SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: natasgirl on September 02, 2006, 16:44:24 pm

Title: Transitioned to crib and now breaking swaddle--HELP!!
Post by: natasgirl on September 02, 2006, 16:44:24 pm
 We just started putting DD in her crib all night. She had been going to sleep there, but I would put her in her bassinett after DF. Well this is my dilema, she turns herself around 180 degrees while sleeping which loosens her miracle blanket enough that she can get out of it. !st night 5:30 am, 2nd 4:30am. Once she gets out of her swaddle she starts chewing on her hands which wakes her up and she starts fussing after about 1/2hr. I tried putting her for a nap unswaddled and she only managed 1/2hr. I worry about her getting the blanket over her head. I put her back in the bassinett with a sleep positioner, but she woke @ 3:30 this am because she was trying to move and couldn't. Took 1hr( with pacifier) to get her back to sleep( slept until 7am). I had not given her a pacifier for 2 weeks and have given it to her the past 2 nights. She doesn't seem hungry, just difficult to resettle. I tried sh/pat which doesn't work well in the middle of the night.

How do I keep her from breaking her swaddle and waking herself up? If I go cold turkey will she learn to go to sleep without it? I expect many nights of no sleep if I do( sooo not looking forward to that :-) What would you do? She is 15 weeks and 14 pounds almost too big for her bassinett. I can put her in the pack-n-play though. There is not enough room for her to turn so much. Need suggestions please!!!

Thank you,
Title: Re: Transitioned to crib and now breaking swaddle--HELP!!
Post by: thitz on September 02, 2006, 18:39:36 pm
Hi Natalie, I remember struggling with this too.  I think this is when I started swaddling with one arm out so she could suck her thumb.  I used the Aussie swaddle and a sleep positioner for the longest time in her crib.  Also she would often loosen her swaddled arm a bit so that it would rest on her head and she ended up thinking that was very comforting and to this day she likes one arm and the blanket over her face while she sleeps.
Title: Re: Transitioned to crib and now breaking swaddle--HELP!!
Post by: Colin Macs Mom on September 07, 2006, 16:56:04 pm
I would suggest the Aussie swaddle as well.

But out of curiosity, why do you move her to a different place after the DF?