ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: JBmommy on October 25, 2011, 00:37:09 am

Title: "independent" play
Post by: JBmommy on October 25, 2011, 00:37:09 am
Hi everyone!  I have heard a lot about the importance of independent play so have always tried to give my lo (now 5 months old) some time to himself.  But I am not entirely sure what is considered independent.  He is happy to play without engagement from me but seems to need me in the room and within sight.  Other times, he is playing happily but needs me to continue giving him new toys as he loses them or loses interest.  Is this still considered independent play?  Thanks!
Title: Re: "independent" play
Post by: cath~ on October 25, 2011, 12:15:20 pm
I'm not sure exactly how people define 'independent' (prob varies depending on who you ask!) but what you described definitely sounds very normal - my DD was exactly like that at 5 months: getting bored and wanting me in the room. 
Since they're not so mobile at that age I guess it's hard for them to find something else to amuse themselves with when they get bored with whatever is to hand.  Also they can't come and find you if you leave the room!
Title: Re: "independent" play
Post by: RachelC on October 25, 2011, 13:03:17 pm
I think the idea is to not always do everything for them... let them explore a toy on their own instead of "hey, look at all the cool things this does... it squeaks, it rattles, it lights up, it ......).  As your lo gets older, there will be more independent play, as of now, sounds normal.