EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: bug_blues70 on May 29, 2011, 02:01:54 am
My DS is 4mo. I'm hesitant to start solids so early, but I'm not sure that he's not still hungry. ???
We feed 5 times a day (or more!!) and 2-3 times at night, where he empties both sides at every feed. We don't do a dream feed b/c he has lots of feeding issues (can't eat without swallowing air and it takes an hour or two at least to burp him!!). He squirms and flails while breastfeeding as though there's just not enough milk and quickly drains both sides (while crying for more while I switch sides). We can't get naps sorted out and I'm starting to wonder if he's waking from hunger.
He can hold his head up, but i'm not sure about the tongue reflex and he doesn't lunge for my food - tho he's not usually that close while I'm eating.
He also has reflux and is medicated for it. He weighed over 16lbs at 3mo and now he's almost 4mo and I'm not sure how much he weighs, but I'm guessing almost 18lbs.
I'm afraid to try to pump to increase my supply b/c then there will be even less for him at the next feed and he can't seem to get the hang of a bottle. I've spent a few days (a few times) feeding more often to try to increase my supply, but it doesn't seem to do any good.
Any thoughts? Should I try solids?
Honestly, I would not try solids. There is a HUGE growth spurt at 4mo and what you're describing sounds like that... It's important during early growth spurts to nurse more frequently as that what is going to increase your milk supply. Have you read ?
4mo is early, early, early for solids. The WHO recommends exclusive milk feeds (either breast or formula) until 6mo of age. Some people do start earlier (we started around 5.5mo) but it's important to only do with doctor's supervision. Check out .
hth :-*
I have to agree with Vikki. I know that lots of moms do start solids at 4mos, but it is my personal opinion that it is better for baby to wait closer to 6mos for so many reasons, and also it does not sound like he is ready. It does sound like a possible growth spurt though.
Yes, I know it's really early and I am very hesitant. I probably wont, but it's not like a GS b/c it's constant. I feel like he's been having a GS for the past month!! Tho maybe it really is today and yesterday, b/c for the past two nights he's not woken up by rustling about and fussing a bit in his sleep - he wakes with a scream!!!!
It helps to remember that solids won't necessarily mean he won't be hungry anymore. If he's not ready then he probably won't even take to the spoon, which means for frustration for you and him. Also there is a greater chance that his tummy is just not ready and that it will only aggrevate him more.
ok thanks for the support and encouragement to wait... I know it's probably better for him! I will wait.
Trust your instinct too, mummy knows best. ;)
Thanks Martina! :)
You can pump after feeds to increase milk production. Just give him the pumped milk plus BF at next feed. Eventually you may be able to pump and store for a future feed.
thanks babydeer!! I wish I could give him that extra milk! He won't take a bottle tho - he's not even very good at breast feeding ::) But it must have been a GS after all. He's gotten a lot better... I started taking vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and fenugreek. I feel like my supply has increased and he's seeming satisfied and making it a full 4hrs now. I'm really glad I didn't start solids! Thanks everyone!!
Hi chick, Olly seemed to have a constant growth spurt till he was about 6 months old. Especially at night ::) Some BF babies must just be like that!