EAT => Food Allergies => Topic started by: caseyb on August 27, 2010, 15:41:00 pm

Title: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on August 27, 2010, 15:41:00 pm
Hi Ladies,

I've read the threads on here and have officially scared myself into thinking the worst!  :)  My DS is 8 months and has terrible eczema on his neck, back (up to the base of his skull), armpits, in the crooks of his elbows, on the back of his knees and a few small patches on his legs.  It's gotten progressively worse over the last few months to where it is now, but seems to have stopped spreading.  It started with a few light patches on his cheecks, which has completely cleared up.  They are small patches, but still all over. 

I was reading the post about celiac's disease and he has none of the symptoms.  But I'm still afraid that he definitely has an allergy to something.  He's still ebf and on solids 3 times a day.  We really just do fruit/meat/veggie purees and sometimes oatmeal and rice.  We have no known food allergies in our house.  DD had a slight egg allergy when she was younger but seems to have outgrown that. 

Since we don't have any food allergies, I've been eating whatever I wanted...including my morning breakfast of either peanut butter toast or egg white omlettes.  I've stopped eating peanut butter this week to see if that may be the culprit but I'm not seeing any results.  Anyone know how long it takes to rid the body of the peanut proteins?  I don't do a ton of dairy but occassionally do eat yogurt or cheese.  I do have a bit of milk in my morning cup 'o joe.  :)  Do I just need to stop eating ALL of the food allergy triggers and see what happens?  I really don't want to wean DS to formula, but will if that's the LAST possible step.  Although from what I've read, many of the formulas contain the same milk proteins that DS may have an allergy to? 

DS is much less bothered by this than I am.  The more I read about eczema, the more frightened I become that this is food related.  We saw the Ped a few weeks ago and of course I got a prescription for a steroid cream and was told not to worry.  Well, covering up the problem doesn't do much to make me feel better.  I'm tempted to take him to an allergist to see what the next steps are. 

Any other moms dealing with eczema in their LOs?  Any remedies that work?  I've tried limited baths, more baths, shea butter, aquaphor, cetaphil.  I guess diet eliminations is next (other than peanut butter).  I hate to sound like a paranoid mother, but something is clearly wrong and my Ped isn't listening...


Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: MasynSpencerElliotte on August 27, 2010, 20:25:54 pm
Hi Casey,

Both of my kids had ezcema as babies, but only my youngest has food allergies.  Interestingly, her ezcema diappeared 2 weeks after I stopped BF...was weaning her on to soy formula anyways and hadn't made the connection between the foods I was eating and her ezcema.  The couple of months where she was solely on formula and fruit/veggie purees were the best her skin had ever been.  Now we know that eggs and milk are culprits, but they mainly cuase hives (eggs) and GI symptoms (milk) the ezcema could have been related, or maybe not.  I've read elsewhere that a large percentage of ezcema is not food related.

Can you get a referral to an allergist? or try another Dr., that is what I had to do as mine wouldn't refer her until she was 2 or had anaphalaxis.  Do you have a history of any allergies in your family? apparently "they" say that any history of any allergy gives a kid more of a chance of having food allergies.  Maybe just cutting out the obvious things like dairy, soy, nuts & eggs?

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: scarlettsmom on August 29, 2010, 02:10:02 am
Hi there,

Heidi is right, a large amount of eczema is typically not food related but (ready to get confused a bit?!) it can be.   :-\

You'll usually see other symptoms if indeed it is a food allergy - hives, GI symptoms, fussiness, wakefulness, respiratory issues, swelling of the eyes, etc.  However, you really should get the opinion of a ped allergist to be sure.

My DD has always had GI symptoms, and on occasion rashes.  Last weekend however she got eczema on her cheeks, pretty badly, and honestly it stumped me.  No GI symptoms to go with it, and no new foods.  There may have been a new soap that DH used for bathtime but not sure.  So right now just monitoring closely.  Frustrating!

Good luck, if LO is doing fine otherwise, you're probably in the clear - don't stress!
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Katet on August 29, 2010, 03:04:44 am
eczema & allergies do tend to go hand in hand, but the most common links with eczema are actually dustmite allergy & asthma.

My friend's DS who is almost 7 has had issues with eczema & skin allergy for a long time, she found "the body shop" Hemp cream was the best cream, better even than perscription creams.

DS1 (7) does have some mild food allergies, but the only time he has had eczema I can actually link to before we worked out he had dustmite allergies. Now I actually put ALL his bedlinen in the wash or dryer every week, so I wash the sheets/pillow slip each week & I do the quilt cover every 2-3 weeks, but the quilt, pillow & mattress protector (& quilt cover on weeks not washed) all go in the dryer on the high setting for 30mins... since then his snotty sneezes have got less & we've had no  eczema... not that he got more than a few small patches, but I told DH that for me doing that is worth it. I do DS2's stuff & DH & mine 1/month & I swear it makes a difference to all of us - Oh & I vacuum the mattresses too.

This is quite a good overview that explains that there are so many different factors about it ( although I am a bit biased by the website as it was done by a former co-worker of mine ;))
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: scarlettsmom on August 29, 2010, 12:57:45 pm
Interesting link Kate, thanks for posting.  What is funny is that the day Gwynnie had the issue with her skin is also the day we were at a friend's house and she was playing in a sandpit - didn't even think of that being a factor to consider!  Hmmmmm....

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on August 29, 2010, 13:59:09 pm
Hey ladies,

It is so easy to let your mind run away with all kinds of crazy thoughts, isn't it?  The internet is a wonderful resource and torture device all at the same time!!  That was a great article.  Thanks for the link!

DS's eczema has started to lighten a bit.  I've done SO many things that I don't know which has helped!  I'm pretty sure that the biggest factor was me stopping my morning breakfast of peanut butter toast.  He is almost a different kid the last few days.  Yesterday he was SO much fun, laughing (which he hasn't done before), playing, more alert and much less fussy.  He's actually STTN for a few nights this week which he hasn't done in MONTHS!  I think my daily dose of peanut butter was torture to my poor sweet boy.  The patches have gotten so much better and his neck is almost completely clear (which was the WORST part - awful, red and always bloody), not to mention the dark circles under his eyes.  I think I will just avoid peanut products while I'm still nursing and then we'll see about what the next steps are once he's really eating solids.  I know it isn't the end of the world, but I am praying that he doesn't have a peanut allergy.  Both DD and I had some random allergies around outgrew them.  I certainly hope this is the case for DS too!

Thanks again!!


Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: scarlettsmom on August 29, 2010, 14:42:49 pm
So glad to hear of the improvements!  ....regarding the dark ring around his eyes, that is actually a symptom of food allergies - they are typically called allergy shiners. 

Enjoy your happy, laughing bub! 
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on September 02, 2010, 00:19:18 am
Well, feeling a little overwhelmed at present.  Took DD to the Allergist today for a check up.  He took one look at DS and decided to do some testing as his eczema is still horrible.  Turns out DS is allergic to milk, peanuts and our dogs.   :'(  I'm still breastfeeding so I now have a long list of things I can't eat, which is fine.  I'm just worried about DS and transitioning to food and soy milk (which NO cow's milk at all) in a few months.  DD LOVES yogurt and cheese and there will be none of that with him.  I know things could be much worse, but the peanut allergy scares me.  I know a few kids that have horrible peanut allergies.  I am just hoping that he grows out of this...   *sigh*...  I am also glad that I listened to my mommy instinct instead of just putting cream on it and hoping it would go away.

Guess I'm still processing all of this and just looking for some other moms who have BTDT. 


Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: KathrynK on September 02, 2010, 07:08:30 am

my SIL is a member here and her lo is a similar age to yours, he has eczema and allergies too. I will give her a nudge to come here and share her experiences with you too
Hugs xxxx
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 02, 2010, 08:57:34 am

my SIL is a member here and her lo is a similar age to yours, he has eczema and allergies too. I will give her a nudge to come here and share her experiences with you too
Hugs xxxx

Hello, I am here  :). My DS is 7.5 months old and EBF with 3 meals a day. We found he was MPI at about 3 weeks old when he was violently sick after having formula top ups. I stopped eating dairy then. Now we are starting to wean we have also discovered that he had an allergic reaction (vomiting, hives, swollen glands within 2 hours) to bread (contained wheat and soya - think it is wheat allergy as soya tends to be more GI). So now he doesn't eat gluten, dairy or soya. Yes, it is very limiting. Any new food stuff I am very wary with and so give small quantities and only 1 new food every 3 days now.

He has also had skin probs since 3 weeks old. Started off with septic spots, turned into nasty cradle cap on his scalp and forehead and then eczema. TBH we haven't found it to be related to food. Though it could be something we haven't identifed yet. We manage it with steriod creams and Oilatum in the bath. We do bathe him daily now.

The main problem with his eczema is the itching! He just claws at his face and scalp even though we can't see any eczema there now. Because of this we are still swaddling for sleep. I would LOVE to wean the swaddle but he would just damage his skin more by scratching than the eczema would  :(

So there is my story - if you want any support just let me know  :D
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on September 02, 2010, 14:38:03 pm
Thanks for sharing your story, Buntybear.  I am so sorry to hear your DS is having such a hard time too.  It's hard to see our LO's uncomfortable from food, which is supposed to be the source of nutrition and, really, pleasure.  Food, in our house anyway, is more than just nourishment.  Our house enjoys eating (and I LOVE to cook).  So now I just have to step back and regroup and think about how I will plan meals once DS is eating more table food.  I  look at lables a lot anyway when I buy food and it seems like EVERYTHING is processed where peanuts are.  I was just having a really bad day yesterday and was a bit overwhelmed with everything (not to mention sleep deprived from many nights of my little man not sleeping!). 

I will say that the itching is out of control around here.  I'm not one to medicate, but the Allergist has recommended benedryl and zyrtec at bedtime to help control the itching and rash.  He also said that water is one of the best treatments for eczema (which I've read just the opposite of that).  A minimum of a 15 minute bath every day and then LOTS of moisturizer (cetaphil and aquaphor were the two mentioned).  I also have a prescription for another lotion that goes on immediately after bathtime. 

I was also afraid to wean the swaddle because of the scratching.  I started off with socks on the hands and then gradually went to nothing.  He wasn't so keen on the socks, but we did it long enough to get his face healed up.  The back of his head is another story.  He digs and digs at it.  The benedryl does help, but it also knocks him out which I don't want to do.  Can you talk to your Ped about possibly doing something like that to clear things up?

We're only supposed to do the benedryl/zyrtec combo for about a month and then it will just be the zyrtec at bedtime until we can really get things under control. 

Have you taken your LO to see anyone yet?  My Ped just dismissed his eczema as a rash, which irritates me.  I'm sure that most eczema IS just a rash and clears up, but this has been an on-going issue for months and months.  If he would have alerted me to the other possible causes instead of making me do my homework, I would be a little easier on him.  But as it stands, I had to start digging to figure out what the root of the problem was since he wasn't getting better. 

Sorry for the long post!  I hope your LO gets better soon and you can find the right balance for him.  Let's hope that these guys outgrow this and can have normal toddlerhoods!!

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 02, 2010, 17:45:01 pm
Oh I love cooking too, Kathryn will tell you! So far I have just made loads of purees and frozen them and have a small range of ready made meals I have found that he can tolerate for emergencies. As I have been dairy free for 7 months myself it isn't such a great step for me to take cooking his meals carefully. You are right though that when we want him to eat the same as us it will be hard. One step at a time though  :)

Re swaddling. I am SO worried to do it. He can quite vicious and has taken to pulling his hair at the moment. If he has socks on his hands he would just rub that on his face to create friction and we have woken before to find his scratch mitts bloody where he had damaged his skin by rubbing.

We have been to see a dermatologist - who siad it was just one of those things! 2nd appt with allergist next week so will bring up the anti histamines which haven't been mentioned before - thanks.

Where abouts are you??
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: lilybug25 on September 09, 2010, 22:15:03 pm
i myself have eczema all my life and my mother told me i had it BAD as a baby, I don't have any advice about the foods but some tips on soothing Lo skin:
oatmeal baths are my bestfriend, i blend rolled oats in the blender till they are power then put then in chesse cloth or a piece cloth thats almost see throw tie with hair tye.
put in tub when waters running, squeeze "bag" and looks like milk comes out, also sticky. when I get into the tub I put the "milk all over my eczema feels sooo good, pat dry get out ( dont wash off till 24-48hrs later).
I also put flax seeds in almost evrything I eat, mostly the powder at can't even taste it but It sure does help my skin.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on September 10, 2010, 02:02:57 am
Hey Buntybear!  Sorry, we were out of town for a nice, looooong weekend!  :)

How is the swaddling going?  Any more thoughts of starting to wean it?  Maybe just one arm for now to see how your LO handles it?

Yes, I would definitely recommend an Allergist versus a Dermatologist or even your Ped.  I really think that most cases they see could be just a rash or dry skin and will dismiss it.  I just felt like something else was going on and, really, when I took my DD I was hoping that he would also look at DS.  I've seen some improvement in DS since we had him to the doctor.  The combo of zyrtec and benedryl has really helped with the itching, especially at night.  I think it takes about a week or so to eliminate dairy and peanut proteins from breastmilk, so I'm hoping to see some bigger leaps in his skin soon. 

I'm in the States.  Where are you?

Lilybug, thanks for sharing.  I used to use a ton of flax, the oil actually.  It did help my skin as well.  I've got terrible patches of dry, irritated skin on my scalp and it used to really help.  Never heard about the oats in the bath.  I wonder if that would help my DS...?  I wonder if I can give flax to DS?  Thanks!!  I'll talk to my ped/allergist about both of those to see if they are safe to use on him.  Great ideas!!!

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 10, 2010, 20:02:08 pm
Hi Casey,

Not going to attempt swaddle weaning yet. He has been really bad with his scratching today, just can't risk him doing it when we are not there and able to help stop him.

We went and saw our Allergy Consultant this week. Another blood test taken to test for reaction to wheat, spy and milk. They can't do scratch tests until his is 1 so it is a waiting game.  :(

I am in the UK  :D
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on September 13, 2010, 01:57:03 am
I'm surprised that you can't have the scratch tests done until 1 year.  It's interesting to read other posts on here and how things are different across the pond (either way, really).  My Allergist said that the blood tests were not as accurate at such a young age, which is why he did the scratch tests.  BUT, if you can find something out with a blood test then at least you have something to go on, iyswim. 

I was thinking about you and your LO today.  I had done a ton of research about eczema and most everything I'd read said to limit baths.  My Allergist said that a bath every day for a minimum of 15 minutes followed by some super lotion (cetaphil, aquaphor - something thick and moisturizing) would help to clear the skin.  You might try that for his scratching for a few days to see if that helps too.  Did the Allergist say anything about the antihistimines to help your LO?

I'm craving anything dairy right now!!!   :'(  I have been really diligent about reading labels and I'm shocked as to what has milk in it!  Even my loaf of bread!?!  What kind of foods do you eat...that satisfy?  We have plenty to "eat" around here, but nothing that I want or would normally eat.  I guess I'm just having some serious cravings and nothing will satisfy right now.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 13, 2010, 20:09:16 pm
Hi  :)

We found that baths every 2/3 days helped Olly. His eczema is pretty much under control now. He still gets a bit of a milk rash on his face which we use steriod to control. Still scrathing though!

As for your cravings... what is it you crave??! Maybe I can help with suggestions  ;) . I have to admit I eat a fair bit of mayo at the mo, which I love, but it is also fairly creamy. TBH I have been without dairy for so long now I am not that bothered by it. Apart from when my sis eat a big sloppy pizza in front of me today..... ohhhhhh. Also as you are doing for your LO it makes it a lot easier than if you were just doing it for you IYKWIM.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 13, 2010, 20:14:31 pm
Forgot to say we were prescribed anti histamines last week. Gave them a go on Sat when Olly was scratching but it didn't seem to make a difference.  :( bummer. Will give another go this week but obviously don't want to over medicate
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: lchuynh on September 15, 2010, 23:33:41 pm
Hi there ladies, we've been going through the same ailments in our household too.

My DS suffers from wicked eczema breakouts and I too was terrified of weaning the swaddle. DH ordered one of these sleeping bags and this was how we weaned the swaddle (I transitioned by putting him in the bag and also swaddling over the top, slowly loosening every day over a couple of weeks).

My allergist told us to bath every day and moisturize like crazy (as often as you remember). He recommended Aveeno cream that also contains oats to soothe the skin. So I am constantly putting cream on LO's face and any areas on his body that are dry and patchy. Currently his body looks perfect but he still has major breakouts on his face, behind the ears and neck. If it gets really bad I do resort to using steroid cream but this doesn't happen as often as it used to.

DS was on ebm until he was 7 mo. The allergist recommended we put him on hypoallergenic formula because I had basically eliminated so much from my diet LO wasn't getting enough nutritional value from my milk. I was really hesitant to do this but in the end I made the decision to switch and we've never looked back :D. Don't get me wrong, I truly believe breast is best but for my LO it unfortunately didn't work out that way.

We had both scratch tests and blood tests done at 7mo. The blood tests verified the scratch tests and the degree. We are now giving antihistamines daily (for his dustmite allergy mainly). This is not an ideal situation but right now we haven't got an alternative remedy ???. I am still searching...

I also give DS a blend of oils; olive, avocado and flaxseed. I mix it in with his food so he doesn't taste it.  And another thing, we had a lot of trouble with getting the right antihistamine as DS was really sensitive to the taste of the sweetener/flavour in the liquid form (we tried 2 types and he projectile vomited every time we gave it to him). We are now on the powder which I have to mix into his food.

I've had such great help on this site from people chipping in here and there, so thought I would reciprocate and share :).
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 16, 2010, 10:14:17 am
Hi Ichuynh

So what foods is your LO allergic too? good to hear that you have also successfully weaned the swaddle. I really need to get on and do this :o! Trouble is the scratching is stl bad, his forehead was bleeding yesterday :-[ just can't bear to leave him alone whilst he is still doing it.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: caseyb on September 16, 2010, 19:59:12 pm
Hi Ladies! 

Ichuynh, I'm sorry to hear you are having issues too.  Interesting about the formula as I was having thoughts just today about the quality of my milk.  I bf'd DD until 13 months, so giving up now is heartbreaking but I too think it may be best.  I was eating so much dairy (cheese, yogurt, etc as snacks) and find myself just not eating at all, which isn't good for either of us!  DS's eczema is still not well and I'm starting to wonder if there is something else he is allergic to.  They tested him for wheat and soy and both of those were negative, so I don't know what else it could be.  I may just need to switch to formula for the last few months and see how DS reacts.  We have an appointment with the ped on Tuesday so I will be interested to see what his take is.

Great news about the sleeping bag.  That seems like a great idea to start to wean.  Buntybear, I hope that you have some success with weaning it, but if he's happy then I would just leave it for now.  Especially if he's still scratching like mad.  DS still digs at the back of his head at night, but I do think it has gotten better.  I don't like giving so many medicines to my LO, but I also don't see an alternative until we can get this under control.  I'm really struggling with his allergy to the dogs.  I don't want to get rid of them  :'( :'( :'(, but I can't have DS miserable either.  We're really in a pickle with that one.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Katet on September 16, 2010, 21:35:20 pm
Hi Ladies! 

Ichuynh, I'm sorry to hear you are having issues too.  Interesting about the formula as I was having thoughts just today about the quality of my milk. 

As a general rule your diet shouldn't change the milk quality, but it will deplete YOUR BODY of nutrients (bones etc) to keep the milk right - in the past it was believed that if a mother didn't eat well her milk will suffer, but that has actually been proven to be wrong... BUT what can effect the quality is actually STRESS... so even on a limited diet if you are relatively relaxed your milk quality should be fine, but if you get stressed (hard not to at times) then the milk will suffer.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: lchuynh on September 18, 2010, 05:05:21 am
My LO is allergic to milk and a few varieties of nuts. He is intolerant to gluten. Prior to having the scratch tests done I was on an elimination diet to ascertain what he was reacting to that was causing his eczema, upset stomach and disrupting his sleep. I really had eliminated a lot of major food groups from my diet, and not only was it stressful watching everything I was consuming but I was also tired from lack of sleep and lethargic due to not having enough vitamins/minerals. My supply was also suffering as a result of the aforementioned and so I was expressing all the time (which was a bit stressful during the day when LO was wanting attention and I had to pump and entertain him at the same don't want to know how much milk I spilt during this process!). I did all of this because I wanted LO to have the best I could give him. I'm sure everything I have described sounds all too familiar to you ladies ::) ;)

Regarding swaddle weaning - it doesn't have to be all or nothing. It wasn't with us. I know it is scary that LO will scratch themselves raw which is why I like the Pekemoe sleeping bag because his arms are inside the bag.

Casey, I feel for you having to make a decision about the dogs. That's a tough one. How big was the reaction to dogs? Maybe you can control it by having doggy designated areas of the house where LO doesn't go. IDK, I'm over owning animals altogether so haven't got any good ideas for you TBH ;D

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: endira on September 21, 2010, 15:56:43 pm
Hi Ladies.
My son also has eczema, since he was 2 weeks old  :(
We used this for the scratching, and it works:
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 21, 2010, 18:08:53 pm
Brilliant have been looking for something in the uk. Will give them a go  :D
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: newmummy82 on September 21, 2010, 18:44:46 pm
Just wanted to say that we weaned the swaddle to a peke moe- it arrived within 3-4 days to the UK! DD has moderate eczema and we use Cetroben cream and oilatum bath emolient. Our GP prescribed several different emollients to try as not everyone responds to the same so it's worth trying out a few.
Really intersting about dustmite allergy. Might try boiling the bed linen etc. Now worried my lack of housework is affecting DD!!

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on September 21, 2010, 19:23:10 pm
Oh OK, didn't think to get it sent over from NZ!  ::) I guess you found it worked then??  :D
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: newmummy82 on September 22, 2010, 19:08:32 pm
Buntybear- we love our peke moes-just about to order next size up! No matter how often I cut her nails she is still so scratchy so at least when she's asleep she can't! Very occasionally they come up on ebay so worth a look out-we got one for couple of pounds. Works out at about £30 incl p&p so fairly expensive but suppose a Grobag is about £25 so comparable.
We went straight from miracle blanket into peke moe at about 15/16 weeks with no problems.


Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: jac* on October 15, 2010, 01:44:29 am
Please help, I am not sure what to try next.
My LO broke out in bad eczema all over his face at 4 weeks, after some research I decided to try going of dairy for a few weeks to see if it helped. Within a week I was amazed to see all his eczema was gone. What a relief!!!  ;D
However a week after it cleared it was back again :(, I assume I had had dairy in something and not realised but 2 weeks on and he still has it. Now I am in 2 minds about what to do. Is it dairy? Or something else? Does he have multiple allergies? Is it a food allergy at all?  ???
I use sensitive washing powder and do not use any soap or creams on his skin.
Just stuck on what to do and looking for some advice, my GP was no help and he is to young for an allergy test.
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: Buntybear on October 15, 2010, 10:32:34 am
Hi Jac,

Sorry to hear that your LO has eczema. Have you tried cutting soy from your diet too? I am assume you BF?? I think it is about 50% of MPI babies are also intolerant to soy. TBH I did not find a link between food and eczema but he does seem more itchy if I have soy.

How old is your LO?
Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: lchuynh on October 15, 2010, 10:40:03 am
Is it dairy? Or something else? Does he have multiple allergies? Is it a food allergy at all?  ???
It certainly is tough to know whether LO's eczema is related to allergies, be it food or otherwise. A lot of eczema cases are though.

I find that I have to keep DS's skin well hydrated - meaning LOTS of cream, all the time. If his skin is dry he tends to get really irritated by it and scratches until he bleeds. I also have to use steroid cream on occasion to get his skin back under control, as he can have major outbreaks. But def the key to managing his skin is to slather him with cream. I use a variety depending on the situation; Aveeno (the sensitive one with oats) is good, aqueous cream (non petroleum base), Weleda eczema cream.

Until you can get him tested perhaps you may want to try an elimination diet? How strict are you with regards to keeping of diary? I was really surprised to find dairy in a lot of foods that I didn't even think about. I had to read every single label fastidiously.

Title: Re: Food Allergies and eczema?
Post by: jac* on October 17, 2010, 08:49:54 am
Thanks for the replies. DS is 9 weeks old. I have been pretty strict on the no dairy and have been checking all labels; it took me 2 hours to do the groceries because I was checking every label. I think I will try to eliminate soy as well as using some moisturising creams, my doctor said she will not let me have steroid creams as he is to young, that was fine by me as I would prefer not to use them unless it is a last resort.
Thanks again : )