ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: redmtq on October 25, 2005, 15:31:36 pm

Title: dream feed question
Post by: redmtq on October 25, 2005, 15:31:36 pm
This is day 12 of implementing EASY and we are on a 4 hour eating schedule of 7,11,3 and 6pm (that's because she just is not able to stay awake past 6:30--dread this at time change).  The past several nights I have DF her about 10:30ish and she takes nearly nothing.  I can get her latched on, but that's about it.  So, then she wakes later in the night hungry and I feed her.  She eats well then.  She still has such frequent night wakings that I have a hard time telling which time to feed her.  I reread that book this am and Tracy comments on making sure not to dream feed past 11pm.  Should I skip DF all together?

Title: dream feed question
Post by: Noelle on October 28, 2005, 14:27:42 pm
Hi Cathy..
I have seen mixed success with the dreamfeeds.  It worked with my first once and had mixed results with Zoe.  If it seems if it is interrupting her sleep (it sounds like it may be to me) I would go ahead and drop it for a couple of nights and see what happens.  Let us know how it goes  :D