EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: *Kimberly* on March 03, 2008, 02:18:00 am

Title: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: *Kimberly* on March 03, 2008, 02:18:00 am
I forgot to ask my doctor at Brendan's 2 year check-up and don't feel like calling just for this, so...

What's the deal with milk after 2?  Brendan has been on whole milk for the last year and I am getting kinda tired of buying *his* milk and *our* milk.   :-X  He is in the >95% for height and 50% for weight and his doc says he looks good.  He drinks about 2-3 glasses, or 16-30oz, of milk a day and we are trying to cut back on that because he is such a picky eater and would rather drink milk than eat.   So, can I give him what we drink, 1%?   :-\

Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: *Natasha* on March 03, 2008, 02:24:10 am
I was told at DD2 2yr check it is fine to give now especially if weight is fine.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: marensmama on March 03, 2008, 02:47:32 am
IMO, yes especially when his growth is normal (or in his case above average ;))
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Kate A on March 03, 2008, 05:37:16 am
you can even give skim after 2.  We have done 2% since 18 months b/c she wasn't eating very much.  Once we cut back her appetite increased alot.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Mydreamcametrue on March 03, 2008, 05:43:19 am
Interesting.  I did not realize whole milk would cause there appetite not to be good. Makes sense. 
I agree if his weight is fine then 1% should be fine.  He may not drink it though as it is much more watered down tasting.

Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 03, 2008, 14:32:10 pm
Hey guys, it is still me *Kimberly*.  I accidentally started this thread under my other, and pretty much unused, other name.  Sorry for the confusion.   :)

Thanks everyone for responding.  I thought that 2 was the magic age if all was well.  And I would love it if it would help increase his appetite too.  Some days he does fine but some days, like yesterday, he just inhales his milk and won't eat anything else.  We only have about 1/2 gallon left of whole milk so I think I will try mixing it with our 1% until it is gone to get him used to it.  I don't think he will have a problem because he transitioned from BM to formula to whole milk all really easy.

Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Lana on March 03, 2008, 20:54:18 pm
My doc told me at B's 2 year check up that as long as the my kids were still growing and developing that they need the fat so to keep both of them on whole milk.  So that is what we do.  The boys have whole milk and dh and I use the 1%
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 03, 2008, 22:01:07 pm
I was just looking in my What to Expect the Toddler Years book and though it doesn't touch on milk specifically it does talk about fat/calories/etc for after two.  And it says to decrease the amount of fat intake.  I think Brendan definitely gets enough fat and calories from other things but I think I will probably keep an eye on his weight gain just to make sure he is doing fine.  :)
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 04, 2008, 02:43:48 am
but im comfy with...

I think this is the key, what are *you* comfortable with.   :)
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Seona1973 on March 04, 2008, 14:51:48 pm
In the uk semi-skimmed (is that 2%?) is ok after age 2 but skimmed (is that 1%?) shouldnt be given till age 5.  You are able to switch but you dont have to.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: RyansMum on March 04, 2008, 17:01:44 pm
Ryan still has whole milk and we have semi skimmed (he does on occassion). I am happy for him to continue with this to get the fat. However, Ryan only tends to have milk at breakfast and that is usually just a toddler size cup full!
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: EmMUK74 on March 04, 2008, 17:46:56 pm
Rachel eats so little that she's staying on full fat to try and keep her calories up, but I know we could reduce her to semi skimmed if we wanted.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Lana on March 04, 2008, 19:02:55 pm
but im comfy with...

I think this is the key, what are *you* comfortable with.   :)

That is exactly right  ;D
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 04, 2008, 23:56:06 pm
EmMUK74- Your avatar pic is adorable.

Sharon- Ryan is so big!

Lana- Thanks.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: RyansMum on March 05, 2008, 10:33:43 am
Don't I know it when I try to carry him!!
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: LORRIEc on March 05, 2008, 13:11:30 pm
I would definitely go with what you're comfortable.  I think most people go down to 2% at 2.  FWIW my Dr told me that Canada had changed it's recomendation (within the last year)and suggested that children stayed on homo until 5 yrs because there is so many low fat products out there that kids are eating.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: calebs mommy on March 05, 2008, 19:48:00 pm
Hey Kimberly!  How are you?  I have been thinking about you!

I just talked to C's doc about this last week.  She said that the main thing about milk is getting the calcium and whole, 2, 1, and skim all have the same amount of calcium.  The only difference is fat.  She said as long as they are eating good and on a healthy growth rate, there is no harm in switching to 2,1,or skim.  We are finishing up our whole milk that is in the fridge and then C is going to start drinking 1% just like us.  Hope that helps. 

By the way, I noticed your ticker is pink... does that you are having a girl?!  We found out we are having another boy!
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 05, 2008, 20:09:06 pm
Thanks Steph- I hadn't even thought about calcium but that is one of the most important parts of milk.

I am doing good.  My computer finally let me back on to BW, not sure what the problem was.

Yep- we are having a girl.  We just decided on a name- Keira Evelyn.

Congrats on the boy!  Did your due date get changed at all?  My new on is July 3rd.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: calebs mommy on March 06, 2008, 18:58:49 pm
Oh, I love the name!!!  So pretty!  We haven't come up with a name yet- still working on it.  My due date is July 4.  Looks like we could have bday twins again! 
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 06, 2008, 22:58:24 pm
Wouldn't that be too funny!   ;D
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Kimberly® on March 07, 2008, 01:02:05 am
you can switch if you like, but its should still be 2% because they need the fat for growth and development, especially their brains.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Duckie on March 08, 2008, 13:50:29 pm
With Andrew, I was told homo from 1-2, 2% from 2-3, 1% from 3 and up.  Andrew, Mr Duckie and I currently drink skim and J is now on homo for another bit.  I'm of two minds.  If we switch, he'll get less fat which may improve his appetite, but I'm worried because he seems to exist on grapes, air, goldfish and milk.  That said, he's over 30lbs and quite tall.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: annieb73 on March 13, 2008, 03:37:23 am
C has just gone from lactose free formula which the paed prescribed to calcium-enriched soy milk which is 1.9% fat.  I'd read that they can do semi-skimmed from age 2.  She just has milk on cereal and a small amount in the day, she gets most of her dairy from yoghurt (also 2% fat).

Does anyone know how much dairy they should have every day age 2?  I know it was 350ml from 1-2 but not sure if it's the same now.
Title: Re: Milk after 2yrs
Post by: Casseopea on March 13, 2008, 21:55:56 pm
My little Motts Applesause chart (it has the info on all the daily requirements) says 2 cups of dairy.  I am not sure what that is in mL, sorry.