convinced they were realated to teething.

Well I think Susana's sleep problems were tummy related.  Night before last she went down easy and slept  11 1/2 hours straight.  Then yesterday she took a 2 hour nap in the morning!!  She hasn't done that since she was 4 mons. old.  She took another hour one in the afternoon.  Last night was another story.  She got into the dog food while my husband was "watching" her.  She managed to get some in her mouth and although I noticed and got most of it out, I think she swallowed a little.  She was up a good portion of the night with a tummy ache.  At least I hope it was the dog food, because if it wasn't we are back to the tummy problems we had 3 months ago and that was AWFUL!

Susana is starting to wave bye-bye.  She doesn't actually wave yet, but she lifts her hands up if you tell her bye.  She is also starting to try to climb things. :shock:   And she'll play peekaboo.  It's so cute, if you cover up her head and say "Where's Susana?"  she'll pull off the cover and give you this huge grin.  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 09, 2005, 01:28:42 am
Thanks Phoebe!!!  :D

And wouldn't  you know there was a new tooth!!!! :D   I think she's getting another one too.  I do believe that teething can be associated with ear infections.   My mom said too that with my older sister, EVERY time she was teething she had an ear infection but with the other two of us, we didn't.  I think that would be just too coincidental for me  :D  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 09, 2005, 19:03:06 pm
EEK! Wanted to add to the above....I had a slight idea a tooth was coming, but I've been known to think that for months with no sign of one  :lol:

Also, my new avatar!  Meet my son John  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: mommasboys on October 09, 2005, 20:16:19 pm
WOW.... It sounds like everyone has been pretty busy!!!!

Yesterday was dorian's first birthday!!!!!  I think it was all abit much for him.  He is some what of a clingy baby.  The only person he was happy with other than me was his papa.   He LOVED his cake. It was so cute.  He had cake all over himself.    I have to say though that i'm glad it's over.

Dorian has developed a rash on his face and i'm not sure why.  It popped up about an hour or 2 after he ate him cake.  I don't know if that had anything to do with it or not.  It doesn't seem to bother him thou.

He's been walking around all day mumbling things.  Then just stopping and looking at me like i should know what he's saying.    Gee  what did all the time go???

Hope you all are having fun with your lo's.  I sure am. :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: lil'monkey on October 10, 2005, 02:24:19 am
Happy Birthday Dorian!!!

Sending sleep vibes to everyone!

Oh...Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian BW families!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 10, 2005, 02:47:00 am

Ok im going to bed, was a LONG weekend, but a great one. Hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend as well.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 10, 2005, 12:59:46 pm
Connor is 'sort of' crawling now...and he's pretty darn quick..thank goodness for the new toy room.
I've been taking Connor swimming every week for the last few months, so it's kind of funny, he has applied his swimming skills to crawling...he basically does the same movements on the floor...he looks like he's doing something like the breaststroke on the though..

He's finally eating some toast, goldfish crackers, animal crackers, and rice-rusks...finally some finger foods to keep him entertained.

He's starting to say 'da da da da' now...and 'yup', and of course 'mom'

Tooth #9 is being worked on.

He still is quite passionate about bottles, however, is on the verge of biting the nipples off (thank god I'm not breastfeeding!!!)....

He goes this week for an ultrasound on his kidneys, should be funny trying to getting him to stay put!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians............Jill
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 10, 2005, 16:00:19 pm
that would be so cool if we all could meet.  maybe one day if we all save up our frequent flyer miles...can you imagine?!

jill-that is great connor is eating more finger foods...he just needed a little more time i guess!!

alli-congrats on zachary's pulling up.  gianna has 8 teeth also.  i see stars and almost pass out when i see that mouth full of teeth coming at me to bf...

ange-welcome back.  did you have a good time at your parents?  does hannah travel well? 

phoebe-i can totally relate to the quality of childcare we get from the dh's.  my otherwise competent and intelligent dh suddenly turns into a brain dead zombie when i ask him to watch gianna.  he can only do one thing at a time.  like, he can't watch her AND fold laundry.  he can't watch her AND make lunch...really irritating.  but he is always willing, so i have to give him that.  but most days when i come home from errands, he is half sleeping on the couch, half watching some sort of sport.  gianna is usually eating a paper clip or some other equally dangerous item...grrrrr.

noelle-john is very handsome!!  although i must say i will miss your funny avatar of zoe.

i am having a hair dilemma with gianna...i fear i will be turned into the CPS soon for child abuse because i am letting my child grow a mullet.  (no offense if any of you are still sporting this hairstyle...i am kidding.)  gianna's hair has suddenly started growing wildly.  she has hair hanging in her eyes, hair forming a mullet down the back, hair growing over the ears.  has anyone cut their child's hair yet?  i don't know if i should trim it or start shaping some sort of hairstyle.  if i cut it, i will have to lose these precious golden curls and she will look like a boy again.  but if i leave it, then do i have to do it up everyday?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 10, 2005, 17:06:40 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
alli-congrats on zachary's pulling up.  gianna has 8 teeth also.  i see stars and almost pass out when i see that mouth full of teeth coming at me to bf...

Ah!!  I know!!  Surprisingly enough, he's only bitten down once.  Didn't really bite, you know?  Just bit down while nursing, or when he was finished and just hanging out. 

Quote from: Gigismom
...has anyone cut their child's hair yet?  i don't know if i should trim it or start shaping some sort of hairstyle.  if i cut it, i will have to lose these precious golden curls and she will look like a boy again.  but if i leave it, then do i have to do it up everyday?

I have to laugh at this.....Zachary is still so bald. :lol:  BALD!  He's got a bit of a peach fuzz thing going on, but the only reason he looks like he has anything is because his hair is so dark!  Stephen didn't get his first haircut till he was 18 months old!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 10, 2005, 17:26:13 pm
Morgan doesnt have alot of hair at all, but with my neice we had her haircut at 3 months, they can just trim the pieces you want them to..just to get it out of her eyes. Take her to someplace kid friends, they know what to do. My nephew has to get a hair cut every 2 weeks and he is just 15 months! Hope that helps. Send Morgan some of that hair plz!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on October 10, 2005, 17:31:39 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
that would be so cool if we all could meet.

Hi!  I noticed you are in So Cal.  A group of us are meeting at Dana Point Harbor on the 21st.  We would love for you to come if you are able to!   :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 10, 2005, 18:24:39 pm
LOL - Reegan has the mullet too!  My dh has has told everyone that she is trying to bring it back in style.  We have to put a clip in her hair everyday first thing or it is all in her eyes.  Her hair is halfway down her back and I can even get it in a ponytail now.  I'll have to get a new picture up. 

Well we had a long trip to Chicago this weekend for a wedding.  The schedule was off but it all worked out really well.  I have to say the trip would have been horrible had it not been for the portable DVD and Baby Einstein.  She rarely gets to watch tv so she was captivated the whole time they were on and that resulted in no screaming.  She woke up a couple of times that night so she was tired in teh morning but for her first nap at the hotel she slept almost three hours :)  It was great but then she was up an hour before she should have been going back down.  Turned out she took a 30 min nap in the car from teh weddign to the reception and then slept the full 4 hours during the ride home :)  We didn't leave until 8:30 and she was so good the whole time.  Made her schedule off today in that she didn't get up until almost 9:00, it's usually 7/7:30!  So looks like she is down for her one and only nap today.  Just hope it is a good one.  I was just happy that we didn't stick to teh schedule and everything turned out great!  She was still happy and in a great mood.  I just hope this continues for the next three weekends at the other three weddings! 

Reegan still bites me when she is playing around and really finished eating.  That just means that the shop closes up!  She hasn't made me bleed since the was just getting teeth or I think that I would have to close shop for good! 

We go for family pictures today with dh's family.  Cross your fingers for me that Reegan does well.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 10, 2005, 20:53:02 pm
Connor's hair is hanging in his eyes (when he blinks, it moves) and over his ears, but I refuse to cut it, as I know that as soon as I do, he is going to look like a real little boy (no longer a baby!!!)...and it's so golden blonde, and it's getting curly!!!  Sometime after 1 year old I'll get it cut, but not until at least then for us...

Sometimes I put a little baby oil in it and slick it off to the side and over his ears........
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: dixiedutch on October 11, 2005, 01:21:51 am
We have been out of the loop for such a long time. I just finished reading all the posts and have alternativey cheered and cried over trips to the hospital, dog bites, sleepless nights, first steps...these days are so full for us all.

Juliana and I went home to South Carolina for a funeral for a beloved great-aunt of mine. Though that was sad, we had a lovely time with my parents on their farm. Juliana loved the cats, the dog, the hammock, and just playing on the dirt.

She said her first word for my mother, "HAPPY". Juliana and I were snuggling and playing in the sunny open bedroom just after she woke up. My mother came in and joined the play, she kept saying, "Happy girl", to Juliana. Finally, Juliana looked back at her and said "HAP-PY" in clear English and then began to clap and grin. I can't think of a better first word....

Looking forward to keeping in better touch....


PS Phoebe, I taught in Greenville County.....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 11, 2005, 14:58:03 pm
Just had to let you know that Zoe started crawling "normally" :wink:   She'd been doing the army crawl for a while, but I think she's figured out the other way is faster and easier  :lol:

No cutting hair here LOL....nothing really to cut  :lol:

Yay Juliana on her first word, such a smart girl  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 12, 2005, 00:15:48 am
momtoree- how did family pictures go?  i am glad gigi isn't the only one sporting the mullet...i can't believe reegan's hair is that long!!  you will have to put up a new picture so we can see for ourselves.

caroline-SOOO sorry about the loss of your great aunt.  pm me if you need to talk about it, ok?  i'm glad you had a good visit with your parents though.  and congrats on the first word!!!!  that is so exciting.

noelle-congrats on the "normal" crawling.  watch she will be even faster!

gianna is doing well.  she seems to be getting smarter by the minute.  she is waving byebye, clapping, playing peek a boo, and can point to many items if we ask her to.  so exciting!!  she actually stood alone for a few seconds yesterday too.  if only she would say "happy"...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 12, 2005, 00:26:11 am
Happy 1st birthday Dorian!

jilly-Glad to hear Connor is on to finger foods.  Susana does well with finger foods, but she's still weird about texture.  I tried making her carrots a little chunkier instead of making them completely smooth - she wanted nothing to do with them.

Lindsey - I cracked up when I read your post.  Susana's hair isn't quite in the  mullet stage but we're getting there.  My sister got her lo's haircut right before she turned a year, just trimmed off the wacky pieces so everything was nice and even.

Wow Juliana already saying a word! How neat!  I can't wait until Susana can talk.  She's got the funniest little personality right now, but I'd like to know what she's thinking.

I'm trying to add an attachment.  I can't seem to make an avatar, because I can't get the pictures small enough on my computer.  I think I just don't have the right software.  I hope you all can view this picture.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 12, 2005, 00:28:11 am
i know i just posted, but OMG phoebe, gianna and susana are twins!!  i wish we could sit them side by side.  that is so weird (and cool)!

she is beautiful...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 12, 2005, 00:33:01 am
I know it's weird isn't it?  Maybe we're related and we don't know it.  :wink:  I do have family out west.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 12, 2005, 00:34:45 am
and i DO have family from back east...?!  maybe we should just pm and stop torturing everyone on this thread with our possible relation...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 12, 2005, 01:31:32 am
Awww...she's beautiful!! Love those eyes!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 12, 2005, 15:20:23 pm
Happy First B-Day Dorian (Great name, I have never heard it before.)
Jill-Congrat's on the finger food and crawling, so many firsts. How is daycare going?
Lindsey-Your posts always make me laugh. I can't believe G has a mullet. 80's fashion is back in style maybe the mullet and the fish tail are coming back too. Then you could consider your daughter very fashion forward. My DH is the same ask him to do two thing at once like your DH and he looks at me like I am mental. I asked him to watch Hannah and fold some laundry and he got so stressed out.
Alli- Your boys are gorgeous, are you the only female in the house? How is it if you are?
MomtoRee-Sounds like you have a busy wedding season ahead of you. We have a long drive coming up (8hrs). I think I may copy you and invest in a portable dvd player and take it on the trip.
Caroline-welcome back, speaking already that is amazing. Your mom must have been happy to hear Juliana's first word. Has she repeated it since?
Noelle-Hannah still does the army style crawl I wonder if she will ever crawl normally.
Phoebe-Susana is beautiful. Her eyes and those cheeks...She could be the new gerber baby.

Well Hannah has four teeth and it looks like number 5,6 and 7 are all coming at once. She has been congested and coughing for the last month.ALso she hasn't had a solid poop in a good month too, anyone else have the same issues?
We have had some huge motor skill developments in the past few weeks. She is crusing everywhere and she will stop when she is pushing her little push toy and wave at the plant, the dog and her reflection. She will let go and stand for a few seconds before she realizes she isn't holding onto anything. And she can pull herself up in her crib from lying down. Before she only did it from the seated position. Well I hope everyone is having a good day

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 13, 2005, 01:18:17 am
Well, we had our 2nd 1/2 day of daycare.  I almost pulled the plug on it, Connor was clinging to my sweater, and cried when I put him I stayed, but I guess I stayed too long...anyways, they don't allow the babies to take their bottles to bed with them (choking hazard), so I thought, Oh my goodness, they will never get him to sleep without a bottle as it's his 'soother' (I hadn't been able to break him completely of it yet), he screamed, that was when I was advised to leave that he would settle quicker if I wasn't there..Anyways, he did fall asleep eventually without the bottle in a strange crib!!!...and he was all smiles when I picked him up.  He loves cars and trucks, so that was what he did all day.

Guess what????  Tonight he didn't need his bottle to fall asleep...I'll let you know how tonight goes, maybe he will discover that he doesn't need it anymore????

Tomorrow Connor has a big day getting an ultrasound down...he has to go every 4 months to follow up on a kidney problem that he had when he was 3 months old...I think it's fine, as he's had no more infections and he's as healthy as a horse, and has no pain...It will be funny trying to keep him on the table tomorrow though...Last time he thought they were tickling him...

Talk to you later,
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 13, 2005, 02:06:41 am
Cragrats on the crawling and the solids Jill!  I hope leaving him gets easier.  Good luck with the ultrasound. 
Congrats on teh first words!  What a great word to be first.  Reegan says "all done"  she says it almost everyday.  I guess it is because we have said and signed it after every meal everyday. 

The family pictures went great.  Reegan held on to a fence standing up for some individual ones and I think that they will be so cute.  She was all smiles since we did them outside.  Only thing is that her smile is more of a wierd face at this point where she squints her eyes and wrinkles her nose.  Hopefully we will get a good family one too!

I think that Reegan's schedule is off from the weekend.  She was up at 3 and then at 5:30 for good.  I am so tired today.  This is not a good sign for the rest of the month.  I just don't know what to do with her when she does this. 

On a good note my raise got approved  :D  Now we can give the nanny a raise so she won't leave us.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on October 13, 2005, 02:33:20 am
Wow!! Hi everyone!!!

Congrats on the first step, first words (love happy :D ), cool hair or lack of (Jadyn has a mohawk just like daddy), pulling up, crawling regular, waving, first signing, eating finger food, all the teeth, standing alone.......  Hopefully I didn't miss anything.

Things are finally kinda sorta back to norm.  Lexi's leg is still sore & is still limping but all seems ok otherwise.  She's back in school & catching up with her 'best friends'.

Jadyn is doing well & happy.  She does have these tantrums where if she's not getting exactly what she wants, she slams her arms down and says "ah ah", like I'm supposed to give her everything her little heart desires. :wink:  She pretty much does get everything anyhow.  She's sooo cute at this stage.  She smiles & laughs & gurgles all the time.

She has been rocked to sleep during this crazy time and has been sleeping in our bed once in a while.  I left her to sleep on our bed last night and put pillows around her & went downstairs.  I heard this "thud" and I almost passed out!!  We ran upstairs and she was sitting in an upright position on the hardwood floor on her bottom just screaming.  Just to think what could have happened makes me shudder...

I think I am finally going to go ahead and drop her feeding from 4 to 3 bf a day.  She's eating solids so well and nursing well in the morning and night, but the day bf are very short (5mins).  Just recovering from when she scraped my nipple!! It took a week before it hurt like crazy when she nursed.  She is very good now and won't even bite down or clench.  Although she likes to nurse one side and twiddle the other with her fingers.  It's so sweet.  She also likes to lift my shirt to see where they are. :lol:

Is everyone still on 2 naps?  Jadyn pretty much did not sleep the second nap.  She slept 1.5 at 9:30am and then played & talked at 1:30pm nap til 2:40.  I think she might have dosed for 15mins.  Goodness!! I don't know what her deal was!

Hope I can catch up with everyone soon. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 13, 2005, 20:59:29 pm
Connor slept horribly last night, I think he was over-tired from daycare.
He would wake up and be mad about waking up because he was so tired, then couldn't get back to sleep because he was so mad!!!!

Ultrasound was fine, he did very well, he was just mesmerized by the radiologist who sang the whole time..they had a very nice way around babies...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 13, 2005, 21:41:14 pm
ange-sounds like hannah is moving around a lot!!  how old is she?

jill-glad the ultrasound went you have to wait for the results or did they give them to you already?

kathy-glad you are all home and on the mend!  it must have been a stressful time.  we are still on 2 naps although i recently had to increase the awake time before each nap as she wasn't tired enough when i was putting her down.

momtoree-congrats on your raise!  that's great.  how cute that reegan says "all done".  does she sign anything else?  glad your family pictures went well.  we only got one family photo so far; and i was so nervous for gianna before we went.  well, turns out she was the cute, smiley one and dh and i are the ones who ruined it.  he looks drunk and i still look pregnant...with triplets.  needless to say, it is buried in a drawer somewhere.

well, gianna is pretty much on the new time and we don't even change the clocks for a couple more weeks.  she has been going to bed at 8:30 and waking around 7:00, although today i had to wake her up at 8:15!!  i don't think she has ever slept in that late.  i wish i could sleep in too, but i always wake at 6:00 waiting for her to wake...crazy, huh?  also, her sleep has been AWESOME for the last month or so.  when she goes down at night, we don't hear a peep til morning.  amazing!  and her naps have been good too, usually 1.5 hours each.  gee, if it were always this easy, i wouldn't mind having a few more...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 13, 2005, 22:27:20 pm
just a second to post but I wanted to post a picture of Reegan so you all could see how long her hair really is.  This was 2 months ago too and it has grown since.  I hope I did the attachment right. 

Kathy - glad things are getting back to normal for you. 
Jill - glad that the ultrasound went well.
Gianna's mom - that is too funny about your picture  :lol: .  I think that I am going to feel the same way about how I look in mine!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 14, 2005, 12:15:19 pm
Wow...she does have a lot of hair..did she have a lot when she was born???

We will find out the results of the ultrasound when Connor goes to a followup appointment with the pediatric urologist in November.

He's just so contented and happy though, that I can't imagine that he still has problems...there was an inflamed spot on one of the kidneys 4 months ago which could have been the cause of a blockage that caused a kidney infection when he was 3 months they just had to monitor this spot until it goes away...and he hasn't had any kidney infections since the one he had at 3 months I'm sure all is well...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 14, 2005, 13:33:22 pm
Hey Lindsey....was Gianna waking early that you moved her bedtime back? These past two days Zoe has waken at 6:00...and she used to wake at 6:45-7:00????  When the time changes - eek that would make it 5  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 14, 2005, 13:44:15 pm
Noelle, Z's been waking early lately, too, which has me worried for the time change.  He used to sleep till 7:30/8:00 (or later, if I was lucky) and this whole week it's been 6:30 or so.  I think it's been because he's been eating such huge know how when you eat a really big dinner or eat really close to bedtime, you wake up STARVING in the morning (well, I do, at least), I think that's been the issue, so I'm going to try to not feed him so much at's so hard, he's such the chow hound! :lol:  Anyway, I don't guess I can complain too much about the early wakings....he's been sleeping great.  Going to bed at 7:30 and sleeping all night. 

MomtoRee, I don't think I have that much hair RIGHT NOW! :lol:  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 14, 2005, 13:52:02 pm
Interesting Alli....I was just commenting to dh that she shouldn't be waking of hunger because she ate a huge dinner :lol:   I don't think that it's hunger though because she just plays in the living room until her normal wake-up time and then we feed her.  Hmmmm...anything is worth a try though!!! THanks!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 14, 2005, 14:12:27 pm
MomtoRee-Wow that's a lot of hair. Reegan probably never gets mistaken for a boy.If I don't put Hannah is pink or yellow when we go out everyone thinks she is a little boy. Congratulations on the raise.

Kathy-We still nap twice a day. Usually a total of 3-3.5 hrs

Linsdey-Want to trade babies? Hannah is still waking in the night maybe you can send some of whatever you are giving Gigi this way. Hannah was born on Dec 6.

Well had a call from my boss last night. My back fill quit. So, when I go back things are going to be out of control. Should be interesting to see what happens.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 14, 2005, 15:57:31 pm
momtoree-HOLY COW!!!  you weren't kidding about reegan's hair...and that was 2 months ago?!  gigi's mullet has competition!!  i have been pinning gianna's hair off to the side too because i don't want to cut bangs.  i want her hair all one length.  you will have to share your mullet management skills with us.

noelle-gianna just sort of made this new schedule herself.  she woke up late one day, so the whole day ran later.  we kept her up one hour later that night (til 8:30) and she has stayed on the later schedule ever since.  i know a lot of people suggest putting them to bed earlier to get them to sleep in, but that has never worked for gianna.  she always sleeps in later only if put to bed later.  one thing that helps is that her room is SUPER dark, so no morning light comes in.  is zoe's room really dark?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 14, 2005, 16:18:19 pm
Yep, Zoe's room is super dark too  :D   For some reason (thinking growth spurt maybe, along with teething?) she doesn't make it past 6:30 for bed.  It's usually 7:00pm.  Last night she did ok and put her down again at at 7:00 but still woke early.  Who knows???  Hopefully it's just a phase. I have to remember that's just a phase, it's just a phase  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 16, 2005, 15:06:51 pm
:( After a few months of perfect sleep and great activity..inlcuding running! Yeah she runs now. My sweet baby Morgan has a monster cold. Its so hard to hear cough and try to breath in. Cold medicine doesnt seem to be doing anything. Last night she was tired but just couldnt stay asleep so we finally took her out to the couch and and had her sleeping on me sitting up. I hope tonight is better, just 7 days away from her birthday party my angel needs some good sleep and rest!
Well ladies let me just post this, the Mr Clean magic eraser ROCKS!!! Im cleaning like crazy getting ready for her party and this thing will clean anything!!! Had to share, ya'll should pick a few up, they are inexpensive as well.

Back to cleaning.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 17, 2005, 12:59:01 pm
my lil girl still cant breath. Im giving her cold medicine when I can, any other ideas? WE ALL NEED SLEEP!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 17, 2005, 13:25:15 pm
We are having the same problem here.  Hannah is on two different inhalers  because of her lungs and her nose is always plugged or running. What seems to help is steaming the bathroom with a hot shower and playing in there on the floor as long as she can tolerate it. I have also resorted to giving her dimetapp for cold and fever. Seems to help but nothing seems to work 100%. I was also told that vick's vapour rub works but we haven't tried that yet. Hey if you try something and it works let me know.  I feel so bad for her she will be in a deep sleep and then go into a cough fit and wake herself up several times through the night. I hope you LO gets better soon
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on October 17, 2005, 16:41:48 pm
Morgan is SUCH a cutie!  How long has she been sick?  Nathan has had a wicked cold, and he is still miserably congested and drippy 2 weeks later...  Do you think it is time for a doc call?  Or just let it run its course?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on October 17, 2005, 18:42:16 pm
It helps VERY MUCH when I do vapor inhales (the one with the mask), 2-3 times a day while they're sick.
Title: Weaning from formula
Post by: northerner on October 17, 2005, 18:58:42 pm
DD will be 1 next month, which means we will be done with formula. :lol:

Did you wean your babies from it gradually?  DD is still taking 4 bottles a day and also eating solids 3 times a day.

Just wondering how the rest of you dealt with going from formula to regular milk at the 1 year stage.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 17, 2005, 20:18:39 pm
Sorry to hear about all the sick babies  :(   I am keeping my fingers crossed that Reegan stays healthy.  On the sick note, our neighbor's almost 3 year old dd died this weekend in her sleep.  She had a cold and they gave her medicine and in the morning they found her.  Isn't that horrible, I just can't imagine!  They have no idea what happened to her and she was a perfectly healthy little girl.  Really freaks me out that this happened and now I am so scared.  My heart just breaks for them.   Just a reminder of how precious our los are. 

I think that Ree is learning to adjust with her sleeping because she did great this weekend again.  She didn't sleep at all on the 4 hour drive, but she made up for after we got there and with her night sleeping.  DH took care of her all day Saturday because I was in the wedding and he skipped the end of the wedding and cocktail hour to get her a nap at the hotel.  I said just to let her sleep in the car, but he wanted to make sure she got a good one. 

I think that I am going to drop the 4:00 bf and move the 12:00 bf back to like 1/1:30.  She only eats a few solids at each meal and I feel like she should be eating more.  This would put us at 4 bf a day, including the 5:30 one.  Just curious what others who bf are doing now?  Right now we hope to bf at 5:30, 7:00, 1:30, and 7:30.  There is no way we are stopping at one year. 

With the hair we have never been mistaken for a little boy.  I just put it in a clip like that everyday or I will put it in pigtails.  I don't know what else I can do with it but it has to have something because it won't stay tucked behind the ear. 

I can't believe that Morgan is running!  We aren't even pulling up all the time yet.  The new thing that she does is stand up with her hands still on the ground and tries to move forward.  It's so funny to watch.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 17, 2005, 21:55:15 pm
Tammy-I see you are from St. Joe's Island. My in-laws have a cottage in Richard's Landing and my DH is from the Soo.  Small world.  With the milk I plan on introducing it slowly by mixing milk with formula and slowly decreasing the formula content.

Momtoree-My heart goes out to your neighbors I can't believe it.

Just go back from the doctor's, he thinks Hannah might be asthmatic ( can't test until they are old).

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 18, 2005, 00:39:29 am
Sorry to hear about everyone being sick.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.  Strep throat has been going around at my school.  I've already had two kids in my class get it.

That's horrible about your neighbor!   We also had some tragic news this week.  My husband's cousin who was only 22, was killed in a car accident last week.  DH and I went down for the funeral Sat. and left dd with the sitter.  My sister was in town for the weekend, so she picked her up for me and got her to bed at home.  Just makes you realize how precious life is. 

We are still having sleep problems here.  We are switching formulas as I mentioned before, but there doesn't seem to be any correlation.  I've gone back to sleep training.  DD will stop crying shortly after I enter the room, but will flop around her crib FOREVER!  Last night she did it for an hour while I sat by her crib.  I think I'm going to call the pediatrician and see if he has any suggestions.  I am exhausted and out of ideas for how to get her to sleep and stay asleep.  And then of course there's the time change.... :?

DD is standing without holding on for long periods.  She'll also walk all over the place holding on to your fingers.  Don't think it will be long now before she's off on her own.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 18, 2005, 02:16:42 am
noelle-when gianna was waking super early, i read somewhere that you should not let them take the 1st nap early.  you should keep them up until the regular nap time and this is supposed to help regulate their schedule and make them sleep later.  it worked for gianna.  although for the past 2 days, she has woken before 6 am despite going to bed at 8:30....!

ange and jodi-sorry to hear about the colds.  gigi has never been sick so i don't have any advice!  morgan is so cute though!!

momtoree-that is tragic about your neighbor's little girl!!  do they think it had something to do with the cold meds or what?  i have heard that some kids have severe reactions to them.  how horrible.  as for bf, i offer it to gianna 4 times a day, in the am, after both naps and before bed.  she usually takes it only twice at most...don't know what else to do to get her to drink more.

phoebe-sorry to hear about your dh's cousin.  such sad news this week.  hope you guys are doing ok.  i hope susana's sleep improves for you.  i think we are all concerned about the time change.  i thought we had it down, now gianna is waking early again!!  crazy girl.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 18, 2005, 21:01:56 pm
quick update, Im so busy and tired.
Took Morgan to the dr, what an ordeal she was so sick and crying the whole time we waited for an HOUR! Anyways, she has an ear infection and bronchitus (I cant spell that) I think with all that she has she is handling it well. She is on 3 diff meds and we plan to beat this by her bday party on Sunday. Oh and I found at Walgreens a plug in Pedia care gentle vapor, it was 5.99 and it seems to be a really neat product for congested kids, look into it if ya got a sick lil one. Ill let ya know how it works. Hope everyone is doing well.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 18, 2005, 23:20:59 pm
I was thinking last night when reading about everyone's sick kids, how lucky we were since Susana has never been really sick.  Well that's what I get for thinking.  She started a runny nose today and her temp has been a little elevated although not a fever.  I'm hoping it'll just be a cold and it will run it's course quickly.

Hope Morgan is well by her party.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 18, 2005, 23:34:22 pm
Hi, I haven't been on in a few days..

MomtoRee...That is really scary!!!! To think that they can make it to 3 and be healthy, and have something like that happen. If they ever discover what it was that caused it, let us know...was it the medicine? or did she suffocate from being congested???  Let us know if you ever hear.

We have been so lucky, Connor has never had a cold or anything...he had a kidney infection badly when he was 3 or 4 months old, since then, he's been so healthy. (still doesn't sleep...but healthy)

Connor had a banner day yesterday at his first full day at the sitters.  He didn't cry when I left (he didn't notice that I left), he only fussed when hungry, tired or needed changed, and took 2 naps without fuss!!!...We were so happy...(not happy about going back to work, but happy that he'll be safe & happy)...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 19, 2005, 02:26:06 am
Well as soon as I say that Reegan hasn't been sick she gets sick.  She has a horrible cough and you can hear the congestion in her chest.  It scares me so bad after what happened to our neighbor.  It makes me want to hold her all night long!  I just pray and tell myself that this isn't normal.  The preliminary autopsy results came back and there was nothing found!  How horrible for the family.  The obituary was in the paper today and it was the saddest one that I have ever read.  They put in the names that she called her brothers and sister and her animals.  I swear my heart breaks for them every time I think about it. 

Are the sick ones sleeping a lot more?  Reegan slept in and then took a 2 hour nap which the nanny woke her up from and then a 1 hour 45 min nap.  On top of that I put her down early b/c she was past ready for bed. 

I hope that all the sick babies get better really soon and that Morgan is all better for her party. 

Well today was my birthday and I didn't have to cook or clean up tonight.  Dh picked up dinner and made brownies  :)   Can't get much better than that for me.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 19, 2005, 02:40:38 am sorry about your neighbors dd  :cry:

Yay Connor!  It does make going back to work a little easier  :D

Hope everyone's little ones get well quickly.  And hopfully the meds work quick for Morgan.  It's definitely no fun being sick.  It always makes me sad that they don't really know why they feel like that  :cry:

Lindsey - great idea on keeping the same nap times.  I actually don't have set times yet, but I think she would benefit from it.  Thanks  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 19, 2005, 10:08:40 am
Too many sick babies, breaks my heart! Well after giving Morgan all her meds she passed out at 6:30 lastnight, not even having her milk yet, she woke up one time at 10:00..took me about 40 mins to get her back to sleep good enough to lay her flat..then she slept till 6 am! Great for a sick baby, meds seem to be doing wonders. Sending the new sick ones some healthy vibes and sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 19, 2005, 19:11:17 pm
I am feeling like the world's worst mother these days.  Hannah has 3 bruises a cross her forehead. Her new found mobility has caused a lot of crashes in her bed and in the living room. She can pull herself up but hasn't figured out how to get down.  If my MIL sees these she will call children services.  On top of that trying to get these inhalers into her is a fight. You have to hold her down in order to get the meds into her. Now when she sees me coming with it she cries. I try to let her play with it but she wants nothing to do with it. On the flip side the inhalers seem to be working because the wheezing in her lungs is improving. Hope all the other babies get better soon

Lindsey-Love the idea of the consistent nap times I think we are going to give it a shot because her schedule seems to be changing again
MomtoRee-Happy belated Birthday

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: cata on October 19, 2005, 20:59:57 pm
I turn on Baby Einstein so ds is distracted while I do the inhaler.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 19, 2005, 21:04:27 pm
morgan's mom-your name is jodi right?  i thought that i once saw that as part of your signature, but now it's gone.  and i think i have been calling you that...i hope i am right!  anyway, hope morgan is feeling better.  don't you love dr's waiting rooms?!...

jill-glad to hear connor is doing well at day are you transtioning to work and leaving him?

momtoree-sorry to hear about reegan being sick too!  that is horrible about the neighbor.  it must make it worse not knowing the cause.  how sad...

noelle and ange-we started set nap times about a month or more ago.  it seems to have really helped gianna.  that is when she started sleeping in too!  her first nap is usually starts between 10-10:30 and second nap starts between 3-3:30.  of course, on days that she wakes up super early in the morning or for some reason has a short first nap, i start the next nap 15 mins earlier than usual.  (she is really wiped out by then.)  but it really seems to have brought more order to our days.  the first few days might be hard, but once their bodies adjust to the set rhythm it is great. 

ange-don't feel bad about the bruises.  gianna's face right now looks like she has been in combat.  it is full of bruises and scrapes.  i guess it's how they learn.  she also got a fat lip the other day falling on the tile floor while crawling.  at first, i thought she knocked a tooth loose because there was so much blood, but it was just her lip.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 19, 2005, 22:43:28 pm
yes, my name is Jodi! lol

The bruises, heh...Morgan had the the roughest knees when she was crawling and bumps all over! Now that she can walk well she lookds pretty clean, less dragging on the carpet! Now I have to prepare myself for the day when she falls and gets hurt!!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 20, 2005, 11:51:17 am
Gigismom - I start work Nov 7.  So, so far, I either turn into the tasmanian devil and start whirring around the house to do things to keep busy, or I pace!!!

Hannah's mom - Connor is only crawling (his own style), but has bruises on his forhead and knees, and arms...he just bumps into stuff and gets stuck...

Ladies....wish me luck, CONNOR IS CUTTING MOLARS!!!!!!!!!! 
The poor little tyke has been sleeping awfully...and when he wakes up, it's with real tears, and I can't do too much to please him during the day, but last night, he finally let me look in his mouth, and it's a set of molars that he's working on...the bottom one has one edge through...

This child is going to look funny, he'll have a full set of teeth in a few months.

Anybody have any cool November birthday ideas?  We can't do anything outside as it's getting cold, and we don't have a huge house for too many kids to be tearing about...any cool themes???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 20, 2005, 12:25:48 pm
JBS - wow! molars already??  At least they'll be done  :wink:   The best thing I found for Zoe when she is teething (which i would have used it with JOhn) is let her chew on a toddler toothbrush.  She LOVES it!!  :D

We're in the same boat too for Zoe's b-day only Dec....any ideas anyone?  :D

Tracy recommends starting set nap times at 8-9 months...I'm a little behind :wink:   I'm going to give it a go starting this weekend so then she'll have two days in before daycare on monday and then I'm home tues/wed.  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 20, 2005, 23:52:45 pm
JBS- Glad to hear the sitter is working out for you.  Ug...molars, I am so dreading that.  I hope they come in quickly.

Momto Ree - Happy birthday!  Lucky you with the sleepy sick baby.  My dd just got her first cold and the past two nights were a nightmare!  More on that in a minute...

ange-We've been lucky with the bruises.  Susana is pretty careful about everything, rarely falls down.  The worst bruise she has had is when my mil pinched her leg in the car seat buckle the other day. :(

noelle-I'm doing an ocean theme for Susana's bday.  She loves fish.  (Guess it might have something to do with the fact we have almost the entire line of FP Ocean Wonders stuff)  My mom is going to make her a dress embroidered with fish.  She did a flower one for my niece's bday.  I'm not inviting any kids other than my niece, just family.  I have no idea where we're going to put everyone since my house is small. 

OK Please tell me somebody else's child does this.  We have been having sleep issues again where Susana takes forever to fall asleep.  Last night was a new record.  It took her three hours to go to sleep.  I put her down at 6:30 but she was screaming a few minutes later.  I was determined to go to bed early since I had 4 hrs of sleep the night before, so I got her up so I could eat dinner.  I thought maybe she wasn't tired so I'd keep her up a little longer.  Big mistake.  At 7:20 I put her back down.  I spent an hour in and out of her room when I finally decided to put her in our bed so at least I could lay down.  She spent the next 45 minutes moving all over our bed like she was possessed.  I'm talking CONSTANT motion.  You could tell she was exhausted but she couldn't go to sleep.  The only thing I can figure is I gave her a decongestant and some Motrin and it must have made her hyper.  She has had the decongestant before and didn't react this way but I can't figure out what else it could have been.  After a while she decided she wanted to get down off the bed and started screaming, so I put her on the floor.  Finally at 10:00 I put her back in the crib because I was afraid I'd fall asleep watching her and she'd get hurt.  She screamed but gave up after a few minutes.  Anyone else had any medicine reactions?  Does it sound familiar?

We also have big news today.  Susana took her first steps!!!! :D  :shock:   I couldn't believe it.  Out sitter told me yesterday that she stood alone for a really long time and then shuffled one foot forward a little.  Today at home, she took a full step three seperate times.  She still won't take more than one, but I'm sure it won't be long.  I was a late walker so I never expected to have one walking this early.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 21, 2005, 00:52:34 am
pdb-When my dh was a kid, it took  his parents a long time to figure out that red dyes made him hyper....we think that Stephen might have the same reaction to red dyes (in foods and medicines) so we try to avoid it if at all possible.  Might be something to think about???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 21, 2005, 01:14:45 am
Hey Phoebe- that b-day theme sounds fantastic!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 21, 2005, 01:56:34 am
Susana walking at 9 months! YAY! After Morgan's first step is was about a week till she was comfy walking, get ready!
   Yes I know, where to put all the people! I have 20 adults and 6 kids coming over Sunday for my angels bday! STRESSED I am!! lol I guess with her being sick and well Im late. Im 6 days late to be exact, maybe from stress but I dont know!!! I think Morgan is getting better, lastnight she was up from 12 am - 3 am though, think it is the medicine...then she woke up at 6 am. My DH and I havent slept in like over 24 hours. Then this morning we went to her cardioligist, after a long day there we left with good news. The valve in heart with the leak, has stopped leaking. Dr gives her a thumb up. So hopefully after a good nights sleep Morgan should be all better and I can go back to getting my tiny house ready for her first bday!!! Doing a simple Care Bears theme...she has this Care Bears push and ride toy (how she learned how to walk so quickly) and she loves the care bears songs. After dinner tonight around 7pm she fell asleep in her high chair, Im gonna have to post the pics! She never has fallen asleep anywhere random like that, she is so tired from the Dr's and coughing all night. How do we do it moms? How do we stay so strong for our babies? Sorry for such a random post, Im sleepy!  :wink:

Night ladies! Thanks for listening!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 21, 2005, 11:31:09 am
Hi, I don't know if it's Connor's molars coming through or if he has a cold.
He acts fine, he still play and eats, but cannot sleep due to a runny/congested nose.  No fever.

Any suggestions?  I've heard some kids can get cold like symptoms during teething, but he's never had it before..

Any tips for making him more comfortable.  Every hour on the hour last night he would wake up and couldn't get him comfortable, I'd have to rock him each time...I'm tired.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 21, 2005, 20:21:57 pm
Well, as if today wasn't bad enough, I hadn't lowered Connors crib yet, as he had made no attempts to pull himself up anywhere.

Guess what??  He knows how to pull himself into a standing position...He discovered this when he dived out of his crib!...he wasn't hurt...scared him a little...Scared me a lot!!!...he has been obsessed with pulling himself up on anything all afternoon!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 21, 2005, 21:29:15 pm
We are in for another rough few days...I finally got my finger into his mouth to see what's going on...Both first molars at the bottom are coming's 1/2 through, the other is a sharp edge under the surface.  And, the two first molars on the top display red, hard swollen gums, therefore, it won't be long 'till they start erupting.  That means 10 teeth in the next couple of days, and 12 teeth in the next week or two...What a set!!!...the funny thing is he still really doesn't know how to use them!...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 21, 2005, 22:30:11 pm
Alli - Thanks.  I have thought of that because my babysitter has a friend whose child was allergic to red food dye too.  I think that might have explained Wed night since that decongestant had some kind of dye.  But last night she was up from 1:30 until 4:00 and I didn't give her medicine with dye??  I don't know.

Jodi - Glad Morgan's feeling better and yeah for the good news about her heart.  I'm sure you were relieved to hear that.

Jilly- I hope the molars come through fast for your sake and Connor's.  I'm starting to wonder if that's what's wrong with Susana.  She won't let me in there to feel around.  I have no suggestions on the sleeping since we aren't getting much of it around here.Susana seems to already be over her cold.  I don't know what's waking her now.  I just wish she'd sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 22, 2005, 10:52:58 am
Jilly ~ I put a pillow uner Morgan'a mattress to elivate it. Got a vickes vaporizer in her room at night. baby vicks on her shoulder but I still had to go in there adn settle her after a coughing fit. I know how ya feel, trust me. Today is a week since ive been doing this. Lastnight it ttook me 2 hours for her to let me even put her in her crib.  But after she was asleep she just woke up once at 3! Then slept till 6:45. Hang in there hun, Im here to talk. I know that after a week of not sleeping I needed friends to keep me sain!!!! Good luck.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 23, 2005, 13:54:19 pm
Happy Birthday Morgan Leigh....
Jodi-I hope the party is a blast. Let us know how it goes
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 23, 2005, 20:48:31 pm
Hey, Hannah's Mom - Where do you live in Ontario?  I'm between Toronto & Montreal along the 401.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 24, 2005, 00:11:23 am
Party was GREAT!!!!!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 24, 2005, 01:53:22 am
Happy birthday Morgan!  I'm sure that Morgan had fun with the cake. 

Well we made another trip to Chicago this weekend.  Sleep didn't go as well but we made it through.  She was very happy to make it home and get out of the car.  Just so much driving this month.  I think that we should start working on sleeping through the night without eating, but I just don't know if I am up for it.  I would just love for her to be sleeping through the night without me having to go in her room everynight.  Is anyone else still feeding at night? 

Good luck with sleep tonight!  I am praying for a better night!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 25, 2005, 02:17:50 am
jill-yikes, molars already!  hope that goes fast.  as for the congestion, gianna has never been sick, but when she was first born she had major congestion, normal for c-section babies i guess.  we elevated her mattress and used a humidifier.  these both seemed to help.

jodi-glad to hear about morgan's heart.  you must be relieved.  and the pics were adorable!  she is precious.  glad she was up to partying for her big party.  who did the elmo pumpkin?  and is that you holding her in the pic over the cake? 

momtoree-we dropped the night feeding at 3.5 months so i don't have much advice.  it may be easier than you think though, so maybe just give it a try (on the weekend!)  good luck.

phoebe-don't really know what to say about susana's sleep issues.  i know you are consistent in your sleep training, so maybe check her routine.  have you tried to just break down everything she does/eats and try to see if there is a pattern that affects her sleep?  does she only have sleep difficulty on week nights when she has been at the sitter's all day?  is the sitter keeping accurate records of her naps and day in general?  does she write everything down?  (i did this when i was a nanny and still do it with gianna; it seems to really help pinpoint problems when they come up.)  also, my cousin's little girl is super sensitive to dyes.  she is on  the feingold diet...i hope i am spelling that right.  it really helps her sleep and behavior in general.   

noelle- i keep forgetting to tell you i love the new avatar!  just as funny and cute as the last extreme close up of zoe!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 25, 2005, 02:24:28 am
Thanks Lindsey  :D

 :D  :D  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 25, 2005, 10:46:32 am
My mothers boyfriend carved pumpkins for all the kids, we did that instead of a goody bag. Yes that is me holding her! I got some sleep lastnight!! But it seems I have to start all over, she is needing to be rocked to sleep after being sick for almost 2 weeks. Hope this training goes well again!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Colesmom on October 25, 2005, 13:16:11 pm
Hello mommies of year old (or almost year old) babies!

I am going to a 1st bday party on Sunday.  Could you please help me and advise on some good toys/books that I can give as gifts for this age.

I am also attempting my first scrapbooking page and I'm going to frame it in an 8.5x11 frame as part of the gift as well.

thanks for any suggestions.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 25, 2005, 14:24:07 pm
Morgan's favorite gift was  magnet..this its from leapfrog. The baby puts the letters in it and it tells you what letter, like C - it says CAT! C.A.T
Its awesome!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 25, 2005, 18:46:42 pm
Jodi-Looks like the party was a lot of fun. Did you have two cakes?
JBS-I live in Kitchener. I have family out your way in Kingston and Ottawa.
MomtoRee-I just weaned Hannah from the morning feed. Until now she wanted to be feed somewhere between 5-6 am.  Once I weaned the feed I decided I wouldn't feed her before 6 am. It was rough for a few days but she sleeps until 6 now....well most of the time and if  she is up before I try to put her back to sleep.
Lindsey-WHen you say you write everything down, what do you, sleep times, diaper changes????
Colesmom-Hannah's favourite is the fischer price farm and zoo.

Well sleep here is non existent. I can see 3 teeth so hopefully they will cut and we will have some sweet dreams again. Hannah stood for 5-10 seconds by herself and now she is doing it all the time.

Went to visit her day care...WHAT a nightmare I had this planned since she was 3 months old. This place came highly recommended by people from work. Did some research and comparisons and we decide that it was the best place to put Hannah. Well we showed up at 8:30 in the morning and went to the toddler room just for a quick visit. THings seemed well organized and everyone looked happy. THen the owner took us to where hannah would be and she just chose two tots to come with us. Well the room was filled with antiques which were blocked off by toys..who's kidding who no little toy is going to stop a determine baby from getting to those things if they wanted to. The room was sooooo small and she was going to have 4 babies in there (inc. her own twins). To top it off one tot was playing a game with her 13 month old son. WHo would cruise to something he wasn't supposed to touch and then the 3 yr old would go pick him up and bring him back.....She thought this was funny. And this is what is going on when I am there.  The tots were trying to pick hannah up too....needless to say I left and called DH crying saying am not putting hannah in there and would stay home until we found something better.

What an experience

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 25, 2005, 19:27:08 pm
traci-your scrapbook page sounds awesome!  i know it sounds simple, but right now gianna's favorite toys are balls.  also, she is really into her push toys (where she stands behind it and pushes or it can convert  into a ride on was like $20 at target)...hmmm, she also likes books with flaps that she can lift and look under.  HTH.

ange-yes, i write EVERYTHING down.  (yes, i am anal!)  i did it for so long at my former jobs, i just did it with gianna without even thinking.  at first we just started out writing down the poops and feeds when she was a newborn, and just never stopped.  it's actually been really helpful in seeing patterns.  it only takes a couple mins each day.  sorry about the day care!  that is a bummer.  but you are smart to go with your instinct and not leave her there if you don't feel right about it.  i hope you find something soon that will work for you.  have you thought of a nanny?

phoebe-i forgot to congratulate susana on her first steps.  has she continued trying to walk?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Melissa (Sydney's Mommy) on October 25, 2005, 19:48:44 pm
Hey ladies!  Can't believe that I hadn't seen this thread before; don't think I have ventured over to the EASY forum though....  Anyway, my little man will be one in about a week.  Not sure how that happened.  This will be fun to touch base about other toddlers the same age.   :D   Hope it's okay if I horn in on your post this late!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 26, 2005, 00:37:12 am
Ange, yes we had two cakes. It wasnt planned that way but when my husband came home from picking up her care bears cake Publix had sent him home with a small round vanaila cake that said happy 1st morgan! I was so happy!!!! This way she could make a mess out of it and do whatever she liked.
Sorry about the daycare, gonna look for a different one?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 26, 2005, 00:48:31 am
Ange - That's heartbreaking about the daycare.  When do you have to go back to work???  So far, we like our daycare.  By the way, I live in Napanee, 1/2 hr from Kingston...

Looks like Morgan had a wonderful birthday party...We are starting to think of Connors.

One of Connor's molars is almost in, the front side is it, and the back side is poking through..geez, they are huge!!!.  The one of the other side is starting as well.  I think he has a cold.  I don't know if it's due to the teeth or just a cold.

Connor has become very active, he's crawling and pulling himself up to standing. Ever since he fell out of the crib, he's been obsessed with standing.  I guess it didn't scare him!.  I can't wear him out!!...he plays, and plays and plays!!!...I took him to playgroup today to try to wear him out a little, and I was the only mom who what chasing their little kids across the room constantly, and he didn't even care if I was there.  In a crowded room of at least 30+ parents and babies, he went to the other side of the room and started playing without even looking once to see if I was around!!!  He has his own toyroom which has been helpful..he will play by himself for an hour at a time without checking for me...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 26, 2005, 00:56:20 am
Happy belated birthday Morgan!  Glad to hear the party went well. 

Lindsey - I used to write everything down with Susana.  I prepared an entire notebook for the sitter so all she would have to do is fill in times.   :oops: She's a mother of three and I think she thinks I'm a little over the top.  SHe's much more go with the flow than I am.  Anyway I haven't seen the notebook since giving it to her.   She usually gives me a run down of her day though.  I really think wwe have gastrointestinal issues going on again.  The way she is behaving is similar to how she did when she was smaller.  I thought I had it all figured out by stopping the Pregestemil.  She did so well over the weekend.  But then last night after being asleep for 45 min.  she woke up screaming.  Nothing I did could calm her down.  She did this for about an hour and then just as suddenly as she had started, stopped crying calmed down and went to sleep.  I am thinking of making an appointment with the pediatrician to discuss it with him.  My instinct is telling me these just aren't normal sleep issues.  On the walking - she is still standing a lot on her own and will take little half shuffle steps by herself.  She'll walk everywhere if you hold her hands.

Jodi - Good luck with sleep training.  I hope you're back to sleeping well soon.  I can relate to the sleep deprivation around here.  It's almost worse after you've gotten used to sleeping again adn then go back to having to get up several times a night isn't it?

Ange - I hate to hear about your daycare.  We had picked out a daycare that we really liked, but when it came time to put her there, I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her at any daycare.  We were so blessed to find the sitter we have now.  Everything just worked itself out.  I knwo things will work out for the best with you too.

Welcome Melissa!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 26, 2005, 03:09:12 am
Hi Melissa!!! Welcome!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Colesmom on October 26, 2005, 12:06:20 pm
thanks to those who replied for gift ideas.  i feel a little more confident going shopping now. :D   i think i'm leaning towards the leapfrog.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 26, 2005, 16:58:11 pm

I just took a postive pregnancy test!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on October 26, 2005, 17:41:27 pm
JODI!!!!!!  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:


Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 26, 2005, 17:59:43 pm
Congratulations Jodi!!!  :D  :D  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 26, 2005, 18:26:51 pm
WOW that is awesome Jodi.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on October 26, 2005, 18:29:36 pm
In all that excitment I forgot to post. Hannah has started to walk we are up to 10-15 steps and then she starts to run and falls down. I guess what they say is true some babies skip the crawling stage. I think because she is short and chunky her low center of gravity makes it easy for her to stay up right

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 26, 2005, 21:11:59 pm
Yay Hannah!!! Better watch  out now mom!!  :lol:  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Melissa (Sydney's Mommy) on October 26, 2005, 22:51:58 pm
Congrats on the positive result!  Wonderful news.   :D  :D  :D   It's going to be a fun ride!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Colesmom on October 26, 2005, 23:33:15 pm is the framed page I did.  I'm pretty proud of it.  just thought i would share :D

MorganLeigh-congratulations!  Couldn't help but "eavesdrop" on the thread while I was over here :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 27, 2005, 00:28:56 am
Congratulations Jodi!!!! :D

Way to go Hannah!

We went to the pediatrician today who confirmed what I already knew.  Susana has a cold, it's probably not keeping her up at night, teething is not keeping her up either.  It's most likely her stomach and since I haven't given her Pregestemil for over a week that's not the culprit.  Which means...we are back where we started with the GI problems.  Bad tummy cramps with no suggestion from any doctors on how to relieve them. :(   All the doctors keep saying she'll grow out of it, but I'm starting to think she's going to have to be able to talk before we can finally figure out what's going on.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 27, 2005, 01:31:50 am
Jodi  :shock:  :shock: - Congratulations!!!!!!  That is so great!  You are going to have your hands full. 

Sorry about Susana.  Hopefully somebody will figure out what is wrong wiht her. 

Well, we are having sleep issues here.  I did bite the bullet and stop feeding her the past two nights.  I figured while she was off from all the traveling and up at night anyway I might as well do it.  Not to mention the fact that she is almost one!  Last night I was only in her room 30 minutes.  That beats the 2 1/2 hours the night before!  I have to keep my hand on her the whole time until she goes all the way to sleep or she freaks.  I just hope that she starts making it all the way through soon.  She does so good for naps and when she first goes down at night I would think that she would be fine when she wakes up at night. 

I have to share some news that our friends got.  THey have three kids and the youngest is a little over one and she found out she was pregnant....with triplets :shock:   This makes me scared to get pregnant again!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 27, 2005, 01:36:43 am
YAY JODI!!!  are you happy, sad, excited, scared, all of the above?  how did your dh react?

ange-congrats on hannah's steps!  i wish gianna would have skipped crawling too because now she spends most of her free time collecting and tasting every piece of fuzz and dust off the floor she is crawling on.

melissa-welcome!  always room for one more!  i think you may be the only one with 2 kids already (except noelle).

traci-wow, that is your first attempt at scrapbooking?!  it looks professional!  they will love it.

phoebe-that is so sad about susana!  poor little thing.

is anyone else's baby a vegetarian?  i started feeding gianna meat a couple months ago, but she never really liked it.  then with all the news about contaminated meat, (and plus reading "super baby food"), i think i am going to keep her vegetarian.  i think i am also going to do it.  my dh and the rest of our family thinks i am crazy.  she eats plenty of whole grains, beans, cheese, yogurt, and eggs, so i think she is getting enough protein.  i think we will still eat fish though...if i can get her to eat it.  does anyone have any helpful suggestions on feeding fish?  she's never really liked it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on October 27, 2005, 01:36:45 am
OMG triplets, no way. I couldnt handle that w.o baby Morgan! Wow, I might not sleep tonight now, lol

Anyone else having a problem getting to their profile? I want to add my pregnancy counter to my signature!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on October 27, 2005, 11:42:17 am
Congratulations Jodi...

Con is going to the doctor today...remember when I said that he's never had a cold...I jinxed it.  I thought it was just his molars making him congested, but he is developing a barky cough now too that I'd like to get checked out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 27, 2005, 14:07:22 pm
Lindsey.....have you tried salmon?  Zoe eats it right up.....

Or homemade fish sticks?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 27, 2005, 20:16:49 pm
noelle-we eat salmon about once a week, and offer it to gianna every time.  she puts it in her mouth, swishes it around and spits it out.  i have also tried mahi mahi and cod fillets with her, but same story...i guess i will just keep trying.

momtoree-that is crazy about your friends and their triplets!  i told dh about it and he said (jokingly), "that is grounds for suicide!"  he is slightly are you guys doing with dropping the night feeds?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 27, 2005, 20:37:47 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
melissa-welcome!  always room for one more!  i think you may be the only one with 2 kids already (except noelle).

And me. :wink:   But I'm more of a lurker anyway, so it's understandable that you would forget me! :lol:  BTW-I wouldn't believe everything you read in Super Baby Food.  It's a great book and a wonderful resource, but a lot of it is a little extreme.  If your lo is getting lots of beans, eggs and cheese, she's probably getting plenty of protein. 

Sorry about everyone's illnesses....Stephen had a tummy bug yesterday.  I felt so bad for him and I'm praying Z doesn't get it. 

CONGRATS Jodi!  That's AWESOME!  I think you're the first of our batch to get pregnant again after our Oct-Dec babies!  Stephen was just over a year when I got pg with Z and I LOVE the age difference.  Every day I thank God for the space between my kids.  I really do think it's perfect....way more good than frustrating!  (for me at least.....)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 27, 2005, 20:56:09 pm
i'm sorry alli!!  actually i did remember you AFTER i posted...we'll blame it on the fuzzy, not-quite-up-to-speed-with-the-rest-of-mankind mommy brain...(how much longer can i use that excuse?)  and i totally agree with you about "super baby food".  i found a lot of helpful info in there, but with some of the things i read, i was like, "yeah right, lady!"  she is a bit extreme.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 27, 2005, 20:57:05 pm
We try to eat salmon at least once a week too.  I trade off between the steaks and salmon from the can.  I make salmon patties, salmon quesadillas, and other casseroles with salmon (from the can) in it.  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on October 27, 2005, 21:09:04 pm
LIndsey when I have more time later today I'll post a recipe for you in the baby recipe thread. It's for poached sole with broccoli and cheese sauce. You can make it with formula or milk. It sounds complicated but it's not and dd loves it! It is a puree but I find she'll eat it mixed with cereal and I just give her other finger food. Though Ella does eat anything and everything...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 28, 2005, 00:05:09 am
Lindsey - Susana is also a vegetarian.  Mostly because I haven't gotten around to giving her any meat.  I'm not in any hurry.  I do want to feed her fish, but haven't tried any yet. 

Does anyone know anything about which fish to avoid with toddlers?  I know you have to be careful of fish containing high levels of methyl-mercury when you are pregnant.  I figure I should probably avoid those varieties while she is little too. 

As far as protein goes, I don't worry about it since she gets all the protein she needs from the formula she drinks.  When her formula consumption decreases then I'll have to watch a little more carefully since she can't have any dairy or soy yet.  I figure I probably won't keep her vegetarian for her entire childhood, but I will for a while.  We don't eat lots of meat anyway.  We try to eat a lot of beans and fish, although we kind of go through cycles of really healthy eating and not so great.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 28, 2005, 01:01:33 am
Yeah!!!!  Reegan slept all night last night :shock: !  I heard her wake up a couple times but it was just one little cry out.  I started to get up but then there was nothing!  I can't believe it.  I even had to wake her up to feed her at 7:20 before I left for work so she went 7:30 - 7:20.  I just hope that it happens again, everynight really. 

I am actually a vegetarian but Reegan is not neither is my dh.  I call her my little meat eater.  I think that it is funny because they say that they like what you eat and I didn't eat it.  She loves the Gerber meat sticks, chicken, and ground turkey.  She actually loves McDonalds cheeseburgers  :oops: She had one in the car when we were driving to one of the weddings.  She ate over half of it with the onions and all!  I took her to get the yougart but we won't be going back (at least for a long time)!  I have avoided giving her any fish because I didn't think that I could until she was 1.  I'll have to start giving her salmon and she what she does. 

Is anybody else thinking about getting pregnant?  I just got af back but I am not ready for another yet.  I said that Reegan had to be sleeping through the night before I would think about it and it looks like we might have that done. 

Jill - Hope that Connor gets better soon.  We are just getting over our cough here but she still likes to "fake" when someone else coughs.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 28, 2005, 03:35:31 am
Quote from: MomtoRee
Is anybody else thinking about getting pregnant?

YES! :lol:  I've been thinking of #3 since Z was born.  Now that I've gotten AF and am able to chart, I've really been thinking about it more.  But dh and I are just kinda waiting till the timing feels right.  I don't want to be pg in the Texas summer (HOT!), so we're thinking of a fall/winter '06/'07 baby.  THat would put us TTC in the late winter-spring of next year.  BUT-I would welcome any "surprise" that might happen. :wink:   Like I said before, I think a 20-24 month spread is perfect (at least between the first two kids, I obviously have no experience with the spread between the second and third kids).
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Luisasmum on October 28, 2005, 07:07:04 am
Hi again. I came here to ask a bit of a question and saw this:

Quote from: MomtoRee
Is anybody else thinking about getting pregnant?

Well my answer would be a big NO! Not for a loooooong time! This one's driving me absolutely mad.

Anyway, thought I'd ask you all this question as our babies are about the same age. How much does or did your 10 month old eat and drink? My dd drinks no more than 360mls (about 12oz) of formula a day along with 2 spoonfulls of weetbix, half a small banana, 50g (1.5oz) yoghurt, 3 or 4 mouthfulls of dinner and maybe even a bite of toast and cheese. And that's on a good day.

I was just curious as she still isn't sleeping through the night and she's ever so slowly gaining weight (she's a bit better now she's formula fed). I'm not sure whether I should see a professional or just accept the fact that she's got a small capacity?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 28, 2005, 19:23:59 pm
noelle-good idea about the salmon quesadillas...i have masked many a food with cheese for gianna!

sharon-i will def. try your recipe too! 

phoebe-i am not sure which fish to avoid but i am sure you could look it up online.  i know tuna is def. one to avoid, but i also know salmon is totally safe.  that's the main fish we eat anyway.

momtoree-yay for reegan's sleep!  that's great.  about the getting pg again, i actually wanted to about 2 months ago.  i wanted to have kids really close together to get all the hard baby years overwith!  dh shot down my idea though.  he looked at me like i was from another planet when i suggested it.  he wants to wait til she is about 3 years old.  so in the meantime, i am going to finish my degree (online) while my life is still somewhat sane with only one kid.

alli-you are a brave soul!  have you always wanted more than 2 kids or is it really so much easier the second time around that you are tempted for more?

luisa's mum-gianna rarely bf's anymore and will not drink formula or eat any food with formula mixed in.  so mainly she is all on solids.  here is what she usually eats:
breakfast-1/2 cup oatmeal or millet with rice milk, several chunks of fruit
lunch-1 cup yogurt and cottage cheese, several chunks of fruit or vegetable, 1/2 slice of bread, raisins
dinner-1/2 cup of pasta with cheese melted over it, 1 cube pureed veggies/beans, 1/4 cup barley cereal with rice milk, pieces of fruit, a cookie or teething biscuit
yes, she eats a lot!  but she is still very small.  but i would say as long as your dd seems satisfied and her doctor doesn't see a problem, then she is probly getting enough food.  just keep trying to offer healthy foods and maybe offering food in different forms.  for example, gianna would not eat scrambled egg yolks, so i dip bread in the eggs then cook it.  i then melt cheese on it and she loves it!  though we have had bad days where she would only eat a couple bites per meal.  i think that is normal too.

well i think gianna is finally sick too.  she is congested and her nose is running profusely.  both my parents are sick and i think they are the culprits who gave it to her!  i feel like setting up her crib at their house so they can deal with her at night...i just hope i don't get it so i have the energy and patience to take care of her.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: alligirl on October 28, 2005, 19:56:18 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
alli-you are a brave soul!  have you always wanted more than 2 kids or is it really so much easier the second time around that you are tempted for more?

I think I've always wanted several kids (somewhere between 3 and 5) and I've been blessed with easy pregnancies (for the most part) and easy kids (for the most part :wink: ).   I just know right now that our family's not complete.   I'm enjoying the heck out of my kids right now, and I'm so excited about adding more.  Being able to love two children is indescribable.   It's like trying to describe what it's like to love one child to someone who doesn't have any children.  I can't wait to find out what it's like to have a house full of that love.  It's so amazing....*sigh* Okay done with my sappiness! :lol:

It's interesting to see what your lo's are eating.  I think Z's middle of the road.  He nurses twice a day and has two 5-6oz sippies of formula.  He has three solid meals usually consisting of the equivalent of two jars of food, plus finger food and/or food from the table.  He will usually be the first one eating at a meal and the last.....this kid can EAT!!  Luisa'smum--I think if your lo is happy and healthy, I wouldn't worry too much about her eating habits.  She'd let you know if she's not getting enough.  Somehow as they get older, they just start eating less and less.  Our last pediatrician told us when Stephen turned 12 or 18 months (I can't remember) that if it seemed like a bird couldn't live off of what he eats, then he's probably getting enough! :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 29, 2005, 00:19:12 am
My lo is eating 24 oz of formula a day.  She has about 1/3 cup of oatmeal/legume cereal in the morning with a fruit cube or two and 2 oz. of juice.  For lunch she has 2 veggie cubes and usually some oat cereal. In the afternoon, she has 2 more oz. of juice. At dinnertime she has a veggie cube and some cut up veggies, rice cake, fruit or cereal.

I'm getting a little scared about my sitter.  She has been so wonderful but I'm noticing that Susana's sleep problems seem to be falling on the days when she's there all day.  I'm not sure if maybe she's not getting enough rest and she is just overtired or if something else is happening.  I'm still not sure if it's stomach problems or not.  We have a new medicine to try and we're weaning her from her laxative.  It's weird though because I can always sense when she's going to have trouble going to sleep.  I could sense it tonight.  I actually did a big no-no.  Rather than put her down and leave with her crying then suffer through an hour or more of crying, I held her until she fell asleep. :oops:

As for thinking about getting pregnant.  I'm finally getting to the point where I would consider having another.  The first several months with Susana were so awful that I swore I would never even consider it.  My husband has some medical concerns though so I'm not sure we will.  I had always wanted 4, but I also thought I would have started sooner.  Even if we decide to, we'll probably have to wait a few years until Susana is in school.  We can't afford daycare for 2 and we can't afford for me to stay home.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 29, 2005, 01:07:46 am
The one night of all night sleep was all we got.  Last night she was up at 5:30 for good.  I laid by her crib and let her hold my hand until almost 7 and then just got up with her.  Then two short naps today so I don't think that tonight is going to be any better.  But, I am proud of myself for not feeding her!

As for eating here I guess that she eats a lot.  I didn't think that she did but looking at what everyone else eats I have changed my mind.  She only eats table food and it varies on what I fix, no babyfood since like 8 1/2 months.  She eats at least 1 Yo Baby container of yougart a day, usually 2.  I know that we are still nursing too much  :oops: Today was a bad day and she nursed 6 times.  Usually we are still at 4 times a day but I don't know how much she takes.  She also takes 2 oz of juice before each nap. 

 I think that Reegan has the opposite problem of Susana.  She seems to take better naps and sleeps longer on nights when the nanny is here. 

Wishing good sleep for everyone this weekend!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on October 29, 2005, 02:40:22 am
Hi again, sorry for the quick ins and outs these days... just wanted to say I posted the fish recipe in the baby recipe thread. "Sole, veg and cheese" it's called. I hope you like it!  must run again, dh just had major dental surgery and dd is teething... :shock: hope you're all well. Oh and has anyone heard from Kathy lately? Jaydn's mom? I hope she's alright... haven't heard much since her older dd came out of hospital...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Luisasmum on October 29, 2005, 14:17:17 pm
Far out! Gianna eats heaps! Sorry to hear she is sick and I really hope you don't get it too. I had a really bad run over six weeks recently. I got the flu twice, strep throat, tonsillitis, a head cold and strep throat again one after the other. I was sooo run down from lack of sleep and my daughter was also sick, teething and on a nursing strike so my boobs were HUUUUGE. I thought I had died and gone to hell. I looked like a drug addict trying to smuggle watermelons down my top!

Phoebe, I used to rock my baby to sleep too. I really enjoyed it and so did she. She doesn't like it so much now so I don't do it anymore really. But once in a while isn't going to hurt anyone!

MumtoRee, I always wonder why my parents brought us to Australia! If we were still living in Europe, I'd have a nanny for my baby! Not to mention a live in maid too. I couldn't handle the weather though, but I guess if I lived in Spain or Portugal....!!! Is it fairly common in America for people to have nannies? I don't know anyone here that has one. A lot of people have cleaners though. Well, I suppose I do sort of have a nanny - my MIL helps out a fair bit and she was over almost every night for the first 3 or 4 months. DH hates people coming to the house that he doesn't know so I guess I'm on my own! Just to make you all sick, my mum's friend lives in Singapore. She has a manicure and pedicure every morning, followed by a facial and massage. She has a nanny for her kids and not one but two cleaners! She is such a relaxed person!

It's so amazing to see how differently other babies eat at the same age! I guess I worry a bit too much because my MIL is always asking how much Luisa ate that day and it makes me more conscious about it. She doesn't mean it in a bad way. She's always telling me not to worry about Luisa not eating much.

And you're right Alli, if they are hungry, I guess they will eat. So I have officially stopped worrying and I'm now polishing off my daughter's yummy sweet potato and provoletta fritatta that she refused and it is soooo yummy!!! She's asleep now so I'll save her a bit for tomorrow!

Sweet dreams everyone!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 29, 2005, 16:03:36 pm
alli-i always wanted 3-4 kids, but right after i had gianna, dh almost got a vasectomy... it was that bad!  i had a bit of ppd, and dd would not let me set her down for the first 2 months.  literally i held the kid 24 hours a day for that long.  i remember having days where i didn't get a bite to eat until dh got home from work.  it was really hard.  so we almost went with an only child.  but now that i have reached that "light at the end of the tunnel" and see that is does get easier, i think i will be happy with one more.  if the next one is easier like most people say and i have an easy pregnancy without heart complications, i MIGHT go for 3...don't tell dh though!  i am getting into the mommy thing and finally starting to find my niche.

phoebe-if you are really noticing a difference in susana on weekdays and weekends, maybe just try having the sitter accurately record everything susana does when she is there.  i don't think that is asking too much from her.

momtoree-when gianna first started sleeping through the night, she did so for a few days, then woke again for a few days.  i KNEW she wasn't hungry, so i would just briefly comfort her then lay her back down.  she finally started sleeping through each and every night in a couple of weeks.  reegan is just used to waking at that time, so it will probably take her body a little while to get used to sleeping through consistently.

sharon-thanks for the recipe.  no, i haven't seen or heard from kathy on this thread anyway for a long time...hope she's ok.

luisasmum-my MIL likes to make comments too about me starving gianna too since i ONLY feed her 3 solid meals plus bf's...everytime gianna cries, my MIL is like, "oh, i think she's hungry!"

btw, what does AF stand for?  since we are on the subject of TTC, has anyone heard of gender selection using the shettles method?  it seems a bit controversial i know.  but we were thinking of using it to get another girl because i really want gianna to have a sister like i do!  plus i thought if we got another girl, they could share clothes and a bedroom.  of course, i would be thrilled with a baby boy too, but it's just an interesting thought.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on October 29, 2005, 16:11:20 pm
AF = Aunt Flow (menstrual period)  :D

Off to check out that recipe...... :D

Zoe eats 3 meals a day like us (all table food, no pureed) with a sippy and then a bottle of formula at 6:30...will be switching that to a sippy too in the next month along with switching to regular milk.  She's my little garbage disposal...eats anything!!  :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 29, 2005, 23:12:28 pm
Lindsey - I'm glad you asked about AF, I was wondering too.  That's too funny.  Oh and I feel your pain about  the holding dd for the first couple months of life.  I did the same thing.  In fact, I developed Dequervain's (sp) tendonitis from carrying her so much. 

Those of you who are feeding formula and have weaned to a cup.  How did you go about this, how long did it take?  I still give bottles in between meals.  I tried moving the bottles in with her solids but she wouldn't eat as many solids or drink as much formula and it made giving her reflux meds  too difficult.  Today I tried giving Susana her mid-morning formula out of a cup instead of a bottle.  She only drank 1 oz that way, then when I put it in a bottle, she still wouldn't drink.  I had to wait a little while and try again with the bottle.  Should I just keep offering in a cup once a day until she gets used to it?  She usually only drinks juice from a sippy.  I use a regular cup for water.  So I think she was just confused when something else came out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Jadynsmom on October 30, 2005, 01:41:29 am
Hi everyone!!!

Sharon - I'm still here but just lurking and not posting much these days.  Don't have as much time these days.  Thanks for asking about me. :D

Let's see.  Quick rundown of what's happening.

Husband lost his job and will probably start a new job, less money, really expensive insurance that we have to pay for and no company car :shock: !!

I started working 2 days a week (Thurs & Sat) at a boutique and love it.  My SIL watches Jadyn on Thurs and she loves it since her cousin is 15mos and also a toddler (3yr old boy).

Lexi is back to herself, getting into trouble at school for not listening! :x

Jadyn is keeping me grounded these days.  She is soooo sweet and is so a mommy's girl :D   She has 8 teeth total and sleeps through the night & naps 2x beautifully without any crying or fussing.  I know.  I am very grateful.  If I can just fix the 6:33am wakeup every morning with her just happily talking. :wink: I'm scared of our time change! 
She is just cruising (not yet walking) everywhere.  Her favorite is our stairs (12 wooden steps) which she climbs all the way to the top grinning the whole way.  She babbles all the time but no mama yet.

I am nursing her 3 times a day and she's eating like a champ 3 meals very similar to a lot of you guys lo.

Congrats on the pregnancy!! 

I'm not going to count on getting pregnant.  If I get pregnant again, I will be sooo shocked.  Two miracles would be almost too much to hope for.  I would love to pregnant though.  I miss being pregnant.

Hope you guys have a good weekend.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on October 30, 2005, 23:06:56 pm
Hey guys! Its been a long time- also don't get on here much anymore (all this cruising is keeping me busy, as well as a second bout of major separation anxiety!)
Just wondering- how much time do each of you spend with your little one, just one on one, interacting together (reading a book, playing peek-a-boo, etc) every day.
How much time does your little one spend all by him/herself- the only person in that room- every day?
Just an average would be great. Got a comment that I spend way too much time interacting and don't let him play alone enough and I'm trying to gauge if that's true or not.
Rough estimate would be wonderful from all of you! Much appreciated!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on October 31, 2005, 00:45:01 am
Kathy - Glad to hear from you!  Wow Jadyn sounds like the perfect baby.  :)

Sarah - Since I work, I spend pretty much every minute I am home interacting with my child.  I don't leave her alone in any room in my house because we have a very large German Shepherd and 3 cats.  My house is too small to seperate everyone, so I have to keep an eye on dd at all times.  I do sit back and let her explore on her own quite a bit but I enjoy watching her.  She doesn't really like to sit still very long to interact with me.  She has just recently started taking a step or two on her own and cruises everywhere.  I just kind of follow her lead.  If she wants to play on her own, I don't interfere.  If she seems to want me involved then I am.   :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on October 31, 2005, 03:27:22 am
thanks for your input with one on one time.

and my vote with the cup would be giving it to her once a day and over the next couple months increasing that. She's only 10 months still- just be consistent and give her some time.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 31, 2005, 16:27:36 pm
kathy-nice to hear from you!  i'm glad everything seems to be going so well for you now.  keep us posted so we don't think you fell off the face of the earth or anything...

sarah-i was wondering the exact same thing the other day.  i think gianna is way too dependent on me for entertainment.  i don't feel comfortable leaving her alone in a room yet unless she's in a playpen or crib, so that rarely happens.  i spend most of her awake time interacting with her or at least sitting on the floor while she plays with toys.  i realize this is becoming a problem though, because now if i am not sitting on the floor next to her or at least looking at her, she crawls over to me, starts pulling on my leg, cries and whines.  so while i will still interact a lot with her (that's why i chose to stay at home after all!), i am really going to start making more of an effort to encourage some "alone time" for her.

how are all the babies doing with the time change?  we changed gianna's clock about a month ago in preparation for this.  she was going to bed at 8:30 and getting up at 7 or 7:30, so now she is going to bed at 7:30 and getting up 6/6:30.  it's ok as is, but i would like to get her back to going to bed at 8:30 and getting up at 7.  maybe we'll work up to that.  this past month since she has been going to bed so late, we have had a great social life!  we were able to go to restaurants and friends' houses like we haven't done since before she was born!  it was great!  btw, she is SO good at restaurants.  we were pleasantly surprised.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on October 31, 2005, 17:32:29 pm
As I read Gianna's mom's post it made me think- so I went to the "activity" forum and posted "Moms of 15-18 month olds- we need your help over here".

I would go check it out. I asked what they did a few months ago to encourage independent play and how much alone time their one year olds might have needed.
Let's keep this discussion light- I don't want to start debates or anything- it is all up to us as parents in the end!

Can't wait to hear some tips!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 31, 2005, 20:40:59 pm
just wanted to post some recent pictures of gianna.  the first one is of gianna and me taken a few weeks ago (in case anyone wonders what i look like!)...then there are a couple of gianna sitting on her lamb chair in her bedroom.  then there is a picture of gianna and my sister wearing matching "drama queen" shirts...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on October 31, 2005, 20:42:29 pm
oops, here's the last one again
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on October 31, 2005, 21:01:28 pm
I am with Gianna's mom in that I spend most of my time on the floor with Reegan.  If she wants to play by herslef then I let her and don't bother her.   I think that the nanny does the same thing with her.  I am trying to be better at trying to do things while she is playing because now she doesn't even like it when I fix dinner with her on the floor beside me :oops: . 

Well we are getting better with the night sleeping here.  For the most part she is sleeping 7:30 - 6:30.  That is an hour less than she used to sleep but I guess that is ok since she is not waking up at night.  I still go in and just lay on her floor holding her hand until 7.  I hope that eventually she will go back to sleeping until 7. 

How did Halloween go for everyone?  We dressed up Reegan as a bee and we went to the town hall with my nephew.  Dh is taking her to the church tonight to show her off.  So, bedtime is going to be a little later tonight. 

Luisa's mum - As far as having nannies goes it isn't that common in this area.  I think it depends on the area that you live in here.  I just couldn't put her in daycare while I worked.  Sure do wish that I had someone who gave me manicures everyday!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 01, 2005, 00:37:45 am
Lindsey - The pics are so cute!

Everyone - on the play time -  I've noticed Susana is kind of clingy sometimes too, but with her I think it has to do more with a separation anxiety than not being able to play by herself.  She seems to be less clingy on the weekends when I am home with her.  I think that may be some of what is going on with sleep issues too. 

I'm attaching a picture of Susana in her Halloween costume.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 01, 2005, 02:29:37 am
momtoree (or anyone for that matter!)-what strategies are you using to get your lo to play alone?  like reegan, gianna won't even play alone long enough for me to START dinner, much less MAKE it!  it is getting really frustrating.  i sit on the floor and set up toys.  after a few mins, i say "ok, gianna, mommy has to______(make dinner, go to the bathroom, etc)".  then i get up and start to do whatever it is i need to and she immediately starts whining and following me...HELP!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on November 01, 2005, 04:42:24 am
Oohh Lindsey...she's beoootiful!!!  (in the spirit of halloween  :wink: )  :D

Phoebe...did you attach the pic on this thread?  I can't see it  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on November 01, 2005, 22:23:44 pm
Had to share..
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 02, 2005, 02:34:19 am
I tried but it didn't post.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 02, 2005, 11:48:30 am
Hi, I haven't been on for a while, but I've been reading the posts everyday...I've just been busy.

Does anybody's little one think of their cribs as a jungle gym, where all they see are bars to climb and a mattress to bounce on???

Connor is driving me nuts!!!...He climbs up, and throws himself down so the mattress bounces, over and over, and over again, until he is so tired that he doesn't know what to do with himself...I'll eventually get him to go to sleep, then he will wake up at 3:00 and start the process over again...He has one thing going on in his mind...'must climb, must cruise, must bounce, must climb, must cruise, must bounce'...

But it's SO frustrating, because then he ends up screaming because he's tired and worn out, but he won't just lay down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  UGH!!!!!!   :?  :roll:

By the way, I think he'll be walking by his birthday...Heaven help me then...he's just so busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 02, 2005, 12:27:44 pm
Oh, and the other thing is that he's just developed some serious 'attitude'...

Anybody else's little ones want to do things on their own, but don't know how to yet (don't like getting dressed, want to feed themselves (even though no food gets into the mouth), won't accept a bottle if given to him, but will take it if it's set down and he gets it...)...I've got my hands full!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 03, 2005, 01:16:11 am
jilly - I have the female version of your child. :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 03, 2005, 12:12:41 pm
pheobe - Glad to hear somebody else is in that position...I was starting to think maybe he has hyperactivity...

You know what's weird???  As wired as he is at home, and as social as he is, at the sitters, he doesn't like noise, and if things get too noisy or there are too many kids in his face, he has to be separated to play quietly...His dad preferred quiet settings and didn't like crowds even as a baby, and still doesn't...I think Con has just a little bit of that trait in him.  He loves people and other kids, but if he's surrounded by too many of them, and they make a lot of noise, he gets anxious...He will get used to it.

So, I guess, he's gone from Angel/Spirited to Spirited/Touchy/Angel...

Today, we go for the results of his Kidney ultrasound...I'll let you guys know how we make out...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: mommasboys on November 03, 2005, 13:21:27 pm
Hey everyone. 

I think i've only posted in here once or twice.

Things have been alittle crazy around here. Aren't they always when you have toddlers.     Dorian has to have his hand in everything i feel like all i do is chase him out of the kitchen or the bathroom.(When chase forgets to shut the door)   Dorian new favorite thing to do is to take things out of the trash can.  I'm about to go buy a new one with a lid.  It probably won't stop him but hopefully it will slow him down.

The time change has been wonderful for us.  It seem that since sunday dorian has been sleeping better.  Until lastnigt when he woke up at 3:00 and wanted to sleep on the couch.

The funniest thing happened lastnight.  We were watching a movie as a family lastnight and dorian was walking around the living room playing and chase tripped him(that's not the funny part)  Well, he tripped him twice and the second time he got in trouble and went to bed. But before he left the living room dorian started wiggling his finger at chase and was babbling at him.  Like he was telling him off for tripping him.  :D

I have to go now. Dorian is in need of a change.  See you all around.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 03, 2005, 19:11:46 pm
Hi, so we had the results of the ultrasound...What he has is ureteropelvic junction obstruction which mean he has an enlarged renal collection system which isn't a problem right now (but is the cause of the kidney infection that he had when he was 3 months old), but is something that we have to watch and monitor yearly and watch for kidney infections. 
But, he did say that it likely won't be a problem as Connor is extremely healthy, and so far doesn't seem to be bothered by it...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 04, 2005, 00:14:05 am
jill-glad to hear the good news! 

jodi-cute picture of morgan!  how many tries did it take for you to get her to sit still?  (we have that problem!)  how are you feeling?

anyone else notice their baby's face changing lately?  i swear i hardly recognize g's pics from last month.  her face has thinned out rapidly and her features are becoming more a little girl, not a baby!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 04, 2005, 00:16:48 am
Yes, Connor looks like a real little boy...not that his face is thinning out much, it's just less baby-ish, and more boy-ish...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 04, 2005, 01:24:32 am
jill - Glad to hear Connor's doing well.  I am also a little worried about hyperactivity, although I think it's a little early to diagnose that.  It's good to hear someone else has the same issues as we do.  Susana can't deal with a whole lot going on at once either, although I think she's getting better with that now that she's a little older.

Lindsey - Susana is definitely not thinning out yet.  She is still quite the little chub.  :)  But she is losing her babiness. 

Well exciting news.  We think she said daddy yesterday!  Not dada, but daddy.  She did it twice right when she saw dh.  Today it sounded like she was trying to say it again but couldn't quite get it.  So far she's babbled mama quite a bit, but I don't think she understands it as a word yet.  Although there have been times when I'm not sure.  Before having dd, I always thought all of the firsts would be so easy to spot, but everything is kind of a gradual progression.  It makes it hard to put the little "firsts" stickers on her calendar.   :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 04, 2005, 02:06:18 am
Jill - sorry to hear about Connor.  hopefully it won't cause him any problems. 

We were just talking today about how Reegan looks like a little girl now.  DH thinks it is b/c she has so much hair.  Although she really looks like a baby when she lays on her back and plays with her feet :D   Especially when she crawls in her cousins car seat and does it. 

Picture of Morgan is very cute! 

Ideas for getting Reegan to play by herself are to bring some of her favorite toys in teh kitchen and get her playing with those at my feet.  I try to have everything in one placce where I don't have to walk back and forth to the frig and stuff.  She is getting better.  I asked the nanny to try to let her play on her own more.   

So Reegan is now sleeping through the night now  :D She still gets up at 6:30 but I am going to keep laying in her room with her until 7. 

So tonight was horrible.  She screamed through dinner even with me holding her.  She screamed all through the bedtime routine.  i mean screamed.  I even gave in and got her paci and that didn't help.  She was sweating she was screaming so hard.  Not sure what was wrong.  I just hope that she makes it through the night.  I just hate not knowing what is wrong and putting her to bed.  At least she didn't cry when I put her down.  She screamed 30 minutes into her nap and the nanny said she couldn't get her to clam down so she rocked her back to sleep and held her for an hour  :shock: At least she got a nap.  I told her as long as it isn't a habit I don't care .
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 04, 2005, 02:12:08 am
has anyone else checked out the "what do you all look like?" thread in the photo gallery?  it's so funny to see what people you have been talking to for so long look like.  some people look like i imagined and some are a total surprise. 
noelle and sharon-you guys are so pretty!
momtoree-poor reegan!  sounds like you have a really nice nanny if she was willing to hold her for an hour to give her a nap!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 04, 2005, 12:19:18 pm
Phoebe - sounds like Connor & Susanna have the same personality traits..
Any tips to share???

I was reading back through the posts....Connor is clingy on the days that he is at daycare as much so, that he ends ups sleeping with me at some point at night...I've just given in, as I'm back at work on Monday, no more time to figure out the sleep thing...He too is better on the weekends.  The sitter said that that tends to happen the first month or so....

Anyways, If you want to talk about the female version of Connor, get in touch...The sound unbelievably similar....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on November 04, 2005, 14:25:18 pm
Quote from: Gigismom
noelle and sharon-you guys are so pretty!

THanks  :oops:  :D   And right back at ya (we see who Gianna takes after!! :wink: )  :D

Jill - that's a GREAT family picture!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on November 04, 2005, 15:24:58 pm
hey ladies
we haven't checked in for awhile. I have been hunting...for a babysitter and we found a friend who babysits and she actually kicked out a baby (I know it's terrible) to take hannah.  SHe did it in the interest of her daughter too because there is only two weeks between the two of them and they have been playing together, well, looking at each other since they were just a few months old. And the other baby wasn't starting for two more months. PLEASE DON"T THINK I AM A BAD PERSON
I felt really bad at first but I was desparate because I have to go back to work on Monday. Turns out the person who was doing my job quit/fired. Seems to be some good gossip around it something about hooking up with another guy that works there that may have caused a conflict of interest.

Hannah is walking everywhere now. But she is not sleeping during the day or at night.

As for independent play...She will play for about 30-40 min by herself...Is this too long? I am in the room but I am usually doing something else (laundry, making dinner) during this time I talk to her but I try to get her to play by herself. After 30 min or so I get on the floor and roll the ball back and forth sing silly songs, play games ect

Lindsey, Jill, Noelle, sharon WOW talk about hot mommies....Your little girls are going to be very attractive when they grow up. Tell your husbands to pull out the bats now and start practicing there swingss HAHAHAHA......Connor is going to be quite the looker too.

Jill-glad to here that you shouldn't have too many problems with Con's kidney's
Lindsey- we were looking back at hannah's pictures too and I can't believe she doesn't look like a baby anymore
Phoebe-glad to hear about the first word I sure it made your heart melt how did DH react????
Sharon-are you feeling any symptoms yet????
MomtoRee-How is Reegan doing? It's times like this you wish they could talk so they could tell you what was bothering them.

Here is a picture of hannah out in her costume... How are the birthday plans coming ???? I think we have to have two parties because our house is too small for all the people....
Well I hope everyone has a good day
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 04, 2005, 16:41:46 pm
ange-that picture is adorable!!!  i want to squish hannah's cheeks!  i don't think you are a bad person for the daycare situation.  i can't imagine how hard that must be.  i am glad you found something you feel comfortable with.  and as for hannah playing alone...that is awesome that she goes 30-40 mins alone.  i wish gianna would go 30-40 seconds...don't worry my dh is already polishing his bat for gianna's prospective dates...she has these "look out boys here i come!" eyelashes that are already causing us grief...

jill-noelle is right, that family picture is awesome.  all three of you look great!  now i am way too embarrassed to post ours...

phoebe-congrats on the "daddy" cute.

this might sound terrible, but does anyone let their babies watch tv yet?  if so, what do they like?  since gianna is so clingy, i am trying to encourage her to watch 30 mins of tv each day so i can get some stuff done, but so far i can't find anything she will watch.  we've tried baby mozart dvd, sesame street, dora, blue's clues,... so far nothing she cares about.  maybe she is just too young...?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 04, 2005, 17:45:06 pm
It's fun seeing everybody's pictures, isn't it..

Well, I go back to work on Monday...I'm sad....I enjoy my little man (even if we do have some 'arguments')...He's quite clingy today, it's like he somehow knows....

That picture thing is a great idea.

We had got our family picture done in September....He's got more teeth and a lot more hair now, we need to get more done...

Everybody's pictures are fun!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 04, 2005, 20:52:55 pm
I don't know what is going on today :?   So after the bad bedtime last night went fine.  I heard her wake up a couple times but went back to sleep on her own.  But, today has been a differnt story.  For her first nap she screamed and was clinging to me screaming.  I stayed in her room with her, tried leaving, and the screaming continued.  I finally rocked her to sleep  :oops: and then slept with her on the floor because when I tried to lay her down she would scream  :oops: That is the firs time that I have done this is probably 6 months.  So, for her next nap it was hard because she wanted me with her.  I let her cry for a couple minutes and when I started going in I heard her lay down and that was it.  I think she might have been off because dh was home this morning and he played with her while I did some stuff so I wasn't around her. 

Reegan and I are on our own this weekend.  Dh went to Atlanta for a football game.  I have to try to clean for her birthday party next weekend.  I say I need to clean every weekend, so I hope that I get something done :roll:

Love the pictures of what everyone looks like.  We just got our family picture taken but they are on dh's computer not mine so when I get on there I will post it. 

Jill - good luck with starting work.  Hopefully Connor's sleeping will get better.  I can't believe that he is almost walking and he was a late crawler like Reegan. 

Ange - you have to do what you have to do to get someone you trust to take care of your dd.  I would feel bad but I would do the same thing. 

I do let Reegan watch tv every once in a while.  Usually it is when she is having a bad day and really fussy.  Plus I did when we were driving to all those weddings last month.  THe only thing that I let her watch is Baby Einstein.  Well, sometimes the TV is on when she gets up but she doesn't watch it.  With Baby Einstein she sits perfectly still and stares at the tv. 

Have good weekends!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 04, 2005, 22:33:54 pm
Hannah's mom- Take your 30 minutes and RUN with it! Good for hannah!!!

Well I know why Isaiah has been particularly upset these days- a SINUS INFECTION! Poor little guy.

For the past 2 weeks he's been horribly clingy etc. (you all know this) and I've been working at training him back to being more independent.

I am very glad I didn't just give in- for us I knew I couldn't (just a personal decision), and I'm not going to guilt trip myself about not taking him to the doctor sooner (though that's a temptation).
He started his meds today and already has played on the floor by himself for 10 minutes without batting an eye. Sigh.
Okay, maybe I am having trouble not guilt tripping myself  :oops:
So, anyway, my poor baby. I hope he starts feeling better soon!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 07, 2005, 00:30:11 am
holy cow!!  gianna is still sick!  it's been a week now.  how long did the colds linger for all of you whose little ones got sick?  she's actually doing pretty well with it, so i'm trying not to complain.  just wondering how much tissue to buy!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 08, 2005, 01:05:03 am
We are sick again here and this time it is bad  :( .  Last time we had it for about a week but I hope that it doesn't take that long this time.  Reegan has not sleeping at all for the past two nights.  I think that is why she had problems last week too.  I had to hold her for both her naps because she can't sleep laying down.  Has anybody had any luck with any remedies?  I bought soem pedi care and am running the humidifier.  Anything else I should be doing? 

Poor Isaiah, I hope he gets better really soon. 

Saturday we went to the Children's Museum and Reegan loved it.  I thought that she might be too young but there was lots for her to do.  I think we are getting a season pass so we can go all the time.  The only problem was that she tried to crawl and sit on top of the other babies. 

Today Reegan made the sign for more and said more at the same time as clear as could be  :D   I was so happy.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 08, 2005, 14:33:24 pm
I love pedia care- everything else seems to make Isaiah wired- and I think it works well. Also love motrin if you think she's got an earache or sore throat. It lasts longer than Tylenol. The occasional bulb syringe will work nicely with the gunky boogers.
hope she feels better soon-
how fun about "more"!

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 09, 2005, 00:01:25 am
Sorry to hear Reegan and Isaiah are sick.  The one cold Susana just got over didn't seem to bother her too much.  Congrats on saying and signing more!

Lindsey - I posted the other day to tell you that Susana's cold lasted for about 10 days.  For some reason it didn't post.

jill- I'm going to try to send you a pm.  Let me know if you don't get it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 10, 2005, 03:12:44 am
momtoree-with gianna being sick, i used a humidifier (but DON'T use the vicks vaposteam) and vicks babyrub for her chest.  have you considered the possibility of teething being the cause of her recent behaviour?  congrats on the "more"!

jill and ange-how is work/daycare going?

OMG!!  dh was gone for 3 days on interviews in sacramento, leaving me with a whiny child and 2 unruly dogs.  i swear that the baby and the dogs realized i was no match for them, so they made a pact to torture me.  gianna is sick AND i see molars coming up under the gums.  this explains her recent nearly unbearable behavior.  she is having meltdowns right and left.  and the dogs...(yes, we STILL have not been able to place the weimaraner in a new home...apparently dogs who bite babies are unpopular?)  anyway, i gave the dogs these new treats on sunday, and well, have been paying the price ever since.  they have been puking ALL night every night while dh is gone.  it got all over the carpet.  so i lock them in their crates at night and they puke all over themselves!  one of them had diarrhea....on the carpet.  all this with gianna literally clinging to me for dear life with being sick, etc.  so i didn't get much cleaned up til dh got home this afternoon.  thank goodness for my mom's steam carpet cleaner.  even after cleaning the carpets, i am still never putting gianna on them again.  i am totally repulsed.  thank god we are moving.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 10, 2005, 04:34:41 am
Oh my GOSH! That sounds more miserable than my time with Eric away (When Isaiah had his sinus infection Eric was gone for 1 week on business). We have a new dog, too, but just one. I thought I was going to "accidentally" leave the door open one day and let the dog go on his own walk.

WELL. I sure hope that Gianna is starting to feel better. Is DH back?
Time for a pedicure, I say!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 10, 2005, 22:56:32 pm
Well we went to the doctor today after many, many nights of no sleep and it is an ear infection.  It is only in her right ear, so that is one good thing.  The doctor also gave me something for her cough so hopefully she will be better for her party on Saturday.  Has anyone had to give the antibiotics out of the plunger?  Reegan hates it and I have had to hold her down and force it in!  It is so horrible giving that to her.  I just hope that I can get a better night sleep soon because I am sick now  :(  Just in time for the party.  Plus I have to go in to work tomorrow because I took off so much because of Reegan being sick and I have to get stuff done for Monday.   

Reegan is saying tickle now when she tickles her belly!  So, now she says all done, more, uh oh, and tickle.  She never stops talking. 

That is so horrible about Gianna and the dogs!  I'm sure that she will crawl around on worse things at some point!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 10, 2005, 23:36:29 pm
Phoebe - no, I didn't get a PM...

This is the first I've had a chance to sign on all week, things are so busy with work, etc.

Daycare is going really, really well...Connor enjoys the other kids, and likes it there, we are so lucky..

He is teething...Molar #2 started popping through...sleeping is rough...I know I shouldn't, but I put him in his bed, he sleeps for about 4 hours, then he sleeps with me usually...partly because of the tooth, and partly because he is going through a transition with the daycare thing.  The sitter told me it's pretty normal to have sleeping problems and want to be with you the first month...after that, they will likely be too tired.

Man, my brain is slow to get going...I feel like I'm back at square one.  I'm a computer much changes in computers in one year, plus my brain isn't on full tilt yet...partly due to tired-ness...

I've really, really missed Connor, so at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, all I can think about is him...

Our change in routine has caused some defiance in the morning...he knows I'm rushing, so he won't eat, and he is difficult to get dressed or do anything with...simply because I never rushed things before, we would play and cuddle before we got into the serious stuff like dressing and eating...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 11, 2005, 01:18:28 am
Lindsey - You poor thing.  I hope your dh is back now and helping out lots.  Although if Gianna is like Susana, she just wants you, so it's kind of hard to get help. :D

MomtoRee - I've given Susana the antibiotics before.  She hated them too and she's always been very good about taking medicines from syringes since she has to take reflux meds 6 times a day.  The antibiotics would just end up all over her because she would spit at least half out.  I finally just started mixing it in her bottle and she took it that way.  I just mixed it in a couple of ounces so I would be sure she would drink all of it, then I'd give her more formula.  I hope she feels better for her party.

jill - I tried sending a pm but I kept clicking submit and it would just come back to the screen where you type in your message.  I'll try again. 

Susana was sooo clingy this afternoon after I picked her up from the babysitter's.  I hope we aren't starting with molars.  She cried several times in her sleep last night, but fortunately didn't wake all the way up.  I have the day off tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to a long weekend at home with her. 

OK I need some advice here.  I was mortified to find a flea in my child's hair when I got her out of the car after picking her up this afternoon!  We have animals, but I treat them with Frontline every month and we have no flea problems in the house, much less my car, so I'm pretty sure it came from the babysitter's.  She has two dogs but they are not allowed in the house and her house is spotless so I was really shocked.  I have no idea how to bring up this subject with her or whether I even should.  I'm sure she would be just as mortified and I certainly don't want to offend her, but I don't want any more fleas crawling around on my baby either.   What would y'all do?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 11, 2005, 01:26:01 am
phoebe-yikes, a FLEA!   i would be freaked too.  i would just be honest about it.  i know it may be awkward, but just tell her what happened and ask her if she treats her animals with any meds.  if not, ask her if she would consider doing so.  i know frontline is really expensive, but they have other products that are less expensive that she could try.  or maybe if she already does treat her pets, maybe it was just a freak flea that jumped on her when she was outside.  not much you can do about that.

have a great LONG weekend with susana! 

momtoree-i can't believe all the words reegan says!  i'm jealous!

jill-it must be hard for you in the am.  i KNOW gianna would totally resist if i had to rush her in the morning (or anytime!)  glad daycare is going so well!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 11, 2005, 15:24:16 pm
are you sure it was a flea and not lice or something else?

Isaiah's birthday was yesterday! We had such a fun time, the three of us, opening gifts and eating cake!
Tomorrow we'll get together with family at a nearby park and play on the playground equipment and eat chili and have cupcakes. I'm so excited!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 11, 2005, 22:59:33 pm
Well, the first week is done...I'm SO HAPPY to be home with Connor....

Connor has a little friend who is 2 weeks older than him...named Jake, they cry when one of them has to leave....cute, eh???  Jake knows how to crawl really fast and really well, but does like standing up...Connor commando-crawls, so is pretty slow, but likes to pull himself up and cruise around things, so they get together and show off each other's skills....(Male dominance rivalry starts early, doesn't it...)

Teeth are driving him batty....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on November 11, 2005, 23:25:09 pm
Just an update, no I havent dissapeared Im just feeeeeeling the joys of early pregnancy. I can barely make it out of bed most days. My DH took a week off of work, bless him, but tomorrow he goes back. Im feeling a bit stronger and Morgan is doing fantastic. I sense normal life ahead soon! We hope!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 12, 2005, 00:09:29 am
Sarah - I'm pretty sure it was a flea, she had several little red bites all over her head.  It was definitely not lice.  I'm thinking she probably picked it up in the babysitter's yard.  It was still in the 80's last week here so the bugs are still everywhere.  Happy birthday to Isaiah!

morgan - I hope you're feeling better soon.  I don't know how you are keeping up with Morgan and dealing with morning sickness!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 13, 2005, 16:33:47 pm
We are a mess here at our house!  Reegan is all better but has gotten used to being held while she sleeps, so is not sleeping at all by herself.  I am about to go crazy I am so tired.  I know that it is not the BW way but I put her down today for her nap and closed the door and left the room.  I went back in every few minutes and laid her down and gave her the pacis.  It took almost 30 minutes but she went to sleep on her own.  If I stay int eh room she tries to play with me and just crawls around in her crib.  I hate doing this and it makes me feel like the worst mom ever  :(  I know in the end it is better for her because she has been tired and cranky from lack of sleep. 

We had her birthday party yesterday and it went really great.  Reegan was so tired by the end of the day with only taking 2 30 minute naps (being rocked by my mom) but she had a great time.  She loved getting into her presents.  It was so funny when she would open a card and money would come out she would throw the card and hold onto the money.  She already knows what the good stuff is  :lol:

Jill - that is so good that Connor is doing well and has a new friend.  I'm sure that it makes going to work a lot easier. 

Morgan's mom - you poor thing!  Hopefully it will pass soon. 

This is one of the pictures that we had taken of Reegan this month.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 13, 2005, 16:39:20 pm
jodi-glad you haven't disappeared!  i was wondering if you were ok.  hope you are feeling better soon.  just remember...this is the EASY part  :shock:   :D

momtoree-i LOVE that picture of reegan.  she looks like a little doll.  sorry the sleep is so yucky at your house.  i too have used the controlled crying approach when NOTHING else works.  i feel so awful about it too, but honestly it has ALWAYS cured any bad sleep patterns that developed.  and in the end, in my opinion, getting a good night's sleep for everyone is worth it.  hope you're all feeling more rested soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 13, 2005, 18:04:37 pm
For those who've had their babies 1 year birthday party:

1) What did you do for activities to keep the adults and older kids entertained.

2) Did you have the 2nd cake for just the baby to dive into...I want to do this, but I don't want him to have all the sugar, and I don't want to buy one, as I'm nervous about the possible peanut allergy, and don't trust that bakeries keep nut items completely away from everything else, so I want to make him a cake...(angel food cake???) I was also thinking of using vanilla pudding instead of icing??...any ideas???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 13, 2005, 20:11:10 pm
Good news - it took Reegan less than 10 minutes to fall alseep and i never had to go back in  :D .  She only cried for a minute and then for the next few minutes should let one little cry out every minute or so.  That wasn't so bad at all.  AS horrible as it is I agree that it works the best when she is really having problems. 

Jill - We just had family at our party so I didn't have activities.  My nephews and nieces just played with the toys we had and the adults talked.  It took us over an hour to open presents and then a while to go back through them and get everything out of the little twist ties.  We did have two cakes.  I made both of them.  The big one was a pink castle and the then I just made a little round one that said Princess Reegan.  I wasn't big on her having all the sugar but one time isn't going to kill them.  You have to let him have something just for tradition sake and it is so fun to watch.  Plus Reegan only picked at the icing and took a couple little bites when I would hold it up for her so she really didn't even get that much.  I forgot, activities for the guys also included college football.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on November 14, 2005, 01:23:05 am
Well I have completed week one at work and I decided I hate working. But, I have no choice so I can't dwell on it.  Every day I got stuck working overtime and when I finally got in the door it was 6. So the night is pretty much a chaotic mess. I think Hannah feel's my stress. I don't know how people do it. Does a routine eventually happen????THe best part was DH telling me I was GREEN at the end of the day......

I am sorry to hear about all the sickness. Hopefully everyone is well soon. What is everyone thinking of doing for Xmas? I don't want to spoil her too much.

Well keep well and we will check in soon

PS The picture of Reegan is beautiful.  She looks like such a little lady.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on November 14, 2005, 13:36:26 pm
AHHHH! I dont know what to do! Morgan stayed at MIL sat night and when I picked her up Sun afternoon she had 104 temp! Finally went down Sunday night and is now back. If I bring he rin the dr they will just say bring her back tomorrow but I hate not bringing her! I just wish she could tell me why its so high. No cold syptoms or anything, just sleeeeepy!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on November 14, 2005, 14:42:39 pm
OK a nurse called me and said 104 is WAY too high, going in at 10:30. Update ya ladies later.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 14, 2005, 15:40:57 pm
Jodi - I hope that the dr visit went well.  Let us know how she is. 

Ange - THings will get better for you.  You just have to get used to everything.  It took me a while to adjust when I went back to work.  A good thing for me is that I will make dinner the night before and stick it in the frig and just cook it when I get home.  Since I do this it gives me more time to play with Reegan.  Good luck! 

We just went back to the doctor today and things went pretty well.  Reegan is only in the 50th percentile for her weight and the 95th for her height.  The problem is that she has her dad's big head!  It is off the chart and they are a little concerned.  Next time if it is still growing on the same curve we will have to go get a cat scan  :shock:  Makes me a little worried but dh has a big head.  Also Reegan has reeally dry patches of skin that are red and getting much worse in the last week so she gave us some cream for that.  Does anybody else have this?  It looks horrible and I always put lotion on after her baths.  Little worried about this. 

So, sleep was better last night but not great.  She was up at 1:30 and would not settle without nursing  :oops: Then she was up for good at 5:45!  Since the dr gave the all clear with the ears we are going back to sleep training tonight.  She was so tired this morning!  Wish me luck with this.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 14, 2005, 16:46:47 pm
jill-i am with momtoree on the sugar issue.  i feed gianna super healthy everyday, so sometimes when we go out to eat or there's a special occasion, it doesn't bother me that she has a bite of cake or some french fries.  i don't mind letting her "splurge" once in a while.  and vanilla pudding icing?...Mmmmm!  i used to make a vanilla cake with sliced strawberry filling and vanilla pudding icing.  to make the icing, i would make the pudding according to the directions on the box, but with less milk so it was pretty thick.  then i would add 1 container of "cool whip" and beat with an electric mixer til smooth.  nutritious?  no.  delicious? YES!

ange-sorry the adjustment to work is hard for you.  honestly i would have a break down from the stress if i had to go back, so i can't offer much advice there.  i'm sure you will fall into a routine as soon as hannah gets used to the sitter's.  also, it probly would help to get dinners planned out and made or partially made on the weekends.  i do that now and i don't even work.

jodi-hope morgan is ok.  let us know.

momtoree-where is reegan's rash?  gianna was getting that really badly on her face.  (i can pm or email you pics of you'd like)  so i asked a ped friend of mine and she said it was definitely an allergic reaction.  long story short, she is allergic to milk and can only tolerate very small amounts of dairy products.  since we've taken dairy away, her skin is as smooth as a baby's bottom! :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on November 14, 2005, 22:29:20 pm
Thanks for the concern and thoughts. Turns out its an ear enfection, once we got home she took a 3 hour nap and woke with 104 fever again. Motrin has brought it back to 102. I think we are getting better. Ill write more later, gonna go cuddle some more
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 15, 2005, 00:39:42 am
Glad to hear she is on the mend...We don't mess with fevers as in Connor's case, it could be a Kidney infection which is what we have to watch for, but no fever is good (104 is really, really high) pays to get it checked out.

Ange...I know what you mean about the work's such a juggle...I'm starting my 2nd week back...I'm so tired all the time, and I feel like there isn't much time with Connor when I get home...I guess it's all routine though...Guess what???  One nice thing is that I've booked off Connor's birthday next Tuesday, and the next day he gets his shots, so I booked it off too..We are celebrating Con's b-day this weekend, but I'm going to take him swimming on his birthday and just be with him...I'm so excited.

That vanilla pudding cake sounds least better than icing!!!

I have some updated picture of Connor I'm going to put on in a few minutes, I just have to scan them in...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 15, 2005, 00:41:54 am
Oh yeah, Ange...forgot to mention some meal ideas we use...CROCKPOT!!!!...I got a recipe book with all slow-cooker recipes with 5 ingredients or less...I throw it together at night, put in fridge, then write myself a note to plug it in in the morning (yes, my memory it THAT bad since I've had the baby!!!)  You get to walk in the door to that wonderful smell of a nice roast & veggies, etc, etc....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 15, 2005, 00:55:15 am
Here they are:

The one with the goofy face, his teeth were driving him crazy, and he was trying to grind one molar into the other to give him some relief, but he had a really funny face...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 16, 2005, 02:36:53 am
jill-connor is gonna be a heartbreaker!!  i love the one with the funny face!

jodi-hope morgan is doing better soon.  did they give you antibiotics?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 17, 2005, 00:19:06 am
Ange - I feel your pain.  It does get easier.  You'll fall into a routine, but I am also hating being back at work.  I just feel like I'm not doing a good job at anything because I'm being pulled in too many directions.  I'm just trying to make the best of it since I don't have a choice either.  Oh and with dinner, can your dh cook?  I am very lucky because mine can.  He is in charge of dinner.  He plans menus and makes the grocery list most of the time and then cooks most nights.  He's a good cook too.

Jodi - I hope Morgan is feeling better.

MomtoRee- Good luck with the sleep training.  We are in the same boat.  It seems I have to retrain Susana every couple of weeks or so.  I can't remember the last time we had more than one peaceful night of sleep in a row.

jill-Those pictures are adorable!  As for the birthday cake, I don't know what we are going to do about Susana.  I'd like to let her have a cake, but it doesn't look like she'll grow out of the milk intolerance by then.  I'll probably make a carrot cake from scratch so I can be sure it doesn't contain any milk or milk byproducts but I have no idea what to do about the icing.  I usually make cream cheese icing for carrot cake but that's out, so maybe I'll just make a glaze out of sugar and water or something.  Any ideas anyone?   

Well I think we are officially walking.  Susana has been taking a few steps here and there for awhile, but they wre always towards us and she would grab onto you as soon as possible.  Today she just stood up and waddled over to some toys.  She loses her balance after a few steps but no sign of fear anymore. :shock:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 17, 2005, 17:44:13 pm
susanas mom-maybe you could bake the carrot cake, but have one for susana with a glaze frosting and one with cream cheese.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 18, 2005, 00:43:04 am
I would like to give Connor some of his cake, too...Actually, I have a really special one on order, its a 'construction site' with dump trucks on the top, he gets to keep the dumptrucks as toys.

BUT...until I know what to do with this potential peanut allergy, I think the cake will be for everybody else except Connor, because I don't trust bakeries that they keep surfaces with nut dust clean...I'm worried about peanut residue ending up in some of the cake...Is that paranoid??

I think I might make a vanilla cake (or cupcakes) with some sort of topping that's not icing..

Our B-Day party is this saturday...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 18, 2005, 01:15:03 am
phoebe-congrats on the walking...that's exciting!  for the icing, you could do powdered sugar and soy margarine...really sugary though.  or fresh fruit puree alone or mixed with a non-dairy whipped topping.  why do i get hungry every time i visit this thread?   :lol:

jill-i think once you become a mother, you should officially change your middle name to "paranoid"...this past year i have been absolutely sure that my child would come down with every sort of infectious disease from SARS to the avian flu...don't even get me started on the peanut allergy fears!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 18, 2005, 01:58:30 am
Lindsey - The fresh fruit puree sounds like a good idea.  She can't have soy margarine because she has a soy protein intolerance as well and non-dairy topping contains dairy.  In fact you wouldn't beleive how many things contain dairy that say they are non-dairy. 

jill- Is Connor allergic to peanuts or are you just worried he might be?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on November 18, 2005, 11:06:50 am
Well we are no where close to settling into a routine here. However, Hannah doesn't even seem to care that I am not with her all day anymore. She smiles when I walk in but when I leave she's like yaya she ya later. 
So, I will take anymore suggestions on making this transition easier. I have pulled out the crock pot and I will get a receipe book for it. DH is not aloud in the kitchen except to make breakfast because he cooks everything on high and kills alll the pans. Maybe we can have egg for dinner once a week!!!
Hannah is sleeping well and eating well. She doesn't seem to be feeling any of my stress which in a weird way makes me sad. I was hoping she would miss me a little bit
We'll gotta go I will write this weekend.  I still have a lot of questions and comments to make

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 18, 2005, 15:47:50 pm
Something that helps me with the cooking is that I make two of most things and put one in the freezer.  I figure it is just as easy to make two as one and that way it saves time a week or two later when I pop the other one in the oven.  Here is an example of a this week for me, a good week:  veegie lasagna, 1 for dinner the next day and one for freezer; a whole chicken in the crockpot and baked potatoes in the oven on timed bake; leftovers; chicken cassarole, one for dinner the next night and one in the freezer.  I prefer to make my own freezer food than buy it. 
Ange - Reegan loves eggs and we have them every other week for dinner.  When I haven't fixed anything the night before and there is no time to bake a freezer dish we do them.  I throw in some veggies and cheese and it is a meal!  Don't worry, I'm sure that Hannah misses you.  Just be happy that she is adjusting well and doesn't throw a fit everytime you leave.  That makes it really hard.  Good luck getting into a schedule.  I'm sure it will come with time. 
Jill - the pictures are so cute!  Good luck with the cake. 

Well, the sleep is better but not great.  At night she is sleeping until about 4:30/5:00 and then wants to eat.  Then she sleeps until about 6:30 the past couple days.  She has been napping really well for the nanny but today is a little different.  She was so tired and then when I approached the crib she started clinging to me and screaming.  I tried to stay with her but that just makes her mad that I won't pick her up so I left.  I went back in a couple times after a few minutes but it is horrible to do to her.  I was about to get her and just skip the morning nap but she went to sleep.  Really she only fussed around and cried for about 10 minutes.

Here is a picture of Reegan when she was done with her cake.  You can see that she didn't really eat much of it.  And the other pictures of her in her favorite present, a white rocker.  She wouldn't get it so she opened the rest of the presents in the chair.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 18, 2005, 16:38:45 pm
Love the photos- thanks for posting those!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 18, 2005, 18:43:22 pm
momtoree-reegan is a doll!  love the rocking chair pictures.

phoebe-non dairy topping has dairy?!  what is this world coming to?

ok, so gianna was awake from 11-12:30 last night.   :?  she was fussing in her crib, then would start crying, so i'd pick her up.  she was acting like she was half asleep, but was moaning and flopping around in my arms like she was in some sort of pain.  then i'd put her down, she'd fuss, then start crying, etc.......loooooooooooong night.  i am wondering if she had gas.  but the only new food she ate yesterday was asparagus.  she ate one spear.  does that cause gas?

some sad sister had her 2nd miscarriage yesterday.   :cry:   she had one in june at 11 weeks.  then this one yesterday at 7-8 weeks.  we don't know what is going on, but she is really torn up about it.  i've never had that experience, so i don't know what to say.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 18, 2005, 22:00:14 pm
Well, our little b-day party is postponed for a week or two...We've contracted a really 'neat' little disease from the sitters...called 'Fifth' disease.

It's a variant of measles, and it just has to run it's course...he had a high fever, now is getting a rash...

Lovely things you pick up at the sitters............
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 18, 2005, 22:44:11 pm
Sorry, I didn't get a chance to finish that last post...Connor was calling...
He won't let me out of his sight...poor little gaffer.

Pheobe - re: nut allergies, It is highly likely that he has an allergy to peanut...on 2 occasions, he reacted to contact with peanut butter by breaking out in hives (contact from our lips ... kissing him)...So we are cautious of it 

Connor had a 104 fever today, we will be in for a rough night, he's living on pedialite & popsicles...I'm hoping we don't get it...figures, 2 weeks ago, I would be able to be home with him no problems...I had to leave work today....

Gotta go again...Jill
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 18, 2005, 23:43:05 pm's a little early, but the little tyke is feeling so crummy...he is in bed already...I set up some lullabies to play in his bedroom...he is on tylenol & advil to control the fever...he hasn't had any solids today except a little bit of apple sauce, he's been throwing up too..This is when I'm glad he is porky...

Our 1 year needles will be postponed by a month because of this bug...One good thing is once they get it they will never get it again...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 18, 2005, 23:50:37 pm
Ange: got an easy recipe for your crockpot: 
You mix 1 box of stove-top stuffing & seasoning, frozen veg, can or mushrooms, can of mushroom soup, a little melted butter or margarine mixed in just to give it a little moisture, mix it up right in the crockpot, then place either uncooked porkchops on top OR mix in some cooked chicken pieces...

SO EASY...everybody here loves it...

I have a recipe book of crockpot recipes of 5 ingredients or less...let me know what you like as far as meat or veg, etc, and I'll give you some quick recipes...there are nice veggie dishes as well...wonderful sweet potatoe recipes....

Let me know, I've tried a lot of them, they are so good, I'd like to share, and crockpot cooking is so nice because you walk in from a busy day at work to just the most wonderful smelling house!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 19, 2005, 01:28:01 am
Poor Connor!  That is horrible.  I hope that he gets better soon and that he can get some sleep.  Good luck to you!  I'll say some prayers for you to make it through this!

Remember my neighbor who's dd just died?  Their babysitter caught their house on fire tonight  :shock: They were taken the two older boys to a Pacer game and they got a call to come home.  The boys came in and watched tv while the parents took care of stuff.  Guess it is only the kitchen but how much worse could it get for them.  My heart just breaks for them. 

So because of that Reegan got to bed rather late.  Oh well, things could be way worse for us.  I am just praying that things go well tonight so we can take her to the children's museum tomorrow.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on November 19, 2005, 01:40:19 am
Hey JBS - I would love some of the veggie crockpot recipes.  We use the crockpot a lot.  Here is a SUPER EASY chicken one where it just melts - easy for the kiddos to eat.

Hope Connor gets well soon!  DS had fifths before too..from daycare  :wink:  :( 

Roll up 3-4 inch balls of foil and place in bottom of crock pot (this way all the fat drips to the bottom, can use it for gravy if you like).  Spice chicken pieces (or small whole chicken) to your liking (I've used rosemary, sage, etc.). Place chicken on top of the foil.  Cook on low 8-10 hours or on high 4-5 hours.  Wa La!!!!!

Lindsey - sorry about your sister, it's so hard to know what to say - sometimes just a hug and I'm here if you want to talk are the best.  :(

Great pictures or Reegan!!  :D

All our babies are turning 1!!!!!!!  WAhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: zayandme on November 19, 2005, 17:23:17 pm
The best thing you can do is show her you don't mind her talking about it. That means next week, three weeks from now, two months from now. just listen! Ask her some questions or say something like- what's been going through your mind since this happened? what's been the hardest part of all this? And then just sit and listen to her- wait as long as she needs to talk about it.

Make a note of the baby's due date and send her a card or call her that week to let her know you remembered and that you're thinking of her.

don't be scared to say the wrong thing. if you are, tell her- "I'm scared I'll say the wrong thing!"
But just listening is more important than anything else.
make her a meal.
Go grocery shopping for her. Vaccuum her floors. Anything to let her know you care.

My sister had three miscarriages, all in her second trimester.
 It is devastating . Do not underestimate the grief that they are experiencing right now. I am so sorry to hear about your sister.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 20, 2005, 18:32:34 pm
hey, i'm interested in crockpot recipes too!  it's hard cooking dinner with a little monkey clung to my side.

sarah-thanks for the advice.  that's too bad about your sister.  did she ever have a baby? anyone else's baby showing signs of dropping a nap?  for the past week, gianna's am nap is only 30 mins.  she is happy upon waking.  i think i could fix it by increasing her awake times, but then that will push bedtime later.  any suggestions?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 20, 2005, 19:30:57 pm
jill- What Crockpot cookbook do you use?  I have one but most of the recipes we have tried from it are not that good.  I'd be paranoid too about the peanut allergy if Connor has reacted.  I know they can be pretty severe, not worth taking the chance.  We haven't had Fifth's disease yet, but it's very common.  Kids get it at school all the time.  Just make sure there's no chance you are pregnant, because it is dangerous for the fetus if the mother contracts it during pregnancy.  Luckily most of us had it as children and are immune.  I hope Connor's better soon!

Lindsey - What you descibed Gianna doing the other night is exactly what Susana does, only Susana does it almost every night.  I think it's tummy pains, but I don't know for sure.  Let me know if you figure it out.  Sorry to hear about your sister.  I can't imagine how hard that would be.
 :cry:   As for the naps, Susana only took one 20 min morning nap yesterday, but today took and hour and a half this morning and is down now. (don't know for how long)  My mil was here this weekend which threw her off yesterday so I don't think the short nap was because she's ready to drop one.  I've read different things on what age they shoudl transition to one nap.  Just like everything you read though, I think it's different for every kid.  Let us know how it goes if you try dropping one.

momtoree- The pictures are so cute!  Awful to hear about your neighbors.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 21, 2005, 23:57:53 pm
I was just thinking about dropping a nap, but I don't think that we are ready.  We were having such a hard time getting back on track after the ear infection and cold that I thought about just dropping to one.  It was such a struggle to get her to nap both times.  Saturday Dh took her the children's museum and she only got one nap and she did ok, but that night was rough.  Then she was really tired on Sunday.  The less she naps during the day, the less she sleeps at night.  I don't think that it really makes sense but that is how she is so I am scared that if we drop it then she will sleep less at night. 

As far as nights go I am having my dh go in and try to settle her.  Two nights ago I decided no more feeding at night!  She was all better and just in the habit of getting up a couple of times to eat.  She was mad that I wouldn't feed her so I ended up going and getting dh to go in and see if she would settle at all for him.  She did, the first time but then it took a while the 2nd and 3rd time.  I told him that he gets to do it for a few more nights, which he is not happy about.  How can he complain when I have gotten up with her multiple times a night for a year, minus a few weeks where she slept through?  I don't know why I feel guilty about having him do it, but I am not giving in and doing it. 

Jill - hope Connor is better.  Let us know. 

Hope Susana is back on schedule and napping better.  Reegan is always off when we have guests, just goes with it!

Hope everyone has a loooooong night of sleep!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 22, 2005, 22:45:48 pm
Today was Connor's 1st b-day...nothing too exciting, I took the day off as a vacation day to spend with him...

He seems to be coming around, hopefully he will be well enough for a b-day party this Saturday....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 23, 2005, 00:33:56 am
jill-hope connor is feeling better soon, especially for his party.

momtoree-gianna also has more trouble sleeping on the nights when she has napped poorly during the day.  like weissbluth says, "sleep begets sleep", so the overtired child will have much less restful sleep.  don't feel guilty for having your dh get up with her!!!!!!!  geez, i've been making mine do it since day one!  8)  i think if you trade off 50/50 that's totally fair.

phoebe-gosh, gianna has done that weird night waking for the past few nights where she is awake but not really.  she flops around when i hold her, but cries when i put her down.  i am going to post something in the "night waking" board and let you know if i get any response.  i must be totally stupid, but i really and truly thought once you got them to stop eating in the night, the night wakings are over.   :roll:

jodi-how is morgan?  how are YOU?  hope you're feeling better.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 23, 2005, 01:00:18 am
Lindsey - I'm just glad to hear Susana is not the only one to do that weird flopping around while half-asleep.  The only thing I could figure is it's either nightmares or tummy aches.  With the exception of the past two nights, she would also wake up just shrieking at least twice a night.  Sometimes she'd fall right back asleep after two minutes without me going in, other times I'd have to go in and resettle her which would take anywhere from one to two hours. 

I don't know if it's related or not, but  Susana started real walking Sunday and her sleep has been good since.  I have read that their sleep can get disturbed just before a big milestone so maybe Gianna is about to do something new???  Of course, just because I wrote this, Susana will probably be up several times tonight. :?

Happy birthday Connor!!!

For those of you who have already done birthday parties, did you all serve a meal?  What time did you do your parties?  I was thinking of having it around three to try not to interfere with naps.  I figured that we wouldn't need a meal then since it's kind of late for lunch, but some family will probably be coming from out of town, so I didn't know if I should have it around mealtime and just forgo the afternoon nap.  I am really dreading it because Susana doesn't like to be around lots of people, but the party will end up being kind of large even if we stick to just family.   

Does anyone have any tips for traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday?  The last time we went anywhere with Susana was 4 months ago.  We went to my niece's birthday party.  We had planned to spend the night, but Susana only took two 30 min naps and screamed most of the day because being around so many people freaked her out.  Then after two hours of screaming trying to get her to go to bed, we ended up giving up and driving back home at 9:00 pm.  We are supposed to go back to my sister's Thursday and spend the night, but I'm wondering if we should just make it a day trip.  It's only a two hour drive.  I am so tempted to just hae the three of us stay home and have a long peaceful weekend together.  I just don't want to ruin her sleep since the last two nights have been the only peaceful nights of sleep we've had in a couple of months.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 23, 2005, 16:45:47 pm
phoebe-i know what you mean about overnight trips.  i get SO stressed about it because gianna doesn't sleep well away from home so because of this,  i know she will be overtired and cranky for the whole trip.  we rarely go anywhere overnight.  does susana sleep in the car?  if so, could you just drive to your sister's during her am nap, give her some sort of afternoon nap while you are there (rocking her or walking her to sleep), then leave around her bedtime at night?  that is usually how we handle short trips to san diego, l.a., etc.  it works out good for us though because gianna sleeps in the car seat.  i can relate to the stress with a lot of people too.  gianna HATES strangers...and when you get a crowd of them's not pretty.  dh's family were here over the last weekend and we have more family coming in tonite to stay for this weekend, so she is going to be a nightmare.  she really is the sweetest, funniest little girl, i just wish she'd show that side to all our relatives!  they must think she is such a brat!  i am wondering if all the people have anything to do with her night wakings.  when i get more time, i will try to pm you about the night wakings...if we put our heads together, we MUST be able to figure it out.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 23, 2005, 19:20:24 pm
i forgot to you all brush your lo's teeth?  we have been brushing for a few months, and she always liked it and thought it was a game.  but lately, she downright refuses to open her mouth to get brushed.  we have tried 3 different toothbrushes, tried letting her hold the brushes, tried far, she is still screaming her head off.  any ideas?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 23, 2005, 21:49:55 pm
Lindsey - I'll look for your pm on the sleep stuff.  As for the teeth brushing, my pediatrician just recommended wiping her teeth down with a clean washcloth.  This worked great when she had two teeth but last time I was at the doctor with her I told him he was welcome to get his finger bit off each night if he wanted but I'd rather not.  :D   I have a little toothbrush for her and I usually let her chew on it before bed.  I don't always remember to and she has a bottle after that so I'm kind of starting to worry now that she has 8 teeth.  I have a feeling the next time we go to the pediatrician, he is going to recommend I drop the night bottle - not looking forward to that.  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 24, 2005, 01:54:47 am
Connor's b-day party may be cancelled this weekend too...

We are having a real tough go of it...Everything I read on the web, calls it a 'mild' illness...seems like much more to us...I also see that it's typically found in older children, wonder if it affects babies harder...

Anybody dealt with croup yet????  I have a feeling we are heading down that path now...

A month or two I was almost bragging about my child never having a cold, now he has a rash, sleeps all the time, has a cold, doesn't want to eat anything (but is drinking), and is starting to bark....

I'm just sad about his b-day...I wanted it to be special...

Anyways, enough whining from to you later,
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 24, 2005, 23:32:43 pm
BDay party is cancelled...

Now, we have Bronchitis.  He's on antibiotics...

He didn't even have a sniffle while he was home, I take him to daycare, he ends up with fifths, croup, then bronchitis...ugh....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 25, 2005, 01:25:56 am
jill-Sorry to hear about Connor feeling bad and having to cancel his party.  I hope he's better soon.

Well our Thanksgiving travel wasn't too awful.  Although we haven't made it through the night yet, so I don't want to speak too soon.  We decided just on the day trip.  Susana took a good nap this morning and we left after it.  She didn't take an afternoon nap.  She slept in the car on the way home and was quite when I laid her down in the crib.  She was just making some noises but not crying so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  I hope we can get back on track tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (in the US :) )
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 25, 2005, 01:44:43 am
Happy Thanksgiving to the US moms!  Hope that the travels went well.  To avoid this we had all the family at our house  :shock: Turns out Reegan skipped her afternoon nap anyway.  Everytime she heard someone downstairs she perked right up.  Oh well, she still did really great all day.  Unlike you little ones she loves being around people.  She didn't use to like crowds but now they don't bother heard.  There were lots of babies here and she loved that.  Plus she loved all the great food and we have lots of leftovers.  I got lots of good ideas to fix for her now!

Everybody going shopping too?  I am addicted to shopping after Thanksgiving.  I went to Meijer this morning at 4 to get the deals and heading out at 3:30 to shop.  I know I am crazy but I can't pass up the great deals.  Gives Daddy some morning time with Reegan. 

We do brush Reegan's teeth.  When she doesn't want to I don't push it.  I figure that if she misses a few days it isn't a big deal, for now.  We nurse after I brush the teeth, but I don't think that it is a big deal.  We use a regular baby toothbrush.  I used the fingerbrush thing but was tired of having my finger biten off!

Jill - sorry Connor is so sick!  I can't imagine going through all that.  Hopefully he will get better and he won't pick up so much at daycare.  That is horrible that you had to cancel his party because he is so sick  :(

So are any of you getting a little frustrated with the sleeping thing?  I did the BW to get her to sleep all night and take the good naps.  Things are getting better but I never thought that after a year we would still be having problems.  OK, just my little vent!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on November 25, 2005, 01:51:05 am
hello everyone

I am  sorry to hear about connor being so ill that's way to much at once poor is his night sleep?
We have a dentist in the family and her daughter is 1 month younger than hannah.  I was asking her about  brushing and she said it was most important to clean there teeth at night so all the stuff isn't sitting on the teeth. ALso, she said limit juice. HUGE INCREASE in tooth decay in kids who drink a lot of juice. Even 100 percent juices need to be diluted well.

JBS-can you post one or two of your favourite recipes from your book. That would be great

MOM to ree- I think you are the one that recommended the DVD in the car. WOW thanks. Hannah doesn't watch a lot of tv but when we are travelling long distances and she is in the middle of a melt down throw on a move and we are good for a half hour. thanks would never have though of it

Hannah is still doing fairly well...knock on wood we haven't been sick lately or had to many routine problems.
Today was the first day with a lot  of snow so we put her snow suit on which is 18 months and way too big for her. We went out and played in the snow and she thought it was great however she really couldn't do to much but move like a worm too funny I will take a picture and post it to show how funny she looks

take care

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on November 26, 2005, 13:32:15 pm
Ange, his sleep is crappy...since he only wants to have his bottles (he's been off his food) doesn't sustain him to drink only, therefore, he has at least 3 bottles in the middle of the night...
Last night, I managed to get in some mushroom soup and toast into him (of all things)...I'm just trying whatever to get him to eat something...This morning he had a little yogurt...Good thing he's a chunky baby, he hasn't eaten much beyond his bottles in a week...

I will look up some recipes and post them for you later today...

Have a good day...

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 28, 2005, 02:30:56 am
Jill - so sorry about Connor.  Poor little guy.  I hope that he is better soon and getting some food in his little body.  So, have you been off work this whole time with him? 
Ange - I did talk about the DVD in the car.  Glad that it worked for you.  I know that we are going to use it for Christmas travel.  I don't know how my parents use to travel with us! 
Reegan has taken to getting up at 5/5:30 again.  Don't know what to do with her.  She just screams when you go in her room and won't get her out of the crib.  Then I get her up at 6:30 and take her into our bed like always to feed her.  The past few days she has went to sleep.  We have always done this and she never went back to sleep!  I don't know if I should let her go to sleep or make her stay up.  Any suggestions?  Since she does this she sleeps in and then only takes one nap.  Did you all ever think that at 1 you would still be having sleep problems?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 28, 2005, 16:41:27 pm
glad everyone survived the long weekend!

jill-so sorry to hear about all of connor's sicknesses.  it's hard enough to deal with that...then you have the disappointment about his party.  hope he's feeling better soon!

ange-looking foward to seeing hannah in her snow suit.  sounds like fun!

momtoree-i can totally relate to your frustration with the sleep issue.  i think i made a similar comment a few pages back about how i truly thought the night wakings were over once they stopped eating in the night.  it seems they just get worse and more complicated.  the worst part for me is that i feel i have given up the past year of my life to establish good sleeping habits for gianna.  i am ALWAYS home for naps and we never keep her out late.  i am consistent in my sleep training methods.  but she continues to wake!  i could totally handle just doing the feedings in the night when she was younger, but now when she wakes, it is for HOURS...and i have no idea why.  last night she was crying from 11:45 til sometime after 1:30  .then she woke at 5:00 and cried for about 30-45 mins.  she did go back to sleep, but only til 6:30.  as for reegan's early wakings...just do whatever works for you guys.  if it were me, i'd just make her stay up until her usual first nap time.  i read somewhere that if they wake early you should not let them take an early nap.  this seemed to help us.  gianna rarely wakes before 6:00.  that's early, but i have learned to live with it.  oh yeah, i drink lots of coffee too!

phoebe-i'll pm you today about the sleep issue.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 29, 2005, 01:05:23 am
momtoree- Have you tried letting her cry with you in the room, but not getting her up until six?   In one of my sleep books, it suggests this for early wakings.  Then if they are still up at six you leave for at least two minutes and then do a dramatic wake up.  I don't know if it works, I haven't been able to try it because I leave for work at 6:30 so I wouldn't have time to do that and get ready for work.  Lucky for us Susana has started sleeping a little later, usually 6:15 or so.  I never thought I'd consider 6:15 sleeping in!!!!  I'll say a little prayer that Reegan will start sleeping "late".  :wink:

Lindsey - I sent you a pm.  Please tell me you got it since I've been writing you a novel for the past half hour.  :D

jill-How's Connor?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on November 29, 2005, 22:57:06 pm
Phoebe - thanks for the suggestion but that is what we do. 
I actually just got her up and took her to bed with me and feed her at 5:40 this morning.  I stayed in her room a couple minutes but just couldn't deal with it.  She feel asleep at 7 only to have dh wake her up at 7:15  :x So she was a grump all day until her morning nap.  I really do think now that she needs to go to one nap because she has a really hard time going down for her second nap and I can't extend the wake time any longer or she puts up a fight at bedtime or lays in her crib playing until 9!  I think that this is the in between two and one naps where she is not ready for one but two is too much.  KWIM? 
Everybody say a prayer for Reegan that she doesn't have to have the tearduct surgery on Friday.  They said that we still need to come to be sure but I told them that I think that it is ok now.  It just got really bad when she got sick so they still come.  I am just praying that it is ok.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on November 30, 2005, 01:23:10 am
momtoree-Sorry I don't have any more suggestions about the early wakings.  I'll say a prayer for Reegan! (and for you to get to sleep in  :D )
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on November 30, 2005, 02:48:29 am
momtoree-i really think the early wakings are developmental.  otherwise, why would we all be tortured with them?  i haven't really found a solution either.  i just keep her nap times consistent and make sure she gets to bed early enough to get enough sleep since she wakes so dang early.  our neighbor's baby wakes up at 8 am!! i want to trade.  i hope reegan doesn't have to have the surgery either.  although i worked for a family whose little girl had it.  she was about 18 months at the time.  she did really well with it...if that's any consolation.  let us know how it goes.

good night everyone.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 01, 2005, 00:58:49 am
jill-i keep meaning to ask you, where do you get your crockpot recipes?  i am desperate for some recipes that can be made by a machine, not a one armed person.  thanks!  i hope connor is feeling better.  have you taken any more days off?
and i wanted to ask...have any of you dared stop the before bed bottle or bf?  i really want to because i think the longer i do it, the harder it will be to give up.  but i just don't think she's ready.  we tried putting her to bed without it a month or so ago and she FREAKED!  if anyone has accomplished this feat, let me know your secrets.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 01, 2005, 23:57:45 pm
Lindsey - I'm dreading that too, especially since Susana has always been so hard to settle for sleep.  I'm waiting until the year visit to the pediatrician and see what he says. 

Ok I have to share a cute story.  Yesterday I was out shopping.  I had Susana in the shopping cart  and was standing in front of her when she reached out and grabbed my sweater and hugged me.  Then she said " I love you."  :D   OK it was more like "Yuh yuh oo" but still.  She did this one other time at home, but I just figured I was wishful thinking, but when she did it again yesterday I was convinced.  Even my mom said it sounded like she was saying I love you.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on December 02, 2005, 04:04:59 am
Awwww Phoebe...that's so sweet!!!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 02, 2005, 15:22:32 pm
How sweet Phoebe!  That is awsome. 

Well, we had the surgery this morning.  I was so sure that she didn't need it but wouldn't you know it was all watery.  We had to leave by 6 and it was the one morning that she wasn't up this week.  I just put her in the carseat straight from the crib in her sleeper.  She did better with not eating then I thought she would but I think it was because she was sick.  I asked them to take her temp and it was 101  :(  They went ahead and did the surgery after talking it over any way.  We were only waiting about 10 minutes and they took us back there before she woke up.  It was kind of funny how she was in and out for a while but I finally got her to nurse a little before falling back to sleep so we could leave.  Now we have an appt with the dr to check her ears  today.  The dr there suggested going ahead and taking her in to get her checked. 

Anybody have a good ear thermometer that works?  I went and bought another one and it doesn't work either!  I am so mad and she won't sit still to take it under her arm. 

There's no way we are ready to drop the before bed nursing.  I can't even drop the afternoon one yet!  I figure why push it.  I think most kids drop it on their own when they are ready.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on December 02, 2005, 15:35:49 pm
Quote from: MomtoRee
Anybody have a good ear thermometer that works? 

Nope...the only person the ear one works on is me and I think that's because I can feel right where to put it.  If I were to spend the money again I would get one of the those new ones you put on the forehead.  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 02, 2005, 21:33:11 pm
we went to the dr and she said no ear infection, but now she has 104.1 temp  :shock: she is sleeping on me now waiting for the dr to call back.  what a horrible day!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 03, 2005, 01:19:23 am
momtoree- Sorry you've had such a bad day!  Hope Reegan is feeling better soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 03, 2005, 03:40:23 am
momtoree-hope she is feeling better soon!

phoebe-aaawww, that makes all your sleep deprivation worth it, right?  :wink:

well, it's now MY turn to be sick.  on wed night, i had excruciating abdominal pain.  finally went to er at 2 a.m.  i had to have an emergency appendectomy!  so that was yesterday.  i didn't get to see gianna all day.  my dh put her to bed without the nursing, (obviously) and she did great!  i think it's because i wasn't home for her to see me and want the bf.  i got discharged today and am home now, but we are trying to put her down agian tonite with no bf'ing because i am so pumped full of morphine and vicodin.  i'm in a little bit of discomfort, but nothing like it was before they took the appendix out.  oh, here's the best part...i am not allowed to lift or hold anything heavier than a plate of food for 4-6 weeks.   :shock:  the sweetest thing was when i got home, she was crawling on the floor, pointed to me and said "mamamamamama"....she's never even tried saying mama before... :D  :D 
oh yeah, gianna turns one today!  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on December 03, 2005, 15:10:15 pm
Ok...I haven't been on for a week...The whole family was plagued with bronchitis, I had a 104 fever (but still went to work every day!!!)...

Recipes are from "Better Homes and Gardens 5 Ingredient Slow Cooker Recipes"...I picked it up at Costco...

Heres some favourites:

Cheesy Chicken-Rice Chowder:
Prep: 10 min Cook: 5 hours Low, 2.5 hrs high.
1 26-ounce can condensed chicken with rice soup
2 cups water
2 cups frozen peas and carrots
1 14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes undrained
4 ounces shredded cheese (cheddar)
1/2 cup milk..

Combine soup, water, froz peas & carrots and undrained tomatoes
Cover, cook on low 5 or 6 hrs or high for 2.5 or 3 hrs. Stir in cheese until melted, stir in milk.

Honey-Mustard chicken and Sweet Potato:
Prep 20 min.  Cook: Low 7 hrs, High 3.5 hrs.
6 medium sweet potatoes, peeled/quartered
1 small onion, wedged
2 lbs chicken thighs or drumsticks skinned
3/4 cup bottled honey-mustard salad dressing
1/2 tsp dried rosemary.

Place sweet potatoes & onions in cooker, place chicken on top of veggies.  In a bowl mix salad dressing and rosemary, pour over chicken.

Steak with Mushrooms:
Prep 10 min. Cook Low 8 hrs, High 4 hrs
1 lb boneless beef round steak
2 medium onions sliced
2 cans mushrooms (or fresh)
1 can beef gravy
1/4 apple juice

Put meat & veggies in cooker, mix gravy & apple juice, pour over meat & veggies.

Creamy Ranch Potatoes
Prep 15 min, Cook Low 7 hrs, High 3.5 hrs.
2.5 lb small red potatoes quartered
1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 8-ounce carton sour cream
1 envelope ranch dry salad dressing mix.

Place potatoes in cooker, mix soup, sour cream & dressing mix, stir soup mixture into potatoes and cook.

Swiss Potatoes and Asparagus
1 can condenses cream of asperagus soup
8 ounces process swiss cheese cut into pieces
1 8 ounce carton sour cream
1 package frozen hashbrowns
1 package frozen asparagus

Stir together soup, cheese sour cream, potatoes, cook for 5 or 6 hrs (low), stir in asparagus, cook for another 25 minutes until heated through.

That's just a couple, but there is everything in there ... Even desserts you can do in the crockpot...

Let me know if you want some more...I can get some more just veggie ones posted as well....
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 05, 2005, 21:48:38 pm
jill-thanks for the recipes.  i hope you guys are feeling well soon.

we are doing ok here.  i am feeling like i just had a c-section again.  it is really hard having a baby and not being able to pick them up.  but hey, at least i can still lift my plate of food.  not being able to hold your baby is one thing, but take food away from me and i'd have to say pull the plug then and there!   :lol:   (just kidding!)

we are officially done with breastfeeding.   :D  :cry:   i have mixed emotions.  i am glad because i was getting worried about that last feed and that she was getting too attached.  but every night since thursday, dh has put her down just fine.  the one thing i am sad about is that i didn't know our last bf would be the last, so i didn't enjoy the moment, kwim?  i do feel sad about that, but happy that weaning for us has been a natural and easy process.

so how are all the early wakers?  gianna is now waking about 4:30 am.  :evil:    i think dh did something when i was in the hospital to reinforce this, because the early wakings only usually last a day or two. it's been every morning since i've been home...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on December 06, 2005, 16:01:59 pm
Anybody have any successfully signing babies?

Connor is having some behaviour problems, partly stemming from frustrations of me going back to work, and frustrations of not being able to communicate, leading to some awful temper issues.

It has been advised that we teach him some sign language to help him communicate his needs and alleviate some of his frustrations...

Are there any resourses around as to how to do this???
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 06, 2005, 16:44:03 pm
jill-we have been signing with gianna FOREVER but she has not signed back yet.  she finds that whining is just as effective in getting what she wants.   :roll:   there are books and videos you can buy that can teach it to you.  but we have just been teaching her maybe like 10 signs, just the basics like eat, water, more, up, down, etc.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 06, 2005, 18:45:51 pm
Lindsey - how horrible!  I hope you get better soon.  I can't imagine not being able to pick Reegan up.  Is she whining all the time wanting up or what?

Jill - We have been signing from the beginning and the only signs that she does are milk, water, more, all done (she seems to get more and all done confused often probably because we used to say do you want more or all done), and thank you.  These are just signs that I knew and never got a book but my sister bought a book that has 1000 signs.  A book will work if you are just doing basic ones but if you are wanting to do more complicated ones I would rent a video.  I would just go check out what the library has.  That way you can get a few books and see what one is easiest to learn from. 

Well we have had a horrible time since Friday!  All weekend she ran 102 -104 temp and then last night she broke out in hives/rash.  We had shrimp for dinner and she took 1 bite!  I thought that it was a shell fish reaction and called the dr and they confirmed it.  Gave her medicine and kept her up to make sure there would be no breathing problems.  She got mad and went to sleep in our bed without nursing  :shock:  So much for keeping her awake but I just laid beside her making sure that she was breathing ok for a while.  This morning the rash was worse and I was freaking out.  On top of this I put her in our bed at 6 when she woke up and I let her roll out of the bed  :cry: Turns out the dr thinks that it is a viral rash.  Does it ever end!  Sounds like we should be meeting on the health board as sick as everybody has been. 

At least she has been sleeping.  She slept over 18 hours on Sat - Sun :shock:  Went to bed at 7:20 and got up at 9:30.  She did wake up 2 times and the 2nd time at 6:30 I put her in bed with me and nursed her.  I have to say it was soooooooo awsome getting to sleep in and then lay in bed with her and watch football.  I hated her being sick but (this sounds horrible) I loved her snuggling up with me in bed all day. 

Hope everyone is all better soon!  I know that I will be so happy when Reegan gets all better!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: NKmommy on December 06, 2005, 18:52:33 pm
Jill - Just saw your signing post.  We have been signing with Nathan for a while now.   He fully understands the signs, but hasn't yet signed back.  Here is a good website with a video for each sign.

 :D  :D  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 07, 2005, 02:16:04 am
jill-I've signed with Susana for a while too, but she doesn't really sign back.  She does her own version of done, but that's about it.  She also gets very frustrated and is pitching a lot of temper tantrums.  The signing hasn't seemed to help at all.  She just screaches or grunts or screams for what she wants.  I think since that since I have the female version of your child ... we are in for it with the tantrums.  I always frowned on parents who gae in to their children's tantrums, and while I'm still determined to not become one of them I can totally understand how it happens.

Lindsey - I hope you're feeling better. 

MomtoRee - Hope Reegan is all better soon, but the sleep sure sounds nice. :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 07, 2005, 02:21:25 am
So I just wanted to post some of the cute/cool things that Reegan has started doing or does on a regular basis.  Can't really brag to friends about it but I feel like I can post it here! 
She is now playing peek- a- boo and says "boo" when she takes her hands away from her eyes. 
She claps or hold her hands together when we pray at dinner and says "Amen" after prayers. 
She walks behind her walker for a few steps and then drops to her knees and goes as she can go faster on her knees. 
She turns her cd player off after her nap, she knows what button it is.
She knows that she can only have her pacis in the crib so she wants in and then takes it out and hands it to me when she is ready to get out. 
She sits on her riding toy and pushes herself around and falls off a lot! 
She blows kisses to every person she sees, very loudly in church too.
She can point the duckie, dog, and cow out in all her animal books!  Still working on the others. 
She "woofs" when she sees a dog and moos at cows, plus she moos and woofs at all other animals. 
She is starting to say more and more words! 

Thanks for letting me do my run down here.  I don't think that my friends want to hear all the things that she is doing.  So what are the cute things that your lo is doing?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on December 07, 2005, 11:05:42 am
Im alive! between Morgan being sick all the time, she is ok now nothing serious and me in my first tri mester I barley have time to tie my shoes. Hopefully after the holidays I can relax and ejoy this time more. Hope all are doing well, I havent had time to go back too many pages. Happy Holidays!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on December 07, 2005, 20:14:50 pm
hello ladies...
DH, Hannah and I just did a tour of ontario stopping in various locations to host birthday parties for her. Three in total...let me tell you this is not going to happen every year. It was fun but way too stressful.  We started is Sault Ste Marie which is 8 hours north of toronto then we went to Midland which is 2 hours north of toronto and one at our place.

Everyone is healthy here.  I am sure that will change once hannah is in daycare full time.

Hannah runs everywhere now. She loves to kick the soccer ball around the house and play catch. She actually catches the ball by jumping on it and then she picks it up and then rolls it back to you. Then she claps for herself after the task is completed. I don't think she is going to have a problem with self confidence. She is always clapping for herself HAHAHA

She doesn't talk too much. She can say mom, dad, up and all done.

jill-thanks for the receipes I am going to try some next week. How is connor doing at daycare?
Lindsey-Hope you are feeling better soon.
Momtoree-How is Reegan feeling? I agree with you 100% there is nothing like a baby that will snuggle up to you and sleep. Most of the time when i try and put hannah in the bed with us she won't stay still. However once in a while she does fall asleep and snuggle with me.

Well I better go and complete some domestic duties around the house (vaccuum, dust) while she is a sleep because I can't do it when she is awake anymore, anyone else have this problem?

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 07, 2005, 22:35:20 pm
momtoree-wow, i hope reegan is feeling better soon, but enjoy your snuggle time while you can!  gianna is doing SOOOO well with not having me pick her up.  i feel so bad, now she doesn't even try anymore.   :(   she just crawls over to whoever is helping me for the day (dh, my mom or my sister), and reaches up for them.  i'm glad because it makes it easier on me, but still sad!  reegan sounds like she is doing tons of stuff, wow!

jodi-glad you are still alive.  you're almost out of the first trimester right?  woohoo!

ange-i do all my housecleaning when gigi is asleep too.  it goes so much faster that way.

well, gianna isn't as advanced as some of the other lo's, but here's some of what she does:
*crawls, cruises, stands alone, pulls up on everything
*makes various animal sounds when asked (and even not when asked!)
*gives high 5's
*waves hi and bye
*gives hugs and kisses when asked
*dances to music
*asks for things by pointing to them
*plays peek a boo
*says mama and papa (for grandpa)
*tries to imitate hand motions from "the wiggles" videos
*follows many commands like "give that to me", "don't touch", "put the toys away", etc.
*claps for herself ALOT
that's all i can think of for now...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on December 08, 2005, 19:26:31 pm
Hi forgot I wanted to post a picture of Hannah in her snow suit. We seem to be getting a lot of use out of it. Right now I am jealous of all of you that live in the warm southern states.

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MorganLeigh on December 09, 2005, 13:03:54 pm
Real quick b4 yet another Dr. appt.

(    (
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 09, 2005, 17:02:35 pm
ange-love the picture of hannah...i LOVE those cheeks!  and her snowman hat is adorable.

jodi-very cute pics also!  gianna would absolutely freak if she sat anywhere near a santa claus.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on December 09, 2005, 19:20:09 pm
Jodi-how was morgan with Santa? She doesn't look too sure of him in the picture. You have a beautiful family.

Spoke too soon...Hannah has caught something and she has the runs (too much info I know) but she won't drink anything..anyone have any suggestions?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 09, 2005, 19:58:00 pm
Very cute pictures!  Love seeing the babies change. 

Ange - When Reegan was just sick she wouldn't drink anything, eat anything, or nurse.  I would just offer something every few minutes and pray that she would take something.  I tried sippy cups, regular cups, straw cups, and bottles.  Just try different ones and offered it all the time.  They can get dehydrated so easy.  Reegan had 3 barely wet diapers in 24 hours and any less and we had to take her to the er  :shock: Also I made juice pops and she did take a little off of that.  Also I tried different juices, milk, and water.  Good luck!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 09, 2005, 20:02:41 pm
ange-have you tried giving her small pieces of frozen fruit or juice?  when gianna was sick, she wouldn't eat or drink much, but i got out some of her frozen fruit cubes and broke them up. she loved it.  i thought of it because when i am sick i don't want to eat either, but a popsicle always sounds good.  i think they even make pedialyte popsicles.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 11, 2005, 20:24:50 pm
All the pictures are so cute!!

Well we had pictures with Santa today.  What a nightmare!!  Actually we tried to get them yesterday.  We got Susana all dressed up in her little smocked dress, waited in line for half an hour and only moved about 2 ft.  We decided to give up since I didn't want to miss a nap for pictures.  We went again today and stood in line for about an hour.  We finally got up to the front and the girls taking the pictures did a good job of distacting Susana.  We managed to get her in Santa's lap without her noticing and they snapped some pictures where she even kind of half smiled.  Problem was they forgot to turn on the flash.  By that time she was starting to realize that she was sitting on some strange guy's lap and who were all of these crazy people waving things in her face anyway?  The pictures were awful.  There were like two decent ones where she's looking at a book in Santa's lap.  We got the cheapest package which was $30 for 1 5x7 and 4 wallets!  I was so mad because the ones with no flash would have actually been very cute.  I felt like they should have paid me!  Hope everyone else has better luck!

Well as for what Susana is doing....She is walking everywhere!  She rarely crawls anymore.  She has also started trying to climb things when she wants something up high. :shock:   She points when she wants something or when she wants to know what something is, which is constantly.  She also makes a noise that sounds like "Huh?"  when she points to things.  She dances a lot.  She can point to the nose on her stuffed bears.  She can wave bye-bye and sometimes will say it.  She can make the shh sound if you start shushing.  She "throws" a ball.  She tries to feed me now and can drink out of a regular cup by herself.  She seems to be attempting to say a lot of things although nothing is very clear yet.  She makes a"gi" sound when she sees our dog Griffin and sometimes says"keyca" when she sees a kitty cat.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 12, 2005, 19:15:09 pm
Reegan didn't like Santa either.  We had to wiat 30 minutes because we went during a break.  When he came back from the break he walked down the line and Ree freaked when he touched her hand!  She was fine standing beside him when I was holding her but when I sat her down she screamed.  Our picture is with her mouth wide open.  It is actually rather funny.  She was fine the minute I picked her up.  I felt kind of mean putting her on his lap but I really wanted a picture.  Guess that it is just the age that they are.  I can't believe Morgan sat in his lap! 

Are you all down to one nap?  We have only taken one nap the past 3 days.  I tried to put her down for her morning nap today because she was so tired and she just screamed.  Looks like we might be down to one nap.  I will miss the time I had with two naps.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 14, 2005, 19:53:31 pm
momtoree-we are on 2 naps still.  she really needs them both, but she is taking longer to fall asleep each time.  yesterday it was 30 mins to fall asleep at the last nap.   :?

well, i am a mess.  my incision became infected and the dr had to "drain" it.   :o  i won't go into any details, but that was the worst pain ihave ever felt in my life....worse than after my csection when i laid there for hours with no pain meds because the nurses forgot to connect the morphine.  i have to have help now whenever dh is not home.  it's ok, but i like to do things myself.  it is hard for me to give up control of certain things, mainly because i feel like gianna is going to form bad habits with all these other caregivers around...(like when mil laughs and encourages her to throw her food off the tray to the dog... :evil: ).  but what can i do?  anyway, hope things are going better for all of you!  :)
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 15, 2005, 01:14:55 am
Lindsey - That sounds awful!  I hope you are feeling better soon.  I'm glad you went to the doctor when you did so it didn't get any worse. 

MomtoRee- We are still at two naps.  Every once in a while Susana will only take one or she'll take ine really short one and the other normal length, but I don't hink she's ready to transition to one yet.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 16, 2005, 22:27:20 pm
oh my gosh, can someone please shoot me?!  my mil is driving me absolutely INSANE!!   :evil:   i appreciate her being willing to help out with gianna since i can't do it, but she is so ANNOYING...anytime anyone else comes over to help out (like my sister or mom) she tells them she has it under control and they can go home... :x   despite me asking her not to, she keeps letting gianna pick the flowers on the grounds of our development because i am sure some of them are poisonous, and today i found flower pieces in her poop... :shock:  this is just the latest in my crappy week with her being here EVERYDAY from 7 am til dh gets home at 5 pm  (she doesn't EVER  leave, not even during g's naps)...i won't torture you with anymore stories about her....

now gianna is sick...has a 102.4 temperature.  she is crying and very pathetic.   :(   i feel so bad because i can't hold her and she keeps reaching her arms out for me crying.  my mil isn't the most comforting person and generally seems clueless in childcare...not sure how her 2 babies survived to adulthood.  this is like a neverending nightmare...i technically have 2 more weeks where i cannot hold gianna...i hope i live that long.  sorry to whine so much...oh well, TGIF right?  :wink:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 17, 2005, 01:27:21 am
Oh I hope Gianna feels better soon.  Have you asked your dh to talk to your mil?  My mil is great, she does so much for us, but occasionally she oversteps her boundaries and I have to get dh to talk to her.  She usually backs off after that.  I am sure my mil would drive me crazy if I had to be with her everyday for weeks.  For that matter, my own mother would drive me crazy for that long.  Hope you are all recovered soon.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 19, 2005, 18:52:35 pm
Lindsey - how horrible!  I can't imagine having your mil there all day every day.  can you hold her while you are sitting?  I would have your dh call her the day before someone is coming over and tell her that she doesn't need to come.  if she comes anyway, i would be nice but tell her that you are going to spend the day with your sister/mom and you would rather her come back the next day.  I hope that you get better. 

Reegan is finally over everything.  Sleep sucks but I don't know what to do with that at the moment.  We went to my parents this past weekend and it was awful.  I planned her taking a nap during the 2 hour drive but she only slept 45 minutes.  I put her in the closet at their house (it is large enough for the crib, rocker and room to walk her around) so it was dark.  She started getting up at 1:30!  I got her up and put her in the little trundle bed with me.  We were up the rest of the night  :x  I was so stressed and tired the next day and she refused to go down for a nap.  There were about 75 people there but you couldn't hear them in her room.  Dh ended up holding her in the rocking chair the whole time.  The next night was the same thing but she slept the whole way home. 

So now everynight, even before we went down, she is getting up between 4-6 and I am getting in bed with me.  She nurses and then rolls over and goes back to sleep.  She will just screams standing up the for hours if I don't get her.  She doesn't care if I am in teh room or not.  I'll try to hold her but she just screams if I don't nurse her.  Does the same thing with dh.  Looks like I am going to have to spend a few nights up for hours to get her to sleep all night by herself again.  Have to wait because we are going back to my parents for the weekend for Christmas  :?

Reegan loves opening presents.  She rips off the bows and goes to town.  Doesn't really care what is in them but just goes to the next one.  Her favorite things that she got were clothes.  She got so much stuff and we have a couple more to go.  I don't know where we are going to put it all.  We got a big kitchen and she loves it now that we have it home.  She also got a tricycle and a big wheel.  I think that people forgot how big she is.  She also got a baby stroller but she climbs in it and wants you to push her  :lol:

I hope that everyone has a great week.  I am praying for better sleep here.  Hope that everyone is feeling all better. 

Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 20, 2005, 00:33:33 am
valorie-does this mean i can officially stop calling you "momtoree"?   :wink:   anyway, i can hold gianna while i am sitting; the thing is gianna doesn't like to sit still!  so that lasts about 2 seconds.  fortunately, she is feeling better now, so isn't so clingy.  my sister came to help all day today, so it was a nice break from mil.  my dh has no problem saying anything to her, but i just don't want to make a big deal out of anything because it is only 2 more weeks of torture.  i don't want to hurt her feelings over such a small amount of time, kwim?   sorry to hear about reegan's stressful trip.  that is exactly why we never go anywhere.   :roll:   gianna is like that too and to me it's not worth it.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on December 20, 2005, 02:00:36 am
Hi...we are starting to adjust to daycare, Connor had his first full two nights sleep last thursday and friday night...not so great last night, but I'm encouraged that we finally did it at least once...something to build on..

Work is crazy... I have no time for nothing..

Visited Santa...Connor was great, a little bewildered, but didn't fuss...

Got our first hair cut last week...he looks like a real little boy now...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 20, 2005, 02:32:13 am
Jill - good to hear from you.  I can image how little time you have.  I have none and I work 3 days a week.  Great picture w/ santa. 

Lindsey - I never realized I didn't put my name on anything.  Guess I should add it. 

Anyway, I was always meaning to post a family picture and this is one that we just took before we let Reegan open her presents. 

Anybody else having more problems w/ being clingy?  If dh comes w/in 10 feet Reegan starts to freak because she thinks he is going to try to take her.  Won't let a sole hold her without screaming her head off!  When does this stop.  Leaving her with Lauren in the morning should be really fun  :(
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 20, 2005, 02:35:35 am
Ok, I'll try again and see if it really attaches it.  Ok looks like it won't let me do that one so I'll try someother time.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 20, 2005, 14:56:50 pm
Help!  I am home for the holidays (since I'm a teacher) which I was really excited about.  It's turning out to be a disaster!  So far since I got off last Friday, Susana has napped horribly and hasn't eaten anything I have tried to feed her.  She'll eat a little if I give her just finger foods, but that's about it.  She's not even drinking all her formula.  I know they go through phases of not eating but it really seems like it has something to do with me since she did fine last Thursday.  I also think she's getting a molar, she seems to have been working on it a while now, but she's been up at night and although not screaming when I hold her, she still can't fall asleep. 

Have any of you gone to one nap?  Yesterday, she refused to take her morning nap, so I got her up and then put her back down at 11:30.  She napped a little over an hour and a half and that was it for the day.  This morning she fussed for about 30 minutes before finally going to sleep.  I hope this is all just due to teething. 

Last night I gave her Motrin before bed and she slept until 3:30.  I went in her room and held her because her room was freezing, dh turned her heater to fan instead of heat.  :evil: She fell back asleep but woke up screaming fifteen minutes after I put her down.  I went through this again and when she woke again I finally gave her more Motrin.  After that I put her down and she didn't wake again until 7:00 so I guess it was the tooth.

I am hoping in a few days her routine will smooth out again.  I can't bear for the babysitter to tell me "You messed up my baby"  when I return to work in a couple of weeks.  She's just joking, but I still feel like an inadequate mother.   :(

jill-Glad to hear daycare is working out.  Connor is getting so big! 

valorie - Glad Reegan is better.  The traveling sounds awful.  Susana doesn't travel well either so we try to avoid traveling.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 21, 2005, 02:02:10 am
Phoebe - I know what you mean about your lo doing better at the sitters.  I will be having problems all weekend and Monday and Tuesday morning she will be a bear but when I come home the nanny will say she did great  :?  Took great naps and was happy.  Makes me feel like it is just me.  Sometimes I really think it is because she is so clingy to me and doesn't want me to leave her.  I just tell myself it is because she loves me so much  :D

Well, we are back to being sick  :x My nephews were sick and she got it from them this weekend.  Congestion and the whole thing.  Up all night last night, all night!  Made me really great in my hearing today and trying to remember what happened was horrible.  My consentration is gone when I am tired!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 21, 2005, 19:51:40 pm
jill-cute picture of connor...he looks a little spooked by the beard!  glad to hear he is sleeping a little better!!

valorie-gianna was super clingy before my surgery.  i literally couldn't put her down.  but once i came back from the hospital, she mostly just ignored me.  now she doesn't really even come to me to get picked up...she usually goes to the other caregiver for the day.   :(   at first i was so happy, but now i'm so sad!!  it's really hard not being able to hold your baby.  but hey, if you really want to solve the clinginess, a little case of appendecitis and a couple days in the hospital might just do it...oh yeah, another also knocks about 5 pounds off your butt!!   :D

phoebe-you are an awesome mom!  inadequate, inshmadequate!  from my own experience as a nanny, the kids were ALWAYS more well behaved for me than for the parents.  they ate well, slept well and were generally perfect with me.  the parents always complained that on the weekends they "broke" the child(ren) and were glad i was back on monday to "fix" them.  i don't know why that is, but now that i am a parent, i am on the other side of things.  gianna is always very well behaved for sitters and saves her "true" self for me and dh!

btw, can i just say that all you mommies who work are doing a great job and i respect you all so much!!  i can't imagine having anything else on my plate right now, but you all seem to balance everything and do a great job!!   :D  :D
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 23, 2005, 17:16:14 pm
ok, so i managed to drag my freshly operated on body to the portrait studio to get g's one year pics taken...what do you think?? 

ps-yes, i do realize her mullet is in "full bloom"...guess i should have cut it first...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 23, 2005, 17:17:06 pm
oops, one more...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 23, 2005, 17:45:43 pm
Lindsey - Those are really good!  I love the ponytail on top of the head.  :D Susana still doesn't have enough hair for that.  Thanks for the encouraging words too. 

Today has been awful.  Susana just would not nap this morning.  I tried twice.  I'm getting stressed about getting my house ready for her party so this is not a good time to spend all morning trying to get her to nap.  I'm also worried because she didn't nap well all week and I don't want her to have a meltdown on her birthday from being overtired.  She's down now, I just hope she stays asleep for a couple of hours.  I am scared the UPS guy will show up now that she's finally asleep.  We're expecting some packages and grandparents are showing up today too.

Hope everyone that celebrates Christmas has a great one if I don't get on here again before then!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on December 24, 2005, 01:42:48 am
Lindsey, awesome pics...glad you are on the mend...

Very, very busy...somehow, it always seems it's the mom who has to organize everything!!! and keep on top of stuff, anybody notice that men just don't 'See' what needs to be done...

That's not nice, enough with the male bashing...

I'm off now until boxing day, then I have a marathon day, and daddy---ha, ha--- is on his own until I get done...I'm doing a computer upgrade...hopefully things go well without complications, then I'll have the rest of the week off....

I'm really struggling with work and home, the whole busy-ness of it, my job was stressful enough before, now it seems I'm always in overload....
I'm sure that will all change when I finally have my nervous breakdown...

Anyways...I really hope that everybody has a wonderful christmas...technically, this will be our 'first' christmases, since our kids will be able to interact with it.

Hey, by the way...our tantrums were FOOD related....our sitter noticed his behaviour change with certain foods...and suggested either foods that counterbalance others or refraining from certain foods....we made a few minor adjustments, and the tantrums have almost disappeared, and his sleeping is SO much better....mainly, anything with sugar, or certain starches were really setting him off...he was also having constipation/diahreha swings which were making him cranky, they too have levelled out to normal bm's and it's making him a happy little's like he's a completely different's amazing....

As you know, he's been the 'problem' child of the year on the post as far as sleeping and tantrums....just a few adjustments seems to have straightened him out...we don't have perfect night sleeps, but they are SO, SO much better...

Merry christmas everyone...I'll be reading the posts again on Tuesday...
Take care, be safe...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 26, 2005, 17:34:57 pm
jill-it sounds like you have a really good, observant sitter if she noticed the food thing.  i hope you continue to see improvement.  i think i posted about this several pages back, but my cousin has a little girl who is super sensitive to various foods...she put her on the "feingold diet" and since has seen tons of improvement in her behavior and sleep.  so if you are interested in more info on it, you can google feingold + diet and it may be able to give you more advice/info to help you guys.

hope everyone survived their holidays...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 27, 2005, 18:17:14 pm
jill- Glad to hear you've found a way to improve sleep.  Can you tell me some of the specific foods you took out of his diet that helped?  We are still having problems here and I'm wondering if any of it might be diet related.  I knwo how you feel about being overwhelmed.  It just seems like I can never do well at anything because I'm being pulled in so many directions.

We had Susana's birthday party yesterday.  It went great!  I'll try to post a picture after I get them off my camera. 

Sleep was terrible the past two nights though.  Christmas Eve she woke up about three times with a tummyache and then was up for the day at 4:30. Guess she was excited about Santa. :D   Then Christmas night after trying for 2 hours to get her to sleep, I finally resorted to driving her around in the car.  Then last night I got her down but after 45 minutes she woke up screaming and got more hysterical than I have ever seen her.  We drove in the car again but she still didn't fall asleep after 30 minutes of driving!  At one point she was reenacting eating her cake.   :shock: I thought she might be asleep with her eyes open or something.  I knew overstimulated children could have trouble falling asleep but I never knew it could be this bad.  Have any of you ever had this much trouble?  I'm starting to think she has some kind of sleep disorder or something.  We go for her year visit tomorrow so I'll talk to the pediatrician then, but if any of you have info or suggestions let me know.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: jillybeansmith on December 28, 2005, 00:19:59 am
Well...a lot of stuff with hidden sugar and modified starches..

No 'no name brand' or 'Presidents choice' replicas of any sort...For example, Petite Danon's, but NOT other brands because of the sugar content.  A lot of no name brands can be sold for less because they are filled with modified starches and sugar and other additives.

Becel or Butter, no other margarines because of the crap that is in them.

Flax seed toast for sauce daily (sugarless)

If you buy for example, hientz baby food, check the sugar content on the fruits, not all are arrowroot or baby crackers/biscuits or snacks, he eats wheat thins and the mini brettons...

Finding balance....knowing what foods have higher starch content and balance them out with a more fiber-ous food like squash, beans, etc...

Connor is on whole milk exclusively...the formula had way too much iron in it, causing constipation...

In a nutshell, he was reacting to sugar and salt with his behaviour (wicked tantrums), and secondly, some things were causing severe constipation one day, then then next he would have diahreaha....

Seems his sleeping problems were at least somewhat related to not feeling well...he's sleeping better, and eating better, and he's a completely different little boy...
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 28, 2005, 01:26:02 am
Jill - that is so great that you figured out what Connor's problem was.  I'm sure that will be a great help to you if you can start getting a good nights sleep. 

Phoebe - I hope that Susana's sleep gets better.  I would say that it might be that she is overstimulated.  If she is not napping well that is probably part of the problem.  I would say that as easy as it is to put her to sleep in the car I wouldn't make a habit of it.  Makes it harder in the long run.  I would know  :oops: . 

Lindsey - love the pictures!  We can't even do the ponytail on top of the head anymore b/c her hair is to long!  It looks so cute on her! 

We have hade to bite the bullet and try to get Reegan to sleep all night in her own crib.  Dh spent over 2 hours going in and laying her down and leaving every 5 minutes or so.  Then last night she woke up at 2 went back to sleep without me going in and then slept until 6:45  :shock: I hope that tonight goes as well.  She was just used to getting up and coming into bed with me.  Started getting to be more like at 3 and then she would bite me if she didn't want to go back to sleep  :evil:  Friday before Christmas I thought I was going to loose it when she wouldn't go back to sleep and would bite me anywhere she could get her teeth! 

Christmas was good, but stressful.  We went to my parents for the weekend, my Grandma's on Christmas morning, and then IL's 2 1/2 hours away Christmas early evening.  MIL just fixed a small meal b/c we had the big traditional thing at lunch but only had strawberries and crackers for Reegan.  Really.  She fixed corn chowder and jalapeno bread for us, neither Reegan will eat.  I asked for something else and the only things she offered were string cheese and peanut butter!  This is after she watched Reegan try to poop for 10 minutes.  So, cheese was a great idea!  It was after her dinner time so I just told dh that I was leaving because there was nothing for Reegan to eat.  I know she was mad but how would she like strawberries and crackers for dinner?  I know that is not enough to satisfy Reegan!  On top of that my DB called and his 6 month old that they had taken to the hospital b/c he was having trouble breathing had RSV.  Reegan had been with him and had his toys in her mouth so I am worried that she is going to get it. 

The good thing about being at my parents is that Reegan go to where she wasn't so clingy.  She would crawl to the windows (they have the 6 foot ones) and bang on them at the horses, mooing.  She still thinks everything moos or barks.  She would crawl to another one to find the dogs.  There was so much for her to do and look at that she didn't care about what I was doing.  She was so happy the whole time. 

We got so many more toys.  I put some up to get out in a few months.  I think that I am going to start rotating them we have so many.  We now have enough books to last a lifetime.  I even bought a new wooden storage unit to store the toys.  I saw it in the Target ad and went out and got it!  What we had wasn't enough any more. 

So, what is everyone doing for New Year's?  I think that we might go out but not sure if we can find a sitter yet.  Just can't see taking her out that late and messing up what schedule we do have. 

Wow!  This got really long.  Wishing everyone a long wonderful night of dreams.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 28, 2005, 01:37:41 am
JIll- Thanks for all the info.  I thought I might be able to use some of it with Susana but I have never fed her stuff with any additives or preservatives so I don't think that's it with her.  I buy her all organic food and make most of it myself and she doesn't have added sugar or salt.  Oh well.

Valorie - Last night and the night before were the only two nights I have ever driven her around to get her to sleep.  Even when her reflux was awful and the pediatrician suggested letting her sleep in the car seat, I refused because I didn't want to start a bad habit.  I just knew with the overstimulation from Christmas and birthday combined with a very untimely switch to one nap a day nothing else was going to work. :?

Anyone else down to one nap a day?  Susana just refuses to take more than one for me.  I thought it would be more gradual and happen a few months down the road, but it was kind of all of a sudden.  I'll be interested to see if she continues with one when she goes back to the sitter next week or goes back to two.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Diego's Mama on December 28, 2005, 02:19:39 am
Okay so I just posted that the Jan/Feb thread with 7500 posts must have been a record, until I scrolled down and realized this one is way older  :shock:

What'cha think of starting a new thread for 2006?
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 28, 2005, 16:32:51 pm
valorie-my only plans for new years include possibly staying up til midnight.  last year i was in bed at 8 pm.   :oops:  actually, this year i was invited for a girls' only sleepover.  i am still debating if i am going to go or not.  dh said he is fine to stay home alone with her overnight, (he managed just fine when i was in the hospital), but i guess i still feel bad leaving him alone on new years.  although there will be pomegranate martinis at the sleepover... :D

phoebe-sometimes gianna will fight me on 2 naps.  just when i start sweating bullets thinking she is going to go down to only one nap, she starts napping twice a day again...she is currently taking 2 naps of about 1-1.5 hours each. 

diego's mama-i am fine with starting a new thread...only if we can print this one out and have it turned into a book... :wink:   :lol:
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 28, 2005, 23:52:35 pm
I'm good with starting a new thread. 

Reegan slept for almost 12 hours last night   :D  :shock:  :D  :shock:  :D
She woke up twice for less than a minute but I didn't have to go in!  I was so happy.  Then she took a 2 hour nap today!  If it will only last.  Tonight is my night to get up with her so I hope that it goes well. 

Is anyone having problems posting attachments?  I can't post any pictures when I try and I have before.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: pdb on December 29, 2005, 01:49:42 am
I haven't tried posting attachments in a while, but the last time I tried it didn't work and it had worked for me before too.  Congrats on the sleep with Reegan!

We're still struggling...feel like all I do is complain about it now, sorry.  Talked to the dr. today at year visit but he was no help, just acted like it was all normal.  I just feel like when I tell people about it, it doesn't sound that bad, but I just have a feeling something is not right.  I know this is my first kid, but  I've taken care of a lot of kids and I've never seen anything like this.  Tonight we had hysterics for an hour before finally going to sleep.  She was grouchy all afternoon, pitching fits about everything.  Maybe a reaction to her vaccines??  Oh well, I'll shut up now. 

I'm fine with a new thread too.
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Gigismom on December 29, 2005, 02:39:51 am
phoebe-don't feel bad "complaining".  that's what we're all here for...we all need to get it out sometimes.  i know you have struggled with susana for some time.  if you really feel that something is wrong, trust your instinct.  if your dr is not taking you seriously, find a new one!!  get second, third, fourth opinions.  however, gianna is a monster after her vaccines, so that may be susana's problem today. 

valorie-congrats on the sleep...hope you get more nights like that!  as for posting attachments, i will post one right now and write down all the steps as i do it because it always seems to work for me. 
1.  click "add an attachment".
2.  click "browse", choose photo and open it.
3.  click the "add attachment" button under the "browse" button.  (may take a minute.)
4.  click "posted attachments" to check and see if your file has been attached.  it should show up under the blue bar that reads "posted attachments" if it indeed has posted to your message.
5.  click "submit".
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: hannah'smom on December 29, 2005, 03:08:02 am
I just finished reading everyone's posts. So, much is going on it would be hard to comment on everything. I can't believe how I feel like I am living other people's lives when I read this thread. Hannah isn't sleeping at night or during the day. She is throwing temper tantrums, which she has never done before. She is refusing to drink and eat and on top of it she has officially joined the clingy club. she stands pulling at my knees saying one of the few words she know UP UP UP until I pick her up. SHE HAS BECOME THE DEVIL CHILD...Is anyone else having a problem with biting when LO get fustrated? huge issue here. SHe hasn't broken skin yet but has come close. We have been joking we may put her up for sale on ebay if this keeps up for much longer.

I will post this weekend when I have more time.. I just needed to vent. I promise to be more postive this weekend
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: MomtoRee on December 30, 2005, 00:01:00 am
Phoebe - this is for complaining or that is what I think it is for.  No one else wants to listen to it, but we will because we are all there (or have been).  Keep it coming if you need to. 

We have biting problems here.  She has broken the skin several times, and broken the skin when nursing  :shock: That hurts! 

Ok I am going to try the attachment one more time!
Title: Babies of Oct-Dec /04
Post by: Noelle on December 30, 2005, 03:15:41 am
Hey girls!! Long time no talk  :D   Zoe has become quite clingy too...and grumpier - though all four of her molars have come in this month  :shock:

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I'm going to go ahead and lock this thread and start a new one - hope to see everyone there!!!  And way to go!!! I think this is the longest thread yet,LOL  :D  8)