Author Topic: What could/should I be doing differently with 11 mo old's feeding routine?  (Read 1085 times)

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Offline Sam-n-Max's Mommy

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Hi ladies,

Was wondering if anyone had any advice on adjusting DS's feeding routine.  Recently, he hasn't been as crazy about purees as he used to be - it's very hit or miss -- sometimes he'll eat a ton, sometimes a few bites, sometimes won't even open his mouth.  I know that it's because he is more interested in finger foods etc at this point...he is also teething molars so that is probably contributing as well.  As he approaches 1 year, I know that I am going to need to start weaning him off of formula and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where to start, based on my current routine.  However, since he has been so picky with food lately my fear is that he will not be getting enough (meaning he won't make up what he is lacking in formula in solids).  He is doing pretty well with finger foods, although we are still working on getting him to eat cut up fruits and veggies. He is at the point where he'll taste them and maybe have just one or two pieces, or taste it and spit it out.  So I keep trying..I think we're getting there.  He eats things like egg yolk, french toast, chicken, cheese, and cheerios very regularly, and will eat other finger foods inconsistently.  I know that's normal.  He also likes to play with the food and throw it off of his tray, so sometimes he doesn't really get that much, but I know that that's normal too and he's just learning.  Here is my routine -- what would you do differently, if anything, at this point?

6AM - Bottle - 5-6oz
8AM - Breakfast - usually consists of a fruit/cereal puree, some scrambled egg, maybe some french toast (just a few bites), 4oz formula (the reason why we do another bottle here is because he is on Zantac and I have to hide it in his bottle (I make 1 bottle of 1 oz and meds and the other one with 3 oz to ensure that he drinks the one with the meds). 
10AM - Snack - if he didn't finish his breakfast puree (because he's being fussy about food) we finish that here.  If he has, I just give him Cheerios on his tray at this time.  He always eats all of the Cheerios, sometimes the rest of the puree, sometimes not.
11:45AM - 6-7oz bottle, usually most of a YoBaby 3-in-1 yogurt or a veggie/grain puree.  He usually eats this, but sometimes not. He will eat cut up cheese and recently has tried a few bites of cut up meatball!
2:45PM - Snack - 3-4oz bottle, I usually try a fruit or veggie puree here, but lately he hasn't been even opening his mouth once for a bite. Some crackers
6:15PM - 5-6oz bottle (with meds), I try for a veggie/grain puree or a mac and cheese puree, but that is very hit or miss. Many times he will just flat out refuse the puree at dinnertime.  He will eat cut up cheese and cut up chicken.

Bed is at 7PM and he won't take a bottle anymore during his bedtime routine so I had moved dinner from 5:30 to 6:15 so he was eating closer to bedtime.  He usually takes between 24 and 26 oz of formula a day.  Is there anything I could/should be doing differently in this feeding routine? I would love to hear anyone's comments.  Thank you so much!!
(formerly samsmommy3312010)

Offline ~inbalance~

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I think it sounds like he is doing pretty good!  He eats more than my almost 11mo, and I don't really worry about his eating much.

When the time comes to wean him off formula, he will still be getting a milk beverage of some sort that will offer some nutrition.  Have you decided what you are going to offer after a year?

Keep offering lots of different finger foods as it sounds like he is enjoying that.  You'd be surprised what a 'full meal' for a toddler is.  At this point you can offer him almost anything you make for family meals.  He might enjoy trying some new tastes.

If you are worried about nutrition, you can always talk to a nutritionist or dietician to see if there is any supplements you can give to fill in the holes.  But really toddlers get by on very little.  Quality food is better than quantity, so offer foods that are more nutritious.  Fruits and veggies are great!  We also do smoothies which can include a large variety of fruit, veg, plus things like omegas and protein powder for added nutrition.

Try to look at what he eats in an entire week instead of focusing on individual meals.  Often your baby is getting a well rounded diet throughout the week, it just might be spread out.
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Offline Texomamama

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Agree with Martina, all looks well to me.  Don't fret about the purees too much.  At 11 mo, DD1 was all but off of them.  Pretty soon, you will be transitioning to all finger foods anyway.  In fact, some of the things you are offering as purees (mac and cheese, veggies) are easily be done as finger foods by this point, which would save you a lot of time and trouble.  And, don't worry about lacking quantity in FF.  Remember that purees are foods mixed with lots of water (which makes up a good portion of the volume in a jar).

If you don't already frequent the "Eating for Toddlers" board, take a look there.  Lots of good information, the two most important things about eating for older babies and toddlers that I have ever read are 1). consider what your child eats across an entire week, not just a day or two (as Martina indicates above) and 2). understand appropriate portion sizes (they are smaller than you think).

Good luck.  Sounds like you are doing very well.

Offline Sam-n-Max's Mommy

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Thank you, both! Great advice and I really like the idea of looking at what they eat across an entire week.  It does make more sense (and is less stressful for sure). 

Hope you both have a nice weekend!
(formerly samsmommy3312010)