ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: alligirl on June 23, 2006, 00:58:14 am

Title: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: alligirl on June 23, 2006, 00:58:14 am
As per our occupational therapist, I've given Z (and thereby Stephen) assorted beans to play with (a pack of bean soup to be exact).  You would have thought they had hit gold!  I gave them each two bowls (one large and one small) and a measuring cup and they played and played!  I can't believe how much they loved it!  And it's great for Z who has fine motor delays and sensory sensitivities....he has to put his hands in them and has to pick them up and move them around so that really helped him use his hands in ways that he's not used to doing.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass along this activity that my kids loved in case you are wanting to find something different to do.  BUT-it is a MESSY activity...even after cleaning them up, we've all been picking beans off the bottoms of our feet since they first played with them.
Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: ry,cait&alex on June 23, 2006, 02:28:28 am
When we would take Ry to that preschool when our schedules didnt' work out for us.....his absolute favorite activity was the beans.  They had a very deep rubbermaid plastic tote filled 3/4 of the way FULL of pinto beans and had squishy insects and spiders "hidden" in the beans.   They would then dig to find them.

Now that he doesn't have that to look forward too.....he now "plays" in the beans in the produce section at Wal-mart.  Needless to say....they dont' like us there very much.  ;) :)

Way to Go Z!!!!!
Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: Marisa's Mom on June 23, 2006, 05:09:53 am
Neat how the simplest things can be such great toys, huh? I'll have to remember the bean idea for later. I don't think I can let my 15 mos old play with beans now, I'm thinking they might be a choking hazard? She's still putting lots of stuff in her mouth (although much less than before, thank goodness)

Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: alligirl on June 23, 2006, 12:24:28 pm
Neat how the simplest things can be such great toys, huh? I'll have to remember the bean idea for later. I don't think I can let my 15 mos old play with beans now, I'm thinking they might be a choking hazard? She's still putting lots of stuff in her mouth (although much less than before, thank goodness)

Yeah, Z's 19 months old now....we're having to do this "sensory diet" stuff and most of the stuff they recommend isn't really edible, so I have to watch him super close.  I think bigger beans would be a choking hazard, but you could do lentils or dry split peas that would do the same thing that are tiny enough not to choke.  When he starts to put something in his mouth, I make a noise (a loud nasal "eh" sound, like a sports buzzer or something) that kinda startles him and catches his attention and then I say, "Not in the mouth" and that pretty much does it....he might try once or twice more, but I do the same thing.
Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: Marisa's Mom on June 23, 2006, 16:53:09 pm
When he starts to put something in his mouth, I make a noise (a loud nasal "eh" sound, like a sports buzzer or something) that kinda startles him and catches his attention and then I say, "Not in the mouth" and that pretty much does it....he might try once or twice more, but I do the same thing.

I try to do something like hat too, followed by "not in the mouth" or "no touch". I think she understands me, but chooses to ignore it most of the time.  >:(  I know she understands way more than she lets on...

Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: carolyn on June 23, 2006, 17:25:56 pm
and dried beans are soooo inexpensive!  We use noodles for playing inside.  John has a big plastic box full of different sizes and shapes of noodles that he digs in. 

Another great activity for Stephen, and probably Z too, is water and medicine droppers.  I let John have a small glass measuring cup, some bowls, scoops, spoons, and medicine droppers.  Add a little food coloring to make it interesting. And let him pour and drip the water.  The pouring is good for hand-eye coordination and the droppers help develop the writing muscles in their hands. 
Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: GG on June 23, 2006, 23:57:20 pm
I try to do something like hat too, followed by "not in the mouth" or "no touch". I think she understands me, but chooses to ignore it most of the time.  >:(  I know she understands way more than she lets on...

Does she give you that blank stare?  *LOL* It's the specialty for that age! I know my ds understands because he listens to what I ask only when he feels like it. ;)

This sounds like a fun thing to do, too, but since everything still goes into the mouth I will wait.  I'm starting to keep track of all these games by filling out the game details on an index card and filing it under an approximate age range in an index card holder. Otherwise I'd forget about all these ideas.

Alli, I will add your idea to the Activity Ideas for Toddler sticky. Thanks for the suggestion!
Title: Re: Beans, beans, they're good for your.....fine motor skills?
Post by: Marisa's Mom on June 24, 2006, 05:18:13 am
Does she give you that blank stare?  *LOL* It's the specialty for that age! I know my ds understands because he listens to what I ask only when he feels like it. ;)

Yes, I know DD understands more than she lets on. When I ask her certain questions or make a statement about what we're about to do ("let's go change your poopy diaper", "please give ___ to mommy"), she'll answer with her sound of displeasure. When I ask, "do you want to watch The Wiggles?", she'll respond excitedly and wave her hands a certain way. LOL.

That's a good idea to keep track of these great ideas on an index card. I'm not so organized to manage something like that though, so I'll have to hope I remember, or hope someone mentions it again when DD reaches the approximate age range.