ACTIVITY => E.A.S.Y. Forum => Topic started by: ManjM on February 21, 2012, 21:35:01 pm
*sorry i forgot to mention my son is 7.5months old*
Hi all - i've just posted a topic on the weaning board and thought i could copy over my EASY and ask you all to have a look. I know i need to drop a feed and the weaning specialist has given me a routine (will post it below) that i'm not sure about. i am meant to be starting it tomorrow.
Lately we are having fights at nap time. my son goes to sleep in my arms with a dummy and muslin cloth. I tap him and he falls asleep. He suffers from relux and has one tooth so i'm not sure if this upheaval is due to stomacn or teething or because his day is messed up routine wize.
Would be so grateful for comments and suggestions
The EASY is a typical day but what seems to be happening instead is the meal seems to follow the nap instead of being before. I need to make sure it is before as the daycentre do breakfast at 8:30 and lunch at 12:30 and he will be starting there mid-march
awake 7am normally (even when awake before i don't get out of cot til 7)
E 7:30am milk bottle 7oz
A 8:30 breakfast (can only stay awake 2 hours)
S 9am (for 1 - 1.5hr. recently it has been 1hr 15min exactly)
E 11:30am 7oz
A 12:30 lunch (stays awake between 2.5/2.75hr)
S 12:45/1pm (1-1.5hr typically 1hr 15m)
E 3:30 7oz
A meant to feed dinner in this time but as mentioned above food normally ends up after nap time for all day trying to change that (max 3 hours before getting tired)
S 5pm (1hr as i wake by 6 but sometimes it can go to 6:30) starting to fight this
Dinner 6pm/6:30pm
E 7:30/8pm 7oz
sleep at 9ish definately fights sleep. another feed at 11/11:30 of 6oz
he used to go to sleep either with his 7:30 bottle or half an hour after. lately he starts falling asleep then wakes himself up just as he is about to nod off.
We have never had a STTN. did have a stage before relux flared up and colds etc where he would sleep by 8/8:30. have DM or wake for feed at 11/11:30. sometimes 12. then sleep until 6:30/7
routine as suggested by weaning specialist
7am - bottle 7oz
8:30 breakfast
9 nap
10:30 snack
12:30 lunch
1:30 nap
3pm snack
5:30/6 dinner
6:30 - bath wind down book etc and bottle 7oz
7-7:30 bed
11pm 6oz bottle
can i make such drastic changes to his routine - from all i've read here in the past i thought any changes were meant to be done gradually. is she not askign me to reduce his milk by too much??
please help i am so confused
I see you have an identical thread here:
Since you have some advice happening there, I will lock this one and encourage all to follow the link for advice - this way all the advice stays in one place.