EAT => Feeding Solid Food => Topic started by: addymommy on July 02, 2011, 11:54:13 am

Title: 6 month up oz, solids...waking at night
Post by: addymommy on July 02, 2011, 11:54:13 am
Please help...recently my  almost 6 month old moved to 6 oz and almost makes it the 4 hours...she has added 8 to 10 oz per day , but now waking 2x at night instead of 1. she only eats a 1/4 of an oz of solids 2x a day if we are lucky

 couple of questions.... ???
what time should i give the solids? before, or  after bottle- how long in between?

she is eating more, but now waking up hungry 2x a night ( maybe a growth spurt- we are on day 2 and hers usually last 3 days.

i feed her at 6, 10, 2 and 6 and then again at 8- she doesn't dream feed, just doesn't work for us. :-\

I am a schedule person and need some help with my anxiety about this and her getting enough.

once she is 6 months on the 11th- i will try the methods of not feeding her at night...just so we can get used to the new oz per day.
Title: Re: 6 month up oz, solids...waking at night
Post by: ~inbalance~ on July 02, 2011, 12:40:04 pm
Sounds like she could be waking due to a growth spurt.  Teething could be a possibility too.

Offer solids about 1hr after her bottle.  Remember that milk feeds are her main source of nutrition and will be until a 1yr, and solids are for fun.  Think of bottles as the E part of EASY and solids as part of the A.  You can stay relaxed about offering solids, it's all about exploring new foods for her, not eating large quantities.  :)
Title: Re: 6 month up oz, solids...waking at night
Post by: addymommy on July 02, 2011, 13:29:50 pm
thanks! i just needed to know... i think it is a growth spurt as well as teething, but she isnt in pain so thats good! for now :)