EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: Doj on July 13, 2008, 00:56:09 am

Title: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: Doj on July 13, 2008, 00:56:09 am
My dd has been a great eater since birth. She was one of those LO's who gained weight in the hospital instead of losing weight.
She took to solids very well and enjoys eating a variety of foods.
She majority of  home made food with a diet that is very low in sugar.

I am starting to get a little concerned because she is constantly begging for food. I mean begging. She will walk in the pantry and say can I have raisins or can I have an apple ,anything.
I am not sure if she does it out of boredom  if she is really hungry. I have noticed that she begs for it more so when she is not playing which makes me think it boredom

She is very active and not over weight, but still has a huge belly
Currently she has 3 meals a day and 2 snacks and I really try to stick to this. Her meals are definitely a fair size, I limit it as well because she could out eat my DH.
I don't want a habit starting that she eats when she is bored because this could become detrimental to her when she is older.
I would also hate not to give her feed when she asks if she is legitimately hungry.

Title: Re: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: deb on July 13, 2008, 02:16:05 am
What's her activity level like during the day? If she's on the go a lot, she might need more calories than you think, more often than you think.

Is she getting enough "good fats?" Butter, olive oil (never for frying), flaxseed oil, fish/cod liver oil, coconut oil? When I went on the Body Ecology Diet I was actually told to add MORE of these to my diet so I could keep BFing Nat, since I was losing weight so fast even with all the butter and stuff on my foods, AND I had to add more carbs back in. (And I STILL lost 30 pounds in 4-6 weeks! :o)

When you do give her food, is she paying attention while she's eating, or just eating on autopilot?

Can she have some snacks handy that would be healthy any time, like carrot sticks, cheese, guacamole, nuts/seeds?
Title: Re: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: Doj on July 13, 2008, 16:53:44 pm
I feel that she is a very active LO. The only time she sits still for longer than 25 seconds is if she is watching TV or sleeping/
Regarding the good fats, you know she might not be getting enough of them. I don't eat them so I don't give them to her often. How do you take flaxseed oil, fish/cod liver oil, coconut oil?

When she does eat sometimes she is usually paying attention unless I give her a snack while she is watching TV where there she just eats on autopilot so I have stopped doing that. I try to make all meals at her table.

I will definitely set a section of the pantry that she can reach and put snack together that she can get, my only fear is that she will eat them all at once.
Title: Re: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: deb on July 13, 2008, 17:44:33 pm
What we did with Josie (and now Natalie) is to put on the bottom shelf of the fridge a day's worth of snacks. Carrot sticks, guacamole, cucumber slices, yogurt, berries, raw beans or peas, slices of sweet pepper, maybe cheese slices or sticks or cubes, and a small pitcher (IKEA has some good ones small enough to fit in a fridge door or a narrow bit of fridge shelf that kids can pour their own from if not too full.). Set it up the night before, show it to her in the morning and show her how to get things, or have her ask you and then make her selection while you're there with her.

The fish oil we get Nordic Naturals that comes in yummy fruit flavors - orange, lemon, peach, strawberry - and we can give it to the girls either by the spoonful (it tastes NOTHING like fish! :)) - or put some in yogurt (which is ALWAYS full-fat - Stoneyfield Farms and Whole Fields and Brown Cow are some good whole yogurts that aren't flavored or sweetened) with a drop or two of stevia to sweeten. Flaxseed oil you can give by the spoonful or hide in yogurt too; it's an oil that shouldn't be heated to high temps. Oh, I've been known to add some to salad dressing.

Coconut oit you can cook in or you can eat by the spoonful if she'll take it. Coconut in general has its own bits of good fat; I've been known to buy unsweetened shredded coconut and coat chicken and salmon with it and grill or bake them - YUM YUM YUM!!!!

Oh, yeah, butter - I'd cook veggies and then slather them in butter (ghee/clarified butter is supposed to be best but I'm lazy ::)) and pour a bit of olive oil in with it before adding salt and garlic and whatever other seasonings would spice up (pun intended ;)) the veggies. For a while, Josie was ASKING for mixed vegetables for breakfast! :o

Good grains are of course whole grains; millet is yummy and can be cooked and served like brown rice or seetened like oatmeal, and barley is tasty too. :)

Maybe you can bake your own little muffins to use for snacks; mini-cupcake trays are perfect for banana bread muffins! You can have her help you slice a banana and arrange the rounds on a plate. Can she pour poporn into a pot and wait for it to pop? (We pop our corn in  coconut oil, but make sure you have a lid on it 'cause it can splatter!) Having her be part of the food prep from time to time is always a good idea in any case; it'll come in handy when you need in the kitchen sometime! (Voice of experience here! :))

We're pretty much perpetual grazers here, especially in the summer. I've never myself held to a 3-meal-a-day schedule, and with DH getting home late-ish and still wanting to grill, we often have more like 4 meals (dinner AND supper, or maybe more like what the Brits would consider "tea" and "supper") and 2 or 3 snacks.
Title: Re: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: aisling on July 13, 2008, 17:44:45 pm
SAME!!!!  Don't worry, I did at first, then I realised: DS is the same as DH, they need food (both eat very well, we do home cooking and healthy choices) almost every 2 hours. They are solid but fit, DH still wears size 32 jeans (he is 43 yrs old) and they both have high metabolisms and have more energy than I can even fathom. They both are hard working (Nello hoes the garden with DH) and DH comes from farm stock in Italy so I believe this is inherited genes. They both need food or their blood sugar drops and they become agitated and miserable.  So it seems like eating for boredom but it is more a case of refueling. The only time the 2 of them stop with their energy is to eat or sleep.  They both always fall asleep if watching the TV or reading.  They have average to below average sleep needs. They both are not fans of napping (wake like bears) but always sleep well at night and rise happy as larks.They also need to eat loads before bed.  DH has toast with olive oil and slices of tomato with basil almost every night around 10 pm.  Nello invented the cluster feed since birth and has never stopped LOL! I on the other hand am nothing like them, as a matter of fact... opposite to everything I just listed! DARN!


Aisling x

Ps. We do ground flax in our yogurt and muesli in the a.m. or I add it to healthy fruit shakes.
Title: Re: 2.5 yo and all she wants to do is eat
Post by: Doj on July 14, 2008, 01:41:49 am
thanks so much! will def put together snack for her.
I am also a great eater who needs food constantly so she is probably just like me, never thought of it that way.

Thanks again!