ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: Yolande2008 on November 24, 2008, 20:54:18 pm

Title: how long should 4mo old play by herself
Post by: Yolande2008 on November 24, 2008, 20:54:18 pm
Just wondering how long my 4 month old should be able to play by herself, she is a touchy baby.  I am afraid that she is going to develope to not be able to play independently.  She makes the fussing noise meaning change of sencery I call it baby A.D.D.  Just wondering if this is normal.  After she feeds she will go in her swing about 30min sometimes longer but then wants out, she used to stay in it for long time.  I then put her on the floor and she plays on her own for maybe another 15-20min if that on her own then she needs me and I play with her allowing her to grab toys from my hand, rotating her legs tummy time and sometimes play at the mirror. then she get tired and goes for a nap.  Just wondering if I need to foster my independence for her or is this time playing by herself is normal????
Title: Re: how long should 4mo old play by herself
Post by: Mum to Ella Rose on November 24, 2008, 20:59:03 pm
Honestly it sounds good to me! I used to joke that before I had kids I always thought of my day as something like this... get up, have leisurely food together, spend morning colouring, beach in afternoon... or some such thing. I had no idea we would blast through 50 things, I'd look at the clock and realize it was only 9 am! :D

My 8 month old still doesn't stay happy at any one thing for more than 15 minutes and my 4 year old starts yelling for me to play at 6 am and doesn't stop until 7 pm. :P NOt to scare you! lol. It really does seem totally normal what you're saying. Things you could try as she gets older are sitting with her, but folding the laundry with her, or if you get up to get something, keep talking to her so she knows you are still there. xx
Title: Re: how long should 4mo old play by herself
Post by: Yolande2008 on November 24, 2008, 21:04:15 pm
thanks I wanted to make sure that I wasn't havesting any new habits as she picks them up so fast (little bugger) she does like to see me fold laundry its king of funny.  Thanks again