Author Topic: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???  (Read 2671 times)

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Offline SaraMamma

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6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« on: February 01, 2017, 03:47:46 am »
Hello everyone,

My LO is 6month and a bit, he started solid at 5mo as he had a massive growth spurt and required 100ml of formula on top of my BF and was still hungry after 2 hours...

Anyway, he loves his solids, started with 1 meal a day but soon escalated to 3 (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
I feed him about 3tablespoons of food each meal, sometimes he leaves a little bit, sometimes he seems to be wanting more (but I cap him for now...).

Our routine atm is this:
7am BF
9 nap

11am BF
1pm nap

3pm BOTTLE FEED 200ml
5pm catnap

5:30pm SOLID DINNER (I'd like over time to postpone this one though to a 7pm possibly...)
6:30pm BOTTLE FEED 170-200ml

7:30pm bedtime

10:20pm dreamfeed

LO sleeps all night (although oftern he wakes up at 6:15am, which I don't like.. but he plays in his bed until I pick him up, so...), so I think he's happy with his feeds atm.

My questions are:

- when do I start reducing the milk intake and adding on solids? (I started abandoning 2 BF for bottle feeds, I'll drop another 1 by end of month).

- when and how can I modify the routine so that he has solid dinner later, say at around 7pm? (family has dinner at around 7:30pm, so eventually I'd like him to have dinner with us and not alone beforehand...)

I am a bit confused, not sure how to proceed... Any suggestions?

Thank you! :)

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Re: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2017, 21:57:49 pm »
Looks like you have a lovely routine there :)

Can I just check - are you happy about moving to formula?  If this is something you wanted, that's fine.  Just wondering if it was related to increased appetite and you felt you weren't producing enough as this is something you could receive support with?

when do I start reducing the milk intake and adding on solids?
Not for a long time yet.  Rather than reducing milk what happens in most cases is that the solids are additional calories so milk doesn't increase but neither does it decrease so just keep going exactly as you are with the 4 day time milk feeds and the dream feed.
Between now and 8 months you could consider dropping the DF so that all calories are taken in the day (BF babies often continue with a NF or DF for longer, this is normal).
At around 10 months or so you might see less interest in one or more of the day time milk feeds. At this point you might swap one of the milk feeds for a solids snack with a drink of water, served at the same time the milk feed was at.  This is usually the mid morning or mid afternoon milk.
A little later, maybe 11-12 months you could swap the other day time milk feed and again offer a solids snack with water.
This leaves two good milk feeds per day (usually at WU and BT).
At 12 months guidance is to drop bottles.  If you want to continue to BF that's fine.  Many people continue with one of the bottle feeds beyond 12 months but ensure that LO is not taking a bottle for long periods as it can effect teeth growth, a quick feed at WU or BT though is not going to be harmful.
Although guidance is to drop bottles at 12 months LOs continue to need either milk or dairy food. Most people continue with at least one good milk drink per day throughout the early years.  My 6yo still has a large cup of milk every morning for example.

6 months is a good time to introduce finger foods, so you can serve whatever you are having as a family (taking into account food guidance for babies such as no whole nuts, no honey, low or no salt, no sugar, no raw shellfish) and LO might enjoy eating the same as he sees you eat.  Finger foods have all sorts of developmental benefits such as fine motor skill, language development and learning the textures and flavours of the regular family meals.

when and how can I modify the routine so that he has solid dinner later, say at around 7pm? (family has dinner at around 7:30pm, so eventually I'd like him to have dinner with us and not alone beforehand..
TBH this might be difficult for some time yet.  LOs tend to eat better earlier in the day so by evening might have no interest in solids at all.  Eating earlier in the evening fits more with their natural habit of taking in more calories in the earlier hours of the day, it also allows plenty of time for gas to pass through before BT.  Babies don't move a lot so gas can get trapped and be painful if they don't have the chance to get it out before BT.  An earlier meal also gives time for any adverse reactions to show up before BT although this aspect you can avoid by offering new foods earlier in the day.
Toddlers are more physically active, obviously, so at that point it might be more comfortable to have a later dinner and not suffer gas pain in the night.
Eating later also relies on a later BT which might not be possible routine-wise for a while unless you chose to move the whole routine on an hour or so making WU, all naps and BT later.

At 12 months I dropped my DS's BT bottle and introduced instead a pre-bath/BT supper.  This was in addition to his dinner.  So we had dinner at around 4/4.30 I think, then supper (solids snack plus a sippy cup of milk) at around 6 ish followed by bath and BT (with no milk at BT), asleep 7pm.  You could also do something like this but with everything an hour later.  I would suggest trying it as a supper/snack with the family rather than expecting a large meal to be take at that time.

I hope this helps - let me know if you have any more questions or something isn't clear.

Offline SaraMamma

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Re: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 05:22:19 am »
Thank you Creations! 

Yes, our routine is quite nice TBH, but we have a little Angel baby (with some spirited attitude at times), so we can't really praise ourselves too much, it's mostly on him!  :D

Just to answer your question about BF.. yes, it was already my plan to BF till 6mo and then start swapping 3 BF with the bottle, so no pressure from the growth spurt, but thank you for asking. :)

Can I just ask you a few clarifications?

- you said to keep for now the same amount of milk, which is fine. But when do you think I should increase the amount of solids he has? He now has around 3tablespoons per meal (3 meals a day)

- when you say at around 12 months to drop bottles (which I'd be more than happy to do), can we just use COW MILK ? (in breakfast cereals or just as a drink I guess...?)

- I know that moving his dinner to later in the day is not for now. :)
I meant to say that I'd like to do that more when he is 12mo+ to start transitioning a bit to what we normally do, which is
7/7:30 breakfast
10: morning snack (fruit)
12:30 lunch
4pm: afternoon snack
7/7:30pm family dinner

do you think that at 12mo+ it could be possible, as he would be only on solids then...?

I'm just scared he would "miss" the additional feeds (=nutrients given by the milk), but I guess by then he would eat "little people's" portions...

As for finger foods, he is not too happy now with thicker textures. I mash his food atm (not puree though), so I think I'll wait till he's 7mo to introduce finger food.

Thank you so much for your feedback, I hope you can still help me understand the above points. :)

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Re: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2017, 08:28:03 am »
- you said to keep for now the same amount of milk, which is fine. But when do you think I should increase the amount of solids he has? He now has around 3tablespoons per meal (3 meals a day)
This is mostly led by baby. You can offer as much solids as he wants so long as milk intake doesn't drop.  Some LOs have no interest in solids at this age whilst others are very keen.  You could increase for example by offering finger foods in addition to the food you currently offer.
In terms of guidance amounts, it can be as small as 2-4 teaspoons of puree which is really a small amount.  My LO took to solids in a big way and was eating 3 meals very quickly but his milk intake didn't drop at all (in fact it increase as he struggled less with reflux with the added solids).

- when you say at around 12 months to drop bottles (which I'd be more than happy to do), can we just use COW MILK ? (in breakfast cereals or just as a drink I guess...?)
Yes.  You can use cows milk now in cooking so it is fine in white sauces, custard or any other cooking you do. It must not be served as a drink/feed until 12 months as it doesn't have the balanced nutrients of formula and of course is no substitute for breast milk.
As LO still need to take a good milk drink at least once per day some people continue a bottle as LOs tend not to take so much with cups.  I managed to transition mine to a straw (cup/bottle) at 13 months and maintain one big milk at WU.  The other was in a sippy cup with his evening supper.

I meant to say that I'd like to do that more when he is 12mo+ to start transitioning a bit to what we normally do, which is
7/7:30 breakfast
10: morning snack (fruit)
12:30 lunch
4pm: afternoon snack
7/7:30pm family dinner

do you think that at 12mo+ it could be possible, as he would be only on solids then...?

I'm just scared he would "miss" the additional feeds (=nutrients given by the milk)
The dinner is going to rely on when BT is. If LO drops to one nap you might need an early BT so the evening meal doesn't fit so well.
If BT is late enough sure you can offer dinner at the later time - personally I would do it earlier and then use the family dinner time as a "supper" like an additional snack prior to BT to replace that BT milk.  The balance between dinner and supper can then change naturally or when LO is ready by reducing "dinner" and increasing "supper" which is the family meal.  You will be able to judge this at the time, I think you will know when LO best eats, when his appetite is good.
One point about that proposed routine - at least one good milk (or two portions across the day) needed in there.  LOs who refuse milk can have increased dairy solids but the milk (full fat cows) is a great thing to continue throughout the early years.

Finger foods are a bit different to mashed or thicker puree. LOs sometimes hate the lumpy stage of weaning but will happily move directly onto real food.

hope this helps :)

Offline SaraMamma

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Re: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2017, 02:21:34 am »
Thank you, your answers did help! :)

I will give it a try then with finger foods.. yesterday my LO actually started to be very curious about what was in his plate (mashed pumpkin and sweet potato), and wanted to touch it... I let it touch it and I think he was kinda studying its texture and consistency by spreading it on the high chair... he was very focussed!

Unfortunately, I will have problems letting him experiment with food with his hands. I am not a fan of mess or of food spread all over his clothes  ::)

Maybe I can find a rain poncho or similar for him to wear before dinner?!?!?   :-\
Eheh, not sure.. any suggestions there?

Thanks again for your help! :) 

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Re: 6month old - when to drop a bottle and increase solid intake???
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2017, 09:26:51 am »
Feeling the food is great, LOs learn all sorts about the world this way and become more familiar with the foods they are eating too.  I allowed a certain level of "mess" because the experimentation is so good for their development (and toddlers are often taken to "messy play" groups to do exactly this kind of exploration) and accidental dropping is bound to happen time to time but I was also very clear about where the line was drawn and did not allow purposeful dropping of food onto the floor or throwing.

In terms of dressing for dinner - I picked up a few of these flexible plastic bibs which have full length sleeves (which would cover a long sleeved top although I also often pulled them up to the elbow as I found any sleeves can get in the way of LO self feeding).  They are available in all sorts of shops, I got mine from the £1 shop, dirt cheap, did the job. Here's an example:
And I just washed them by hand in the kitchen sink and left to drain.
In addition I wrapped a muslin square (or a tea towel would do) across LOs lap so that food which dropped down to his lap was caught (we had a big stack of muslins so it was an easy option).  And a pile of face cloths which I always used in place of wet wipes.
My LO was quickly in a habit of holding his arms out for his muslin to be put around him, positioning his arms for the bib to go on and at the end of the meal holding his hands up for me to wash, then I'd say something like "hands up" and he'd keep them up whilst I took the bib off and lifted him out of the high chair.

I do think some high chairs are much harder to clean than others. We had two, the ikea antilop and the baby dan (like a tripp trapp  it pulls up to the family dining table instead of having a tray) both of which were super easy to wipe down in seconds.  I have looked at other high chairs and wondered how anyone manages to cope with the amount of nooks and crannies and soft padded plastic which can get crammed with food.

Finger food is, to some extent, less messy than puree, simply because it is firmer and easier to get into the mouth without it spreading so much.

I think if you cover him up you will soon be comfortable about hands and face getting dirty, they are both easy to wipe down with a wet face cloth at the end of the meal.