ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: etmom on December 19, 2006, 15:27:26 pm

Title: how long AM nap?
Post by: etmom on December 19, 2006, 15:27:26 pm
My ds is 9.5 mos old and has started sleeping in in the mornings until 7/7:30---yeah!  He was waking at 6 for the day!  Anyway, the only "problem" with this is that it has made it difficult to have he and his brother (2yrs) to go down at the same time in the afternoon.  Usually around 1:30.  This was our previous sleep routine:
1:30---1.5-2 hour nap (both kids)
7:15 bedtime

Now that he's sleeping in, he can still go three hours in the morning so his nap is closer to 10/10:30.  Is it okay to limit this nap to 45-60 minutes in order to have them go down together in the afternoon?  I think if he naps 45 minutes (10:30-11:15) he'd probably be tired again after 2.5 hours wake time (instead of usual 3) and they could both do 1:45PM.  But I guess I am just wondering if it is okay to make the morning nap this short and I feel bad waking him.  But it's really difficult when their naps don't overlap much.  And I would don't like the idea of waking him earlier in the morning as 7:30 is when his brother wakes as well. 
Title: Re: how long AM nap?
Post by: debo620 on December 19, 2006, 15:48:43 pm
definately, if he is sleeping extra at night then it should be fine to limit the am nap, he may want to do this on his own anyhow. You may also consider putting him down for his nap no later then 10 and he may ony sleep 45min on his own as he was not that tired to begin with. sounds like you have a great routine. ;D
Title: Re: how long AM nap?
Post by: * Paula * on December 19, 2006, 20:33:21 pm
I agree with the PP - I would try putting him down a little earlier, and he may wake himself after 45 minutes.

You can only try, and see how your lo reacts to it.

Good Luck and keep us posted on how you get on.
Title: Re: how long AM nap?
Post by: etmom on December 20, 2006, 02:10:58 am
Thank you.  I will try the 10am as I would feel better if he were waking himself and this may happen with less A time.  I will let you know how it goes tomorrow (hopefully he'll still sleep past 6 ;)
Title: Re: how long AM nap?
Post by: * Paula * on December 20, 2006, 21:50:04 pm
Keep us posted on how you get on.
Title: Re: how long AM nap?
Post by: etmom on December 20, 2006, 23:42:00 pm
Had another 6am morning today so back to plan A.  But it's great to know what I should do on those days he sleeps longer.  I'm not sure if he sleeps longer due to the holidays and a couple extra late nights or what.  But I'll take them when I can get them!  Thankfully he will play happily in his crib until 7.  But I feel much better about knowing to put him down at 10 on these later mornings and will keep you posted...