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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2005, 02:57:44 am » I can't shut up!  :oops:

Alli I think the other thread should be closed.... and you said your lo really loved the exersaucer... I'm wondering if we should get one... would you all recommend it? Ella likes to play in her gymini but it makes her vomit a lot (the reflux thing) and we had a real scary episode again today with her choking and vomitting out her nose :cry: so I do like the idea of her being upright more...


~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline cazao

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« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2005, 04:06:34 am »
can`t stop long (again!!) but just wanted to say to Kathy...i put lo down and then leave the room..she often talks/fusses to herself for a while..she`ll settle herself eventually (about 10-15 minutes maximum usually)...way quicker than if i go back in...unless she`s screaming i do everything i can to not go back in. and Sharon..thanks for the news about the naps  :roll:  guess solids aren`t my answer then..guess if it was that easy we`d not need this site! and go for the exersaucer..we love ours...
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Offline dixiedutch

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« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2005, 17:12:27 pm »
My oh many new friends for Juliana and I...welcome Holly, Kathy, Dawn, Noelle, Alisa  :lol: we are so glad to meet you!

Well, I can't beleive that Juliana had REFLUX! We had a string of terrible nights with her. She'd cry every time I put her down. We were up til 1 AM the first and second nights, then she slept til 5AM and then on the third night til 3 AM. Each night, she gave out, exhausted, in my arms. We started Zantac yesterday and she's been a completely different baby.

She has always spit-up a great deal and quite often, but the doctor ruled out reflux for her colicky behaviour early on. When she was really tiny, we bought her an Amby Baby Hammock (Baby nest in the UK) to keep her in an upright position when she slept. I think this helped a great deal.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Please give your little ones a cuddle for me!


Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2005, 02:27:59 am »
Hi all,

I just wanted to give you guys an update.  Jadyn slept today 2 1/2 hr for her first nap (no waking after 45min at all!) then slept 3 hrs for her second (I was working today & hubby had to take care of her.  Basically he just watched her sleep. :wink: )  Then she took a 45 min catnap.  She went to bed without even a tiny whine, except for once when her paci came out.  So I think I figured out what happened the other day and other 45 mins naps she's been getting so good at.  I had put her on the 4hr routine about 2wks ago because she started the 45min nap for her 2nd nap which used to be 2 1/2 hr.  I didn't do the gradual increase of 15 mins to keep her up like in the book.  It just seemed like one day she just stayed up longer than her usual 55 min awake time, so I just went with it.  But like I said, she was doing the 45 min wake thing almost daily and couldn't figure out why til today.  Since she screamed & screamed yesterday for 2 of her naps, I racked my brain and finally came to the conclusion that she can stay awake for 1 1/2 hr to 1.45 hr at most.  I had been stretching it to 2hr to 2hr 15mins at times.  She hasn't been giving me her cue, yawning, fussing before her nap times, so I thought she was good to go in staying up logner. 

So today for her first nap I put her down at 1.20 mins and did 5mins of wind down routine and she went down half asleep.  She did not even stir for the 45min mark and slept til my sister came over and I woke her up at 2hr 20min.  Then for the 2nd nap I did the wind down routine at 1hr 35min (still no yawning though) for about 5 mins and again she was down in no time.  I left and went to work.  My husband called me 2 hr 30mins later & said she's not awake yet & is worried!!  I told him to let her sleep til her feed (30 mins later she woke up to feed).  I came home early from work and bf her since she only took 2oz from the bottle.  She then went down 1 1/2 hr later for her catnap.  She was a little fussy, but I think it's because daddy played too hard with her getting her all rowdy. :lol:   She took about 10 mins to settle & slept for 45mins.  And then finally I put her for bed 1 1/2 hr after her catnap for her bedtime.  She spit out her paci on her own & is snoozing like a baby!! 

So hopefully I did not jinx myself and she will continue to do her great naps.  I will keep you guys posted.  I just can't believe what 30 min extra wake time tired her out to the point of screaming.  I guess she will go toward the 2hr wake soon enough but for now I'm happy with her 1 1/2 wake time to have her great naps. 

How long does your lo stay awake between naps?  I wonder if she will ever get to the 2hr or longer without getting too tired.  It does make it really hard not being able to take her anywhere!!!  BTW, I think that's the reason why she does the crying with strangers.  I rarely take her out to see other people besides just me & daddy & her sister.  She did the frown lip and cried again with my sister!!  Of course, as soon as my sister left, Jadyn was back to her sweet & laughing self!! :roll:   I really hope she will grow out of that soon.


Offline cazao

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2005, 15:07:33 pm »
wow...well done jadyn...that`s fantastic napping. let us know if it continues. we`re struggling with wake times at the moment. i posted a question about it but no-one`s answered yet  :cry: so i`m not really sure what `normal` is at this point. but after a few days of her 45 minute naps shortening to 30 minutes, after about 1 hour 45 of awake time, i`ve gone the other way to you, and extended wake time to about 2hours 10 minutes. that was a couple of days ago and since then she`s been sleeping about 1.5/2hours in the morning, but still only 45 minutes in the afternoon, and then another 45 for her catnap. so i think we`re making progress, and finally getting near to a 4 hour EASY, at least in the mornings, but we`re still trying to figure it out. would love to hear what others awake times are....

oh, and georgia had her first real rolling experience last night..she`s rolled a couple of times before (back to front) but last night she went fast as i could flip her back she was on her tummy again. she did it maybe 10 times in about 45 minutes and she was frantically upset, because she still hates her tummy. have you guys been through that, and did you keep flipping lo back again?

and Caroline, that`s great news that Juliana`s being helped by the Zantac...
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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2005, 17:08:58 pm »
Hi all,

Cazao I saw your post but didn't respond as Ella is ff and on solids but I will now... we have been having the same problem so maybe it's age related? Ella awakes by 6:30 but will usually play in her cot until close to 7, she has a bottle at 7 then sweet potatoes at 8:30.  Previously she went down at 8:45 and would only nap 30-45 min.  The last four or so days we've been keeping her awake until 9 or even 9:15 and when we have... presto. She sleeps an hour and a half to two!  Still have two 45 minute naps later as well.  She goes down for the night by 7 or 7:15 with a df at 11 and so far all is still well with that.  She seemed real tired this morning so we put her down at 8:45 and as I write my dh is with her right now as she is WIDE awake and laughing after 40 min.

And yes well done Jaydn!  That's fantastic!  :D

Oh and one more thing Cazao, Ella also flips like crazy these days from back to front and then gets right ed when she's on her tummy! She's doing all kinds of crazy gymnnastics lately.

And we went ahead and bought an exersaucer, she seems to really enjoy it but has now started "yelling" at it after about 10 minutes. IT seems like she's mad that she a) can't "walk" in it as she does these little dances and thrusts her body forward and b) she can't get the toys into her mouth! 

Look forward to hearing from you all soon!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

Offline cazao

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« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2005, 17:51:46 pm »
thanks`s so nice to know there`s someone out there in the same boat as us... :roll:
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Offline dixiedutch

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2005, 02:40:10 am »
Hi All...

I can't say too much about naps, becuase Juliana loves to catnap, too. On Saturday, she took 2 one and a half hour naps, but this was because she had THREE hours of awake time before each nap....

A good day for us looks like this:

Juliana at 4 -6 months…Introducing Solids…

7 : Wake up & feed…

9 First Nap

9:45 Diaper Change

10:00 Feed + Solids

10:30 Outing ( Walk or Shopping)

12:00 2nd Nap

12:45 Diaper Change

1:00 Feed

3:00 3rd Nap

3:45 Diaper Change

4:00 Feed + Solids at 5:30 PM

4:30 Visit, Play with Mackenzie, Mommy eats dinner

6:00 Bath & Bedtime Routine

7:00 Sleep

Mommy cleans kitchen, answers e-mail, folds laundry…

9:30 Mommy gets ready for bed

10:00 Pump, Papi dreamfeeds at 11:00

sleeps til between 5 and 7....


Offline sproutsmum

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2005, 16:26:33 pm »
Giorgio is 4 months old, born on December 17th.  He's ENORMOUS -- weighing 18lbs 4oz last week, and already 66cms tall. 

He is a terrible terrible napper, seems to manage on 1 nap and 1 cat nap a day, unless I lie down and sleep with him, when he'll extend to 2 hours.  He doesn't get anywhere near sleeping through the night, but we've started adding rice to his cereal twice a day, and this has cut down his night waking from every 60-90 minutes, to only 2-3 times per night. A BIG improvement!

He's an absolutely lovely spirited fellow, extremely smiley, very determined, very brave.  His favourite thing is to stand up - I can barely make him sit in my lap anymore.  He stands up for 10 or more minutes at a time!  He has a little walker on wheels, and loves pushing himself around in circles.  He hasn't rolled over yet, but can turn onto his side very effectively. 

He loves to suck his fists, is dribbling so bad his chin is all spotty... DH and I are very much looking forward to his first tooth!

I don't have any friends with babies this age, so it's great to have you all to compare with!

*big hug*

Our son Giorgio is growing so quick...

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« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2005, 17:06:41 pm »
Hi Tuesday,

WOW!  :o Giorgio sounds awesome! (And I thought Ella was a big girl!)
He sounds like he's been ready to take on the world the minute he arrived. That's wonderful! Glad to hear you're actually getting a bit more sleep through the night.

We've still been playing with extending Ella's awake times and it seems to be resulting in longer naps but we'll see.... It's definitely working for the morning nap. If she's awake 2 1/2 hours she'll sleep for at least an hour and 15 so...   that's big for us!  I'll keep you posted.

oh and dixiedutch, glad to hear you've figured out the reflux  with Juliana. As I've said before Ella is a baaad refluxer (failure to thrive, hospital stays, etc.) who is doing really well on Zantac and Domperidone so I know where you're at! I'd love to hear how Juliana is doing.

Looking forward to more updates from everyone!

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2005, 19:11:58 pm »
Well, Lindsey is not having a good day today.  Actually it started yesterday.  She pitches a fit everytime I walk into her room for nap time. Oh, and as soon as I leave the room she is usually ok. And I actually thought the whole nap thing was getting better.  She is obviously tired but even with me rocking her she is still crying/screaming her head off.  She is not hungry.  She has just eaten not long before I try to put her down.  I have been giving her Mylicon for gas in case that is it.  She had a good soft pooh so  she is not constipated.  She has not been eating much solids for me today so not sure what is going on with the little stinker.  She has had two 45 min naps so far today and each time when I went to her she had a poopy diaper which was not there before I put her down because I always change her before her naps.  I even gave her Tylenol on case she is teething.  Now she is in her swing fussing her head off.  Crap-this is so frustrating.  I hope this is just a couple bad days and not the beginning of a few bad weeks.
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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2005, 19:13:23 pm »
We've had an exciting few days round here - the last two nights ben has slep through from 7pm until 5am, which is a big improvement on the 4 wakings we had the night before that.  The only downside is that naps were worse than usual.  I hope I don't have to sacrifice our reasonable days in order to get better nights.  :?

Ben also cut his first tooth on Sunday.  I thought he'd got a tooth a couple of months ago, but I was imagining things.  :roll:

And then yesterday he was sitting and bouncing on his bottom (as he does much of the time) and he actually moved forward about 12 inches.  :D   (I had put a cushion right behind him so i could see where he had been sitting!)  I don't think he realises the potential of moving around, but i'm sure he work it out soon! 

What new and exciting things are your little ones doing? :D

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Offline sproutsmum

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« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2005, 23:30:34 pm »
How funny!  Just today I wrote in my post that my son can't roll, and what do you know, tonight, while we were getting ready for bed, HE ROLLED!!!  Front to back, perfectly, like he's been doing it his whole life!  I'm such a proud mama!

Our son Giorgio is growing so quick...

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2005, 00:55:30 am »
Awwww, good job, Giorgio!!!  Congrats Mom! :D
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Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2005, 02:48:30 am »
Congrats to Bryony's mom on Ben's tooth & moving - all at one time!!   :D I can't wait for Jadyn to get her tooth.  She's drooling so bad.  It's gotta happen soon for her too. 

Lynne, my lo pooped 3 times yesterday & twice today.  The bad part of that was 2 times on both days were right in the middle of her nap :x  She had just done great for the morning nap when that happened and she was just laying there smelling & smiling after 45 mins.  I don't think it bothers her.  I can smell it when I go in.  Whoever said you can't smell ebf babies? :wink:   Of course she was tired within 30 mins and I tried in vain to get her back to sleep for at least 45 more mins.  I think she really tried but she might have had 10 mins and the rest was grunting.  I wished she would go back to pooping while bfing.  She did this 90% of the time, but now it's in the middle of the naps or early in the mornings.  Oh well I guess I can't control when she goes.

I'm doing the gradual weaning of her paci right now and it's a hit or miss daily.  I wait about 5 mins after she falls asleep to go & remove it.  I swear I think she knows I'm about to take it away cause she starts sucking on it like her life is depending on it, lol.  So now I have to stand there about 5 mins taking it out & putting it back in :roll:  I did have success one time taking it out before getting her in the crib, after rocking her with it.  I think that was a fluke.  She knows the wind down routine and expects the paci as soon as I sit in the glider & fusses if I don't give it to her right away.  I guess I can't complain because within 5 mins she's closing her eyes and when I put her in her crib with the paci, she's out in 1 min without a fuss. :)  This is so big because it used to take me at least 30 mins of patting & shhing.

I love reading about your lo!! Please keep posting & keep us updated on what they are doing.