ACTIVITY => Activity Time & Toddler Activity => Topic started by: high.rise on April 09, 2010, 02:46:59 am
Hi I think separation anxiety is kicking in with my almost 10mo daughter. Got me to analysing how much time I'm with her and what we do. I realised that I actually don't really give her a great deal of space during the day. One of the issues is that she's never rolled and can't crawl yet therefore she's still 100% reliant on me to pick her up and put her there or get things for her. She can cruise and is very steady on her feet, has been since 7.5 months however I still need to be with her as she will take a tumble. She quickly tires of toys within her vicinity and gets frustrated at her immobility. Any tips as to how I can assist with independent play without being an overbearing mother?
When my DS started cruising, I rearranged some things in the living room to ensure that he could get around with always having something to hold on to, and then put lots of pillows and cushions around in the spots where he might have to take a step or two, in case he fell. I also spent some time teaching him how to use the walls to guide him along and not just the sofa, and spent some time playing falling down games so that he learned how to fall and that falling was okay and not worth screaming his head about. If she can't roll yet then I would also work on teaching her how to roll so that when she does fall she can get herself back right.
At this age I found that sep anx was best dealt with by being with my DS as much as he wanted me to be, and he was NOT independent at all. A few minutes alone and he was frantic. I did play a lot of peek a boo type games as well and if I was doing something like cooking and he wanted to be with me I would shake my bum in the air and sing a song and try to make him laugh from a few feet away so that he still had my attention and then go over for a quick cuddle when I was able to. At 10 months he had no such thing as independent play, really, at least not for more than a minute or two, and it had to be something I set up and got going and then ran off to do my thing, or stepped back to let him do his own thing.
There are also lots of activities to encourage crawling in this sticky here: