Author Topic: Help! 26 mo. old not taking naps  (Read 1049 times)

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Help! 26 mo. old not taking naps
« on: August 14, 2005, 23:04:13 pm »
I have a 26 mo. old boy who has not taken a nap (in his crib) for almost 3 months.  He has no problems at night - goes to bed awake between 8 and 9, self soothes, sleeps all night and gets up between 8 and 9 in the morning.  He can and very often does fall asleep in the car seat while we're running errands, but that is the only time he will take a nap.  I've tried everything that I can think of.  I have just discovered this website and Tracy's books and most of the things regarding sleep/naps I have instinctually tried already.  Nothing seems to work.  Is it okay that he's not taking naps?  I've been told that it's not out of the ordinary for a child of this age to "grow out of" taking naps.  He only shows signs of being tired in the late afternoon/early evenings.  I've tried to let him take a nap at that time, but on the rare occaision that he actually does, he won't go to bed until very late at night then (and be back awake at the usual time in the morning).  I can see that I've done a bit of accidental parenting by timing our errands to the late afternoon/early evenings so that he will fall asleep in the car, but I can't seem to fix it now.  I have been wracking my brain to remember if there was an event that could have thrown things out of whack, but I can't come up with anything plausible.  After all, this has been going on for 3 mos. now.  Does anyone have any advice?  Please!?  This mommy needs some down time for herself!!

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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Help! 26 mo. old not taking naps
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 14:59:29 pm »
Okay, so what is happening is he is needing his day sleep, shifting it to the late afternoon and early evenings which is disrupting his bed time.

First thing, clear your schedule for 2 weeks.  Make life simple as possible for you.  If you want this to change, then you have to commit time and effort.

Make sure his day begins by 7 am... if he sleep in, then wake up him. You want to shift his schedule back to a reasonable and age appropriate daily routine.

Generally naps for a late toddler/early preschooler, is between 12:30-2:30.  Make sure his environment is conducive to sleep.. dark, calming, low stimulation.  Have a set naptime ritual-- change diaper, read a book, night night and then give him time to settle on his own.  If he doesn't know how to fall asleep independently, then you will need to teach him how.  I recommend going through Tracy's toddler book or new book. Both have excellent strategies for teaching independent sleep.

If he doesn't fall asleep by the end of his naptime (between 2:30-3:00) initiate a "wake up" ritual.  "Okay nap time is all done" open his blinds etc. Keep it easy going and happy.  Whatever you do.. do not resort back to driving him around.  You know that he will fall asleep.. and that will throw off his body clock.

Make bedtime between 6:30-7:30 (depending on his afternoon nap, but no later than 7:30) That is in bed by a specific time.  Have a predictable bedtime routine, again if he needs to learn how to fall asleep independently, then use your strategies for this.

Ultimately, the key to this working is your consistency, your predictability and your willingness to make changes and to help him get back on track.  It won't be easy in the beginning.. I'll be honest with you.. but if you stick it out and keep your eye on the end result.. then it will work out.  Your role is to set limits and to guide him onto a daily routine.

Hope this helps,
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004