ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: elliotlove on March 03, 2006, 16:54:35 pm

Title: What counts as a nap??
Post by: elliotlove on March 03, 2006, 16:54:35 pm
My son is 3 mo and old and on 3 hour EASY.
He goes down to bed around 6:30 - 7pm.
DF 10:00
If he wakes at 3 or 4 or 5 i feed him?

Also, if I feed him, at say, 5am and put him back to bed, does that count as a nap?? Because thats way too early to be napping!
Title: Re: What counts as a nap??
Post by: Deb_in_oz on March 03, 2006, 20:07:38 pm

at 3 mo old most lo still have at least 1 overnight feed between DF and 7am. (yes some are sleeping from DF to morning but others are having feeds around 10-11pm, 2am-4am and then 5-7am) so if your lo wakes and is hungry feed him in the darkened room with no eye contact and only change nappy if soaked through or done a poop  :)

if wakes for a feed at 5am do the same and put back to bed - still considered night sleep (although a few los sometimes refuse to accept that 5am is nighttime  ;) and want to wake for the day but that is a whole other post)

up to you to decide what start time is acceptable to you for the day - with both my girls i said any waking from 6am woudl be the start of that day as i thought it is likely they had enough sleep by 6-6:30 and the birds were usually chirping outside so i felt that was a reasonable (although not great) time. others will use PU/PD with their older babaies who wake before their set time (which might be 7 or 8 am in some households). i just always found if lo woke at 6:15 and fed and then i tried to get them (and me) back to bed it was a waste of time and threw things off for the day.if your lo were to wake at 6ish and feed if you consistently treated it like a night feed and placed back in bed and walk out there is a good chance the consistency would win out and they woudl go straight back to sleep, but do note that when a lo is sleepiing all the way through without feeds not all of them do 12 hours so 6am might be enough sleep for that lo.  HTH
Title: Re: What counts as a nap??
Post by: elliotlove on March 03, 2006, 21:59:39 pm
this was VERY helpfu!! thank you!