ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: Sarah O on January 10, 2006, 20:46:46 pm

Title: Activities for bored (?) 5.5 month old twins
Post by: Sarah O on January 10, 2006, 20:46:46 pm

Wondering if you guys have any suggestions for activities for 5.5 month olds.  My two seem to increasingly bored the further into the winter we get, since going out is limited mostly to doctor's appointments right now.

Here's what we've got: jolly jumper (amazing!), exersaucer, infant seats with toy arches, mat with arches/toys, Baby Einstein blocks & DVD, and a tired mama who's running out of silly dances and faces.  :)

Any suggestions??


Title: Activities for bored (?) 5.5 month old twins
Post by: woopster on January 10, 2006, 22:15:56 pm
Silly question - how do you know they are bored?  My 2 are 6 months, but 3 corrected as they were 3 months early, and they are content to sit and watch the world go by. Or they watch their older brother race up and down the lounge.
Are they your 1st? or is it 1sts for plural???
Mine aren't into much at all, but I know Judy has 8? month old twins and I think Jody's are around the same age, so you may get a few more answers.
If you get a chance, hop over to the multiples board if you haven't already, there's a few of us there now.
Title: Activities for bored (?) 5.5 month old twins
Post by: Sarah O on January 11, 2006, 00:05:12 am
Thanks for the reply.  I've posted on the multiples board a few times but it's very slow.  To answer your question about how I know they're bored...they're just old enough now that their facial expressions are quite telling.  Plus they'll start to groan, wimper, etc if they've been at one thing too long.  My theory is that they're really DONE with not being mobile and are finding it frustrating to just be in one place for any length of time.

So yours were three months early?  Wow, mine were 2.5 (10 weeks) calendar-wise mine are 8 months but corrected it's 5.5.  How long were yours in special care/NICU?

Thanks again for the reply!!

Title: Activities for bored (?) 5.5 month old twins
Post by: Nikki~Nathan&Danielle on January 11, 2006, 00:20:29 am
Hi, not sure how long they're doing one activity at a time, but if you're finding they get whiney is to change their toys, location or activities every 10mins or so.  This way they get a new view, and new things to check out - it doesn't even need to be toys, just different household items.  I take my dd around the house if I'm off wanting to do chores and plop her down on the floor of my bedroom or just hang out in her room - but the same as Wendy I find her big brother seems to provide the entertainment.

Title: Activities for bored (?) 5.5 month old twins
Post by: woopster on January 11, 2006, 12:41:32 pm
Hi Sarah, they were in NICU for 9 weeks, came home just 3 weeks under their due date.  Doing well, still haven't grasped (pardon the pun) how to hold things yet, so all their toys are a bit redundant!