EAT => Breast Feeding => Topic started by: Claudiamummy on May 24, 2012, 09:49:07 am
Hi everyone,
So back from hols all fine on the flight (love bf for combating pressure ears:-)
It was a massive week for dd.... She is learning to walk
And she was helped to toddle around virtually all day at her grandparents garden, she also had a massive increase in her 2nd langague (grandparents non english speaking) AND there were new faces virtually every day. As it was so busy and very warm, dd seemed to cut back on her solids
For all of these reasonS, I didn't panic when dd was asking to be fed prior to nap ( never happened!)
I figured it was a combination of extra calories and prob comfort/security....
I shuffled her awake before laying her down
First day back and she just asked again.... She took a decent feed even though she had a bit of banana before hand, so I do think she wants to be full, and she is hungry
I have tried to increase solids but she isn't interested
I was hoping to drop to bf at wu and bt not increasing!!!
Eeeeeek........ Any thoughts/ideas??
Tbh, I don't mind giving her a bottle of formula before nap, but I need soome independence back!:-)
BUT, dd has increased her bf
Teeth? Illness? Those always increase our BF here because DS just doesn't want solids...
Hi bec,
Yeah teeth also have that effect but pretty sure it's not the issue as she is eating some, and seems happy enough
ok, I'm out of ideas... hope someone else can help :)
FWIW, DS had 5 BFs today... up from the usual 2.5.
Has it got warmer in Leeds the last few days? I know it's warmer further south, so perhaps she's looking for more fluids. Would she accept some water if you offered it instead?
Hi Fiver,
It is, we flew back last night and today it's as hot as Lisbon!!
It possibly could be that, she is accepting water, but was pulling at my top before her nap...
She has just eaten a monster lunch (she hardly ate yesterday traveling home) so might give her a couple of days to "top her calories back up" then see how we go....
Also going to try a sort of gw, in case it is a tiny habbit creeping in.....
Any thoughts along the way welcome but will keep u posted
Aaahhh, yes, probably thirsty and prefers a bit of milk to boring old water ;) If it stays warm, you might find you keep an extra feed for a while to keep her hydrated.
We had this after travel - she had got used to bfing on flights, and as you say for a bit of extra comfort in a new place. Throw in a bit of teething and we were 2 feeds up for a week or so after getting home. But I just took it gently, tried to distract her if she asked but didn't make a big deal of it if she was insistent, and things went back to normal pretty quickly :)
Thanks papaya:-) good to hear a btdt....
I actually did a distraction this afternoon and it worked, but she bf after her huge lunch AND had a small snack, so I think hunger is an issue as well.....