EAT > Baby Food Recipes

Fighting the high chair


My DS is suddenly being defiant when we try to place him into his high chair for meals.  He stiffens up, arches his back and will even kep his legs raised so the tray can not be put on.  Why is this happening and how we can we change this behavior?


Mommy Moo:
My DS still does this and he's 1.  I find if I give him something interesting to hold in his hands he'll often let me go ahead and put him in his chair.

i'm going through the same thing at 7 months but i manage to distract him by singing to him or also getting him to hold something.

I also let him play in his high chair with some of his toys so hopefully he thinks the chair is a fun place as well as eating.

the min he started to go to kindergarden he started to test us. i didn't give up to him. & i insisted " no chear no eating). at the end he gabve up until 3-4 times.


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