SLEEP => Sleeping For Toddlers => Topic started by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 11:29:20 am

Title: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 11:29:20 am
i just wondered how often other mums done this! i feel like i put A's up all the time to get him to have a good sleep.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 12:01:01 pm
I think it's very difficult to say as every LO is different & have different sleep needs. Some LO's routine's need a lot more tweaking (especially those who tend to be lower sleep needs).

I found that once my LO's got onto 1 nap I was tweaking the routine a lot less & their routine remained pretty consistent for a few months or so.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 12:53:07 pm
i feel A needs less sleep and needs a high A time. he only sleep STTN when he missed or had a very little sleep during the day.

how often do you think A time should increase with a lo with low sleep needs?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 13:09:59 pm
Again really hard to say, it depends on your LO but from what I know from Mum's on here who have low sleep needs LO's they do seem to do pretty regular routine tweaking.

If you want to post your routine then I'm happy to take a look?  :)
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 13:28:58 pm
that would be great, thanks.

6:55 awake
7:45 b/fast
11:00 lunch
12:40 sleep  (2hrs 40 i had to wake him. he was supposed to be sleeping by 12:25 but dad was chasing A with nappy ;D
15:15 snack
18:00 dinner
20:50 b/feed and bed

we still get 1 to 2 night wakenings and seems very unsettled when sleeping. last night he had

a great sleep very settled but with a low sleep amount during the day.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 18:41:42 pm

How old is he now?

Any teething going on?

Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 18:45:08 pm
15 months and just broke a bottom tooth, but i think there are more on the way. not sure if there is back ones coming cos he keeps sticking his finger in his ear or maybe that just A lol
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 18:57:11 pm
15 mths is prime age for molars & canines so this could well be what's bothering him.

Even if he's low sleep needs I'd be hesitant to nap cut whilst he's teething as usually A-times get shorter as LO's get tired more easily. I guess you are giving meds before sleeps? You could also try a meds dream feed which works really well for us.

Do you think he would go down any earlier for his nap (bearing in mind the teething & NW's making him more tired)?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 19:03:37 pm
i think he may go for naps earlier but im not so sure about b/time. after today he slept for 1hr 45 i just tried to put him down at 7 ( original b/time should have been 20:40 if he had slept 2.5hrs  he screamed the place down for 45 mins.

he does keep sticking his fingers right at the back of his mouth, maybe its the back ones on the way.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 19:22:53 pm
he screamed the place down for 45 mins.

This sounds like teeth &/or OT to me. Try meds before sleeps to see if this makes a difference.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 04, 2011, 19:56:50 pm
finally got him to sleep. agree he is OT, maye reduce his A time for awhile? meant to say i always give him meds before b/time.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 04, 2011, 20:33:47 pm
I would try & pull his naps & BT earlier to curb the OT & also start your BT wind-down a little earlier so he's as calm as possible by the tim he goes down (I've found this helps when my LO's are OT).
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 05, 2011, 07:36:33 am
ok thanks will try that. he slept right through til i think 5 or 6 this morning (i didnt look) i dont understand that if he is that tired he sleeps right through but when he is on a routine and we have a good day he wakes up through the night. he musnt be getting enough A time?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 05, 2011, 10:45:26 am
As with all these things it's a case of trial & error to get to the bottom of what's going on!

I do find that when my LO's are out of routine they might sleep well for a night as they basically crash out, but it catches up with them a day or too later.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 05, 2011, 18:35:45 pm
A went down for a nap 20 mins b4 was due to sleep and he slept for 2hrs 50 :) im going to do the same again tonight hopefully that helps.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 05, 2011, 19:19:46 pm
That's great! FX for tonight!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 05, 2011, 19:40:16 pm
i just put A down 30 mins b4 his normal b/time he was asleep within 10mins yipee! ;D
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 06, 2011, 08:56:40 am
he woke at 2am and was just wide awake looking around for 2hrs. i think i put him to bed a little too early.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 06, 2011, 11:47:05 am
It could have been a combination of the long nap & early BT making him UT, although just watch-out the day that he doesn't then get back into an OT loop after the 2hr NW.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 07, 2011, 17:23:18 pm
things are a little better, he had a big long sleep last night 12.5hrs. short sleep today of 1.5 :( what time do you think i should get him to sleep by, im unsure and dont want him getting OT again.

our routine today went:

8:05 awake
8:30 b/fast
12:00 lunch
1:15 sleep (1.5)
15:15 snack
18:00 dinner
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 07, 2011, 19:35:10 pm
Do you think that the short nap could have been UT after the good nights sleep?

Do you mean what time to put him down at BT? I would aim for BT around 7.30pm.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 07, 2011, 20:54:44 pm
I think daddy woke him earlier today getting ready for work ::)  he finally fell asleep just after 8, it took him half an hr for him going to sleep. he did wake just after 9 there so im guesssing OT again! aaarrgh i cant seem to get it right with his sleeping just now, i feel a bit off at the moment.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 08, 2011, 07:08:47 am
another 2 hr waking last night, its horrible im so tired.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 08, 2011, 08:27:16 am
It does sound like OT unless he's coming down with something/ teething?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 08, 2011, 08:55:23 am
i keep thinking i see his front top teeth coming closer to the surface but still have broke through yet. he doesnt seem upset when he wakes he just stares into space.

i put down his A time to help with him being OT.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 08, 2011, 10:32:46 am
Let me know how you get on....
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 08, 2011, 10:34:08 am
ok will do thanks :)
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 08, 2011, 19:25:10 pm
nap time was a disaster, ended up being 5hrs 45 and he only slept for 1hr 20 :( got him ready for bed at 7 he got upset as if it was too early but i knew he was sooo tired, he fell asleep at 7:40 ive not heard him yet and its been 45 mins so fingers crossed for the rest of the night!!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 09, 2011, 07:21:43 am
A slept well last night til about half 6 this morning. just under 11 hrs, he had 5 hrs A time b4 bed i dont know if that was just luck!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 09, 2011, 12:11:21 pm
He might well have been tired from the long AM A-time & short nap, just be careful that this doesn't catch-up on him today.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 09, 2011, 12:20:15 pm
could that cause OT?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 09, 2011, 12:24:39 pm
Could be....sometime OT can buildup & catch-up with LO's the day after long A-times/short naps etc.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 09, 2011, 12:44:58 pm
he just got up there that was 1hr 55, what time do you suggest b/time would be?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 09, 2011, 14:46:02 pm
I would aim to have him asleep by 7pm if you can.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 10, 2011, 06:39:12 am
i tried to get him to sleep by 7 but he just kept mucking about finally fell over at 7:25.
he is teething one his top teeth has slightly broke through shouldnt be long now. the other one is also on its way but a bit slower.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 10, 2011, 07:33:28 am
he is teething one his top teeth has slightly broke through shouldnt be long now

I would say this is probably the culprit with some OT thrown in for good measure (teething & OT do tend to go hand in hand unfortunately!)

How was his night?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 10, 2011, 16:11:12 pm
teething yuck! he slept well i gave him meds b4 bed he did wake during the night i think it was around 2 but we are still sleep training at the moment. we still bring him in beside us for just now until i pluck up the courage to stop it!!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 10, 2011, 19:01:38 pm
Hope he has a better night tonight...have you tried giving a meds dream feed as this could help if he's teething?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 10, 2011, 19:48:33 pm
ive not tried it b4, but will give it ago.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 10, 2011, 20:00:50 pm
Use an oral syringe to administer, I usually do it around 2am (yes it's a bit of a killer!), but DS has his canines coming though atm & it really does seem to help! 
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 12, 2011, 16:04:12 pm
A's teething has calmed down and finally he had a big 3 hr nap today yipee! im hoping this is us getting back to normal.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 12, 2011, 18:36:52 pm
Good news....FX!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 12, 2011, 20:10:31 pm
im going to stick with the 5hrs 30 for awhile just to keep things the same. when does things change routine wise?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 13, 2011, 05:39:38 am
ive noticed since saturday A has been getting up every morning about 6 only sleeping for about 10 hrs. do you think this may be due to his OT?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 13, 2011, 11:35:55 am long have his naps been?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 13, 2011, 16:08:19 pm
most days its 1hr 20 but yesterday i managed to get him to sleep after 1.5, he then slept for 3 hrs. last night he only slept for 9.5 hrs.

do you think he maybe needs more A time? and thats why he is waking so early?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 13, 2011, 18:40:48 pm
Are you getting shorter nights after the long naps? If so then it could mean that the long nap is eating into his night sleep & therefore he either needs more A-time or you need to cap the nap. If the short night is after a short nap then this is more than likely OT.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 13, 2011, 19:31:43 pm
it must have been that long nap yesterday, i thought i was doing him good letting him sleep that long! ok OT must the answer here, early nights for awhile c if that helps.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 14, 2011, 07:05:04 am
managed to get A to sleep by 7 last night and he slept til 7 this morning! :) i just hope he gets a reasonable amount of day sleep.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 14, 2011, 11:37:10 am
That's a great night!  :)
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 16, 2011, 06:24:56 am
i dont know where to start ::) A is still only sleeping 1hr 20 and wakes up crying every time even with meds. i put him down for an early night he fell asleep at 6:45 then woke up at 8:40 when i was going to bed. im going to bed this early as i wasnt feeling well and shattered with him being in beside us which we had a go at last night. he woke at 1:30 we ended up bringing him in beside us as he wouldnt sleep. A slept maybe an hr i think about 3 til 4 and has been up since then its now just after 7....  im exhausted and dont know what to do anymore im lost and dh is shattered getting in from work at 2:30 then coming to bed around 3:30 and not getting any sleep. we really need help!!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 16, 2011, 17:45:01 pm
What did his day look like yesterday?

Hows today been?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 16, 2011, 19:44:04 pm
6:50 w/u
7:30 b/fast
9:30 snack
11:15 lunch
12:25 sleep (1hr20 it takes around 20 mins or so to get him get him to sleep
14:00 snack
17:00 dinner
18:45 b/feed & bed I find he always takes ages to fall asleep.

Today I put him down for his nap at 12, he slept for 1.5 I decided that I would try putting him down at his normal 5.5 A time I'm wondering if he doesn't need alot of sleep during the day.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 16, 2011, 19:53:49 pm
Possibly, you mentioned he is lower sleep needs.....will be interesting to see how his night goes, at least it should give you a bit of an indication of what's going on! FX for a good night!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 17, 2011, 05:52:29 am
OMG STTN!!!!!!!! he hasnt done that in... i cant rememeber. i tried to get him to sleep for 7 but it was 7:10 b4 he actually fell asleep himself. he slept til 6 ths morning. i hope its not been b/cos he didnt sleep well the night b4, will have to c what happens tonight!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 17, 2011, 07:43:22 am
Good news....FX for tonight!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 17, 2011, 08:10:59 am
yeah FX!!!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 18, 2011, 06:50:00 am
well no STTN and 2 hr NW ugghh! i tried to settle A when he woke but i suffer from severe period cramps and last night i had them!!! great timing. he wouldnt go back to sleep, so i brought him into bed and he still didnt sleep. i think ive only had about 5 hrs... i dont know whats going on with him anymore i was sure about the low sleep yesterday he had 1hr 35 and i woke him maybe it was too much for him and thats why he couldnt sleep.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 18, 2011, 12:34:34 pm
I guess it depends if you think he's UT/OT or if there's something else going on that's unsettling him?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 19, 2011, 06:57:31 am
i think he is UT, dont think his teeth are bothering him just now.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 19, 2011, 19:59:02 pm
How have things been today?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 19, 2011, 20:34:45 pm
goes to sleep within 10 mins of being put down nap and b/times, slept for 1hr 25 today not heard a peep from him, im hoping with the short naps he will STTN but im going to give it while and c how things go if not then i thought i would put up his A time. what do you think?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 19, 2011, 20:55:07 pm
Is he waking from naps on his own or are you waking him?

It's always tricky with lower sleep needs LO's to get the balance right between day & night sleep, so see how the next few days go & then re-evaluate if necessary.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 20, 2011, 05:38:50 am
he is waking from naps on his own, i think short naps have been here for a while maybe since 2-1. there is some days where i could get him back to sleep and he slept for 3 hrs in total but then he would be up all night.

will give things a few more days and c where we are.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 22, 2011, 09:04:51 am
things i think are a little worse and not seeing much difference with a slightly shorter nap. he is now waking up at half 9 two nights in a row and wont settle. he is being very clingy and im not sure if its his mouth again or he has a little cold. he was very unsettled last night kept sitting up in his sleep and awake at 5:30 this morning and took ages to get back to sleep.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 22, 2011, 11:36:27 am
That does sound like OT &/or teeth?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 22, 2011, 12:36:55 pm
he is teething, taking ages to settle at his nap just now. dh is taking a turn. last night he was actually sleeping early by 10 mins.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 22, 2011, 15:56:30 pm
If it's teeth then give meds before sleeps & ride it out the best you can...hopefully they won't take too long to come through!
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 27, 2011, 07:07:13 am
we just found a secret back molar the other day, think thats been the problem! we had a good routine yesterday and i was wanting to keep things the same but last night he slept for 10hrs 45 with a 1.5 day sleep. was hoping he would have got up at 7 this morning but he got up 6:35.

 i thought i could either shorten the day nap or put up his A time or both, what do you think would be best?
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: sianie on September 27, 2011, 11:36:26 am
If it's molars then I would go careful about doing too much of a routine tweak.....a half an hour WU either side of his usual time is 'normal'.

A-times do tend to shrink when LO's are teething & they can get more tired so I'm not sure increasing A-times or capping the nap is the right way to go right now, TBH I would leave things as they are for a few more days to see how things go.
Title: Re: how often do you put up your lo's A time?
Post by: babyrose on September 27, 2011, 12:03:42 pm
ok thanks :D what do you think it means when he has a good long stretch of sleep say til 2 or 3am then wakes up a little sits up and talks but then finds it hard to go back to sleep but is sleepy?

he does this some nights and just wondered what someone else thought.