EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: First Time Mom on August 20, 2010, 02:05:19 am
Not sure if this belongs here, in "extended" or maybe even in feeding solids, so please move if need be :).
Ds is now 12 months and at our ped appt the doctor told us to go ahead and start cow's milk. I'm really nervous to start him on cow's milk as I'm worried it will reduce my supply for bfing if he's taking in cow's milk. I seem to have decent supply but only if he bfs 4-5x per day. He's a distracted and quick feeder so it's hard enough to get him to bf. My dd was such a great nurser until 18 months, I didn't introduce cow's milk as she had a milk protein allergy so not sure how much and when to introduce it.
How much should he be bfing vs. how much cow's milk should he be taking in at 12 months? How do I introduce it without cutting back on the bfing (or, should I cut back a few feeds?)? I've given him water only a few times to get him used to the sippy but I stopped as water has no calories and I don't want him taking in anything without calories as he's on the chart at 5% for weight (not worried about it though, he's healthy, but still, have always prefered to give the calories and benefits of breast milk instead).
Hi Marian :)
I don't know how good my advice will be for you, since I replaced breastfeeds with soy milk when we made the transition around 16/17mo. I made the change because I was pumping at work for his day feeds and my output decreased dramatically. We slowly mixed his ebm with soy milk, gradually increasing the concentration of soy until that was all he was drinking. I still bfed morning and night, and we dropped to just the bedtime feed a few months ago. My supply did drop pretty dramatically, but I also went from 4 feeds/pumps per day to 1 in a matter of a couple months. But my supply for the bedtime feed is fine :)
If you don't want to drop any breastfeeds you could still introduce milk, though :) Could you try offering it in a sippy at meal times? Or if you're offering a solid food snack?
I would think he meant to intro. cow's milk IF you were planning on stopping nursing?????? As formula fed babies switch from formula to cow's milk....if you are still nursing, there shouldn't really be a need to give him cow's milk. He's already getting his "milk" for the day from you.
IF he wants him to have it for weight gain, I'd offer it separately from nursing sessions in a sippy cup at meal times. See if he continues to nurse AND take a bit in the cup?
BUT if you are just concerned about getting him more calories, I might look into ways of bulking up the amount of calories he takes in his solids? Olive oil, avocado, etc. etc.
Thanks ladies, the ped never asked if I was planning on bfing after 12 mths, but she is a big formula pusher- when she asked about ds's and I told her he was still bf she made a face and said "STILL?", she also has all sorts of coupons and signs all over the front desk promoting various formulas.
I guess I never thought of there not being a need for the cow's milk yet but it makes sense- cow's milk is given when a baby reduces/stops the formula so it should be the same for bfing. He does eat a cheese snack at 3pm and also has yogurt sometimes too so I won't bother with the milk yet until he reduces bfs. I am/am not concerned with his weight- I do all sorts of things to get the calories into him but he remains long and skinny, just like his sister was!
FWIW, at 12 months I was giving 3 BFs in 24 hours, and never had a supply problem. At 18 months this went to 2 BFs in 24 hours, and at 22 months only 1 BF in 24 hours, and there was still milk there. I think that past about 10-11 months, for many women, milk is just created on a supply and demand basis (ie however infrequently you nurse, the supply adjust to it). I know that's not the case for everyone, but just letting you know that it is not a foregone conclusion that dropping BFs will decrease supply.
If you wanted to start getting his tummy accustomed to cows milk, you could also try giving it in his breakfast cereal.
I know with my dd my supply dipped like crazy when we went to 2 feeds at 17 mths, but I guess it's different each time (ie. I couldn't pump an ounce when I bf her but I pump every night no problem this time around).
I thought about trying it in his cereal but I have a deep freezer in the basement filled with frozen pumped milk which I need to use up somehow (LOL, I've even mixed it with cow's milk when making my 4 year old's breakfast).