Author Topic: 7mo has never slept through!  (Read 1050 times)

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Offline revswife

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7mo has never slept through!
« on: September 25, 2005, 02:59:58 am »
Sorry, this will be a long post. I've been reading and saw how helpful everyone has been for other questions.  Please help me!  My 7mo is small for her age and was sleeping in my bed. At her four month check up, her doctor recommened that I cut her night feeds as she no longer needed it.  At that time my LO was considered normal size for her age.  I started to cut the feed and after a few nights decided that I wasn't ready and that my child actually seemed to be hungry, so I decided to continue the night feeds instead of quitting.  At her six month check, we discovered that she had not gained an ounce.  There were no signs that she was malnourished or anything like that.  As a matter of fact, the doctor felt that she was very mature as far as her mobility and emotional states go.  She was very concerned that her weight had not changed in two months.  My LO is very active during the day.  She has been pulling up in her crib and on anything that she could since she was 5.5mo old.  She started crawling about the same time.  The doctor sent me home with formula which she'd never had and wanted to check her in 7 days.  My child wouldn't take the formula or a bottle.  I started feeding her whatever she wanted, which was whatever I was eating, including her three meals a day plus snacks of crackers and juice or yogurt.  I also kept her in my bed and she nursed what felt like all night.  I wasn't sleeping, but she did gain weight.  My husband lives in another town during the week and I was having trouble with my milk supply when all of this started.  I didn't have any help with my other two children (7 and 5).  My daughter did gain weight.  I think she  was not sleeping because she was hungry, but now I feed her so much during the day, I don't expect her to be waking.  She weighed in at 14 pounds 13 oz 10 days ago. In the past two weeks she has been in her bed 13 out of fourteen nights.  She wakes every 2-3 hours and nurses at least 2 out of three wakings for 5 mins(1 and 3-4 am). After that it's PU/PD This about the length of her day time feeds(they are a little longer)  She's in bed about 8:30 and the first waking is a 2.5 hours later and continues from there.  The first waking is her dream feed and she wakes all night long until about 6am.  She does nap 2-3 times daily, give or take 30 mins.  I know my post is long, but due to sleep deprivation I still may have left something out.  I would appreciate any input.  I did not have this problem with my other two children.  I used Ferber with the first and PU/PD with the second(much easier on mom and baby).  Thanks for any help!
mama 2 3

Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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7mo has never slept through!
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 13:45:42 pm »
So, I think what you're wondering about more than anything else is the feeding at night, right?  My personal view is that a 7 month old may well need to eat overnight, although probably not as often as your dd is doing...

I'm glad to hear you've been having some success with pu/pd. Great work keeping her in her crib too!! It might just mean that you need to stretch out her sleep times between feeds overnight a bit more.  What's the longest she's ever gone?  If it's been, say, 5 hrs, then I'd aim for that overnight.  However, naps will also be a factor.... I think it might be easier to make an educated answer if you could post your entire day - how much sleep, when she's eating and approx how much.

Finally, about the bf'ing.  You said you've had supply issues?  Any chance that this could still be the case? I'm really glad you decided not to supplement with formula - that would dwindle your supply like nothing else! Milk is supposed to be the main source of nutrition for the first year, so you might be overdoing it a bit with the solids and she's filling up too much to nurse well during the day.  Make sure you bf first and get a full feed.

Let me know if any of this helps, and I'd be happy to take a peek at your schedule - or you could post of one of the sleep forums - your choice! :)
Mother to Megan and Samantha