SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 17:26:01 pm

Title: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 17:26:01 pm
My dd is 20 weeks, and for about 2 months now she has been waking at night and up for 1-2 hours after one of her feedings. We have been getting up at around midnight and 4:00 am for feedings (which I am working on trying to reduce... but that's for another forum!) and every night, after one of the feedings, she will just stay awake for at least one hour. I feed her in the total dark, don't change her, she is swaddled with one arm out. I don't talk to her or play at all, just pick her up, feed her until she seems full, put her down, tuck her in and walk away. She will most often coo and talk to herself for about 45 minutes, then starts to fuss. If it's before 4:00 am I will usually leave her to settle herself, but after 4am ds #1 will wake and he's GROUCHY the rest of the day, so I will go in and give her a soother to resettle her quicker after 4 am. I know I should be more consistent about that... but I do what I have to do....

Any suggestions as to why she is staying awake after her feedings? I assume it's a developmental thing... but when will it stop!! I could deal with getting up for two feedings if she would go back to sleep after, but listening to her sing to herself for hours in the middle of the night is really wearing on my dh and myself!! I read Dr. Weissbluth's book in an effort to try to understand why she is doing this, but all I could come up with is maybe she's overtired? Putting her to bed earlier than 7:00 is not helping, and she naps pretty well during the day... I'm at a loss and would appreciate any insights, thanks!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: momofclaire on February 13, 2007, 17:51:03 pm
Could you post your sch?  Are you on easy?
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 19:46:07 pm
Sorry... I meant to do that earlier... darn mommy brain!!

7 am wake
8 am bf,
8:30 am, first nap
9:15 wake, try to get her back to sleep, usually don't
11:00 bf
11:30-12:00 second nap
2:00-2:30 pm wake
3:00 bf
4:00 pm third nap
4:45 wake, activity.
6:30 bathtime, bf,
7:00 bedtime

12:00 first night feed
4:00 second night feed

Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on February 13, 2007, 20:54:08 pm
Personally, I don't think her A times are long enough. For her age you should be on a 4 hour EASY and what you're doing is more like 3 or maybe even less. I would adjust to something more like this -

7 am wake
8 am bf
9:45 am first nap
11:30 wake
11:30 bf
2:30ish second nap
3:30 pm wake
3:30 bf
5:30 pm catnap
6:00 wake, activity.
7:00 bathtime, bf
7:30 bedtime
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: finlays mam on February 13, 2007, 21:15:09 pm
Becky, i have a very, very similar issue with my lo.... what's it all about!!!??? it's like they want to party and then the day is completely out of synch!!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 21:25:58 pm
Party... hahaha, I wish, maybe that expalins the constant feeling like i have a hangover when I haven't even had a drink!! Crazy kids.... didn't someone tell them they're too young to party!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: finlays mam on February 13, 2007, 21:27:40 pm
 ;D ;D ;D....yeah, but isn't that the attraction, being too young ;) ;D ;D   lol!!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 21:36:25 pm
Personally, I don't think her A times are long enough. For her age you should be on a 4 hour EASY and what you're doing is more like 3 or maybe even less. I would adjust to something more like this -

Do other los the same age stay up 2+ hours? I just don't remember ds#1 doing that until he was quite a bit older...  we just got to a 4 hour easy about three weeks ago, should I try to push her to stay awake longer? I'm so confused about what to try, but I have heard the same comment about her first wake time being too short from others, maybe we'll start extending that tomorrow. I just finished reading Dr. Weissbluth's book 'Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child' and he really strongly promotes a 1-2 wake period max... until about 7 months or so, maybe I'm just reading too many things. Perhaps I'll go browse around the boards to see what the routines for other los the same age are... and compare. Could be that she isn't getting enough A time during the day and she's making up for it by rebelling at night!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on February 13, 2007, 21:46:37 pm
Some do. You just need to experiment a little and find the right balance, but I do think you should try and extend her A times at least a little. There are sample routines for each age range in the EASY forum - give that a look and see what you think.
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 13, 2007, 21:52:01 pm
I browsed around, and I think we will at least try to extend her A times, it sure can't hurt! I'll try anything at this point... Thank-you!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on February 13, 2007, 21:55:20 pm
Keep us posted!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: bheemeryck on February 14, 2007, 16:17:42 pm
Last night was my Valentines Day present... she slept from 7:00 pm until 3:00 am, ate, slept until 5:00 when she had a mini-party until 5:45, and slept again until 7:00 am!! I'm not getting my hopes up that she'll do it again tonight, but it gives me some hope!!

We also kept her up 15 minutes longer this morning, so we'll see how that works out over the next few days, maybe we'll lick the short nap problem. I feel like a real person today... sleep is amazing!!
Title: Re: Middle of the Night Wake Period
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on February 14, 2007, 16:21:16 pm
Sleep really is amazing  ;D  Hopefully you continue to get some!