ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: ABrun on May 10, 2006, 11:08:25 am

Title: Need help starting EASY with 4 week old - confused!?
Post by: ABrun on May 10, 2006, 11:08:25 am
Hi all,

I have a 4 and a half week old baby who for the first week & a half was fine, usual baby crying, however we have since discovered that she has colic as is very unsettled and often cries as if in pain lifting her knees up all the time.  We are trying several things to sort this out including seeing a cranial oestopath.

I have read Tracey's book when I was pregnant and tried to do the 'know your baby quiz' the other day but lots of the questions don't seem to be relevant to my baby as she still seems very young.  She has got into the habit of only sleeping on someone and won't seem to settle on her own - this has now started to happen at night so not getting much sleep.  Our daughter we know is very tired and doesn't seem to get quality sleep.

Can anyone please help me get started on Easy as don't really know where to start and would really, really appreciate some help.


Title: Re: Need help starting EASY with 4 week old - confused!?
Post by: HeatherC on May 10, 2006, 15:53:12 pm
Calums_Mum posted this reply to another poster.  I hope it helps you.

To start implementing EASY, I would;

1. Set a time to wake your Lo up each morning and a bed time.   We usually say 7am wake up and 7pm bedtime and a dreamfeed at about 10.30pm.
2. Stretch your LO to 3hrs between feeds.
3. Get your LO down for naps in each EASY 3hr cycle,
4. Finally, get your LO to nap for longer than 1 sleep cycle (45mins) as often as you can, using various sleep methods i.e. shushpat, wake 2 sleep...  (your goal is 3 naps each lasting between 1hr 30mins to 2hrs)

By getting your Lo down 1 nap per 3hr cycle you should not be missing any naps in his day.

If you choose 7am as your wake up time and start to the day, any wakings prior to this should be treated as a night waking, where you feed (if necessary) and put her back to sleep using shushpat, etc (PU/PD after 4months).  In the beginning if you really cannot get her back to sleep between 6 - 7am, treat her wake up as her start time and gradually move it back to 7am.  If ehe consistently wakes at the 20min mark, go into her room before this (or sit the whole time while she naps) and lay a hand on her to help her progress to the next sleep cycle.

Wake her from her naps if she looks like sleeping through her next E (feeding) time. This may seem a bit strange to do at the start but your are 'reprograming' her sleep if you like and trying to get her down one every 3 hours for naps rather than a sleep.

Your Lo will instigate in drop in feeds herself, it is very commin for LO's this age to continur their feeding cycle through a 24hr period.  Calum was still up twice a night at this age.

EASY will work for you, but like anything it takes time to 'bed-in', do you know your LO temperament, there is a quiz here

So, one in  every 3hr period you are looking for a nap from her, you 3hr cycle may look like this;
     E 7am
     A 7.30am (inc. a 10 - 10min at the end of this 'A' time for wind down for her nap)*
     S 8.30 - 1.5hr  Undecided if shorter and you haven't been able to extend then you would do EASA

    E 10am
     A 10.30am (inc. a 10 - 10min at the end of this 'A' time for wind down for her nap)*
     S 11.30 - 1.5hr  Undecided if shorter and you haven't been able to extend then you would do EASA

    E 1300
     A 1330 (inc. a 10 - 10min at the end of this 'A' time for wind down for her nap)*
     S 1430 - 1.5hr  Undecided if shorter and you haven't been able to extend then you would do EASA

    E 1600
     A 1630
     S 1730 - catnap only  30 - 45mins

    E 1900 & bath or vice versa    or    E 1800   &    2000  with bath in the middle (clusterfeeding)
     S 1930                                       S 2030

    DF between 10 -11

he will start to sleep longer at night if she is developmentally ready to do so, however giving her the bulk of her milk intake in the core day hours (7am to bedtime + DF) will go a long way to helping this   

Newborns need to eat every 2-3 hours around the clock.  the idea behind a df is to help get the calories into them without waking them so they learn how to sleep longer.  usually it's given between 10-11pm.  it can take up to 2 weeks before you really get the hang of it & start to see the effects from it.  it does not work for every baby (i.e. neither of mine!   Wink ) but there are lots of moms here who have been quite successful with it.

I usually try and build in a nap on ther journey to where ever I am going and try and time it to make his 'A' time occur when I am out and about, it is easier now he is older.  Here are some previous posts

* I would put Calum in his cot 15 -20 min before the 2hour mark to wind him down for sleeping. You could also just try sitting with your LO, have you read about the 4 S’s in Tracy’s books. If you miss her sleep window and he becomes overtired she will cry out of frustration, to avoid this I always follow the same wind-down routine, 4 S's
Set the stage - prepare you LO room for sleep; remove stimulation, darken room, lullaby....
Swaddle - (I used to swaddle now I use a gro'bag with his arms swaddled)
Sitting - Quietly without any stimulation, and when necessary..

Is there anyway you can start the 4 S's 15 -20min before a nap? As part of your 'A' time

Any questions just give ma a shout.


Here are some other links that may be of use - when did you start using EASY? - Mantra cry info - EASY questions - Help starting EASY - HELP getting on EASY - Teaching Sleep to Newborns and Young Infants - A Special Sleep Interview with Tracy Hogg - Teaching sleep to 3-5mos and overcoming the 45min naps

***the sleep times may have been directed to an older baby.  At 4 weeks old, she may need to have her nap 1 hr after waking in each cycle and nap for 1.75-2 hrs.
Title: Re: Need help starting EASY with 4 week old - confused!?
Post by: Lªuren on May 13, 2006, 19:06:59 pm
How are you getting on?