Author Topic: growth spurt so early?  (Read 1106 times)

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Offline josie's mam

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growth spurt so early?
« on: August 26, 2005, 19:33:07 pm »
Josie is now 3 weeks and one day and is exclusively breastfed.  We have been fine feeding every 4-5 hours during the day and once or twice a night, and trying to stick to EASY as much as possible.  But over the last few days, she doesn't settle during the day or night, is wanting to feed every 2 or 3 hours, and spends 20 to 40 minutes sucking vigorously at each feed.  I have tried expressing but she just guzzles this down after being on the breast.  Can this be her first growth spurt and how long will it last?  I'm this close to giving her formula as I just can't keep up with her demands.  Help someone please  :?
Claire :-)

Offline branwen

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growth spurt so early?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2005, 21:28:21 pm »
I hate to be the one to tell you this but 2-3 hrs is actually normal for an exclusively bf baby of that age.  4 to 5 is very far apart for a baby that young.  It actually took me that amount of time (3 wks) to wake my baby up enough to get on a 3 hr schedule because her sleeps were so long.  It could be that she is coming out of "womb mode."

Babies also have a need to suck.  If you are sure your lo isn't actively eating for the whole 40 min (listen for swallow) then you can offer a pacificer if you desire.  My dd wouldn't ever take one.  20 min is a perfect feed at this age.  My dd was a 40 min nurser but it took us awhile to get the whole nursing thing down.  As your lo gets older she will get more adept at extracting milk.

Yes, it is possible to have a growth spurt this soon too, unfortunately you can expect one at 6 weeks as well.

I would caution you against supplementing if you plan to continue to breastfeed.  Let her nurse as much as she wants because she is trying to stimulate your supply.

I hope this helps you...sorry if it is bad news.  If you have anymore ? you should also post in the bf board- you might get more responses there. :D
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05