EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: MandM on December 07, 2010, 11:11:13 am

Title: what is a good, nutritious food for 11 months old very active DS?
Post by: MandM on December 07, 2010, 11:11:13 am
for lunch/dinner I'm usually giving him a ready food from the jars - I'm not the best cook... :/
what snacks are healthy?
how much should 11 months old eat? he still BF.

thank you for the help.
Title: Re: what is a good, nutritious food for 11 months old very active DS?
Post by: ~inbalance~ on December 07, 2010, 15:30:16 pm
You could try things like cheese and crackers, yogurt (if he tolerates dairy), rice cakes with speads, breadsticks or toast strips with dips, fresh fruits and veggies, applesauce.  Pretty much anything healthy that you might like to snack on would work.  :)

There are more good finger food ideas here that would make great snacks: and you might find some ideas on the Baby Food recipes forum as well:

At 11mos an LO would usually have 3 solid meals a day plus 4 breastfeeds.  The quantity he eats is really up to him.  You can start giving him more finger foods and encouraging him to self-feed at this age.  Even if you are not the greatest cook, he can start sharing your meals provided they are healthy, just hold the salt.

You might actually find some good ideas on the Eating for Toddlers forum as well since he is almost a year.
Title: Re: what is a good, nutritious food for 11 months old very active DS?
Post by: speechie on December 07, 2010, 16:03:52 pm
avacado is a great food for them at this age!
We did bananas, and oatmeal, eggs.
Title: Re: what is a good, nutritious food for 11 months old very active DS?
Post by: numa on December 07, 2010, 18:09:45 pm
I gave my LO low sodium beans from a can that I rinsed.  He was able to self feed and loved them.