SLEEP => Naps => Topic started by: Lucysmom on August 23, 2005, 14:22:28 pm

Title: One Hour Naps?
Post by: Lucysmom on August 23, 2005, 14:22:28 pm
Hello -

My dd is 12 weeks and was doing great in the nap department for the last 3 weeks.  She would have 3 naps of 1.5 hours and a catnap and would be asleep by 8:30 for the night, have df at 11, and many times sleep until 6.  Her naps have shortened over the last few days and now most are exactly an hour.  Her awake time each 3 hour cycle is 1.5 hours.  It seems that the jolts are much stronger these days and she can't seem to get through them as well.  I don't know exactly what is happening at the one hour mark in the sleep cycle but there is definitely something happening! :?   It has also become harder to get her to sleep at night.  I tried extended her nap just now by patting and holding down her legs (she is swaddled) and it worked for a bit and then there was huge jolt and that was the end of that.  I cheated and got her back to sleep by rocking her  :oops:  but we have the whole rest of the day to survive so did not want her to tired out already (it is 10:20 here).  And actually she just woke up (only stayed asleep 10 minutes) so have to go.  Please if anyone has any advice or insight into what is happening I would REALLY appreciate it.  I was so happy with how things were going and now they are deteriorating really rapidly.  Thanks!
Title: One Hour Naps?
Post by: momofnewbaby on August 23, 2005, 19:08:39 pm
Maybe it is time for her to switch to two naps, and maybe thats why her naps have shortened. Or you could try extending her awake time (which would mean you can't get in three long naps). Just a thought.