SLEEP => Night Wakings => Topic started by: smahalik on August 18, 2012, 12:42:35 pm

Title: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 18, 2012, 12:42:35 pm
DS has struggled with sleep his whole first 10 months of life, but is finally STTN (most nights)! When he had multiple NWs, he would sleep until 6:30 or 7 AM b/c he was up so many times through the night. However, now that he's STTN, he's up at 5 AM sharp every morning!! He will go back down if I rock him (pretty easily), but I'm trying to get him to go back down on his own and am really struggling. Although he wakes up happy and chatting at 5 AM, I'm sure he's not getting enough sleep! Here's his EASY:

Wake: 5 AM (APOP or stay with him until 6 AM when I let him get up)
Nap 1: 9:30 - 10:30 AM (I treat it as though he's up at 6, hoping this will help)
Nap 2: 2:15 - 3:15 PM
BT: 7:15 PM

I think his days are pretty good! We don't have too much trouble with naps (anymore) and he usually sleeps 1 - 1.25 hours each nap (rarely more). I can't think of any way to tweak his daytime that would help the EW.
Soooo...I've been trying to get him to go back down on his own. If he stands or sits up, I do PD. Otherwise, if he lays and cries/fusses, I just pat him occasionally and stand with him. But the past few morning, he cries the whole time from 5 - 6 and just can't (won't?) go back to sleep!! The last two days, I got him up b/c he was wet and I changed him and gave him teething tablets (just in case). What else should I be doing?? He screams bloody murder if I just leave him there from 5 -6 (even if I'm there with him)!!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 19, 2012, 02:41:53 am
I think you're probably in the very early stages of heading towards 1 nap -- you can have a read of this and see what you think:

He could also need a longer A time until bed -- you might try to do this by capping his AM nap so it's shorter, thus putting him down earlier for his second nap, and lengthening his A time until bed.  With ds, I tend to get EWs when he's napped too late in the day. 
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 19, 2012, 15:14:05 pm
Thanks! I've read a lot about the transition and have been slowly working toward it, but sometimes he still does 2 1 hour naps. However, yesterday he had a 1 hour morning nap and only a 30 minute afternoon nap and STILL woke at 4:45 AM!! He finally went back down at 6 AM (just the time I usually let him get up, of course:() and slept until 6:45 AM. He really tends to sleep longer in the mornings, so was thinking I would try a longer morning nap and a shorter afternoon nap. Guess maybe I can try that for a few days. Should I still try to get him to go back to sleep when he has an EW? Or just let him get up?
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 19, 2012, 15:21:49 pm
Oh yeah, and DS' other problem is that he still needs a long A time even after a short nap!! So that makes the 2-to-1 transition really hard!!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 20, 2012, 01:47:30 am
I always tried to get mine back to sleep when they woke early (even if it was in bed with me), but that was my own personal preference -- some moms find it easier to get them up -- as long as it doesn't turn into the "new" wake up time, you should be ok.  Although if he does get back to sleep, it has the possibility of shortening your day a bit and making the transition a little bit easier. 

Those long A time do make the transition difficult.  What if you work on pushing that AM nap out as far as you possibly can and then just do an early BT instead of even bothering with a second nap?  He's on the young side for 1 nap, but not unheard of -- did he drop the cat nap early too? 
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 20, 2012, 16:07:44 pm
Thank you!! I think I'm going to try the AM capped nap and earlier PM nap first. He just seems so young for 1 nap! I think today I'm going to try:

Wake: 6:00 AM (it was 5, but I rocked until 6)
Nap 1: 9:30-10:00
Nap 2: 1-2:30 (not sure if he'll go down after only 3 hours, but I'll try)
BT: 7:00 or 7:30

What do you think about this??

Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 21, 2012, 02:42:14 am
Sounds like a good plan!  You can always try capping the first nap further if he won't go to sleep -- I think when my dd1 was in the stages of nap dropping I used to take her on a walk/drive for that first nap just to get a quick one in there and have a nicer wake up.  Let me know how it goes.  :)
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 22, 2012, 20:15:48 pm
OK, so I don't think things are going so great:( The first day was pretty good, with a 30 minute morning nap, a 60 minute afternoon nap, then slept from 7-5:45 (but with a short waking at 11 pm b/c of teeth). The second was the same naps, but slept only from 7 - 5 (like usual EW). The third day (today) is a bad nap day and may cause me to change my plan. Here's today so far:

6 AM - Wake (after sleeping in bed with me from 5 - 6:15)
9:45 - 10:15 - Nap 1
1:30 - 2:00 - Nap 2 (hard to put down, definitely UT, woke after 30 minutes screaming and wouldn't go back to sleep)

I'll probably try to put him to bed around 6:30. What do you think? I just don't think this 2 nap day is working. There just doesn't seem to be enough A time for him without making his day go from 6 AM - 8 PM. ?????
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 23, 2012, 02:10:34 am
I'd maybe try even shorter for the first nap, like 20 minutes or so.  That might get you a good second nap.  The stupidly long day is a definite sign of the 2-1 though he is young for it.  We were on those 2 annoying short naps forever with ds, so just keep pushing on the best you can!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 23, 2012, 17:40:35 pm
OK, thanks!! He STILL woke at 5 AM this morning (then in bed with me until 6:15), so the longer A time before bed doesn't seem to be working yet:(
Today, he refused his first nap (which he's never done) at 10:15 AM and I gave up and decided to try for a 1 nap day. I laid him down at 11:30, so we'll see how it goes with that and an early BT!
It wouldn't be so hard if it weren't for my DS1 (3.5 years) and having to work around his schedule!!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 24, 2012, 00:05:20 am
It is hard with more than one, trying to sort everyone's routines out!  My poor ds was forever falling asleep in the car at all the wrong times.  How did your 1 nap day go?  Sometimes you just have to push them the rest of the way there -- though he might go back and forth for some time before finally landing on 2 naps for good!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 24, 2012, 01:57:30 am
It was a DISASTER (so far)!! He went down at 11:30 (still acting like he wasn't tired) and then woke up screaming at 12:00 and would NOT go back to sleep! He acted OK, but a little fussy the rest of the afternoon. He went to bed at 6:00 and I'm curious to see how the night goes!! Don't know what I'll do tomorrow:(
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 24, 2012, 03:45:58 am
Ugh, totally OT I'm sure.  I've got my fingers crossed for you for tonight!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 25, 2012, 14:16:03 pm
So that night went pretty much like all the rest of them (although a little more night sleep due to only 30 minute nap). He slept from 6 PM - 5 AM and was wide awake. This definitely seems to have become a habit waking, as he's up at 5:00 on the dot (give or take 2 minutes) every day, no matter what time he went down. So, I started thinking I'll go back to 2 naps (for a while) and try W2S at 4 AM.
Yesterday he had two naps totaling 1.5 hours (30 minutes morning, 1 hour afternoon). This morning he woke ON HIS OWN at 4 AM:( I gave him teething medicine and it took me ~1 hour to get him back to sleep. He woke again for the day 20 minutes later.
I just don't know what to do now:(
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 25, 2012, 16:36:33 pm
Hmmm, let me get a few more eyes on this,especially for the naps. 
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 25, 2012, 20:03:16 pm
Thanks:) I think my last idea is to make his morning nap long and his afternoon nap short (we've been doing it the other way). He slept for ~1 hour this morning, so I'll let him sleep for 30 minutes or so this afternoon and see how it goes.
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 25, 2012, 21:17:28 pm
UGH. Now I remember why I can't do this either. If he takes a longer morning nap, it's almost impossible to get him down in time for even a short afternoon nap! So, today:

6:00 AM - Wake (OK, really 5:20, but he dozed on and off in bed with me until 6)
10:00 - 11:00 - Nap 1
3:15 - 3:45 - Nap 2 (capped, and it was HARD to get him down)
7:00 - BT (goal)

I hate to cap both naps, but he just needs such a long A time (at least 4 hours 15 minutes) after a good nap! 
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: becj86 on August 26, 2012, 02:17:53 am

DS always needed long A times and we're really struggling now with one nap in the middle of the day, but we'll figure it out ;)

What I was able to do with him at that age was to have a normal-length A time in the morning, do a 20min CN, wake him and do lunch, a quick activity and stick him in bed for a longer PM nap, then a normal A time to BT:
6 - wake
10:30/11 - CN
11/11:30 - lunch
12/12:30 - nap
2/2:30 - wake
6/7 - bed

What do you think?
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 26, 2012, 02:25:46 am
That would be perfect, except that he still needs a longer A time even when he has a catnap! Very frustrating. Even if he only sleeps 20-30 minutes, he still needs at least 3 hours 15 minutes before he'll go down. I think he's one of the few babies that needs such long A times no matter what! He's a spirited little guy for sure!:O
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: becj86 on August 26, 2012, 02:50:40 am
Aye! Its a rare baby for whom a power nap works...

I only put DS down for the 20min CN when he'd usually have a full 1.5-2hr nap if I let him, so he was still pretty tired when I woke him. Does that not happen? Are you sure overstimulation is not relevant here? Spiriteds are definitely prone to it.
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 26, 2012, 14:04:42 pm
Hi Honey,

Just chipping in to say that this is such a common scenario with 'sprited' I have seen 3 cases in just the last few days. It seems that they really can take long A times and so fitting the 2 naps in without the day becoming too long seems to be the biggest problem. So if you can't do long am/short pm then you have no choice but to stick with short am/long pm or bite the bullet and go one nap.

Usually it seem that the very long day you need to fit the 2 naps in can cause the OT and the EW, so shortening the day is usually (in the cases I've seen) important. So how do you do that if he needs a long A time after a cat nap  :(

I can't help but think that he is taking the decision out of your hands  ::)

Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 26, 2012, 14:40:40 pm
Thanks to both you ladies!! I have tried to pay attention to overstimulation, but it's so hard when I have a 3.5 year old running around, too! I'll maybe try harder on that one.
Vicki, it's so good to know that you've seen so many others like mine!! I was starting to feel a little alone:( So it sounds like you think we should jump to one nap and just stick with it?? Maybe move his morning nap by 15 minutes every couple of days??
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 26, 2012, 20:38:25 pm

So it sounds like you think we should jump to one nap and just stick with it??

I've got to be honest Honey, I am reluctant to say it ^ because he is so young for 1 nap, but it's not unheard of and it can work. I've wracked my brains and can't think of another option from what you know of him and have already tried  :( Yes i would try pushing it out by 15 mins over the course of 3/4 days. That way if it seems like he going to blow  :o then you can stop for a while.

Does he tack on his nights  ??? Is EBT an option. It was the life saver when we made the 2-1. Sam didn't tack before the 2-1 actually,so there's always hope.

Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: becj86 on August 27, 2012, 00:33:15 am
Honey, we did move to one nap early with Logan too, the A times just didn't give us an opportunity not to and it was great til a day ran too long and he got massively OT. We went back to two naps and that 20min CN when already ready for a long nap was the only way when we had a 13hr day. The 11hr days were fine with one nap and honestly, if you can always control the day length to 11-11.5hr it'll probably be fine to have one nap.
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 27, 2012, 01:36:47 am
THANK YOU, ladies!!! Today, he had one ~15 minute CN in the morning (fell asleep on a bike ride in the trailer), and then an hour this afternoon. I'm not super hopeful that anything will be different with his EW (kind of giving up on that for a little bit), but at least I was able to fit a couple of naps in. I think I'll take it day by day at this point. If he sleeps late enough and isn't too tired too early, I may try for 1 nap. But if he's up super early and/or acts tired early, I may just do 2 naps. I'm really, really not wanting to rush into 1 nap for SO many reasons! Thanks again for your support and I'll give an update soon!:)
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 27, 2012, 06:55:42 am
I think I'll take it day by day at this point.

I think that's really wise Hun. And as Becky has been there done that I'm sure very wise to heed her words too. Lots of LO's go between 2 and 1 naps for several weeks/months even, so I hope you can strike a balance.

How was WU  ??? It seems the period of 2- transition is a very popular time for EW. It was in our house too  ;)

Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 27, 2012, 14:04:29 pm
This morning was rough, again. He woke at 4:30, babbled for a minute and fell back to sleep. But then woke up at 5:15 and cried. I tried to get him back to sleep until 6 AM and then just gave up!:(
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 27, 2012, 17:54:28 pm
I bet at 4.30 you were  :o "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" please go back to sleep, thank goodness he did. You find that once they're past the 9 hour mark when EW the sleep can be disturbed. That's what I found anyway. Hang in there Hun, one day at a time. How was naps today  ???

Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 28, 2012, 01:50:35 am
Yes, my stomach turned when he woke up then! BUT, when he turned over so quickly and went back to sleep, I had a sneaking suspicion he would be up 45 minutes later, and he was (and then wouldn't go back to sleep).
Today was decent. He took a 1 hour nap this morning and then a 35 minute nap this afternoon. I don't expect anything to change with his EW, but hopefully someday it just magically will!:)
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Erin M on August 28, 2012, 02:09:47 am
but hopefully someday it just magically will!:)
LOL, I always feel this way with my kids when they manage to STTN, or take decent naps, or anything like that.  Of course, a lot of it is all the work you've put in, but it does feel like a miraculous moment! :)
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 28, 2012, 10:18:23 am
LOL yes these thing can come in waves. When Sam was younger we had several periods of EW, I always felt like it was round the corner waiting to pounce again  :o but not so much now he's older...husha my mouth  :-X :-X :-X

Hang in there  ;) here for any queries you may have.x.
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: smahalik on August 28, 2012, 16:20:48 pm
It's so hard because my first one was such a good sleeper (still is, sleeping 12 hours/day at almost 4 years old)! I'm lucky at least one was easier!
So, this morning the baby didn't wake until 5:30!! This isn't a huge improvement, but it's 30-60 minutes better than it has been! OF COURSE, my 4 year old woke up at 4:30 (which he never does) needing help going to the potty. *SIGH* So then I was wide awake, staring at the clock and waiting for the baby to wake up! It never fails!:)
Can't tell you ladies how much it means to have your support!
Title: Re: 10 month old EW habit!
Post by: Truly Blessed on August 29, 2012, 20:54:38 pm
Ugh unbelievable you poor thing. Sometimes I will wake up and look at the clock and think that Sam is going to NW or EW and then he does! I think I send bad vibes out and the universe runs with it  ::) LOL.

Glad there has been some inmprovement, we'll take anything we can get eh  ???

Hope today was better again  ???
