EAT => Food Allergies => Topic started by: my3girlsjde on June 23, 2012, 23:01:41 pm

Title: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 23, 2012, 23:01:41 pm
We sort of had a slip up and were feeding E some gluten free Chex cereal that had soybean oil in it for the past week. She used to react to it within a day or two but now is fine. We let the allergist know and he's ok'd us to go ahead with trying some soy yogurt.

Lots of looking later I found a soy yogurt that doesn't have strawberries in it or any other flavour that has a forbidden food in it.

I'm excited, nervous and very interested to see if her intolerance to soy is any less.

Wish us luck!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ~ Vik ~ on June 23, 2012, 23:02:39 pm
Keeping fingers crossed for you Vicki!!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on June 23, 2012, 23:50:26 pm
Good luck Vicki!!!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 24, 2012, 00:59:20 am
Well the yogurt was a flop. Not because she reacted but because she had a small taste and pushed the bowl away saying "yuck! That's not ice cream." I tried to explain that it was yogurt but she wanted none of it.

Tomorrow I'll add some sugar and toss it in the ice cream maker. It'll lose the benefits of the probiotics but I need to know about the soy more.
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: huntersmummyinoz on June 24, 2012, 01:14:40 am
how about using it in a smoothie so dont lose the probiotic goodies?? i cant remember what she can and cant have sorry  :-[ but can she have bananas?? i used these to sub for ice-cream in smoothies (she's dairy free right?), just peel and freeze first.

good luck :-*
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 24, 2012, 01:20:51 am
The only fruit for sure is apples, grapes and raspberries. There might be a few others but bananas are definitely out.

Maybe mixed somehow with the coconut milk.....will give it some thought. Thanks!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: huntersmummyinoz on June 24, 2012, 04:14:04 am
coconut, raspberry and yoghurt smoothie sounds nice, you could freeze the berries or add some ice to it i guess. havent tried it but maybe frozen coconut cream thrown in could give it a good consistency?? i'm sure the coconut milk, raspberries and yoghurt would make a nice drink tho even if it's not quite a smoothy - use some cool straws to get her interested in trying it. (it was def more about the straw for my fusspot ds2 when i first got him onto fruit smoothies, still one of few ways i can get fruit into him  ::) )
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 26, 2012, 04:49:03 am
So I think the soy is a bust for now :( She just won't try it.

I can't get back for more groceries but I do have some strawberries so since she's done so well for almost two weeks with the hidden soy we're going to call that a success and move forward to them.

She had three today and where she would have normally had a reaction within a couple of hours, today she was fine. So we'll give her a few more tomorrow and continue on to see how she does.

I know I mentioned this on fb, but I do have the feeling that she's made a turn lately. I don't know why but the hidden soy would have been an issue before and now it doesn't seem to be. So we'll work on the strawberries and either go with some proper soy ice cream or soy cheese to see about more direct soy or we'll go with stone fruits.

But first to get through the strawberries.

Should I give her a break between the food trials that she passes (I'm giving a two week trial for the ones she does well to be absolutely sure) or just continue on? Surely two weeks direct ingestion should be enough for an intolerance? Thoughts?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: huntersmummyinoz on June 26, 2012, 06:53:54 am
if it's a successful trial then i dont see the need to take a break, just jump right into the next one. i used to start a new food every week but i dont think K is quite as sensitive as your LO.

yep def sounds like she has outgrown some stuff already given that's two foods she def used to react to.

after u get thru stone fruits and soy, what is allergist suggesting to trial??
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on June 26, 2012, 12:12:48 pm
yep I agree Vicki, if after 2 weeks she's doing well, I would move on to a new trial. from what I've been reading on the FPIES board at baby center, most people do 10 days - 2 weeks trials.

we're doing a new trial since Monday, apples, I really hope it works well and we can finally have one safe food!

that is fantastic news that you feel like she's made a turn ;D so happy for you ;D
Title: Re: Trialling five for strawberries
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 30, 2012, 00:36:03 am
Day five for strawberries and......fine!!! ;D

Even if she reacts now, she used to react within hours so that tells me that she's at least not as sensitive. She also got her hands on some cherries a few days ago and she's never had them and fine there too. So strawberries and a few stone fruits and still fine.

I used to wonder if she would outgrow everything and we wouldn't really know what was wrong and it would drive me nuts not knowing. But it does seem that now that we know exactly what it is, she's slowly coming out of it. Knock on wood, I don't want to jinx it but I'm really starting to feel positive about it all.

After the strawberries I may as well go to stone fruits and figure them out for sure. Peaches were a problem and perhaps just the canned ones so I'll try fresh first.

We had a citrus issue not a month ago so we're going to wait on that with the milk and the wheat. Where she's not a serious case of FPIES, I think the allergist is giving me free rein on foods outside of dairy, citrus and wheat. My gut says she would fail those one and I think that's the rationale of the allergist. She's not had peanuts though is fine with almonds so we may attempt some peanut butter when dh comes home.

So things are looking fairly positive right now. Very exciting to see her enjoying the foods now also :D
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on June 30, 2012, 13:51:10 pm
So so happy for you Vicki!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on June 30, 2012, 18:13:16 pm
Had an idea about soy - could you put a bit of soy milk in with her usual milk? She wouldn't notice that right?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on June 30, 2012, 19:44:45 pm
Oh good idea Claire!

I'll do that next and get the complete soy thing out of the way. I also looked at the cookies she's been having and they also have soy lecithin in them and she's fine with that also. So definitely less sensitive all around.

Strawberries still great and when we finish we'll go to the mixed soy and coconut milk. I feel like I should be setting a goal with all of these challenges yk? But I think that would be harder if the challenges fail. Make sense?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on June 30, 2012, 21:14:12 pm
Glad I could help! That way you can start with a small amount and increase slowly. Not sure if soy is the same as dairy and the proteins change with heat ie less reactive in cheese or yoghurt, not heard of it do worth trying straight with the milk?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: huntersmummyinoz on July 01, 2012, 03:09:42 am
great news on the strawberries ;D
Title: Re: Trialling soy * officially passed strawberries!*
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 04, 2012, 23:08:21 pm
Well she did it. Day ten of strawberries and she's fine!!!! ;D

This is our first direct food challenge that passed a full ten day trial. I'm so excited for her. I really think something is shifting in her body now.

I picked up some soy milk and I'm going to trial that in her coconut milk. I got chocolate so I know she would accept it and really, she deserves a treat. So direct soy starts tomorrow. I don't think I'll give her direct soy as a common thing as we don't drink soy milk here but we'll know for sure now.

But for tonight some homemade chocolate strawberry ice cream. I think this kid has earned a treat ;)
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on July 04, 2012, 23:16:35 pm
That is wonderful Vicki!!! I am so happy for you ;D
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 13, 2012, 00:14:43 am
We just finished eight days of direct soy and I'm calling it a success since there has been so much soy in her system with no issue. So she's now passed direct soy and strawberries ;D

Unfortunately she had five lifesaver gummies and within twenty minutes she had horrible tummy cramps. I looked st the package and they do contain citric acid among other nasty chemicals. Based on that I've decided to put off the citrus trial for a while. Even having something like juice with citric acid gives her diarrhea so my guess is that she still can't handle it.

I gave her some gravol for her tummy and she screamed until she passed out and is quietly dealing with the cramps in her sleep. Any ideas how to make her more comfortable in the meantime?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on July 13, 2012, 00:28:39 am
Sorry no advice but I wanted to say YAY for the soy!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 14, 2012, 17:53:21 pm
No idea sorry, just paimkillers and cuddles xx
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 14, 2012, 22:40:52 pm
Thanks everyone. She was much better yesterday though multiple wake ups last night still. Granted she was OT  but she was still pretty squirmy.

We've decided that when she's done with the reaction we're going ahead with the peanut butter :o Both scratch and bloodwork shows a negative so I know even where she's had accidental exposure she won't have a very bad reaction.

I'm excited and apprehensive. Will definitely post results. Also hoping that she really likes it.
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 15, 2012, 14:34:49 pm
Good luck! That one is my biggest fear! Though we deal with allergies of course :P don't want to put you off  ;)
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 15, 2012, 15:13:55 pm
It would appear that she has some sort of bug so going to wait until tomorrow :(

The rest of the gummies seems to have passed so we're good to go I think tomorrow with the pb.
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 15, 2012, 16:17:47 pm
I bought some cashew butter for Olly but he won't try it!

Have you avoided peanuts because of the normal risks associated to it?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 15, 2012, 17:27:36 pm
We did but also when she started to react to what seemed like everything we avoided it like the plague.

This morning J let her have a bite of her banana ::) It's hard for even them to keep straight what E can have so we decided that we would just go ahead with the bananas. We cut some up in a bowl for her (about half a banana) and she had a pretty loose bm before she even finished them. She does have a bug and has had some tylenol and advil so I have to keep an open mind but I have a feeling that this might be an indication she's not ready for them. No other reaction so if she's still ok tomorrow we'll give them to her again.

She typically doesn't get diarrhea with a cold or from the Meds she's currently taking but I'll give it another try tomorrow and see. If she reacts again with the same or looser bm I'll wait until the bug is over and try again. I really don't think the bug is that bad but I really have to consider all variables.

What do you think? If the bananas are a fail should I skip the rest of the tropical fruits? All of them (mangos, papayas and pineapples) have been terrible in the past. But she's fine with her coconut milk. Not sure ???
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 15, 2012, 18:24:57 pm
Do the tropical fruits normally have similar properties that make them like a food group - IYKWIM?

A BM during eating a food is pretty strange - not come across that as a reaction TBH. Fingers crossed it was unrelated as bananas are sucha  good food for a toddler to eat!

Have you been experimenting with soy? It is such a boon when Olly could have it - opened all sorts of possibilites - yoghurts, desserts, cream, cheese etc
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 15, 2012, 20:18:38 pm
I've made some ice cream with soy and she can have straight soy now so we can try some soy cheese. We're going for groceries today so I'll look for some.

She's had bm's before while she's eating as the food literally goes through her that quickly.
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 16, 2012, 17:45:08 pm
I think it's safe to say the bananas are a big fail :(

She's not overly agitated but her bms got pretty acidic and they're right after the bananas. They have 'that smell' that has always indicated a food reaction for us. I was going to go for.a day three but she's passing some gas now that's really acidic smelling and I may as well cut her some slack.

I have no idea how long it'll take to clear her system so I'll just wait until her bm's firm up and move on to the next food. Since she's not a serious case the dietician was willing to give me full rein on what foods to try minus dairy and wheat so I'll do some research to what bananas are related to. I don't have a good feeling about citrus or tropical right now so I'll wait on them.

Maybe time for the pb......... :)
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: ENMS on July 16, 2012, 17:47:42 pm
Sorry bananas didn't work Vicki.  I hope she'll be feeling ok in the next few days and you can start again!
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 16, 2012, 18:39:56 pm
A very quick google search shows there is a link to latex!

One quote from myfitnesspal forum says...

"Banana's, latex, kiwi, passion fruit, avocado, chestnut, melon, tomato and celery all have similar cross reactive proteins "
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 16, 2012, 18:42:02 pm
I've heard that too and oddly enough my mother has a latex allergy. Not sure if it's a proper allergy or intolerance but massive hives and eczema when she touches it.

Thanks for peeking for me :-*
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 16, 2012, 18:44:23 pm
Do any of those other food ring any bells? There are some tropicals in there that you refered to before?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 16, 2012, 18:50:19 pm
Now that's interesting. Kiwifruit have been an issue and when ketchup or spaghetti sauce (I assume the tomatoes) touches her hands she has eczema to the point her skin peels right off.

We weren't sure if the corn starch in the icing sugar of my avacado fudge or the avacado or the cocoa was causing an issue. Now I'm wondering if it had been the avacado all along.

Passion fruit have been a problem but we've not tried chestnuts. Now I think I'll wait on those. Not sure about celery but I use celery seed or celery salt when I cook a lot. I wonder if that might be one of our mysterious missing links.

Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on July 16, 2012, 18:57:56 pm
Wow, maybe we have hit on somehting huh?
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on July 16, 2012, 19:27:36 pm
I think we might have :)
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: my3girlsjde on August 02, 2012, 15:05:49 pm
So just an update:

Soy, strawberries and peanuts have all passed with flying colours!!!! Bananas, citrus and raisins have failed in their usual amount of time. The reaction seems less but if could be because we were doing a proper trial and being very careful.

Thinking of what to try next.....she's been having the odd stone fruit with no issues. Might tackle that one so we know for sure.
Title: Re: Trialling soy
Post by: Buntybear on August 03, 2012, 16:40:35 pm
Yeah - go for the stone fruits - that is a group of food stuffs all on their own! We are careful with them as they are moderate fructose.