EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 13:34:26 pm

Title: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 13:34:26 pm
So my DD, 17 months, has been eating better lately - definitely a little less picky (relatively speaking) and doing particularly well with our family dinners (had homemade spaghetti/meatballs last night and 2 green beans). But breakfast has been rough last few mornings - she'll act hungry and pull up on her booster seat but refuse oatmeal/fruit puree (whether I spoon feed or let her), refuse Nutrigrain waffle, etc. But then act hungry and cranky. Any ideas on what to try? She never liked pancakes - used to like English muffin (whole grain) sometimes. Never liked Nutrigrain bars but can try again. Doesn't eat fresh fruit for most part (loves dried fruit), although getting better with apple slices.

She often has yogurt with lunch (along with a sandwich or little pizza or spinach/cheese croissant, something like that).

Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: mommy4life on January 18, 2007, 13:49:46 pm
cereal, scrambled eggs, try making crepes instead of pancakes they are not as doughy, french toast, bacon, hot cereal, cheese and crackers.
what fruit has she had?
I know my little guy loved dry fruit too....apricots the most.
Heinz baby has a new line of first foods out and they have dehydrated banana and strawberry KIDS liked them too....but pricey.
With the apple slices sprinkle some cinnamon and sugar on it. YUM
same with strawberries...sometimes they are a bit tart....sprinkle a bit of sugar on that too.
try mango, avacado, banana, blueberries(frozen ...easier to chew and usually sweeter.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: JennŠ on January 18, 2007, 14:01:00 pm
Cinnamon toast.  Does it have to be breakfasty?  We did pizza over the weekend.  Woo hoo on the slightly better eating!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Lola on January 18, 2007, 15:41:45 pm
Madelaine is on a cold cereal diet. LOL..she loves her cheerios, shreddies, oatbran, cornbran anything cereal she loves. She now loves to have a banana peeled and will hold it herself and eat it. yum

waffles, still doesnt like. pancakes sometimes. hot cereal-nope. she likes scrambled eggs esp if i put broccoli in it. (don't ask). she loves those potato patties (a weekend treat only).
any fruit of course. applesauce. yogurt but we have that for lunch.

she loves muffins and banana bread

we'll all keep thinking
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: christinadanielle on January 18, 2007, 15:57:05 pm
DD likes anything that she can dip. she likes cut apple, toast, waffles, pancakes, and i give her a cup of vanilla/plain yogurt to dip it in. she loves it!
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 16:01:14 pm
Thanks everyone.

Kim - I should have explained that she doesn't like eggs (though we keep trying), nor french toast. Must look up how to make crepes.

Jenn - doesn't have to be breakfast foods, I guess, although I prefer it is. And she often has pizza for lunch. I don't mind trying grilled cheese for breakfast though if necessary.

LOL Stacy. Marisa wants her milk IMMEDIATELY and then often cuddles a bit and then plays before breakfast. And she acts hungry gut then doesn't eat much and then is cranky/hungry. Doesn't  help that I think she may finally be getting eye teeth. She doesn't like muffins sadly enough - will try canned fruit though.She also is a bit freaked out by cereal in milk.

Lola - I SO wish she would eat/hold a ripe banana - she wont' so far.

Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Lola on January 18, 2007, 16:21:46 pm
Grilled cheese is always good. Maybe you can add something else in with it? Some bacon for protein?
Did you say she has milk before her brekkie? Is that why she doesn't want to eat?

my lo loves Kielbassa for brekkie too and crackers. We haev Kashi crackers sometimes-they are 7 grain. how bout some cheese?

what about a bread type of thing? Some cornbread with raisins or banana bread? Other types of healthy breads are out there too..??

M loves the Dole fruit cups with the cherries :)

She loves frozen blueberries thawed and will have blueberry jam on toast too...
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 16:34:23 pm
She only has about 3.5-4 ounces before breakfast and would not eat regardless - she WANTS that milk when she wakes up and I can't blame her really. Maybe I can try some turkey bacon - we don't eat pork - but such high sodium content for a regular basis.

FYI Stacy, she's eating better relatively speaking but still a smaller appetite than most (especially considering her strength and activity level) and still a smallish variety - but growing...
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Doj on January 18, 2007, 16:42:56 pm
Will your dd eat bananas? I cut up a banana and fry it in a little bit of butter and add cinnamon. DD loves it. I also have a recipe for yogurt pancakes if you are interested, let me know and I will post the recipe tonight when I get home from work?
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 16:52:21 pm
Granola bars sound like a good idea - how would I make them? Are they dry and crunchy? Maybe she'd like that!

The cooked bananas sound interesting. Not sure she'd go for it but can try - yummy!
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 18, 2007, 17:25:19 pm
Thanks - do you think those will come out OK without the nuts though? Has anyone ever seen healthy store bought granola bars (maybe from health market or Whole Foods) without nuts to try first before making a whole batch?
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: mommy4life on January 19, 2007, 13:56:02 pm
have you tried hard boiled eggs?
My dd Kennedy was a very picky 1 year old she only weighed17lb 2 oz...she was 8lbs 9oz at birth.
It wasnt  until she was about 3 years old that she started to eat.
from age 1 month to 3 years she was in the 5th at 5.5 she is in the 85th.
my point is ....dont worry too much. Things work them selves out.

Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: JennŠ on January 19, 2007, 14:10:28 pm
Karen, did you ever try that cereal bar recipe i sent you?  Do I need to go looking for it?
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 19, 2007, 17:09:41 pm
I dont' remember the cereal bar recipe, Jenn. Sorry!

I haven't tried hard boiled eggs - how would you recommend it? Just boil for three minutes and serve as is? Cut up?

It's getting harder lately. DD had two shots on Monday and it seems loss of appetite is ALWAYS one of her reactions. But it's frustrating as she acts hungry and goes to her booster but then refuses basically everything. So breakfast has been rough but then she acts hungry and cranky and then seems to want lunch but is too tired for it so only has a few bites before her nap. Then if she has too much after nap she won't eat dinner, which lately is her best meal...

Maybe I'm better off giving her more milk (maybe an extra ounce or two if she'll take it) in the morning and delaying breakfast and merging it with lunch? So instead of breakfast around 7:30/8 and lunch around 11:30, do brunch around like 9? Not sure she'd make it though...
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 19, 2007, 17:22:09 pm
Thanks Stacy! So then how do you serve after that? You "know" Marisa and her issues - any way you think she'd better go for it? Any thoughts on my timing issues? I HATE shots - they always really mess her up - and we were doing pretty well before that...
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 19, 2007, 17:50:25 pm
Problem here is that she acts hungry, goes to her chair, etc... But maybe with more milk I could hold her off and do a bigger brunch - so she's hungrier but not too tired yet? Not sure...
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: mommy4life on January 19, 2007, 20:41:52 pm
My little guy is on the smaller side too.. At night I give him a pediasure milk ( meal replacement). That way if he has had a bad day of eating at least he goes to bed full
Anyways perhaps you could try that in the am instead?
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: mommy4life on January 20, 2007, 13:04:27 pm
yes quiche is a good one.
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: JennŠ on January 21, 2007, 09:34:21 am
Ok, Dave is snoring.  Mouse is having a crib party.  So I did some digging.  Have not tried this one, but it looks yummy!  This one I used the pourable fruit instead.  Then added some toasted wheat germ and a touch of cinamon.  This is what we took to daycare for her b-day.  They were a big hit.  I love this website.  It will sort things according to various criteria, including toddler friendly.   ;)
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 22, 2007, 12:36:59 pm
Thanks Jenn- will check those out and try them. Just really tired right now because M decided to be up and upset about it from 1:30-3 last night...

Stacy - am starting to wonder if she has an egg intolerance anyway. She doesn't like them but when she does try a little she gets a little rash by her mouth (which goes away very quickly). And she reacted REALLY badly to the flu shot, which is egg-based I believe. But she seems fine with meatballs and chicken nuggets so I'm not sure (but only a little bit of hidden egg in there really).
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: JennŠ on January 22, 2007, 14:02:04 pm
Man, I HATE those middle of the night sessions! 
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 22, 2007, 18:25:41 pm
Yes, did coffee and about to try to take a nap!

Maybe I'll hold off on egg in direct form for a while but keeping doing nuggets, meatballs etc since that seems OK. Do any other shots have egg that you know of? I didn't get the second half of the flu shot and probably won't get it at all going forward due to bad reaction (104 fever, no eating, etc).
Title: Re: Need Breakfast Ideas!!
Post by: Mom to M&M on January 24, 2007, 16:51:10 pm
I think I'll try quesadillas for lunch tomorrow. Any thoughts on how to best prepare/what to put in so I have best shot of her eating them?

Not giving her milk first only makes her furious and still not eat - plus we like her having milk first (it's only 4 ounces tops) so we can all eat breakfast together a little while later.

Now she's back on hunger strike after about 1.5-2 weeks of eating well. Seems to happen every time she gets shots - it triggers something and eating dissapears for a while. All she's had the past few days is some baby oatmeal and fruit puree for breakfast, literally no lunch, and 2-3 bites of dinner. She is drinking her milk and some diluted juice at least.