EAT => Eating For Toddlers => Topic started by: *Jo* on October 30, 2011, 20:21:33 pm

Title: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on October 30, 2011, 20:21:33 pm
Caleb is very hungry at the moment it seems... however not hungry enough to eat the decent food I offer him, instead he just wants biscuits or lollies or muesli bars! its driving me insane because all I hear all day is "want bikkie Mamma" or "muesli bar??"

I offer him banana or apple instead or sandwhich with somethng decent inside it and no he wont eat it. I will even make it up and say thats all there is because he cant have a biscuit or whatever else he wants that isnt healthy. the food will just sit there on his plate all day. I redirect him back to it if he says hes hungry because hes been so sick i dont want him stocking up on junk food.

He doesnt eat alot of junk food so I dont get why he demands it so much. Ive had to put a lock on the pantry door because I find him at the pantry just staring at the food. I ask what hes doing and he says "im looking Mummy" then he will point to something (muesli bar etc) and say "i want it, want muesli bar" and I say "you can have an apple instead" or whatever else it is I am offering and he says "no, want muesli bar, want cracker" and i say "you cannot have Xyz right now, you can have one after your nap if you like but right now you can have Zyx"
I will find him in the pantry with his stool and hes reached the biscuits (and Ithought I had put them up really high) and started eating them. well if i take them off him (or the unopened bag of whatever) a massive fight and tantrum ensues. I redirect him back to the other food I have for him.

he will throw a massive tantrum, cry and beg for whatever it is he wants. I dont give in, I never do so I dont know why he thinks I will. I walk out of the room, come back in and he says "lunch mummy?" (lunch is his word for any food meal) I give him a big breakfast of oats  and toast, he eats till theres about one or two peices of toast left so I know hes full and about 30mins later he asks for "lunch"
I get he is hungry and im happy to feed him but hes not happy to eat what I offer, so surely hes not really THAT hungry right?
I have given him biscuits or crackers and muesli bars etc for afternoon tea, not when hes asked for it but just randomly along with other foods (cheese, yoghurt etc)

Im really sick of him just demanding food constantly, its exhausting and its draining me. I even made a roast meal for sunday lunch yesterday thinking that would work because maybe hes so hungry in teh middle of the day and thats why hes so demanding. it was roast chicken, roast vegetables with herbs and corn on the cob, all his fave things usually. did he eat it? nope....

he still asked for biscuits about 20mins later. I usually save his meals in case he just wastn hungry at the time I offered it to him but I was so tired yesterday and I wasnt thinking so I had thrown it out, when he asked for biscuits and I said no he started crying and asking for his lunch. I couldve slapped myself for throwing it out.

what is it with this? its driving me mad, i cant get any other food into him and Im not made of money, i cant simply cook up a whole meal to be thrown out, i cant keep buying all these foods he just doesnt eat. Ive tried being creative, tried getting him to help me make the food or prepare it or whatever but he just wants cr@p food all the time!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Katet on October 30, 2011, 21:41:49 pm
Would it work to have a chart that had all sorts of healthy food on it & he had to have a tick against a balanced diet before he could get his 'treat' food. When DS1 was younger we had a chart tha showed how many of certain foods he should be eating & I'd mark when he did. I allowed him "2 sugar foods" a day (included jam/flavoured milk/juice/biscuits/non fruit desserts) & once he'd had them that was it, so if he wanted Jam on toast for breakfast & juice at breakfast that was it for the day.  I found for him the visual & the knowledge he could have it was helpful in that he knew there was no more after that.
 Maybe you could have a container that has his "sometimes foods" & he can pick out what he wants once or twice a day & that is it, when he has 2 crosses on a chart on the fridge, that is it for the day.
Another thing I got some mileage out of when my boys were about 3yo was to make up a 'snack' box so it had things like dried cereal, rice crackers, saltanas, grapes in season & they could just help themselves to it.
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on October 30, 2011, 22:16:59 pm
I think a chart could be very helpful Kate. I think if Caleb and I made one up together that would be a great idea

with the snack box hes just not interested, he doesnt like dried cereal, rice crackers, saltanas or raisins, grapes or anything like that. I offer them consistantly and make no mention if he doesnt eat them but it drives me nuts throwing them out. I bought a bag of multipack puffed corn snacks and he wont eat those, he doesnt even eat chips! Ive had to give so much food away that has just sat in the pantry cos he wont eat it.

The other thing he does is while he is eating his dinner or lunch or fruit he will ask for some juice or something else and I will say "when you ahve finished eating that then I will get it for you" well all of a sudden hes finished eating, he just stops and says "all finished!" I know he wouldve eaten the whole thing if he hadnt asked for the extra but suddenly the thought of the new food is better so hes decided hes finished what hes eating right now. i dont want to be the parent that says "you must eat everything on your plate before you have dessert" but I think I might have to becuase he will cut short his dinner saying hes finished because he wants the next thing.

hes been so unhealthy lately that the thought of him skipping his veges at dinner for the umpteenth time in a row to have ice cream is really bothering me, Ive got to get more fruit and vege into him and less rubbish!

am gonna look for a food chart now :)
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: koe2moe on October 30, 2011, 22:21:20 pm
is it possible not to have biscuits type things in the house?  i know it is hard.  i eat more junk than DS, way more. 
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Shiv52 on October 30, 2011, 22:34:09 pm
i dont want to be the parent that says "you must eat everything on your plate before you have dessert" but I think I might have to becuase he will cut short his dinner saying hes finished because he wants the next thing.
We have been getting this and it is driving me MAD.  That and taking one bite of dinner, saying she's finished and then asking for something junk like 10 minutes later.  i have started being stricter and before she gets down being very clear that it is fine she is finished but there is nothing else.  No junk.  And I say something along the lines of 'if you don't eat proper food, mummy can't give you biscuits as it will make your tummy sore and its mummy's job to make sure you eat healthy food'.  So she doesnt' have to finish but she does have to eat a certain amount or there are no treat options for after. 

we went through the wanting biscuits etc a while back probably when M was C's age and TBH I just got rid of it all.  It was really hard for her to understand why the stuff was there and she couldn't have it and when she couldn't see it and KNEW it wasnt' an option then she ate whatever else was offered.   That did save my sanity!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on October 30, 2011, 22:47:13 pm
I did wonder about getting rid of it, I enjoy my biscuits and chocolates so I might have to put them in my wardrobe so I can eat them when hes not around.. its worth a try right?
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Shiv52 on October 30, 2011, 22:52:48 pm
I enjoy my biscuits and chocolates so I might have to put them in my wardrobe so I can eat them when hes not around.. its worth a try right?
Oh I always kept a stash for me in my room!  Not having it just took the arguement out of it.  If she couldn't she it as an option she let it go.  And it meant even if wanted to give in as i was at the end of my tether I couldn't! 
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Katet on October 31, 2011, 01:55:31 am
The other thing he does is while he is eating his dinner or lunch or fruit he will ask for some juice or something else and I will say "when you ahve finished eating that then I will get it for you" well all of a sudden hes finished eating, he just stops and says "all finished!" I know he wouldve eaten the whole thing if he hadnt asked for the extra but suddenly the thought of the new food is better so hes decided hes finished what hes eating right now. i dont want to be the parent that says "you must eat everything on your plate before you have dessert" but I think I might have to becuase he will cut short his dinner saying hes finished because he wants the next thing.

What about saying " you can have juice with dinner, but with lunch we drink water" or "Ok I will give you that for your snack after your nap, for now this is the meal we are eating" & so he gets the food, but not at the expense of the meal you have prepared. He won't starve himself, but like you say he stops eating to have what he wants in preference.

Another 'trick' I've been forced back into with DS2 who would live on bread & pasta, is to put 5 things on the plate, & there is only 2nds of favourite foods when all the other foods are eaten. So given he won't eat potatoes (except as chips/fries) & I did a roast last night, I put the beef, green beans, pumpkin, corn & 4 pasta spirals, I knew he would eat the pasta & want more & wouldn't want the other things , so I said, when 4/5 of all the other things are gone... he ate the pasta, a couple of mouthfuls of beef & 2 beans, but didn't want more... so that was it for the night, ok he is 6 & he won't starve, but he will fill up on bread & pasta & so I've actually had to make sure that there isn't any around for him to have.

The rule now is now for DS2, if 4/5 things on a plate aren't eaten there are no seconds of favourite things & there is only fruit or veg if you are still hungry... for DS1 it is 5/5 things & DS2 knows that in 2012 he will also have to eat 5/5 things.... I'm not so mean that I give DS2 brussel sprouts or kale or beetroot when he doesn't like them (but DS1 does like them & will eat them easily ) so I will put fresh pineapple or orange on DS2's plate if I don't have the veg he will eat.
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Mum-of-Two on October 31, 2011, 03:16:51 am
Totally outside of the box idea here... but I noticed my DD began using food to get attention after DS was born.  If I thought about it, food is how the baby got direct attention and I'd often give DD direct attention to talk her through all the things you are discussing here creating one on one conversation.

Otherwise, my DS is the same age as your DS and he's all about the junk foods right now as well.  As DD has grown we have gone through periods where we had to literally not have it in the house.  Or, do no snacks at all for a few days to get back to a better meal routine.  An annoying phase, I won't lie, but a phase.

Good luck dear Jo!!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: koe2moe on October 31, 2011, 12:56:21 pm
It is probably just a phase!,  How long will that be??? ;)  we do get more about pushing dinner away and wanting yoghurt, not so bad i know but i dont want DS to only eat sweetened yoghurt!  I have also tried putting fruit and dinner all at the same time and DS seemed to just eat a bite of banana and then dinner and cArried on. 

I would say definitely hide them and make sure he cant find them LOL  Or choose some kinds that he can have for only at snack time or whenever you feel right. 

Why are we so obsessed with sleep and eating??? hehe
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on October 31, 2011, 18:25:44 pm
hahaha Koe, nearly 3 years old and still obsessing about it, I think even when hes left home I will still be asking him how much hes sleeping and if hes even eating!! lol
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: ~emmalou~ on October 31, 2011, 18:41:29 pm
OMG am so there with you. sam has only just turned two, but my mum is always giving my kids sweets and biscuits and i just dont have them at home. so hearing him crying mummmmmy sweeeeeeeeeeets, biccit, biccit, chocolate chocolate etc, is grating on my nerves! x
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on October 31, 2011, 19:03:55 pm
well I couldve killed my dad the other day, he took Caleb out and they came back home and Caleb had a bottle of FANTA!!! hes never had fanta before, he never has fizzy at all.... needless to say the rest of the day was a sugerfilled blurrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: ~emmalou~ on October 31, 2011, 19:05:29 pm
Oh grrrrrrrr. thats so my mum except she gave jack COKE!!!!! ugh!!! ALso e number filled sweets the other day so they were bouncing off the walls! grrrrr....

my dad disapproves so hoping to get him on board with stopping my mum feeding them so much crap! x
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Becky* on November 01, 2011, 14:39:14 pm
Jo - this is us atm...I will be back later for ideas but we are so there.
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Lemonthyme on November 01, 2011, 15:45:02 pm
is it possible not to have biscuits type things in the house?  i know it is hard.  i eat more junk than DS, way more.

I was going to suggest the same thing.  I don't want to be the mum who says 'no' to dessert either which is why (generally) most of the baking I do is sugar free (no sweeteners either) so I don't feel it's as much of a 'treat' as chocolate or sugary puddings.

I mean you have to have your *super* secret chocolate stash but whenever I look at the nutritional info on muesli bars they seem no better than chocolate anyway.

Here's a couple of sugar free recipes which might be worth a go so he still feels he's getting a treat and you don't feel quite so bad about it?  I have no experience of 2 year olds yet (and I'm already getting pressure from the OH and relatives to give him trash.  Personally I want to keep the occasions very limited.)

Anyway, hope these help:
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 01, 2011, 17:11:33 pm
Thanks, willlook at those recipes later when I'm on the computer :)

Interestingly enough yesterday he didn't ask me hardly ever for food, because he was outside most of the day or playing or whatever..... I think it's boredom!!!

Don't we as adults do the same thing? Eat when we are bored? (well maybe it's just me!! Lol)
Becky do you think this could be the reason for you as well? If we are spending time with the babies perhaps our boys are bored??

I'm gonna have to have words with my dad though, yesterday it was corn chips (after dinner refusal, dad didn't know he hadnt eaten dinner but still..)
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Lemonthyme on November 01, 2011, 17:16:05 pm
Maybe!  As you say, adults do the same thing. 

Yeah.  I'd have words with your Dad.  I remember my mum saying (when my son was about 9 months and I'd explained what kind of foods he was eating) "so he can have a little cake then?" 

"No mum, he cannot have a little cake!"

Grandparents eh?!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Shdef on November 01, 2011, 17:23:16 pm
He sounds more bored than hungry to me. How about you just keep the bikkies and bars out of sight entirely, tell him there are gone, done, away, he'll calm down way faster than if he has to look at something being locked away...
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Becky* on November 01, 2011, 20:49:56 pm
Jo - Henry def eats when he is bored and wants to watch TV, they tend to go together. Yes I think he is bored but not because of M, just because he is. I can even be playing with him and he will be asking for snacks. I don't know if this will help but I read in RYSC a good idea for snacks. I now put 2 snack pots in the fridge in the morning which H can get when he wants. I tend to put fruit in one and cheese/oatcakes in the other or something savoury. It puts it into his hands more so he does not just go on and flipping on about snacks. I now just say go and get your snack and I tell him there is nothing else until after lunch.

H is obsessed by sweet stuff and I mean obsessed. Today in fact I got rid of all his leftover birthday cake as I am sick of him going on about cake all day. The tantrums etc are too much...I find it weird as I have never given him a lot of this type of food but I also have not completely denied it so why is he so over the top about it?

Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 02, 2011, 01:26:05 am
so the two snack pots are for morning time till lunch only or for the whole day??

Becky are you stalking me LOL!!!! I think we are leading very similar lives these days with our boys hehehe

Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Becky* on November 02, 2011, 11:05:57 am
I know! I nearly wrote the same...
I do 2 pots in the am and 2 in the pm. I guess it makes him feel a bit more independent and it means that if he eats it all by 10am then that is all he gets yk?
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 02, 2011, 18:48:16 pm
right, will try that today :) can you give me an example of what you put in your pots?

am gonna do some baking today with him so might make some of those recipes above :)
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Becky* on November 02, 2011, 19:54:23 pm
raspberries, oatcakes, cheese, humzinger (fruit stick) cereal bar, rice cakes, raisins, ham, houmous and carrot sticks.
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 02, 2011, 20:44:01 pm
so if i just use a small plastic container and stick stuff like that in, we shall see how it works, so far today I put in raisins, rice cakes (minis) cranberries, nutrigrains and a muesli bar. the muesli bar went straight away lol surprise surprise!

I looked for a food chart poster in the mall yesterday but couldnt find one, i dont really have the time or equipemnt to make one up, might have to look for one online and see if i can get it printed at the library or something
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: koe2moe on November 02, 2011, 20:54:42 pm
Becky, that is a wonderful idea!  i might need to use it soon

Jo, perhaps just cut from magazine or newspaper?  hope u find something and hope it works xx
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 03, 2011, 00:46:36 am
and I officially LOVE you!!!

I put two coloured pottles out today, one with fruity stuff in it (raisins, cranberries, a strawberry) and the other with dried food (nutri grain, muesli bar and rice cake) well the only thing that was eaten from it was the muesli bar, however he did ask for a banana and I wont say no to that seeing as Im trying to get him to eat fruit, and he ate it! he asked one time for lollies and I pointed him back to the pottles and said that was all there was till lunchtime, if he wanted anything to eat it had to be from one of these pottles. he didnt eat it but he didnt ask again!!! we had an earlyish lunch though because I was hungry and he ate it all!! hoooooray!!!!

this afternoons pottles will have three mini cookies added to them (to replace the muesli bar) but there is still the fruit pottle (hey I gotta try right!) tomorrow I will try carrot sticks and apple pieces to see if he will eat that :D
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Jo* on November 03, 2011, 01:55:54 am
I just made those "jam" tarts! he loves them!! sugarfree and yummy!!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: Lemonthyme on November 03, 2011, 06:55:40 am
Thanks for the feedback!  I'm glad he likes!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: koe2moe on November 03, 2011, 08:15:50 am
yippee!!!!  what a great feeling to have win win situations!!
Title: Re: always demanding food
Post by: *Becky* on November 03, 2011, 13:56:54 pm
oh I am pleased :) :)

Raising Your Spirited Child is so good eh?!