EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: Nauvoo on March 16, 2011, 04:38:01 am

Title: dipping sauce
Post by: Nauvoo on March 16, 2011, 04:38:01 am
I always feel as if someone has already posted on my topic:  I hope this is not the case as of recently.
So DD loves loves loves ketchup and BBQ sauce.  I can get her to eat meat usually if there is ketchup.  give and take right? ?  Anyways, she ate sweet potatoes tonight!!! :o  could hardly believe it.  I think it had a lot to do with the BBQ sauce she was dipping it in which was intended for the chicken.  She ate both.  Well I kind of have this idea that maybe I could get some other healthy things in at meals if I only had great dipping sauces and I would love for them to be healthy.  She won't eat hummus or guacamole but she loves cheese.  Anyone got a great cheese sauce recipe (I'm a terrible cook so please keep it as simple as you can).  Any other ideas for dipping sauces for meat and veggies?
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: brenda2 on March 16, 2011, 04:47:53 am
both my dds love ketchup and will dip everything in ketchup - cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes...olives (yuk).  in addition to meats etc.  so at least she is getting her veggies!  we have tried other dipping sauces too but ketchup is the fave.  dd2 will not try any other sauces but dd1 is now getting more adventurous and will eat guacamole, plain or fruit yogurt, sour cream based sauces and just about anything to dip!

what about doing tomato sauce?  you could even do half tomato sauce and half ketchup to ease her into it.

to make cheese sauce just whisk some flour and melted butter together (maybe 2 TBSP each) in a saucepan and add some milk (maybe a cup).  when it starts to thicken you can add the cheese (a cup of whatever kind of shredded cheese).  sorry not good at amounts, just do it by feel it doesn't really need to be exact!
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: teilvnav on March 16, 2011, 12:55:38 pm
Nathan will also eat anything as long as he can dip it. We do ketchup, different mustards, sour cream, mayo, plain or flavoured yogurt, salad dressing, and bbq sauce most of the time; any of those (except maybe flavoured yogurt) would be fine for meat and veggies.

Sorry, no cheese sauce recipes here. I do love your new avatar picture, though!
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: brenda2 on March 17, 2011, 03:15:38 am
both my girls had Tzatziki sauce tonight with veggies and crackers and both loved it (i thought it might be too garlicky for dd2 but she ate quite a lot)
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: deb on March 17, 2011, 03:40:54 am
Once they tried it, olive oil with whatever spices and herbs they liked - usually garlic and salt - was a hit for veg dip! When we do ketchup, we get organic so no high fructose corn syrup (or whatever they call it in anyone else's neck of the woods - goes by different names in different countries).

oooh, olive oil with a bit of guac mixed in can be yummy - we ended up with guac and olive oil mixed with the oil mixed into mostly guac.

Sour cream can be good too - we make our own yogurt and sour cream here, but store-bought works for most people. You can also add herbs and spices to plain yogurt for a savory yogurt dip, or even mix sour cream or yogurt and ranch dressing half and half.
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: Ryan&HollysMom on March 20, 2011, 01:18:13 am
we germans love quark (it's a kind of cheese, consistency between ricotta and yogurt) - if you can find it, it's awesome! we mix in milk to thin it and onions, green onions, lots of chives, parsley, etc and then eat it with potatoes. it's also great with a bit of jam in it to eat on its own or to dip fruit in it. actually, the danimals "yogurt" you find by danone, adn another brand (can't think of the name) are in fact quark.
also, ds loves to dip in honey. especially chicken. and he's not a dipper! can you mess with different hummus recipes? my MIL is allergic to garlic, but makes hummus without it. it tastes a lot different, but quite good, just more plain. and oh so healthy.
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: PeepersMom on March 20, 2011, 14:32:26 pm
plum sauce, duck sauce, applesauce with some cinnamon, salsa

plain yogurt so you can add flavorings to it sweet or savory

avacado thinned with lemon juice

Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: zeri on April 29, 2011, 02:09:21 am
my DD is a picky eater, but she loves Wafu sauce with everything. It's a creamy japanese vinaigrette. Others she has tried are tzatziki, hummous, baba ghanoush, ranch dip, sour cream or creme fraiche.
I make a citrus dressing for spinach salad as well - equal parts sour cream, mayonnaise, and unmixed thawed orange juice concentrate, with a bit of lemon juice for a kick.
Title: Re: dipping sauce
Post by: Lemonthyme on June 08, 2011, 08:56:26 am
Full fat cream cheese mixed with herbs and a little very finely chopped garlic?  Could add in some very finely grated cheddar and a little milk to thin it down.